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IS 883 : 1994

( Reaffirmed 2005 )

Indian Standard
(Fourth Revisioti
First Reprint JULY 1995

UDC 691.11 : 624.011-l : 624.04


NEW DELHI 110002

August 1994 Price Group 7

Building Construction Practices Sectional Committee, CED 13


This Inditin Standard ( Fourth Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after thedraft
finalized by the Building Construction Practices Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Clouncil.
This Indian Standard was first published as code of practice for use of structural timber in building
( material, grading and design ) in 1957 and was first revised in 1961. In the second revision in 1966,
clauses relating to specification and grouping of structural timber were deleted and these aspects were
covered in detail in a separate standard, namely IS 3629 : 1966 Specification for structural timber in
building which was subsequently revised in 1986. The third revision of this standard took place
in 1970. This is the fourth revision of the standard. In this revision besides taking into account the
revised version of IS 3ci29: 1986 Specification for structural timber in building (Jirst revision ) and strr ngth
data on additional species, the experience gained during the past years in using the standard, has also
been considered. The different species of timber available in the country which have been tested so far
and found suitable for construction purpjsea have been classified into three main groups based on modulus
of elasticity and modulus of rupture. The design of deep and built-up beams and spaced columns are
covered in detail. Safe working stresses of recommended species and their relevant pertinent data given
in this standard have largely been derived from publications of Forest Research institute, Dehra Dun.
In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to international co-ordination among
the standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in
the field in this country.
This standard is one of the two Indian Standards on slructural timber in building. The other standard
being IS 3629 : 1986.
For the purpose ofdeciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or/analysts, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 1960 Rules for rounding off numerical VaheS ( revised ). The number of significant places
retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Indian Standard
(Fourth Revision)
1 SCOPE 3.1.5 Solid Column

Ii1 This standard covers the general principles Solid columns are formed of any-section having
involved in the design of structural timber in solid core throughout.
3.1.6 Saced Column
1.2 The following aspects are not covered in
this standard: Spaced columns are formed of two or more mem-
bers jointed at their ends and intermediate points
a) Timber pile foundations; by block pieces

b) Structural use of plywood;

3.1.7 Working Stress
C) Design of structural timber joints and
fastenings; Stress obtained after applying necessary adjust-
ment factors ( according to the particular design )
d) Lamclla arch roofing; and to the permissible stress.
e) Timber-concrete composite construction.
For the purpose of this code, the following
2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are letter symbols shall have the meaning indicated
necessary adjuncts to this standard. against each:
A ~3 area of cross-section of column in mm
b = breadth of beam in mm
3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the c = concentrated load in N
definitions given in IS 707 : 1976 and IS 3629 :
1986, and the following shall apply. D s depth of beam in mm

DI - depth of beam at notch in mm

3.1.1 Box Column
D, = depth of notch in mm
A column formed of four members having a
hollow core. Members are joined with one d = dimensions of least side of column in
another forming a box and provided with solid mm
block at ends and intermediate points. dl = the least overall width of box column
in mm
3.1.2 Fundamental or Ultimate Stress
do s the least overall dimension of,core in
The stress which is determined on small clear box column in mm
specimen of timber, in accordance with standard
E = modulus of elasticity in bending in
practice and does not take into account the effect
of naturally occurring characteristics and other N/mm
factors. e = length of the notch measured along the
beam span from the inner edge of the
3.1.3 Permissible Slress support to the farthest edge. of the
Stress obtained after applying factor of safety to notch in mm
the ultimate stress.
f ab = calculated bending stress in extreme
3.1.4 Purlin fibre in N/mms

A roof member directly.supporting rOOf Covering fso = calculated average axial compressive
or rafter and roof battens. stress in N/mms

IS 883 : 1994

- calculated axial tensile stress in N/mm* u = constant for a particular thickness of

= the permissible bending stress on the plank
extreme fibre in N/mm* V = vertical end reaction or shear at a
fo = permissible stress in axial compression section in N
in N/mm* w= total uniform load
f cn- permissible stress in compression normal = distance in mm from reaction to load
( perpendicular ) to grain in N/mm* = section modulus of beam in mms
f OP = permissible stress in compression r = a factor determining the value of form
parallel to grain in N/mm factor K,
foe = -permissible compressive stress in the 6 = angle of load to grain direction
direction of the line of action of the
load in N/mms 8 - deflection at middle of beam

ft = permissible stress in tension parallel to 5 MATERIAL

grain in N/mm* 5.1 Species of Timber
H = horizontal shear stress in N/mm*
The species of timber recommended for con-
= moment of inertia of a section in mm4 structional purposes are given in Table 1.
; - coefficient in deflection depending upon
type, criticality of loading on beam 5.1.1 Grouping
X, - modification factor for change in ~10~ Species of timber recommended for constructional
of grain purposes are classified in three groups on the
basis of their strength properties, namely, modulus
Ks c modification factor for change in dura-
tion of loadings of elasticity ( E ) and extreme fibre stress in
bending and tension (fb ). The characteristics of
these groups are given below:
Group A - E above 12.6 x 1GsN/mms; fb
above 18 0 N/mms
Group B - E above 9.8 x 10s N/mm* and
up to 12.6 x 10s N/mms; fa
Ks = form factors above 12.0 N/mm* and up to
XT - modification factor for bearing stress 18.0 N/mm
Group C - E above 5.6 x 10s N/mm* and
KS = constant equal to O-584 - up to 9.8 x 1Cs N/mm; ,fb
ffp above 8.5 N/mm and up to
12.0 N/mm
K. = constant equal to + _UxE
d WOP 5.1.2 Safe permissible stresses for the species of
timber (classified into there groups in 5.1.1 ) are
KIO= constant equal to 0.584 _!% given in Table 1.
f CP 5.1.3 Timber species may be identified in
accordance with good practice.
1 - span of beam or truss in mm
5.2 Other general characteristics like durability,
M- Maximum bending moment in beam in treatability of the species are given in Table 1, as
N [mm far as these are known.
n = shank diameter of the nail The species of timber other than those given in
p1 - ratio of the thickness of the compression Table 1 may be used provided the basic strength
flange to the depth of the beam properties are determined and found in
accordance with 5.1.1.
Q= statical moment of area above or below
Other species can be used at the risk of larger
the neutral axis about neutral axis in
nuns sections and economy.
= a constant for particular thickness of NOTE - For obtaining basic stress figures of the
Q unlisted species, a reference may be made to the Forest
plank Research Institute,Dehra Dun.
Ql = ratio of the total thickness of web or 5.3 Moisture Content in Timber
webs to the overall width of the beam
Unless otherwise specified the moisture content of
S = unsupported overall length of column the timber shall conform to the requirements given
in mm in IS 287 : 1993 ( ste also Tablt 2 for rtcommendtd
t w nominal thickness of planks used in moisturt conttnt bawd on tht zonaf division of the
forming box type column in mm country ).

