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An Introduction
to Wavelets
Amara Graps

analyze according to scale. Indeed, some researchers feel that using

wavelets means adopting a whole new mind-set or perspective in process-
ing data.
Wavelets are functions that satisfy certain mathematical requirements
and are used in representing data or other functions. This idea is not new.
Approximation using superposition of functions has existed since the
early 18OOs, when Joseph Fourier discovered that he could superpose
sines and cosines to represent other functions. However, in wavelet analy-
sis, the scale that we use to look a t data plays a special role. Wavelet algo-
rithms process data at different scales or resolutions. If we look at a signal
(or a function) through a large window, we would notice gross features.
Wavelets were developed Similarly, if we look a t a signal through a small window, we would no-
independently by tice small features. T h e result in wavelet analysis is to see both the forest
and the trees, so to speak.
mathematicians, quantum This makes wavelets interesting and useful. For many decades scientists
physicists, electrical have wanted more appropriate functions than the sines and cosines,
which are the basis of Fourier analysis, to approximate choppy signals.
engineers, and geologists, By their definition, these functions are nonlocal (and stretch out to infin-
but collaborations among ity). They therefore do a very poor job in approximating sharp spikes. But
with wavelet analysis, we can use approximating functions that are con-
these fields during the tained neatly in finite domains. Wavelets are wtll-suited for approximat-
last decade have led to ing data with sharp discontinuities.
T h e wavelet analysis procedure is to adopt a wavelet prototype function,
new and varied called an analyzing wavelet or mother wavelet. Temporal analysis is per-
applications. What are formed with a contracted, high-frequency version of the prototype wavelet,
while frequency analysis is performed with a dilated, low-frequency version
wavelets, and why might of the same wavelet. Because the original signal or function can be repre-
they be useful to you? sented in terms of a wavelet expansion (using coefficients in a linear combi-

.: An earlier version of this article will appear in the O@id Sczewtzfic d? Enginerring Applications of the
:Ilizcintush 1991 Cuiference CD-ROiI.1, MacSciTech, Worcester, Mass., 1995.

50 1070-9924/95/$4.000 1995 IEEE IEEE COMPUTATIONAL

nation of the wavelet functions), data operations to the notion of scale analysis. That is, analyz-
can be performed using just the corresponding ing A x ) by creating mathematical structures
wavelet coefficients. And if you further choose that vary in scale. How? Construct a function,
the wavelets best adapted to your data, or trun- shift it by some amount, and change its scale.
cate the coefficients below a threshold, your data Apply that structure in approximating a signal.
are sparsely represented. This sparse coding Now repeat the procedure. Take that basic
makes wavelets an excellent tool in the field of structure, shift it, and scale it again. Apply it to
data compression. the same signal to get a new approximation.
Other applied fields that are using wavelets in- And so on. It turns out that this sort of scale
clude astronomy, acoustics, nuclear engmeering, analysis is less sensitive to noise because i t
sub-band coding, signal and image processing, measures the average fluctuations of the signal
neurophysiology, music, magnetic resonance a t different scales.
imaging, speech discrimination, optics, fractals, T h e first mention of wavelets appeared in an
turbulence, earthquake prediction, radar, human appendix to the thesis of A. Haar (1909). One
vision, and pure mathematics applications such property of the Haar wavelet is that it has com-
as solving partial differential equations. pact mpport, which means that it vanishes out-
side of a finite interval. Unfortunately, Haar
Historical perspective wavelets are not continuously differentiable,
In the history of mathematics, wavelet analysis which somewhat limits their applications.
has many different origins.* Much of the work
was performed in the 1930s and, at the time, the The 1930s
separate efforts did not appear to be parts of a In the 1930s several groups working indepen-
coherent theory. dently researched the representation of functions
using scale-varying basis finctions. Understanding
Pre-1930 the concepts of basis functions and scale-varying
Before 1930, the main branch of mathematics basis functions is key to understanding wavelets;
leading to wavelets began with Joseph Fourier the sidebar on the next page provides a short de-
(1807) and his theories of frequency analysis, now tour lesson for those interested.
often referred to as Fourier synthesis. H e asserted By using a scale-varying basis function called
that any 2n-periodic functionfix) is the sum the Haar basis function (more on this later) Paul
Levy, a 1930s physicist, investigated Brownian
ao+C(akcoskx+bksinkx) motion, a type of random signal.* H e found the
k=l Haar basis function superior to Fourier basis
functions for studyng small complicated details
of its Fourier series, where the coefficients ao, in the Brownian motion.
ak, and b k are calculated by Another 1930s research effort by Littlewood,
Paley, and Stein involved computing the energy
of a functionfix):

