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Furi. aeni_. Jone y-3 ana methvus 4 Chapter 1 presented a 1bWs einen eystom components, ota ifforontial primary production, the ty, and the flow of energy in commu ‘we discuss aspects of human thermoregulation, ogial, uti, ments—for example, ahi tom—and information for decision making. in tor in tho chapter Ecosystemic Relationships Population Ecology , Ecosystems azo hourist I Bs} ecological research unit in biology, Bc for research qu gical zosoarch moro & ‘tho poptlation or the community, Ecological Ick energy flows and matter cycl ‘to maintain overall sta ecosystoms. An important strategy 2 jonsrespond went by physiological and behavioral adjustmonts jon. The stratogy is to chango only what is population can capability whose rosouress imay bééonie crucial under condi- 8 to socioeconomic birth ratos), By bresking down tho goneral migration, one may get more information on the factors that given growth pattera In the population undor study. Ta {Emportant meesures inthe study of moztality and fertility and the formulas appropriate to estimating each rato, choir potential growth fol- mnsoldom occurs, and the balance betweon birth and death rates increase) determines tho actual growth of pop equal deaths, we refer to the population as stationary. Howeve ths, we have eit is, the popul the rate of natural incr to yt moans that the populatior ing and, in the past at least, has been. taken to be an indicator of maladaptation and potential extinction. ‘Given the groat potantiel for exponential growth of human populattor population remained low. Since ian forty offspring. In actuality, many $0 i nuinber. Many populations do not woan a females from over forty offspring to about nino. If life expectancy was loss than forty-five years the number of births would be fusther reduced, Infant mortality would reduce the number to a more two of three per woman. Even {fthose mochantsmes to reduce potential focundity were inoperative, cultural ga like infanticide could have playad « temporary tole in roduclng Population. In other words, the rate of natural increase would approximate zero under these can: elma mortality. Reductions in adult mortal 87 ee a ee ee 69 -suoyunyony yo seamos fsnenem Jo eoussqe ai uy AyleYour ynoge WoT ‘soja; yoyosm O48 woo (SINT PuP "COS ‘ASV "HaD) Serneweu oson, “90° 304 poz 40 Hy # 02 FT anoge Jo MoT ‘v woy exoxyntu Area soqny “uopopndod goo" Jed 1004 ey uy stpeTG OAT 30 qr £9 Bayppayp pus 8070 70k ow sopun woxpyyo Buoure Hajsn200 sxqoop jo oquumucery Heres £qporoltoyeo oy AAEHOUT ye yo toornypuoe Supa [e080 om 30 woRDoyor v o1ou a10 seweP Zeeooold quTg ox Supp pww AducuBoad Bun soryoU OM JO exp 0} wopafor omtos oney ‘soseostp snonooyu woss [nse 0 pus sweep WejUT wuoNboogns 3 [eUIIOL Jo TOO |My PuIDADG suOFIN sorHO PE opin ‘spepop TeHFUeBUOD 99 0} Pu sp Hep Asoo Aroa Jo 4000 reruowyau 0} oqgqdeasas éqeoped exe ouo 30 080 ory omy uy omseou oyydioxSouop yoyesn 9 5 Spey IUopUE ‘Caendeyo oxp 70 pu omy ydexiousop prepurs Say fadod ou Bujon Aq suoqeTadod o# oxedtu09 osype8 uO prmpue 3 "posteap wood su uos}ozfpropuD}so.onbj UY} OY ACD ogo paburouoid v sey wonoqedod wo omaonns 088 ay ase “yc 94 6 008 oni 0} OA Ut prur yw wonyndod oxy Aq Surprarp puw dnoxs of Swpoop yo zoqurats op BPE Aq poye[NDyeO S| YCSY “Sexe TBO opyoads-oFe ‘uo Ao 0} {ngosn sf 35 TORETUEOM v yo.snye9s oxy Jo exmyoyd eyez: ‘og, suopieindod soRUNOA WOK HAD LeU BIY aqqeys 20 zepfo ‘sprom aexjo uy “oUO of soyE oF ‘aby ojdood dumnok yap pub Bunok 4x0 sy wesRyO, JO) yer EBM, TOMO] OT, LOVEE YPBAP 30M%0} joad Jo 39 wa xed a[d0od ggn't x0d syzvap Jo srequan 94 eyes Yyeop epnso ou, fiat yeep