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1 (a) (i) +1 1

(ii) 2.8.1 1

(b) (i) Ikatan ion 1

(ii) 3

-correct number of shells and number of electrons for U and W 2

-correct charges for U and W 1 mark
(c) (i) 3

(ii) kerana
Total 10

2 (a) [draw an arrow from zinc to copper] 1

(b) zinc // Zn 1
(c) Chemical electrical 1
(d) Copper(II) ion 1
(e) (i) copper is deposited on the cathode// positive terminal
(ii) Cu 2+
+ 2e Cu 1

(f) (i) The reading increases.// accept any suitable figure 1

(ii) In electrochemical series, magnesium is located higher than zinc. 1+1

The distance between magnesium and copper is further compare
to the distance between zinc and copper, so the voltage
(g) Zn + Cu2+ Zn2+ + Cu 1
- Correct formulae of reactants and products

Total 10
3 (a) 1. Strong acid is the acid that is completely dissociated in 1
2. produce higher concentration of hydrogen ions
1 2

(b)(i) HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O

- Correct formula of reactants 1
- Correct formula of products 1 2

(b)(ii) No. of mol of HCl = (20.00 x 0.1)/1000 1

= 0.002 mol 1 2

(b)(iii) 1. From the eq., 1 mol HCl : 1 mol NaOH

2. Molarity of NaOH = 0.002 x 1000 / 3

(c) Colourless to pink 1 1


Zinc nitrate 1
4 (a)
1 : Place a glowing splinter into the test tube. 1
(b) 2 : Glowing splinter is rekindled / relights. 1

(c) 1: Brown fumes or brown gas 1

2: Residue (or solid) changes from yellow when hot to white 1
when cold
(d) point 1: Correct reactants and products 1
point 2: Equation is balanced 1
2Zn(NO3)2 2ZnO + 4NO2 + O2 / 2J(NO3)2 2JO + 4NO2 + O2

(e) (i) Sodium carbonate/ potassium carbonate / Ammonium carbonate 1

(ii) Precipitation reaction / double decomposition reaction 1

(f) Brown ring 1

Total 10

5 (a) Hydrogen gas 1

Mg + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2
(ii) [Formula of reactants and products are correct] 1
[Balanced equation] 1
.. 2
Number of mole of magnesium, Mg = 1.5 /24 = 0.0625 mol 1
1 mol of Mg produced 1 mol of H2 //
0.0625 mol of Mg will produce 0.0625 mol of H2 1

Volume of hydrogen gas, H2 = 0.0625 24

= 1.5 dm3 // 1500 cm3 1

Volume of gas
released / cm3

Experiment II

Experiment I

Time / s

[ Label correct axes with unit] 1

[ Shape of the graph] 1
(c) Average rate of reaction for Experiment II = 1500 / 30 = 50 cm3s-1
[ answer with unit] 1

(d) Use magnesium powder// add catalyst // use HCl with higher 1
Total 10

6(a) CnH2n + 2 1
n = 1, 2, 3, .....
(b) | |
A : carbon-carbon double bond // - C = C 1

B : carboxyl group // - COOH 1


(d) (i) Butyl propanoate 1

(ii) Sweet / pleasant /fragrance / fruity smell 1

(e) (i) C4H8 + 6O2 4CO2 + 4H2O 1

(ii) mol A = 11.2 // 0.2


mol CO2 = 4 x 0.2 // 0.8 1

No of molecule CO2 = 0.8 x 6.2 x 1023 // 4.96 x 1023 1


7 (a)
Elements Carbon Hydrogen
Mass/g 85.7 100- 85.7 = 14.3 1

85.7 14.3 1
No of mole 12 1
= 7.14 =14.3
7.14 = 1 14.3 = 2 1
Mole ratio
7.14 7.14
Empirical formula CH2 1

