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Nerve injury :
Posterior Tongue IX
2/3 Anterior VII
Cornea, cheek, scalp V1
Wrinkling Forehead VII
2. Sacrum injury, problem with micturia and erectile dysfunction - Parasympathetic nervous system,
could also be related with cranial nerve V, VII, IX, X, and 2nd and 4th sacral nerve.
Thoracal, lumbal injury sympathetic disturbance
3. Urinary incontinence sacral 2nd until 4th
4. Pasien anak-anak, absence seizure (petit mal) dan ada head trauma : EEG dulu baru CT scan
5. Stroke ischemic : dikasih rTPA golden hours 3-4.5 jam. Anti platelet : aspirin dan clopidogrel, Anti
coagulation : heparin dan warfarin, Fibrinolytic : rTPA
6. Stroke, tendon reflex loss, non-fluent aphasia (Brocca) : MCA superior, Wernicke : MCA inferior
ACA : urinary incontinence, weakness leg > arm, leg sensory less
Posterior : vision disturbance (hemianopia, homonym)
ICA : contralateral hemiplegia, asymptomatic
7. Wanita tua sering lupa, kognitif memburuk, jarang hobi, nyasar, MMSE buruk : Alzheimer
CT Scan/ MRI : Atrofi cerebrum dan hippocampus.
Vascular dementia : ada infarct di subcotrical white matter, basal ganglia thalamus, lesi iskemik
difus di subcortical white matter intracerebral hemorrhage, cortical/lacunar infart, melibatkan
8. Albuminocytologic dissociation and ascending muscle weakness : Guillainbarre syndrome,
complication : Respiratory failure
9. Antipsychotic typical (Haloperidol), side effects : Tremor and slurred speech, use Trihexyphenidyl
: antiparkinson, anticholinergic
10. Vessel problem, aneurysm : depict abnormal vessel with angiography
11. Subdural : bridging veins, Epidural : Artery (compressing effect and lucid interval).
Lucid interval : unconsciousness first happened due to ARAS disturbance
12. Right pupil dilatation : uncus cause stretching at the 3rd cranial nerve.
13. Ctscan : Lucid interval epidural (biconcave), Subdural (convex).
Region: Occipital vision disturbance such as hemianopia. Uncal herniation temporal region
14. Compensation mechanism to stabilize increased ICP :
- CSF production decreased by plexus choroid
- Pushing CSF to central canal
- Increased reabsorption of CSF via arachnoid villi
- Decrease blood flow to brain via autoregulation
- Hyperventilation to increase vasodilatation
15. UMN Lesion but appears as LMN lesion first then UMN symptoms after few weeks : Spinal shock
16. Brown Sequard Syndrome : gejalanya rempong, lesinya sama kaya tempat paralysisnya.
17. Alzheimer : Beta amyloid, Tangle, resulting in neuronal loss in cerebral cortex (Hippocampus and
temporoparietal). Pick disease : Frontotemporal
18. Alzheimer disease, increase cognitive with Acetylcholineesterase inhibitor : Donepezile,
rivastigimine, tacrine, galantamine.
19. Sudden weakness of left extremities (reduced motor strength)
Corticospinal problem : decussates at medulla oblongata and spinal cord.
Lateral and anterior Corticospinal : consciousness over skeletal muscle.
Corticobulbar : Cranial nerve
Dorsal collumn tract : decussates at medial lemniscus brings fine touch,
pressure,proprioception, point discrimination. (FP3)
Lateral spinothalamic : Pain and temperature (Patella)
Anterior spinothalamic : crude touch and pressure
20. Acute symptomatic seizure : Contoh, kecelakaan trauma kepala terus kejang. Pas udah sembuh
normal, eh terus nabrak dan kejang lagi. Diluar itu nggak kejang.
Status epilepticus : Kejang >5 menit, berulang, serangan berulang tanpa pemulihan kesadaran
Epilepsy : Berulang, 2 kali dengan interval lebih dari 24 jam.
21. Psammoma bodies : Meningioma
22. Agoraphobia : Fear in public places, always sit in exit door for escape
Anxiety disorders : Autonomic problems (SOB), hyperventilation, fatigability, paresthesia,
concentration problem, insomnia, libido problems.
23. Frotteurism : rubbing genitals in crowded places
Fetishism : Arousal by dead objects (shoes, hairs, underwears)
Exhibitionism : showing genitals in public
Voyeurism : Peeking
Transvestic fetishism : wearing opposite gender clothes to get sexual stimulation
24. Difficulty in sleeping, emotional, angry, accusates oftenly, good cognitive and memorization :
behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. MCI could only be diagnosed with MMSE
>17, <24 and decreased cognitive performance.
25. Catatonic : speechless, motionless, unchanged body position set by other people
Chorea : dancelike
Akathisia : Inner restlesness (cant sit and stay still)
Tardive dyskinesia : Involuntary movements of lips, face, trunk, extremities.
Parkinsonism : often appears as schizophrenia treatments side effect, tremor and slow gait
26. Primary hydrocephalus : Underdevelopment of the apertures
27. Subarachnoid hemorrhage : Berry aneurysm rupture
28. Intracranial hemorrhage : CT scan without contrast,
CT Scan with contrast Cuma boleh buat yang vaskularisasi berlebih.
29. Albuminocytologic dissociation : High protein, normal cell count.
30. Unable to open eyes : Ptosis, N III
Unable to close eyes : Lag-opthalmus : N IV
Sudden right facial weakness, problem in saliva and eye : Peripheral, LMN Type
UMN, central, masih bisa mengernyit dahi
31. Nerve II : optic sensor, Nerve III : occulomotor
Mata kiri gak ngecil pas di senter, tapi pas senter kanan, mata kiri ngecil : Motor kiri bagus,
sensornya jelek. Nerve II kiri jelek.
Uvula : N IX Deviasi ke sehat, Lidah : N XII deviasi ke sehat, kalau keluar deviasi ke sakit
32. Infarct in one side of the brain: UMN lesion, affects contralaterally to the extremities.
33. Fluency, Comprehension, Repetition
Fluency Comprehension Repetition Result
+ + Normal
+ - Conduction
- + Transcortical Sensor
- Wernicke
- + + Transcortical Motor
- Brocca
- + Transcortical motor and sensor
- Global Aphasia

