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Main Session 2 S essio n Principale 2

Behaviour of Foundations and Structures

C om portem ent des Fondations et des Structures

Chairman/President: B. A. Kantey (South Africa)

General Reporter/Rapporteur-Gnral: J. B. Burland (U. K.)
Co-Reporters/Co-Rapporteurs: B. B. Broms (Sweden) V. F. B. de Mello (Brazil)
Members of the Panel/Membres du Groupe de Discussion: G. A. Leonards (U .S .A .)
G. G. Meyerhof (Canada) J. Trofimenkov (U. S. S. R.)
A. S. J. Vesic (U. S. A.) H. Yamaguchi (Japan)
Session Secretary/Secrtaire de Session: T. Kimura (Japan)

Chairman: B.A. Kantey we have Dr. Bengt Broms, Professor of Soil

and Rock Mechanics, the Royal Institute of
May we begin, please? Gentlemen and ladies, Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
we have a very tight schedule this morning,
so I would like to begin. We don't mind being At the far end, we have Victor de Mello.
interrupted while you take your places. Victor de Mello doesn't need much introduc
tion as a Vice President for South America
It has been for me a very great privilege and Professor of Earth Works Foundation Engi
through the past couple of years to receive neering at the Polytechnic School, University
copies of correspondence between the three of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is a Consulting
gentlemen concerned with the State of Art Engineer, and as I have said the outgoing
Report and to watch the interplay of ideas Vice President for South America.
which has led to the production of the State
of Art Report covering this session, a docu I should like at this stage to draw your
ment which in my opinion is one of the most attention to the fact that the General Report
significant documents to come out in recent er has in the Bulletin specifically selected
years. It is therefore very much of an honor five topics which he wishes to be discussed
for me to chair this Session 2 with this dis at this session. Unfortunately, some of you
tinguished panel which you see before you. who have put in for discussions have not read
those five topics, and if your name is not
I do not intend to waste your time or the called up for discussion during the period
panel's time with any technical comments, as allowed for discussion, it will be because we
I believe the panel before you will do full are going to give priority to those who have
justice to the topics under discussion. Suf obeyed the instructions of our General Report
ficient it is to say that it is possibly er .
appropriate that the geographical center of
this panel is somewhere in the continent from We also propose, because of the wide range of
which I come. topics to be discussed, not to have the break
of 20 minutes but to carry straight through,
I would like to start off by mentioning the and for those of you who cannot sit for that
session's Secretary, Professor Kimura, who length of time, nobody will mind if you qui
has been an absolute tower of strength to etly get up and walk out and come back at a
your General Reporter Dr. Burland and myself later stage .
since even before our arrival here, and we
would like personally to express our thanks Without further ado, I would like to call on
to him in front of you. John Burland to present his report.

To your left and to my right, the first mem

ber of our panel is Professor Hakuju General Reporter: J.B. Burland
Yamaguchi, Professor of Soil Mechanics at the
Tokyo Institute of Technology. Next to him (The General Reporter's presentation is ommit-
we have Professor Trofimenkov, Director of ted here because it is essentially the same
the Foundation Design Institute of Moscow. as the contents of the State-of-the-Art Report
Next to him we have Alexander Vesic, Jones in Proceedings Volume II and of the General
Professor and Dean of the School of Engineer Report in Proceedings Volume III.)
ing at Duke University in North Carolina,
USA. Then we have Jerry Leonards, well known
as Professor of Soil Engineering at Purdue Chai rman Kantey
University. Going a bit further north in
Canada, we have Jeff Meyerhof who is Head of Thank you, John. I think that what John
the Department of Civil Engineering of Nova Burland has said is right up Victor de Mello's
Scotia Technical College in Halifax. On my alley, and I would like him to start the ball
immediate left is your General Reporter Dr. rolling.
John Burland, Head of the Geotechnical Divi
sion of the Building Research Station. Then
Co-Reporter: V.F.B. de Mello
1- for SCIENCE Xf (a )
I have been requested to summarize some X= f (a,b)
thoughts on practical design of foundations
X= t (a,b,c )
and structures to take account of deforma
tion, structure-soil interaction, variability
of ground conditions, and limits in the knowl
edge of soil properties. It is obviously a 2 -in ENGINEERING
request for very synthetic comments on so
vast a subject of momentous relevance to the X= f (a ,b,c ,d . . . z , etc ...)
practice of foundation design. It is sur
prising and sad to note how over many years
there have been no papers presented to this 3 -by DECISION
the rest bein g
Society directing as to possible routines of
practical design steps for the average or 1st APPROX. X= f (a...) Consciously neglected
simple case.
2nd APPROX. X = f(a,b...) are negligible
Yet, in the beginning was Practice, and Prac- because
tive was with Engineering Execution, and 3 rd APPROX. X = f (o,b,c...) \ a r e maintained
Practice was Engineering. In concept, one
must go through a single common routine for
all cases, to begin to sort out those that
might require more attention. Many a worthy
development loses sight of the difference DESIGN = DECISION D ES P ITE DOUBTS
between engineering and engineering science,
and new tests and theories are compared with RECOMMENDATIONS
other tests and theories, and not with the
functionality towards DESIGN DECISION. DECISION2 f( DESI RE, etc 1- double - check
Fig. 1 attempts to summarize schematically as devil's odvocate
the diametrically opposite trends in science,
and in engineering. In the former we proceed
in investigating on by one the additional DOUBTS f ("data", etc) 2 -develo p by
parameters that may influence a behavior X,
and we are elated at each added proven inter decreasing dispersions
ference, and shout "Eureka". Meanwhile in
engineering we recognize a priori that any
behavior X is a function of infinite number Fig. 1
of parameters, and therefore, by DECISION we
begin in the first approximation by consider
ing only one parameter, then gradually two
parameters, and so on. It is a conscious act ities of behavior that did not occur. Man
of decision, within which, however, we must quickly notes what is undesirable and has
recognize that implicitly we must consider always developed experience by an intuitive
negligible or constant the other parameters, application of Bayes theorem of probabilities.
not incorporated. Moreover, I strongly recom
mend that we recognize the interference of It is my contention that in civil and founda
DESIRE, since in any decision we subconscious tion engineering we have been misled by the
ly want, either to repeat what we have done, comprehensible fear of failure, into attempt
or to be more daring and economical, or to ing to adjust our computations to F =1.00 at
try out a new approach, or to assume that a "failure". Failure is an extreme event, and
pier is no more than a bigger pile, etc.: computations concerning the statistics of
that is, we are always fitting mental models extremes are bound to be fraught with frustra
to suit ourselves. Finally, let us summarily tion (de Mello 1977) . From failures we must
recognize that there is never any such thing learn the physical model to our problem.
as "true" or "complete" DATA: data are, and Meanwhile, from the vast number of operational
will always be, nominal, associated with the non-failure cases, at different or varying
eyes and theories of the viewer. nominal F values (or other design criteria)
we must adjust our quantified statistical
In Fig. 2 I am trying to summarize schemat universe of averages to establish and pre
ically the most common design cycle, relying scribe the boundary criteria between accept
heavily on "INDEX OBSERVATIONS" (transform ance or rejection. The progress in such an
able into INDEX TESTS for quantification), on endeavour, or in any link within the design
PRESCRIPTIONS for DESIGN, and on "OBSERVA cycle of Fig. 2, can be well quantified by
TION" of the results that yield experience: applying Bayes theorem.
obviously there is the intervening of check
COMPUTATIONS. It is on purpose that I use It is not at all surprising that with
inverted commas around OBSERVATION, because I "experience" one concludes that a given INDEX
refer principally to the observation of the TEST or a given CORRELATION or temporary
great silent majority of structures that do PRESCRIPTION needs to be set aside as defi
not require formal monitoring, because they nitely unacceptable (Step D, Fig. 2). For
supply information, not so much on what instance, it has been concluded that in
happens, but on the many undesirable possibil- saprolites of igneous rocks the conventional
"data" includes th e c l o s e d - c y c l e of "experience"


e. g . C L A S S I T I C A T IO N

R E G I O N A L E X P E R I E N C E , S P T,
D. REVISE ? t c . . .

T E S T S M I S L E A D I N G S IN G L E - P A R A M E T E R ?

" f u n d a m e n t a l !1

W HEN ? ? F E W C O R R E L A T IO N S


'e .g . IN S IT U ,

C O M P L E M E N T A R Y ,
M O D E L - P R O T O T Y P E

A. 2 P R E S C R I P T I ONS



F i g . 2
index tests lead to widely erroneous predic dominantly on highly simplified correlations
tions of behavior (de Mello, 1972) . using SPT values. Shallow foundations are
assumed firstly: the implicit correlations
Similarly, in many a design-prescription type are with coefficients of subgrade reaction
A (such as involved in establishing allowable ks , t/m2 per cm of settlement of a 0.8 m
footing pressures based on SPT), or even of diameter plate load test, even though appear
type A2 (such as involved in applying a ing to establish a nominal F value with
factor of safety with regard to load test regard to failure. What are the applicable
failure pressure or load, in establishing the scale relationships? How significantly do
allowable design values) the inexorable correlations and scale relationships vary
recognition arises that design acceptability with meticulous soil classification? No
in step C cannot be conditioned by factors of trouble has been experienced, up to footings
safety on failure, but must be proven with of dimensions of about 50 m2, although
regard to limiting settlement acceptances (de hundreds or thousands of buildings have been
Mello 1969) . Although most salient cases of put up doubtless under such prescriptions
failure (catastrophic) are concerned with a crudely applied.
physical model of real failure, most revi
sions of design to within acceptability are If the presumed settlements are anticipated
imposed on account of settlement and dif to be unacceptable, and the designer resorts
ferential settlement acceptance criteria, of to piles or piers, the principal prescrip
relatively indefinite boundaries. Present tions have been with respect to establishing
serious limitation in our knowledge has to do base or point allowable bearing pressure on
with the many parameters implicit in any the basis of cone penetrometer CPT point
given statistical universe of experience resistance q c , assuming no lateral friction
transcribed in over-simplified prescriptions on the pier: also, with respect to estimating
or correlations that met early requirements lengths to which precast concrete piles will
of first-order approximation. Corresponding penetrate in order to permit (with F =1.5) an
ly the principal "failures" (purposely used allowable load equivalent to that permitted
in inverted commas to signify a technical by the allowable concrete compressive stress.
K.O., an unacceptable performance) occur when The interference of lateral friction may be
one (a) fails to recognize the statistical incorporated in the rule-of-thumb suggestion
dispersion implicit (hopefully to be explic- for piles, but in piers the routine should
ited) in any correlation or prescription, take its toll because of the absurdity,
and (b) principally when one transfers principally because full friction develops at
satisfactory practices from one region or about 5 to 10 mm of settlement irrespective
type of structure to another, without appro of diameter of pier and base. But is not the
priate adjustments. principal variation, presently left to quali
tative intuitions, that of so-called EXECU
In the light of such reasoning, it appears TION EFFECTS?
worthwhile exemplifying with some of the
shamefully unsophisticated routine correla Finally, with regard to establishing damage
tions and prescriptions that were established criteria, it is my fear that the "start" of
in Sao Paulo around 1945-55 and are in very tensile cracking is, and will always be,
wide use, apparently with no overt complaint, elusive, not only because of great variations
except when an entirely different condition, of multiple intervening factors, but princi
of statistical universe, is at stake. Even pally because it is always much more dif
an improvement in a sampling, testing, or ficult to determine a certain "starting con
computing method may introduce temporary dition" (e.g. of initial stresses, etc.) than
trouble until the adjustment coefficients to determine the rate change of crack width
within the closed cycle of EXPERIENCE are with change of differential settlement.
reset. But one need not despairingly await Tension cracking is obviously much conditioned
for new cases for proving a new procedural by the weakest link concept of statistics of
cycle, since if we are honest with ourselves, extremes. And incidentally hairline cracks
case-histories may be reanalyzed as if under are negligible and may be classed as accept
Lambe1s (1973) type A prediction. And the able or even desirable, ... like the advan
only excuse for such a presentation is to tage of having measles as a child. There
draw on other such, from within the files of upon, the principal concern need not be that
routine case-histories of design organiza of predicting or attempting to record the
tions . onset of hairline cracking, but the quantifi
cation of crack propagation. A useful
Most of the correlations and prescriptions expedient may be to introduce weakened sec
very simply summarized in Fig. 3 are of common tions in wall panels to be used as fuse-plugs
knowledge. What is the experience with their for early indication for start of monitoring
use? For instance, Terzaghi and Peck's on rates of changes. It is suspected that
allowable a values referred to SPT would be some existing criteria may suffer significant
type A prescriptions. A typical A.I. prescrip revision if we extrapolate backwards curves
tion is such as would limit the allowable of rates of change of cracks vs. differential
bearing pressure on footings to the pc value settlements.
(preconsolidation pressure).
Dr. Burland has very well summarized these
The principal point is to summarize a routine points and our principal deficiencies, and
procedure of design decision (preliminary) it is my hope that we may draw on the vast
based on simple prescriptions relying pre
cellar of statistical experience from un-