1s JJs3t 1994

Table 1 Safe Permissible Stresses for the Species of Timber

[ Clou~ar5.1, 5.12, 5.2, 5.7.1, 5.7.2 (b) 6.2, 6.3,6.4.1, 6.4.2,, (b) ]

Spedes LocsUty Prom Aversge Pcrmisssiblc She. I* N mm ror Grrdt , PrmerV8tIe R=fnct0ri-
_______-_-------~ Where Tested Unit Modo? r----_-_ -_---______h-____-_- --p-----T Cburcterm menuA&
Trade Name Mssm at Eluticit~ Bendina and Tension Shear ComDrewan --_A____
12 Per- A~~r$s Along drain, Extreme Ail Loc.slions Comprt uion Perpeodicular to Grain . tDurabi- :Treu-
Cell Fi bre Srren c---*--T Parallel co Gram r------.---y lity Cti nbiliry
M&rue Loe.don~ 1 --_*_---_ Horizon- 91onw .----.--*--_------ Wet Grade
Grain Inside Outride Wer LOCS-
LOCa- LO==- LOCZi- LOCa- t,on
lion tmn lion
-__ -__ ._

-- (16)
(3) (6) (7) (81 !13) (17) (18) (19)

Kbaw u. P. I 009 13*4 201 168 131 I.55 2.21 13tl 123 101 77 6'0 49 I - A
I&u@ch M. P. I 086 1679 265 220 Ii6 224 320 179 15.9 130 109 84 89 - A
Blrck sirir Madras 737 1354 187 156 125 I .53 219 I3 3 118 96 7.3 56 46 I e B
Bruguiera AndrnPnr 897 176 8 219 183 146 118 I 69 143 12.7 104 55 43 35 III - -
( Mangrove )
Dbaman M adra, 788 1482 183 152 122 131 187 120 107 87 6.0 *7 3.8 II d B
Karng Madras 987 1691 25.1 209 167 151 216 164 116 Il.9 93 73 59 - -

Hopea .Madras ,081 1479 21.3 17.3 112 153 2.19 145 129 106 99 7.7 63 I - A
HOptl Madrar 923 1303 186 155 124 129 184 132 11.8 96 92 73 6.0 I e A
Ping Assam 903 1320 I91 15.3 127 128 184 117 104 85 5.7 4.4 36 III b A

Mnua A.U=lll 965 1630 233 194 155 I.23 I76 155 138 113 5-y 46 3.7 I e
Bullet-wood S. Andaman I 103 1739 227 189 151 I 47 210 112 127 104 113 88 72 I _
Ballagi Madras I 139 1629 224 la.7 150 153 218 147 L3l 107 87 68 55 I c
Red saodtr; Madras I 121 1273 25.0 209 !67 174 240 I&l 161 13.2 118 92 75 -
Cboai .4odaman 869 1506 215 179 143 105 150 125 II1 91 53 4.1 34 - -
Padri Madras 731 1294 190 158 127 112 160 119 106 87 40 31 26 111 -
Milla .Mah.washtra 937 1301 182 15.2 121 117 167 126 112 92 95 74 6.1 I -

Kakko Andaman 642 1117 134 1 I2 90 I 08 1.54 90 80 65 44 34 2.8 I e B

Dbrura. u. P. a92 1055 Itil 134 107 111 159 91 81 66 47 37 30 I e A
Axle wood
( Bakli )
Aim Yadr.u 6110 1045 150 12 5 100 014 I.05 104 92 75 33 2% 21 1
Babul Il. P. 797 - - 129 lo3 144 206 89 79 64 52 40 33 II
Saled khair Mahar=htra 993 1228 230 19.2 153 165 935 139 124 101 99 77 63
Mundoni Madras 690 l25Y 161 134 108 123 176 IO5 94 7.7 46 36 29 III
Aglaia .\nlm 815 125-6 It)2 152 121 I.41 202 101 89 73 +4 34 28
Yen Oriw4 Pt4 1167 17% 147 117 127 180 108 96 7.9 51 40 33
Juegli-nimbu Orissa 897 1031 16.7 139 II.1 147 210 113 100 82 61 49 40 -
Jut1li .&am iYi 1137 17.1 143 II.4 117 181 II0 98 80 68 53 44 II A
Amari Ueogal 1025 105 134 11 92 090 I 30 t14 7.4 60 3.7 2.9 24 II B
Pip11 W. Bengal 671 989 128 107 86 I 05 I49 79 70 57 35 27 12 - - C

.Amalrn~ II. P. 865 1 In0 I92 160 128 I.43 Lo+ 123 109 89 72 56 46 I - A
Maninwaga hsnm 748 126.0 184 153 123 123 174 II.4 IO1 83 59 46 3.8
Dhup Yadrrs 655 118% 133 II1 8.9 086 I23 81 72 59 28 2.2 18 III - C
&sod M. P. 820 10511 154 l2R 109 0.98 139 108 9% 79 55 4.3 35 - -
Cawarma Orissa 769 1144 146 122 98 127 181 82 73 59 40 31 r5 III e A
Peon Maharashtra 657 97.7 134 112 90 079 112 86 77 63 28 22 I8 II - B .
Srrm wond M, P. 865 1169 182 151 121 137 196 109 97 80 6.3 49 40 111 - A
I<xan, Yl.dras Ii15 12*3 147 123 9H ~64 091 30 80 6.6 27 2.1 I7 111 b C

table 1 ( Codmuif )

Spedem LmaugFrrom Av;ye Modnlms Prrmlmibl. Strems In N/mm for Crsdc 1 Prtmrti*
,_-_____~_______~ Wbarc Temed of c------~----- ---A------ --,- - - ---- -_ Ch-r-ct*m
Boraaicsl Name Tnde Name M/z .* Ehd&, Bending and Tension Sbesr ComprmiOn Comprrvwn ,---*--_ Scuoriq
12 Per. (All Grrd.. Along Grain, Fzwcme All laations P~nllel to Grain Pcrpendrculw 10 Grain tDurabi- $Trest-
CCIf md All Fibm Strcu ---*-, __.__ ___--_ r-l--h----_ lity C%w ability
Wet Gnde

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (16) (17) (18) (19)

128 lo2 I03 148 99 IJTJ 7.2 66 52 12 -

745 1092 132 110 88 099 I.41 80 71 5.8 31 24 19 I B
758 1171 125 105 a.4 077 110 7.9 71 58 27 21 I7 - - B
726 1334 145 I26 96 075 I06 88 79 64 35 27 22 III a B
Tnli 734 1124 14.9 124 100 37 30 B
Ill 159 99 88 72 4.7

