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Anchor Handling

Teledyne PDS
Version 1.0.1

July 2015

Teledyne RESON B.V.

Stuttgartstraat 42- 44
3047 AS Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)10 245 15 00

Amendment Record Sheet
Rev. Date Reason for Modifications
1.0.1 23/07/2015 New cover page.
New logo.
1.0.0 21/12/2012 First version of the Anchor Handling Manual.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Anchor Handling ..................................................................................................... 1

2 Quick Guide 3
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Steps ....................................................................................................................... 3

3 Setup Onboard Pontoon 5

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 5
3.2.1 Vessel Configuration Pontoon ...................................................................... 6 Pontoon Geometry Page ..................................................................... 6 Pontoon Equipment Page ................................................................... 7 Pontoon Tools Page ............................................................................ 8
3.2.2 Vessel Configuration AHT............................................................................. 9 AHT Geometry Page ........................................................................... 9 AHT Equipment Page ........................................................................ 10 AHT Tools Page ................................................................................ 11

4 Setup Onboard AHT 13

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Configuration ........................................................................................................ 13
4.2.1 Vessel Configuration AHT........................................................................... 14 AHT Geometry Page ......................................................................... 14 AHT Equipment Page ........................................................................ 15 AHT Tools Page ................................................................................ 16
4.2.2 Vessel Configuration Pontoon .................................................................... 17 Pontoon Geometry Page ................................................................... 17 Pontoon Equipment Page ................................................................. 18 Pontoon Tools Page .......................................................................... 19

5 Setup Acquisition 21
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 21
5.2 Plan View .............................................................................................................. 21
5.3 Anchor Handling Operations ................................................................................ 23
5.4 Anchor Handling Control View ............................................................................. 23
5.5 Anchor Re-location ............................................................................................... 24

6 Acquisition Onboard Pontoon 25

6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 25
6.2 Preparing an Anchor Pattern ................................................................................ 26

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Contents i

6.2.1 Setpoints in Tools Settings ......................................................................... 27
6.2.2 Define Setpoints in Plan View .................................................................... 27
6.3 Anchor Drop/Pick Up by Pontoon ........................................................................ 30
6.4 Anchor Pick Up by AHT ....................................................................................... 31

7 Acquisition Onboard AHT 35

7.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 35
7.2 Sequence Anchor Movement Operation .............................................................. 35
7.3 Sequence Anchor Retrieve Operation ................................................................. 36

8 Appendix 39
8.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 39
8.2 Data Logging Anchor Handling ............................................................................ 40
8.3 Fairlead Left/Right Limits ..................................................................................... 41
8.4 Equipment Setup Pontoon 2 Radio Frequencies ................................................. 43
8.5 Equipment Setup Pontoon 1 Radio Frequency ................................................... 44
8.6 PDS2000 Configuration 2 Radio Frequencies ..................................................... 45
8.7 PDS2000 Configuration 1 Radio Frequency ........................................................ 46

ii Contents Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

Figure 3-1 Configuration onboard Pontoon .......................................................................................... 5
Figure 3-2 Geometry page of the Pontoon ........................................................................................... 6
Figure 3-3 Equipment page of the Pontoon .......................................................................................... 7
Figure 3-4 Anchor Definition in the Tools page of the Pontoon ............................................................ 8
Figure 3-5 Geometry page of an AHT .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3-6 Equipment page of the AHT .............................................................................................. 10
Figure 3-7 Anchor Definition in the Tools page of the AHT ................................................................ 11
Figure 4-1 Configuration onboard AHT ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 4-2 Geometry page of the AHT ............................................................................................... 14
Figure 4-3 Equipment page of the AHT .............................................................................................. 15
Figure 4-4 Anchor Definition in the Tools page of the AHT ................................................................ 16
Figure 4-5 Geometry page of the Pontoon ......................................................................................... 17
Figure 4-6 Equipment page of the Pontoon ........................................................................................ 18
Figure 4-7 Anchor Definition in the Tools page of the AHT ................................................................ 19
Figure 5-1 Layer Control with vessel layers for Pontoon and 2 AHTs added .................................... 21
Figure 5-2 Layer Control with anchor handling layer of the Pontoon added ...................................... 22
Figure 5-3 Plan View General Dredge Operation with the Pontoon, 2 AHTs and the anchor
pattern ............................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 5-4 Add Anchor Handling Control device ................................................................................ 24
Figure 5-5 Anchor Handling Control view with the anchor movement operations .............................. 24
Figure 5-6 Anchor Handling Control view with the anchor retrieve operations .................................. 24
Figure 6-1 Plan View with the 4 anchors located on the Pontoon ...................................................... 25
Figure 6-2 Context menu of the Anchor Editor ................................................................................... 26
Figure 6-3 Anchor Definition in the Tools Settings ............................................................................. 27
Figure 6-4 The information of the Setpoint is displayed ..................................................................... 28
Figure 6-5 Select Update Setpoint to set the new Setpoint location .................................................. 28
Figure 6-6 The new Setpoint location ................................................................................................. 29
Figure 6-7 All anchors down and all with their Setpoint location ........................................................ 29
Figure 6-8 Distance and bearing measure from the end of the black line to the Setpoint
location .............................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 6-9 Select the option Move Now to drop the anchor ............................................................... 30
Figure 6-10 The anchors is dropped while the Pontoon is moving ....................................................... 31
Figure 6-11 Select Move with Tug and select one of the available AHTs to make a request ............ 32
Figure 6-12 Change from to anchor movement request ............................................................ 32
Figure 6-13 The AHT is now moving the anchor to the Setpoint .......................................................... 33
Figure 6-14 The anchor is dropped by the AHT ................................................................................... 33
Figure 7-1 Anchor Handling Control view with the anchor movement operations .............................. 35
Figure 7-2 Anchor Handling Control view when the Pontoon sends a request to re-locate an
anchor ................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 7-3 Anchor Handling Control view when the AHT has acknowledged the request ................. 36
Figure 7-4 Anchor Handling Control view when the AHT has picked up the anchor.......................... 36
Figure 7-5 Anchor Handling Control view when the Pontoon sends a request to retrieve an
anchor ................................................................................................................................ 36

