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Unexpected Challenge to Me From a Movie and an E-mail

On March 2, 2010, I happened to watch a movie on TV during lunchtime. It was a very good
movie about a successful middle management lady with an immature boyfriend having to decide
whether to abort or keep the baby. Her relatives and co-workers and the boyfriend’s co-worker
and the clinic doctor had well written advice pro and con. Of course she ends up telling her
company bosses (who had recently given her a temporary promotion because of another lady
getting pregnant) that she was pregnant, her boyfriend proposing to marry her, and her best
friend sending a blue balloon up into the sky representing the son she had aborted. But right
after the movie ending, the Holy Spirit had me think about some of my past as if it were as
serious of a decision as the movie heroine had: I have had many times in my life in which I could
have decided to abort the divine calling God gave me. Remembering Romans 8:28 and true
Christian friends have helped me not to do such an abortion. Doing my calling has even
encouraged some others not to give up their lives, so this has been a life or death issue.
Yesterday I read a good essay for encouraging someone not to commit suicide. The main advice
was for the individual to look around his or her place of living and even the news sources to
possibilities for he or she to help. Now I know why I was Holy Spirit urged to read that e-mailed
item. Recently I have been depressed again because of rejections, so I guess I needed to realize
again that I should not abort my divine calling. God has kept me alive for good reasons,
especially to share His wonderful truths in this world full of lies and deceit about Him and His
Word. Read the following items I wrote in the 1970s and please consider praying for me to find
new ways to share my logical Bible study tools.

My Brief Testimony
(by William L. Stevenson-- August 5, 1973)

Note: This was in response to a challenge made by an Assistant Pastor of writing a brief (short
enough to say to someone in an elevator ride) Christian testimony without the usual
theological action words and nouns.

After my natural birth in 1946, I escaped from having cerebral palsy. I became a clean-cut
worry-wart perfectionist constantly trying to do and be what others expected of me. On the last
Thursday in May 1967, I had an indescribable uplifting experience which influenced me to seek
to obey God first as much as possible. Following this experience, I was shocked by unjust
decisions made by a few U. S. Navy Chief Petty Officers, Secret Service Agents, and college
administrators without a chance for me to explain my righteous and humble behavior. I almost
gave up mentally because no Christians were around to counsel me with the Bible. After I was
given hope by God through my wife-to-be in 1970, I committed my life completely to the way of
Jesus Christ. Since then, I have been able to take things in stride, appreciate what the Holy Spirit
is teaching me, and hold no grudges against those who misunderstand my ideals. Now I am
living a regenerated life of seeking to continually learn and become more like Jesus Christ in
action, thinking, and speaking. To God be the glory!!! I want to encourage as many individuals
as possible to yield to the Holy Spirit for true discipleship commitment maturation.

Mount Hermon Spiritual Leadership Conference Questions

(Given by Campbell McAlpine and answered by William L. Stevenson on March 1l, 1975)

1.) What is my calling from God? a communicator of truth for those who feel that they have
been or are righteous
2.) What is my vision? To help other Christians make the Bible a personal guide for change
3.) What is my ministry?
a. What do I like doing for God best? I enjoy sharing Scriptural truths and Christian love.
b. How does God use it? to comfort or provoke individuals in their respective concerns
about the truth
4.) Am I fulfilling my ministry?
a. Is there anything I am doing that I am not happy with? I have too many concerns.
b. What will God have me not do? Remain concerned about what other people think or believe.
5.) What is the scope of my ministry? at least country wide
6.) Am I doing all I should to develop my ministry? I am trying to adapt to His timing and
trying to keep my eyes increasingly more on Him.
7.) Do I recognize or make room for the work of others in the realm of responsibility? I try to,
but I am very concerned about others who do not.
8.) What are my needs? to humble myself and submit myself more to God
9.) How can my needs be met? being involved in a Great Commission active Christian
community or organization

What is Jesus Christ coming back for? Where and how well is His bride, the church of
believers in Him? Looking around at, reading about, listening to, and being involved in various
ministries, I do wonder about this question. I know a lot of dogmatic Christian leaders are going
to be made unexpectedly ashamed (if I read my Bible right) about warnings to teachers and
"masters". I have heard and seen very few examples of agapéo love and I have heard and seen a
lot of examples of hatred, lying, name calling, gossiping, speculating, unconstructive criticizing,
condemnation, strife, fraud, deceit, taking advantage, man-pleasing, etc. in Christian churches
and schools. I have met only a few individuals who are really striving for Biblical holiness and
who are not ashamed of being properly old-fashioned. Are we all going to be influenced to
compromise to the ways of the world in order to remain employed even in “Christian” service
ministries? I will not!