Cc =0,009 ( Wl - 10 % ) * p % 2.1- Ist STEP FOOTING HYPOTHESIS
c/pc 50,115 + 0 ,0 0 3 43 P I - ?% OF ECONOMIC INTEREST IF (fall ^1,6
/.from c s f ( S P T ) can get pc ond OCR 2 1.1- fa ll ~qf/F ASSUMING F 73 MAINTAINS SMALL -f and A f
5 3
CLAYS f =0 s c SS SPT/8 ? kg/cm2
also S P T ~ 4 ,3 + 3,6 c + 1,8 z ? Z in m
(Sao Poulo, c f . Mello 1971 ) a) from kt. SCALE relationthipt ?

SANDS c =0 ; if= t (SPT, r , z) * ? bjfrom otdometar pc.Cc- ADJUSTMENT tactort ?

(c f. Mello 1971)

MATERIALS (Mello, In publication)



Cc s 0,002 ( W l + 6 3 % ) a) REVISE STRUCTURE (?)

better Cc ~ 0,21 ( 2 ,7 0 * i d max Proctor) b)RESORT TO PILES OR PIERS

pc ~ f (Percent Compaction, Y d max)

Meosured settlements s; ( 2 0 to 40% ) of 3 - PRESCRIPTION M

SPT every m
computed from block sample oedometer tests eg PILE POINT q,_ l/n (qc of CPT)
n * 5 -1 0 ? 5
R 2 -S A 0 PAULO CLAYS 3 <SPT<M5 ., 0,8m DIAM. PLATE e
ks * 3 SPT * 60% t/m 2/cm L for SPT ~ (Tcomp.conc kg/cm1 12
10 V "

ks^-24 + 9,2 SPT 40%


CLEAN SANDS 10 < SPT<40 , 4 0 < k s c 70

OlGO <Je o f C P T ~ (.4 --6 )S P T kg/cm1

q c * f( S P T ,z ) ?


Fig. 3
published routines. that there are substantial differences in the
soil profile on a scale of a few millimeters,
REFERENCES which accounts for the erratic distribution
of the preconsolidation pressure, Refer-
de Mello 1969, Vllth ISSMFE Conf., Mexico ring back to Fig. 1, it is clear that using
the average and dispersion of pc in a layer
de Mello 1971, IVth PANAM Conf., Puerto Rico several meters thick is not appropriate
because each value of pc is associated with a
de Mello 1972, Illrd Southeast Asian Conf., different value of the overburden pressure
Hong Kong (pQ ) and the net increase in pressure (Ap).
In principle, a statistical analysis is pos
de Mello 1977, Rankine Lecture, Geotechnique, sible but the scale of layer thicknesses must
Sept. 1977. often be far thinner than is customary in a
conventional statistical approach.

Chairman Kantey Fig. 3 is a composite of the l-ogs of several

vane borings in a deposit of soft clay, which
Thank you, Victor. Jerry Leonards, I think have been plotted to the same depth scale. I
you would like to reply to that. will pause a moment to allow you to assimilate
the variations in measured shear strength.
The data were used to analyse the slope of a
Panelist: G.A. Leonards cutting for the Kimola canal in central
Finland (Kankare, 1969). Initially, only
Let me begin by saying straight off that I total stress analyses were made but after
agree with the General Reporters that the failures occurred when the calculated F.S.
first requisite in the approach to foundation for undrained analysis was 1.5, effective
design is a good knowledge of the real soil stress analyses were also made (Fig. 4).
profile. Unfortunately, the State of the Art While the effective stress analysis gives F.S.
Report provides little, if any, guidance on = 1 (using pore pressures measured one day
how this good knowledge is to be achieved. before the slide) the extent of the actual
My first question is how unsophisticated an failure surface was not even approximated.
approach can one take and still have a "good" Had the slide occurred along the critical
knowledge of the soil profile; that is, one effective stress circle it would have been of
that is appropriate for examining what might no consequence, as over a dozen such small
possibly happen to the structure. slides occurred and were easily tolerated.
The actual slide took place along an inclined
It is however, suggested in the State of the weak seam about 7.5 - 8.5 m below the original
Art Report that the time may have come to ground surface; it took out the main road and
interpret whatever we believe to be our know blocked the canal. Referring back to Fig.
ledge of the soil profile with a statistical 3 you will note that at the 7.5 - 8.5 m depth
approach. As we all know these approaches there are low strength values--and even these
are becoming more sophisticated and we had a values are most likely much higher than those
Specialty Session just yesterday to consider extant in the thin weak seam that controlled
some advances in this field. I would like to the slide. Given the data in Fig. 3, I
offer some comments regarding the applicabil wonder how many more vane borings the statis
ity of this approach (a) in the estimation of ticians would have recommended in order to
consolidation settlements, and (b) in stabili assess the strength variations for a statis
ty analyses. tically based stability analysis? Unless it
is appreciated that we must look at the dis
In 1964 at the invitation of the late Dr. persion in the zone where sliding may poten
Bjerrum, I had the opportunity to make a tially occur--which often is a thin weak
study of building settlements in Drammen, layer, or a weakness plane due to fissuring
Norway. I first attempted to get a "good
knowledge of the soil profile" in terms of
the preconsolidation pressure, and at one
site (Engene, 86) which is well documented in 15 20 25 30 35 50____Kl
' ' 1 1 -I
Bjerrum's 7th Rankine Lecture, I arrived at F1U.

the results shown in Fig. 1. I was nonplus

sed by the fact that here was a stratum with CLAY

sharp, random variations in the preconsolida : j | |------------- [ -

tion pressure, and I refused to accept the SOFT TO
fact that this was due to differences in \ i SILTY CLAY

sampling disturbance because I had personally \ K

participated in taking the samples, trans V " S . . . . . . . QUICK
porting them, storing them, extruding them,
placing them in the oedometer, and then apply V jr

ing the loads .

' \ S ! ROCK
(urxWf orlwkxi
Fig. 2 is an x-radiograph of a clay sample
from Drammen prior to extrusion from the
sampling tube, which was taken by 0. Sopp Fig. 1 Preconsolidation pressure vs.
(1964) at NGI. You can see from the shadings depth at engene 86 in Drammen Norway
(the lighter areas represent lower densities) (tests by G.A. Leonards and I. Foss)
or previous sliding a statistical approach ( m)
may be more misleading than helpful.

Fig. 4 Cross-section of November 3,

1965 failure at station 52 + 70 on
the lower canal

Chairman Kantey

Thank you, Jerry. John, do you have some

thing to say?

General Reporter Burland

I have two comments to make. Firstly, when

we stress the prime importance of a knowledge
of the soil profile we are not referring to
the mechanical properties, the determination
of which ranks third in our list (see Section
Fig. 2 X-radiograph of a clay sample 1.2 of the SOA Report). By a knowledge of
from engene 86 in Drammen, Norway the soil profile we mean an understanding of
(taken by 0. Sopp, 1964) the local geology, ground water conditions
and a detailed and systematic visual and
tactile description of the soil in each
stratum. It is on this information that the
majority of foundation decisions are taken.
VANF. STRENGTH r(*(t/ma)
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Secondly, the question of statistics. Of
course, the blind use of statistics is very
1 dangerous. A similar example to the one
quoted by Professor Leonards is the use of
mean laboratory undrained strengths for stiff
3 fissured clays. Such an approach neglects the
dominant influence of fissuring and fabric
4 and can lead to an overestimate of the
5 strength in the mass by a factor of two or
more. At all times one must understand the
6 physics of the problem.
I 8 Chairman Kantey

Victor, I see you looking anxious, 30 seconds.

Co-Reporter de Mello
Well, I agree entirely with Dr. Burland. The
basic problem of course is that statistics is
14 nothing but a tool to help us quantify what
we think in terms of qualitative experience.
We have to use the appropriate models in
using it. Otherwise, we would just be using
statistics inappropriately.

Fig. 3 Composite logs of vane borings Chairman Kantey

at sta 52 + 70, Kimola canal, Finland
(after Kankare, 1969) Right.
Panelist: G.G. Meyerhof was 3 m, length of piles 12 m. The settlement
of the pile foundations after 3 years was for
I would just like to interject here that many bored piles 4 times, and for driven piles 1.4
of the failures we have been looking at in the times the average of test loading of single
last few years are due to human error bad piles.
judgment and inexperience--and they have very
little to do with the factor of safety, so we
should not overemphasize the statistical ap
proach too much.

Chairman Kantey

Well, now I think we must come a little bit

further east, and we would like to ask Dr.
Trofimenkov to address us for a few moments.