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Figures iii

Figure 7-6 Anchor Handling Control view when the AHT has acknowledged the request ................ 37
Figure 7-7 Anchor Handling Control view when the AHT has picked up the anchor ......................... 37
Figure 7-8 Anchor Handling Control view with no highlighted icons .................................................. 37
Figure 8-1 Tools Settings in the Acquisition with the left/right fairlead limits ..................................... 41
Figure 8-2 Fairlead limits on the Pontoon .......................................................................................... 42
Figure 8-3 Equipment setup with 2 radio frequencies ........................................................................ 43
Figure 8-4 Equipment setup with 1 radio frequency ........................................................................... 44

iv Figures Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

1 Introduction

1.1 Anchor Handling

Anchor Handling is a system that keeps track of the Pontoon/barge
anchor positions, anchor wires and anchor planning. Anchor Handling can
be done in a stand-alone mode where the positions of the anchors are
maintained from the Pontoon only.
The Anchor Handling can also be used in an integrated mode with a tug
management where anchor requests are sent to the tugs and the anchor
positions are automatically transmitted from the tug when the anchor is
dropped or when the anchor is moved by the tug. There is an anchor
planning mode where the new anchor locations can be determined.
This manual will describe the Anchor Handling parts of PDS2000 and not
PDS2000 in general or in any detail. Basic common knowledge of
PDS2000 is expected from the reader and user.
This manual will describe the required equipment on all vessels involved
in Anchor Handling. The setup of the anchor handling system onboard the
Pontoon, cutter, vessel or barge (in the manual called Pontoon) and on
the anchor handling tugs (AHT) will be explained.
In the Acquisition onboard the Pontoon and onboard an AHT a step by
step explanation is given using a worked out example.

For anchor handling in PDS2000 the application type should be Multi-

purpose survey.
This manual is also available as a HTML Help file and can be opened with
F1 or with Help > Help Topics from the menu bar.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Introduction 1

2 Quick Guide

2.1 Introduction
This chapter will give the steps the operators have to follow to get the
anchor handling on the Pontoon and the AHTs running in the Acquisition.

2.2 Steps
The following steps have to be done in the configuration and vessel
configurations to get the anchor handling working.
Onboard Pontoon:
Setup Configuration onboard Pontoon.
Vessel Configuration for the Pontoon (see page 6).
Add the fairlead offsets in the Geometry page (see page 6).
Add the devices for the anchor handling and position over
radio in the Equipment page (see page 7).
Select Anchor Pontoon mode and fill in the table in the Tools
page (see page 8).
Vessel Configuration for each AHT (see page 9).
Add the device for position over radio in the Equipment page
(see page 10).
Select Handling Tug mode in the Tools page (see page 11).
Onboard AHT:
Setup Configuration onboard each AHT.
Vessel Configuration for the AHT (see page 14).
Add the devices for the anchor handling and position over
radio in the Equipment page (see page 15).
Select Handling Tug mode in the Tools page (see page 16).
Vessel Configuration for the Pontoon (see page 17).
Add the fairlead offsets in the Geometry page (see page 17).
Add the device for position over radio in the Equipment page
(see page 18).
Select Anchor Pontoon mode in the Tools page (see page
Vessel Configuration for other AHTs (see page 9).

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Quick Guide 3

Add the device for position over radio in the Equipment page
(see page 10).
Select Handling Tug mode in the Tools page (see page 11).
In the Acquisition some views should be open before the anchor handling
can be started.
Add the Plan View General Dredge Operation to the Acquisition
(see page 21).
Add Vessel Layers for the Pontoon and the AHTs.
Add an Anchor Handling Layer.
Only for the AHTs: Add the Anchor Handling Control view (see
page 23).
When everything is setup the anchor handling can be started.
See chapter Acquisition Onboard Pontoon for the anchor handling
steps onboard the Pontoon (see page 25).
See chapter Acquisition Onboard AHT for the anchor handling
steps onboard an AHT (see page 35).

4 Quick Guide Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

3 Setup Onboard Pontoon

3.1 Introduction
The setup on the different vessels that are involved in the anchor handling
will be explained. In this chapter the setup onboard the Pontoon with 2
AHT2 is explained. Each extra AHT will have the same setup as the other
AHTs. Off coarse with a Pontoon and one AHT still an anchor handling
can be done.
On each vessel, Pontoon and AHTs, the configuration should contain all
vessels that are involved in the anchor handling. However the setup on
each vessel is different and for instance the vessel configuration for the
Pontoon on the Pontoon differs from the one on an AHT.

3.2 Configuration
The configuration onboard the Pontoon will be with the Pontoon and 2
AHTs as shown below.

Figure 3-1 Configuration onboard Pontoon

For each extra AHT a new vessel has to be added to the configuration
with a maximum as is defined in the dongle.
The names used for the vessels should be the same as is used onboard
the AHTs. The identification of each vessel is name depended and will
not be recognized when the name is spelled incorrectly.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Onboard Pontoon 5

3.2.1 Vessel Configuration Pontoon
For the vessel configuration of the Pontoon onboard the Pontoon the
Geometry, Equipment and Tools pages are relevant. Pontoon Geometry Page

Figure 3-2 Geometry page of the Pontoon

In the Geometry page the visualization of the Pontoon has to be selected

and the offsets for the position system and the anchor locations/fairleads
onboard the Pontoon have to be defined. These anchor locations are the
locations of each anchor when the status Up is valid (see page 23).

