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Aance writing part 1- Practice execise 1

It is undeniable the fact that when thinking about cities, a great offer of shows and activities,
modern and comfortable housing and advanced means of transports come to our minds, even
seems to be innate and inseparable to the concept of a functional and nowdays city.
Nevertheless, which of them is more important, it is not totally clear and it is the point of
discussion of essay.

Despite human beings have a growing necessity to enjoy their free time and undoubtedly big
cities offer a huge variety of shows and entertainment to fulfill this requirement, it is
undoubtedly leisure is not the most relevant resource in a town or city, it can be considerd as
a second-level necessity. On the contrary, enjoying suitable, comfortable housing and efficient,
modern means of transport seem to stand as the most relevant ones, they are our primary
requirements to be successfully developed in a city.

The next point is to choose between good housing and transport. Without any doubt,
transport seems to be the most important resource in a town or city, every day people need
use transport to go to work, meet people due to the fact that there are long distances to cover
and little time to lose. A good transport system assures people to fulfill their everyday
activities and duties faster and successfully. On the contrary, a suitable housing with modern
and technological gadgets could be enough to develop our lives. We can adapt our house to
our necessity, its our personal choice

To sum up, although the three resources mentioned are basic for a town, transport remains a
the most relevant feature , we need a good net of transport and improve our recollection.

think about what are the most important features of a functional city, many people think
when about leisure shows , theatre acts, museum, among others. Nevertheless Transport and
good quality housing remain most important features in town. From my view, being more
relevant the transport.

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