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POINT TIBS 21 - M A Y 1 9 9 6

experimental evidence. However, as se-

quence data has become more plentiful,
The origin of the eukaryotic cell the reconstruction of a more accurate
picture of the evolutionary history of
the eukaryotic cells has been permitted.

Current model for the origin of the

Radhey S. Gupta and G. Brian Golding eukaryotic cell
Woese and colleagues were among
the first to make use of sequence data
Molecular sequence data are beginning to provide important insights into
to understand molecular systematics 1~
the evolutionary origin of eukaryotic cells. Global phylogenies of numerous
They promoted the use of ribosomal
protein sequences indicate that the eukaryotic cell nucleus is a chimera,
RNA sequences to understand the evo-
which has received major contributions from both a Gram-negative eubac- lutionary relationship between all life
terium and an archaebacterium. Recent studies also indicate that the for- forms. Among their many discoveries,
mation of the nuclear envelope and the endoplasmic reticulum was ac- an important finding was the recogni-
companied by duplication of genes for the molecular chaperone proteins tion that, based on ribosomal RNA
(e.g. hsp70, hsp90), which facilitate protein transport across membranes. (rRNA) sequences, prokaryotes formed
Based on these observations, it is suggested that the ancestral eukary- two distinct phylogenetic groups, orig-
otic cell arose by a unique endosymbiotic event involving engulfment of an inally termed archaebacteria and eu-
eocyte archaebacterium by a Gram-negative eubacterial host. bacteria. In terms of genetic distance,
these two groups were as different from
each other as either was from the eu-
THE ORIGIN OF the eukaryotic cell con- structures 7,8. However, the origin of karyotes 1~ Subsequent work on a few
stitutes one of the major unsolved prob- the nucleus, which presumably marked protein sequences that were examined
lems in biological sciences. Eukaryotes, the beginning of the eukaryotic cell, (namely EF-Tu/la, EF-G/2, RNA poly-
which comprise all true multicellular remains an unresolved issue at the merase and F- and V-type ATPases) also
organisms, as well as a broad range of present time. supported the phylogenetic distinct-
single-cell organisms, are distinguished To explain the origin of the eukary- ness of archaebacterial and eubacterial
from prokaryotes by the presence of otic cells a number of theories have groups 13,~4,~9.Initially, only an unrooted
several internal structures. These in- been put forward (see Box 1). Several of tree was possible with these three
clude the nucleus, cytomembrane, cyto- these theories are conjectural in nature, groups of organisms (namely archaebac-
skeleton and a variety of organelles. whereas others are based on limited teria, eubacteria and eukaryotes) 1~ The
However, the hallmark feature of all eu-
karyotes is the presence of a nucleus
Box 1. Earlier theories for the origin of eukaryotlc ceils
(i.e. separation of DNA and cytoplasm
by a nuclear envelope) and any organism Symbiotic origin of eukaryotic cells proposed. Mereschkowsky9
lacking this property is by definition a
prokaryote ~,2. The structural complex- Endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria, chloroplasts and eukaryotic Margulis1,8
ity of the eukaryotic cells, in conjunc- motility apparatus (namely cytoskeleton) from specific groups of
