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1916-2016: Today Tsar Nicholas II says: I

will glorify those who glorify me.

Fr. Andrew Phillips

Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His footstool; for He is holy.

Psalm 98, 5 (Septuagint)

Rus is the footstool of the Throne of the Lord.

St John of Kronstadt

Foreword: Personal
However absurd it may seem, including to myself, I have long felt and observed signposts to my
destiny in my heritage and the life of Tsar Nicholas II. For example, the future Christian
Emperor Tsar Nicholas II was born in the Alexander Palace in the Imperial Capital of Saint
Petersburg on the feast-day of St Job the Much-Suffering in 1868. At the same time my great-
grandfather Thomas was born in the poorest conditions of the workhouse in a provincial village
in Eastern England. However, fifty years later, in 1918, Tsar Nicholas II, whose emblem was the
double-headed eagle uniting east and west, the Imperial Family and their faithful servants were
murdered in Ekaterinburg, a city in the Urals on the confines of Europe and Asia, uniting east
and west. As for my great-grandfather, he died in the same village as he was born in 1941, when
the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union on the feast-day of All the Saints of the Russian Lands. That
invasion ended four years later with the liberation of Vienna, where my father went in 1945, and
of Berlin by those whose homeland had been so treacherously and bloodily attacked with death,
rape, fire and pillage.

I was born on the 19th July, the day in 1918 on which the assassins of the Russian Imperial
Family ritually finished destroying their earthly remains. As a child, I collected postage stamps:
only one stood out from the 3,000 others - that with the face of Tsar Nicholas II seemingly
calling to me to serve his cause. Almost exactly fifty years after the Tsars martyrdom, in 1968,
100 years after the birth of the martyred Tsar and 50 years after his sacrificial martyrdom, in a
Scottish city almost on the same latitude as Saint Petersburg, I was called to learn Russian and
three months later, in a message coming from the east, called to serve the Russian Orthodox
Church. Then there was the tutor to the Tsarevich, Fr Nicholas Gibbes, the first English
Orthodox priest in almost a millennium, like me a man from the provinces in an Orthodox
country as a teacher and becoming a Russian Orthodox priest. Fr Nicholas served in Oxford,
where I studied in the same college as Felix Yusupov, the murderer of Tsar Nicholas holy elder.
And in darkest 1974, when there seemed no hope of it at all, I was called on to write of the
coming resurrection of the Russian Church and Empire (1). I never sought any of this, and yet
this has been my calling and my destiny.

1916-1981: The Fall of the Christian Empire and of the

Bolshevik Atheist Empire
On 30 December 1916, Anglo-Zionist spies in Saint Petersburg, sent by those who by then had in
1916 taken control of the bankrupted British government and aided by decadent, anti-Christian,
Russian aristocrats, carried out the assassination of a much-slandered Russian Orthodox holy
man and spiritual counsellor to the Imperial Family. Exactly as foretold by its victim, this would
begin the process that would lead to the overthrow in 1917 of the Tsar, then on the very point of
victory and so of ending the vile and atrocious First World War that was slaughtering the flower
of Europe. His overthrow would lead to almost two more years of vile war, millions more of
victims, and unspeakable bloodshed throughout the Russian Empire, exactly as the Mother of
God forewarned innocent peasant children in distant Portugal in 1917. This meant the collapse of
the Christian Empire after 1600 years and its replacement by two false Empires, both founded on
Western materialism by those who had engineered that collapse. These Empires were the
Bolshevik Atheist Empire and the Western Atheist Empire, the first centred in Moscow, the
second in New York.

In 1981, 64 years after the 1917 coup detat in Saint Petersburg, the only remaining free part of
the Russian Orthodox Church, that outside Russia and centred in New York, carried out a heroic
act. This was under the leadership of the ever-memorable Metropolitan Philaret (+ 1985), once
an exile in China, who had been chosen as Metropolitan by Archbishop John of Shanghai, once
also an exile in China (+ 1966). The Metropolitans surname was Voznesensky, also the name of
the street of the Ipatiev House, where the Imperial Family was martyred in Ekaterinburg. (In
1998 the Metropolitans earthly remains were found incorrupt). As for Archbishop John,
canonized a generation later (2), he had been slandered, persecuted and even taken to court by
false Russian brethren in exile. This heroic 1981 act was when the Church of the emigration at
long last canonized the New Martyrs and Confessors. At their head stood Tsar Nicholas II and
the Imperial Family and servants, faithful to the end. This act was an act of repentance on behalf
of all Russian Orthodox and those Russian migrs whose ancestors had vilified and betrayed
Tsar Nicholas.

This repentance of part of the Russian emigration, living in apparent freedom, had taken a
scandalously long 64 years. St John of Shanghai had called for it almost fifty years before.
Nevertheless, it represented the long-awaited repentance by descendants of those in the
emigration who by treason had abdicated from the Throne and brought about the February 1917
coup detat. They had then fled for their lives into an often impoverished and harsh exile,
blaming the Tsar for their foolishness, treason and poverty. For that February coup had in turn
led to the October 1917 seizure of power by satanic atheists who then ritually murdered the Tsar,
his Family and faithful servants. This 1981 canonization led to the rapid deaths of three Soviet
leaders from 1982 on, and to the end of stagnation. And in 1991, 75 years almost to the day after
its founding act on 30 December 1916, the Bolshevik Atheist Empire, centred in Moscow and
which had murdered the Tsar collapsed.

