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Antenatal same as prenatal care improve prospects of safe motherhood.

Definition: Antenatal care constitutes screening for health and socioeconomic conditions likely to
increase the possibility of s pec if ic advers e pregnanc y outcomes; providing therapeutic
interv enti ons k nown t o be effective; and educating pregnant women planning for safe birth on
emergencies during pregnancy and how to deal with them. (WHO)

It involves;
1. Careful assessment of risk to mother and fetus.
2. Continuous follow up through the duration of pregnancy.

* Prompt detection, modification or management of pre-existing conditions or risk factors that may
influence the course and outcome of pregnancy and labor.
* Provision of health education on the events of pregnancy, labor and puerperium.
* Immunization and chemoprophylaxis against common diseases that may influence maternal or
fetal wellbeing and pregnancy outcome.
* Focused: 4 visits
* Traditional : 4 weekly till 28 weeks, 2 weekly till 36 weeks and weekly till delivery, which results in
an average of 12 visits.

Investigations carried out:

* Blood grouping, cross matching and Rhesus typing
* Genotype
* Packed cell volume
* VDRL (veneral disease and research laboratory)
* Malaria parasite (not routinely done)
* Urinalysis
* Lentiviral screening

Routine drugs include:

* Intermittent prevention therapy for malaria.
* Folic acid
* Vitamin B Complex
* Fe supplement

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