Pali 606 1186 139 II6 93 072 75 2.9 22 18 II e B

103 85 62

Ebony 776 1215 142 119 95 091 129 *3 73 60 33 26 21 A

Ebony 043 993 135 112 90 098 I40 79 70 5.7 40 31 25 II! A
Gurjun 699 1271 156 113 90 071 I02 78 69 57 25 I9 1.6 - - B
Eucalyptus 912 1483 159 13.2 IO.6 103 I48 90 80 65 34 26 21 I e A
( Blue gum )
053 1147 164 136 I74 1 I3 100 82 76 59 4.8 - -
I(r9 122
952 1194 118 123 98 114 I62 92 82 67 58 4.5 37 Ill d
778 1094 160 139 IO 6 121 I73 97 86 71 4.7 37 30
726 130 90 80 66 40 31 25 I - A
1273 135 113 90 091
758 1200 15.4 126 IO3 137 195 91 81 6.6 41 32 26 II d B
a72 1337 179 149 119 I27 IBl II0 98 80 65 50 (I I A
0.88 126 82 73 60 29 2.2 I8 - B
617 106.2 132 110 88

157 101 9.0 73 4.4 34 28 Ill -

813 1088 168 14.0 112 110
617 1076 127 lo6 85 0 84 I20 82 73 59 34 26 22 I e B

734 1097 I)3 II9 95 109 I.55 87 77 63 37 29 24 II l A

I81 110 98 8.0 56 43 36 I - A
885 l23Y 173 I44 Il.5 I.27
lo3 83 I03 I47 82 73 60 35 27 22 e B/G
692 loo0 124
97 86 70 35 27 22 III - B
715 1106 118 123 99 0 93 I32

31 25 - - -
788 1290 I(3 119 95 I 09 156 91 80 66 40
721 17.1 143 II4 I.46 120 IO7 87 55 43 35 I c B
1124 I02
53 41 3.3 II c -
a42 1283 174 14.5 II6 097 I38 117 lo4 85
SO3 1025 14.9 124 99 I .34 91 81 66 41 32 26 I e B
4.3 3.3 27 Ill - B
712 Ice9 15.0 125 100 122 I74 85 76 62
167 81 72 58 33 26 21 Ill B
719 104.1 14.8 123 9S 117
31 111 -
Planchonia odido Red bombwe Andmmt, 913 131.0 161 134 107 095 I 36 108 96 79 4.9 38
( Syn P. o*donmtuc, )
Qynrw lomrllor. Oak w. Bengal 87.0 1244 14.5 121 97 115 I65 87 78 64 38 29 24 11 c A

Qwcur gqfilh:, Oak Meghalaya 80 71 58 4.6 36 29 - A

974 100.6 131 109 88 I.1 I I59
- - A
Qprrrtu inrona Oak Punjab I 008 1082 158 131 lo5 122 176 87 7.8 63 50 39 32

( Cmrimd 1

IS 883 t 1994

Table 1 ( tonlinurd )

Sptde. LaCllity Prom Av;zp M,,dmI.m Pcrmiwslble Stress ia N/mm for Grsdc I PrrscrNtic
~_---_-_--~ c---- glcfr~ctod-
r--_--- Where Tared of --__----- ___-._ _-_ _________~______~ Cb.rret... -. to Air
Batamcal Name Trade Name Mass at ElUdCIty Bending and Tension Shear Compreumo r-_*-_ sauonimg
12 Per. (All Grrdc, Along Grain, Extreme All Locations Camprrrswo Perpendicular to Gram tDur=bi- &Treat-
cent and All Fihre Strep r---*-_y Parallel to Grain c--- --*----_ litv Clam ability
~-_--_-*_--_-~ In,ide Ourrid<: Wet Grade
Ioride Outride Wet LUC& LOCa- L0ca
Loca. LfXa- Loca- rion tmn tion
lion rion tmn
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 17) (81 (9) (IO) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15, (16) !I71 (18) (19)
Oak W. Bengal 874 1263 132 127 101 I11 173 96 86 70 33 41 34 II E A
- Punjab 834 115.8 158 131 103 1?7 I81 83 i3 60 38 -
29 24 -
Sal M. P. 805 1267 169 140 I I? 094 I34 IO6 94 77 46 35 29 I e A
Robini Madras I II6 1222 215 179 141 162 232 150 133 109 129 100 82 I - A
Mabnrasbtra 721 1220 168 140 II.2 110 I56 12% 112 9: 68 53 43 - - --
Nar,kel Assam 5Y3 1093 134 II8 89 0 84 I20 82 7.3 60 27 ?I 17 III C

Jaman Assam 841 1033 148 124 99 Ill 158 9.0 80 6.5 69 3.4 44 II A
Babera u. P. 729 IO1 9 136 II3 90 096 137 84 73 61 37 28 23 III B
Mymbalan - 918 1237 171 142 Ilt Il? I60 117 104 83 67 52 43 II A
- Aslllll 733 1189 171 143 II.4 108 96 50 39 -
Ill 159 79 32
Black-cbuglam S. Andamao 822 126% 168 140 :I2 I.12 160 lo3 92 75 51 40 32 II B
Teak Il. P. 660 99.7 IS5 129 IO.1 115 164 94 83 6.8 45 35 28 I B
Kindal Mabarashtra 765 105.7 13 I 109 8: 092 132 86 7.7 63 36 28 23 I A
Lallrel, Madras 906 1054 151 125 100 I10 I.58 94 84 68 6.2 48 40 I A
White-cbuglam S. Aodaman 690 1238 153 130 IO4 087 124 98 87 il 36 28 23 111 e *
Bhendi Mabarasbtra 766 1036 la.9 158 126 I 32 I.88 II3 100 82 44 34 28 - - B
IrUl Mtlbarmbtra 839 1163 162 135 108 I28 183 109 97 7.9 78 60 49 I e A
Mullilam W. Bengal 387 1063 147 122 98 087 124 93 84 69 34 2.6 21 I e B
ArUtlXbd 715 Ill7 152 12.7 IO1 120 170 IO.3 92 73 40 31 24 - - -
Cbe,tnut Megbalaya 688 125.4 148 123 99 098 140 98 87 71 34 27 22 - B
Eucalyptus Nilgiri 831 1212 173 144 II 3 I38 I.96 II0 98 80 42 33 27 - -
Eucalyptus ooty 725 935 15.t 129 103 099 I41 86 76 63 3.0 24 20 - -
Eucalyptus Madras 777 1103 167 139 111 096 I.38 97 86 71 3.4 26 22 - - -
White siris u. P. 643 902 134 II2 89 098 140 85 76 62 43 33 27 I c
Lakoocb u. P. 6+7 614 IO.0 83 67 098 141 53 47 3.8 28 22 I8 I
Jack, Lathal Madras 617 946 139 II6 92 104 148 93 tJ3 68 45 35 29 I _