tion with the fossil evidence, which sug- bacteria proposed. Endosymbiotic origin of nucleus not favored.
gests that the prokaryotes might have Woese4,lo
Independent origin of archaebacteria, eubacteria and eukaryotes
predated eukaryotes by as much as from a universal ancestor (progenote) proposed.
1.0-2.0 billion years 3, has led to the
notion that eukaryotic cells have evolved The suggestion that the nucleus could have evolved by engulfment Lake et al. 11,12
from more simple prokaryotic organ- of an archaebacterial species was made.
isms with which they share numerous
common (or related) molecules 1,2,~. Evolutionof eukaryotic cells from a transient intermediate between Cavalier-Smith5
archaebacteria and Gram-positivebacteria proposed. Suggestion
Indeed, studies done during the past concerning origin of various eukaryoticcell structural features made.
10--15 years have established that a Opposed to endosymbioticorigin of nucleus.
number of eukaryotic cell organelles
(namely mitochondria and chloroplasts) Direct evolution of eukaryotic nuclear genome from an archaebacterial Iwabe et al. 13
bear a close evolutionary relationship ancestor, which is the currentlyfavored view, proposed. Gogarten et al. 14,
to specific groups of prokaryotes (namely Woese et al. IS
a-proteobacteria and cyanobacteria, re-
The eocytegroup of archaebacteriawas indicatedas the closest Rivera and Lake16
spectively)7. These organelles are be- relative of eukaryotes.
lieved to have evolved from prokaryotic
ancestors through endosymbiotic cap- Evolutionof eukaryotic cell by engulfment of a prokaryotic organism Hartmanz7,
ture by eukaryotic hosts lacking such (archaebacterium)18by a proto-eukaryoticlineage that contained Sogin18
RNA-basedmetabolism proposed.
R. S. Gupta is at the Department of The possibility that the eukaryotic nuclear genome could be a chimera
Biochemistry; and G. B. Golding is at the formed by primaryfusion of an archaebacterium and a bacteria
Department of Biology, McMaster University, suggested.
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8N 3Z5.
166 9 1996,ElsevierScienceLtd PII: S0968-0004(96)20013-1
TIBS 21 - M A Y 1 9 9 6 .............. TALKINGPOINT
root of this tree was determined using ~
/ Bacteria
duplicated gene sequences such as those (a) /
of EF-Tu/G and ATPase V/E A critical /
assumption here is that the gene dupli-
cation event must have occurred before
the divergence of the three groups of ~ ~cyanobacteria
organisms. If this assumption is correct Universal ~ ~ . "~-purple ~, Plants --~
then one set of duplicated sequences ancestor ~'~ ~ \ s j
could be used to root the other set. ~ Animal Eukaryotes
Using this approach, Iwabe et al.13 and
Gogarten et al. 14 placed the root of the Protists J
tree between archaebacteria and eubac-
teria. In both these studies, the eukary- Archaebacteria
otes branched off from the lineage lead-
ing to archaebacteria (Fig. 1). In 1990,
Woese et al.15 adopted this rooting and (b) j Bacteria
elevated the three groups from king- Gram-negative ~
doms to 'domains of life' and renamed
~ ~bacteria ~ ,\cyanobacteria
them Archaea, Bacteria and Eucarya15.
The above rooting (referred to as the ~o~-purple ~ / Plants q
archaebacteria] model in Fig. 1): (1) im- Universal ~ ~\
ancestor ~ . . _ ~ / ~ AnimalsI [ Eukaryotes
plies that the eukaryotic organisms are
the direct descendants of an archae- Protists [
bacterial ancestor; (2) has become widely
accepted; and (3) represents the preva-
lent view regarding the origin of the
eukaryotic nuclear genome. Archaebacteria

