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5 83
16 1
16.31 ITy~rrJdON NTMH oyT.i\.H.i\. IT I NN1 3 The gospel of truth is joy I for those who have re-
NT~Z.Xl mzM~T ~B~.i\.
Z"iTOOTq I MJTI(.UT NT ceived from I the Father of truth the grace of knowing him,
TMH. ~Tpoycoyc.uNq 1 ZN T6~M MTTJC9.X NT~Z"i I through the power of the Word that came forth from
35 B~.i\. ZN II ITITT.i\.HpC.UM~ IT1 TZN TTJMY 35 the pleroma, the one who is in the thought I and the
I oy~z~ TTINOYC NT TTIC.UT T I IT1 IT mind of the Father, that is, I the one who is addressed as I
TOYC9.X ~p~q .X. I ITCC.UTHp ITpN M<j>C.UB the Savior, (that) being the name of the work he is I to
T(jN~ 1 1q IT ~ITCC.UT NN1 NT~ZP perform{or the redemption of those who were I7.I igno-
1Zj17 II ~TCOYC.UN TTIC.UT TTip~N" ~~ [M] 1 ITy~rr.i\.ION rant of the Father, while the name [of] I the gospel is the
IT ITOYC.UNZ ~~B~.i\. NT tz.i\.JTIC IT61N IT
1 NN1 TKC.UT Ncc.uq
proclamation I of hope, being discovery I for those who
search for him. '
5 TTI.AH" II ITTHpq ~YK~TOY NC~ ITNT~y11 ~B~.i\.
When 5 the totality went about searching for the one I
NZHT(j ~yc.u NpITTH 1pq Z"i C~NZOYN MM~q TTI~T
from whom they had come forth - and the totality was I
10 tMNT 11 ~TC{'N'}oyc.uN TTIC.UT. ~Cp oyNoyc,yn I MN inside of him, the I incomprehensible, inconceivable one I
oyzpT ITNoyc,yn .a ~q 1 c.up.X MITPHT Noy- who is superior to every thought- 10 ignorance of the Fa-
Z.i\.~CTN K~~c .X N'9.i\.~Y NY 1 ~B~.i\. TB
1 ther brought about anguish I and terror; and the anguish I
15 IT1 ~c6M6~M 11 N6J TIT.i\.~NH" ~cp zc.us ~tZY.i\.H grew solid like a fog, I so that no one was able to see. I For
1 NTC ZNN oyiTTC90Y1T 1 MITccoyc.uN NtT- this reason error IS became powerful; it worked on its own
MNT1MH. ~cc,yc.uiT ZNN oyiT.i\.~CM~ 1 CC~BT ZN matter Ifoolishly, I not having known the truth. It set about
20 T6~M ZN oyMNT 11 C~1 NT.XBBJc.u NtTMNTIMH with a creation, I preparing with power and 20 beauty the
IT1 6 NY9BBIO Nq I N IT. TTI~TC9~ITw substitute for the truth. I
N~TMY 1 ~p~q NOY.i\.~Y r~p IT JTINoylc,yn MN
This was not, then, a humiliation for him, I the incom-
25 tsc,y MN TTIIT.i\.~CM~ II NT IT6~.i\. tMNTMH
prehensible, inconceivable one, I for they were nothing, the
T CM~NT. oy~Tc,yB<T>c T.
oy~T 1 c,yT~pTp T.
anguish and the oblivion and the creature 2 5 of deceit,
oy~T<T>C~1~C T. I TB IT1 K~T~<j>pONJ Nt-
while the established I truth is immutable, I imperturbable, ~
30 T1 T a MNTC 11 NOYN MMY ~cc,yc.uiT ZN
perfect in beauty. I For this reason, despise I error.
1 oyz.i\.~CTN mc.uT cc,yooiT 1 cc~BT. NZNp- Thus 3o it had no root; it fell into I a fog regarding the
roN MN ZN 1Bc,y MN ZNZPT C91N~ .}(. I ~B~.i\. ZN Father, while it was involved in I preparing works and I
35 N1 NCCC.UK NN~ 11 TMHT Ncp ~JXM~.i\.C.UTIZ MIM~Y oblivions and terrors, in order that I by means of these it
tsc,y NT tiT.i\.~NH NC 1 oy~Nz ~B~.i\. N" C01 might entice those 35 of the middle and capture I them.
aHj18 NNoy 11 [ .... ]N. z~TM mc.uT tsc,y N 1 r~cc,yc.uiT. N The oblivion of error was I not revealed. It is not a
Z~TM mc.uT JC9 1IT. NT~cc,yc.uiT 6 TBHHT(j 18 1
[ ] from the Father. Oblivion I did not come into ex-

5 1 ITTC9C.UIT NT~q NZHT(j IT mc~yiiN. IT1 istence from the Father, I although it did indeed come into
existence because of him. I But what comes into existence
17.1 The line begins with an angular filler(>). I TTJ<VT, rr written over q. I 10
c{'N'}oyruN MacRae I 17 Nt{T}MNTMH Till (ZNTV) lz6 oy~TgJB<T>c Till
(Or.) I 27 oy~T<T>c~1~C ed. pr. I 31 z.>..~CTN, N written over rr. I g)OOTT, <:9
probably written over another letter. I
18.1 oy[.xr p]N Grobe!: oy[~1N] eN Dubois I

NT}..qoyWNZ }..B}...i\.. '!JI 1N}.. NCBW.i\. }..B}...i\. N61 tB'!J
in him is knowledge, s which appeared in I order that
I }..yw mwT NCcoywNq TIJAH 1 NT}..C'!JWTI N6J oblivion might vanish I and the Father might be known.
tB'!J J( Nylc}..yN MTIIWT N" TOT Y'!J}..N- Since I oblivion came into existence because I the Father
IO llcoywN mwT CN}..'!JWTI N .X1 1N{.x} TIJNY N6a was not known, then if ro the Father comes to be known,
tscy oblivion I will not exist from that moment on.
TI1 nyl}..rTA.ION MTITOYKWT N 1cwq N- Through this, I the gospel of the one who is searched I
T}..qoy}..Nzq NNT 1.XHK }..B}..A.. Z"iTN NIMNT'!JANZTHq for, which <was> revealed to those who I are perfect
IS II NT mwT mMyCTHplON eHn 1 IH(coy)c TI-
through the mercies rs of the Father, the hidden mystery, I
xp(lcTo)c n1 }..B}..A. Z"iTooTq 1 Aqr oy}..1N
Jesus, the Christ, I enlightened those who were in dark-
}..NTZM TIKK1I }..B}...i\. 2)TOOTC Ntscy }..qji
ness I through oblivion. I He enlightened I them; he showed
20 oy}..1JN ArAY Aqt NOYM}..1T m 11 M}..JT NA n
(them) a way; 20 and the way is the truth I which he taught
tMNTMH N 1T}..qT}..M}..Y }..p}..C"
TB TI1. I }..CBW.i\.K }..p}..q N61 tTIA.}..NH" }..C-
InwT Ncwq Aczwcy NZHTq I }..coywcq }..y}..qTq
For this reason I error grew angry at him, I persecuted
2S }..ycy }..q 11 cywn NNOYT}..Z MJTIC}..YN N 1T TIIWT
him, was distressed at him I (and) was brought to naught.
NT}..qTKO 6 N J( 1 }..z0Y}..M(j NNT}..ZOY}..Mq He was nailed to a tree (and) he 2 5 became a fruit of the
A 1 }..qt NY }..Tpoycywn }..yp 1'9 NZPH"i NZN. knowledge of I the Father. It did not, however, cause de-
1 struction because I it was eaten, but to those who ate it I it
30 m6JN. NT}..q N 11 .X N1 NT}..q6NTOY NZHT(j: }..YW
NT}..q }..y6NT(j NZHToy gave (cause) to become glad I in the discovery, and he
mi}..T'!JATI(j N}..TMY ArAq m 1wT n1 T- 3o discovered them in himself, I and they discovered him in
3s 11
.XHK TI1 NT}..Z 1TNO MTITHpq pTITHpq N ZHT(j themselves.
}..YW TITHpq q'!J}..}..T. 1 }..q}..M}..2T MTII-
MM}..q As for the I incomprehensible, inconceivable one, the I
Father, the perfect one, the one who I made the totality,
Nqji <t>eoNJ N"
N61 I mwT Y 6 M$90NOC
within him is 35 the totality and of him the totality has
1eji9 nToy11Twq NqMA.oc N9 11 Nr}..r NT}..-
need. I Although he retained their perfection I within him- _
TIJ}..JWN .X(I TIJ(WK] 1 NTY" NYN}..'!J 1 J:! .. [ .. ]
self which he did not give to the totality, the Father was
1 notjealous.l What jealously indeed (could there be) 4o be-
S NZHT(j [q] 11 t MM}..q NY NOYCTO '!J}..p}..q MN
oyc}..yN. OY1 ZN oy 1.XWK NT}..q TI NT}..qTCNO
tween himself and his members? r9.r For, if this aeon had
I MTITHpq }..YW TITHpq qNzH 1Tq }..YW NpTITHpq thus [received] I their [perfection], they could not have
IO '!JAAT 11 MM}..q n come [ ... ]1 the Father. He retains within himself their
t=inpHT zi 1TooT\ NoyT YNZ}..1N
}..B}...i\. perfection, s granting it to them as a return to him I and a
I Y01 N}..TC}..YN. }..p}..q cy}..q 1oywcy }..Tpoy- perfectly unitary I knowledge. It is he who fashioned I the
IS coywNq AYW I }..TpoyMjiplTq\zmrHT Y II r}..r totality, and within him is the totality I and the totality was
TINpTITHpq '!J}..}..T. M 1M}..q 1.MHTI }..TIJC}..YN. in need ro of him.
As in the case of I a person of whom some I are ignorant,
ro-II J(JN{.XI} ed. pr. I II TI1 <ne> Till (Or.) I 13 NT<\.qoy<\.N<_q MS: Read
NT<\.yoy<\.N<_q Till (Or.) l26 6e, 6 possibly written over e. I 27 he I wishes to have them know him and I love him, so -
NNT<\.<_oy<oy><\.Mq Till (Or.) 129-30 N.X, i.e., i'J.ae I rs for what did the all have need of I if not knowledge re-
19.1 .x[1 TI.XruK] Save-Soderbergh I 3 [<\.<_pHI <\.] Save-Soderbergh I
AIITIWT" _ Aq'!}WIT N.XAYMA"iT" 1 E:qc6pAZT Ayw
garding I the Father? - he became a guide, I restful and
20 E:qCpAqT" MMA I N.XI CBW Aql ATMHT Aq.X II ITI- leisurely. I In schools he appeared (and) he spoke 20 the
'!}.X" E:q01 NoycAz 1 AY1 '!}ApA1 N61 NCO- word as a teacher. IThere came the men wise Iin their own
1 estimation, I putting him to the test. I But he confounded
<j>oc 1 NZPHI zii1 ITOYZHT" oyAE: Toy E:ympAZ
MM~q NTAq 1 .A Nq.XTTI0 MMAY .X N"- them because they 2 5 were foolish. They hated I him be-
25 11zNITT'!}OY1T N" AYMC 1Twq .X NZNPMNZHT cause they were not really I wise.
N I N MAMH After all these, Ithere came the little I children also, those
MNNCA N1 THipoy AY1 '!}ApA"i N61 NKKOYi to whom 3o the knowledge of the Father belongs. Having
o I <;9HM" N1 T ITWOY IT" II ITCAYN MITIWT" been strengthened, I they learned about the impressions I of
the Father. They knew, I they were known; they were glo-
ITIWT" AycAyN 1 AycoywNoy Ay.XJ AY Ayt
11 rified, they I glorified. There was manifested in their
1 35 heart the living book I of the living- the one written I in
TANZ 1 NT NTANZ IT1 TCHZ zpH 1. zii1
K/2o 1
mME:E:y oyAzii1 m Noyc 11 [NT IT]I.WT" Ayw .XIN
the thought and the mind 20 ' [of the] Father, which from
zAeH NTKAI[TA]B<?"-<H> {z}ii1ITTHpq E:qNzpH"i zN
before the I foundation of the totality was within I his in-
I NIATTZAY NTOOT(j IT1" I T MN 6AM N/\.AY" comprehensibility - that (book) I which no one was able
1 to take, 5 since it remains for the one who will take it Ito be
AqiTq E:mll.aH E:cKH MITE:TNAqJTq NczX zw"-'i
MIT/\.AY '!}OYANZ 1 ABA/\." ZN N1 NTAyN- slain. No one could have become manifest I from among
zoyToy I ATTIOY.X1 NMITq1 TMHT N61 those who have believed I in salvation unless I that book
10 IT'I 1.XWWM TMMY 11 TB IT1 ITI'!}ANZHT" ITI- had appeared. ro For this reason the merciful one, the
Aqp '!}AP'<9 ZHT" E:q'!}WIT N- faithful one, I Jesus, was patient in accepting sufferings I
NIZ"iC I ZANTE:qql MITI.XWWM TM MY TTI.AH until he took that book, I since he knows that his death I is
qcAYN .X mMoy 1 NTooTq oywNz NZAZ IT life for many. '5
Just as there lies hidden in a will, before I it is opened,
ZHIT N61 toyciA 1 MITNIT
1 NE:qzHIT" E:pE:mwT the fortune I of the deceased master of the house, I so (it is) _
with the totality, which I lay hidden while the Father of
20 MITTHpq 0
the totality was 20 invisible, being something which is I
IH(coy)c Aq-
from him, from whom I every space comes forth. I For this
25 6AAq MTTI.XWM" 11 TMMY AyAqTq AY'!}" Aq- reason Jesus appeared; I he put on that book; 2 5 he was
1Tw6 MIT.AIATAfMA ABA/\. N 1T TTIWT" z"i IT- nailed to a tree; I he published the edict I of the Father on
CT(Ay)pOC" W MNitNA6 NCBW NT16AT" qCWK the cross. 0 I such great teaching! He draws I himself down