Panelist: J. Trofimenkov

Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, I would

like to make some comments on topic 3 of our
session, that is behavior of pile groups and
their optimum design. Little is known on the
behavior of pile groups because full scale
load tests of pile groups are very expensive. Fig. 1
Observations on settlements of real structures
on pile foundations can widen our knowledge.
That is why I think that our experimental data PUes
on settlements of some pile foundations will 2
3 ______4
be of interest. afte i consl.zuctlc n
Settle 4
The investigation was carried out into the ment fi
foundation behavior of a 5-storey panel (mm) 8
apartment building with transverse bearing afte? 2 yazs
walls. The subsurface profile consists of
moraine silty clay of stiff consistency, food ( t )
(liquidity index 20 to 40). Pile foundation 0 20__ 30 40 50
consists of a row of 7 driven piles under each strafe pile
transverse wall. Pile length is 4.5 m, cross- ?
section 30 by 30 cm. Center spacing of piles mean
was about 6-pile width. On every pile in a S e tt le ^justaftez const.zudlon
ment 6
row, load cells were installed, and distribu \
(mm) 8
tion of load on piles was measured during and m ez 2 yeazs^
after construction. At the same time, settle K)
ments of piles were measured, too.
Fig. 2
As it is seen on Fig. 1, distribution of loads
on piles just after construction was very
uneven, from 12 to 30 t. After 2 years, as a
result of rigidity of structure, and inter Group of 6 piles, 3*4,8n Group of 9 piles, 3*jir,
reaction of structure and foundation, loads
on piles were smoothed out, and got almost
equal, about 20 t on a pile.
On Fig. 2, it is seen that the mean settlement
just after construction was about 5 mm, after Silly cloy Dt-d2<i.4 Silty clay ;ta2-o,4
2 years about 8 mm, but more even. In load
tests of single pile, settlement under the Cast- In-place bored driven piles
load of 20 t was less than 2 mm. It follows plies d-im, 1-I2m - b.b^ 3 5 x35cm, I * 12m

that settlement of the pile foundation under

the measured load in this case was about 4 ~S,0isg/cm2 H 11IIH -Uhg/cinS H lllll
times that of a single pile tested in a con Load it) load (l)
0 100 200 300 400
~r -----
0__ 50 <00
ventional way during some days. settle- design Lqgd^J
'settlement of single pLU
On Fig. 3, settlements of pile foundations on ^ i > LLe fo
cast-in-place bored piles, (diameter 1 m) on ^settlement of f omdallon
i i
the left, and driven piles cross-section 35 S B 4-
by 35 cm, in the same soil conditions are
shown. The subsurface profile consists of
silty clay of firm consistency in the upper
part of the profile, and of stiff consistency
at the pile base. The width of pile groups
On Fig. 4, a raft foundation, 540 by 22 m, piled-raft foundation on stiff clays, and
with 6500 piles. Pile length is 12 to 16 m, sands of medium density is rarely significant
cross-section 35 by 35 cm. Center spacing of and doesn't exceed one-fourth that of a spread
piles is 1.2 by 1.1 m. Piles are driven in foundation.
stiff clay. Design load on a pile is 85 t.
Second, in these cases of stiff clays and
The settlement of the pile foundation after 4 medium dense sand, settlement prediction for
years ranged between 25 and 38 mm. In load pile groups on the result of loading tests of
tests of 50 single piles, settlements, the individual piles may be made sufficiently
load of 85 t, were 3 to 5 mm. Thus, the set accurately by formula proposed by Skempton in
tlement of the pile foundation was about 8 to 1953 for pile groups in granular soils. Thank
10 times that of a single pile. you.

On Fig. 5, a raft foundation 42 by 36 m with

2000 piles is shown. Pile length is 5 to 6 m, Cha irman Kantey
cross-section 30 by 30 cm. Center spacing of
piles in the raft was 1 by 1 m. Piles are Thank you, Dr. Trofimenkov. Dr. Broms, can we
driven in fine sand of medium density. Design now have your contribution?
load on the pile is 50 tons. The settlement
of the pile foundation after 4 years was 32
mm. In load tests of single piles, average Co-Reporter: B.B. Broms
settlement under the load of 50 tons was 3.5
mm. There the settlement of the pile founda I would like to make two comments. My first
tion was about 10 times that of a single pile. comment is concerned with the function of
piles as settlement reducers. When the de
These cases and several others have shown, signer of a structure finds out that the set
first, that settlement of structures on tlements will be excessive if a raft or spread
footings are used then the attitude of the
designer generally changes. The settlement
calculations of a structure founded on spread
footings, are normally based on results from
extensive investigations in the field and in
the laboratory of the thickness and the later
al extent of the different compressible layers
L-12-16 m
spacing and of their compressibility.
When the calculated maximum and differential
clay E-250K? c-0,5?& 1-20' W
settlements are compared with those that the
6,5 kq / c m iTiTTTnniiiniii i im m illim i i m 1111 m m i structure can tolerate the designer may decide
Load it) that the structure had to be supported on
I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 00 piles. At that particular moment the atti
0 tude of the designer with respect to the soil
desiqn loadj r t- generally changes. He often disregard com
seLltement selllemenl of single Dll r 1 pletely the ability of the soil to carry even
(mm) finiti part of the applied load. Point bearing
Sfound _ q_,q piles are normally designed as pin-ended
sellleiTenl of foundjLUn^~-A* 1 Spile
I I I I I I I .1 i struts which only can resist axial loads with
out considering the soil between the piles.
The design is often restricted to a selection
Fig. 4 of an allowable load on the piles.

In many cases it should, however, be possible

Ran 42x36 m, 2016 piles
to utilize also the soil between the piles to
carry at least part of the load, particularly
for floating pile groups where the bearing
capacity of the soil within and around the
pile group (soil failure) governs the ultimate
Piles 30x30cm bearing capacity rather than the strength of
L-5-6m the pile material (pile failure). It should
spacing M m be possible to utilize the soil between the
4,45fig/cm2l piles when the failure mode of the pile group
is ductile as is generally the case for a
Load (t)
floating pile group and when the total ulti
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 mate bearing capacity is equal to the sum of
the bearing capacity of the piles and the
Sfound ultimate bearing capacity of the soil within
settlement Seslgn-load Spile
= 96
the pile group. The axial deformation re
'settlement of single pll quired to mobilize the ultimate bearing
capacity of the soil within the pile group is
Snriment of foundallon aft generally large. Normally the ultimate bear
ing capacity or the total settlements of the
pile group do not govern the design. Usually
the differential settlements and the average
8.0 m

--- tV/SA--
k y !i V>K<
^ <r* T r^0iC^f
Kl K>

i s s w ^
^ jf ii y } tt+ ^ /V i

Soft clay

% KrtisiStf


Unstabilized area Stabilized area

-7 0

-8 0

-9 0


Fig. 1 Results from full-scale load tests at SkS-Edeby, Sweden

shear stress along the perimeter of the pile
group are the critical factors. A n g le c h a n g e

When the soil between the piles is utilized

to carry part of the load it is necessary that
the ultimate strength of the pile cap and of
the members transferring the load to the pile
group is larger than the ultimate strength of
the pile group. If the pile group is over
loaded the load will be redistributed only
when the behaviour of the pile groups is duc
tile. In the case the behaviour is brittle
as is the case for point bearing piles or the
ultimate strength of the pile cap or of the
members transferring the load the piles is
lower than the ultimate strength then the
ductility of the pile-structure system might
not be sufficient to cause a redistribution
of the load from the supported structure. In
some cases it may be advantageous to change
from point bearing piles to floating piles,
particularly if the pile group is affected by
negative skin friction and the length of the
piles is large.

My second comment is concerned with the dif

ferential settlements of floating pile groups.
Piles are very effective to reduce the dif
ferential settlements of a structure. I would
like to illustrate this point with some re (a) A n g le c h a n g e
sults from Ska-Edeby located about 20 km out
side of Stockholm in Sweden where lime columns
have been tested. Two full-scale load tests X P e rim e te r area
were carried out at this test field. In one ~ o r Q -
area lime columns were installed while in the P"
second area, which served as a reference area,
there were no columns. 0 0 o O
It can be seen from Fig. 1 how the settlements
of the two areas increased with time. After b o 0
about three years the maximum settlement below
the center of the area stabilized with lime o o _
columns was approximately 50 mm. The cor
b o
responding maximum settlement of the reference
area where there were no columns was approxi
mately 100 mm. The reduction of the maximum ( b) P e rim e te r a rea
settlement by the lime columns was rather
small. It should, however, be noted that the Fig. 2 Calculation of differential
degree of consolidation for the reference settlements
area was about 30%. The final total settle
ment is estimated about 35 cm. The degree of pile rows and thus the differential settle
consolidation of the area with lime columns ment will be proportional to the average shear
is almost 100%. The lime columns had, how stress around the perimeter of the pile group
ever, a large effect on the differential set (sa ) and the shear modulus of the soil (G)
tlements. The maximum differential settlement according to the relationship
for the stabilized area after approximately
one year was 1:850. The corresponding maximum
differential settlement of the reference area
By limiting the average shear stress along
was 1:130. After three years the maximum dif
the perimeter it is possible also to limit
ferential settlement of the area with lime
the shear distortions of the soil and the
columns was still very small while the maximum
differential settlement.
differential settlement of the reference area
had increased to about 1:80. This illustrates Preliminary calculations, based on the finite
the large reduction of the differential set element method, indicate that the pile group
tlement by the piles within a pile group and at low load levels carries the applied load
that it should be possible to use only as many mainly through skinfriction along the peri
piles that is needed to reduce the differen meter of the pile group and that only a small
tial settlement to an allowable value. The portion is transferred to the surrounding
number of piles can be relatively small. soil through the bottom of the column group.
The load transferred through the bottom will
Fig. 2 illustrates how the differential set increase with time while the load transferred
tlements can be calculated. The angle change along the perimeter of the pile group to the
(the shear distortion) between two adjacent surrounding soil will decrease with time.
This change of the stress distribution is distribution for one of the piles in the
compensated by a reduction of the shear modu group shows that driving subsequent piles
lus of the soil (G). The result is a very changes the distribution of residual loads in
small increase of the differential settlements the system. The net effect of residual loads
of pile group with time. is to alter the distribution of skin resist
ance, causing considerable reduction in the
Test data indicate that piles are very effec pile settlements.
tive in reducing the differential settlements
and that relatively few piles may be needed In my contribution to the Third Carillo
to reduce the differential settlements to an Lecture in Mexico last fall I have given two
acceptable level. It is thus possible in the examples of recent projects in which the pres
design of a pile group that also the soil ence of residual loads had an overwhelming
between the piles can be utilized since often effect on pile foundation performance. One
the maximum differential settlement is the of these was the case of foundations for the
governing factor. main building of the Hirchhorn Museum and
Sulpture Garden in Washington, D.C. on which
I became involved as consultant for Schnabel
Chairman Kantey Associates, Consulting Engineers in Washington,
D.C. For architectural reasons, this entire
Alex. building, about 70 meters in diameter, and
four stories high, rests on only four columns
spaced about 45 meters apart carrying about
Panelist: A.S.J. Vesic 7,700 metric tons each (Fig. 5). These
columns were supported by groups of sixty-four
On Significance of Residual Loads 27-meter long steel H-piles, driven through
for Load Response of Piles silty clay and medium dense upper sand to an
extremely dense stratum of glacial sand with
My comments are related to evaluation of set gravel and boulders. Assuming the existence
tlements of single piles and pile groups. of a residual load, we predicted settlements
The General Reporter has covered this very of only one-sixth of what would have been
complex subject rather extensively, bringing obtained by any conventional method of set
in a good number of significant contributions tlement predictions, such as those described
to the subject in the last ten years. There in the General Report. Load tests fully con
is, however, one aspect of this problem that firmed this assumption, and the performance
was not mentioned, in spite of its great im of the building since its completion several
portance for pile and pile group response, as years ago has been excellent.
well as overall performance of pile supported
structures. I am referring to the phenomenon A second example from current practice in
of residual load and its effect on load set volves the piles for the Brent Field Struc
tlement relationship. ture B-l in the North Sea, which is a 75 by
75 meter platform over 138 meters of water
To our knowledge, this phenomenon was first (Fig. 6). This structure is supported on
evidenced quantitatively in field tests by eight legs, each resting on a group of four
the U.S. Corps of Engineers at the Arkansas 180 centimeter outside diameter steel pipe
River project [1] where residual loads of up piles, driven through 30 meters of interbedded
to 45 metric tons were recorded in 16-meter over consolidated sands and clays into a deep
long steel pipe and H-piles (Fig. 1). In stratum of homogenous, very dense sand. An
another such case (Fig. 2), reported by analysis performed by R. Kirby of Woodward
Kerisel and Adam [2] involving tubular steel Clyde Consultants under varied assumptions of
piles, 43 by 58 centimeters, jacked 5 meters overconsolidation ratio of the clay present
into stiff clay by a force of 88 metric tons, in the profile, showed under the working load
a residual point load of 22 tons, almost equal of 2700 metric tons in compression predicted
to the original point load, was recorded. A settlements of single piles of the order of
third documented case (Fig. 3), reported by 2.5 centimeters without consideration of
O'Neill and Reese [3] involving 75 centimeter residual loads and slightly over 1 centimeter
diameter, bored piles in stiff clay, a single with inclusion of residual loads. I have
loading to about 130 metric tons, of which 45 since made a revised analysis showing that
tons were transferred to pile point, produced actual expected settlements should be even
on unloading a residual load at the point of smaller. The actual load displacement per
about 20 tons. formance of these piles is still unknown and
may never be accurately known as no load
The presence of residual loads results gener testing was performed, and it appears unlikely
ally in an apparent concentration of skin that actual settlements will be measured under
resistance in the upper portion of the shaft, storm conditions. The structure will hopeful
which may cause a substantial reduction in ly remain as one of the many that proved its
pile settlements. Fig. 4 shows some old adequacy of design by just good field perform
measurements at the Atchafalaya River [4]. ance. However, the examples shown indicate
This was one of the first documented records clearly the importance of assessment of re
of distribution of skin resistance on piles. sidual loads in prediction of pile and pile
Since no initial residual load was recorded, group settlements. They also should warn us
odd-shaped curves of distribution were ob about the doubtful value of numerous theories
served particularly for single piles (Fig. of pile settlement behavior published in the
4b). Fig. 4a indicating skin resistance literature in recent years, which do not con-
( I ) Measured compression load distribution assuming no stress In pile a t s t a r t o f te s t.
( 2 ) Measured compression load distribution a f t e r compression t e s t assuming no stre ss in
pile a t s ta r t of t e s t .
( 3 ) Measured tension load distribution ossuming no stress In pile a t s t a r t of t e s t .
( 4 ) Measured tension load distribution a f t e r tension t e s t assuming no s tr e s s in p ile a t
s ta r t of te s t .
( 5 ) T e n s io n load d is tr ib u tio n a d ju s te d by s u b t r a c tin g C u rv e 4 f r o m Curve 3 .
( 6 ) Compression load distrib u tio n adjusted by adding C urve 4 to and s u b tra c tin g
Curve 2 from Curve I .

