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Risk Assessment is the risk assessment includes two important stages namely the risk analysis
(risk analysis) and evaluation of risk (risk evaluation). Risk analysis carried out to determine the
amount of risk that includes the possibility of and severity. Techniques used in risk analysis can
do the qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative. The more quantitative it is increasingly
becoming a risk assessment numbers that we do, while Qualitative just based on the
categorization alone. I-2 Laboratory is home to a science through various studies and
experiments, in research or experiments of course, using a variety of devices and chemicals for
support its activities and several other supporting facilities such as water, gas, and other
electrical, chemical and laboratory facilities and their activities a great potential for causing an

The main objective of risk management health is lowering the risk at this stage so there is not a
significant cause adverse effects on the health of workers. These goals will only be achieved
through cooperation between health and safety professionals who help management in
developing and implementing occupational health program, with entrepreneurs who are
responsible in ensuring the health and safety Companies at the highest level in height. Associated
with compliance legislation and regulations, prevention of diseases associated with the job, as
well as increased Health and Safety is the responsibility of employers. Although Thus the
success of risk management activities and the effectiveness of health its efficiency is highly
dependent on the cooperation between the various parties involved in occupational health and
safety program, including workers. In this connection, participation workers an absolute thing
that is not only associated with increased knowledge through training, but ensure the
implementation of health promotion and guarantee the achievement of the program's success.

The main components of health risk management in occupational health is ratings risk (risk
assessment), health surveillance (health surveillance), and recording (records). Components of
risk assessment (risk assessment), there are elements of the stages which include Hazard
identification (hazard identification), Assessment of the dose / intensity of the effect (dose-effect
assessment), and risk characterization. To be able to characterize risks need unknown status of
worker health and exposure assessment. In the surveillance component health element included
medical surveillance and biological monitoring.

HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION The first step health risk management in the workplace is the
identification or the introduction of a health hazard. At this stage, identification of health risk
factors which can be classified as physical, chemical, biological, ergonomics, and psychology-
exposed workers. To be able to identify risk factors is necessary observation of the process and
knot production, raw materials used, materials or goods produced, including a byproduct of the
production process, as well as the waste product that builds the production process. In a related
case with chemicals, it is necessary: material ownership of data safety sheets (MSDS) for each
chemical used, a grouping of chemicals by types of active ingredients contained, identify the
solvents used, and inert material accompaniments, including toxic effects. When found two or
more risk factors simultaneously, it is possible interact and become more dangerous, or may also
be less dangerous. For example, a noisy work environment and at the same time there is
exposure to toluene, then deafness due to noise will be more apt to occur.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RISK The purpose is to evaluate the risk characterization step of
magnitude (magnitude) risk health workers. In this case the severity of the disorder is a
combination of health may arise including toxicity when there is power toxic effects, with the
possibility of interference health or toxic effects can occur as a consequence of exposure to
potential hazards. Risk characterization begins by integrating information about the dangers
Identified (interference effects / specific toxicity) with estimates or measurements intensity /
concentration exposure to hazards and health status of workers.

HEALTH SURVEILLANCE Health surveillance is an assessment of the state of health of

workers who do regularly and periodically. Health surveillance consists of medical surveillance
(including physical examination, laboratory tests and investigation, as well as monitoring
biologis.2 More precisely that form / content and frequency (frequency) of this medical
examination established by a competent doctor in occupational health program. Implementation
medical examination must pay attention to the results of the risk assessment process. Forms and
types health checks should be explicitly linked to health hazards risks identified and
corresponding characters. Incidence of medical examination determined by the amount of risk
the health and related health problems. As a general rule of thumb is refers to the rules and
regulations in Indonesia, once every year.

7 Jenis Bahaya dan Resiko di Laboratorium

1. Keadaan Darurat Skala Besar dan Situasi Sensitif
Ada banyak jenis kejadian skala besar dan situasi sensitif yang bisa mempengaruhi perusahaan
atau lembaga sampai ketingkat operasional perusahaan,misalnya :
Gempa Bumi
Pemadaman Listrik
Tumpahan atau lepasnya bahan berbahaya
Peneliti atau penelitian berbau politis atau kontroversi
Hilangnya bahan atau peralatan laboratorium
Hilangnya data atau sistem komputer
2. Pelanggaran Keamanan
Pelanggaran keamanan secara sengaja atau tidak, bisa dilakukan oleh petugas, pegawai atau
orang luar. Beberapa pelanggaran keamanan, meliputi ;
Pencurian atau penyalahgunaan peralatan bernilai tinggi
Pencurian atau penyalah gunaan bahan kimia untuk kegiatan ilegal
Pelepasan bahan kimia berbahaya secara sengaja atau tidak
Eksperimentasi laboratorium secara tidak sah
3. Bahan Kimia Beracun
Salah satu resiko yang sulit diprediksi dan paling berbahaya di laboratorium adalah kadar racun
beragam bahan kimia. Tidak ada zat yang sepenuhnya aman, dan semua bahan kimia
menghasilkan efek beracun kepada sistem kehidupan, dalam bentuk yang berbeda beda.
Sebagian bahan kimia dapat menyebabkan effek berbahaya setelah paparan pertama ,misalnya
asam nitra korosif. Sebagian bisa menyebabkan effek berbahaya setelah terpapar berulang kali
atau dalam durasi lama, seperti karsinogenik klorometil metil eter.
4. Bahan Kimia Mudah terbakar, Eksplosif dan Reaktif
Bahan kimia mudah terbakar adalah bahan kimia yang siap memantik api dan membakar di
udara, seperti bensin.
Bahan kimia reaktif adalah bahan kimia yang bahan bahan kimia yang bereaksi secara liar jika
dikombinasikan dengan zat lain, seperti logam alkali yang reaktif terhadap air atau campuran
asam keras dan basa yang tidak cocok.
Bahan kimia mudah meledak meliputi berbagai zat yang mudah meledak pada kondisi tertentu,
seperti beberapa bahan oksidasi.
5. Bahaya Hayati
Bahaya hayati merupakan masalah di laboratorium yang menangani mikroorganisme atau bahan
yang terkontaminasi mikroorganisme.
Bahaya bahaya ini muncul biasanya muncul di laboratorium penelitian kimia dan penyakit
menular, dan tidak menutup kemungkinan muncul di laboratorium mikrobiologi.
Penilaian resiko bahan hayati berbahaya perlu mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor, seperti :
organisme yang dimanipulasi
perubahan yang dilakukan terhadap organisme tersebut
aktifitas yang akan dilakukan dengan organisme tersebut
6. Limbah Berbahaya
Hampir setiap laboratorium menghasilkan limbah. Limbah adalah bahan yang dibuang atau
hendak dibuang, atau tidak lagi berguna sesuai peruntukannya.
Limbah juga meliputi item seperti bahan bekas laboratorium sekali pakai, media filter, larutan
cair, dan bahan kimia berbahaya.
Limbah dianggap berbahaya jika memiliki salah satu sifat berikut ini :
Bisa menyulut api
7. Bahaya Fisik
Beberapa kegiatan di laboratorium menimbulkan resiko fisik bagi petugas karena zat atau
peralatan yang digunakan, seperti misalnya :
Gas yang dimampatkan
Kriogen tidak mudah menyala
Reaksi tekanan tinggi
Kerja vakum
Bahaya frekuensi radio dan gelombang mikro
Bahaya listik
Petugas di laboratorium juga menghadapi bahaya di tempat kerja umum akibat kondisi atau
aktifitas di laboratorium, seperti :
Luka terpotong
In the construction lab (A24) theres a lot of heavy equipment for student to use. One of them is

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