9 u<oy>MHT Till (Or.) I 21 '!)4p4el (i.e., '!)4ZPH1) MS: '!)4p4q Till (Or.)
i.e., '!)4Z~H"i I
I 28 g)4p4I
20.1-2 K4[T4]BQl\. zt:i MS: K4[T4]~Q~H B ed. pr.: Read K4[T4]BQl\.<H>
{z}t:i Attridge I 3 NI4TTZ4Y MS: TTI4TTz4q ed. pr. I 6 oy4Nz<q> Till (0~.)
I II '!)4P'C!I'ZHT MS: p possibly written over N. I 16 Mll4Toy<oy>HN T1ll
(Or.) 1 23 oy4Nz<q> Till (Or.) l24 4q64l\.eq MS: 4q64l\.rrq Grobel
z"iOJillq eAqBill<y I MMAq NNmX6e eTTeKA"iT~ to death though life 3o eternal clothes him. Having
1 Aqt z"iillillq NTMNTAT"TeKO 1rreel" eTe MN stripped I himself of the perishable rags, I he put on imper-
<y6AM NAAye I Ag) q1Tq NTOOT(j" eAq<ye AzoyN ishability, I which no one I can possibly take away from
n ANIMAeiT" eT<yOYeiT" .NT 1 NIZPTe" AqCINe him. Having entered 35 the empty spaces of I terrors, he
ABAA Z"iTOOTOY I NNeel eTBH<y ABAA. NTOOTC passed through I those who/were stripped naked by I obliv-
1 NTB"cye eqoel NNoycAyNe 1 MN oy.XillK eqill<y ion, being knowledge I and perfection, proclaiming the
NNeTNZHT" II .[.).[ ... ]T ~TAp[ - - - ) TCeBO NN-
[K]I./ 21 things that are in the heart, 2 1.r [ ] [ ] I teach
1" eTA.XI CB[ill) I those who will receive teaching.
NeTN~~; . CBill .A J:le NeiTANZ eTCHZ" ArTI-
I But those who are to receive teaching [are ]I the living
S .XillillM~ UNT NeTANZ ey.XJ CBill" A 1PAY oyAe-
who are inscribed in the book 5 of the living. It is about
I ApAq NKeCATT" eTTI.AH eperr 1.XillK NT TTTHpq ZM themselves that they receive instruction, I receiving it Ifrom
TTiillT" II ANArKH ATpeTTTHpq <ye AlzpH"i g)ApAq the Father, turning I again to him. Since the I perfection of
TOTe eperroyleel CAYNe <yAq.XI NNeTe 1 Noyq the totality is in the Father, ro it is necessary for the total-
Ne" AYill <yAqcillK M1MAY <yApAq TTeTOel rAp ity to I ascend to him. Then, if I one has knowledge, he
15 NIIATCAYN" q<yAAT" AYill oy 1NA6 rre eTq<yAAT. receives what are I his own and draws I them to himself.
MMAq emi.AH eq<yAAT. MTTeTNA" 1.XAK(j eTTI.AH For he who is '5 ignorant is in need, and I what he lacks is
20 epeTT.XillK NT I TTTHpq cyoorr ZM TTiillT" ANAr KH great, I since he lacks that which will I make him perfect.
N.Ae ATperrTHpq eye 1 AZPH"i <yApAq NTerroyeel Since the perfection of I the totality is in the Father 20 and
rroyleel {rroyeel} .XI NNeT NOyq I N" NTAqp it is necessary for the totality to I ascend to him and for
2S <ypfi NCAzoy eAq 1csTillTOY AT1 NN1" N TAZ"i each I one to receive what are his own, I he enrolled them in
ABAA NZHT(j advance, having I prepared them to give to those 2 5 who
Neel NITAqp <yAprr NCAYNe" Mrroy 1peN AeAH"
1 came forth from him.
AyMoyTe APAY 1 zillc oyeel eqcAyNe NTAq rre
Those I whose name he knew in advance I were called at
30 NTAqTeyo MTTeqpeN Nll61 TTiillT" TTeTeMTTOy.Xoy the end, I so that one who has knowledge is I the one whose _
rAp MITTeqpeN" qOel NATCAYN" 1 MMAN e<y NpHT"
epeoyle1" NACillTM eMTTOYill<9 M1rreqpeN TTeT01 name the Father 3o has uttered. For he whose name I has
I . - not been spoken is ignorant. I Indeed, how is one Ito hear if
5 rAp NATncAyNe <yA T9AH" oyTTAACMA rre NT
3 I - -1 \ I
Tscye AYill qNA BillA ABAA NMMeC el<yTTe M MA 1:1 his name has not I been called? For he who is 35 ignorant
KB/22 NICill<y AZPAY MNTeY M 11 [M]~[y] NNoypeN MMNTey until the end is a creature I of oblivion, and he will I vanish
1 MMeY NTCMH" zillCTe oy 1eel eq<yACAYNe" oyA- along with it. If not, I how is it that these miserable ones
5 BAA rre I ZM TTCANzpe ey<yAMoyTe A 11 pAq <yAq- have 22 ' no name, (how is it that) they do not have I the
CillTM <yAqp oyill 1 AYill <yAqNAyzq ATTeTMOYTe call? Therefore, I if one has knowledge, he is I from above.
I ApAq Nq<ye" AzpH"i <yApAq AYill 1 g}AqMM .X If he is called, 5 he hears, he answers, I and he turns to him
who is calling I him, and ascends to him. And I he knows in
36 <_ITOOTOY <NN1 - - - >Till (Or.) 1
r. [q i'imw]T ~T1..r ed. pr. I 2 T1..~1. <;:~[w] ~acRae: T1..?[~1] <;:~[w] ?r
2 1
T1..~[N] <;:~[w] ed.pr. I 6 MM1..Y MS: MM1..~ (?)_Till (Or.) l22_ {rr~y1} Till
(Or.) I 24 TI<Toy> Till_(Or.) I 38 M1.. wntten m the left margm. NICW<y, <:9
written over c. 1
1,3 THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH 22.8-23.20 91
YMOYT 4.p4.q N 1(9 NpHT. qC4.YN (94.qip what manner he I is called. Having knowledge, he does
IO n ii1rroyw<;Y'' MTTNT4.<_MOYT 1 4.p4.q (94.qoy-
the will of the one who called I him, he wishes to be
W(9 4.p Nq (94.ql.xl MT4.N" (94.prrpN ii1rroy1 pleasing to him, he Ireceives rest. Each one's name Icomes
I (9WTT Nq TTTN4.C4.YN M 1TTipHT {9~qMM . .X to him. He who is to have knowledge I in this manner
IS NT4.ql NIITON" 4.YW .X qNN4. 4.TON I (94.qMM knows where he comes rs from and where he is going. IHe
1 4.qtz 4.qN4.YZ'i 4.84."- zii1
ii1rrpHT Noy1. knows as one Iwho having become drunk has turned away
I TTqtz 4.qN4.y<_q 4.p4.q oy14.Tq 4.qT<_0 from Ihis drunkenness, (and) having returned to himself, I
20 NNT Noyq 11 4.pTOY N. has set right what 20 are his own.
4.qcTo N<.4.Z 1 4.84."- <.N TTTA.4.NH 4.qcwK ziaH
He has brought many I back from error. He has gone I
MM4.Y (94. NIM4.1T. I NTOOTOY NT4.YKIM 4.84./\.
before them to their places, I from which they had moved
away, I since it was on account 2 5 of the depth that they
MTTT{4.}KT4.11T. 4.M4.1T NIM. MN TT 1TKT4.1T.
4.p4.q NYN4.6 1
ii1 M4.1<_ T . .X NYZN TTIWT"
received error, the depth of the one who encircles I all spa-
30 1 YC4.YN MM4.q N 4.YW Ny 11 6M64.M N1 4.84./\.. ces while there is none Ithat encircles him. It was a great I
OY4.TOY I rr TTI.AH NY'9 6M64.M N 4.(9 WTT wonder that they were in the Father, I not knowing him,
4.p4.y 4.YW 4.C4.YN. MTT 1TNYNZHTq N9 r4.p and (that) they were 3o able to come forth by themselves, I
3S 1NMTTql 4.84./\.. N<_HT(j N6r II rrqoyw(9 4.q- since they were unable to Icomprehend or to know the one
oy4.N~:q r4.p 1 4.84./\.. 4.YC4.YN YTHT NM 1MC Iin whom they were. For if Ihis will had not thus emerged
THpoy N61 NltH NTOOTC I from him - 35 for he revealed it I in view of a knowledge
T TT1 TT TTIC4.YN NT 1 TTI.XWWM T4.NZ in which Iall its emanations concur. I
NT4.qlloy4.Nzq NNIII4.1WN 4.T94.H NNI.C~~(1 NTO]- This is the knowledge of I the living book which he re-
IoT(j qoy4.NZ 4.8~~ 1.'9[)1.X <_NTOTTOC N N.
vealed to the z3.r aeons, at the end, as [his letters], I re-
S NT~ 1 <_NCMH oy.A <_NC<_1 t;-l 11 N. Y(94.4.T.
vealing how I they are not vowels I nor are they 5 conso-
NNOYZP4.Y I (91N4. NTOY1 4.(90Y Nq MY 4.Y-
nants, I so that one might read them and I think of some-
TTT<;YOY1T" I 4./\./\.4. <_NC<_1 N NT tiMNTMH
11 YC4.YN thing foolish, Ibut they are letters of the Itruth which they _
Io NT4.Y Y<;Y.X MM4.Y oy4.TOY
I OYM<y> q.XHK TT TTC<_1 I TTC<_1 M-
alone speak ro who know them. I Each letter is a complete
rrpHT NNoy.xwlwM. q.XHK 4.84./\.. <_NC<_ 11 N <thought> I like a complete I book, since they are I letters
IS 4.yc4.zoy 4.84./\. <_"iTOOTc 11 NtMNTOYr 4.<_4.- written by rs the Unity, the Father having I written them
mwT I C4.<_0y <N>NI4.1WN (91N4. 4.84./\.. I <_"iTO- for the aeons in order that by I means of his letters I they
OTOY NNIC<_1 NTOOTq I Y4.COYWN TTICJ)T. should know the Father.
20 tco4>14. I NTOOT(j Cp M/\.T4. ji111TTJ(9.X While his wisdom I contemplates 20 the Word, and his