Pitraj W. Bengal 668 H9.8 123 102 82 108 154 80 7.1 5.8 40 31 26 I -

Adinn cordif&* Haldu u. P. 663 854 133 III 89 096 I.36 t3i 77 63 44 34 1.8 III a
Anlhocepl&u chinrnrir Kadam - 485 188 97 81 64 069 fl.98 39 3.3 43 19 I5 I.! III =
( Syn. A. Codomba 1
Arlocorpur rhoploshn Cbaplash Assam 515 91.1 13.2 110 X.8 0.86 I.21 a.5 75 62 36 28 23 II d B
Acaclo lrucophlocn Hiwnr M. P. 737 78.5 134 II2 90 I03 147 75 67 54 45 35 28 - A
Acorio mclanoxylons Black wood Madras 630 945 130 10 R a.7 I 05 150 76 68 55 32 25 20 -
Acncio mrwnrti Black wattle Madrar 669 til0 104 66 69 II.83 I.18 60 54 44 23 I8 I5 - -
( Syn. A. mollirsimn )
Aar pp. Maple Punjab, U. P 551 735 99 82 63 088 125 59 49 40 21 17 I4 III - B
Aqb m.rmrlor Bael u. P. 890 88.1 135 II2 90 I.40 2cm 8.8 78 64 68 53 43 III B *
( Sya. fntrtn btjueo 1
Andamu, 705 91.6 132 II.0 88 I 08 I 54 7.9 71 38 40 31 ?6 - -
Gokul W. Bengal 404 794 83 69 55 058 082 53 47 39 11 0.9 07 III - C
Kardbal u. P. Y29 975 170 142 I I; I28 I84 98 87 71 65 51 42 III A
( Cmtmwd
IS 889 t 1994

Table 1 ( Conhued )

OpCd- Locrlity From Avemgr Modmlue Pcrmis.iblc Sbc.. is. N/mm for Grade 1 PrcS.Z.V8tiVc gRcfr8ctori-
,-------_A.- _--_--\ Where Tested Lhit Of _---________--~___*- -------_--_ -_---_ Ch*.X!te*. DCS. *o Air
Trulc Name nlus .t Eh.&ity . Bending and Tenwon Shear Compression Comprrrrion __-*-_-_ Sc8modmg
12 Pcz- (All Grsdcs Along Grain, Extreme All lwatiom Pusllcl 10 Grain Perpendicular to Grain thrabi- fTrcat-
CCDL md All Fibre Strer, ,-_--*---_. c- .--_*---_ ,_-----*__--- lity Cllsr ahlily
M&y.r; I,ocrtioa~) ,------*---- - H.XlZ0U Along Inside Outride Wet Inside Outride Wet Grade
sl Iorsde Outride Wet 1.1 Gr*Ul Loca- Loca- LOC&. LOCa- LOCS- Lo.==-
LOCC LOCh LOC*- tioo tion tmn lion rioo lion
kg/m* N/mm rion tion tion
_ - ---- -.~ -- --
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (71 (8) (9) (IO) (II) (12) 113) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1%
- -__ -___
- Keral. 833 94% 152 127 102 122 I59 108 96 78 - -
dnranul 73 5.7 47
AlbiZin lrn~ - Aruonehal, A. I. 566 851 107 8) il 082 I18 73 65 53 23 I8 I5 ._ -
NeMll u. P. 836 852 146 12.1 97 129 184 100 89 73 50 39 32 - -
S&i Bibu 551 721 94 79 63 073 105 55 49 40 21 16 13 I e C
Kaui Llihnr 584 942 116 97 77 088 126 71 6.3 51 40 31 26 I e B
Birch W. Bcngsl 625 92.3 96 80 64 076 108 57 50 21 22 17 I4 - 8
IJrkm Msdru 769 884 96 82 &5 079 112 5.9 53 43 36 2.8 23 III - A
A. P. 756 117 155 133 105 O?Ul I.30 101 90 74 53 41 34 II c

u. P. 889 837 131 109 88 103 148 77 68 56 53 41 34 I A

H. P. 557 94.8 102 87 72 0.70 100 7.8 69 57 27 21 17 I c
u. P. 506 84.1 88 7.6 62 057 082 69 62 50 24 18 15 I e C
w. Bengal 624 985 106 88 70 082 117 64 57 46 27 21 17 II b B

ckukruti odurin~ W. Bengal 666 835 II8 98 iY 105 I 50 71 w3 5.2 39 31 25 II c B

( Syn. C. T&&is )
MalUnhtra 689 868 135 II2 90 095 136 87 78 64 40 31 25 III e B
Wbitc dhup Assam 569 1054 101 84 67 074 106 6.2 55 45 21 16 13 III - c
Mdru 471 65.7 IO.2 85 6a 049 070 64 56 46 20 16 I3 -
KenIs 761 734 92 77 61 074 105 95 84 69 39 30 2.5 -
M. P. 884 839 129 lo8 86 ID8 1-55 80 71 58 42 33 27 I -
Punjab 799 714 128 IO.7 a.5 125 179 82 73 6.0 42 33 27 I c
W. Bengal 647 861 12.1 100 80 083 118 7.3 65 53 27 21 I7 111 a
w . Bengal 622 756 118 99 79 094 I.34 71 63 52 35 27 22 III d
Mah.r*1btra 818 769 109 91 73 085 122 70 62 51 33 2.6 21 II
W. Bengal 485 83.8 98 82 6.5 06Jl 085 b4 5.7 47 I8 14 I1 III e

Madru 466 87.4 97 81 64 070 099 63 56 46 20 I5 13 C

MUhI 753 60.0 102 85 68 085 120 73 6-5 5.3 40 31 25
Madru 687 648 92 77 61 070 I00 69 61 50 40 31 2-6 - - -

Is. P. 571 758 Il.7 97 7.8 101 145 72 64 53 34 26 21 I l B

Il. P. 501 702 98 82 66 084 121 57 50 *I 42 32 27 I e B
M. P. 705 71.3 14.1 117 94 I.20 I70 84 7.4 61 46 36 30 -
M. P. 852 664 141 I I8 94 I29 I 84 90 80 65 74 56 17 I e
u. P. 592 74.6 120 IO.0 8.0 089 120 67 60 4-9 28 22 18 III b B
M. P. 616. 869 123 IO.2 82 067 096 79 7.0 57 34 26 21 -
u. P. 565 900 99 83 66 085 I22 58 52 42 22 17 I4 III Is
N. Andamsn 622 853 121 lo1 81 082 117 77 68 56 34 26 22 II l B

, ( Cmtiwd )

18 883 I 1394

Table 1 ( conlinucd )

spcciem Lacdlty Prom

y--P- -----Y Wbae Tut-d
Botanical Name Trsde Nmne

(15) (16) (17) (18) (19)

Jbingan u. P. 557 563 85 71 57 064 0 91 4.9 4.4 36 22 I.7 I4 III e R


673 632 116 97 7.8 104 149 74 66 54 38 30 2 *4

460 73.3 85 75 56 053 083 53 *7 10 I8 I4 11 1iI - .C
936 882 130 IO8 87 101 I44 75 67 55 63 )9 40 1 e A

