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Self- Talk Affirmations

By L.D. Pickens


1. I am a most valuable person.

2. I really am very special. I like who I am and feel good about myself.
3. I always work to improve myself, and I get better everyday.
4. I like who I am today- and tomorrow, when Im even better, Ill like myself then too!
5. Its true that there is no one else like me in the entire world. There never was another me before
and there will never be another me again.
6. I am unique- from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I may occasionally look and
sound like some others- but I am not them. I am me!
7. I like how I feel and I like how I think and I like how I do things. I approve of me and I approve of
who I am.
8. I have many admirable qualities about me. I have talents, skills, and abilities. I even have talents
that I dont know about yet, and I am discovering new talents about myself all the time.
9. I am positive, I am confident. I radiate good things. If you look closely you can even see a
confident glow around me.
10. I am full of life, I like life and am glad to be alive.
11. I am a very special person living at a very special time.
12. I am intelligent. My mind is quick and alert and clever and fun.
13. I think good thoughts and my mind makes things right for me.
14. I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm and vitality.
15. I am exciting and I really enjoy being me.
16. People like to hear what I have to say and know what I have to think.
17. I smile a lot. I am happy on the inside and I am happy on the outside.
18. I am interested in many things. I appreciate all the blessing I have, and the things that I learn, and
things that I will learn today, tomorrow, and forever.
19. I am warm, sincere honest, and genuine. I am all these things and more. All these things are me. I
like who I am and Im glad to be me!
20. I am a professional. Not because I know everything, but because I am learning more about my
business and am sharing my knowledge with others.


1. I do not worry; I am in control of my own thinking.

2. I think only those thoughts that create and fulfill the best for me.
3. My mind is constantly in tune with the positive. It is bright, cheerful, enthusiastic, full of good
positive thoughts and ideas.
4. I am able to relax easily and in my body and in my mind.
5. I am calm, confident, and self-assured.
6. My mind is orderly and well organized.
7. I consciously choose what I think I always choose those thoughts which are the most positive and
beneficial to me.
8. All of my thoughts create healthiness within me.
9. My mind dwells on only those thoughts which create harmony, balance, and well being within me.
10. I automatically and always think in a decisive and determined way.
11. I am full of determination and the absolute assurance of the best possible outcome in everything
that I do.
12. I choose to look at the world around me in the bright, healthy light of optimism and self-
13. I do only those things which are best for me.
14. I create the best within myself.
15. I attract the best in others and find the best in the world around me.
16. I willingly, and without fail, take care of the duties and obligations which I have accepted for
17. I commit only to those responsibilities which I know I can fulfill.
18. I focus the attention of my mind only on those things that I can do something about.
19. If I cannot affect it or direct it- I accept it.
20. I keep my mind too busy thinking good, healthy, positive, constructive, and productive thoughts to
ever have any time for worry.
21. I control the thoughts I think.
22. No thoughts at anytime can dwell in my mind without my approval or permission.
23. I never worry. If there is something I can do, I do it. If not- I dont worry.


1. I take responsibility for everything about me- even the thoughts that I think.
2. I am in control of the vast resources of my own mind.
3. I alone am responsible for what I do and what I tell myself about me.
4. I allow others to accept their responsibilities for themselves, and I do not try to accept their
responsibilities for them.
5. I enjoy being responsible. It puts me in charge of being me- and thats a challenge I enjoy.
6. I allow no one else, at any time, to assume control or responsibility over my life or over anything
that I do.
7. My responsibility to others is an extension of my own responsibility to myself.
8. I choose to leave nothing about me up to chance. I choose to choose that which is best for me.
9. If it is to be it is up to me!
10. My choices are mine alone to make for myself.
11. I accept full responsibility for every choice and decision that I make.
12. I always meet all of the obligations which I accept. And I accept no obligations which I will not
13. I am trustworthy. I can be counted on. I have accepted winning responsibility for myself.
14. There is no They on which I lay the blame.
15. I am the master of my own destiny.
16. I am the captain of my ship.
17. I have no need to make excuses and no one needs to carry my responsibilities for me.
18. Each day I acknowledge and accept the responsibility not only for my own actions, but also for
my emotions, my thoughts, and my attitudes.
19. I accept the responsibility for living my life in a way which creates my strengths, my happiness,
my positive, healthy beliefs.
20. I accept the responsibility for my past, my present, and my future.