22.12 MTIOY1 <noyeel> Till (Or.) I 19-20 AqTEZO NNT Noyq

APTOY N MS: AqTEZO APToy, etc. Till (Or.) l2o AqCTO, c written over
T. I 25 nET{ A} ed. pr. I 26 AMA1T, IT written over erased NIM. 33 APAY MS:
ApAq (?) Attridge I 36 NMMC MS: NMMq Schenke I 37 NTOOTC MS: NTOOT(j
Schenke I
23.1-2 NNI.C?~[1 NTO]OT(j Arai: N~(yill[ ed. pr. I 2-3 E!c_y[e].X MacRae:
ey[ ed. pr. I 11 EOYME<Eye> Till (Or.) I 16 <N>NIAiillN <!}INA MacRae:
<!}INA NIAiillN Till (Or.) I
epetcsw NTOOT(j 1 C<!J.X MM~q mc~yN N- teaching I utters it, his knowledge I has revealed <it>. I
ITooTq ~qoy~Nz<q> ~B~J\.' I TTI~CO NTOOT(j eq- While forebearance is I a crown upon it, 2 5 and his glad-
25 01 NINoyKA.~M ~.xwq epem 11 p<!J NTOOT(j eq- ness is in harmony I with it, his glory I has exalted it, his
THT' I NMMq ITI~y NTOOT(j 1 ~q.XIC' MM~q image I has revealed it, I his repose has 3o received it into
ITICM~T I NTOOT(j ~qoy~Nzq ~~B~J\.' ITIMT~N NT0- itself, his love I has made a body over it, I his fidelity has
3o oTq ~qii<!)~Tiq ~p~q t~r~TIH NToloTq ~cp oy- embraced I it. In this way the Word I of the Father goes
CWM~ ziwwq m 1 N~2T NTOOT(j ~q~M~2T I M- 35 forth in the totality, as the fruit 2 4.r [of] his heart and Ian
M~q mpHT epem<!)e 1.xe NT mwT eqM~~ze
impression of his will. I But it supports the totality; it I
K-?>./24 11 ~B~J\. ZN TITHpq TIOYT~2 11 [NT] 1J"I.2HT'
chooses them and also receives 5 the impression of the
totality, I purifying them, bringing them back I into the Fa-
1W<!)' eqq NT'~q' z~ TITHpq eq 1cwTii M'M~Y
5 ~yw ~N eq.x1 MIITIMOYNf NZO NT TITHpq I eq-
ther, into the Mother, I Jesus of the infinite I sweetness.
cwTq MM~Y eq'c'To MM~Y 1 ~zoyN ~mwT
The Father reveals ro his bosom.- Now his bosom I is
~zoyN ~tMY I IH(coy)c NT tMNT<~T>~pH.XC the Holy Spirit. - He I reveals what is hidden of him - I
NT' I mzl\.~6 what is hidden of him is I his Son- so that through r5 the
ro eq6wA.ii MTIqT~TI II ~B~J\. N61 mwT TIqT~TI mercies of the Father I the aeons may know him I and cease
.A I TI TIITIN(yM)~ TOY~~B qoy 1WNZ ~B~J\.' laboring in search of I the Father, resting there I in him,
MTIITI9HTI NTo 1oT(j' mTI9HTI NTOOT(j TI 1 TIq- knowing 20 that this is the rest. Having Ifilled the deficien-
I5 <!JHP' <!)IN~ J( ~B~J\. II ZN NJM2T NTOOT(j MTIIillT cy, he abolished I the form - the form of I it is the world,
1 NcecoywNq NCA.o eyz~ 1 c N6J NI~IWN' ey- that I in which he served.- 2 5 For the place where there is
<!JIN NC~ I TIIillT YM~TN MM~Y M 1 M~Y NZPH'i envy I and strife is deficient, I but the place where (there is)
20 NZHTq eyc~y 11 Ne .xe TI1 TI mMT~N e~q 1 Moyz
unity I is perfect. Since the deficiency I came into being be-
cause the 3o Father was not known, therefore, when I the
T001Tq TI TIKOCMOC' TI1 N 1 T~q<!)M<!) NZHT(j'
11 TIM~ r~p T oyN Kill2 MMY I 2'it TillN OY<!JT~ Father is known, I from that moment on the deficiency will
TI' TIM~ I .A T tMNTOY1' oy 1.XWK TI'
no longer exist. As I in the case of the ignorance I of a per- _
TIJ.AH NT~q<!)WTI I N6J ITI<!)T~ J( NYC~YN son, when he comes 35 to have knowledge, his ignorance I
30 II N MTIIillT' TI' TOT' Y<!J~N 1 COYWN TIIillT' vanishes of itself, I as the darkness vanishes I when light
qN~<!)illTI N I J(JN TIINY N61 TII<!)T~ MTipHT appears, 2 5.r so also I the deficiency vanishes I in the perfec-
I ~B~J\. Z'iTOOTC NTMNT~Tc~y 1 N NT oyeet TOT tion. So I from that moment on the form is not apparent,
35 eq<9~ 11 c~yNe <9~cswA. ~s~A. Z'iToo 1Tc N6J TMNT-
~Tc~yNe NTo 1oTq MTIPHT MTIKKJ <!)~q
K/25 1BWJ\. ~B~J\. q<!)~NOYWNZ' 11 N9J. TIOY~1N MTII.-

rHT ~N 1 m<!JT~ <!J~qswl\. ~s~J\. zrH["il 1 zN


22 4qoy4Nz<q> Till (Or.) I

24.2-3 rrqoymc,y, rr written over q. I 7 MY MS: MY<> Grobel I 8
tMNT<4T>4pH.XC ed. pr. I r8-r9 MM4Y (i.e., MMY) {MM4Y} ed. pr. I 33
NTMNT{4T}C4YN Schenke I
s eqNABWl\. ABA/\.' i\i<_pH"i 1
Al\. 11 1\.A ITTWT NT zi'i 5 but it will vanish I in the fusion of Unity, I for now their
tMNToy eel' tNoy rAp NOYZBHY 1 CeKH Ney works I lie scattered. In I time Unity will perfect ro the spa-
ey<gH<g zi'i
ITOyA 1el<g epetMNTOyeel NA.XWK ces. It is within I Unity that each one I will attain himself;
Io 11 MMAeiT' ABA/\. i\i<_pH"i zi'i
t 1MNTOY1 epeiToyeel within I knowledge he will purify himself I from multiplic-
IToyle1 NA.XI MMAq N<_pH"i <_N 1 oycAyNe eq- ity into r5 Unity, consuming I matter within himself I like
NACWT(j MMAq I ABA/\. <_NN oyTO' NpHT' A<_oy(N)
fire, and I darkness by light, death by I life.
IS 11 AYMNTOY1' eqoywM 1 i'itZYl\.H i\i<_pH"i N<_HT(j
If indeed these things have happened 20 to each one of
ii11ITpHT NNoyceT Ayw ITKe 1KeJ oyAeiN zi'i us, I then we must Isee to it above all that I the house will be
ITMOY ZN oy 1wNz
holy I and silent for the Unity. 2 5 (It is ) as in the case of
20 eJ<giT AN1 6 <gWIT 11 MITOY1 ITOY1
MMAN 1 oyN ITTe<g<ge APAN 6 1 NTNMeye AITTH-
some people I who moved out of dwellings I having I jars
pq <!)INA' I pTTIH1 NA<!)WIT eqoyA 1Aq AYW that in I spots were not good. 3o They would break them,
2s eqc6pA<_T AtMNT 11 oyeel' MITPHT N<_AeiN 1 eAy- and Ithe master of the house would not suffer loss.l Rather
ITWN ABA/\. <_N <_NMA 1 eyNTey MMY N<_N- <he> is glad because I in place of the bad jars I (there are)
IcKeyoc i\i<_pH'i zi'i
zi'i 1TOITOC eNANoyoy eN full ones which are made 35 perfect. For such is I the judg-
30 II N<!)AyoyA6IToy AYW MAq 1t ACI N61 ITNIT ment which has come from 26 1 above. It has passed judg-
MITH1 Al\.11\.A <!)ACpe<g' .X? N<_pH"i rAp I <_N ITMA ment on I everyone; it is a drawn sword, I with two edges,
3S NNICKeyoc e 1eAy NTMH<_ NT<!)Ay 11 .XAKOy cutting I on either side. When the 5 Word appeared, the
ABA/\. .X T1 T I TKp1CIC NTA<_1 ABA/\.'
one that is I within the heart of those who utter it - I it is
K5/26 II MITCA NTIT' ACt <_IT' Aoy 1AN NIM' eyCHqe T
not a sound alone I but it became a body - a great I dis-
C<!)Al\.M I M<j>O CNey C<!)WWT' N 1CA TTICA MN
turbance took place among ro the jars because some had I
S IT1' eAql ATMH 11 Te i\i61 TTI<!).X' eTN<_pH1 I <_N
been emptied, others filled; that is, some had been sup-
IT<_HT' NNT<!).X MMAq I oyzpAy oyAeeT(j eN
IT Al\.' 11\.A Aqp oycWMA' oyNA6 N 1<!)TApTp Aq-
plied, I others poured out, I some had been purified, still
r5 others broken up. All the spaces I were shaken and dis-
IO <gWIT i\i<_pH'i zi'i II i\icKeyoc .Xe zAeiNe Azoy-
1<goywoy <_NKAYe AzoyMA 1zoy .xec <_NKAYe turbed I because they had no order I nor stability. I Error-
AzoyczNH 1Toy <_NKAye AzoyiTANoy 1 zAeiNe was upset, not knowing 20 what to do; I it was grieved, in
IS AzoyToyBAY <_NKe 11 KAye AzoyiTw<ge MAeiT' mourning, I afflicting itself because it knew I nothing.
1 NIM AYKIM AYW AY<!)TApTp 1 .X MNTOY CMN' When I knowledge drew near it- this 2 5 is the downfall of
MMey I oyTe MNTey CTACIC Cel\.A 1l\.T' i\i61 (error) and all its emanations - I error is empty, I having
20 tiTl\.ANH' NCMM II eN .X ey IT' TCNAelq nothing inside. I
C 1MAKZ N<_HT' CN<_IT' ec 1wcz MMAC ABA/\.'
.X CMM 1 eN' Al\.Aye TTI.A.H Aqzw(N) 1 ApAC N61
2s mcAyNe eT IT1 11 IT' TTITeKo NTec MN NectH
I THpoy tiTl\.ANH C<!)OY1T' e 1MN /\.Aye N<_HTC'
ACeT ATMH 1T' N6J tTMNTMH A<_oy 1coyWNC'