6 Setup Onboard Pontoon Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Pontoon Equipment Page

Figure 3-3 Equipment page of the Pontoon

In this setup two radio links with two frequencies are setup, one frequency
for each AHT. It is also possible to use one radio frequency for all vessels
involved in the anchor handling. See for a detailed explanation of the
equipment and configuration with one or two radio frequencies the
chapter Appendix on page 39.
The Pontoon is sending the anchor commands/info with the Anchor
Handling Anchor Handling Control device and the vessel information of
the Pontoon with the Output Vessel Position Over Radio device to the
The Pontoon received from the AHTs the status and location of the
anchors with the Anchor Handling Anchor Handling Control device.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Onboard Pontoon 7 Pontoon Tools Page

Figure 3-4 Anchor Definition in the Tools page of the Pontoon

Select the Anchor Definition tab and enable the option Enable
anchor handling to switch the anchor handling system on.
For the vessel configuration of the Pontoon select the option
Anchor Pontoon.
Enter anchor names as they are displayed online in the Acquisition.
Select for each anchor the right fairlead offset as is defined in the
Geometry page (see page 6). These offsets are the offset points
onboard the Pontoon where the anchors will be located when the
status of the anchors is Up.
Left / Right fairlead limits are used to generate alarms when the fair
lead exceeds the limits (see page 41).
Status of the anchors; Up, Down, Tug Move Req., Tug Move Ack,
Moving, Tug Retrieve Req., Tug Retrieve Ack and Retrieve. See
page 23 for more information about the different statuses.
Easting and Northing for the proposed anchor pattern for each
New Easting / Northing for the new Setpoint anchor locations (see
page 27 for more information).

8 Setup Onboard Pontoon Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

3.2.2 Vessel Configuration AHT
For the vessel configuration of the AHTs the Geometry, Equipment and
Tools pages are relevant.

For each AHT in the configuration the setup will be identical with the
vessel configuration AHT as explained here. AHT Geometry Page

Figure 3-5 Geometry page of an AHT

In the Geometry page the visualization of the AHT has to be selected and,
if necessary, an offset for the position system onboard the AHT have to
be defined. In this example no offset is added and the position system is
located in the zero offset of the AHT.
It is also possible to enter an offset for the anchor attachment point
onboard the AHT. This is the location where the anchor is located when
the AHT is moving the anchor.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Onboard Pontoon 9 AHT Equipment Page

Figure 3-6 Equipment page of the AHT

The Pontoon received from the AHT the location of the AHT with the
Remote Vessel Over Radio Vessel Position Over Radio device.

10 Setup Onboard Pontoon Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling AHT Tools Page

Figure 3-7 Anchor Definition in the Tools page of the AHT

Select the Anchor Definition tab and enable the option Enable
anchor handling to switch the anchor handling system on.
For the vessel configuration of an AHT select the option Handling
Select for the Anchor attachment offset the offset point onboard the
AHT where the anchor will be located when the status of the
anchor is Moving or Retrieving (see page 23).

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Onboard Pontoon 11

4 Setup Onboard AHT

4.1 Introduction
In this chapter the configuration onboard an AHT will be explained. In the
configuration at least a vessel configuration of the AHT and the Pontoon
should be created.

4.2 Configuration
The configuration onboard an AHT will be explained with the Pontoon and
2 AHTs as shown below.

Figure 4-1 Configuration onboard AHT

For each extra AHT a new vessel has to be added to the configuration
with a maximum as is defined in the dongle.
With this setup there is communication between the AHTs. This means
that each AHT can see the other AHTs in the Acquisition. In the example
above it is not needed to have a vessel configuration Tug2 when it is not
necessary to see the Tug2 on Tug1.

The vessel configuration for Tug2 and other AHTs will be similar as is
explained in Setup Onboard Pontoon on page 9.
The names used for the vessels should be the same as is used onboard
the AHTs. The identification of each vessel is name depended and will
not be recognized when the name is spelled incorrectly.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Onboard AHT 13

4.2.1 Vessel Configuration AHT
For the vessel configuration of the AHT onboard the AHT the Geometry,
Equipment and Tools pages are relevant. AHT Geometry Page

Figure 4-2 Geometry page of the AHT

In the Geometry page the visualization of the AHT has to be selected and,
if necessary, an offset for the position system onboard the AHT have to
be defined. In this example no offset is added and the position system is
located in the zero offset of the AHT.
It is also possible to enter an offset for the anchor attachment point
onboard the AHT. This is the location where the anchor is located when
the AHT is moving the anchor.

14 Setup Onboard AHT Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling AHT Equipment Page

Figure 4-3 Equipment page of the AHT

In this setup two radio links with two frequencies are setup, one frequency
for the Pontoon and one for the other AHT. It is also possible to use one
radio frequency for all vessels involved in the anchor handling. See for a
detailed explanation of the equipment and configuration with one or two
radio frequencies the chapter Appendix on page 39.
The AHT is sending the status and location of the anchors to the Pontoon
with the Anchor Handling Anchor Handling Control device and its
location to the Pontoon and other AHT with the Output Vessel Position
Over Radio device to the AHTs.
The AHT received from the Pontoon the anchor commands/info with the
Anchor Handling Anchor Handling Control device.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Onboard AHT 15 AHT Tools Page

Figure 4-4 Anchor Definition in the Tools page of the AHT

Select the Anchor Definition tab and enable the option Enable
anchor handling to switch the anchor handling system on.
For the vessel configuration of an AHT select the option Handling
Select for the Anchor attachment offset the offset point onboard the
AHT where the anchor will be located when the status of the
anchor is Moving or Retrieving. See page 23 for more information
about the different statuses.

