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Heres another way of treating your abnormal heartbeat disorders

Catheter ablation also known as radiofrequency is a minimally invasive procedure to treat

some types of arrhythmias. It can diminish the symptoms and can improve the quality of life. An
Arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart pulse or heart rhythm such as beating too fast
(tachycardia) or beating too slow (bradycardia), or irregular heartbeat. Premature or extra
beats are the most common type of arrhythmia. This usually feels like a fluttering in the chest
or a feeling of a skipped heartbeat. Heart has an electrical system that instructs it when to beat
and push blood around the body. If there is a trouble with this system the person might
experience heart rhythm disorders.

During cardiac ablation procedure, a long, thin, flexible tube is put into a blood vessel in the
arm, groin (upper thigh), or neck. This tube is called an ablation catheter. It's guided into your
heart through the blood vessel. At the tip of the tube there is an electrode which sends out
radio waves that create heat. This heat destroys the heart tissue that causes abnormal
heartbeats or the heart tissue that keeps it happening. Less common option is to use freezing
cold to destroy the heart tissue. Radiofrequency energy is usually used for catheter ablation.
Studies have shown that RF energy is safe and effective.

Sometimes, it is seen that abnormal impulses come from inside a pulmonary vein and
cause abnormal heartbeat. The pulmonary veins are the ones that bring blood back from the
lungs to the heart. Radiofrequency ablation surgery in a pulmonary vein can block these

Catheter ablation is a low-risk procedure and is successful in most people who have it. Ablation
for Cardiac Arrhythmias takes place in an exclusive hospital room called an electrophysiology
lab or cardiac catheterization lab. Your doctor might suggest a catheter ablation in several
situations, such as:

The medicines you take don't control your arrhythmia.

When you might not be able to tolerate the medicines your doctor has prescribed for
your arrhythmia due to side effects.
You have certain types of arrhythmia. (Your doctor can tell you whether catheter
ablation may help treat your arrhythmia.)
You have abnormal electrical activity in your heart that can increase your risk of
ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation and sudden cardiac arrest.
Even though catheter ablation is successful in most people it has some risk factors as well.
There are chances of bleeding, infection, and also pain where the ablation catheter is inserted.
There are chances for blood clots and puncture of the heart. However, your doctor will explain
to you about the risk factors well in advance.
Narayana Health is the best hospital for heart rhythm disorders treatment and other heart
ailments. It is one of the best hospitals with best skilled specialists for cardiac ablation. The
hospital has a well-equipped Electrophysiology lab with experienced electrophysiologists. The
hospital has a team of professionals who perform surgery for heart failures, Aneurysms and
Pulmonary embolisms, Coronary artery Bypass Grafting as well as Ross and Homograft
procedures. The cardiac surgery success rate in Narayana Health is comparatively high when
compared to other health institutions in India.

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