T h e computation produced different results if

the energy was concentrated around a few
points or distributed over a larger interval. This
result disturbed the scientists because it indi-
cated that energy might not be conserved. T h e
researchers discovered a function that can vary
Fouriers assertion played an essential role in in scale and can conserve energy when comput-
the evolution of the ideas mathematicians had ing the functional energy. Their work provided
about functions. H e opened up the door to a David Marr with an effective algorithm for nu-
new functional universe. merical image processing using wavelets in the
After 1807, by exploring the meaning of func- early 1980s.
tions, Fourier series convergence, and orthogo-
nal systems, mathematicians gradually were led 1960-1 980
from their previous .notion of fieqziency analysis Between 1960 and 1980, the mathematicians


(;uitlo \\'eiss and Ronald R. Coifinan studied quitous for both the analytic and numerical so-
the simplest elements of a function space, called lution of differential equations and for the
crtowrs, with the goal of finding the a t o m for a analysis and treatment of communication sig-
coininon function and finding the assembly nals. Fourier analysis and wavelet analysis have
rules that allow the reconstruction of all the ele- some v e q strong links.
ments of the function space using these atoms.
In 1980, Grossman and Morlet, a physicist and Fourier transforms
an engineer, broadly defined wavelets in the T h e Fourier transform's utility lies in its abil-
contest of quantum physics. These t w o re- ity to analyze a signal in the time donlain for its
searchers provided a way of thinking about frequency content. T h e transform works by first
wavelets based on physical intuition. translating a function in the time doinain into a
function in the frequency domain. T h e signal
Post-1980 can then be analyzed for its frequency content
In 1985, Stephane Alallat p v e wavelets an ad- because the Fourier coefficients of the trans-
ditional jump-start through his work in digital formed function represent the contribution of
signal processing. H e discovered some relation- each sine and cosine function a t each frequency.
ships between quadrature inirror filters, pyrami- An inverse Fourier transform does just what
dal algorithms, and orthonormal wavelet bases you'd expect, transform datn from the frequency
(more on these later). Inspired in part by these domain into the time domain.
results, Y. Aleyer constructed the first nontrivial
wavelets. Unlike Haar wavelets, Meyer wavelets Discrete Fourier transforms
are continuously differentiable; however, they T h e discrete Fourier transform (DFT) esti-
do not have compact support. A couple of years mates the Fourier transform of a function from
later, Ingrid Daubechies used Mallat's work to a finite number of its sampled points. T h e sam-
construct a set of wavelet orthonormal basis pled points are supposed to be vpical of what
functions that are perhaps the most elegant, and the signal looks like at all other tirnes.
have become the cornerstone of wavelet appli- T h e D F T has sjmmetr) properties almost ex-
cations today. actly the same as the continuous Fourier trans-
form. In addition, the formula for the inverse
Fourier analysis discrete Fourier transform is easily calculated us-
Fourier's representation of functions as a super- ing the one for the discrete Fourier transform
position of sines and cosines has become ubi- because the W O formulas arc almost identical.

. Detour: What Are Basis Functions?

It is simpler to explain a basis function if we move out of ment that they be orthogonal. How?By choosing the appro-
the realm of analog (functions) and into the realm of digital priate combination of sine and cosine function terms whose
(vectors).' inner product adds up to zero. The particular set of functions
Every two-dimensional vector (x, y) is a combinationof the vec- that are orthogonal and that construct f ( x ) are our orthogonal
tor (1,O) and (0,l). These two vectors are the basis vectors for (x, basis functions for this problem.
y). Why? Notice that x multipliedby (1, 0) is the vector (x, 0), and
y multiplied t q (0,l) is the vector (0, y). The sum is (x, y). What are scale-varying basis functions?
The best basis vectors have the valuable extra property that A basis function varies in scale by chopping up the same
the vectors are perpendicular, or orthogonal to each other. For function or data space using different scale sizes. For example,
the basis vector (1,O) and (0, l), this criterion is satisfied. imagine we have a signal over the domain from 0 to 1. We can
Now let's go back to the analog world, and see how to re- divide the signal with two step functions that range from 0 to
late these concepts to basis functions. Instead of the vector (x, 1/ 2 and 1/2 to 1. Then we can divide the original signal again
y) we have a function f(x). Imagine that f(x) is a musical tone, using four step functions from 0 to 114, 114 to 112, 1/2to 3/4,
say the note A in a particular octave. We can construct A by and 3/4 to 1. And so on. Each set of representations codes the
adding sines and cosines using combinations of amplitudes original signal with a particular resolution or scale.
and frequencies. The sines and cosines are the basis functions
in this example, and the elements of Fourier synthesis. For the Reference
sines and cosines chosen, we can set the additional require- 1. C. Strang, "Wavelets," American Scientist,Vol. 82, 1992, pp. 250-255.