16 Setup Onboard AHT Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

4.2.2 Vessel Configuration Pontoon
For the vessel configuration of the Pontoon onboard the AHT the
Geometry, Equipment and Tools pages are relevant. Pontoon Geometry Page

Figure 4-5 Geometry page of the Pontoon

In the Geometry page the visualization of the Pontoon has to be selected

and the offsets for the position system and the anchor locations/fairleads
onboard the Pontoon have to be defined. These anchor locations are the
locations of each anchor when the status Up is valid (see page 23).

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Onboard AHT 17 Pontoon Equipment Page

Figure 4-6 Equipment page of the Pontoon

The AHT received from the Pontoon the location of the Pontoon with the
Remote Vessel Over Radio Vessel Position Over Radio device.

18 Setup Onboard AHT Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Pontoon Tools Page

Figure 4-7 Anchor Definition in the Tools page of the AHT

Select the Anchor Definition tab and enable the option Enable
anchor handling to switch the anchor handling system on.
For the vessel configuration of the Pontoon select the option
Anchor Pontoon.
For the vessel configuration Pontoon onboard the AHT it is not necessary
to enter the anchors in the table. At the moment that there is a connection
between the Pontoon and the AHT the anchor information is received
from the Pontoon and the table will be updated.
This table is identical with the anchor definition as is explained in chapter
Setup Onboard Pontoon on page 8.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Onboard AHT 19

5 Setup Acquisition

5.1 Introduction
Before the anchor handling can be started the anchors has to be visible in
a Plan View. In the same Plan View the AHTs and the Pontoon can be
displayed so on the Pontoon and AHTs all activities can be seen (see
After the Plan View is setup the anchors can be selected on the Pontoon
and moved to new locations. A list of all possible anchor handling
operations will be given (see page 23).
This setup is valid for the Pontoon and for the AHTs. For the AHTs an
extra control view should be opened (see page 23).
For an AHT a sequence is started when an anchor re-location is required.
This sequence can be interrupt by the Pontoon (see page 24).

5.2 Plan View

In the Acquisition a Plan View General Dredge Operation has to be
opened to view the Pontoon, the AHTs and the anchor pattern.
To view the Pontoon and the AHTs for each vessel a Vessel Layer has to
be added to the Plan View.

Figure 5-1 Layer Control with vessel layers for Pontoon and 2 AHTs added

In the Vessel Layer of the AHTs the option Annotation has to be

Enabled to display the name of the AHT in the Plan View.
To display the anchor pattern an Anchor Handling Layer of the Pontoon
has to be added.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Acquisition 21

Figure 5-2 Layer Control with anchor handling layer of the Pontoon added

In the Anchor Handling Layer the option Annotation has to be Enabled to

display the name/number of the anchors in the Plan View. The anchor
name/number has to be defined in the Tools page. This page can be
opened with the menu item Tools > Tools Settings.
When the above mentioned layers are added, the Plan View will show the
Pontoon, the 2 AHTs and the anchor pattern as shown below.

Figure 5-3 Plan View General Dredge Operation with the Pontoon, 2 AHTs
and the anchor pattern

22 Setup Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

5.3 Anchor Handling Operations
In the Plan View the different anchor handling icons related to the
different operations will be explained.
The icons for the anchor handling operations are:
- Anchor Up
Indicates that the anchor is Up, onboard the Pontoon and not
being used.
- Setpoint Anchor Location
Indicates the Setpoint anchor location after a Setpoint has been
updated or entered in the Tools Page.
- Anchor movement request
Indicates that an anchor manoeuvre is required but it has not
been acknowledged by the dedicated AHT yet.
- Anchor movement acknowledged
Indicates that an anchor manoeuvre is required and has been
acknowledged by the dedicated AHT. This means that the AHT
will sail to the anchor to re-locate this particular anchor.
- Anchor moving
Indicates that the anchor is now moving for re-location. The
anchor will be on the anchor attachment offset point onboard
the AHT that re-locates the anchor.
- Anchor retrieve request
Indicates that an anchor retrieve manoeuvre is required but it
has not been acknowledged by the dedicated AHT yet.
- Anchor retrieve acknowledged
Indicates that an anchor retrieve manoeuvre is required and
has been acknowledged by the dedicated AHT. This means
that the AHT will sail to the anchor to move this particular
anchor to the Pontoon.
- Anchor retrieving
Indicates that the anchor is now moving to the Pontoon. The
anchor will be on the anchor attachment offset point onboard
the AHT that bring the anchor to the Pontoon.
- Anchor Down
Indicates that the anchor is on the bottom.
- Anchor Editor
Indicates that the editor is active. The Anchor Editor can be
used to change the status/location or instruct an AHT to re-
locate an anchor.

5.4 Anchor Handling Control View

For the AHTs this control view has to be opened in the Acquisition to
confirm the anchor handling operations. The view can only be opened
when the Anchor Handling Anchor Handling Control device is added in
the equipment list (see page 15).
In the Acquisition the view can be added to the layout with the menu item
Tools > Equipment Control.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Setup Acquisition 23

Figure 5-4 Add Anchor Handling Control device

Select in the dialog the device and click on to add the control view
to the layout. Click on to close the dialog.
By default the Anchor Handling Control view will display the anchor
movement operations icons.

Figure 5-5 Anchor Handling Control view with the anchor movement

When the Pontoon give a request to move or retrieve an anchor the view
will be updated and the acknowledge icon will be highlighted. For the
move the same icons as above will be displayed , but for the retrieve
other icons will be used.

Figure 5-6 Anchor Handling Control view with the anchor retrieve operations

See for more information about how to deal with the information in this
view the chapter Acquisition Onboard AHT on page 35.