opni> peziprepume “{YGSV) ser yep oyroed ‘}e1 Iq ephzo oy :pasn AIuOUNUOD aI” Ayy[eHOUT Jo somse _ sd} 99, -** agua “80a; cr) jeav woyo sour ou0 ory pus woreINdod "gauo Atuo sanov0 yynap omvoog {yo eevoxauy [esnqwu Jo oer oy Paonpor soxyanf OADY, osmnooI—yU) ‘Bisypoey-yev0rq yo spoyred romoa sree& JO JoqUINE om *éoamnooe so oaxSop ySiq © mH Of Jo omnsvout pryosn Apu|Mop NC © 5 indod wen Ayoapooge ysod ory) cy yw s7OqO enxes 10 sooqn) tinjzedysod yo paonpey ‘wonanpordex uy oyedyoy 4 ens em EHO AES 1 (2) oxasy) (amin) 01 woyPonpostan oN “oF Nyasy Re fanip) eres wopanpordar 68019 °6 1 rusy Xs tea) ove 9 TEL “0 (aisy) ever Airs oupeodso8y “a (ea) exes Aayey pes0099 “2 ‘season yom 0 618s @pNID “S feag0) one wag epRID OAD er AypoHow qe “t ‘1asy) eves waeep oppoedeoby (ic9) ove Pep epMID "T ‘neo rp MRO STO URNA, «PPL + syoyrer pur ~teauc> “pyup pun ~ + Pittiewut@tlae Concepts tu methuus & Among such major sources are opidemfcs, famine, and seasonal fluctuo- 7 Hons, Disease epidemics can have a major local effect upon a pop' ‘8 structure, and evidence of their effects cam be seen in the age atm! thoir occurronce, true of famine whather it res ‘thoy thon tiso rapidly ‘Tho do according to the lif expectancy of a population. Nevertholos the mortality curve is the same whether life oxpoctency 1s sevanty-five years. Sox also accounts for difforonces in mortality. fs 1 gap batwoen mn of old age varias iths por yoor divided by the popul tion. The highest recorded CBR 1s 60 per 1,000 for e Hutterite popu ‘Tho lowest CBR is that of West Germany with 10.1 por 1,000. Hows includes only women during: taking the number of number of women bot oars, It's measured by ing this figure by the forty-four, por 1,000 70 Ecosystemic Relationships Figure4.t/ ‘The Complox fnteractions batweon Ex tors, Thess interactiong raeult {entity in human populatior age-specific f or age group umber of wor As with decth rates, tho ratos may bo stan 7 intorpopulation comparisons. Tho importance of ago-speclfic rates i dant when one notes that 50 to 60 percont of all births ocour botwoes ‘twenty and twenty-nino, Differences oxi id {esen0 30 uooNpord AreMpA ssox8 Jo uOPOd. exp zeyHOrB ory yduuoo oxour eng, wwoponpoad Axeurprd YoU sv vq. Poueou0s Aono ow a 1 of (woponpaxt Seward yy woomjoq couozayP om i ‘Saouo o S30] v eajoauy eons ‘uopexydsas por Aqyenen “ToysuD2, ABs0u0 4p sesseooud oso, soonpaider ava yuoyd om Buylooy opus S008 Afzouo ey 30 wonrod uso Aowp wey) ABs0U0 orour ZHp ray Kaba axa sraysTED) BIEN nf Uae om axe su Atyaomporg wera po sos 02 002 oD0s-n00t ‘oe eae ssouorg Rog eS HOA ENT RCN Wa pad woNDNpEAG EME PR, Tw OL sdrysuonojoy opureysAs00g wopyjrdad soy neruoqoow onmyeduiNeTy fi uopgndod wouny op ‘roaoaIoyy “uoROIMBSL woREINdod uy s20HI ‘Addins pooy pu ‘oxy ayoredo siovor) opsupTNY “sIOWORY SySUNXD pus oysu;nU] Jo eouasoA ep Aq paroayye exe HoAgSYP puE oZys wc ican ‘ajnuywoperd 0} pyae aq wo £303 eurauputs exp xf “sutozpuss oH suojiaeed Aqypog Jo jos © puP ssC98 ‘eonds popoou sq poyuop are oxy uoqM, ‘ooeds jouoss0d SLUB|EIC YeBIPT ag 0} spUo A2OypI od euo wsjjosuautweo uy "Ws sn0 uo yuepuedap yoU are yng “sa4jouD oppsadoos wy s10j2e5 yooyer Komp 88 ) sozyrouuns tp om, (ura of the 80 surface, slope, wea (bedrock) will have from acid bodrocks PH close to nout should ‘tho depth ofits humus layer, tho ve presents. Soil texture structure is influenced by imatic conditions, color is en importent not a foolproo! ‘of how human populations make uso of plants is int ‘upon which planta grow. Whi factors are , and tho impact of ple For example, sotls originating from chemically basic part cover, the soil microorganisms proeent, soi] managome 1 productive potential