Windowed Fourier transforms
IfJt) is a nonperiodic siLgnal,the summation of
the periodic functions (sine and cosine) does not
accurately represent the signal. You could artifi-
cially extend the signal to make it periodic but it
would require additional continuity at the end-
points. The windowed Fourier transform (um
is one solution to the problem of better repre-
senting the notiperiodic signal. The UFT can be
used to give information about signals simultane-
- Figure 1. Fourier
basis functions,
tiles, and cover-
age of the

ously in the time and frequency domains.

\Zith t h e UFT, the input signalf(t) is
chopped up into sections, and each section is
analyzed for its frequency content separately. If lime
the signal has sharp transitions, we window the
input data so that the sections converge to zero
at the endpoints3 This windowing is accom-
plished via a weight function that places less basis functions are localized in frequency, mak-
emphasis near the intervals endpoints than in ing mathematical tools such as power spectra
the middle. The effect of the window is to local- (how much power is contained in a frequency
ize the signal in time. interval) and scalegrams (to be defined below)
useful a t picking out frequencies and calculating
Fast Fourier transforms power distributions.
To approximate a function by samples, and to
approximate the Fourier integral by the discrete Dissimilarities
Fourier transform, requires applying a matrix T h e most interesting dissimilarity between
whose order is the number of sample points 11. these two kinds of transforms is that individual
Since multiplying an 71 x 11 matrix by a vector costs wavelet functions are lornlized in space. Fourier
on the order of n1 arithmetic operations, the prob- sine and cosine functions are not. This localiza-
lem gets quickly worse as the number of sample tion feature, along with wavelets localization of
points increases. However, if the samples are uni- frequency, makes many functions and operators
formly spaced, then the Fourier matrix can be fac- using wavelets sparse when transformed into
tored into a product of just a few sparse matrices, the wavelet domain. This sparseness, in turn,
and the resulting factors can be applied to a vector makes wavelets useful for a number of applica-
in a total of order 11 log 11 arithmetic operations. tions such as data compression, feature detection
.This is the so-called fast Fourier transform. in images, and noise removal from time series.
One way to see the time-frequenq resolution
Wavelet transforms versus Fourier differences between the two transforms is to
transforms look a t the basis function coverage of the
T h e fast Fourier transform ( F I T ) and the dis- time-frequency plane. Figure 1 shows ;I \\.in-
crete wavelet transform (DWT) are both linear dowed Fourier transform, where the window is
operations that generate a data structure con- simply a square wave. T h e square wave \ \ i n c h .
taining log2 iz segments of various lengths, usu- truncates the sine or cosine function t o fit ;I
ally filling and transforming it into a different window of a particular width. Because a single
data vector of h g t h 2. window is used for all frequencies in the \I=,
T h e mathematical properties of the matrices the resolution of the analysis is the satiie at all
involved in the transforms are similar as well. locations in the time-frequency plane.
The inverse transform mamx for both the FFT An advantage of wavelet transforms is that the
and the DWT is the transpose of the original. As windows vary. In order to isolate signal discon-
a result, both transforms can be viewed as a rota- tinuities, one would like to have some v e v short
tion in function space to a different domain. For basis functions. At the same time, in order to
the FFT, this new domain contains basis func- obtain detailed frequency analysis, one would
tions that are sines and cosines. For the wavelet like to have some very long basis functions. .A
transform, this new domain contains more com- way to achieve this is to .have short high-fre-
plicated basis functions called wavelets, mother quency basis functions and long low-frequenc?.
wavelets, or analyzing wavelets. ones. This happy medium is exactly what you
Both transforms have another similarity. T h e get with wavelet transforms. Figure 2 shows the

, , SUMMER 1995 53
coverage in the time-frequency plane with one What do some wavelets look like?
wavelet function, the Daubechies wavelet. Wavelet transforms comprise an infinite set.
O n e t h i n g to r e m e m b e r is t h a t wavelet T h e different wavelet families make different
transforms d o not have a single set of basis trade-offs between how compactly the basis
functions like the Fourier transform, which ud- functions are localized in space and how smooth
lizes just the sine and cosine functions. Instead, they are.
wavelet transforms have an infihite set of possi- Some of the wavelet bases have fractal struc-
ble basis functions. Thus wavelet analysis pro- ture. The Daubechies wavelet family is one ex-
vides immediate access to information that can ample (see Figure 3).
be obscured by other time-frequency methods Within each family of wavelets (such as the
such as Fourier analysis. Daubechies family) are wavelet subclasses dis-
tinguished by the number of coefficients and by
the level of iteration. Wavelets are classified
within a family most often by the irzimber of van-
ishing moments. This is an extra set of mathe-
Figure 2. matical relationships for the coefficients that
Daubechies tnust be satisfied, and is directly related to the
wavelet basis number of coefficients. For example, within
functions, n the Coiflet wavelet family are Coiflets with two
time-frequency vanishing moments, and Coiflets with three
tiles, and coverage vanishing moments. Figure 4 illustrates several
of the time-fre-
quency plane. t I different wavelet families.