Thus, the murders of the Tsar and Imperial Family, ordered from New York in 1918, were
literally reversed by an act ordered in New York in 1981. The first part of the curse had been

In 1988 we wrote that what had begun in New York must be completed in Moscow, that is, by
the vast majority of the Russian Orthodox Church, inside Russia. We did not know then that the
Bolshevik Atheist Empire would, so painfully for its peoples, finally dissolve in 1991, 75 years
almost to the day after the December 1916 assassination by British spies. This is what we wrote
then: Our hope is from the living and suffering faithful on Earth and in Heaven, the Martyrs and
Confessors of Christ, the One Lord and Saviour. Is then the seventy-year Babylonian captivity of
the Russian Church now coming to an end? As yet we cannot know for sure. We shall be certain
only when all those many Martyrs and Confessors are venerated without exception, openly,
officially and universally in the Russian lands, when the work begun in New York is brought to
its fullness in Moscow; this will be the True Pascha of which St Seraphim prophetically
spokeThe canonization of the New Martyrs and Confessors is a gift of God made through the
Church for the spiritual enrichment of the whole Orthodox Church, of all the Orthodox Christian

ReChristianization and DeChristianization

When in June 1941 Nazi tanks invaded the Soviet Union, in the western Ukraine (formerly
eastern Poland), nave Ukrainian peasants greeted the Nazis as liberators from Bolshevism,
because the peasants saw crosses on the Nazi tanks. They soon learned of the evil of the Nazis
who sadistically slaughtered all who stood in their way. Paradoxically, the Nazi invasion brought
about a measure of repentance in the Bolshevik Atheist Empire and the reinvigoration of the
implicit Christian values of pre-Revolutionary culture that had been preserved, in terms of the
provision of social justice (in the Tsars Russia you received free health care for the payment of a
stamp costing one rouble per year) and also of socially conservative values, of normal family
life. There dawned on some the realization that the liberation from Nazism of Vienna and Berlin
in 1945 could have happened in 1917 under Tsar Nicholas II. That would have been far less
bloody, far more disciplined, like the Russian liberation of Paris in 1814, with concerts of
Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Borodin in the main squares of those cities to celebrate
Christian culture, as in Palmyra this year.

The story of the slow but gradual reChristianization of the Russian Lands after 1941, increasing
especially rapidly fifty years later, after 1991, is the reverse of the Western story. If the red star
of the Bolshevik Atheist Empire became ever more cross-like, the white star of the Western
Atheist Empire became ever more satan-like.

The two became like two trains on parallel tracks, but heading in opposite directions, to heaven
and to hell. Unlike the Bolshevik Atheists, who did not reject their inheritance of social justice
and socially conservative moral values from the Tsars Empire, Western Atheists have rejected
Christian culture. True, anti-Christianity had been inherent in Western history from the Crusades
to Wars of Religion, from Colonization to the French Revolution, from the French and British
siding with Islam to invade Russia in 1854 or the German siding with Islam against Russia in
1914. But in the 1960s, 50 years after the Western-orchestrated Russian Revolution of 1917,
the West entered into a frenzy of deChristianization, rejecting all Christian values implicit in its
culture, even male and female roles in the family, resulting in todays gender hysteria.

1981-2016: The Fall of the Western Atheist Empire

So, in August 2000 the far greater part of the Russian Orthodox Church, that inside Russia, was
at last freed, completing the work begun in New York 19 years earlier, canonizing the New
Martyrs and Confessors, at their head Tsar Nicholas II and the Imperial Family. This has led in
turn to the process that is now reversing the second part of the blood-soaked pattern of
catastrophic 20th century and early 21st century history. In other words, since 2000 Russia has
been rising and the Western Atheist Empire, centred in New York, its myths of freedom and
democracy spread like tentacles throughout the world, has been falling. Just as New York freed
Moscow between 1981 and 2000, so since 2000 Moscow has been freeing New York. This is the
fall of the Empire founded on the ruins of the Christian Empire by traitors in 1917, bringing US
troops into the Great War, just as demoralized Russian Imperial troops left it. That ensured 100
years of worldwide bloodshed, just as the Mother of God had warned peasant children in Fatima
in Portugal in 1917, though those children would be bullied into silence and their revelation
utterly deformed by men of the Vatican machine.

Thus, on the feast-day of the Beheading of St John the Baptist, 11 September 2001, we witnessed
the attack on the New York Twin Towers, the beheading of the Western Atheist Babylon.
Engineered in secret by forces still unknown, though much suspected, this murderous attack with
its 3,000 victims foretold the beginning of the collapse of the Western Atheist Empire that
stretches throughout North America, Western Europe, Australasia and to vassal states like Japan,
South Korea and Saudi Arabia. It had come to power by financing from New York and
organizing the collapse of the Christian Empire eighty-four years before, in 1917. 1917 to 2001:
1984 had indeed come. For the collapse of the Twin Towers did not lead to repentance and the
questions, Why is this happening to us?, and, What have we done to deserve this?, as did the
collapse of the Tower of Siloam (Lk 13, 1-5), but to illegal, unjustifiable, vengeful, bloody and
chaotic invasions of innocent Middle Eastern and Islamic countries. These have in turn
bankrupted the indebted US branch of the Western Empire and led to unbearable anarchy and
unspeakable misery for the peoples in those lands.