of id chomtcal but they also indicste good drainage and acration—both important factors o consider in interpreting plant por formances end in planning management approaches hn drained exeas where oxygan is doficiont, 74 area. In poorly reduced iron yields blulsh gray ncosysemic nesationsuaps colors; sites of good drainage colors. Bocatuso chemical weathering, slope, and other influences forent depths, di iad to oxidation of iron, producing red and indicates the factors important to the use of the Profiles are two-dimensional slices through a soil, Soils, in genorel, have four major horizons: an organic or © horizon and throo mineral horizons (a growth (s09 figure 4.2) lazge partion of the Water and nutrients and facilitates exchange of besos (Buckman and Brady Jo mattor is also responsible for the loose, irlable condi- ductive soils. of the domesticated planta utilized by ti on this humic layer for tholr nutrition (Buckman and Brady cultural purposes takes vacterized by lessor concentrations of ‘matter and varied particulate structure. Tho A-hotizon is richer in ‘matter than B or C. It ts also characterized by the presenca of ractures B-horizon is characterized by tron, and al prismatic, or columnar structures, The C-horizon above tho consolidated bedrock and has even largor particulate mat- It Is the zono’of tr en the Behorizon and the bodzock sompling may take either of two forms, each of which reflects different research objectives. Theso forms are known as core sampling and profile sompl ated plants obtain thoir m the method commonly used to assoss tho soil nutrients ‘Tho sample {s tokon with the uso of a core sarmpler. A sing consists of fiftoen to twenty “cores” c . A zigzag pattern i should bo numbered and sample was taken; what vegetation wes in ‘tho aroa; what texture the soil had; whet oolor ta was (using avallable 75 BREE UDUUSHERLUDEE ob +ys010j snonprzep 10 pus ‘spuayssn8 eypsedure Jo oysjq}aIByD 9 10) wayeks v omaap Aomp yerE soni Sooo Bujysqn Uy myo pun ‘s¥0d09 ‘90 9 wyeqo9 Kou pu (cid ‘1 enp Suyyovoy w03y yo suoprodoxd Sty mL wopfxo UE ! 29 o}OY OYA 0 AOD v Aq pozyroyoUsMTO ox 49 Souosord 0M “eave 26) 05HO "er o1Ge es) semsee, afsoUFEP Ap pando ten seus Aspauoe serous) yor pueeD soo pu. moo san ore pew ee ‘omy ‘of sxH0f puesn« Buyfgyssopo yo suse 2 noekto wippe Soll Orders According to the Comprohensive Classification Bed.y o0dmnle wwlationvonlips Soil Orders According to the Comprehonsive Classification Derivation Meaning Diagnostic Older feat equivalents (allo sot etching) vegolation Agllic horizon Latosole and very high in most ground Bron and wate atari COrgania surfs Bog and some horizon (230% halébog sails onganie tater) Inches thio stn, ComprtniveSyeam. al Coomrwson Set tution of soils on a worl perfect as pockets of unexpecta /whoro, tho association of soil orders with ecos tem types is romarkablo, Tundra regions azo by aridisols, temperate grasslands by m sols, and tropical rain forests by oxi suggests that in any study of human adapt LEEHHEEUUUEERUNESD 19 aver op wmmpey x Kg para igen opens oy KBr, ‘Aax0ua Jo sory 4) By Inbo Jo Os OWS prHsACy ;onou, omy Pus ‘syonoy omydos Jo esuoD orp ‘sopter fey adoooe 018 jf atoy ABzoU uyjopoyy 30 OUKy, uD -juouruosyauo proj dood woomyeq woRDEIEH ‘yumsks axq azyrouswns 0 (L261) wenPO ‘LH 44 posodoxd Buyfepow wo ‘Brows Jo eG ogp oom If @ i cde yo yew Shumsdeoon woeunoq sdimpUORRTeAIo|uG Bupzpmaans yo suv9ur qryoon : rsetopous "1 wydoxo up somYoe 08:0] a payee, dopo vurny 50 APIS ot jod pun “Ayaponposd utd jp seore anon} eHI9T 0} BF FAO sisofiine stuf, ‘sT08 oyqauOM Ase ‘sqjos 50 sooo wy Ox) JO -

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