M.&go, Aam Orissa 661 912 122 101 82 0.9G 137 73 65 53 3.1 24 20 III . C
Mxhilru Madru 521 763 lo2 85 G8 071 I 02 63 56 46 24 19 I5 III * B
Raini u. P. 662 751 108 9.0 72 096 136 60 5.4 44 29 23 I.9 III B
A_ 449 1037 lo9 9.1 i.3 068 0% 80 7l- 58 3.4 26 21 - -
Cbmnp w. Bengal 512 82.5 109 91 7.3 072 I02 66 59 48 28 22 18 I - B
KGm u. P. 651 78.2 126 IO5 84 I 04 I49 79 7.0 57 37 29 24 IlE b B

ChUlp W. Bengal 513 lOI 98 82 65 072 I03 61 55 45 I6 13 I0 II e B

Domul u. P. 747 792 II7 97 78 I14 163 70 63 51 32 29 24 III -
Mulberry u. P. 743 820 I I8 98 79 100 I43 66 5-a 48 38 29 24 III - B
MUlb=lY Ii. P. 657 703 102 85 68 091 I.30 56 SO 4.1 26 20 16 III B
BOls And8llun 588 861 123 lo2 82 102 146 72 64 53 33 25 21 B
S8OdUl M. P. 784 854 133 II.1 09 121 172 85 7.5 62 51 3.9 32 I - B

Bowurn Asum 566 95% 132 110 88 084 121 88 78 64 28 21 18 II e B

ChiI u. P. 525 902 85 73 60 062 088 60 53 4.4 20 I5 I3 III b C

Kail 515 680 66 56 50 060 080 52 46 38 17 13 10 II 5 c

nonrum Asum 511 765 97 81 65 070 101 66 59 4.8 22 17 I4 II c B
Rohu H. P. 761 57.7 125 104 83 115 I.65 68 61 50 40 31 25 III - B
Kbri pine North Eut 513 73.8 89 74 59 057 074 58 52 )3 15 12 I0 B

Kikw rioghi J. & K. 881 73.2 131 lo9 87 I20 I71 80 7.1 58 43 34 2.8
Thirmin S. Andamm 533 941 125 lo4 83 061 086 80 71 58 26 20 I6 II
752 915 119 99 79 083 119 67 60 19 30 23 I9 III B

700 929 132 110 88 097 139 71 63 52 32 25 20

548 94 I 1044 87 696 086 123 67 60 4.9 24 I9 16
687 95.5 135 113 90 085 122 07 7.7 63 3.2 25 20 III B
657 I165 II4 95 76 084 119 67 59 K8 20 16 I3 II B
696 852 132 I I0 88 106 152 90 80 66 43 33 27 II -

( Conrtid)
IS 883 t 1994

Table 1 ( conchdcd )

Sp2iM Locality From Avenge Modolus Ptrmissiblc Stress in N/mm for Grndc 1 Prcscrv*tivc gnefr*ctori-
,_____---*_-__---T Where Tested IJoit of r__------------_---_- A________________ ____ --_~ Cbrr.ctrr.
Botanical Name I-rade Name Mua .t Elnaticity Bending and Tension Shea, Camprerrmn Comprrtrmn c_-*---_
12 Per- (All G-d-s Along Gram, Extreme All locations Parallel 10 Gram Pe,pend,cula, to Cram tDu,abi- fT,rat-
cent *ad All Fibre btrrsr ,-__-n--- ~ ;~d, __h_____~ ,_-_-.-_h-__-_~ lay Clru abdity
Moianre Locatioa~) C----h____ _ HO,U.OIl Along OU,ll& \Vet Inride Outside WC1 Grade
Goatctlt Instide Outride We, ,a, G,al LOC& L0ca- LCXa- Loca- Loca- Loca-

(8) ! IG) (17) (18) (19,

Kucum Bihar 1032 1212 15.5 130 IO4 1.4; 211 IOY 9.7 79 bi 4.: _I!, II J A

Chilauni W. Bengal 693 957 Il.1 Y3 7.4 08Y I.28 66 5Y 48 3 I8 it d

Makai Astam 548 927 II.1 92 74 091 IZY 71 63 5.L 2Y 21 I8 III c LI
KC0r.i W. Bengal 617 863 128 107 85 092 I.32 74 66 54 q8 37 30 - n
Padri u. P. 721 886 133 I I.1 89 098 I29 73 70 57 35 27 22 III B
Teak M. P. 617 84 9 128 IO7 85 OS4 130 79 70 57 40 31 26 1 e
Arjun Bihar 794 771 122 102 82 112 I60 74 6.6 54 52 41 33 II b H
Hollock ASsam 615 96 2 II9 99 80 085 I21 7.6 67 5.5 2.!J 22 18 a u
White bomb- N. Andaman 616 899 I I8 98 79 089 127 72 64 53 30 z3 I9 111 b 8
Yew W. Bengal 705 779 143 II9 95 I 22 I74 87 i8 64 47 3.7 30 - -
lmli Madras 913 563 II4 95 76 122 I.71 70 62 51 5.3 41 34 B
TOOti 0. P. 487 640 87 73 58 0 70 100 54 48 39 24 I8 I5 B
II c
Vellnpins Madras 535 1095 Il.5 96 i.6 073 I 05 i5 67 55 23 I8 I4 111 e C
Ho,,ecbntnut U. P. 484 75-5 85 71 57 WE Ill 48 42 35 I8 I4 11 - - B
Tad (Palmyra) A. P. 838 879 lo5 68 70 067 096 IO.0 88 7.2 4.7 36 27 - -
Eucalyptur Kamataka 804 953 128 lo6 85 078 Ill 72 r4 52 35 27 22 - A
Eucalyptut u. P. 781 703 124 104 83 112 I 60 i9 70 57 35 28 23 A
Eucrlyptw T. N. 713 922 148 123 111 099 I41 85 76 62 2H 22 18 - A
Euulyptu~ T. N. 584 793 128 IO7 8j 080 I-15 80 54 44 25 I9 16 - - A
Eucalyptur U. P. 819 824 II5 96 7.6 I46 208 82 73 60 62 48 4.0 - - A

*Species rhur muked and tetted from other localitier thaw higher rtrengtb to enable their categorization ia higher group.
Fer Exam+
i) Sal tested from Went Bengal, Bihar, U. P. and Awarn can be clan&d at Group A tpeciet:
ii) Hnldu tested fmm Biba, can be clurified at Group B rpeclet;
iii) Morut la&gate ( Bole ) of Asaam can be clnuitied in Group B rpecin.
fllat&ication for preservation based 011 durability test), etc.
I-Average life more than 120 mooch>;
II-Average life 60 months ad above but lerr than 120 montbt; and
III-Average life Iem tban 60 mootha.
* Irwfability Cradu
a- Heartrood euily t,catrble;
b Heartwood treatable but complete penetration nor alwws obtained, in cae where the lcut dimension it mo,e than 60 mm;
c- Heartwood only part\ally treatable;
d- Henrtvood refractory to t,e.t,twttt; and
C- Heanvood very refractory to t,catmem, penetntion of prerervative being practically nil even from the ends.
OData bucd cm ttrengtb pmpcrtiet at three yea,, of age of Ilee.
$Clattinicationt bated on teatoning bcbaviou, of ttmbc, nod ,cf,arra,ioetr w.,.t. rncking, tpliting rod drying rate:
A - Highly rrf,acto,y ( tlow and difficulty to Keaton free from rurface and end cracking ):
B- Moderately refractory j mayberenmoned
and end cracking wIthin reamnnblv short periodt, given a little protectloo agaiott rapid drying conditioot ): and
C- Non-refractory may be npidly reamned frrc fmm turfare and tnd-cracking even in the open al, and sun. If not rrpidlv dried, they dovelop blue tlain and mould on the turface.