1. I am good at solving problems. I like challenges, and I meet them head on.
2. Problems are my teachers. They help me learn and grow. Because of these challenges I am moving
forward in the direction of my own goals.
3. There is not problem in which I cannot conquer.
4. I am strong in mind, body, and spirit. My will, my strength, and my determination, are always
greater than any problem I face.
5. When I meet a new problem, I do not see the problem as my enemy. I know that finding the
solution to the problem will move me forward in my own personal growth.
6. Because I know that problems are a key ingredient in my spiritual an mental education and
preparation. I recognize all problems are my foundation to future success.
7. I do not fear problems, I solve them. I do not ignore problems, I confront them. I do not avoid
problems, I conquer them.
8. I know that every problem holds within itself the key to its own solution. Therefore the better I
understand a problem, the clearer I am able to see the solution.
9. Having problems is not a problem for me. I am confident, self assured, positive, and determined.
10. I always know that I am going to overcome any problem I encounter and I always do.
11. I am good at breaking large obstacles down into smaller pieces that are easier to handle, and I
never make a problem appear to be larger than it actually is.
12. I never worry; I turn worry time into positive, constructive, solution time I keep my mind alert
and open to all solutions.
13. Solutions to my problems come quickly and easily to me.
14. I have learned to recognize that many problems carry with them benefits and potential
opportunities which would not have presented themselves had the problem not occurred in the first
15. I do not seek to wish to live a life which is free from all problems. Instead I choose to live a life of
finding solutions and enjoying the benefits which those solutions create.
16. Challenge, conquer, solution, and win, are the words which I live by daily.
17. Challenges are opportunities. Conquering them is the inevitable outcome. Solutions are the
stepping stones to my success, and winning is my new way of life.
18. I accept that there are two kinds of people- one looks for a way while the other looks for an
excuse. I am the one who looks for a way.
19. I know the true mark of a person is not how far or how fast they can run from a problem, but how
well they meet, face, and overcome any obstacle that stands in their way.
20. Day by day in every way, by the grace of God Im getting better and better.
21. I can, I will, Im going to!


1. I am organized an in control of my life. I am in control of myself, my thoughts, my time, my

actions, and, my future.
2. I know what to do and when to do it, and I do everything I need to do, when I need to do it.
3. I program my mind to make the maximum use of my time.
4. I am in control of my time and how to use it.
5. I like being organized, efficient, and on top of things. Controlling my time keeps me that way.
6. I never waste time. I always plan time and because I plan my time I always have time to do the
things I choose to do.
7. Each day I become more organize and in control of areas in my life at home, at work, in my
mind, and in my thoughts, in everything that I do!
8. I am very well organized. Each night I make out my list of most important things to do.
9. I set my priorities daily and I accomplish them in order.
10. I am always on time; I am exactly where I need to be when I need to be there.
11. Being on time is easy for me and the more I control my time and the more organized I become the
easier it becomes.
12. I am in control of my emotions, my feelings, my attitudes and my needs. I control them, they do
not control me.
13. I have the winning vote in the outcome of my own actions and I choose to live by choice and not
14. I have an organized an orderly mind. Because I think in an organized way, I conduct my life in an
organized manner.
15. I think in the most positive and productive way all times, and in all ways.
16. The way I live is the way I live and think positively!
17. I am the director of my destiny, I know where Im going and how and why I am going there.
18. I control my goals, and the achievement of my goals.
19. I organize my goals, and the achievement of my goals.
20. I organize my goals by writing each one of them down, along with the steps I need to reach them.
21. One of the reasons for my success is that my goals are clearly defined and organized.
22. I am in complete control of what I think and how I think. Therefore I choose to think only those
thoughts which help me and are of genuine benefit to me.