25.29 N4Noyoy, The second o written over q. I 32 cy4cpcy MS: Read

cy4qp'=!J ed. pr. I
26.12 .X{c} ed. pr.: i.e., .X C, .X JC Till (Or.) I 22 rucz, i.e., ruzc I
N"61 NJtH THpoy NTC 11 ~yp ~CTT~Z" MTTIWT" ZN Truth appeared; I all its emanations knew it. 3 They
oyMHie MN oy6~M eC.XHK ~B~A. ec'TWT t:iM~Y greeted the Father in truth I with a perfect power I that
MN TTIWT" .X oy 1 ~N r~p NIM TM~"i NtTMNT 1MH joins them with the Father. I For, as for everyone who
35 .X tTMNTMH TT pwq II MTTIWT" TTI/\.C NTOOT(j loves the truth - I because the truth is the mouth 35 of the
KZ/27 TT mlrrN(eyM)~ TOy~is TTTTW6 M 11 M~q ~tT Father; his tongue is the I Holy Spirit - he who is joined
MNTMI;I~ eqTW6 1 MM~q ~pwq MTTIWT" ~B~~ 1ZM 2
7.r to the truth is joined I to the Father's mouth I by his
TTI/\.C NTOOT(j eq~ 1 .XJ MTTITTN(eyM)~ TOY~~B tongue, whenever he is to Ireceive the Holy Spirit, 5 since
11 eTT1 rre rroywNz ~s~A. ii1m 1wT ~yw rr6wA.rr
5 this is the manifestation of the I Father and his revelation I
~B~A. N"Teq 1 <9~ Neq~IWN to his aeons.
~qoyWNZ ~B~/\. I MTTITT9HTT" NTOOT(j ~qB~A.q
He manifested I what was hidden of him; he explained
it. I For who contains, ro if not the Father alone? I All the
T(j M~ 1 JT NJM zN"t NTq N" NT~y 1 coywN(j .X
spaces are his emanations. I They have known that they
N"T~Yel ~s~A. 1 N"zHT(j ii1rrpHTe N"zN"<,yH 1pe eyzN"
oypWM eqii.XHK ~B~/\. Neyc~yN MIM~q TT" ..}{
came forth Ifrom him like children Iwho are from a grown
NMTT~Toyi.Xl MOpcj>H" OYT MTT~ 1 TOY.XI peN T- r5 man. They knew I that they had not yet I received form

20 <,y~qMIC I ii1rroye"i rroyeel N"61 mwT II TOT ey- nor yet I received a name, each one of which I the Father
<:Y~N.XI cj>OpMH I MTTIC~YN NTOOT(j I MM~N eyN"- begets. 20 Then, when they receive form I by his know-
ZHT(j C1c~yN" MM~q N" TTIWT" tJIT~q q.XHK ledge, I though truly within him, they I do not know him.
~B~/\. eqc~y 11 N ~M~1T NIM" TNZHT(j I (,YWTT But the Father I is perfect, knowing 2 5 every space within
eq<,y~NOYW(,Y I TTT(joy'~'<,yq qoyWNZ MM~q him. IIf he wishes, Ihe manifests whomever he wishes Iby
I eqt Mopcj>H Neq ~yw eqt I peN Neq ~yw {~yw} giving him form and giving I him a name, and he gives a
30 <,y~qt peN II Neq ~YW eqTpO MM~q I ~Tpoy<,yWTT" name 3o to him and brings it about I that those come into
N"NeeT Teii1 1 rr~Toy<,ywrre C01 N"~T 1 c~yNe"
existence who, Ibefore they come into existence, are Iigno-
rant of him who fashioned them. I
I do not say, then, that 35 they are nothing (at all) whQ
TMTT ~~Toy<,ywrre ~A.A.~ Ce<,yoorr 11 zii1 TTT-
have not I yet come into existence, but they are 28 -r in him
N~oyw<,ye I ~Tpoy<,yWTT eq<,y~(N)Ioyw<,y MTTpH-
5 T I MTTK~tpoc eTNNHY ZNeey II NJM" eMTT~Toy
who will wish I that they come into existence when he I
WNZ ~B~A. I qc~yNe" NT~q MTTeT(jN~IN"Tq ~B~A. wishes, like I the time that is to come. 5 Before all things
TTK~pTTOC NT~q I TMTT~T(jOyWNZ ~B~/\. I q- appear, I he knows what he will I produce. But the fruit I
IO C~YN NA.~Y N" oy.ae 11 qp A.~ye N"zwq N ~N which is not yet manifest I does not know anything, nor
m 1pHT" M~JT NIM T(,YOOTT" I zwwq ZN TTIWT" ro does it do anything. Thus, I also, every space which is
zN"~s~A. 1 zN" rreT<,yoorr N rreN 1 T~qTez~q N"T~q itself in the Father is from Ithe one who exists, who Iestab-
15 ~llpT(j" ~B~/\. ZN TTT(,YOOTT I N" .X TTTMNTq lished it r5 from what does not exist. I For he who has no I

27.9-ro rrenywrr IMHTI Till (Or.): rrenywrre IMHTI ed. pr. lzo eycy;\.N-
~~ MS: eycy;\.y~I ed. pr. lzr MTTIC;\.yNe MS: M<N> TTIC;\.yNe Till (Or.) l29
{;\.yw} ed. pr. 130 Neq MS: Ney Menard I MM;\.q MS: MM;\.Y (?) ed. pr. I
28.5 eMTT;\.-roy<oy>wNz Till (Or.) 16 i'irre-rqN;\., q written over N. 1
Noy 1Ne MMY MNTeq oy 1 [~ .. ]TAZ MMey AN" root has no Ifruit either, but Ithough he thinks to himself,
20 AA- 1/\.A eqMeye weq 11 .xe AZ"i<!JWrre eJ.Te A~ "I have come into being," yet Ihe will perish by himself. I
1qNABWA. ABA/\.. Z"iTOOT(j 1eTBe rree1 rreTeNeq- For this reason, he who did not exist I at all will I never
<!JOiorr TTTHpq N eqNA 1<!}WTT" N AN ey 6e come into existence. What, then, did he 2 5 wish him to
25 TTT'A'qlloyA<!}(j ATpqMeeye ApAq I .X A1- think of himself? I This: "I have come into being like the I
<!JWTT MTTPHT NNI 1ZA1B MN Nl<j>ANTACIA" IN- shadows and phantoms I of the night." When I the light
TOY<!JH rr6Ji'iTpeqp 1oyAeiN i'i61 rroyAeiN eapTe shines on the terror 3o which that person had experienced,
30 11 eNTAq.XITC" i'i61 rree1 TM 1Mey eq<!}AqMM .xe Ihe knows that it is nothing. I
oyA.Ay 1e rre Thus they were ignorant I of the Father, he being the
one 2 9 1 whom they did not see. Since I it was terror and
Ka/29 11 eNeyNey ApAq eN em.A.H Ne 1qoe1 i'ioyzpTe MN
disturbance I and instability I and doubt and 5 division,
there were many Iillusions at work Iby means of these, and
5 ZHT" CNY" MN oy 11 TTW<!J" NYN ZAZ MMNTA 1TT6/\.A"
eyp zwq ABA/\. Z"iTo 1oT(j" NN1 OYAZN
(there were) empty fictions, as if Ithey were sunk in sleep
<zi'i>Mi'i<T>AT cBw ey<9oye1T" MrrpHTe 1<!JA-
1 and found themselves in I disturbing dreams. Either
Io poycMMNTOY ATTNKAT" 11 Ke NC6JN MMAY" ZN (there is) a place I to which they are fleeing, or I without
i'ipe 1coye Y<!JTPTAPT H oyMA 1TTTOYTTWT" strength they come (from) having chased I after others, or
ApAq H eyo i'i 1ATNAMTe eye1 eAyrrwT 1NCA they are involved in 1 5 striking blows, or they are receiving
IS ZNZA1N H eyzt:i zt:i 11 MNTTA1CH<!J" H Y<!JWTT" I blows themselves, or they have fallen from high places, I
1{z}t:izi'icH<!}" NTY H AYZA 11 ABA/\. ZN ZNMA or they take off into Ithe air though they do not even have
ey.XACI I H eycwK AZPH"i ABA/\. Z"iTOOTq 1MTTAHP wings. 20 Again, sometimes (it is as) if people Iwere mur-
20 eMi'i TNZ pw MMAY 11 zi'icArr AN 1<!J.X ZA1N" dering them, though there is Ino one even pursuing them,
1NT"ZAA.ZX MMAY eMN rreT 1rrwT pw i'icwoy H
or they themselves I are killing their neighbors, I for they
NTAY ey 1MoyoyT NNTZ"iToywoy 1.xe AY.XWZM
have been stained with 2 5 their blood. I When those who I
25 ABA/\. Z"iT00 11 Tq MTTCNAq NN1 <!}A" I TTCATT" T-
are going through Iall these things wake up, they see noth-
<!}AyNezce i'i61 1N1" T<!JAY<!J ZN N1 1TH-
ing, I they who were in the midst 3o of all these distur-
poy- MAyNey AA.Aye 1N61 N1 T NOYN zpH"i
30 11 ZN N1 THpoy N<!JTApTp 1 ABA/\. .X NZNA.AY bances, I for they are nothing. I Such is the way I of those
Ne I Nee MTTipHTe rrpHTe rre 1rree1 NN4?NTAY- who have cast I ignorance aside 35 from them like sleep, I
35 Noy.xe 1NtMNTATCAYN ABA/\. 11 MMAY MTTpHT not esteeming it as anything, I nor do they esteem its
MTTNKA 1TKe MAYATT(j .xe oyA.Aye 1rre oy.ae 3o.I works as solid Ithings either, but they I leave them be-
A./30 MAYWTT NNeq11KZBHye .X ZNZBHye ey 1cMMANT hind like a dream in the night. The 5 knowledge of the
Ne AA.A.A <!}Aoy 1KAAY i'icwoy MrrpHTe i'i 1oy-
S pecoye ZN TOY<!JH" TTICAy 11 Ne NT TTIWT" NC-