Inadequacy of the present model to explain Figure 1

global protein phylogenies Evolutionary origin of eukaryotic cells. (a) The traditional archaebacterial model and (b)
The above view of the origin of the the newly proposed chimeric model. Accordingto the archaebacterial model, the eukaryotic
eukaryotie nuclear genome is based on nuclear genome is directly derived from an archaebacterial ancestor by means of normal
a limited number of gene sequences. evolutionary mechanisms. By contrast, the chimeric model proposesthat the ancestral eu-
karyotic cell arose as the result of a unique fusion event between a Gram-negativeeubac-
However, as sequence data on more
terium and an 'eocyte' archaebacterium, and that both these parents have made major
proteins have become available, this contributions to its nuclear genome. Both models indicate that mitochondria and chloro-
model has not always been supported, plasts originatedas a result of later endosymbioticeventsfrom specificgroups of eubacteria.
and sequence features and phylogenies
based on several proteins give a very
different picture of the history of these branching pattern shown in Fig. 1 (Refs the same position in all hsp70s from
three groups of organisms2~ Protein 20-27). The 70 kDa heat shock proteins Gram-negative eubacteria* and eukary-
sequences have several advantages over (hsp70/dnaK), which constitute the otic species, but absent in all of the
rRNA for phylogenetic studies. In pro- most conserved proteins found in all homologs from archaea and Gram-
teins, each character has 20 states species, provide the clearest example positive eubacteria (Fig. 2; Refs 23-25,
rather than only four different states for of such phylogenies23-25, In eukaryotic 30). Such evidence points to a specific
nucleotides. This provides more infor- cells, unique hsp70 homologs are pres- relationship between Gram-negative
mation per site and reduces the likeli- ent in the cytosol, endoplasmic reticu- bacteria* and eucarya on one hand,
hood of convergent or parallel substi- lum (ER), mitochondria and chloro- and archaea and Gram-positive bacteria
tutions, or mere chance alignment of plasts 24,29,3~However, the various forms on the other. This inference is strongly
certain sequence regions. In addition, of hsp70 are readily distinguished from supported by the detailed phylogeny
organism-specific differences in G/C each other based on their characteris- based on hsp70 sequences 2345.
content can cause biased phylogenetic tic signature sequences (Fig. 2). From a The hsp70 protein tamily is by no
reconstructions. However, owing to de- number of such signature sequences, means unique in its indication of a dif-
generacy of the genetic code, protein the mitochondrial and chloroplast ferent branching order. Trees based on
sequences are less affected by differ- forms are seen to be clearly prokaryotic- glutamine synthetase (glna) 21,26 and
ences in G/C content than are nucleo- like and are distinct from eukaryotic glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) 22 also
tide sequences2s. Lastly, by contrast to hsp70s ~rom the ER and cytoso124,253~ suggest similar relationships. All of
the rRNA, where sequence alignment is The cytosolic and the ER-resident forms these proteins are well-conserved mol-
dependent on the secondary structure (BiP) of hsp70s form paralogous gene ecules that retain excellent homology
of the molecule, no such assumption is families that arose by gene duplication among the major domains of life. Except
necessary for the alignment of protein very early in the evolution of eukary- for the branching of eucarya with the
sequences. otic cells 2S,3~However, the most distinc-
Several recent studies by independ- tive feature of the hspTO family of pro-
*Throughout the text, the terms eubacteria and
ent laboratories have found proteins teins is a relatively conserved insert of bacteria are used interchangeably to refer to
that do not support the traditional 23-27 amino acids, which is present in prokaryotesthat are not archaebacteria.
~ ~,~o84


(a) (b)
~-H.marismortui QDDYSVE ITIEGGAG LS P B.subtilis --YT-I-IFS--W ....... N-K- I-RK---S--R-LQ---EG
A|H.cutirubrum EE--T-A . . . . . . . . . . P La. easei --,,-,-,,,,-,----,--,-,- --RQ-W-KN-R-LM---EG
|T.acidophilum --FAA-- T--KFK ---TASTR -- N E.coli
~M.mazei -VY. . . . EAM-K-T -S-QKPG- -- E S.cerevi,
~My.leprae --R-V-- S-W-I- -K-QE-S- -- E D.melano.
I My.tuberculosis -VR-V-- S-W-I- -R-QE-S- --
l St.griseus --R-V-- T-WKID M-VT--SS -P
p|C.perfringens --M . . . . T--K-N ---TASTN -- A Me.therm. AGWEV TDELANA IG I ESHNH PSA IEPYGGAGTGIGG I LRD
I L.lactis --I---~ TSEK-S -V-KSNS- -- P B.subtilis --I-DI G - N Q - W F K . . . . . . . . L-- -Q--A- -V- - - I - -
l Sta.aureus -V .... T--K-D ---QSSSS -- P La.casei ---IDI G E G K - W F K A ........ V---E--A--V---I--
L B.subtilis --M .... T--K-- ---KSSS- -- N E.coli
B.megaterium --I-V-- T-HK-- ---KSST- -- E S.cerevi.
P.cepacia -LFAV--~i ---EEK---K- IGL--YS--K-- NG-AW-- ---KANS---
R.meliloti -LFA---~ -T-E-PTT-K-KGMV-Y -VK-- NG-AW-- -R-QASG- --
N Ca.crescentus -LFA---~i -TAS - PV-EK-KGMV-YRSSR-R AG-AW-K -R-QANG- --
Rru.ovis -LFAV--~- --YD-PM-TK-RDLV-Y -VKG- NG-AW-- -R QASG- --
--Y .... ~- . . . . EE -ASEI KMV-Y--EKGL
-R--SSS- --
-R--ASS- -Q
- Synechocystis sp. -FY-V--~I- -R- D-ITNEATEVAYSVVKDG NGNVKLD -S-T-AST -P