Unfulfilled Hope

1.) In our spoiled country, more and more people are loosing hope in the future and giving up in
caring for others. Communication involving Christ-like acceptance and understanding should
be increased to give individuals purpose for living.
2.) It seems that there are too many ways of “help” for individuals who have gone against human
law or ethics, but there are very few true communication opportunities for people who have
tried their best to maintain a good acceptable standard of living. Many of these people have
either been turned-off to church or are just going through the motions because no one really
cares about their spiritual growth.

Agapé Life Search Centers

Purpose: To provide a place primarily for people seeking to have their questions answered
about Christianity without pressure of church membership or financial giving.
Activities: Around-the-clock Scriptural counseling and intensive Bible study discussions. Born-
again Christian laymen would be the coordinators and guides. No official pastors
would be directly involved. Rooms would also be available for private prayer and
spiritual music practice.
Finances: Anonymous deposits in three bank accounts and church grants.

Rules: Biblical conduct and respect showing sincere spiritual thirst and hunger for God's truth.
Decisions should only be made locally by the three coordinators and the Bible study
group discussion guides.
Future: A nation-wide chain with locations determined by apparent need. Vacant houses and
churches could be found and used.

Adequacy, Confidence, Skepticism

(by William L. Stevenson)

The following are words and phrases that came to mind during the first two weeks of July
1.) feeling acceptable and understood; 2.) fulfilling responsibilities; 3,) encouragement required;
4.) fulfilling potential; 5.) striving for uniqueness; 6.) meeting goals; 7.) tapping time, energy,
brain, and body; 8.) feeling of hope required; 9.) deserve chances or opportunities; 10.) to feel
satisfied with effort. Have you ever thought the following: “Can I really show them?” “No, I
don't want to do it.” “You mean little old me???” “No, I just can't!!”
The above common thought oral responses indicate a possible lack of confidence based on
feeling inadequate. I would also venture to say that many who seem to be very confident are
doing so because they don't want anyone to discover the areas where they feel inadequate.
Everyone feels insecure or unsure in at least a few areas of speaking or action. Do we continue
to just stress our good points to others, do we go to only places that we know we are safe in, and
do we relate honestly only with friends? No you say. Look around and see what happens when
people relate, deal, or work with each other.
What are possible reasons for these insecure feelings? I believe that the following is the main
reason: There is a lot of skepticism, criticism, and condemnation that cause social pressure. The
following reactions are very common: “No, not him!” “Are you sure about them?” “Well, she's
nice, but...” “You shouldn't socialize with them!” Criticism instead of encouragement is usually
emphasized along with competition and striving for materialistic wealth.

Concluding questions:
Did any that is in this essay speak to you? Have you aborted an important job or ministry, and
felt very guilty afterwards? Have you had times of almost giving up at least mentally?

God said, “So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void,
but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
[Isaiah 55:11]

Falling on Deaf Ears


Yawning at the Word discussion


My recent reorganization of my collection of Bible studies is indicated below:

My Bible study tools-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-1171401787

1.) wonderful Scripture passages-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-2460380677
2.) basic Christian doctrines-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-2460424239
3.) for sanctification-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-2460458567
4.) Bible book studies-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-2460529571
5.) Bible word studies-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-2460577973
6.) controversial issues-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-2460594059
7.) studies for foreign countries-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-2460604209

for preachers and Third World ministers and Bible study group leaders

My new websites are:


Other interesting items I have shared with many:

1-- for times of trouble http://www.humyo.com/F/9538789-1780701215
1-- wonderful Bible verses to memorize http://www.humyo.com/F/9538789-1780701277
1-- Easiest-to-understand from Proverbs for today
1-- Interesting Spiritual Anagrams for e-mail sharing

Living for God,

Bible lover Bill
Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:4-8, & Proverbs 3:5-6
Christian basics and controversies-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-696203133
for Counseling Ministry-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-705817357
Other information-- http://www.humyo.com/9538789-703983181


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