17 oy, y written over an uncertain letter. I 18 Three letters were erased at the
beginning of the line. I 31 {eq}c.y4q ed. pr. I
29.6 zwq i.e., zws I 6-7 Z"iTOOT(j MS: Z"iTOOTOY Till (Or.) I 7 OY4ZN
<zN"> Till (Or.) I MN<T>4T ed. pr. I 14-15 zN"MNTT4JCHc.ye, The second T
written over c. I 16 {z}N"zN"cHc.ye ed. pr. I 16-17 e{4}yz4J ed. pr. I
<!)ITq 1rroya1N" TT TTpHT TT TT1 I NTaq1q Father they value Ias the dawn. This is the way Ieach one
qN"KaTK N" 161 rroy1 rroy1 MTTCaTT 1Nq01 has acted, I as though asleep at the time I when he was
ro N"aTCaYN" 11 oyaza rrpHT TT TT1 N" 1TpqcaTN ignorant. Io And this is the way I he has <come to know-
KaTa 9 NITaqNZC" {ayc.u} OYTTTNa 1Noyq ledge>, as if I he had awakened. {and} Good Ifor the man
MTTpWM TaCTaq 1N{jNZC" OYaZN oyMaKa- who will return I and awaken. And IS blessed is he who
llp!OC TT TT1 NTaqoyHN 1aNBA. NNIBXA.Y has opened Ithe eyes of the blind.
oyaz I aqTTWT" NCWq N61 TTITTN(yM)a I tHe And Ithe Spirit ran after him, Ihastening from Iwaking
20 aBaA. ZN TTTpq 1ToyNacq aqt TOOT(j II MTTT- him up. Having extended his hand 20 to him who lay upon
<!)H<!) azpH"i z"i rr 1cHT" aqTpqTWK apTq 1a.xN"
the Iground, he set him up Ion his feet, for Ihe had not yet
NqOyp1T" ..)(. N 1MTTaT(jTWOYN .A TT TTICay-
risen. I He gave them the means of knowing 2 5 the know-
25 IN NTM mwT oyaza rroy 11 wN2 aBaA." Mrrq<!)Hp
ledge of the Father and the I revelation of his Son. I For,
aq 1t NY plT aMM" N" 1TapoyNY rap apaq ayw
ay 1cwTM apaq aqt NY aTpoy 1.x trr aBaA.
when they had seen him and had I heard him, he granted
30 MMaq oyazN" 11 aTOY<!)aA.Mq oyazN"N TOYMaZ- them to Itaste him and 3o to smell him and Ito touch the I
T a.XN TT<!)pMN" 1p1T" beloved Son.
aqoywN2 aBaA." I qTaMO MMay aTTIWT m- When he had appeared Iinstructing them about the Fa-
1aT<!)arrq aqNiq NZHTOY 1MTTTZN TTIMY ther, I the incomprehensible one, when he had breathed
q111p MTTqoyW<!) aY.XI M1rroya1N N61 zaz into them 35 what is in the thought, doing Ihis will, when
ayKaTOY 11 apaq .X NY01 N<!)MMO TT I ayw many had I received the light, they turned 3r.I to him. For
NYNY aTTqJN N 1TT ayw NMTTOycoyw1Nq the material ones were strangers Iand did not see his like-
5 N6J eyA.H .X N"Taq1 a 11 BaA. Z"iTOOTC N"oycap~ ness Iand had not known Ihim. For he came s by means of
N1CMaT" MTTA.ay zc.uc N"t6N 1Maaz NTOOT(j ..)(. fleshly I form, while nothing blocked I his course because I
tMN"T 1aT"TKO <oy>MN"TaTMaZT 1MMaC T q-
incorruptibility is irresistible, I since he, again, spoke
ro <!)..)(. aN II ZN zsspp .)(.IN q<!).X a" 1TTTZN
Io new things, still speaking about Iwhat is in the heart of
<t>HT" i=imwT" aq11N aBaA." MTT<!).X N"aT" 1<!)Ta"
the Father, having Ibrought forth the flawless word. I
I5 aq<!).X aBaA. zN" I pwq N"61 rroyaJN 11 oyazN"
When light had spoken Ithrough his mouth, Is as well
MY Z"i MNTPMNZHT" I Z"i Na z oy..X1-A Z"i as his voice I which gave birth to life, he I gave them
TTTTN(yM)a N" 16aM" aBaA. ZN tMNT<aT>apH.XC thought and understanding Iand mercy and salvation and
20 NUT TTIWT" oyazN tMNTZA.a6 1aqTpoyc.u.XN N"61 the powerful spirit Ifrom the infiniteness 20 and the sweet-
NIKOA.aCJC" I MN NIMaCTJr~ ..)(. NTay TTT":. ness of the Father. I Having made punishments I and tor-
1NYCapM N"zpq NN1Za1N" 1NTayp Za MTTINa tures cease - for it was they which I were leading astray
25 N"zpH"i zN" 11 trrA.aNH oyazN zN"cNYZ 1ayw MN from his face some Iwho were in need of mercy, in 2 5 error
oy6aM aqsaA.oy a 1BaA. ayw aq.Xmay zN" rrcay- and in bonds - I he both destroyed them with power I and
3o.u C4TN MS: Read c4yNe Till (ZNJV): C4YTN (?) ed. pr. I 12 {4yw}
ed. pr. I 13 eT4<z>cT4q ed. pr. l23 .a.e written over rr. I
31.4 <N4>ey?..H ed. pr. I 8 <oy>MNT4TM4ZT Grobel: <t>MNT4TM4Z-
T ed. pr.: <MN T>MNT4TM4ZT Till (Or.) I 19 tMNT<4T>4pH.XC ed. pr.
I 23 Neyc4pM MS: NeyccvpMe ed. pr.: NeyccvpM Till (Or.) 1 N"zpeq MS: zN"
zpeq ed. pr.: N"zpey Till (Or.) I NNIZ4JN MS: N6J Z4JN Grobel I

N 1 IT" 4q'!)WIT eqoel N"oy 1M41T" NN1 Ney- confounded them with knowledge. I He became a I way for
1 those who were gone astray 3o and knowledge for those
3o c4pM II 4yru oyc4yNe" NN1 eTOI N4TC4YN"
oy61N NN1 e 1NeYC!)IN" OY4ZN" oyT4.Xpo N"- who were I ignorant, a discovery for those I who were
N1 eTNeYN41N 4P4Y 1 oyMN"T4T.XWZM NN1 searching, and a support I for those who were wavering, I
35 Te 11 NeY.X4ZM immaculateness for those who 35 were defiled.
NT4q IT ITC!)illC I NT42Kill NCruq MTTIITCT- He is the shepherd I who left behind the ninety- 32 ' nine
.i\.B/32 ll'flc NC4Y TMITOycrupM 1 4qeT 4q'!)IN NC4 sheep which were not lost. I He went searching for the one
IT1 NT4qlcrupM 4qpe(,9 NT4peq 161N MM4q .X
which I had gone astray. He rejoiced when he I found it, for
5 miTCTe'feJC II oyruiT IT" eqzN" T61.x N"6soyp
ninety-nine 5 is a number that is in the left hand I which
holds it. But I when the one is found, I the entire number I
MITOyle1 (,94pITilliT THpq [4TOy] I ITillillN
11 ITTC!)44T t:imoyeel" eT passes to the right (hand). As ro that which lacks the one
10 4TOYNM" mpHT
I T1 T" toyNeM THpC T 1(,94CCillK MITNT42P
- that is, I the entire right (hand) - I draws what was
C!)T4 N"cl.x1 MM4q 4B4.i\. Z'iTOOTC
N"t T41
deficient and I takes it from the I left-hand side and brings
15 11
N"6soyp N"qiTWN N"toy NeM 4Yill mpHT" NT- (it) to the '5 right, so too the number I becomes one hun-
ITWIT I p (,9" TTIM41N" MITTN I ITOYZP4Y IT" dred. It is the sign of the one who is in I their sound; it is
ITiillT IT IT1" I K4N ZN 'f4B4TTON ITC4Y the Father.l Even on the Sabbath, he labored for the sheep
20 I NT4q6JNT(j 4qz41" 4TTI 11 211T" 4qp ZWB 4p4q I which he found fallen into the 20 pit. He gave life to I the
4qTNZ0 1 MTTIC4Y e4qNT(j 4ZPHI ZN mz"ieiT sheep, having brought it up I from the pit in order that you
38-39 .XK4C pTN41MM NZHT II NTillTN N NIC!)Hp I might know interiorly - 38 you, the sons of interior
NT ITMM I NZHT II .X ey IT ITC4s 1s4TON IT1 39 knowledge - I what is the Sabbath, on which it is not
25 TM(,9(,9 N 11 TeiTOy.Xe1 oyrucq NZHTq .X- fitting 2 5 for salvation to be idle, I in order that you may
K4C epeTNC!)e.Xe 4B4.i\. 1 zN" mzruoy eTNZPH1
speak I from the day from above, I which has no night, I and
IT1 I eT MNTeq oyc,gH MMeY 1 oy4zN" 4B4.i\. ZM
from the light 3o which does not sink because it is perfect. I
30 ITOY41N"" II TM4qZWTIT" .}(. q.XHK 4B4.i\. I
Say, then, from the heart that I you are the perfect day I _
(,9-X 6 4B4.i\. ZM <j>HT .}(. I NTillTNN IT
and in you dwells I the light that does not fail. 35 Speak of
mzruoy T.XHK I 4B4.i\. 4Yill eqOYHZ" ZN THN
35 I N"61 ITOY41N" eTM4qill.XN 11 c,ge.X 4TMH MN
the truth with those who I search for it and (of) knowledge
40 N1 TC!)IIN NCillC 4Yill ITC4YN NN1" II NT4YP to those I who have committed sin in their error. 33' Make
A.r/3 N4BI N"zpH"i zN" TOYIT.i\.4N'H' 11 T4.xpo N"ToypJTe firm the foot of those I who have stumbled and stretch out I
NN1 NIT4ZC.i\.4T" OY424 CillT N"N 1TN61.X 4N1 your hands to those who are ill. Feed I those who are hun-
TC!)illN" C4N<;!} 1 NN1 TZK1T" 4Yill NTZ4"- gry and 5 give repose to those who are weary, and Iraise up
5 llc1 NTeTNt MT4N NTe 1TN"ToyNeC N1
NNeY" those who wish to I rise, and awaken those who I sleep. For

