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Sultan Kudarat State University


Modified Oxford-Oregon Format
Let it be resolved that:
1 Anti-fake news bill should be passed into law
2 Passing laws on Civil partnership among gays is not unconstitutional
3 Extra-judicial killings as State-sponsored act should be defined.

Debate Mechanics

1. There are two sides (called Affirmative and Negative) and three debaters per side. The motion is announced a week before
the debate.

2. The burden of proof, while real, is much less significant in this debate format. Because here, there are two cases on the floor
The most compelling case wins. The affirmative does not carry a significant burden. Each debater is given two minutes to
interpellate (cross-examine) the opposing debater. Each judge is also allowed to ask one question of each debater.

3. There are three (3) arguments on both sides Necessity, Beneficiality, Practicability. Each debater has four (4) minutes to
deliver a constructive speech, rebut the speaker before him (except the First speaker of the Affirmative) and discuss his
assigned argument.

4. The first speakers argue on the necessity (affirmative) or non-necessity (negative) of the motion. The second speakers on
beneficiality and the third speakers on practicability (feasibility) of the motion.

5. The first affirmative speaker must make the affirmatives case crystal clear. He must discuss the status quo (whether they
seek to defend it or change it) and why their proposal is necessary.

6. The first negative speaker will be given two minutes to interpellate the first affirmative. He must only ask categorical
questions (answerable by yes or no) and arrange these questions in a cross-examination style to establish the weakness of
the affirmatives case and/or establish the negatives case. He then has four minutes to clash with the points just made by
the first affirmative and to advance his argument that the affirmatives proposal is not necessary.

7. The first affirmative will then have two minutes to interpellate the first negative speaker (also asking only categorical
questions). He may use this opportunity to rebuild his case and/or destroy the negatives case.

8. The second affirmative has four minutes to clash with the opposition case and to deliver his constructive speech on the
benefits of adopting their proposal. He will then be interpellated by the second negative speaker for two minutes.

9. The second negative speaker then has four minutes of his time to divide between clashing with the affirmative case and
delivering his constructive speech on the repercussions or harmful effects of adopting the affirmatives proposal. He will then
be interpellated by the second affirmative speaker for two minutes.

10. The third affirmative has four minutes to clash with the opposition case and to deliver his constructive speech on the
feasibility of adopting their proposal. He will then be interpellated by the third negative speaker for two minutes.

11. The third negative speaker will then have two minutes of his time to clash with the affirmative case and to deliver his
constructive speech on the impracticability of adopting the affirmatives proposal. He will then be interpellated by the third
affirmative speaker for two minutes.

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