Fig. 1 Effect of residual loads on load distribution in driven piles

in sand at Arkansas River (from Mansur and Hunter, 1970)

sider at all this phenomenon. A simple ten 1972, pp. 195-213.

tative alternative to these theories can be
found partly presented in my lectures on pile 4. American Railway Engineering Association
foundation design at the 1975 Boston Society (1951) "Steel and Timber Pile Tests-West
of Civil Engineers/MIT Seminar Series [6,7]. Atchafalaya Floodway - New Orleans, Texas
& Mexico Railway," Proceedings of the
REFERENCES Fiftieth Annual Convention AREA, Chicago,
Illinois, Vol. 52, pp. 149-202.
1. Hunter, A.H., and Davisson, M.T. (1969)
"Measurements of Pile Load Transfer," 5. Vesic, A.S. (1976) "Philosophy of Founda
ASTM Special Technical Publication 444, tion Design," Panel Discussion, Third
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pp. 106-117. Carillo Lecture, Mexican Society of Soil
Mechanics, Guanajuato, Mexico, pp. 159-179.
2. Kerisel, J., and Adam, M. (1969) "Charges
Limites d 'un Pieu en Milieux Argileux et 6. Vesic, A.S. (1975) "Principles of Founda
Limoneux"; Proceedings, Seventh Intern. tion Design"; Lecture Series on Deep Foun
Conf. Soil Mech. Found. Engrg., Mexico dations, Boston Society of Civil Engineers,
City, Vol. 2, pp. 131-139. available also as Duke Soil Mechanics Se
ries No. 38, 102 pp.
3. O'Neill, M.W. and Reese, L.C. (1972)
"Behavior of Bored Piles in Beaumont Clay," 7. Vesic, A.S. (1977) "Design of Pile Founda
Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations tions"; Synthesis of Highway Practice No.
Division ASCE, Vol. 98 No. SM2, February 42, National Cooperative Highway Research

Fig. 2 Load transfer from tubular steel piles in stiff clay

(after Kerisel and Adam, 1969)

Program, Transportation Research Board,

National Research Council, Washington,
D .C ., 68 p p .
1200 5000
700 3000

( kN)
600 -
500 S Q 2000
400 O
300 1000
I 00
-200 0 1.0 2.0 30
M EAN S E T T L E M E N T ( in.)
0 0.5 1.0
M EAN S E T T L E M E N T (in .) PILE S-2, D = 23 ft, B = 7.5 ft
PILE S1, D=23 ft (belled out)


2 50 0


o 1000

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

M EAN S E T T L E M E N T (in .)

PILE S-3, D=23 ft, NO BASE

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Fig. 3 M obi l i z a t i o n of base and shaft resistance as a function

of pile displ ace men t (after O'Neill & Reese, 1972)

0 = 16"


Fig. 4 M eas u r e d dist rib uti ons of skin resistance in clay (after
Am eri can Railway En gin e e r i n g Association, 1951)
6 4 H - p i l e s B P 14 6 4 H - p i l e s B P 14
o f l50tons 150 tons

. min. N = 6 0
d is in t e g r a t e d r o c h ove N = 74


Fig. 5 Foundations of Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, D.C.



XX 118 rr\

i X
67 m



Fig. 6 Brent field structure B-l in comparison with
Eiffel Tower and the Big Ben

Chairman Kantey Panelist Meyerhof

Thank you, Alex. At this stage I think we On Allowable Deformation of Foundation

will have a one-minute stretch. We are run and Structures and Criteria for
ning a little bit late, and I would also like Acceptable and Unacceptable Damage
to warn certain people who put in discussions
from the floor about the order in which we The General Reporter has shown in his inter
are going to call them up in approximately esting Report that allowable movements of
half an hour. First will be Dr. Tatsuro foundations and structures depend on soil-
Okamura, followed by Professor Veder, followed structure interaction, desired serviceability,
by Dr. Preiss, followed by Dr. Fellenius and harmful cracking and distortion restricting
Mr. Thorburn. the safety or use of the particular structure.
Anybody want to stretch? Empirical damage criteria are generally relat
ed to relative rotation or angular distortion,
(Intermission) deflection ratio or tilt of the structure.
These criteria differ for frame buildings
(bare or cladded), load-bearing walls (sagging
May we continue, please? I would now like to or hogging) and other structures depending on
call on Jeff Meyerhof. May we proceed, the relative settlement ratios after the end
please. of the construction. The General Reporter
deals only with foundation movements of build
ings for which much information had previously
been published. Meyerhof, G.G. (1953). Some Recent Foundation
Research and its Application to Design.
While the allowable movements of structures Struct. Engr., London, Vol. 31, pp. 151-167.
can only be determined in each particular
case, this is especially true for bridges,
which are usually designed to include the ef Chairman Kantey
fects of anticipated foundation movements.
For common types of buildings, however, some Thank you, Dr. Meyerhof. John, would you like
early conservative suggestions by the writer to have a word?
(Meyerhof, 1953) are confirmed by the Report
er's comprehensive survey. Similarly, for
some other types of engineering structures General Reporter Burland
tentative safe limits may be suggested as a
guide. Accordingly, the writer has recently I am just a little concerned about Professor
reviewed published data on the failure of Meyerhof's updating of Bjerrum's proposed
earth retaining structures and steel storage rotation limits. I do not necessarily dis
tanks. It is found that retaining walls and agree with them, but when simple guidelines
sheet pile walls may fail if the relative are put forward they are often rapidly adopted
rotation exceeds about 1% or the maximum dif as rigid rules. Thus, if Prof Meyerhof's pro
ferential movement exceeds about 1 in. Sim posals are reproduced elsewhere I hope they
ilarly, for steel storage tanks the limiting will be referred to as "routine guides'.
relative rotation is found to be about 0.7% Moreover, it must be stated in bold print on
and the maximum differential settlement about the table or diagram that each building or
2 in. along the perimeter of the tank. Using structure should be treated on its own merits
a minimum safety factor of about 1.5 to cover for its performance will depend on a large
inevitable uncertainties and limited field number of factors including construction
data, the tentative limits of relative rota materials, method and form of construction,
tion given in Table 1 may be suggested as a type of cladding and brittleness of finishes.
guide for usual types of structures. In
general, the design of foundations and
structures should include provisions for P a n e l i st Meyerhof
reducing or accommodating movements without
damage, and suitable construction precautions I fully agree with this, and it will be so
should be taken to prevent excessive yield mentioned in the discussion.
and movement of the ground.

Table 1. Tentative Rotation Limits for Chairman Kantey

Would you like a minute, Victor?
(<5/St) Type of Limit and Structure Co-Reporter de Mello
1/100 Danger limit for statically determi
nate structures, retaining walls and I entirely agree with Dr. Burland, and despite
sheet pile walls the immense respect for the very brilliant
1/150 Safe limit for statically determinate solutions proposed I would mention the fact
structures, retaining walls and sheet that a lot depends on the physical model
pile walls selected, and it includes so many variables
Danger limit for open steel and re that are not known that we have to be careful
inforced concrete frames, steel about the overgeneralization. Man is very
storage tanks and tilt of high, apt to grab at the first philosopher's stone
rigid structures possible, and we have to watch against that.
1/250 Safe limit for open steel and rein Dr. Meyerhof's interjected reminder fits in
forced concrete frames, steel stor very well with my emphasis on shying away
age tanks and tilt of high, rigid from statistics of extremes, but it does not
structures signify that we can avoid the reality of a
Danger limit for panel walls of statistical approach, hopefully realistic.
frame buildings
1/500 Safe limit for panel walls of frame
buildings Chairman Kantey
1/1000 Danger limit for sagging load-bearing
walls Thank you. I would now like to ask Prof.
1/1500 Safe limit for sagging load-bearing Yamaguchi to give us his presentation.
Danger limit for hogging load-bearing
1/2500 Safe limit for hogging load-bearing
Panelist: H. Yamaguchi data. As was expected some divergence from
the hyperbolic representation is found. Fig.
I would like to make some comments on one of 5 shows the results of surface loading tests
the topics raised by General Reporet, "Allow and the linearity can be recognized on the
able Deformation of Foundations and Structures whole. Fig. 6 is for bored piles, for which
for Acceptable and Unacceptable Damage". we can conclude that the hyperbolic approxi
mation cannot be applied, especially the di
As is well known, the smaller the factor of vergence is considerable at the initail stage
safety with regard to the bearing capacity Fs, of loading. For bored piles in Fig. 7, the
the greater the settlement. To discuss this similar trend can be seen. But results for
qualitatively, I assume that the relationship bored piles in Fig. 8 shows a satisfactory
between the load intensity q and the settle linearity except one case. Fig. 9 is the re-
ment s can be expressed by a hyperbola. This
assumption was successfully adopted by Kondo-
ner for triaxial compression test results and (mm/N)
by Ching for loading test results on piles.
By using this, the relationship between s/q
and s becomes linear, as is indicated in Fig.
1(b). In Fig. 1(a), qu is the ultimate bear
ing capacity, k^ the initial sugrade reaction
and se a hypothetical elastic settlement cor
responding to the limiting state.