5.5 Anchor Re-location

An AHT can handle only one anchor at the time. When an AHT has been
instructed to re-locate an anchor it will not be possible to instruct for a
second re-location at the same time.
The sequence of the anchor re-location ( - - - or - -
- ) should be finished before the AHT is ready for a new request for
anchor re-location. The AHT cannot be instructed to re-locate another
anchor while it is busy with an anchor movement. The only way to do this
is to instruct a second AHT for another anchor at the same time.
At all times it will be possible to interrupt the sequence and appoint
another anchor for re-location by changing the status of the anchor in the
Tools Page of the Acquisition (to be opened with the menu item Tools >
Tools Settings). When doing this the AHT must press in the
Anchor Handling Control View (see above).

24 Setup Acquisition Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

6 Acquisition Onboard Pontoon

6.1 Introduction
When in the Acquisition onboard the Pontoon at least a Plan View is
opened with the Pontoon, AHT(s) and anchor pattern visible the anchor
handling can be started (see page 21).
In this chapter the sequence of the anchor re-location onboard the
Pontoon will be described.
When the anchors are not used the anchors will be located on the
Pontoon. The Plan View will look like below.

Figure 6-1 Plan View with the 4 anchors located on the Pontoon

An anchor pattern must have been prepared so the anchors can be

located by an AHT (see page 26). First click on the Anchor Editor ( ) in
the toolbar of the Plan View and two options for locating the first anchor
becomes available.
1. The first anchor will be dropped by the Pontoon while sailing to the
proposed location (see page 30).

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Acquisition Onboard Pontoon 25

2. The first anchor is picked up by one of the AHTs that is available
(see page 31).
When the Anchor Editor is active, double click on an anchor and press the
right mouse button to open the context menu (see below).

Figure 6-2 Context menu of the Anchor Editor

The options in the context menu are:

Update Setpoint
The new Setpoint ( ) for the anchor will be located on the location of
the Anchor Editor cursor (see page 28).
Move with Tug
Select which AHT will be instructed to (re-)locate the anchor. Only the
available AHTs are listed; an AHT that is busy with (re-)locating
another anchor will not be displayed until that AHT is finished.
Move Now
The status of the anchor can be changed from any status to anchor
down ( ) instantly. The Setpoint location for the anchor will be moved
to the new anchor location.
Retrieve with Tug
Select which AHT will be instructed to retrieve the anchor. Only the
available AHTs are listed; an AHT that is busy with (re-)locating
another anchor will not be displayed until that AHT is finished.
The status of the anchor can be changed from any status to anchor up
( ) instantly. The anchor will be located on the Pontoon.
The status of the anchor can be changed from any status to anchor
down ( ) instantly. The Setpoint location for the anchor will not be
moved to the new anchor location.

6.2 Preparing an Anchor Pattern

Before the anchor can be moved an anchor pattern has to be prepared.
The Setpoint for each anchor has to be defined. To enter the Setpoints
and to display the Setpoints in the Plan View two possible methods are
1. Enter the Setpoints in the Tools Settings (see below).
2. Define the Setpoints interactive in the Plan View (see page 27).

26 Acquisition Onboard Pontoon Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

6.2.1 Setpoints in Tools Settings
Tools Settings can be open In the Tools Settings in the Acquisition or in the Tools page of the vessel
with the menu item Tools > configuration (see page 8) the coordinates of the Setpoints can be
Tools Settings. entered. This way of updating the Setpoints can be used when pre-
defined coordinates are available.

Figure 6-3 Anchor Definition in the Tools Settings

This page can also be used to re-locate the anchors to a new pre-defined
location in the Plan View. Enter the New Easting/Northing for the new

6.2.2 Define Setpoints in Plan View

The Anchor Editor button ( )has to be selected in the toolbar of the Plan
View, before Setpoints can be defined.
Double click on a Setpoint anchor ( ) or any anchor with an anchor down
icon ( ) and the Easting, Northing, Distance and Bearing from the
fairlead offset point to the anchor editor cursor is displayed.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Acquisition Onboard Pontoon 27

Figure 6-4 The information of the Setpoint is displayed

The Setpoint of the anchor can now be moved to any location in the Plan
View with the mouse by keeping the left mouse button pressed. To accept
the new Setpoint location for the anchor open the context menu with a
right mouse click and select Update Setpoint. The Setpoint is now

relocate to the new location. Always use the Setpoint anchor to re-locate
to a new Setpoint.

Figure 6-5 Select Update Setpoint to set the new Setpoint location

28 Acquisition Onboard Pontoon Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

Figure 6-6 The new Setpoint location

When the Setpoint for each anchor is moved from the previous location to
the new Setpoint location then the situation will look like as in the example

Figure 6-7 All anchors down and all with their Setpoint location

An option is available to measure the distance and bearing from a new

location to the selected location instead of from the fairlead offset to the
selected location. Select an anchor location (can be the Setpoint or the
anchor location) so is visible. Click now with the mouse in the Plan
View and a black line is drawn from that location to the selected location
and the distance and bearing is given (see below).

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Acquisition Onboard Pontoon 29

Figure 6-8 Distance and bearing measure from the end of the black line to
the Setpoint location

6.3 Anchor Drop/Pick Up by Pontoon

This method can be used by a self-propelled anchor Pontoon to drop all
anchors by herself and there is no requirement for or the availability of an
Activate the Anchor Editor, double click on an anchor on the Pontoon and
select in the context menu the option Move Now. The status of the anchor
will immediately change and the icon will change too.

Figure 6-9 Select the option Move Now to drop the anchor

30 Acquisition Onboard Pontoon Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

Figure 6-10 The anchors is dropped while the Pontoon is moving

The yellow line is the closest distance between the fairlead offset point
onboard the Pontoon and the anchor position and is an indication of the
existing anchor wire.
For collecting the anchor change the status manually in Up by selecting
Up in the context menu.