- S.cerevisiae (m) -LFAT--~[ . . . . E-A ..... IKQV-Y--VKHS NG-AW-- --VA-SS- --
Saccharomyces Escherichiacoli

D.melanogaster(m) - F Y A T - - ~ . . . . D-P--KK- ITNLSY-WK-S NG-AW-S -V-QSSG- --
Pea (m) -LFGT--~I . . . . D-AQT-KEM}tMV- Y -VR-P NG-AW-- ---RSSG- -- cerevisiae
O Tr.cruzi {m) -FFAV--[,I . . . . E-SNI-H-IKNV-Y -GRSS NG-AW-Q ---TASG- --
Mouse (m) -FYAT--~---YD-R---~-T~V VR-S .... NG-AW-- -V-QSSG- --
Pa.lutherii(chl) -F~-V--~i'~--ps R--SREr.RQT-~--EDS R~KIRr, R ---S-AST -P / ~ Methanobacteriurn
- Pea (chl) -~ S--DEESRQVSY~V-RD- NG~LD ---T-AST -P
- S.cerevisiae(BiP) LKYN-RS - -K- IKHL - - N V ~ - G KPAVE- S
H~iman (BiP) -TWN- PS - -Q- IKFL- - -VVEKKT KPYIQ-D
G.lamblia(BiP) -K- D- P---K-MKLL-Y-V-NK-G RPFVQLS
Drosophila "~.
melanogaster I"~LaLactobaci/lus
Ch.reinhardtii -K-S-PI --S- IKLW-SQVAP-H VPEIV-S Bacillus casei
S.cerevisiae AI -N-N-P---A-~[KHF-- L-DV-G KPQIQ--
D.melanogaster 2 -KYD-PKIAE-MKHW---WSDGG KPK[G--
X.laevis -K-N- PV--C- L K H W - - Q W S D E G KPKVK--

Rgure 2
(a) Sequence signatures in the hsp70 protein family showing the relatedness of eukaryotic cytosolic homologs to the Gram-negative
eubacteria. The letters A, E, N, P and 0 refer to sequences from archaebacteria (A), eukaryotes (cytosolic and endoplasmic reticulum; E),
Gram-negative bacteria (N), Gram-positive bacteria (P) and eukaryotic organellar sequences [namely mitochondria (m) and chloroplasts (chl);
0], respectively. The numbers on the top refer to the position in the Halobacterium marismortui hsp70 sequence. The dashes (-) indicate
identity with the amino acid in the top line. Symbols above or below the shaded regions refer to different types of sequence signatures: II,
sequence signatures common to only archaebacteria and Gram-positive bacteria; e , sequence features present only in eukaryotic cytosolic
and ER (BiP) homologs; and A, shared sequence features between Gram-negative eubacteria and eukaryotic homologs. Not all signature
sequences of the above kinds are shown. The boxed region shows the large insert present in only Gram-negative eubacteria and eukaryotic
homologso Sequences from only representative species are shown, however, homologs from all other species examined also contain the
indicated signature sequences. Abbreviations used in the species names are as follows: B, Bacillus; Bo, Borellia; Bru, Brucefa; C,
Clostridium; Ca, Caulobactec, Ch, Chlamydornonas; Chl, Chlamydia; Cr, Cryptomona; D, Drosophila; E, Escherichia; En, Entamoeba; G,
Giardia; H, Halobacterium; L, Lactococcus; M, Methanosarcina; My, Mycobacterium; P, Pseudomonas; Pa, Pavlova; R, Rhizobium; S,
Saccharomyces; St, Streptomyces; Sta, Staphylococcus; T, Thermoplasma; Tr, Trypanosoma; X, Xenopus. The notations (mit), (chl) and (BiP)
in parenthesis denote mitochondrial, chloroplast and ER-resident forms of hsp70, respectively. The database accession numbers of these
sequences are described in earlier work24. (b) Alignment of sequences of phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase (FGARAT) from
various species. The species names and GenBank accession numbers of the sequences are as follows: Escherichia coil (M19501),
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (U14566), Drosophila melanogaster (U00683), Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicurn (Me. therrn.) (M59245),
Bacillus subtilis (J02732), Lactobacillus (La.) casei (M85265). The shaded regions show the shared insertions in Gram-negative bacteria and
eukaryotes. (r A distance tree based on the FGARATsequences.