1. I know that greatness begins in the mind. I know that what I believe about myself is what I will
become so I believe the best about myself.
2. I am practical and realistic, and I keep my feet on solid ground, but I also give myself the freedom
to live up to my fullest expectations.
3. I never limit myself to short- sighted beliefs of others instead I open myself up to the broad
horizons of unlimited possibility.
4. When someone says I cannot I answer Why not. When someone says Its impossible I
answer that nothing is impossible and I believe it.
5. I believe that with my individual fortress of faith, anything is possible.
6. I have drive, spirit, stamina, and endurance. I have a good strong winning attitude about myself
and about everything that I do.
7. If I have ever had any doubts about myself in the past, today is a good day to put them aside. Its a
good day to throw away any disbelief that ever held me back.
8. I know that I am headed in the right, winning direction and I look forward and never look back. I
have the ability to focus on one thing at a time, so I concentrate my attention on the job at hand-
and get it done.
9. Today is one of those days when nothing can stand in my way. When I need extra determination,
Ive got it! When I need more energy, Ive got it!
10. Right now, even while I am telling myself these positive truths about me, I know that I can
succeed and I am succeeding.
11. I keep my chin up, my head high. I look, act sound, and think like the winner I am!
12. Any time a problem gets me down, Ill get myself right back up! I tackle problems and I solve
13. When frustration or defeat threaten me, I just become that more stronger, more positive, better
organized, and more determined than ever!
14. Right now, today, this very moment, I am capable of giving myself the gift of absolute self-
assurance, self- belief, and powerful non- stop confidence in myself
15. No matter what it is that requires the very best of me, I can do it and I know I can.
16. Today is a great day, and Ive got what it takes. So I choose to do it right and do it well. I choose
to live today with joy and love.
17. I know its up to me one hundred percent every bit of it. All of it is in the way I look at it and
what I do about it.
18. I set my sights. I keep my balance. I dont hesitate. I dont hold back. I know that the world is full
of opportunities. Look at what I can do! Look at where I can go!
19. Just look at what I can do today! I am incredible and today is a great day to show it!
20. I can do anything I believe I can do. Ive got it and every day I get more of it. I have talent, skills,
and ability.
21. I set goals and I reach them. I know what I want out of life. I go after it, and I get it.
22. People like me, and I feel good about myself. I have a sense of pride in who I am and feel good
about myself.
23. Nothing seems to stop me. I have a lot of determination. I turn problems into advantages. I find
possibilities in things other people never give a chance.
24. I have a lot of energy I am very alive! I enjoy life, I can tell it, and so can others. I keep myself
up, looking up, looking ahead, and liking it.
25. I know that I can accomplish anything I choose, and I refuse to let anything negative hold me back
or stand in my way.
26. I am not afraid of anyone or anything. I have strength power and conviction, and confidence. I like
challenges and I meet them head on, face to face. Today especially!
27. I am on the top of the world and Im going for it! I have a clear picture in my head of what I want.
I can see it in front of me. I know what I want and how I want to get it. I know that its up to me
and I know that I can do it.
28. Roadblocks dont bother me, they just mean that I am alive and running, and im not going to stand
for anything.
29. I trust myself. Ive got what it takes plenty of it, and I know how t o use it.
30. Today I am unstoppable! Ive got myself together and I getting better every day!
31. Look out world. Here I come!
32. There is no challenge I cant conquer- there is no obstacle I cant get over.
33. I stand tall. I am honest and sincere. I like to deal with people, and they like me. I think well; I
think clearly. I am organized, I am in control of myself and everything about me.
34. I can call my shots and no one else can call them for me. I never blame anyone else for the
circumstances of my life. I accept my failures and move past them as easily as I accept my
35. I never demand perfection of myself, but I expect the very best of what I cab=n give and thats
what I get.
36. I never give myself excuses. I get things done on time and in the right way.
37. Today I have the inner strength to do more than ever.
38. I am exceptional! My goals and my incredible belief in myself turn my goals into reality. I have
the power to live my dreams.


1. I begin each day with a clear mind and a specific plan to get the most from my time and effort. I
follow my plan of action.
2. I am professional, hardworking, qualified, skillful, energetic, determined, organized, and highly
3. I am good at persuading others- I present my ideas, my product, and my service to help them.
4. I am good at listening to the needs, wants, and desires of others.
5. I am always prepared. I take the time to do it right, in everything I do. I am prepared, confident,
self-assured an d successful!
6. I take care of details- I give full attention and time to the details of selling.
7. I keep myself up I know the more presentations I make the more enthusiastic I am.
8. I am never afraid to make call on prospects or customers. I keep my schedule full and I stay busy.
9. I deserve to make the sells I create. I know all the sales start with me.
10. I ask for others often and without hesitation.
11. I enjoy closing the sale. I realize it helps the prospect as well as myself.
12. Being told no never bothers me. Hearing the word no doubles my determination and

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