IS 663 : 1994

Table 2 Recommended hfois~ or with, respect to nailing edge distance

Content Valqes ( Percent ) and the general appearance.
( Clause5.3 ) b) Worm holes other than those due to
po&der post bee&s; reduction in stqength
Sl Use Z&s ( see Note ) to be evaluated in the same way ias for
No. #-----_*--ll-_~
I II III IV knots depending upon location and group-
ing of such holes.
1. Structural ele- 12 I4 17 20
ments c) All other defects unlikely to affect any of
2. Joinery ( doors 10 12 14 16 the mechanical strength properties.
and windows ) Besides the permissible deSects
NOTE - The country haa been broadly divided into under, for knots, and checks and shakes
the following four zonea based on the humidity
variations: provisions given in 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 of IS 3629 :
Zone I Average annual relative humidity less 1986 shall apply.
than 40 percent, Location of deftct
Zone II Average annual relative humidity 40 to
50 perctnt, The influence of defects in timber is different for
Zone III Average annual relative humidity 50 to different locations in a structural element. There-
67 percent, and fore, these should be so placed during construction
Zone IV Average annual relative humidity more in accordance with good practices that they do
than 67 percent. not have any adverse effect on the member.

5.4 Requirements of Structural Timber 5.7 hitability in Respect of Durability and

The various other requirements of structural.
5.7.1 There are two choices fbr normal good
timber for use in budding shall conform to
structures as given below and listed in Table 1
IS 3629 : 1986.
( see also Table 1 of IS 3629 : 1986 ).
5.5 Sawn Timber First choice
The cut sizes of timber stock for structural pur-
pcses shall be in accordance with IS 4891 : 1988. The species of timber shall be any one of the
following Categories:
.5.6 Grading of StructnraX Timber
4 Untreated heartwood of high durability.
5.6.1 The cut sizes of structural timber shall be
graded, after seasoning, in accordance with Heartwood if containing more than 15
percent sap wood, may need chemical
IS 1331 : 1975 into the following three grades:
treatment for protection;
a) Select grade,
b) Grade I, and b) Treated heartwood of moderate and low
durability and class a and class b treat-
c) Grade II. ability;
5.6.2 The prohibited defects given in and
permissible defects given in and cl Heartwood of moderate durability and
shall apply to structural timber in accordance class c treatability after pressure impreg-
with IS 3629 : 1986. nation; and Prohibited defects 4 Sapwdod of all classes of durability after

thorough treatment with prgervatives.
All grades of timber with the following defects
shall not be used for structural purposes: Second choice
a) Loose grain, splits, compression wood in The species of timber shall be of heartwood of
coniferous species, heartwood rot, sap rot, moderate durability and class d treatability.
and crookedness; and
5.7.2 Choice for load-bearing temporary structures
b) Worm holes made by powder post beetles
or semi-structurals at construction site-
and pitch pockets. Permissible defects a) Heartwood of low durability and class e
treatability; or
The following defects are permitted for all grades
of timber: b) The species whose durability and/or treat-
ability is yet to be established, as listed in
a) Wanes, provided (i) they are not combined
Table 1.
with knots and reduction in strength due
to this is not more than reduction with the 5.7.3-Storing of Timber
maximupl allowable knots* and (ii) there
is no objection to its use as bezring area This shall be in accordance with IS 3629 : 1986.

IS 883 : 1994

6 PERMISSIBLE STRESSES 6.4 Modification Factors for Permissible

6.1 Fundamental stress values of different
species of timber are determintd on small 6.4.1 Due to Change in Slope of Grain
specimen in accordance with standard practice
laid in IS 1708 ( Parts 1 to 18 ) : 1986. In these When the timber has not been graded and has
values are then applied appropriate reduction major defects such as slope of the grain, knots
factors given in the relevant table of IS 3629 : and checks or shakes ( but not beyond permissible
1986 to obtain the permissible stresses. values ), the permissible stresses given in Table 1
shall be multiplied by the modification factor X1
6.2 The permissible stresses for Groups A, B and for different slopes of grain as given in Table 4.
C for different locations of use and applicable to
Grade I of structural timbers shall be as given in 6.4.2 Due to Duration of the Load
Table 1; and the corresponding minimum permis-
sible stress limits shall be as given in Table 3, For different durations of design load, the per-
provided that the following conditions are met: missible stresses given in Table 1 shall be multi-
plied by the modification factor Ks given in
4 The timber should be of high or moderate Table 5.
durability and be given suitable treatment The factor Xs is applicable to modulus of
where necessary, elasticity when used to design timber columns,
b) Timber of low durability shall be used otherwise they do not apply thereto.
after proper preservative treatment in
accordance with IS 401 : 1982, and If there are several durations of loads ( in
addition to continuous ) to be considered, the
Cl The loads should be of continuous and
modification factor shall be based on the shortest
permanent type.
duration load in the combination, that is, the one
6.3 For permissible stresses ( excepting E ) of yielding the largest increase in the permissible
other grades of timber, values given in Table 1 stresses, provided the designed section is found
and Table 3 shall be multiplied by the following adequate for a combination of other longer
factors, provided that the conditions laid down duration loads.
in 6.2 are satisfied: [ Explanation : In any structural timber design
a) For Select Grade Timber 1.16 for dead loads, snow loads and wind or earth-
quake forces, members may be designed on the
b) For Grade II Timber 0.84
basis of total of stresses due to dead, snow and
6.3.1 When low durability timbers are to be used wind loads using Ks = 1.33, factor for the per-
on outside location, the permissible stresses for all missible stress ( of Table 1 ) to accomodate the
grades of timber, arrived at by 6.2 and 6.3 shall wind load, that is, the shortest of duration and
be multiplied by 0.80. giving the largest increase in the permissible

Table 3 Minimum Permissible Stress Limits ( N/mma ) in Three Groups of

Structural Timbers ( For Grade I Material )

( Clauses 6.2 and 6.3 )

Strength Character Location of Group A Group B Group C

2. Use

9 Bending and tension along Inside 1) 180 12-o 85

ii) Shear r) 105 064 0.49
Horizontal All
Along grain All 15 091 070
iii) Compression parallel to Inside *) 11.7 7.8 49
iv) Compression perpendicular Inside s) 40 25 11
to grain
y) Modulus of elasticity All 126 98 56
( x 103 N/mm* ) locations
and grade

1) The values of horizontal shear to be used only for beams. In all other cases shear along grain to be used.
2) For working stresses for other locations of use, that is, outside and wet, generally factors of 5/6 and 213 are
* applied.