Wavelet analysis
Now we begin our tour of wavelet theory, when
we analyze our signal in time for its frequency
content. Unlike Fourier analysis, in which we
analyze signals using sines and cosines, now we
use wavelet functions.

The discrete Wavelet transform

Time Dilations and translations of the mother func-
tion, or analyzing wavelet F(x), define an or-
thogonal basis, our wavelet basis function:


B 0.05 T h e variables s and I are integers that scale and


dilate the mother function (0 to generate a fam-
ily of discrete wavelets, such as a Daubechies

i :::0.01
1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500
wavelet family. T h e scale index s indicates the
wavelets width, and the location index I gives
its position. Notice that the mother functions
are rescaled, or dilated by powers of two, and
translated by integers. ilhat makes wavelet
i o bases especially interesting is the self-similarity
caused by the scales and dilations. Once we
-0.01 know about the mother functions, we know
everything about the basis.
To span our data domain a t different resolu-
tions, the analyzing wavelet @ is used in a scal-
ing equation:
Figure 3. The fractal self-similiarity of the Daubechies mother wavelet.
This figure was generated using the Wavelab command >wave=Make-
Wavelet(2, -4, Daubechies, 4, Mother, 2048). The inset figure was
created by zooming into the region x = 1,200 to 1,500.

0.06, I

0.04 -> 0.05
gf 0.02
t 0.01
-.01 g o
--o 500 lo00 1500 2ooo 2500 0 500 lo00 1500 2000 2500

0.05 0.08 I I



Figure 4. Several different families of wavelets. The nrfmber next to the wavelet name represents the
number of vanishing moments (a strhrgent mathematkal definition related to the number of wavelet co-
efficients) for the subclass of wavelet. These figures were generated using Wavelab.

where W(x) is the scaling function for the tiil-e mimol-f d t e r pail- in signal-processing par-
mother function a,and ch are the wavelet coefi- lance. A more detailed description of the trans-
cients. T h e wavelet coefficients must satisfy lin- formation matrix can be found elsewhere.+
ear and quadratic constraints of the form t T o complete our discussion of the DWT, lets
look at how the wavelet coefficient matrix is ap-
plied to the data vector. The matrix is applied in
a hierarchical algorithm, sometimes called a
pyramidal dgorithm. The wavelet coefficients are
arranged so that odd rows contain an ordering
where 6 is the delta function and I is the loca- of wavelet coefficients that act as the smoothing
tion index. filter, and the even rows contain an ordering of
One of the most useful features of wavelets is wavelet coefficients with different signs that act
the ease with which a scientist can choose the to bring out the datas detail. The matrix is first
defining coefficients for a given wavelet system applied to the original, full-length vector. Then
t o be adapted for a given problem. I n the vector is smoothed and halved, and the ma-
Daubechies original paper,6 she developed spe- trix is applied again. Then the smoothed, halved
cific families of wavelet systems that were very vector is smoothed, and halved again, and the
good for representing polynomial behavior. matrix applied once more. This process contin-
T h e Haar wavelet is even simpler, and is often ues until a trivial number of smooth-smooth-
used for educational purposes. smooth... data remain. That is, each matrix ap-
It is helpful to think of the coefficients {cO, .. .,
plication brings out a higher resolution of the
c,,) as a filter. T h e filter or coefficients are data while at the same time smoothing the re-
placed in a transformation matrix, which is ap- maining data. T h e output of the D U T consists
plied to a raw data vector. T h e coefficients are of the remaining smooth (etc.) components,
ordered using two dominant patterns, one that and all of the accumulated detail components.
works as a smoothing filter (like a moving aver-
age), and ,one pattern that works to bring out The fast wavelet transform
the datas detail information. These two or- T h e DWT matrix is not sparse in general, so
derings of the coefficients are called a padra- we face the same complexity issues that we pre-

1 SUMMER 1995 55

viously faced for the discrete Fourier transform. Gauss-Markov calculations, and the theoretical
W e solve it as we did for the FFT, by factoring dimension of a sequence.
the DWT into a product of a few sparse matri-
ces using self-similarity properties. The result is Waveet aPPications
an algorithm that requires only order n opera- T h e following applications show just a small
tions to transform to an n-sample vector. This is sample of what researchers can d o with
the fast D W T of Mallat and Daubechies. wavelets.