Here I would like to examine if this hyper

bolic approximation is valid for actual meas
urements in various papers presented to this
Main Session No. 2. Fig. 2 shows the results
for drilled shafts in soft rocks and it can
be seen that the linearity is fairly good.
In Fig. 3, data for eccentrically loaded piles
are shown and the linearity is almost per
fect as the author himself pointed out. Fig. Fig. 3 F.K. Chin et al. [2/19]
4 is a selection of four results for piles,
among which are included slightly peculiar
S /q
(m m /to n )

( S)

( a) ( b)

Fig. 1 Key sketch for hyperbolic fitting

Fig. 4 A. Evangelista et a l . [2/27]

Fig. 2 R.P. Aurora et a l . [2/2] Fig. 5 J. Feda et a l . [2/29] s<mm>

suits for reinforced sand, which yields a S/q
very linear relationship. Fig. 10 shows data
for footings with piles and the linearity
holds generally. The last example is for
bored piles with hollow cylindrical cross

Fig. 9 D. Milovid [2/59]

Fig. 6 E. Franke et al. [2/33]

From these examinations, I am inclined to

lead a conclusion that the hyperbolic approxi
mation would not give rise to any serious er
ror for almost all the types of foundations.
Fig. 7 R. Jelinek et a l . [2/42] The assumption of the hyperbolic relationship
between q and s gives the equations (1) and
(2) in Fig. 12, where Fs is equal to qu/q-
In the same figure, F s is plotted against a
parameter s/se - When Fs is smaller than 2,
the settlement s as well as the gradient of
S/q the settlement ds/dq are quite significant.
(mm/MN) On the while, when F s exceeds 3, there is no
substantial change in both values, which
shows for this range the ground remains
elastic. This conclusion is in agreement
with that of Peck et a l . and of Davis.

As was pointed out in the SOA Report, in the

case of oil storage tanks to which large live
loads are applied rapidly, the bearing capaci
ty holds the key to the safety of the struc
ture. Especially as de Beer and Bjerrum and
others, as well as Simon and others have
warned, there is possibility of local failure
around the tank shell.

For oil tanks on the soft ground, total or

local factor of safety is generally small,
and therefore excessive settlement is liable
to occur. As the factor of safety is very Fig. 13 shows the measured settlement soon
small around the shell, significant shell after the water tests of large tanks standing
settlement will take place. This also causes on deep, sandy soil in Sakaide area. Although
differential settlements of the tank shell. there is some scatter, this indicates that the
greater the settlement of the tank the greater
the maximum rotation angle.
S/ q
Fig. 14 is similar settlement data taken in
the Mizushima area. The soil is cohesive and
the tank was constructed on a sand pad.

A similar trend is detected. Fortunately

these tanks have not had accidents so far.
It is fundamentally important to improve the
factor of safety against local failure and
minimize settlement. This will also lead to
increase in the earthquake bearing capacity.
Thank you very much.

M a x im u m d i f f e r e n t i a l
s e t t l e m e n t o f s h e l l (c m )

S (m m )

Fig. 11 G. Stefanoff et al. [2/81]

20 40 60 80 100
' K i (F s l) M a x im u m s e t t l e m e n t o f s h e l l (c m )

Fig. 14 Oil storage tanks on cohesive
F s1
(l) soil, MIZUSIMA
Chairman Kantey

Thank you. Jerry Leonards, could you wind up

F -
the panel discussion?
Fs_ q
Fig. 12 Factor of safety vs. settle
ment and its rate P a n e l i st Leonards

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my fond hope that

the Ninth Congress, among its many other ac
complishments, will reach agreement on the
definition of terms to be used in describing
the phenomena associated with compression and
consolidation of clays.
M a x im u m ro ta tio n (0 m ax )
There is so much confusion with regard to the
meanings of terms it has obscured our assess
3X10 ment of each other's data. It does not matter
0m ax
so much which set of definitions we agree on,
so long as we agree. My suggested definitions
2X10 are listed in Table 1.

The term "compression" implies any kind of

volume reduction and the term "expansion" to
1X10 1 the reverse.
"Consolidation" is a particular type of com
pression that is accompanied by a significant
0 10 20 30 increase in effective stress due to corre
A v e ra g e s e tte m e n t of s h e ll (c m ) sponding reductions in pore water pressure.
This is the classic definition by Terzaghi.
Fig. 13 Oil storage tanks on sandy
"Primary consolidation" is the volume change if the consolidation occurs over a long period
due to consolidation that results from that of time.
portion of the strain-effective stress re
lation that is independent of the rate at Fig. 6 shows the results of a carefully
which the effective stress is applied. "Sec controlled laboratory sedimentation-consoli-
ondary consolidation" is the volume change dation test (Leonards and Altschaeffl, 1964).
due to consolidation that results from that The initial stress increments were applied
portion of the strain-effective stress rela continuously and slowly enough so that no
tion that is dependent upon the rate at which excess pore pressures were generated during
the effective stress is applied. sedimentation to point A, after which a' was
held constant for 40 days. The curve BCDEFG
The term "secondary compression" is reserved was then generated by applying stress incre
exclusively for that portion of the volume ments every 24 hours. At a value of a' cor
reduction that takes place at sensibly con responding to C, consolidation (p.p. dissi
stant effective stress. Of course, primary pation) was complete in less than one hour
and secondary consolidation occur simultane and the secondary compression curve was ex
ously; secondary compression is the time- trapolated to obtain the times corresponding
dependent volume change after consolidation to points X and Y. According to Bjerrum's
is complete. The distinction between primary hypothesis point Y should be reached in 40
and secondary consolidation is useful only in days: in reality, point X was reached in 106
comparing analyses in which strain-rate ef days and point Y in 10 days. For this
fects are, or are not, considered. reason (see also Leonards, 1972) I do not
believe the quasi-p^ vanishes, and I have
Table 1. Suggested Definition of Terms used it in practice for over 15 years without
a single adverse result.
Compression: Reduction in volume
Consolidation: Compression accompanied by The data from Berre and Iversen (1972) are
significant increases in a ', most often cited in support of the contention
due to reductions in u that consolidation settlements in the field,
a) Primary consolidation - con which take place over a period of years, will
solidation due to that por be much larger than those measured in the
tion of e vs. a' that is oedometer, which occurred in a few hours or
independent of da'/dt. e vs. less. Fig. 7 shows a set of data from this
a 1 relation may be linear paper (for increment No. 5, past pc) If
or non-linear consolidation is defined as in Table 1, then
b) Secondary consolidation - the strains for a sample 0.74" thick consoli
consolidation due to that dating in 10^ minutes essentially equaled the
portion of e vs. a 1 that is strains for a 17.7" thick specimen consoli
dependent on da'/dt. dating in 30 x 10^ minutes. Of course, I had
Secondary Compression: Volume reduction at to extrapolate the pore pressure curve to
sensibly constant a ' make the comparison. This emphasizes the
importance of distinguishing the consolida
One of the concerns of the designer expressed tion phase from the secondary compression
in Main Session 1, and again in the State of phase.
the Art Report for this session, is the vali
dity of conventional methods for estimating Over the years I have made a number of com
consolidation settlements from oedometer tests. parisons between consolidation settlements
The main source of this concern is due to a predicted from oedometer tests with those
conception of the consolidation process pro
posed by Bjerrum, initially in his 7th Rankine
Lecture and elaborated at the Purdue Confer
ence (Bjerrum, 1972). I am aware that you are
all familiar with the concepts of delayed con
solidation, so I ask your indulgence if I
review a few important points. Figure 5 shows
a series of parallel lines representing void
ratio (e) vs. effective stress (o') relations
for different rates of application of a '. At
a given depth in a sedimentary clay deposit
the effective overburden pressure (p0 ) has
been acting for 10,000 years and the existing
void ratio is eQ . Now, if a consolidation
test is performed applying load increments
every 24 hours the supposed result is shown
by the solid curve exhibiting a quasi-precon-
solidation pressure; if the increments are
applied every 30 days, the dashed curve should
be obtained. In either case, if (p 0 + Ap) is
maintained for 100 years the void ratio is
supposed to reduce to the value indicated by
the 100-year e v s . o' curve. Of greatest Fig. 5 Void ratio vs effective stress
practical significance is that the quasi-pre- for different rates of loading (after
consolidation pressure is supposed to "vanish" Bjerrum, 1972)
D A N V /K /T U R N H A L L E H
H? / *2


c alcu lated CONSOLIDATION settle

Fig. 8 Comparison of predicted vs.

measured consolidation settlements
(after Leonards, 1968)

the laboratory is a reliable index of the

consolidation strains to be expected in the

Fig. 6 Laboratory sedimentation- REFERENCES

consolidation tests (after Leonards
and Altschaeffl, 1964) 1. Berre, T. and K. Iversen (1972) "Oedometer
tests with different specimen heights on a
TIM E ~ minutes clay exhibiting large secondary compres
sion", Geotechnique, Vol 22, No. 1, pp.

2. Bjerrum, L. (1972) General Report: Embank

ments on Soft Ground. Proceedings, ASCE
Specialty Conference on Performance of
Earth and Earth-Supported Structures,
Purdue University, Vol. II, pp. 1-54.

3. Kankare, E. (1969) Geotechnical Properties

of the clays at the Kimola Canal Area with
Special Reference to the Slope Stability.
State Institute for Technical Research,
Publication 152, Helsinki, Finland, p. 33.

4. Leonards, G.A. and Altschaeffl, A.G. (1964)

"Compressibility of Clay", Proceedings,
ASCE Specialty Conference on Design of
Foundations for Control of Settlement,
LO A D IN C R E M E N T No. 5 (B E R R E , IV E R S O N 1972) Northwestern University, pp. 163-184.
Pa/ r ^
5. Leonards, G.A. (1968) "Predicting settle
Fig. 7 Strain and pore pressure vs. ment of buildings on clay soils", Proceed
time for samples of different height ings, Soil Mechanics Lecture Series on
(after Berre and Iversen, 1972) Foundation Engineering, Illinois Section
of ASCE and Northwestern University,
measured in the field, the most extensive of Evanston, Illinois, pp. 41-50.
which was made for buildings in Drammen
(Leonards, 1968). Fig. 8 is representative 6. Leonards, G.A. (1972) Discussion to Session
of the results, for conditions ranging from III, Proceedings, ASCE Specialty Conference
(pQ + Ap) far below p to well above p^. If on Performance of Earth and Earth Supported
p is properly assessed and I know of no way Structures, Purdue University, Vol. Ill,
of doing this other than by carefully-run pp. 169-173. (See also pp. 167-168).
consolidation tests the agreement is very
good indeed. This is strong pragmatic evi 7. Sopp, O.I. (1964) "X-ray radiography and
dence supporting my view that even though soil mechanics: location of shear planes
pore pressures dissipate much more slowly in in soil samples", Nature, Vol. 202, No.
the field than in laboratory consolidation 4934, p. 382.
tests, the consolidation strain measured in
by the addition of unslaked lime. The per
meability of the stabilized soil is about 10-3
Thank you very much, Jerry. I think the very to 104 cm/sec. This means that the stabiliz
broadness of the scope of this session has ed soil will have same permeability as silt or
led to the situation where we have had to fine sand.
overrun our time despite the fact that we
stole a 20-minute remission and now we have Available field data support the results from
very little time left for discussion from the the laboratory tests. The equations which
floor. So I would ask those who come up to have been derived by Barron (1948) can be
be as brief as possible, starting with Dr. used to calculate the settlement rate for
Tatsuro Okumura. lime columns. The lime columns seem to func
tion in soft clay as drains in the same way
as sand drains or plastic-paper drain
T. Okumura (Japan) (Geodrains).