IS 883 : 1994

stresses. The section thus found is checked to projected area of all material removed by boring,
meet the requirements based on dead loads alone grooving or other means at critical plane. In case
with modification X, = 1.00. J of nailing, the area of the prebored hole shall not
be taken into account for this purpose.
Table 4 Modification Factor K1 to Allow
for Change in Slope of Grain 7.4.2 The net section used in calculating load-
carrying capacity of a member shall be the least
( Clause 6.4.1 )
net section determined as above by passing a
plane or a series of connected planes transversely
Slope Kl
~-~---~--h_ , through the members.
Strength of Strength of
Beams. Joists Posts or 7.4.3 Notches shall in no case, remove more
and Ties Columns than one quarter of the section.
(1) (2) (3) 7.4.4 In the design of an intermediate or a long
1 in 10 080 0.74 column, gross section shall be used in calculating
1 in 12 090 0.82 load-carrying capacity of the column.
1 in 14 0.98 0.87
1 in 15 and flatter I *co 100
7.5 Flexural Member

7.5.1 Such structural members shall be investiga-

Table 5 Modification Factor KS for ted for the following:
Change in Duration of Loading
a) Bending strength,
( Clause 6.4.2 )
b) Maximum horizontal shear,
Duration of Modification c) Stress at the bearings, and T
Ii:. Loading Factor, Kc
d) Deflection.
(1) (2) (3)
9 Continuous ( Normal ) 1.00 7.5.2 Effective Span
ii) Two months 115
The effective span of beams and other flexural
iii) Seven days I *25 members shpll be taken as the distance from of
iv) Wind aud earthquake 133 supports plus one-half ?f the required length of
v) Instantaneous or impact 200 bearing at each end except that for continuous
beams and joists the span may be measured from Modification factor KZ shall also be centre of bearing at tbse supports over which
applied to allowable loads for mechanical faste- the beam is continuous.
ners in design of joints, when the wood and not 7.5.3 Usual formula for flexural strength shall
the strength of metal determines the load
apply :


7.1 All structural members, assemblies or frame- 7.5.4 Jorm Faclors for Flexural Members
work in a building, in combination with the
The following form factors shall be applied to the
floors, walls and other structural parts of the
bending stress:
building shall be capable of sustaining, with due
stability and stiffness the whole dead and imposed
a) Rectangular section - For rectangular
loadings as specifird in appropriate codes
sections, for different depths of beams, the
[ IS 875 ( Parts 1 to 5 ) : 1987 1, without exceed-
form factor Ks shall be taken as:
ing the limits of relevant stresses specified in this
standard. D + 89 400
Xs = 0.81
D= + 55 000
7.2 The worst combination and location of loads
shall be considered for designs. Wind and seismic NOTE - Form factor ( Ks ) shall not be applied
be considered to act for beams having depth less than or equal to
forces shall not
300 mm.
b) Box beams and I-beams - For box beams
7.3 The design requirements may be satisfied and I-beams the form factor Ic, shall be
either by calculation using laws of mechanics or obtained by using the formula:
by prototype testing. Ds + 89 400 - 1
X1 = 0.8 + 0.8~
7.4 Net Section D -j- 55 OOO- >

7.4.1 The net section shall be obtained by deduc- where

ting from the gross sectional area of timber the Y = PI ( 6 - 8 ~1 + 3 P? ) ( l - q1) + q1

IS 883 : 1994

4 Solid circular cross-sections - For solid e) Notched at upper ( compression ) face,

circular cross-sections, the form factor Ks where e < D
shall be taken as 1.18.

4 Square cross-section - For square cross-

sections, where the load is in the direction H= Pb[D-;$:)a 1
of diagonal, the form factor Ks shall be
taken as 1.414. For concentrated
1OC ( 1-x ) ( x/D )
loads, V
7.5.5 Width = 91[ 2 + ( x/D )* ]
and for uniformly distributed loads,
The minimum width of the beam or any llexural
member shall not be less than 50 mm or l/50 of
the span, whichever is greater. v=- F ( 1-E 1 >
After arriving at the value of V, its value will be
7.5.6 Depth substituted in the formula:
The depth of beam or any flexural member shall
not be taken more than three times of its width
without lateral stiffening.
H should be within the allowable safe permissible Stfining stress in horizontal shear recommended for the
All flexural members having a depth exceeding
three times its width and or a span exceeding fifty In determining the vertical reaction V,
times its width or bothshall be laterally restrained the following deductions in loads may be made:
from twisting or buckling and the dist.ance
between such restraints shall not exceed 50 4 Consideration shall be given to the possible
times its width. distribution of load to adjacent parallel
beams, if any;
7.5.7 Shear
b) All uniformly distributed loads within a The following formulae shall apply: distance equal to the depth of the beam
from the edge of the nearest support may
a) The maximum horizontal shear, when the be neglected except in case of beam hang-
load on a beam moves from the support ing downwards from a particular support;
towards the centre of the span, and the and
load is at a distance of three to four times
the depth of the beam from the support, Cl All concentrated loads in the vicinity of
shall be calculated from the following the supports may be reduced by the reduc-
general formula: tion factor applicable according to Table 6.

*__Q Table 6 Reduction Factor for Concentrated

- Ib Loads in the Vicinity of Support
b) For rectangular beam:
Distance of Load 15 D 2D 2.5D 3D
Q =+bxDx$-+bDz from the Nearest or Less or More
and I, =& bD3
Reduction FActor 060 040 020 No
That is, H - Ib = - NOTE - For intermediate distance, the reduction
factor may be obtained by linear interpolation.
c) Notched beams, with tension notch at the
supports: Unless the local stress is calculated and
3 VD found to be within the permissible stress, flexural
HE2 1
member shall not be cut, notched or bored except
as follows:
d) Notched at upper ( compression ) face,
where e > D: a) Notches may be cut in the top or bottom
neither deeper than one fifth of the depth
of the beam nor farther from the edge of
1 the support than one-sixth of-the span;-