Gram-negative bacteria, the phylogenetic between the eucarya and the Gram- these groups is also strongly supported
trees based on these protein sequences negative bacteria is the enzyme phos- by phylogenetic analysis of the se-
are otherwise conventional and indi- phoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase quence data (Fig. 2).
cate relationships between organisms (FGARAT). From a partial alignment of To investigate this problem further,
that would have been expected (in the FGARAT sequences presented in Fig. 2, we have collected all proteins in the
sense that plants cluster together, it is readily seen that a number of con- databases for which sequences were
vertebrates cluster together and mito- served indels (i.e. either insertions or available at the time from Gram-positive
chondria and chloroplast homologs are deletions) are uniquely shared by bacteria (P), Gram-negative bacteria
specifically related to ~-proteobacteria Gram-negative bacteria and eukaryotic (N), archaea (A) and eucarya (E)27. A
and cyanobacteria, respectively) n-m3~ homologs on one hand, and Gram-posi- total of 24 proteins were found that ful-
Another example of a protein sequence tive bacteria and archaebacteria on the filled these criteria. After alignment of
that demonstrates a close relationship other. A specific relationship between the sequences, they were evaluated to
determine which of the three possible forms of hsp70 consistently tree within
TaMe I. Global phylogeny of protein
monophyletic arrangements they sup- the ~-proteobacteria, and the chloro- sequences a
port [namely the archaebacterial tree plast forms within the cyanobacte-
(P,N)(A,E), the tree supported by hsp70, ria 23,24,30,31. The cytosolic and ER forms Eukaryote-Gram-negative clades
gdh and glna (P,A)(N,E), or the third of hsp70, which are found in all eukary- Aspartate aminotransferase
possible topology (P,E)(N,A)]27. The otic species, including the amitochon- Hsp70
analysis was performed using both the drial protist Giardia lamblia 25, contain Ferredoxin
Glutamate dehydrogenase
maximum likelihood and the maximum distinctive signature sequences that are
Glutamine synthetase
parsimony methods27. The results are not present in any organellar homologs Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidinesynthase
summarized in Table I. In addition to (see Fig. 2; Refs 24, 25). Thus, it is Pyrroline-5-carboxylatereductase
hsp70, glutamine synthetase, glutamate highly unlikely that the unusual branch-
dehydrogenase and FGARATproteins, a ing pattern for this protein might be a Eukaryote-Archaebacterial clades
number of other proteins significantly consequence of comparison between Arginino-succinatesynthase
ATP synthase a-chain
preferred a phylogeny that clusters the non-orthologous sequences.
ATP synthase 13-chain
eucarya with Gram-negative bacteria Second, it has been suggested that Dihydrofolate reductase
and the archaea with Gram-positive some of the unusual topologies could Elongationfactor 1
bacteria. In fact, the protein-based trees be because of horizontal gene trans- Elongationfactor 2
are almost evenly split between this fers2~ but there are several lines of Indole-3-glycerolphosphate synthase
topology and the presently favored evidence that show this is not the Phosphog[yceratekinase
topology that groups archaea with cause. For the hsp70 sequence data, DNA-directedRNA polymerase
eucarya. The proteins for which no this possibility has been ruled out 24'25.
Equivocal clades
significant preference was observed do Furthermore, if horizontal transfer is in- [~-galactosidase
not support or refute either phylogeny. voked to explain the unusual phylogeny Carbamoyl phosphate synthase
However, it is significant to note that of approximately half of all proteins, Deoxyribopyrimidinephotolyase
none of the proteins supported the then why must it occur only between Gtyceraldehyde3-phosphatedehydrogenase
third phylogeny (P,E)(N,A), which eucarya and Gram-negative bacteria on Superoxidedismutase
groups the Gram-positive bacteria with the one hand, and archaea and Gram- Anthranilate synthase components I and II