32.4 mcTe'l'elC, rr apparently written ove: c_. I ro Mm~yeel, the first. 1 writ-
ten over an erased o. I 23 A siglum at the begmnmg of the lme calls attentwn to a
siglum over .X, indicating that lines 38-39 are to be inserted here. A short stroke
appears at the end of the line. I 38-39 These lines are set off by a decoration over
NTillTN, and by a siglum. The latter appears in the margin before N<_HT.
NTWTN NrAp Te TMNT 1pMNZHT. T.TAKM '.!)WIT you are the I understanding that is drawn forth. If
IO p11(_9AN1TTWK. p tze '.!)AqTWK I t:izoyo .XI strength acts thus, it becomes I even stronger. Be con-
ZPHTN APWTN MMI.N I {MIN} MMWTN. MTTp.Xl ZPHTN cerned with yourselves; I do not be concerned with I other
AZNIKAye eT N1 Ne NTATTN 1NA.XOY ABAJ\. things which you have Irejected from yourselves. rs Do not
MMAY MrrpcwT return to what you have vomited I to eat it. Do not be
I APAY 'A'oyAMoy- Mrrpp .XAJ\.eC 1 Mrrpp qNT .X
moths. IDo not be worms, for you have already Icast it off. I
Do not become a 20 (dwelling) place for the devil, for Iyou
20 '.!)WIT epeTN01 NTollrroc MTTAIABOJ\.OC .X AT-
have already destroyed him. I Do not strengthen (those
ITt:ioyw pTNoywcq MMAq 1 MTTfT~.XpO .fiNTN-
who are) obstacles to you I who are collapsing, as though
,.xporr N 11 eTZA1~ zwc oycoze rr 1 oyl\.AY
2S rAp JT TTIATZTT A.X1 11 Tq N6ANC t:izoyo ATTI21T"
(you were) a support (for them). I For the lawless one is
I .X NTAq rAp JTTMMY 1 qlp NNeqzsHye zwc someone to treat 2 5 ill rather than the just one. I For the
oyiATzerr rre rre1 NTAq 1 oyAIKAJoc rr
zwc former Idoes his works as a Ilawless person; the latter as Ia
30 qlpe NNeqllzsHye zt:i zt:iKeKAye eJP 1 6 NTWTN righteous person does his 3o works among others. So Iyou,
MTTOYW'.!) MTTIWT. 1 .X NTWTN ZNABAJ\. MMAq 1 do the will of the Father, Ifor you are from him. I
.X mwT rAp qzAJ\.6 Ayw zt:i 1 moyw'.!)e For the Father is sweet and in Ihis will is what is good.
3S NTOOTq oyrreTNA 11 Noyq NeAq.XJ CAYNe ANT 35 He has taken cognizance of I the things that are yours
I NOYTN N NTTNMTAN MIMWTN A.Xwoy ABAJ\. rAp that you might find rest I in them. For by the I fruits does
ZN Nl 1oyTwwz '.!)AY.XI CAYN AN 1Te NOYTN N one take cognizance of I the things that are yours because
J\.e/34 .X N'.!)Hp Mmw'T' II NTAY N rreqCTA1 .X zt:iA-
the children of the Father 34.r are his fragrance, for I they
IsAJ\. Ne zt:i TXAplc NT rreq 1zo eTB TT1 rrJwT
are from the grace of his Icountenance. For this reason the
Father loves I his fragrance and manifests it s in every
ZM MA NIM" AYW eq'.!)ATWZ 1 MN tZYJ\.H '.!)Aqt
place, and if it mixes Iwith matter he gives his fragrance I
I '.!)AqTpeqp CA Trre NCMAT NIM 1 NZPAY NIM to the light and in his repose Ihe causes it to surpass every
IO MM(_9.X rAp N 11
NeT '.!)WJ\.M AlTCTAel AAAA form I(and) every sound. For it is not the ears that 10 smell _
TTCTAel I rrerrN(eyM)A TTT oyNTeq MMY M- the fragrance, but I (it is) the breath that has I the sense of
lrr(_yWJ\.M Ayw (_yAqcwK MMAq 1 Neq (_yApAq AYW smell and attracts the fragrance Ito itself and is submerged
IS N(jWMC AZPH"i I ZN JTCTA1 MJTIWT. NT(jMA 11 Nq 6 Iin the fragrance of the Father, so that he rs thus shelters it
N(j.XIT(j AzpHI AlTMA I NTAq1 ABAJ\. MMY ABAJ\. and takes it to the place I where it came from, I from the
I ZM mcTA1 N'.!)APTI TA 1pq) oyeel ZNN oyrrl\.AC- first fragrance which Iis grown cold. It is something in a I
20 MA I M'l'YXIKON TT eq01 11 MrrpHT t:ioyMAY
psychic form, being 20 like cold water I which has frozen
eqApq) I NTAZWT. eqzt:i oyKAz eq 1THK N

33.12 {MIN} ed. pr. I 15 K<w> ABA?.. Schenke I r8 MMAq MS: MMAY (?) ed.
pr. I 33-34 zti<eBOA. zti> moywc,ye Till (Or.) I 39 A decorative mark follows
the last line of the page. I
343 mruT, mw possibly written over erased letters. I 9-ro NeT<q>c,yruA.M
ATTCTA1 <N<_HToy> Till (Or.) I ro AA.A.A {rrCTAel} Schenke I II rre
<rr>TTNA Till (ed. pr.) I I4 ti{T}q Till (Or.) I r8 oy{e}el Schenke lzr WTe
MS: c,yTe (i.e., c,yTA) Grobel: <_eTe Dubois I
T.<;!)ApoyMY 1 ApAq N61 NTNY ApAq .X (?), which is on earth I that is not solid, of which those I
25 oyiKAZ TT. MNNCWC <;!)AqBWA II NKCATT. p- who see it think it I is earth; afterwards it dissolves
<;!}ANOYNiq I CAK(j <;!)AqzMAM. NICTA1 I 6 T- 5 again. If a breath Idraws it, it gets hot. The fragrances, I
Ap@ ZNABAA. ZN TTITTW'9 1 N TB TT1 Aql N61 therefore, that are cold are from the division. I For this
30 TTNA? 1T. AqBWA MTTITTW<;!J ABAA II AYW Aq1N reason faith came; I it dissolved the division, 3o and it
brought the warm pleroma Iof love in order that Ithe cold
should not come again I but there should be the unity of I
perfect thought. 35
35 rr111 <rr> TTAoroc Mm<yMNoyq NIT61N. NT
This <is> the word of the gospel Iof the discovery of the
pleroma, for I those who await 35' the salvation which is
CCAMT I N61 TOYZATTIC TOYCAMT I ABAA coming Ifrom on high. While their Ihope, for which they I
II TT TTOYA1N T MN are waiting, is in waiting - they whose image 5 is light
1<y.X MTTCATT" 1TMMY with no shadow Iin it- then, at that time, Ithe pleroma Iis
cyAqMAAz A1 N61 1 mrrAHpruMA NTAqcyrurr proceeding to come. The <deficiency> Iof matter came to
10 N 1 N61 TTI<;!)T@ NtZYAH ABAA Z"iT0 11 0TC be not through ro the limitlessness of I the Father, who is
NtMNTATApH.XC NT 1 TTIWT" TNNHY ATN oyA1<;9 coming to give time for I the deficiency, although no one I
t:11mcyTA KAITOJr MTTAAY 1 6M6AM N.xooc .X could say that the incorruptible one would I come in this
qNA1 MTTipHT. N61 TTIAT"TKO AAAA way. But '5 the depth of the Father was multiplied I and
1 1
IS AqA 11 <y{}1 N61 TTIBA90C NT m 1ruT [zA Z THq
the thought of I error did not exist Iwith him. It is a thing
N"] AYW Nq<yoorr 1 ZAZTH~ N N61 TTIMY NT
1 trrAANH.
that falls, I it is a thing that easily stands upright (again)
oyzwq NCZM rr 1 oyzwq qMATN 20
11 ApTq TT. ZN m61N MTT1 1 NTAZI
in the discovery of him Iwho has come to him whom he
20 NCzruq
shall bring back. I For the bringing back Iis called repen-
25 TB TT1 AtMNTAT"TKO II Nlq ABAA. ACOy- For this reason incorruptibility 2 5 breathed forth; it _
AZC NCA TT(N)ITAqp NABI. J(KAC qM 1TAN pursued the one I who had sinned in order that he might I
MMAq TTKW rAp ABAA TT I TT<yW.XTT" ATT0YA1N rest. For forgiveness is I what remains for the light in the
3o ZN TTI<;!}TAI TTI<;!J.X NT TTITTAHpWMA: II TTCA1N deficiency, Ithe word of the pleroma. 3o For the physician
rAp <;!)AqTTWT ATTMA 1T oyN <yWN NZHTq oX runs to the place I where sickness is, because I that is the
moylrucy NTAq rr T<yoorr I NZHT(j TTTp <yTA will that is I in him. He who has a deficiency, then, does
35 6 MAqzA 1rrq .X oyNTq MMY MTT 11 Tq<;!)AAT" not Ihide it, because one has what 35 the other lacks. So the
MMAY mpHT TTITTAHipruMA T Nqp <yTA N pleroma, I which has no deficiency, I but fills up the defi-
AC)/36 TT<;!}TA I NTAq qMoyz MMAq TTNTAq 11 T1q AB.AA
ciency, is what he 36' provided from himself for filling up I
what he lacks, in order that Itherefore he might receive the
35 <rre> rrA.oroc ed. pr. I 36 T61N<J> Till (Or.) I
35.1 oy.xeene{e1} Till (Or.) I 9 <!}T<;y MS: Read <!}TA Schenke, Till (Or.)
I II <rr>oyA1<!} ed. pr. I I5 A<!}{}1 Schenke, Till (Or.): {A}<!} 1 Grobel
I r8 c<w>zM (?) ed. pr. I 35 MMAY MS: Read MMAq Till (Or.) I
TTJ<_MAT "qA.XITq .X<> MITCAIT I TNq<yAAT" grace. For when I he was deficient, he did not have s the
s NMNTq MIIMY MIT<_MAT" TB IT1 I NOY- grace. That is why I there was diminution existing in I the
TCBKO IT T<yOOIT ZN I ITMA" TpIT<_MAT place where there is no grace. I When that which was di-
MMY I N ITCAIT NTAY.Xl MIT1 TCABK minished I was received, he revealed what he Io lacked,
IO ITT(j<yAAT. MMAq Aq 11 oyANiA q01 being (now) a pleroma; I that is the discovery of the light I
NNOYIT.A.HpWMA I T IT1 IT IT6tN MITOYA1N of truth which rose upon him because I it is immutable.
I NTMH" NTA<_<yA1 ApAq .X 1 OYAT"<;YBT(j IT"
That is why I Christ was spoken of in their IS midst, so
TB IT1 {t:i}IITx(ptcTo)c AY<y.X ApAq ZN
1 that those who were disturbed I might receive a bringing
IS ToyiiMHT" <ytN" NC.Xt NNoycTo N6t N1
back, and he I might anoint them with the ointment. The
NTA<_<yTApTp NqTA<_ 1coy MTTJTwzc TTJTW<_C IT
ointment is I the mercy of the Father who will have mercy I
20 coy .A II N N1 NTA<_.XWK ABAJ\." I NCKYOC rAp
on them. But those whom he has anointed 20 are the ones
TMHZ NT1<yAOYTA<_COY" ITCAIT .A" T who have become perfect. I For full jars are the I ones that
1 ITTwzc NOY1" NABW.A. A BA.A.. <yAq<yoyo oy- are usually anointed. But when I the anointing of one Gar)
zs <_N TJ\.AII16 ATpqp <yTA IT IT<_WB
T {M}- is dissolved, I it is emptied, and the 2 s reason for there be-
ITqTwzc NABWK I NTOOT(j ITCAIT rAp TMMY ing a deficiency is the thing I by which its ointment goes. I
I <yApOYNiq CAK(j oyT I <_N T6AM MITTNMMq For at that time I a breath draws it, a thing I in the power of
30 AJ\.117\.A" ZATN IT1 NTAq T OYAT" <yTA IT" that which is with it. 3o But from him who I has no de-
MAYNAZ TBB NJ\.AAY 1 <_A<_THq oy.a MAy<yoy ficiency, no seal is removed I nor is anything emptied, I but
.A.AY I AJ\.J\.A ITT(j<yAAT MMAq <yAq MA<_q AN what he lacks Ithe perfect Father fills again. 3S He is good.
3S MMAq N6J mwT qll.xHK ABAJ\." oyArAeoc IT"
He knows I his plantings, because it is he I who planted
them in his paradise. I Now his paradise I is his place of
This 37I is the perfection in the thought I of the Father,
oy<_N N1 N I N<y.X" NT" ITqMAKMK ITOY-
1 and these are I the words of his meditation. I Each one of-
S 11
1 ITOY1 NT Nq<y .X" IT IT<_Wq NT his words s is the work of his I one will in the revelation I of
ITqoywl<y" oy1 <_M ITOYWNZ ABAJ\.
NT ITq- his Word. While they were still I depths of his thought, the
<y.X" .XIN YO NBAIeoc NT ITqMY" ITJ\.OrOC Word I which was first to come forth revealed Io them
Io NITAZP <yApiT NT ABA.A.. AqoywNz 11 MMAY ABA.A.. along with a mind that I speaks, the one Word in I silent
oyXzN oyNoyc ql<y.X IT.A.oroc oy1 <_NN grace. He was called I thought, since they I were in it before
1 ApAq .X m-
oylxAplc CKAPA1T" AYMOYT being revealed. IS It came about then, that he I was first to
MY TTJ.AH Nyl<yooiT
N<_HTC MITOYWNZ come forth at the time when the will of him I who willed
IS II ABAJ\." AC<yWIT 6 ATpq 1p <yApTI N1 ABAJ\."