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have just one REFERENCE

question and a few comments to Drs. Broms and
Boman1s paper, lime column, new type of verti Barron, R.A., 1948. Consolidation of Fine-
cal drain. We developed a very similar method Grained Soils by Drain Wells, Trans. ASCE,
for soil stabilization to Dr. Broms1 which was No. 2348, Vol. 113, pp. 718-754.
presented to the Fifth Asian Regional Confer
ence called "Deep Lime Mixing Method". This
DLM method is now widely used in practice in Chairman Kantey
Japan for preventing heaving of excavated
trench, increasing safety factor against slope Thank you. Could we have Prof. Veder on the
failure, as well as reducing the settlement of floor, please, and if Dr. Preiss will get
foundation. ready to follow him.

However, I think it is not proper to use this

method as a vertical drain. The data obtained C. Veder (Austria)
from our laboratory oedometer test indicate
that the compressibility of the lime treated Mr. Chairman, I would like to refer to papers
soil decreases considerably, and the coeffi like the ones by Jelinek, Korek, Stock - and
cient of consolidation increases by about 10 others, in which the load distribution of the
times, but the coefficient of permeability point and on the skin friction is measured on
doesn't change so much. I'm sorry I didn't a test pile. First I would like to speak to
prepare any slides of our data, but it's of you about the measurement of skin friction
the order of 10 to minus 6 to 10 to minus 7 and base resistance of groups of load bearing
centimeters per second. elements for 600.000 KN under an important
building of a hight of 110 meters. It is a
According to Professor Aboshi and Professor part of the International Administration and
Yoshikuni's paper, the drain material should Conference Center of the United Nations in
have permeability higher by the order of 4 or Vienna, and I think it is a typical example
5 than the surrounding soil. On the other for examinations of the bearing behaviour of
hand, the lime treated soil becomes very hard elements of a deep foundation. The subsoil
or very strong. The lime columns behave like consists primarily of fill and sand-gravel
a pile, and the vertical stress concentrates formations near the surface; underlying to a
to the lime columns, and thus the total set maximum depth of 70 m alternating there are
tlement decreases considerably, I think. layers of Viennese Tegel. This is a mixture
So I would appreciate it if Dr. Broms will of clay and silt, and middle sand. (Fig. 1)
show data on the permeability of lime columns
in Sweden and explain in detail on the mecha
nism of the settlement reduction by your lime
column. Thank you.

Chairman Kantey

Thank you Dr. I don't think we can allow Dr.

Broms time to explain in detail, but I'm sure
that Dr. Broms would like to reply for one

Panelist Broms

There are two effect when lime columns are

used in soft clay. One effect is to reduce Fig. 1
the compressibility of the soil. The second
effect is to increase the permeability of the You see here this high building I referred to,
soil. Numerous laboratory tests, primarily 110 meters, and here these different layers,
with clays from Sweden, indicate that the rather random, of fill, sand layers, and the
permeability is increased 100 to 1000 times Viennese clay sand (Tegel).
tlement is less than the forseen 5 centi
meters .
STAIRCASE 1 W E R 1 161000
STAIRCASE TOWER 3. 193000 Chairman Kantey

We now have Dr. Preiss, if he is ready, you

have two minutes, Doctor.

K. Preiss (Israel)

We have performed integrity tests with spe

cially developed gamma ray scattering instru
Fig. 2 mentation on 2049 bored piles or diaphragm
wall elements, over 5 years on 68 projects
My colleague Prof. Borowicka and I agreed (3). Most tested piles or elements were
that the right solution would be a deep foun poured into bentonite, but a few shallower
dation down to 25 meters, as indicated here, piles were cast dry.
and you will see on the second slide, how
this foundation was built. (Fig. 2) We have found that 16% of piles had some
defect, usually of no structural significance.
You see here a grid of slurry trench walls of Of all the piles, 6% showed defects which
80 centimeters thickness. Here you have the required attention. At the minimum, this
center part of this building. It is loaded attention constituted discussion between all
with 600.000 KN, and in the shape of a Y you the parties concerned and decision to tolerate
see the staircase of approximately 16.000 KN. the defect, but in fact many of these piles
Borowicka and I were oblidged to guarantee were repaired.
that the total settlement of this building
would not be more than 5 centimeters and the Only two papers in the literature summarize
differential settlement between the central results of many integrity tests of bored
part and the staircase not more than 2 centi piles; these give similar numbers of 9% (1)
meters. You understand this is a very hard and 7% (2) of piles found to have defects.
On the basis of this considerable accumulated
Now, in order to determine more accurately experience it appears that the number of bored
the load bearing behaviour of this diaphragm piles with some imperfection may be greater
wall groups, 18 pressure gauges were placed than is usually appreciated. One should
at the bottom of the diaphragm walls. therefore bear in mind that not only is the
(Fig. 3) soil variable, but also for many structures
the load-deflection characteristic for nomi
nally identical cast piles is not uniform.
This non-uniformity affects the deflection and
stress distributions in many practical cases.
Engineers are often surprised by the assertion
that as many as 10% imperfect piles may be
found in routine projects. However, the fact
that distress is not visible in many existing
structures under normal load is not proof that
the piles are all without defect, because
under normal working conditions many struc
tures may manaqe to redistribute loads between
piles without showing distress, so that the
effect of defects in piles is often hidden.


1. Davis A .G . and Dunn C.S., 1976, From

The base and the shaft resistance rose pro theory to field experience with the non
portionally, as you see on the slide 3, destructive testing of piles, Proc. Instn.
increasing with the load. The upper curve Civ. Engrs., London, Part 2, Vol. 57,
shows the total which was applied on the head 571-593.
of the slurry trench walls, and we could
measure the base resistance by means of the 2. Lambert, 197 3, Report on a conference on
pressure cells placed on the bases, and by piling, The Consulting Engineer, London,
the difference we found the skin friction. p p . 43-44 .
The distribution of the skin friction along
the slurry trench walls and around them is 3. Preiss K. and Caiserman A., 1975, Integrity
still to be considered, as Broms mentioned, testing of bored piles, Ground Engineering,
the differential settlement between the dia London, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 44-46.
phragm walls placed on the perimeter and the
center of the groups. Now nearly the total
load of 600.000 KN is applied, and the set
partial safety factors will have to be r e
duced, p rovided the Q u -values are known with
V er y well done. Victor, you can have a minute gr eater assurance than implied by the wr ite r's
to comment. a r bi tra ril y chosen value of 1.3. It is an
advantage of the me tho d that the u nce rtainity
of any part is discovered. The above derived
Co-Reporter de Mello m a x i m u m value of Pa does not include any
transie nt loads, wh i c h are bal anced out by
I was just agreeing that execut ion effect is the drag load, as shown by Fellenius, 1972.
the principal problem. I think we all think The above a pproach will show a ma x i m u m al l o w
in terms of that. Thank you. able pe rma n e n t load on the pile. To conclude
the design, the structural integrity of the
pile must be checked, w her e u p o n the main
Chairman Kantey point to check is the ex pec ted settlements.
The structural c apa cit y of the pile can be
Gentlemen, we are all running a little bit taken as 2/3 of the st rength (concrete cube
late, and I'm afraid we'll have to finish or cylinder strength, or yield point of s t e e l ) .
with three m inutes from Dr. Fellinius. I'd The load to apply is the load at the neutral
like him to confine his remarks to the n e g a point = fp x P a + fn x P n . This structural
tive skin friction p ortion of his discussion, ca pacity d iffers from the usual values of
to be followed by Drs. Horvat and Hansbo, a structural capacity of a pile given in Codes
minute and a half each, wh i c h will give us and Regulations, w hi c h values are given with
six minutes. Dr. Fellenius, you have 3 respect to ord inary pile loads, that is, wit h
mi nutes starting from now. various mis cel l a n e o u s loads such as drag loads
already deducted.

B. Fellenius (S w e d e n ) Settlements are to be studied by means of

c on ventional soil me cha n i c s theory. The load
The paper by Horvat and Veen, S ession 2, p r o X P a + fr P n is to be carried by the
vides an interpsting reading from an e n g i n e e r soil be l o w the neutral point, say in compe ten t
ing p o i n t - o f - v i e w . However, the writ er takes layers at or near the pile tip, or in case of
issue w it h one aspect of the paper, namely the no such layer, at the lower third point of the
"Safety Analysis". pile length b el o w the neutral point.

The authors p res ent a typical case of a pile One of the above three approaches will d e t e r
having a ultimat e bear ing capacity Q u = Q l end mine the m a x i m u m allowable load. If this is
+ Q u shaft = 145 + 20 = 165 tons and being less than the curren tly applied load in the
subjected to a drag load Pn = 65 tons. Based local area, mea sur es to reduce the drag may
on these values, the authors calculate an have to be introduced, for instance, b itumen
allowable pile load, P a , usi ng a safety coating of the pile to reduce the drag. The
factor of 1.7 on Q u and 1.1 on P n as follows: three approaches can then again be used to
dete rmi ne the length of pile to coat to reach
- 1.1 P an economic optimum.
^end + ^shaft

_u 1.1P Fellenius, B.H., 1972: "Drag loads on piles

Q ____ n 165 1.1 x 65
= 55 tons due to negative skin friction", Can adian
1.7 1.7
Geote chn ica l Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1972,
The wri t e r holds that it is p rin cip all y in c o r pp. 323-337.
rect to reduce the drag load as shown above.
To determi ne the m a x i m u m allowable load in
cons ide rat ion of the drag load, an approach Cha irman Kantey
using partial factors of safety should be
used, as follows. Thank you ver y much, indeed. Dr. Horvat,
f P f P
P a -~T (Qe + Q s> n n
E. Horvat (Netherland)
The p art icu lar partial factors to choose will
vary from case to case. Generally, partial The allowable bearing capac ity calcula ted
factors of safety vary from 1.1 to 1.3. w i t h our me tho d is the same as it was c a l c u
Greater values are not safety f a c t o r s , but lated in the past wh e n the negative skin
ignorance factors. The following numerical friction was neglected.
values are chosen for illustrative purposes
and are not g ene ral ly valid. Whe n we use the method, whi c h was shown by
Dr. Fellenius, wh i c h we n ormally do, the
1.2 x P x 165 - 1.1 x 65 factor of 1,3 for the bear ing capacity is
- 1.3 less. It is 1,15 to 1,2 depen din g on the soil
investigation, met hod of calc ula tio n and other
P < 46 < 55 tons aspects.
To reach the load of P a = 55 tons, the chosen I fully agree that the load d e for mat ion be-
haviour can to gether wit h the bearing capacity
be a limit for the design. i e f f e c t iv e v e r t ic a l p re s s u r e in kPa
It may be rem ark ed again that the c a lcu lat ed
be ari ng cap acity wit h our me tho d is exactly
the same as it was in the past and that it is
based on recalcula tio ns of foundations, from
w h i c h we kn o w the be haviour for as long as 15
or 20 years. Thank you.

Chairman Kantey

Thank you, Dr. Horvat. Dr. Hansbo, please.