Wavelet packets Computer and human vision

T h e wavelet transform is actually a subset of a In the early 1980s, David LVarrbegan work a t
far more versatile transform, the wavelet packet MITs Amficial Intelligence Laboratory on artifi-
transform.8 cial vision for robots. He is an expert on the human
Wavelet packets are particular linear combi- visual system, and his goal was to learn why the
nations of wavelets. They form bases which re- first attempts to construct a robot capable of un-
tain many of the orthogonality, smoothness, derstanding its surroundings were unsuccessful.
and localization properties of their parent Marr believed that it was important to estab-
wavelets. T h e coefficients in the linear combi- lish scientific foundations for vision, and that
nations are computed by a recursive algorithm while doing so, one must limit the scope of in-
making each newly computed sequence of vestigation by excluding everything that de-
wavelet packet coefficients the root of its own pends on training, culture, and so on, and focus
analysis tree. on the mechanical or involuntary aspects of vi-
sion. This low-level vision is the part that en-
Adapted waveforms ables us to recreate the three-dimensional orga-
Because we have a choice among an infinite nization of the physical world around us from
set of basis functions, we may wish to find the the excitations that stimulate the retina. Marr
best basis function for a given representation of asked these questions:
a signal. A basis of adapted vauefoirn is the best
basis function for a gwen signal representation. + How is it possible to define the contours of
T h e chosen basis carries substantial information objects from variations in their light inten-
about the signal, and if the basis description is sity?
efficient (that is, very few terms in the expan- + How is it possible to sense depth?
sion are needed to represent the signal), then + How is movement sensed?
that signal information has been compressed.
According to Wickerhauser, some desirable H e then developed worlung algorithmic solu-
properties for adapted wavelet bases are tions to answer each of these questions.
Marrs theory was that image processing in
(1) speedy computation of inner products with the human visual system has a complicated hier-
the other basis functions; archical structure that involves several layers of
( 2 ) speedy superposition of the basis functions; processing. At each processing level, the retinal
( 3 ) good spatial localization, so researchers can system provides a visual representation that
identify the position of-a signal that is con- scales progressively in a geometrical manner.
tributing a large component; His arguments hinged on the detection of in-
(4) good frequency localization, so researchers tensity changes. H e theorized that intensity
can identify signal oscillations; and changes occur at different scales in an image, so
(5) independence, so that not too many basis el- that their optimal detection requires the use of
ements match the same portion of the signal. operators of different sizes. H e also theorized
that sudden intensity changes produce a peak or
For adapted waveform analysis, researchers trough in the first derivative of the image.
seek a basis in which the coefficients, when re- These two hypotheses require that a vision filter
arranged in decreasing order, decrease as have two characteristics: it should be a differen-
rapidly as possible. T o measure rates of de- tial operator, and it should be capable of being
crease they use tools from classical harmonic tuned to act a t any desired scale. Marrs opera-
analysis, including calculation of ii2formation cost tor is referred to today as a Marr wavelet.
finctions. This is defined as the expense of stor-
ing the chosen representation. Examples of such FBI fingerprint compression
functions include the number above a threshold, Between 1924 and today, the US Federal Bu-
concentration, entropy, logarithm of energy, reau of Investigation has collected about 30 mil-

lion sets of fingerprints.; T h e archive consists
mainly of inked impressions on paper cards.
Facsimile scans of the impressions are distrib-
uted among law enforcement agencies, but the
digitization quality is often low. Because a num-
ber of jurisdictions are experimenting with digi-
tal storage of the prints, incompatibilities be-
, tween data formats have recently become a
problem. This problem led to a demand in the
criminal-justice community for a digitization
and compression standard.
In 1993, the FBIs Criminal Justice Informa-
tion Services Division developed standards for
fingerprint digitization and compression in co-
operation with the National Institute of Stan- Figure 5. An FBI-digitized left thumb fingerprint. The image on the left
dards and Technology, Los Alamos National is the original; the one on the right is reconstructedfrom a 26:l com-
Laboratory, commercial vendors, and criminal- pression. These images can be retrieved by anonymous FTP at
justice communities. ftp.c3.lanl.gov ( the directory pub/WSQ/print-data.
Lets put the problem of storing the data of (Courtesy Chris Brislawn, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
digital fingerprints in perspective. Fingerprint
images are digitized at a resolution of 500 pixels
per inch with 256 levels of gray-scale informa- main features of the data set. T h e idea of thresh-
tion per pixel. A single fingerprint is about olding, then, is to set to zero all coefficients that
700,000 pixels and needs about 0.6 Mbytes to are less than a particular threshold. These coef-
store. A pair of hands, then, requires about 6 ficients are used in an inverse wavelet transfor-
Mbytes of storage. So digitizing the FBIs cur- mation to reconstruct the data set. Figure 6
rent archive would result in about 200 terabytes shows a pair of before and after illustrations
of data. (Notice also that at todays prices of of a nuclear magnetic resonance signal that has
about $900 per Gbyte for hard-disk storage, the been transformed, thresholded, and inverse-
cost of storing these uncompressed images transformed. T h e technique is a significant step
would be about $200 million.) Obviously, data
compression is important to bring these num-
bers down.
T h e data compression standard W S Q