Molecular formula = (CH2)n

Relative molecular mass = (12 + 1x2) n = 42
n =3
Molecular formula of P = C3H6
structural formula:
H 1
CnH2n , n=2,3..
(b) (i) C3H6 + H2 C3H8 1
P // C3H6 Q // C3H8

Produce more soot Produce less soot 1+1

% of carbon is higher % of carbon is lower

12x3 x 100 12x3 x 100
42 44

=85.71 % = 81.82 %
( React P with water/steam 1
c Temperature 300 oC
) Pressure 60 atm any 2 2
Catalyst phosphoric acid 3
Total 20
8 (a) (i) A mixture of two or more elements 1
with a certain fixed composition in which the major component is a 1
metal. 2
(ii) 1. Improve the appearance
2. Improve the strength and hardness 1+1
3. Increase the resistance to corrosion
[Any two corrections]
(b) (i) Bronze is harder than copper. 1

(ii) 1. Pure copper is made up of same type of atoms and are of the same
size. 1
2. The atoms are arranged in an orderly manner.
3. The layer of atoms can slide over each other. 1
4. Bronze is made up of atoms of different size// 1
In bronze, tin atoms and copper atoms are of different size.
5. The atoms are not orderly arranged// The presence of tin atoms 1
disturb the orderly arrangement of copper atoms.
6. This reduces/prevents the layer of copper atoms from sliding. 1
(iii) Pure copper:

Copper atom
[minimum 3 3 layers ] 1

Tin atom

Copper atom 1+1

(c) (i) Sulphur trioxide is dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid to form 1
oleum. 1
Oleum is diluted with water to produce sulphuric acid.

(ii) SO3 + H2SO4 H2S2O7 1

H2S2O7 + H2O 2H2SO4 1
(iii) Moles of S = moles of sulphur 1
= 48 / 32 =1.5
Volume of SO2 = 1.5 24 dm3
= 36 dm3

Total 20


9 (a) 2H+ + S2O32- S + SO2 + H2O

- all formulae correct 1
- equation balanced 1
(b) Rate of reaction = fixed mass of sulphur formed / time.
- fixed mass of sulphur formed 1
- / time 1
(c) Factor Effect
Concentration of The higher the concentration, the higher the 1
acid rate of reaction 1
Concentration of The higher the concentration, the higher the 1
thiosulphate rate of reaction 1
Temperature of acid The higher the temperature, the higher the 1
rate of reaction 1
Temperature of The higher the temperature, the higher the 1
thiosulphate rate of reaction 1
any two factors and corresponding effects from the above 4
(d) To investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.
1 Measure 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution* with 1
a measuring cylinder and pour into a conical flask.
2 The conical flask is placed on top of a filter paper marked with a X 1
3 Measure 5 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid** with a 10 cm3 1
measuring cylinder.
4 Pour the acid into the conical flask quickly and carefully, at the 1
same time start a stop watch.
5 Swirl the mixture in the conical flask slowly 1
6 Observe the X mark on the filter paper from vertically above 1
through the solution.
7 When X marked is not visible through the mixture, stop the stop 1
watch and record the time taken
8 Discard the content in the conical flask and clean the conical flask 1
properly with a brush.
9 Repeat step 1 to 7 by using the volume of sodium thiosulphate 1
solution, distilled water and acid as shown :
Volume of Volume of Volume of Time taken /
solution / distilled acid / cm s
cm3 water
/ cm3
45 5 5
40 10 5
35 15 5
30 20 5

10 [Table showing the above with volume of acid fixed and time 1
recorded ]

11 Plot a graph of concentration against time // time against 1

concentration// concentration against 1/time // 1/time against
12 - graph 1
Time / s

[ inference from graph] Concentration /moldm-3

As the concentration increases, the time taken decreases
13 The higher the concentration, the higher the rate of reaction. 1
* replace with acid if factor is concentration of acid
14 ** replace with sodium thiosulphate solution if factor is 1
concentration of acid
OR To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction.