Why did these invasions take place? For oil and gas? For strategic advantage and to set up ever
more US military bases? For the usual neo-colonial, Western bullying and asset-stripping of
weaker countries, unable to defend themselves against sophisticated arms of shock and awe?
Yes, superficially, all this was the case, but this was only a superficial reason, to keep greedy
banksters and military industrialists quiet. In reality, these bloody invasions of Islamic countries,
carried out by the neocon elite against the interests of ordinary, hoodwinked and now bankrupted
Americans, zombified by their corporate media, took place for another reason. They were
designed to weaken the Muslim world, so that the Temple in Jerusalem can be rebuilt by the
Zionists in the place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and there the representative of their chief, the prince
of this world (Jn 14, 13), can be enthroned. This is why the possible election of the nationalist
and populist Trump next month is feared as a huge setback to their plans by the Anglo-Zionist
neocons. For whatever he may be, he may at least put US internal affairs above meddling in
other countries internal affairs.

These invasions are also causing the collapse of the European branch of the Western Empire,
called the European Union, a weak group of vassal puppet-states controlled by the American
Union and heir to the Soviet Union in terms of its tyranny.

This absurd, overstretched and bankrupted Union, never wanted by its peoples but only by its
moneyed elite, and used to extend a Fourth Reich of German political and economic hegemony
over all Europe, is now being overwhelmed by the invasion of Islamic refugees, resulting in
divisions everywhere. This leaves only a weakened Western German core, set up to lead Europe
under US control at the end of the Second World War, when it was occupied and colonized by
US troops. However, if the countries that make up the present EU can regain their freedom and
sovereignty, Europe could be saved by returning to its cultural roots. It could return not to recent
human and political manipulations and cheap surrogates like Protestantism and Catholicism, but
to its real Christian first millennium roots, so long lost, forgotten, scorned and despised, to
Orthodoxy Christianity, to the Church of God.

Afterword: The Christian Empire May Rise Again

Today the Russian Federation, once the centre of the Bolshevik Atheist Empire which was
dissolved 25 years ago in great pain for its peoples, collapsed through treason and cynical lack of
belief in anything except self-interest, so-called Communists becoming Capitalists overnight, is
starting to save itself. The Soviet Union had to die if it were to turn its back, however hesitantly,
on the Bolshevik heritage of alcoholism, abortion, corruption and divorce. Thus, the restoration
by patriots of the Christian Empire after the 100-year long nightmare that began at the end of
1916 now actually looks possible. In this way the Russian Federation can start to save the ever
more fragile European nations of the Western Atheist Empire, bringing them back to their
senses, back to true freedom (not the freedom to murder millions of children in the abortion
holocaust or the freedom for sexual perversion), to true culture (not the Coca-Cola culture of
feeble imitations of imported cowboy culture) and to their own national sovereignty (not national
degradation). A spectre haunts Europe the spectre of freedom, sovereignty and national
restoration, which are spelled Brexit.

But why is this process of salvation, which is now beginning, nowhere yet complete? Because
nowhere is repentance yet complete. St Seraphim of Sarov said: I will glorify the Tsar who
glorifies me. Today Tsar Nicholas II says: I will glorify those who glorify me. But for the Tsar
to be glorified, we must first be brought together into Rus by full repentance, by understanding
the sin of regicide and all that followed and by accepting the Christian values which he and his
family incarnated. This will mean those in the dead Bolshevik Atheist Empire, and at least some
in the Western Atheist Empire, which is also to die, overcoming their treason, lies and prejudices
about the Christian Empire of the last Tsar. Only when this has been done can the Lord raise up
the still unrevealed and unknown man who is to become the next Christian Emperor, the next
and perhaps the last Tsar. He alone will resist him who is to be enthroned by our enemies in
Jerusalem, as St John of Kronstadt prophesied. But the next and coming Christian Emperor will
not appear until the masses are first ready to accept and glorify the last Christian Emperor, Tsar
Nicholas II. Yea, come, Lord!


1. Beloved Land, soon to be made fragrant and all-holy, shone through and warmed by the love
of so many martyrs blood, there is an unknown redolence and radiant light in thy still
brightening churches; we neither ask why nor question how, but we know and feel and have
Faith. (From Premonition, Chapter I of Orthodox Christianity and the English Tradition,
English Orthodox Trust, 1995, 1997 and 2014).

2. St John was the first saint of the Church Outside Russia. Two others have since followed:
Bishop Jonah of Hankou (Hangchow also in China) (+ 1925) canonized in 1996, and
Archbishop Seraphim of Sofia (+ 1950), canonized in 2016. Will Metropolitan Philaret be the
fourth? His possible canonical canonization under discussion.

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