:tMj.il.LLu 1
(Wavelgt/Scalar Quantization) implements a
hand-tuned custom wavelet basis developed af-
ter extensive testing on a collection of finger-
prints. T h e best compression ratio achieved
with these wavelets is 26:l (see Figure 5). 0

Denoising noisy data

In diverse fields, from planetary science to
molecular spectroscopy, scientists are faced with
the problem of recovering a true signal from in-
complete, indirect, or noisy data. Can wavelets
help solve this problem? T h e answer is certainly
yes, through a technique, called wavelet shyink-
age and thresholding, that David Donoho of
Stanford University has worked on for a num-
ber of years.
T h e technique works in the following way.
When you decompose a data set using wavelets,
you use filters that act as averaging filters, and
others that produce details. Some of the result- Figure 6.Before and after illustrations of a nuclear magnetic reso-
ing wavelet coefficients correspond to details in nance signal. The original signal is at the top, the denoised signal at the
the data set. If the details are small, they might bottom. (images courtesy David Donoho, Stanford University; NMR
be omitted without substantially affecting the data courtesy Adrian Maudsley, VA Medical Center, San Francisco)

SUMMER 1995 57


forward in handling noisy data because the de- examined a t different time resolutions remained
noising is carried out without smoothing out the same. Since one of the great strengths of
the sharp structures. T h e result is a cleaned-up wavelets is that they can process information ef-
signal that still shows important details. fectively at different scales, Scargle used a
Figure 7 displays a n image created by wavelet tool called a scalegram to investigate
Donoho of Ingrid Daubechies (an active re- the time series.
searcher in wavelet analysis and the inventor of Scargle defines a scalegram of a time series as
smooth orthonormal wavelets of compact sup- the average of the squares of the wavelet coeffi-
port), and then several close-up images of her cients at a given scale. Plotted as a function of
eye: an orignal, an image with noise added, and scale, it depicts much of the same information
finally a denoised image. To denoise the image as does the Fourier power spectrum plotted as a
Donoho function of frequency. Implementing the scale-
gram involves summing the product of the data
(1) transformed the image to the wavelet do- with a wavelet function, whereas implementing
main using Coiflets with three vanishing the Fourier power spectrum involves summing
moments, the data with a sine or cosine function. T h e for-
( 2 ) applied a threshold a t two standard devia- mulation of the scalegram makes it a more con-
tions, and venient tool than the Fourier transform because
(3) inverse-transformed the image to the signal certain relationships between the different time
domain. scales become easier to see and correct, such as
seeing and correcting for photon noise.
Detecting self-similar behavior in a time series T h e scalegram for the time series clearly
Wavelet analysis is proving to be a powerful showed the QPOs and VLFNs, and the investi-
tool for characterizing behavior, especially self- gators were able to calculate a power law to the
similar behavior, over a wide range of time frequencies. Subsequent simulations suggested
scales. that Sco X-1's luminosity fluctuations may be
I n 1993, Scargle and colleagues at NASA due to a chaotic accretion flow.
Ames Research Center and elsewhere investi-
gated the quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs) and Musical tones
very low frequency noise (VLFN) from an as- Victor Wickerhauser has suggested that
tronomical X-ray accretion source, Sco X-1, as wavelet packets could be useful in sound syn-
possibly being caused by the same physical phe- thesis.13 His idea is that a single wavelet packet
nomenon.12 Sco X-1 is part of a close binary generator could replace a large number of os-
star system in which one member is a late main cillators. Through experimentation, a musician
sequence star and the other member (Sco X-1) could determine combinations of wave packets
is a compact star generating bright X rays. T h e that produce especially interesting sounds.
causes for QPOs in X-ray sources have been ac- Wickerhauser feels that sound synthesis is a
tively investigated in the past, but other aperi- natural use of wavelets. Say you want to ap-
odic phenomena such as VLFNs have not been proximate the sound of a musical instrument. A
similarly linked in the models. Their Sco X-1 sample of the notes produced by the instru-
data set was an interesting 5-20 keV Exosat ment could be decomposed into wavelet packet
satellite time series consisting of a wide range of coefficients. Reproducing the note would then
time scales, from 2 ms to almost 10 hours. require reloading those coefficients into a
Galactic X-ray sources are often caused by wavelet packet generator and playing back the
the accretion of gas from one star to another in result. Transient characteristics such as attack
i ; a binary star system. T h e accreted object is usu- and decay-roughly, the intensity variations of
ally a compact, massive star such as a white how the sound starts and ends-could be con-
dwarf, neutron star, or black hole. Gas from the trolled separately (for example, with envelope
less massive star flows to the other star via an generators), or by using longer wave packets
accretion disk around the compact star (that is, and encoding those properties as well into each
a disk of matter around the compact star flow- note. Any of these processes could be con-
ing inward). T h e variable luminosities are trolled in real time, for example, by a keyboard.
caused by irregularities in the gas flow. T h e de- Notice that the musical instrument could just
tails of the gas flow are not well known. as well be a human voice, and the notes words
T h e researchers noticed that the luminosity or phonemes.
of Sco X-1 varied in a self-similar manner, that A wavelet-packet-based music synthesizer could
is, the statistical character of the luminosities store many complex sounds efficiently because

+ wavelet packet coefficients, like wavelet coef- Ingrid Daubechies Closeup
ficients, are mostly very small for digital sam- 1
ples of smooth signals; and
+ discarding coefficients below a predetermined
cutoff introduces only small errors when we
are compressing the data for smooth signals.