Anthranilate phosphoribosyitransferase
the eucarya. This result provides strong positive bacteria on the other? All of
N-(5'-phosphoribosyl)anthranilate isomerase
evidence that the methods are not the gene/protein sequences give: (1) a
generating false significance scores, be- similar relationship between various eu- Eukaryote-Gram-posltlveclade
cause the sequences are too distantly karyotic species; and (2) they also indi- None
related or no longer contain traces of cate a similar origin of mitochondria
their ancestry. If this were the case, an and chloroplasts from specific groups aA summary of the phylogenetic analysis
based on different protein sequences27. For
equal number of proteins would be of bacteria, thus arguing strongly the proteins listed under the first two cat-
expected to support each of the three against extensive gene transfers. egories above, the observed phylogenetic re-
alternative phylogenies. lationships in alI cases is statistically signifi-
cant. The proteins listed under the equivocal
Chimeric model for the origin of the clades did not yield statistically significant
Orthology-paralogy and horizontal gene eukaryotic nuclear genome relationships27.
transfer If the observed results are not anoma-
How can the two different kinds of lous, then to explain them it is necess-
phylogenies inferred from these protein ary to postulate that the eukaryotic the different characteristics of the two
sequences be reconciled? Because some nuclear genome received major contri- parents. This in turn explains the many
of the proteins suggest the same topol- butions from both an archaebacterium cellular and biochemical features that
ogy as the rRNA sequences, should we as well as a Gram-negative eubacterium. are shared by eukaryotes with the
prefer that particular inference and ig- Or in other words, it is a chimera archaea on the one hand and with the
nore the others? It is important to ex- formed by the fusion of these groups of eubacteria on the other4-6.
clude two possibilities that could lead parental organisms. Based on Rivera During the evolution of the eukary-
to incorrect phylogenies before consid- and Lake's results with the EF-la and otic genome from the chimeric ances-
ering other models to explain these re- EF-2 sequences ~6, the archaebacterial tor, it is expected that the genes/pro-
sults. First, all sequences used to recon- partner is likely to be a thermoacido- teins that were already functioning as a
struct phylogenies must be orthologous. philic 'eocyte' group of archaebac- unit within cells (e.g. translation and
If they are not then an incorrect phy- terium. The nature of the Gram-negative perhaps also transcription apparatus)
logeny will be inferred. However, for fusion partner is not clear at present, were taken as a whole from one of the
many of the proteins that fail to cluster but in the hsp70 phylogeny, a closer parents. Indeed, the sequence data on
the archaea and eucarya (e.g. hsp70, relationship of eukaryotic cytoplasmic various translational/transcriptional re-
glutamine synthetase and glutamate homologs to the cyanobacterial species lated genes (e.g. rRNA, ribosomal pro-
dehydrogenase), multiple forms are is often observed 23,z4. Following the fu- teins, EF-G,EF-Tu,RNA polymerase, TATA-
well known and have been incorporated sion event, the two sets of genes/pro- element-binding protein, etc.) s2 suggest
into their phylogenies2]-26. In fact, the teins that were present in the resulting that they originated from the archae-
distinct clustering of various hsp70 iso- pro-eukaryote cell had then to be re- bacterial ancestor. In view of this, it is
forms into their phylogenetic trees solved into a single functioning cell. By probable that the translational/tran-
gives further confidence that the phy- choosing a mixture or set of genes from scriptional-related gene sequences do
logeny inferred from these proteins is each of the two parental organisms, a not provide independent estimates of
reliable. For example, the mitochondrial eukaryotic cell evolved that inherited the eukaryotic phylogeny. Hence, the