6.4 Anchor Pick Up by AHT

When a free AHT has to pick up an anchor from the Pontoon, double click
on the proposed anchor location (the Setpoint) of the anchor and open
the context menu with a right click. Select in the context menu Move with
Tug, select an available AHT and the anchor onboard the Pontoon will
change from to anchor movement request .

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Acquisition Onboard Pontoon 31

Figure 6-11 Select Move with Tug and select one of the available AHTs to
make a request

Figure 6-12 Change from to anchor movement request

32 Acquisition Onboard Pontoon Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

The AHT has now to acknowledge the anchor instruction. When the AHT
has done this the anchor will change from to .
Then when the AHT has the anchor onboard and is moving, the AHT
must confirm that it is moving the anchor. At that time the anchor will be
placed onboard the AHT at the anchor attachment offset. The position of
the anchor is now the position of the AHT. The anchor onboard the AHT
will change from to .

Figure 6-13 The AHT is now moving the anchor to the Setpoint

When the AHT drops the anchor at the proposed anchor location
(Setpoint) it must inform the Pontoon by changing the status of the anchor
onboard the AHT. The anchor will change from to when the anchor
is on the bottom.

Figure 6-14 The anchor is dropped by the AHT

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Acquisition Onboard Pontoon 33

7 Acquisition Onboard AHT

7.1 Introduction
In the Acquisition onboard the AHT at least a Plan View (see page 21)
and the Anchor Handling Control view (see page 23) should be opened
before the AHT can be started with the anchor handling.
The AHT responds to commands of the Pontoon and updates the status
of the anchor that will be re-located. To update the status the Anchor
Handling Control view has to be used. This control view is used by the tug
master to acknowledge to the Pontoon that an anchor will be re-located,
that the AHT has picked up the anchor and that the AHT has re-located
the anchor.
When during the process the Pontoon decides to (re-)locate a different
anchor the tug master must click on the and the anchor handling
re-locating sequence will be aborted and reset to the start of another re-
locating sequence.
The tug master has to use the mouse to click on the icons in the Anchor
Handling Control view to respond and inform the Pontoon.

7.2 Sequence Anchor Movement Operation

Figure 7-1 Anchor Handling Control view with the anchor movement

By default this series of icons is always visible in the view. When none of
the icons is highlighted no anchor handling is required.

When the Pontoon is requesting an anchor re-location the following

control view is displayed. In the Plan View one of the anchors should be
changed to .

Figure 7-2 Anchor Handling Control view when the Pontoon sends a request
to re-locate an anchor

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Acquisition Onboard AHT 35

The tug master must click on the highlighted icon to acknowledge and
proceed to this anchor. In the Plan View a way-line from the AHT to the
current anchor location will be shown and the anchor will change from
to .
When the tug master has clicked on the highlighted icon in the control
view the view will change to the following view.

Figure 7-3 Anchor Handling Control view when the AHT has acknowledged
the request

When the AHT has picked up the anchor and is ready to re-locate the
anchor the tug master clicks on the highlighted icon in the control view. A
new way-line from the AHT to the Setpoint anchor will be shown and the
anchor will change from to .
When the tug master has clicked on the highlighted icon in the control
view the view will change to the following view.

Figure 7-4 Anchor Handling Control view when the AHT has picked up the

After sailing to the Setpoint anchor point the anchor is dropped and the
tug master clicks on the highlighted icon in the control view. The anchor
will change from to . The anchor is dropped and the Anchor
Handling Control view will have no highlighted icons anymore (see Figure
7-1 on page 35).

7.3 Sequence Anchor Retrieve Operation

When the Pontoon is requesting to retrieve an anchor the following
control view is displayed. In the Plan View one of the anchors should be
changed to .

Figure 7-5 Anchor Handling Control view when the Pontoon sends a request
to retrieve an anchor

The tug master must click on the highlighted icon to acknowledge and
proceed to this anchor. In the Plan View a way-line from the AHT to the
current anchor location will be shown and the anchor will change from
to .
When the tug master has clicked on the highlighted icon in the control
view the view will change to the following view.

36 Acquisition Onboard AHT Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

Figure 7-6 Anchor Handling Control view when the AHT has acknowledged
the request

When the AHT has picked up the anchor and is ready to bring the anchor
back to the Pontoon the tug master clicks on the highlighted icon in the
control view. A new way-line from the AHT to the Setpoint anchor will be
shown and the anchor will change from to .
When the tug master has clicked on the highlighted icon in the control
view the view will change to the following view.

Figure 7-7 Anchor Handling Control view when the AHT has picked up the

After sailing to the anchor offset point onboard the Pontoon the anchor
will jump onboard the Pontoon and the tug master clicks on the
highlighted icon in the control view. The anchor will change from to .
The anchor is dropped onboard the Pontoon and the Anchor Handling
Control view will have no highlighted icons anymore.

Figure 7-8 Anchor Handling Control view with no highlighted icons

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Acquisition Onboard AHT 37

8 Appendix

8.1 Introduction
In this appendix several items will be explained or listed which are
relevant or can be needed for the anchor handling operation.
Data logging anchor handling (see below)
Fairlead left/right limits (see page 41)
Equipment setup Pontoon with 2 radio frequencies (see page 43)
Equipment setup Pontoon with 1 radio frequency (see page 44)
PDS2000 configuration with 2 radio frequencies (see page 45)
PDS2000 configuration with 1 radio frequency (see page 46)