Similarly, a wavelet-packet-based speech syn-

thesizer could be used to reconstruct highly
compressed speech signals. Figure 8 illustrates a
wavelet musical tone, or toneburst.

Sources of information on wavelets

T h e amount of wavelets-related software is Noisy (closeup) _ - De-Noised (closeup)
growing. Many sources are on the Internet. If
you are looking for articles and preprints,
browse through some of the Internet sites listed
next. You may find papers in subdirectories
named /reports or /papers.

Stanford University
Wavelab is a Matlab wavelets library available
from Stanford statistics professors David Donoho
and Iain Johnstone, Stanford graduate students
Jonathan Buckheit and Shaobing Chen, and Jef-
frey Scargle at NASA Ames Research Center. Figure 7. Denoising an image of Ingrid Daubechies left eye. The top-
The software consists of roughly 600 scripts, M- left image i s the original. At top right i s a close-up image of her left eye.
files, Mex-files, data sets, self-running demonstra- At bottom left i s a close-up image with noise added. At bottom right is
tions, and on-line documentation, and can be re- a close-up image, denoised. The photograph of Daubechies was taken
trieved by anonymous FTP at playfair.stanford. at the 1993 AMS winter meetings with a Canon XapShot video still-
edu in /pub/wavelab. I am currently writing IDL frame camera. (Courtesy David Donoho)
versions of many of these procedures.
I used Wavelab to produce some of the fig-
>wave = MakeWavelet (0,0 , Haar, 4 ,
ures in this article. For example, to produce the
four wavFlets in Figure 4, I typed the following
>wave = MakeWavelet(2,-4,Symmlet,6,
commands in Wavelab:
>wave = MakeWavelet (2,-4,
Daubechies,6, WavBox is another Matlab wavelet toolbox
Mother,2048); from Stanford. Information on WavBox is avail-
>wave = MakeWavelet (2,-4,Coiflet, 3 , able by anonymous FTP from the directory
Mother,2048); /pub/taswell at the site simplicity.stanford.edu.

Figure 8. Wavelets for music: a graphical representation of a Wickerhauser toneburst. This screenshot of
the toneburst was taken while it was playing in the Macintosh commercial sound program Kaboom! Fac-
tory, and then converted into a Macintosh System 7 SFlL formatted file. (Toneburst courtesy Victor Wick-

SUMMERI 995 59

IRISA + http://www.mathsoft.com/wavelets.html
WaveLib is a C library of wavelet functions (Matlab wavelet resources)
developed by IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, + http://www.math.scarolina.edu:/-wavelet/
Rennes, France. It generates wavelets and fil- (back issues of the Wavelet Digest)
ters, performs wavelet transforms on I D and + http://www.best.com/-aagraps/current/
2 D signals, calculates e n t r o p y , performs wavelet.htm1 (my wavelet page)
thresholding, and so on. In addition, this pack-
age contains an interface with Matlab which
displays a decomposition of a signal in the Subscribing to the Wavelet Digest
time-frequency plane as well as other useful By subscribing to the Wavelet Digest youll
graphical wavelet displays. WaveLib is de- hear the latest announcements of available soft-
scribed in a technical r e p o r t available by ware, find out about errors in wavelet texts, find
anonymous FTP from /techreports/l 994/PI- out about wavelet conferences, learn answers to
964.ps.Z at the site ftp.irisa.fr. questions that you may have thought about, as
well as ask questions of the experts that read it.
Rice University T o subscribe, send e-mail to waveletamath.
T h e Computational Mathematics Laboratory scarolina.edu with subscribe as the subject. To
has made available wavelet software that can be unsubscribe, e-mail with unsubscribe followed
retrieved by anonymous FTP at cml.rice.edu by your e-mail address as subject. T o change
(, in /pub/software. your address, unsubscribe and resubscribe.
Preprints, references, and back issues can be
Yale University obtained from their information servers. You
T h e Mathematics Department has made can F T P a t ftp.math.scarolina.edu (/pub/
available wavelet software which can be re- wavelet) or contact the gopher server gopher.
trieved by anonymous FTP at pascal.math. math.scarolina.edu. T h e W e b address is listed
yale.edu (12 8.36.2 3 . l), in /pub/wavelets. above.