1 Measure 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution using 1

a measuring cylinder and pour into a conical flask.
2 Measure the temperature of the solution using a thermometer 1
3 Place the conical flask on top of a piece of white paper with a 'X'
marked at the centre 1
4 Measure 5 cm3 of 1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid using a 10 cm3
measuring cylinder.
Then pour the sulphuric acid quickly and carefully into the conical 1
6 flask and start a stop watch immediately.
Swirl the mixture in the conical flask a few times. Then place the 1
7 conical flask back on the white paper.
8 Look at the 'X' mark vertically from above through the solution. 1
Stop the stopwatch immediately once the mark 'X' can no longer be
9 seen and record the time t taken . 1
Discard the content in the conical flask and clean the conical flask
10 properly with a brush. 1
Repeat steps 1 to 9 by heating the sodium thiosulphate solution to
35C, 40C, 450C and 50C respectively at step 2. All other
conditions remain unchanged.
11 1

A graph of time against temperature / temperature against time

12 // 1/ time against temperature / temperature against 1/ time is 1
Time / s

13 [Inference from graph] :

when the temperature is high, time is low / 1/time is high 1
Temperature / 0C
14 [Conclusion] :
the higher the temperature, the higher the rate of reaction 1

max 12

Total 20


(a) Ion-ion yang hadir dalam larutan NaCl cair ialah Na+, H+, Cl-dan OH-. (1)
Ion Na+ dan ion H+ bergerak ke katod. (1)
H+ dipilih untuk menyahcas kerana ia berada lebih bawah dalam Siri
Elektrokimia. (1)
2H+ + 2e
H (1)
Maka, gas hidrogen dihasilkan di katod.
Ion Cl-dan ion OH- bergerak ke anod. Ion hidroksida dipilih untuk
menyahcas kerana ia berada lebih bawah dalam Siri Elektrokimia. (1)
2H O + O + 4e (1)
2 2
Dalam larutan NaCl pekat, kepekatan ion Na+ dan ion Cl- tinggi.
Pada anod kepekatan ion klorida yang tinggi menghalang OH- daripada
sampai ke anod. (1)
Maka ion Cl- akan menyahcas membentuk gas klorin. (1)
2Cl - Cl2 + 2e (1)
Kepekatan ion Na+ tinggi. Tetapi ion H+ yang kecil boleh menembusi lapisan ion Na+ untuk
sampai ke katod untuk menyahcas. (1)
2H + 2e
H2 (1)
Kayu uji menyala dibawa mendekati mulut tabung yang mengandungi gas yang tidak diketahui.
Jika bunyi pop yang kedengaran, maka gas itu ialah hidrogen. (1)
Kayu uji berbara dibawa mendekati mulut tabung yang mengandungi gas yang tidak diketahui.
Jika kayu uji itu menyala semula, maka gas itu ialah oksigen (1)
Kertas litmus lembap diletakkan dalam tabung uji yang mengandungi gas yang tidak diketahui.
Jika ia adalah klorin, ia akan menukarkan kertas litmus biru kepada merah dan kemudian
melunturkan warnanya. (1)

(b) Takat lebur aluminium oksida tulen ialah lebih kurang 2050oC.
Kriolit akan merendahkan takat leburnya kepada lebih kurang 900oC. (1)
Apabila campuran itu dipanaskan ia melebur.

Al2O3(p) 2Al3+(c) + 3O2-(c) (1)
Ion aluminium bergerak ke katod dan menyahcas dengan menerima 3 elektron.
Al3+ + 3e
Al (1)
Leburan aluminium akan termendak di bawah bekas dan disingkirkan. (1)
Ion oksida bergerak ke anod dan menyahcas dengan membebaskan dua elektron.
O + 2e
O + 4e (1)
Gas oksigen bertindak balas dengan grafit untuk menghasilkan gas
karbon dioksida. (1)
Maka anod perlu digantikan dari masa ke masa.

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