36.3 .x<e> Till (Or.) I 13-14 {M}iixc Till (Or.) Irs <!}IN M_S: <;YIN~ ed. pr.
l26 {i'i}rreqTwzc Till (Or:) l28 c~Kq oyeel MS: oyeel c~Nq Trll (Or.) 130
"-~, "- written in the left margin. I
20 oyru<y I rroyru<y .A TTT TTIWT M~.UTN MMAq desired it. I And the will is what the Father rests in and I

NZHT(j oy~zN 1 TTTp Nq MApA.AY <yW 1TT is pleased with. Nothing I happens without him nor does
A.XNT(j OYA MApA.Ayl <yWTT A.XN rroyru<y" anything I happen without the will of I the Father, but his
25 NT I TTIWT" AAAA oyaTTzpT{j" 11 TT" TTq- will 2 5 is unsearchable. His trace I is the will and no one I
oyru<y" TTq"i.XNOC 1TT rroyru<y" ayru MN A.ay will know him nor is it possible I for one to scrutinize him
I NaMM apaq oyT N(j<yoorr 1N" aTpoyt ZTHY in order to I grasp him. But 3o when he wills, I what he
30 apaq <yiNa 1NCMaZT MMaq aA.A.a 11 rrcarr wills is this - even if I the sight does not please them I in
TqOyW<y" TTT{joy1a<yq TT1 TT" KaN <yW-
any way before God - I desiring the Father. For he
TT" I TTNY aBaA." Nqp NY N" 1ZN A.ay
knows the 35 beginning of all of them and their end. I For
NNaZPN TTNOYT rroy 1ru<y" TTIWT" qcayN rap
at their end he will question them I directly. Now, the end
35 NToy11zoy1T THpoy- MN ToyzaH" 1ZN ToyzaH
rap qNa<yNTOY 1azpy- TZaH A TT TT.XI CayN"
is receiving knowledge I about the one who is hidden, and
A.H/38 I aTT1 9HTT" TT1 .A TT TTIWT" II TT1 NTa- this is the Father, 3 81 from whom the beginning came I
TZOY1T" T a 1BaA. MMaq TT1 TOYNaCW 1T forth, to whom all will I return who have I come forth from
apaq THpoy N61 Nl NTa~_IT aBaA. MMaq ayoy- him. 5 And they have appeared for the glory and the I joy
5 ruNz II A aBaA. ayay MN oy1TA.HA." NT rrq- of his name. I
pN" Now the name of the Father is the Son. It is he I who
rrpN I .A MTTIWT" TT TT<yHp NTaq N1<yaprr first gave a name to the one I who came forth from him,
TTNTaqt pN aTTN 1TaZT asaA. MMaq NTaq pw who was himself, 10 and he begot him as a son. I He gave
10 II TT" ayru aqMCT(j NNOy<yH 1p aqt TTqpN him his name which I belonged to him; he is the one to
apaq T N1oyNTqc NTaq TT T oyN 1Tq whom I belongs all that exists around I him, the Father.
NK1 NIM Y<yOOTT zaz 1THq N61 TTIWT" OYNTq His is the name; 1 5 his is the Son. It is possible I for him to
15 Mrrp(N) II oyNTq MTT<yHp oyN 6aM 1NCNY
be seen. The name, however, I is invisible because I it alone
apaq rrpN A N1Taq oyaTNY apaq rr .X
is the I mystery of the invisible 20 which comes to ears that
I NTaq oyaT{j TT TTMy 1CTHp10N MTTiaTNY apaq
11 TNNHY aZNM<y.X YMHZ 1MMaq THpoy N- are completely filled I with it by him. For indeed, I the Fa-_
TOOTq Kal rap I IJJ.qJT" C.XOY MTTqpN" I N ther's name is not spoken, I but it is apparent through a I
qoyaNZ A asaA." ZN oy 1<yl;lp Son.
25 TTipHT 6 oyNa6 TT TTp(N) II NIM 6 TTTa<y In this way, then, the name is a great thing. 2 5 Who,
TY pN Nq I TTINa6 NpN NCaBHA. apaq 1oya- therefore, will be able to utter a name for him, I the great
T{j" TT1 T rrruq TT I rrpN oyazN N<yHp name, except him I alone to whom I the name belongs and
30 MrrpN I N1 TNqMaTN MMaq 11 NZHTOY" N61 the sons of the name I in whom rested 3o the name of the
rrpN MTTIWT I TTaA.IN NyMaTN MMay zwoy I ZM Father, I (who) in turn themselves rested I in his name?

37.25 T.XNOC, i.e., TXNOC I 33 (.NA.~ye <Ne> Till (Or.) I 36-37 qN~{_yNTOY
<.xe t:iT>~zr ey Till (Or.): qN~c_yi\i NT~zoyf ey ed. pr. 137 ~zpey MS:
~zpHT Schenke I 38 JT1, the second e possibly written over rr. I
38.2-3 caJT{e} ed. pr.: KWT Till (Or.) I 24 rrpe(N), e written over ~. l25
neT~ <z>c_y ed. pr. 1
rrqpN TTI..A.H oy~n_yrurr 1 TT mruT NT~q Since the I Father is unengendered, he alone is the one I
35 oy~Tq TTN 1 T~qMIC MM~q Nq N"oypN II z~eH" who begot him for him(self) as a name, 35 before he
'.YIN~ N"qc_yrurr ~.xN" brought forth the I aeons, in order that the name I of the
ToyXIrr N"61 rrpN MTTIWT" qoT 1 N".X~1c T Father should be over their head as I lord, that is the
.1\.6/39 TT1 TT rrpN II M~MH . T~p.X 2M TTq 1 oy~z 39 name in truth, which is firm in his I command through

C~ZN" 2N T6~M T.XHK I ~B~J\. .X TTipN oy~- perfect power. I For the name is not from I (mere) words,
5 B~J\. N I TT" ZN 2NJ\.~1C OY~2N zN" 11 MNTT~1pN nor 5 does his name consist of appellations, I but it is invisi-
TT TTqpN I ~.1\..1\.~ oy~TNY ~p~q TT I ~qt pN
ble. I He gave a name to him alone, I since he alone sees
~p~q oy~Tq I qNY ~p~q oy~T{j N 1 T~q
him, he I alone having 10 the power to give him a name. I
IO oy~T{j TTT oy 11 N" 6~M Nt pN ~p~q I .X
1 N MNT(j pN MMY I YN~t Y For he who does not exist I has no name. I For what name
15 r~p NpN" ~p~q I TT1 T N{j(_900TT N II TT1
is given to him I who does not exist? 1 5 But the one who
NT~q Tc_yoorr qc_yo 1orr MN TTqKpN ~yru exists I exists also with his name, and I he alone knows it, I
I qc~yN MM~q oy~T{j I ~yru ~Tpqt pN ~p~q and alone (knows how) to give him a name. I It is the Fa-
20 oyi~T(j TTiillT JJ TT(_9Hp II TT TTqpN NT~q- ther. The Son 20 is his name. He did I not, therefore, hide it
1z~rrq 6 N" 2N mzruq I ~.1\.J\.~ Nqc_yoorr I TT(_9H- in the thing, I but it I existed; as for the Son, he alone gave a
oy~ 1 T{j TTpN 6 TT~ TTiill T
1 1
25 p Nqt pN II TT" name. I The name, therefore, is that of the Father, 2 5 as the
N"e T rrpN i'1 1mruT TT rrc_yHp TTIM2T 1 TT1 name of I the Father is the Son. Where Iindeed would com-
qN~6N pN TON N 1 C~BHJ\. ~TTiillT" passion find a name I except with the Father?
30 ~}\_}\_~ TT ~N 1 TillC qN~J(OOC N61 OY1 II 2~2TN
But I no doubt one will say 3o to his neighbor: "Who is it I
TTq(_9BHp .X NIM TT I TN~t pN ~TT1 TNqp
who will give a name to him who I existed before himself, I
I c_ypfi N(_900TT z~eH MM~q I 2illC 6 TTpN (_9~
as if offspring did not receive a name 4o. 1 from those I who
M/40 poy.XIT(j" II N N6t MMIC NTOOT(j N 1N1 NT~2-
begot <them>?" First, I then, it is fitting for us I to reflect
MCTOY c_y~pfi I 6 OYTTT(_9(_9 ~p~N TT I ~p
5 N01 i'imzrus .X oyy 11 rr rrpN .X NT~q TT on this matter: What 5 is the name? It is the name I in
rrpN I M~MH NT~q N 6 TT I TTpN" ~B~J\. truth; it is not therefore I the name from the Father, for I it
MTTiillT" .X N" 1 T~q TT TTT(_900TT" N.X~1C I N"pN is the one which is the proper I name. Therefore, he did
ro N"T~q.x 6 i'irrpN 11 N ~rroyc_yrr i'irrpHT 1 N"zN"- not receive the name 10 on loan as (do) I others, according
K~y K~T~ TTCM~T I MTTOY1 TTOY1 TOy- to the form I in which each one I is to be produced. I But this
IN~{c}TN~q NZHTq TT1 1 .A TT rr.X~1C N"pN is the proper name. 1 5 There is no one else who gave it to
I5 NK 11 .1\.~Y N TT" NT~qTtq I ~r~q ~}\_}\_~ oy~Tt him. I But he <is> unnamable, I indescribable, I until the
pN I ~p~q TT" oy~T"TOy~q N I (_9~ TTC~rr time when he I who is perfect spoke of him alone. 20 And it
NT~q NT~TT1 1 T.XHK '~B~J\.' (_9-X ~p~q oy-
2o ~~~Tq ~yru N"T~q TTT 1 oyN" 6~M MM~q ~.xoy