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Appendix 39

8.2 Data Logging Anchor Handling
During the anchor handling data will be logged into an ASCII file. This file
can be found in the LogData directory of the anchor handling project
onboard the Pontoon.
The name of the file is Acquistion_ANCHORS_yyyymmdd.log
The file can be copied and printed while being online using the Windows
Explorer. It will not be necessary to stop the Acquisition. Below is an
example extracted from a log data file.
11:01:08.671 : Status anchor:"3" changed to:"Tug move req." Move request for tug:"Tug1"
Set Point:59745.40E 446682.29N
11:01:17.159 : Status anchor:"3" changed to:"Tug move ack" Acknowledge from tug:"Tug1"
11:01:53.772 : Status anchor:"1" changed to:"Tug retrieve req." Retrieve request for
tug:"Tug2" Set Point:59867.54E 446654.22N
11:02:04.760 : Status anchor:"1" changed to:"Tug retrieve ack" Retrieve acknowledge from
11:08:12.459 : Status anchor:"1" changed to:"Moving" Pickup with tug:"Tug3"
11:10:42.949 : Status anchor:"1" changed to:"Moving" Pickup with tug:"Tug1"
11:24:21.076 : Status anchor:"3" changed to:"Down" Position:59745.40E 446682.29N
11:26:02.049 : Status anchor:"1" changed to:"Down" Position:59867.54E 446654.22N
11:59:44.551 : Status anchor:"4" changed to:"Tug retrieve req." Retrieve request for
tug:"Tug1" Set Point:59686.00E 446653.00N
11:59:52.344 : Status anchor:"2" changed to:"Tug retrieve req." Retrieve request for
tug:"Tug2" Set Point:59785.11E 446559.33N
12:00:01.195 : Status anchor:"4" changed to:"Tug retrieve ack" Retrieve acknowledge from
12:00:30.898 : Status anchor:"2" changed to:"Tug retrieve ack" Retrieve acknowledge from
12:11:06.912 : Status anchor:"4" changed to:"Retrieving" Retrieve with tug:"Tug1"
12:18:09.150 : Status anchor:"4" changed to:"Up"
12:18:32.398 : Status anchor:"2" changed to:"Retrieving" Retrieve with tug:"Tug2"
12:27:33.398 : Status anchor:"2" changed to:"Up"
15:31:36.845 : Status anchor:"1" changed to:"Tug move req." Move request for tug:"Tug1"
Set Point:59853.75E 446617.29N
15:47:30.974 : Status anchor:"1" changed to:"Tug move ack" Acknowledge from tug:"Tug1"
15:47:42.949 : Status anchor:"1" changed to:"Moving" Pickup with tug:"Tug1"
15:52:42.631 : Status anchor:"1" changed to:"Down" Anchor Drop - Position:59852.01E

As can be seen from this log data file between 11:01 and 11:26 anchors 1
and 3 are moved, between 11:59 and 12:27 anchors 2 and 4 are retrieved
and between 15:31 and 15:52 anchor 1 is moved again.
This file can be printed for filing purposes or handed over to the client
upon request.

40 Appendix Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

8.3 Fairlead Left/Right Limits
In the Tools page it is optional to enter left/right fairlead limits. When
these limits are entered an alarm will be generated when an anchor
exceeds the pre-defined Left/Right Fairlead Limits.
In the Tools page appropriate limits (green zones) for all fairleads can be

Figure 8-1 Tools Settings in the Acquisition with the left/right fairlead limits

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Appendix 41

The following picture will explain how the values has to be seen in relation
to the Pontoon.
0 deg

315 45


1 2

270 deg 90 deg

4 3

255 105

225 135

180 deg
Figure 8-2 Fairlead limits on the Pontoon

42 Appendix Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

8.4 Equipment Setup Pontoon 2 Radio Frequencies

1 2 1 2 3 1 2
Vessel Position AHT1 over Radio (out)
Anchor Handling Control (anchor) Vessel Position Pontoon over Radio (out)
6 4 5 Remote Vessel over Radio (RVOR)
6 Remote Vessel over Radio (RVOR)
4 5 7
Vessel Position Pontoon over Radio (out) Anchor Handling Control (anchor)
AHT 1 Vessel Position AHT2 over Radio (out) Pontoon AHT 2

Figure 8-3 Equipment setup with 2 radio frequencies

Onboard the Pontoon for each AHT a separate radio frequency is used.
Next to the standard ports used for the DGPS, Gyro and MRU (optional)
onboard the Pontoon two (com) ports are used for the radio link.
In the figure and the text below the port numbers are only an example.
Pontoon uses (radio frequency 1 and 2)
Port 4 to send the anchor commands / information to AHT 1
Port 4 to receive vessel information / status / location of the
anchors re-located by AHT 1
Port 4 to send vessel information of the Pontoon to AHT 1
Port 4 to send vessel information / status of other AHTs to AHT 1
Port 5 to send the anchor commands / information to AHT 2
Port 5 to receive vessel information / status / location of the
anchors re-located by AHT 2
Port 5 to send vessel information of the Pontoon to AHT 2
Port 5 to send vessel information / status of other AHTs to AHT 2
AHT 1 uses (radio frequency 1)
Port 6 to receive the anchor handling commands / information from
the Pontoon
Port 6 to send status / location of the anchors re-located by AHT 1
Port 6 to receive vessel information of the Pontoon
Port 6 to receive vessel information / status of other AHTs via the
Port 6 to send vessel information of AHT 1 to the Pontoon
AHT 2 uses (radio frequency 2)
Port 7 to receive the anchor handling commands / information from
the Pontoon
Port 7 to send status / location of the anchors re-located by AHT 2
Port 7 to receive vessel information of the Pontoon
Port 7 to receive vessel information / status of other AHTs via the
Port 7 to send vessel information of AHT 2 to the Pontoon

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Appendix 43

8.5 Equipment Setup Pontoon 1 Radio Frequency

1 2 1 2 3 1 2

Anchor Handling Control (anchor) Vessel Position Pontoon over Radio (out)
6 5 5 Remote Vessel over Radio (RVOR)
6 Remote Vessel over Radio (RVOR)
5 5 7
Vessel Position Pontoon over Radio (out) Anchor Handling Control (anchor)
AHT 1 Pontoon AHT 2