S. Hansbo (Sweden)
Fig. 1 Coe ff i c i e n t of c o n s oli dat ion
I wou ld like to h igh light some of the problems cv vs effecti ve stress for soft, high-
involved in consolidation, p a rt icu lar ly with pl astic clay from Gothenburg. CRS
re ference to the use of vertical drains. The oe dom ete r test (Sallfors, 1975)
mo s t sig nificant para met ers to be used as a
basis for the design of vertic al drainage obtaine d after a certain time of c o n s o l i d a
systems and the need for surcharge are the tion is c hecked by means of pore pressure
c oe ffi cie nt of co nso l i d a t i o n in h orizontal observations. I woul d like to show how d i f
pore w at e r flow c^ and the p r e c o nso lid ati on ficult this migh t be.
pressure. As regards c^ Pro fes sor Ladd
ye sterday gave an example of how this can be At Skl-Edeby, with 4 test areas, excess p r e s
dete r m i n e d by mea n s of the piezom ete r probe sures of 5 to 15 kPa have been obs erved in
deve lop ed by To rst e n s s o n (1975). As regards all test areas, alt hou gh in the test areas
the pre con s o l i d a t i o n pressure, the panelist, pr ovi ded w it h sand drains, pri mar y c o n s o l i d a
Profes sor Leonards, mad e some interesting tion ceased 10-15 years ago. Even where
comments. Profess or Leo nards referred to the excess pore p ressure had va nis hed almost co m
fact that the b re akp oin t in the excess p r e s pl etely due to unl oad ing 15 years ago and
sure increase during CRS test indicates the whe re hardly any s ettlement has taken place
pre c o n s o l i d a t i o n pressure valid for longterm since, an excess pr essure of about 10 kPa has
loading. I agree wi t h P rof ess or Leona rds in later been built up w ith time. A possible
that w hen the p rec ons o l i d a t i o n pressur e is ex p lan ati on to this phenom eno n ma y be se c o n d
exceeded it is accomp ani ed by a structural ary c o mpr ess ion or cyclic loading caused by
b rea k-d own of the clay skeleton. A n internal varying degree of satur ati on of the fill with
shear failure is obtained, followed by load the time of the year in c o m bin ati on wi t h a
tra nsm itt anc e from the clay skeleton to the non- Dar cia n relation b etween hydraulic g r a d i
por e water. The pr e c o n s o l i d a t i o n pre ssure ent and pore wat er flow.
could therefore just as well be defi ned as a
critical shear stress level, and using this In m y and T o r s t e n s s o n 1s article about "Geo
d ef ini tio n we get a bett er u n d ers tan din g of drains and Other Ve rtical Drain B e h a v i o u r " ,
the d epe n d e n c y on the rate of strain used in presen ted in the Procee din gs of this c o n f e r
the o e dom ete r test. ence, great attention was paid to the p r a c t i
cal significance of the d ura b i l i t y - or rather
Profes sor Le onards showed one of the results
of the excess pore pr essure studies in a CRS
test p res ent ed by Sallfors (1975). I agree
wi t h his interpretation. But since the excess
pore p ressure Au is d ire ctl y r elated to the
co e ffi cie nt of c o n sol ida tio n cv he could just
as well have chosen cv instead of A u . If
this is done, we find that the longterm value
of the pre con so l i d a t i o n pre ssure corresponds
to the effecti ve stress value where cv starts
to decrease. We also find that the stress
interval in whi ch cv is g rad u a l l y decreasing
is quite large, Fig. 1.

This of course c omp licates the e st ima tio n of

the cons oli dat ion pr ocess in a case where the
load placed on the soil gives a stress in
crease with in this stress interval. However,
in the case of v ertical drains, whe re the
drain in sta llation causes some di sturbance
effects, a design based on the m i n i m u m cv Fig. 2 Split soil sample from Porto
value seems to give the best fit w i t h results Tolle, Italy contain ing Geodrain. The
ob tai ned in practice. pl astic core seen to the wright and
the filter paper to the left. D e t e r i o
Quite often, the degree of c ons olidation ration of filter paper clearly v isible
lack of du rab i l i t y - of the filter paper that
surrounds the plastic core of the Geodrain.
When the article was wr itt en the men tio ned m -7 M M 2
d ura bil ity was a main concern of ours as we ? 20
thought that a filter paper in good condition ^ 0
was a n ece ssa ry requi rem ent for the drains to
function effectively. I nve stigations of the
filter paper, made on samples taken from d i f
ferent depths e.g. at 11 m in Porto Tolle 17
months after installation, Fig. 2, were quite
discouraging. The filter paper had seriously

Further, ad ditional loads placed on old test

areas w i t h Geodrains installed 1 1/2 to 3 1/2
years ago did not seem to give much of an
effect. We therefore dre w the natural co n
cl usion that the drains could not be expected
to function e f fec tiv ely for more than 1 to 1
1/2 years. Our conc lus ion was, however, too Fig. 4 Resu lt of loading test at SkS-
pessimistic. C ont inu ed tests in SkS-Edeby, Edeby, Sweden. Geodrains, 0.9 m spacing.
Helsinki, Schipl uid en and Porto Tolle have The settl eme nt curve shows that the
given u n q u e sti ona ble evidence that a possible drains, in spite of the det eri ora tio n
d e t er ior ati on of the filter paper has no, or of the filter paper, are fully effective
at least v ery little, influence on the e f after 4 years, cf Hansbo, 1977
fectiveness of the drain. It seems as if a
filter cake of soil and partly disin teg rat ed even after 4 years.
paper has been formed around the pl astic core
and that this cake has a high enough p e r m e a The pr evious suppositions that d isi nt e g r a t i o n
bil ity not to cause any significant hindrance of the filter pap er wo u l d block the drains
to the pore wate r flow. have thus been contr adi cte d by reality.

This fact is cl early demo nst rat ed in Figs. 3 RE FERENCES

and 4. Fig. 3 shows the result of the loading
test at Porto Tolle. C om par iso ns of observed Hansbo, S., 1977. "Geodrains in theory and
and t heoretical settlement curves show that practice". Geo technical Report from Terrafigo,
the G eo dra ins are still fully effect ive after Stockholm.
2 years.
Sallfors, G., 1975 . "Preco nso lid ati on pressure
of soft, hig h-p las tic clays". Cha lme rs Univ.
of Technology, Dept, of Geot. Engng., D octor's
J : thesis.

Torstensson, B - A . , 1975. "Pore pre ssu re s ou n d
ing instrument". P r o c . Spec. Conf. on in situ
---- f/ : I ! M ea sur e m e n t s of Soil Properties. ASCE /
Raleigh, N.C./Ju ne 1-4.

Chairman Kantey

Thank you, Dr. Hansbo. For the final d i s c u s

sion from the floor I wou ld like to have Sam
Th orb urn who has something to say on regional
studies wh i c h I think is an important aspect
of this session.

S . Thorburn (U.K.)

OINIQ j i f i m i a i m I j i j i a i s i o i n i o J I F I MI A I MI J I J IAIS
1975 1976 1977 Mr. Chairman, it m a y save time if we project
the first slide whi le I m ake a very brief
Fig. 3 Re sul t of loading test at Porto introduction. Dr. B urland me nt i o n e d the im
Tolle, Italy. Geodrains, 3 m spacing. portance of regional studies, and it m a y be
The settle men t curve shows that the of interest to the memb ers here to k no w that
drains, in spite of the det eri ora tio n structural engine ers in the United Ki ngd om
of the filter paper, are fully effective are studying the interface pr ob l e m wh i c h e x
after 2 years, cf Hansbo, 1977 ists between the structural e ngi nee r and the
geotec hni cal engineer. The p rob l e m m a y be
Fig. 4 shows the result of the loading test defi ned as the diffe ren ce betw een the p r e
at Sk-Edeby. C o mpa ris ons of m eas u r e d and dict ed or design p erformance and the actual
theoretical settlement curves show that in performance.
this case the G eod rai ns are fully effective
Could I have the first slide, please. In
order to resolve this problem, long-te rm
studies are being made of the p erf ormances A 7.5mm.
I Omm.
of buildings founded on well known geological
deposits. One such study involves the p e r
formances of bu ildings founded on the al l u
vi u m of the River Clyde, and this slide
indicates the general geolo gic al sequence
whi ch con sists of laminated silty clay, silt
and un ifo rm fine sand. The static cone re
sistances are also shown on this slide.
I 15mm.


Next slide, please. This slide shown re i n C

forced concrete slab fo undation for a four- 15mm.
storey bu ild ing 1 0 0 metr es long by 8 metres 12.5mm.
wide. You will observe from the settlement 7.5mm.
contours that theory could not have readily IOmm.-il,;'
pr edi cte d the c o n f igu rat ion of the contours
and that's the pr ob l e m facing the structural
Settlement Contours.
engineer. It's all very wel l for the geo-
technical eng ineer to feel important and to
co nsider settlement p r edi cti ons in isolation. Slide 2
The structural en gineer is res ponsible for
the structure and must have confid enc e in
the predictions.
Next slide, please. This shows the s ett l e
ment contours for 15-storey structures, and
you will observe the values of m a x i m u m a n g u
lar disto rti ons given beneath the contours. V
The slide indicates a m a x i m u m angular d i s t o r V
\ \
tion for a concrete shear wall and column
structure, 15 storeys high, of 1 in 550. No
ev idence was found of any cracking in the
structure. It perform ed very well despite
the s ign ificant amount of structural d i s t o r Approx. Maximum Angular Approx. Maximum Angular
tion . Distortion 1 in 550 Distortion 1 in 730
Las t slide, please. We are also conducting
an in vestigation into whi c h p ort ion of the
Slide 3
0 100 2 Q0 k g /c m SECTIO N

11.00- LAMINATED -
O 15.00 3.
CC 16 .0 0 - LAMINATED
o 18.00
19.00 OF CLAYEY-
CO 21.00-
L 22.00
2 3 .0 0 -
2 4 .0 0 -
2 5 .0 0 - Slide 4
2 6 .0 0 -
X 2 7 .0 0 -
soil makes the gr eat est c o n tr ibu tio n to the
2 8 .0 0 -
se ttlement of structures, and B.R.E. ma gne t
CL 2 9 .0 0 -
Ld ex t e nso met ers were installed in boreholes
O 3 0 .0 0 -
bene ath fiv e-storey buildin gs founded on re
32.00- inforced concrete slab foundations. You will
33.00 ob serve from the me asu r e m e n t s that the depth
of soil whi c h con tributes to the settlement
36.00 is about one and a half times the wid t h of
37.00 the structure.
Slide 1 Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
tioned yet, except in private discussion, is
that it seems to me there is a vast overempha
Thank you, Sam. I now have an extremely dif sis on redeposited soils, the soft clays, and
ficult task. I don't know how it is possible I think this is possibly because they are
to summarize in a few minutes the very wide easy to work with, that there is a bit more
range of subjects that have been covered, not homogeneity in them than in the residual soils
only in the State of the Art Report but in which cover at least 90 to 95 percent of the
the panel discussion and the comments that practicing engineer's work. And I think if
we've had from the floor. these two messages come out of the two ses
sions that we've had today, we will have
To me, two overriding messages have come achieved the objects of this panel, and cer
through, certainly up to this point in this tainly our State of the Art Report.
conference. The one is the vital need to get
back to practice, as emphasized so very well It reminds me to thank you all for your pa
by Victor de Mello, and to get away from this tience and endurance, and to thank in particu
drive for ever-increasing theory, and more lar the panel for the contribution they have
theory, and refinements of theory. made and to declare this session closed.