or preceded by duplication of the genes

(a) for the chaperone proteins (e.g. hsp70,
hsp90, etc.), which are essential for this
purpose 29,3~ Subsequently, the genome
of the host organism was transferred
to the newly formed nucleus, probably
by a similar mechanism as that re-
sponsible for the nuclear transfer of
genes from the later endosymbionts,
mitochondria and chloroplasts 7.

The model proposed here can ex-
Figure 3 plain many of the distinctive genetic,
Origin of the eukaryotic cell nucleus and endomembrane system by the chimeric model. biochemical and structural characteris-
(a) The key event in the origin of the eukaryotic cell is postulated to be the engulfment of an tics of the eukaryotic cells, including the
'eocyte' archaebacterium by a Gram-negativeeubacterium that presumably lacked a cell wail.
(b) As the membrane of the host surrounded the guest species, its own membrane (con-
ester-linked nature of their membrane
taining ether-linked lipids) became redundant and was lost. (c} Eventual separation of the lipids 1-6,12. The origin of some of the
internalized membrane from the plasma membrane led to the formation of the nuclear en- other distinctive features of eukaryotic
velope and the endoplasmic reticulum. The formation of these new compartments was pre- cells (e.g. cytoskeleton) remains unclear
ceded or accompanied by duplication of the genes for the chaperone proteins (e.g. hsp70, at present, however, structural com-
hsp90, etc.). The transfer of the host genome to the newly formed nucleus, and an assortment ponents for these could also be derived
of the genes from the two parents, led to the formation of the ancestral eukaryotic cell. from one of the prokaryotic parents 3~-a7.
By contrast to the presently accepted
interpretation of the rooting of the uni- which evolved by a gene duplication view, this model proposes that the an-
versal tree based on such sequences event that took place very early in cestral eukaryotic cell evolved by a
(namely EF-Tu/G) is questionable ~4,~7,33. the evolution of eukaryotic cells25. A very different mechanism than that re-
similar inference has been reached for sponsible for the diversity seen within
Origin of nucleus and endoplasmicreticulum the ER and cytosolic forms of the hsp90 the prokaryotic world or subsequently
Important insight into the origin of family of proteins 34. These observations within the eukaryotic world. Unlike the
the eukaryotic cell nucleus is provided strongly indicate that the formation of prokaryotic species, which are homo-
by the proteins that are found in the ER. ER (and through inference, nuclear en- genomic, all of the eukaryotic species
As the ER is contiguous with the nu- velope) was accompanied by dupli- are indicated to be heterogenomic 38.
clear envelope as well as the cytomem- cation of the genes for proteins that Furthermore, our observation that all of
brane in eukaryotic ceils, its evolution facilitate membrane transport of other the eukaryotic, cytosolic and ER hsp70s
most probably took place in concert proteins. contain a number of shared sequence
with the nucleus 5,12,2s. For a number of These observations and the chimeric signatures, which are not found in any
proteins (namely hsp70 and hsp90), nature of the eukaryotic nuclear genome prokaryotic or organellar homologs,
which function as molecular chaper- discussed above could be explained if strongly suggests that the major evolu-
ones in the transport of other 'passen- the origin of eukaryotic ceils involved tionary transition from the prokaryotes
ger proteins' across membranes, dis- an endosymbiotic event between a Gram- to the eukaryotes was the result of a
tinct homologs are found in the ER and negative eubacterial host and an archae- single, unique endosymbiotic fusion
cytosolic compartments 2s'34. Recently, bacterial 'eocyte' species 12,24,25. In one event 2s,39. Thus, the model proposes
the genes for both ER and cytosolic possible scenario, shown in Fig. 3, a that, by contrast to the 'pre-karyotic'
hsp70s have been cloned from G. lamblia, Gram-negative eubacterium lacking a nature of the prokaryotes, all of the
which is one of the most primitive cell wall developed a symbiotic relation- eukaryotic species are 'post-karyotes',
eukaryotic species presently known25. ship with an archaebacterium. The host where karyosis refers to the original
The cloning of a gene encoding an ER eubacterium, either naturally or as a re- endosymbiotic event. Lastly the protein-
hsp70 homolog from G. lamblia pro- sult of this association, developed nu- based phylogenies also raise important
vides strong evidence that the ER origi- merous membrane infolds. Over a period questions concerning the relationship
nated very early in the eukaryotic cell of time the membrane of the host organ- between archaebacterial and eubac-
history. Both the ER and cytosolic ism completely surrounded the guest terial species, some of which have been
hsp70s from all eukaryotic species share species, which became the nucleus and discussed previously23,z427'4~
a number of sequence features with some of the membrane infolds devel-
the Gram-negative bacteria (including oped into the ER. (The membrane of the Acknowledgements
the 23-27 amino acid insert in the guest species, which became redundant We thank J. Cechetto for assistance
amino-terminal quadrant), but they also under these conditions was eventually with the artwork. Work from R. S. G.'s
contain numerous unique shared se- lost.) The formation of the nuclear en- laboratory is supported by a research
quence signatures that are not present velope, or ER, involved the creation of a grant from the Medical Research Council
in any prokaryotic or organellar homo- new compartment in the cell that had of Canada. G. B. G. is a fellow of the
logs (see Fig. 2; Ref. 25). Phylogenetic to communicate (i.e. import/export pro- Canadian Institute for Advanced
analyses of ER and cytosolic hsp70s teins and other molecules) with the rest Research and is supported by a Natural
from various eukaryotic species indi- of the cell. Therefore, formation of this Sciences and Engineering Research
cate that they form distinct subfamilies, compartment was either accompanied Council of Canada grant.
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Type VI membrane attachment signal sequence 2. Upon closer