394 oy2..zi'i, o possibly written over z. I 19 rre, rr possibly written over N. I 21

zwq, i.e., zws: zwrr ed. pr. I 23 peN <Neq> Till (Or.): peN <2..p2..q> Menard
40.1-2 Both lines begin with angular fillers (>). I r NTOOT(j: NTOOToy ed. pr.
I 13 N2..{C}TeN2..q or N2..TCeN2..q ed. pr.: The initial N;\. written over TC. I 17 Ne
MS: Read rre MacRae I r8 NT2..q, N written overT. I
1MTTqpeN ~yw ~NY 1~p~q is he who Ihas the power to speak Ihis name and to see Iit.
NT~pe[qq]qwK 6e 1eqNZHT(j .xe rreqpeN eT- When, therefore, it pleased Ihim that his name 2 5 which
25 lloy~'!)q TTq'!)Hp TT ~yw I ~qt MTTipN ~p~q N61 is loved should be his Son, and I he gave the name to him,
rree1 1NT~ZI ~B~.A. ZN ms~eoc ~qc.9e 1 .xe ~Neq that is, him I who came forth from the depth, he I spoke
rreeHrr eqc~yNe I .xe mwwT' oy~T"rree~y rre about his secret things, knowing I that the Father is a be-
30 II TB TT1 pw ~qN TT1 ~~B~/\. .XK~C eq~ ing without evil. 3o For that very reason he brought him I
(_9.X I z~ TTTOTTOC ~yw TTqM~ I NMT~N NT~ql
forth in order to speak I about the place and his I resting-
M~/41 ~B~/\. N1ZHT(j II ~yw Nqt e~y MTTITT.A.HpWM~ It-
place from which he had come forth, 4r.r and to glorify the
f'1NTN~6 NT rreqpeN ~yw 1mz.A.~6 NT mwT
pleroma, Ithe greatness of his name and Ithe sweetness of
rroyee1 rroy 1ee1 TTM~ NT~qe1 ~B~.A. NZHT(j'
the Father. About Ithe place each one came from 5 he will
5 II qN~(_9J( z~p~q ~yw ZN tT~ 1 1 NT~q.XI MTTq-
TZO ~re 1 Tq NTooTc qN~rrwT ~T'cTo 1~peTe speak, and to the I region where he received his establish-
NKC~rr ~yw ~q1 ~B~.A. 1zii1 'rr'M~ TMMY TTM~ ment I he will hasten to return I again and to take from I
10 NT~qw 11 ze ~peTq NZHT(j eq.x1 trre ~~B~.A. zii1 rrM~ that place- the place where he 10 stood- receiving a
TMMY' ~yw I eq.XI C~N<}}' eq.Xl ~1Y' ~Y'P taste Ifrom that place and Ireceiving nourishment, receiv-
I rreqM~ NMT~N MMJN MM~q 1rre rreqrr.A.HpwM~ ing growth. And Ihis own resting-place Iis his pleroma.
15 NJtH 6e 11 THpoy NTN ITIWT' ZNTT.A.H 1 pwM~ N' Therefore, rs all the emanations of the Father I are ple-
~YWZN NeqtH 1THpoy TOYNOYN TT ZN 1TTN- romas, and I the root of all his emanations is in I the one
T~qTpoypWT' ~B~.A. N1ZHT(j THpoy ~qt NY N- who made them all Igrow up in himself. He assigned them
20 IINOYTW'!)' ceoy~NZ 6e ~~B~.A. N61 rroyee1 rroye- 20
their destinies. Each one then Iis manifest, Iin order that
1' I J(K~C ~B~/\. ZN rroyMe 1eye MMIN MM~Y
through their I own thought < ... >. I For the place to
< - - - > TTM~ 1r~p TOY.X~y MTTOYMY which they send 2 5 their thought, that place, Itheir root, is
25 11 '9~r~q rrM~ eTMMey 1ToyNoyNe TeTq MM~Y
what takes them Iup in all the heights Ito the Father. They
I ~Trre ZN NI.XIce THpoy 1'9~ mwT' oyNTY
possess his I head, which is rest for them, 3o and they are
30 NTeq 1 ~rre ecoe1 NMT~N Ney 11 ~yw ceeM~ZT
NMMY 1 ~zoyN YZHN ~zoyN 1~p~q zwc supported, I approaching him, Ias though to say that Ithey_
~Tpoy.xooc .xe 1~y.x1 ~B~.A. ZN rreqzo 1~B~.A. have participated in his face I by means of kisses. 35 But
MB/42 Z"iTOOTq NNJ~crr ~c 11 Moc ceoy~NZ .ae eN 11 ~B~.A. they do not become manifest 42 1 in this way, I for they
N6J N1 i'impHT' I .xe Mrroyp TTT MMJN MM~Y were not themselves exalted; I (yet) neither did they lack
1oyTe ii1rroy'!)WWT' ii1rre~y 1ii1mwT oyTe Nce- the glory I of the Father nor did they think of him as
5 MY ~p~q 11 N zwc '!)HM' OYT .X qC~'!)I

23-24 tin.pe[qq]qwK 6 eqNZHT(j MS: NTApeqp rrwK 6 NZHT ed. pr.

124-25 TOYA'!}q i.e., Toy<oy>Acy(j: eT<q>oyAcy(j Till (Or.) 125 Ayw, y
possibly written over 1. I
41.9 ZM, added in the left margin. I TMMy, the first written over q. I 17
{rre} Till (Or.) I 23 MMAY < - - - > ed. pr. I 27 ATTT, A written over N. I 30
{N}MMY Grobel: NMMq Schenke I 34 ZITOOT(j MS: Z'iTOOTOY Till (Or.) I
42.1 The line begins with an angular filler(>). I 2 TIT <MMAy> Till (Or.) I
I oyT .X oyBAA.K{j TT" AAAA oy 1ATTT6AY TT" 5 small nor that he is harsh I nor that he is wrathful, but I
1 (that) he is a being without evil, imperturbable, I sweet,
oyAT(9TApTp TT 1 oyzA.A6 rre qCAYN AMA JT
Io NIM" MTTAToycywrre Ayw 11 Neqp xp1A N knowing Iall spaces before they have come into existence,
ATPOYTCB 1 1T{j ABAA. and Io he had no need to be instructed. I
TT1 rre rrpHT NINTOYNTY MMYABAA. ZN This is the manner of I those who possess (something) I
IS TTCA zpe NTOOTC NtiMNTNA6 NATC!}ITC eoycA MT from above of the Iimmeasurable greatness, as they I 5 wait
NCA moye1 oyAeeTq Ayw TTT.XHK ABAA.. rreT-
for the one alone I and the perfect one, the one who is I
01 MIMey Ney Ayw MAycye AzpH 1el AMNT
there for them. And they do not go down I to Hades nor
20 oyT MNTY 1 <f>eoNOC MMY OYT" II AC!}2AM"
1 have they I envy nor 20 groaning nor death I within them,
but they Irest in him who is at rest, Inot striving nor Ibeing
MMAY ZN rreTMATN MMAq eyzAc eN oyTe
twisted around 2 5 the truth. But they I themselves are the
I pw rre TMH" Ayw eqcyo 1orr NZHTOY N61 mwT truth; and Ithe Father is within them and Ithey are in the
Ayw N 1TAY eyzN mwT ey.XHK" A 1BAA.. eyoe1 Father, being perfect, I being undivided in 3o the truly
1 good one, being Iin no way deficient in anything, but Ithey
30 NAT"rrwcye ZN 11 TTJArAeoc NAMHe eyt C!}TA
A.Aye eN ZN A.Aye AAAA 1 eyt MTAN eyA.HK" ZN are set at rest, refreshed in the ISpirit. And they will heed
rrelrrN(eyM)A Ayw eyNACWTM ATY 1NoyNe ey- their I root. They will be concerned with those (things)
3s NACpq ApAy II N1 TqNA6N TqNOYN" IN- 35 in which he will find his root Iand not suffer loss to his I
ZHTOY N(jTMP TTACI NTq 1'J'yXH TT1 TT TTTOTTOC soul. This is the place of the Iblessed; this is their place. I
NNIIMAKApiOC TT1 TT rroyT0 1TTOC For the rest, then, may they 4o know, in their places,
that I it is not fitting for me, 43-I having come to be in the
Mr/43 oylrreTecycye ApA1 N rre 11 A21C!}WTT ZM TTMA
resting-place, Ito speak of anything else. But Iit is in it that
I shall come to be, and (it is fitting) to Ibe concerned at all
II TTTHpq oywzzN NICNHY NA 1MH" N1 pt-
times with the Father of s the all and the true brothers, I
s 1 those upon whom the love of Ithe Father is poured out and _
ArATTH MlmwT" cyoyo A.xwoy Ayw MN C!}TA
NTeq cyoorr ZN TOYMHT 1 N1 NTAY Toy- Iin whose midst there is no lack of him. IThey are the ones
Io w[z]N[M]Z 11 MAMH[1] eycyoorr ZM TTJWNZ INA- who appear Io in truth, since they exist in Itrue and eter-
MH" Ayw NNANHze Ayw 1 eycye.xe ATTOYA1N nal life and Ispeak of the light which Iis perfect and filled
eT"I.xHK ABAA. Ayw eTMHz 2 ~ 1 mcrrepMA. NT with I the seed of the Father, and IS which is in his heart
IS mwT Ayw 11 T"ZN rreqzHT" Ayw ZN mrr A.H- and in the I pleroma, while his I Spirit rejoices in it and
pwMA. eqTA.HA. NZHT(j 1 N61 rreqrrN(eyM)A Ayw glorifies I the one in whom it existed I because he is good.
eqt AY I MTTTNqC!}OOTT NZHT{j .X NANoyq And 20 his children are perfect and I worthy of his name, I
20 Ayw C.XHK 11 ABAA. N6i NqC!}Hp AYW I CMTTC!}A for he is the Father: it is children I of this kind that he I
MTTqpN .X I NTAq rAp TTIWT" ZNC!}H 1pe NT1-
MJN NT{jOyA 1cyoy

7 TT oy4T, 4 written over erased <9 I 25 MTMH i.e., NTMH I 27 MT4N

<Ny> (?)Attridge I
439 NT4y, y written over q. I ro M4MH[1], M4 added in the left margin. I

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