34. Cranial Nerve at Brain Stem :

Midbrain III s/d IV, Pons V s/d VIII, Medulla Oblongata VIII s/d XII
Corneal reflex NV1 and NVII
35. Guillainbarre syndrome preceding infection : Campylobacter jejuni
36. Treatment of GBS : Plasmapharesis (Plasma exchange) or IV IGG
37. Progressive weakness of muscle, worse towards the end of the day, improves when she woke up :
Myasthenia gravis, Neuromuscular junction problem (Fluctuating symptoms and fatigability) due
to the badass acetylcholine nicotinic receptor problem.
38. Spastic (stiff, back arch) : Tonic seizure
Shaking extermities : clonic seizure
Both : tonic clonic
Complex partial : Complex symptoms
Myoclonic : involuntary muscle movements once
Simple partial : repeated involuntary specific muscle movements
39. Blown pupil on the right side ipsilateral pupil dilatation right uncal herniating
40. How to treat increased ICP : Diuretics (Acetazolamide, Furosemide)
41. Infant with hepatosplenomegaly, deafness, small head circumference : Cytomegalovirus
42. Red blood cells in CSF Subarachnoid or ruptured intracranial aneurysm
43. Mass that suppress fourth ventricle severe headache since a week ago : due to increase of brain
ventricles pressure by the CSF
44. Sleep wave :
NREM Stage 1 : Alpha and theta
NREM Stage 2 : Sleep Spindle
NREM Stage 3 : Delta wave
Atonia : No Tonus
Apnea : Stops breathing
45. Withdrawal of nicotinic drugs : Naloxone (Antiopioid : Reverse effect of narcotic drug)
46. Schizophrenia :
+ Symptoms Excess of dopamine in mesolimbic,
- Symptoms deficit of dopamine in mesocortical
47. Visual field, occipital lobe Posterior Cerebral Artery

List of Medication :
1. Hydrocephalus
diuretics (acetazolamide/ furosemide) or Shunt (VA/VP)
2. Seizure
Acute : Diazepam Fenitoin (5-10 menit) Fenobarbital (10-15 menit) Midazolame and
Fenobarbital (ICU)
Maintenance : Carbamazepine, Valproic Acid, Ethosuximide, Fenobarbital, Phenitoin,
3. Febrile Seizure
Acute : Diazepam IV/Oral
Antipyretic : Paracetamol/ Ibuprofen
Prophylaxis : Diazepam per fever
Maintenance : Valproic acid and Phenobarbital for > 12 months
4. Multiple Sclerosis
Acute : Corticosteroid (Methylprednisolone IV)
Immunologic Drugs (Reduce relapse) : Azotherpine, Interferon B, Copaxone, Mitoxantrone
+ Glotiramer disease modifying
Fish oil diet
5. Guillainbarre Syndrome Plasmapharesis, IV IgG
6. Stroke
Acute ischemic : Oxygen,
Within golden hour : rTPA, Streptokinase, Urokinase, APSAC, Prourekinase
Outside golden hour : Antiplatelet
Embolism : Anticoagulant
Edema : Mannitol and Corticosteroid
Ischemic chronic : Antiplatelet, statin, anticoagulant
Haemorrhagic : IV Dilator, diuretic (Furosemide, manitol), Surgery, 30-40 resting position,
7. Dementia/Alzheimer
To increase cognitive : Ach Inhibitors tacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine,
Glutamate antagonist Mamentine
Vascular dementia Reduce Hypertension
Lewy Bodies Dementia Ach Inhibitors
8. Parkinson disease
Levodopa to increase Dopamine
Dopamine agonist : Pramipexole, Ropinirole, Rotigotine, Bromogriptine, Cabergoline
Anticholinergics (for tremor and rigidity) : Benztropine, Trihexyphenidile
MAOB Inhibitors : Selegiline, Rasegiline
Inhibits metabolism of dopamine, digabung dengan Levodopa
COMT Inhibitors : Entocapone, Tolcapone
9. Schizophrenia
Atypical antipsychotic : New agent, BB naik and sexual dysfunction
Clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, zotepine, risperidone (sering), sertindole, ziprasidone,
clorpomazine (sedative effective) by block dopamine receptor
Typical antipsychotic : old agent, old effect : Extrapyramidal symptoms parkinsonism,
tardive dyskinesia. E.g : Haloperidol, fluphenazine
10. Anti depressant
SSRI : citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, setraline
TCA : despiramine, nortryptyline, protriptyline, mirtazapine, imipramine, amitryptiline,
doxepine, trimipramine
DSNRI : venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine
Aminoketon : bupromion (bantu turunkan adiksi nikotin)
Triazopyridine : nefazodone dan trazodone (promotes sleep)
MAOI dan MAOA : Clorgyline, brofaromine, maclobemine (mudah induksi manic, insomina,
overweightm postural hypertension)
11. Anti anxiety
Benzodiazepine : Diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, bromazepam, lorazepam, alprazolam,
Nonbenzodiazepine : Buspirone, sulpiride, hydroxyzine

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