Figure 8-4 Equipment setup with 1 radio frequency

Onboard the Pontoon for all the AHTs the same radio frequency is used.
Next to the standard ports used for the DGPS, Gyro and MRU (optional)
onboard the Pontoon one (com) port is used for the radio link.
In the figure and the text below the port numbers are only an example.
Pontoon uses (radio frequency 1)
Port 5 to send the anchor commands / information to the AHTs
Port 5 to receive vessel information / status / location of the
anchors re-located by the AHTs
Port 5 to send vessel information of the Pontoon to the AHTs
AHT 1 uses (radio frequency 1)
Port 6 to receive the anchor handling commands / information from
the Pontoon
Port 6 to send status / location of the anchors re-located by AHT 1
Port 6 to receive vessel information of the Pontoon and other AHTs
AHT 2 uses (radio frequency 1)
Port 7 to receive the anchor handling commands / information from
the Pontoon
Port 7 to send status / location of the anchors re-located by AHT 2
Port 7 to receive vessel information of the Pontoon and other AHTs

44 Appendix Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

8.6 PDS2000 Configuration 2 Radio Frequencies
A configuration example is given with a Pontoon, 2 AHTs and 2 radio
AHT 1 Pontoon AHT 2
Configuration Configuration Configuration
AHT 1 Devices: Pontoon Devices: AHT 2 Devices:
- Heading (optional) - Heading (optional) - Heading (optional)
- Anchor Handling Device - Anchor Handling Device - Anchor Handling Device
(freq. 1) (freq. 1) (freq. 2)
- Vessel Position over - Anchor Handling Device - Vessel Position over
Radio (freq. 2) Radio
(output radio freq. 1) - Vessel Position over (output radio freq. 2)
(output radio freq. 1)
- Vessel Position over
(output radio freq. 2)
Tools: Tools: Tools:
- Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling
enabled enabled enabled
- Handling Tug mode - Anchor Pontoon mode - Handling Tug mode
Pontoon Devices: AHT 1 Devices: Pontoon Devices:
- Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over
Radio Radio Radio
(input radio freq. 1) (input radio freq. 1) (input radio freq. 2)
Tools: Tools: Tools:
- Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling
enabled enabled enabled
- Anchor Pontoon mode - Handling Tug mode - Anchor Pontoon mode
AHT 2 Devices: AHT 2 Devices: AHT 1 Devices:
- Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over
Radio Radio Radio
(input radio freq. 1) (input radio freq. 2) (input radio freq. 2)
Tools: Tools: Tools:
- Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling
enabled enabled enabled
- Handling Tug mode - Handling Tug mode - Handling Tug mode
For Vessel Position over Radio it is very important that the vessel names
in all configurations are the same, because this protocol works with name
matching when passing messages from one vessel to another vessel.

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Appendix 45

8.7 PDS2000 Configuration 1 Radio Frequency
A configuration example is given with a Pontoon, 2 AHTs and 1 radio
AHT 1 Pontoon AHT 2
Configuration Configuration Configuration
AHT 1 Devices: Pontoon Devices: AHT 2 Devices:
- Heading (optional) - Heading (optional) - Heading (optional)
- Anchor Handling Device - Anchor Handling Device - Anchor Handling Device
(freq. 1) (freq. 1) (freq. 1)
- Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over
Radio Radio Radio
(output radio freq. 1) (output radio freq. 1) (output radio freq. 1)
Tools: Tools: Tools:
- Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling
enabled enabled enabled
- Handling Tug mode - Anchor Pontoon mode - Handling Tug mode
Pontoon Devices: AHT 1 Devices: Pontoon Devices:
- Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over
Radio Radio Radio
(input radio freq. 1) (input radio freq. 1) (input radio freq. 1)
Tools: Tools: Tools:
- Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling
enabled enabled enabled
- Anchor Pontoon mode - Handling Tug mode - Anchor Pontoon mode
AHT 2 Devices: AHT 2 Devices: AHT 1 Devices:
- Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over - Vessel Position over
Radio Radio Radio
(input radio freq. 1) (input radio freq. 1) (input radio freq. 1)
Tools: Tools: Tools:
- Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling - Anchor Handling
enabled enabled enabled
- Handling Tug mode - Handling Tug mode - Handling Tug mode
For Vessel Position over Radio it is very important that the vessel names
in all configurations are the same, because this protocol works with name
matching when passing messages from one vessel to another vessel.

46 Appendix Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling

Plan View General Dredge Operation - 4, 21
Pontoon - 5, 6, 7, 32

Index Radio Frequency - 7, 15, 45, 46, 47, 48

Remote Vessel Over Radio Vessel Position
Over Radio Device - 10, 18

Setpoint - 23, 28, 29, 30, 33, 35, 38, 39

A Tools - 8, 11, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 29, 43
AHT - 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 24, 33
Anchor Attachment Offset - 11, 16 V
Anchor Attachment Point - 9, 14
Anchor Editor - 23, 27, 29, 32 Vessel Configuration - 3, 5, 6, 9, 14, 17
Anchor Handling - 1, 4, 21, 27, 37, 42 Vessel Layer - 21
Anchor Handling Anchor Handling Control
Device - 7, 15, 23
Anchor Handling Control View - 4, 24, 37, 38
Anchor Handling Layer - 22
Anchor Handling Tug - 1
Anchor Locations - 6, 17
Anchor Pattern - 21, 22, 27, 29
ASCII File - 42

Configuration - 3, 5, 13, 47, 48

Equipment - 7, 10, 15, 18

Fairlead Limits - 8, 43
Fairlead Offset - 6, 8, 17

Geometry - 6, 9, 14, 17

Log Data File - 42

Output Vessel Position Over Radio Device - 7,

Plan View - 21, 27, 29

Teledyne PDS - Anchor Handling Index 47

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