examination, ponticulin was shown to
antibodies have identified a 17 kDa protein
in polymorphonuclear leucocytes 5.
proteins? incorporate both [3H]-palmitic acid and
[3H]-ethanolamine, compounds found in
Another protein that has been suggested
to be anchored in this manner is Sm23
GPl-anchors. Enzymes that can usually (Ref. 6). Sm23 is a cell-surface protein found
It is well established that integral membrane cleave GPl-anchored proteins, for example on the human gut parasite, Schistosoma
proteins can be of a variety of different phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase mansoni. The presence of a GPI anchor has
types. Under the Singer classification ], type C (PI-PLC), could not release ponticulin been demonstrated on this protein 7.
I and 11membrane proteins have one from purified plasma membranes. Experiments utilizing [3H]-ethanolamine
transmembrane polypeptide domain, but Furthermore, an antibody recognizing native incorporation and detergents have
differ in their orientation. Type III membrane ponticulin was shown to bind only to the implicated the presence of both a GPI
proteins contain multiple transmembrane cytoplasmic-exposed side of the protein, anchor and transmembrane-spanning
regions and type IV proteins are made up of indicating the presence of a cytosolic domains on Sm23 (Ref. 6).
multimers of subunits that, when assembled domain(s). It is quite likely that a human Research into this dual mechanism of
together, make a transmembrane channel. homologue of ponticulin exists, as membrane attachment is still in its infancy
Proteins attached to the lipid bilayer only experiments using anti-ponticulin and poses many questions. Some proteins
by covalently bound lipids are classified as
type V (see Fig. 1).
Type I T y p e II T y p e III
Recently, some membrane proteins have
emerged that contain two different modes of N C
membrane attachment on the same protein
molecule. These proteins are anchored by
one or more transmembrane-spanning
domains and also by a glycosyl-
phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. This novel Plasma
group of membrane-anchored proteins have m e m b r a n ~
been designated as type VI (Ref. 2; and Fig. 1).
A construct containing an uncleaved
amino-terminal signal peptide and a signal c N
for GPl-anchor attachment was shown to
T y p e IV Type V T y p e VI
produce a protein anchored by both
transmembrane and GPl-anchors3. This
demonstrated that it was possible for the
cellular machinery to synthesize such
proteins. Around the same time, reports of
natural type VI proteins began to emerge.
One such protein was ponticulin, a cell- Plasma
surface protein that forms the major high membran
affinity link between the plasma membrane
and the actin cortical network 4. Cloning of
the ponticulin gene from Dictyostelium
discoideum suggested that the Figure 1
hydrophohic domain encoded at the 5' end Types of membrane-anchored protein. The lipid bound to type V proteins is represented as a zigzag
of the gene was part of a GPl-anchor- and the glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor of type Vl proteins is shown as a yellow cylinder.
9 1996, Elsevier Science Ltd PII: S0968-0004(96)20012-X 171
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