IS 889 : 1994

b) Holes not larger in diameter than one- bearing with a length equal to the diameter
quarter of the depth may be bored in the of the washer or the width of the small
middle third of the depth and length; and plate; and
g) When the direction of stress is at an angie
C>If holes or notches occur at a distance
to the direction of the grain in any struc-
greater than three times the depth of the
member from the edge of the nearest tural member, then the permissible bearing
support, the net remaining depth shall be stress in that member shall be calculated by
used in determining the bending strength. the following formula:
fcp x fen
foe =
7.5.8 Beanng faD sins 6 +fcn toss B
Table 7 Modification Factor K7 for The ends of Rexural members shall be
Bearing Stresses
supported in recesses which provide adequate
ventilation to prevent dry rot and shall not be [ Clause, ( c ) and ( f ) ]
enclosed. Flexural members except roof timbers
which are supported directly on masonry or con- Length of 15 25 40 50 75 loo 150
crete shall have a length of bearing of not less Bearing in
mm MZC
than 75 mm. Members supported on corbels,
offsets and roof timbers on a wall shall bear im- Modification I.67 140 1.25 120 113 110 1.00
mediately on and be fixed to wall-plate not less factor, K-j
than 75 mm x 40 mm.
7.5.9 Deflection Timber joists or floor planks shall not be The deflection in the case of all flexural
supported on the top flange of steel beams unless members supporting brittle materials like gypsum
the bearing stress, calculated on the net bearing ceilings, slates, tales and asbestos sheets shall not
as shaped to fit the beam, is less than the permis- exceed l/360 of the span. The deflection in the
sible compressive stress perpendicular to the case of other flexural members shall not exceed
grain. l/240 of the span, and l/150 of the freely hanging
length in the case of cantilevers. Bearing stress Usual formula for deflection shall apply: Length and position of bearing
a= q ( ignoring deflection due
a) At any bearing on the side grain of timber, to shear strain )
the permissible stress in compression per-
pendicular to the grain, fen is dependent K-values = $ for cantilevers with load at
on the length and position of the bearing; free end,

b) The permissiblestresses given in Table 1 $ for cantilevers with uniformly

for compression perpendicular to the grain distributed load,
are also the permissible stresses for any
length at the ends of members and for --& for beams supported at both
bearing 150 mm or more in length at any ends with point load at
other position; centre, and

4 For bearings less than 150 mm in length & fdoth Ez; w;pp,;;;mfs
and located 75 mm or more from the end of
a member the permissible stress perpendi- distributed load.
cular to the grain may be multiplied by the In order to allow the effect of long dura-
modification factor K, given in Table 7; tion loading on E, for checking deflection in case
of beams and joists the effective loads shall be
4 No allowance need be made for the diffe- twice the dead load if the timber is initially dry.
rence in intensity of the bearing stress due
to bending of a beam; Self weight of beam shall be considered
in design.
e>The bearing
the net area
area should be calculated as
after allowance for the amount
7.6 Columns
of wane as permitted in IS 1331 : 1975; 7.6.1 Solid Columns

f1 For bearing stress under a washer or a Solid columns shall be classified into short, inter-
small plate, the same coefficient reconf- mediate and long columns depending upon their
mended in Table 7 may be taken for a slenderness ratio ( S/d ) as follows:

IS 883 : 1994

a) Short columns - where S/d does not exceed For intermediate columns, the permissible
11, compressive stress shall be obtained using the
b) Intermediate columns - where S/d is following formula:
between 11 and Xs, and
_--- S 4
C) Long columns - where S,d is greater fc = qfcrl
than Ks. Kg 1/ d12 + d,=
L For short columns, the permissible com- For long columns, the permissible
pressive stress shall be calculated as follows: compressive stress shall be calculated by using
fc =fcLl the formula:
0 329 UE For intermediate columns the permissible a
compressive stress is calculated by using the fc = ___-
following formula: ( s/ d18 + dz J
fo=fw[ The following values of U and q depend-
1 --$(
&)] ing upon plank thickness (t) in and
shall be used: For long columns, the permissible com-
pressive stress shall be calculated by using the t CT Q
following formula: mm
25 0.80 1.00
f c = o.329E 50 0.60 1.00
( 3/d Y
7.6.3 Spaced Columns In case of solid columns of timber, S/d
The formulae for solid columns as specified
ratio shall not exceed 50.
in 7.6.1 are applicable to spaced columns with a The formulae given are for columns with restraint factor of 2.5 or 3, depending upon
pin end conditions and length shall be suitably distance of end connectors in the column,
modified with other end conditions NOTE - A restrained factor of 2.5 for location of
centroid group of fasteners at S/20 from rnd and 3 for The permissible load on a column of location at S/IO to S/20 from end shall be taken.
circular cross-section shall not exceed that For intermediate spaced column the per-
permitted for a square cc!umn of an equivalent
missible compressive stress shall be:
cross-sectional area. For determining
column, its least dimension.
S/d ratio of a tapered
shall be taken as the
fc =fcl, [ 1 - +(&,I
sum of the corresponding least dimensions at the For long spaced columns the formula shall
small end of the column and one-third of the be:
difference between this least dimension at the 0,329 E x 2.5
small end and the corresponding least dimension fc =
at the large end, but in no case shall the least ( S!d )
dimension for the column be taken as more than For individual member of spaced column
one and a half times the least dimension at the S/d ratio shall not exceed GO.
small end. The induced stress at the small end of 7.6;4 Compression members shall not he notched.
the taperedcolumn shall not exceed the permissible When it is necessary to pass services through
compressive stress in the direction of grain. such a member, this shall be effected by mean2 of
7.6.2 Box and Built-up Columns a bored hole provided that the local stress is
calculated and found to be within the permissible Box columns shall be classified into short, stress specified. The distance from the edge of the
intermediate and long columns as follows: hole to the edge of the member shall not be less
S than one-quarter of width of the face.
4 Short columns -where is less
4Xa 7.7 Structural Members Subject to Bending
than 8, and Axial Stresses
S 7.7.1 Structural members subjected both to bend-
b) Intermediate columns -where ing and axial compression shall be designed to
4 dP + dp2 comply with the following formula:
is between 8 and x^,, and
f + fab
fb .
IS not greater than 1.
s .
Cl Long columns - where - 0
7.7.2 Structural members subjected both to ben-
greater than Ks. ding and axial tension shall be designed to
comply with the following formula: For short cc;lumns, the permissible com-
pressive stress shall be calculated as follows:
is not greater than 1.
fc = QfCP 1,
IS 883 : 1994

( Clause 2 )


IS Jfo. Title IS No. Title

287 : 1993 Recommendations for per- 1331: 1975 Specification for cut sizes of
missible moisture content for timber ( second revision )
timber used for different
purposes ( third rcoision ) 1708 Methods of testing of small
( Parts 1 to 18 ) : specimens of timber ( second
401 : 1982 Code of practice for preserva-
1986 revision)
tion of timber ( third revision )
707 : 1976 Glossary of terms applicable 3629 : 1986 Specification for structural
to timber technology and timber in buildings ( first
utilization ( second revision) revision )
875 Code of practice for design
( Parts 1 to 5 ) : loads ( other than earthquake 4891 : 1988 Specification for preferred out
1987 for buildings strtictures ) sizes of structural timbers
( second revision) ( jirst revision )

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standurds Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.

,&S has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
r reviiwed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of BIS Handbook and Standards Monthly Additions.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc.Ih. CED 13 ( 4788 ).

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