University of Missouri
Some wavelets educational software can be
found by anonymous F T P a t pandemonium.
physics.missouri.edu in the directory /pub/
M ost of basic wavelet theory has been
done. T h e mathematics have been worked out
in excruciating detail, and wavelet theory is now
Books with code in the refinement stage. This involves generaliz-
The book by Wickerhauser has C code. T h e ing and extending wavelets, such as in extending
book by Crandall has C and Mathematica wavelet packet techniques.
code. T h e tutorial by Vidakovic has Mathe- T h e future of wavelets lies in the as-yet un-
matica code. T h e second-edition book by charted territory of applications. Wavelet tech-
Press et al. has a brief section on wavelets with niques have not been thoroughly worked out in
Fortran or C code. such applications as practical data analysis,
where for example discretely sampled time-se-
Some WWW home pages ries data might need to be analyzed. Such appli-
A number of Internet sites have World Wide cations offer exciting avenues for exploration. +
W e b home pages displaying wavelet-related
topics. The following is just a sample.

+ http://www.c3 .lanl.gov/-brislawn/main.html
(Chris Brislawns fingerprint WSQ compres-
sion information) References
, http~//wwu,~mat.sbg~ac~at/-auh]/wav.ht ml 1. R. Crandall, pr@ects in Scientific Computation, Springer-
Verlag, New York, 1994, pp. 197-198,211-212.
(Department Of Mathematics, Uni- 2. Y. Meyer, Wavelets: Algorithm and Applications, Soc. for
versity) Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1993,
+ http://playfair.stanford.edu/-wavelab/w a v e - 3. PP. 301-105.

G. Kaiser, A Friendly Giiide to Wazdets, Birkhauser,

lab Matlab software) Boston, 1994, pp. 44-45.
+ http://www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/imager/contribu- 4. W. Press et al., Ntimerical Recipes in Foman, Cambridge
tions/bobl/wvlt/top.html (Univ. of British Univ. Press, New York, 1992, pp. 498499,584-602.
5. M. Vetterli and C. Herley, Uavelets and Filter Banks:
Columbia Computer Science Department) Theory and Design, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol.


40,1992, pp. 2,207-2,232. sient Chaos: A Dripping Handrail? AswophysicalJ., Vol.
6. I. Daubechies, Orthonormal Bases of Compactly Sup- 111, 1993, pp. LYl-L94.
ported Wavelets, Comm 072 Pure and Applied .Math., 13. M.V. Wickerhauser, Acoustic Signal Compression
Vol. 41, 1988, pp. 906-966. with Wave Packets, 1989. Available by anonymous
7. V. Wickerhauser, Adapted Wavelet Analyris from Theory FTP a t pascal.rnath.yale.edu, filename acoustic.tex.
t o Sofbare, A.K. Peters, Boston, 1994, pp. 213-214,
8. M.A. Cody, The Wavelet Packet Transform, Dr. Amara Graps is a computational physicist and consultant
Dubbk?.., Vol. 19, Apr. 1994, pp. 4446, $0-54. working on numerical analysis, scientific research, technical
9. J. Bradley, C . Brislawn, and T . Hopper, The FBI writing, and W site projects for companies as well as
WaveledScalar Quantization Standard for Gray-Scale government laboratories (hASA Ames) and universities
Fingerprint Image Compression, Tech. Report LA- (Stanford). Her work experience, primarily in astronomy,
UR-93-1659, Los Alamos Natl Lab, Los Alamos, astrophysics, and planetary science research, was gained
K.M., 1993. from her current cooperative agreement at NASA Ames,
10. D.L. Donoho, Nonlinear Wavelet Methods for Recov- where she has been associated for nine years, and previous
ery of Signals, Densities, and Spectra from Indirect and jobs a t the University of Colorado and a t the Jet Propulsion
Noisy Data, Different Perspectives on Uavelets, Proc. of Laboratory. She earned her BS in physics in 1984 from the
Symposid i72 Applied Mathematics, Vol. 47, I. Daubechies, University of California, Imine, and her hlS in physics (with
ed., Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, K.I., 1993, pp. computational physics option) in 1991 from San Jose State
173-205. University. She is currently writing the IDL version of a
11. B. Vidakovic and P. Muller, Wavelets for I d s , 1994, freeware Matlab wavelet algorithm package called btavelab,
unpublished. Available by F T P a t ftp.isds.duke.edu in a joint StanfordINASA Ames project.
directory /pub/brani/papers/wav4kids!i\-B].ps.Z. Graps can be reached at 22724 Majestic Oak Way, Cu-
1 2 . J. Scargle et al., The Quasi-Periodic Oscillations and pertino, CA 950 14; e-mail, agraps8netcom.com; or URL
Very Low Frequency Noise of Scorpius X-1 as Tran- http://www.best.com/-agraps/agraps.html.

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