The other aspect which I haven't heard men-


H.K.S.Ph. Begemann (Netherlands) is presented by the authors. For several

years ago in the area concerned a point bear
Comments on the Paper "Negative ing capacity was advised and an extra pile
Skin Friction and Safety Analysis load of 15 to 20 tons in connection with neg
of Piles" Volume 1, Page 551 by ative friction (being the difference between
E. Horvat and C. van der Veen the maximum negative and the maximum positive
skin friction).
The authors state that in Rotterdam a load of Also the following "statements" of the au
15 tons, caused by negative skin friction had thors are unproven and disputable:
to be taken into account. Now it is known 1) A safety coefficient of 1,1 for maximum
that this friction can be 65 to 120 tons, and negative skin friction is recommended.
nevertheless the foundations made during the This is too low (how accurate is the cal
past 40 years show no failures. From these culation method?).
facts the authors jump to several (unproven) 2) In report 47 (1975) from the foundation
conclusions concerning lower safety coeffi Building Research Rotterdam it is stated
cients and more "optimistic" and "reliable" that the amount of negative friction cal
calculation methods. culated by the method Zeevaart-De Beer is
The fact that the mentioned buildings have strongly dependent on the number of lay
shown no failures due to unadequate founda ers. Recommended is to use the local
tion cannot be used in this way as a prove friction method and the calculation meth
for the conclusions (statements) made by the od according to Begemann (the authors
authors. It is not necessary that the actual claim the opposite).
higher skin friction is compensated by higher 3) It is further stated by the authors that
point resistances than calculated and/or by for the positive friction the method pub
too high safety factors. There are other pos lished by Broms is more reliable than the
sible factors as for instance: method based on the local friction. This
. lower actual pile loads is not proven by the example given in
. more densification of the bearing sand lay Horvat's paper or elsewhere.
ers in the area concerned than normally may 4) Concerning the point bearing, Horvat-Van
be expected. der Veen state that the calculation meth
Factors as mentioned above have to be incor od based on cone resistances 4 times the
porated in the analysis of safety coeffi pile-diameter below and 8 times above the
cients and calculation methods before one can pile tip "is clearly too pessimistic", he
come to a conclusion about a possible de takes 1,5D and 5D. It is not clear at
crease of the different safety coefficients. all.
It is very dangerous to reduce the safety In the paper of Van der Veen, Volume II,
factor for the point bearing and for the skin IVth Conference 1956, a comparison is
friction and at the same time recommending given of the results of 14 pile loading
the most optimistic calculation methods, only tests and the calculated values, using ID
because the maximum skin friction had proven and 3,75D. The ratio's between these two
to be 60 tons instead of "the old value of 15 values varied between 0.48 and 2.18, the
tons". most extreme being the precast pile no.
The very last statement is not as bad as it 10 with a maximum test load of 32 tf and
a calculated value of 70 tf, the 4/8D c ' E d i t i o n s ai r s h o u l d h ave e n t e r e d mu c h
method giving the correct value.1 Due to e a s i e r into the p i e z o m e t e r c av itv.
this great variation Van der Veen calcu At a d e p t h l a r g e r t h an 15 m , w i t h a pore
lated a required factor of safety of 2.5. w a t e r p r e s s u r e of more than 2 kg/cn, , a soil
It will be appreciated if the authors h a v i n g in the l a b o r a t o r y a d e g r e e of s a t u r a
clearly show how these results fit in t io n h i g h e r t h a n 0. 9 6, as the F i u m i c i n o clay,
their statement that 4/8D method is too s h o u l d be f u l l y s a t u r a t e d . If gas p o c k e t s at
pessimistic and how on top of that the h igh p r e s s u r e had b ee n p r e s e n t n e a r a p i e z o
factor of safety of 2.5 recommended in m e t e r , they w o u l d p r o b a b l y have e m p t i e d i nto
1956 now can be reduced to 1.7? the b o r e h o l e . Th e i n c o n v e n i e n c e s of pore
5) In connection with statement 7 and con p r e s s u r e m e a s u r e m e n t s in o r g a n i c so i l r e p o r
clusion 5 the following may be noted. ted in the l i t e r a t u r e g e n e r a l ] " r e f e r Tn low
To our opinion one should make a choice v a l u e s of p or e w a t e r p r e s s u r e : M a rs la n o( 19 74 )
between a pile foundation of which the refers to a pneumatic piezometer placed below high
pile tip bearing capacity is an essential t ide n e a r a peat layer. Th e d e e p e s t piezometer
part and fully taking into account the sh own in his p a p e r s h o u l d h a v e a n a x i m u m va l u e
negative friction with normal acceptable of p o r e w a t e r p r e s s u r e of 0.7 k g / c m ^ . Buck
safety factors which limits the settle (196 9 ) r e p o r t s d i f f e r e n t r e c o r d s of h y d r a u l i c
ment difference to max. 1^ to 2 cm and a an d p n e u m a t i c p i e z o m e t e r s in the m u s k e g f o u n
"settling" pile foundation of which the d a t i o n of a r o ad fill, p r e s u m a b l y at s m a l l
bearing capacity of the pile tip is only d e p t h s u n d e r g r o u n d w a t e r le ve l and in a s o il
small, using much lower factors of safe w i t h a s m a l l d e g r e e of s a t u r a t i o n . V a u g h a n
ty. A solution in between is too risky; and B i s h o p ( 1 9 6 9 ) t h i n k t hat at high v a l u e s of
some more piles is cheaper than p or e w a * e r p r e s s u r e the gas d i f f u s i o n o c c u r s
strengthening the construction (see the very s l c w l y an d th e i n c o n v e n i e n c e s in m e a s u r
paper of Inoue, Tamaoki and Ogai, Volume ing po r e p r e s s u r e s ar e not s i g n i f i c a n t .
1, page 561) . F i n a l l y , it is w o r t h w h i l e to r e m a r k that
the i n c r e a s e of p o r e p r e s s u r e v a l u e s at Fium_i
c i n o was c o n t i n u o u s o v e r a p e r i o d of m o r e t han
A. Burghignoli (Italy) and
f ou r ye ar s . S h o u l d th e p i e z o m e t e r c a v i t i e s
G. Calabresi (Italy) ha v e b e c o m e f ul l of gas, a s u d d e n c h a n g e of
the r e c o r d e d v a l u e s had to be e x p e c t e d an d
I n his g en e ral R e p o r t Dr B u r l a n d , c o m m e n -
this s h o u l d h a v e o c c u r e d at d i f f e r e n t tim es
t in g on the pa pe r " C o n s o l i d a t i o n of a th i c k for the v a r i o u s p i e z o m e t e r s . An a u t o m a t i c
l ay er of S oft C lay " , has r a i s e d som e d o u b t s
r e a d i n g s y s t e m is o p e r a t i n g at F i u m i c i n o for
a bo ut the Au t h ors i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f the
the m o r e th a n 150 p i e z o m e t e r s and s c a n n i n g
p i e z o m e t e r ree ords at Fiu m ic i n o . In p a r t i c u -
o p e r a t i o n s w e r e r e p e a t e d e v e r y da y fo r the
l a r , the G e n e r al R e p o r t e r p o i n t e d o ut the f ir st t h r e e y e a r s and w e e k l y a f t e r w a r d s .S uch
i m p o r t a n c e of c hec k i n g th e e l e c t r i c p i e z o -
a b e h a v i o u r was not n o t i c e d .
m e t e r r e l i a b i l ity by cont e m p o r a r y r e c o r d s
T h e r e f o r e , the A u t h o r s ' i n t e r p r e t a t i o n
w it h t w i n t ube hy d r a u 1 i c p i e z o m e t e r s b e c a u s e
of the piezoireter r e c o r d s at F i u m i c i n o was
o f th e p r e s e n e e of gas in o r g a n ic s oils. c o n s i d e r e d at length a nd b e f o r e c o n c l u d i n g that
Th e h y p o t h e sis t hat ga s b u b b l e s h a v e en-
the r i s e of p o r e p r e s s u r e is due to an u n d r a
t e r e d the pi ez ome t er tips was of co urs e the
i ne d c r e e p th e y ha v e d o u b t f u l l y e x a m i n e d m o re
f ir st to o c c u r to A u t h o r s m i n d and was consi obvious explanations.
dered s i n c e the be g i n n i n g of the ano m a l o u s iu
cr eas e ox p ore pre s s u r e s . H o w e v e r , a f t e r many REFERENCES
d ou bt s , t h ey h ave d i s r e g a rd e d i t .
Th e p i e z o m e t ers w e r e m a n i f a c t u r e d by MAIHAK, BISHOP,A.W. (1969)"Pore pressure measurements in the
and ha ve the characteristics described by Scott and field and in the laboratory".Reported by P.R.\6ug
Kilgour(l367). The cavity is very small (about 0.5mm han,Proc.of the 7th Int.Conf.Soil Mech.and Found.
thick and 3.4 mm in diameter) and the fine grained Eng. Vol.3 pp.427-444
porous stone, saturated in the factory, has a thick BUCK,G.F.(1969)Discussion on"Pore pressure measurements
ness of about 20 mm. The same piezometers have per in the field and in the laboratory"Proc.of the
formed well for a long period of time in partly satu 7th Int.Conf.Soil Mech.and Found.Eng. Vol.3 p.434
r a t e d s oi ls ( T o r b l a a , 1'9 6 6 ) and ch eck ed against MARSLAND,A.(1974)"Instrumentation of flood defence
t wi n tube h y d r a u l i c p i e zome t er (Vig Jiani,1974). banks along the river Thames"Proc.of a Symposium
The m e c h a n i s m of gas d i f f u s i o n t h r o u g h on Field Instrumentation in Geotech Eng.London.
the w a t e r in the p o r o u s s t o n e and of b u b b l e SCOTT,J.D .,KILG0UR,J.(1967)"Experience with some vi
f o r m i n g in the i n s i d e c a v i t y has b e e n w i d e l y brating wire instruments"Canadian Geotech.Journal
d i s c u s s e d . It s e e m s u n l i k e l y that this p h e Vol. IV, n.l
n o m e n o n o c c u r e d at F i u m i c i n o . TORBLAA,I .(1966)"Poretrykksmalinger utfcirt -'ed Dam Hyt
T he r i se of po r e p r e s s u r e has b es i noticed tejuvet med forskjelling mllentstyr"N.G.I -Publi
in the d e e p l a y e r s of m o r e p l a s t i c clay, w h e r e cation n.68
th e o r g a n i c m a t t e r c o n t e n t is lower. Many VIGGIANI ,C. ( 1 9 7 4 Discussion on"Equipment design,insta_l
p i e z o m e t e r s h av e b e e n i n s t a l l e d in the u p p e r lation and performance"; Conference on Site Inve
p ea t l a y e r or in the m o r e o r g a n i c c l ay n e a r stigations, London, pp. 563-565.
th e s u r f a c e , w h e r e the u n s a t u r a t i o n is marked
a n d th e p o r e w a t e r p r e s s u r e d e c r e a s e d m o r e
r a p i d l y b e c a u s e of the p r e s e n c e of the s a nd
d ra i n s . H o w e v e r , t h e y f o l l o w e d the p or e pres_s
ur e d i s s i p a t i o n and d i d n ' t s h ow an a n o m a l o u s
i n c r e a s e of the m e a s u r e d v al u e s . In t h o s o
C. Di ni s d a Gama (Brazi 1 ) START

A Soil Mechan ics Ap pro ach to the

Ch a r a c ter iza tio n of Jo inted Rock-

R e g a rd in g one o f th e to p ic s pro p o se d f o r discus_

s io n i n M ain S e s s io n N o .2, I w o u ld l i k e to p re s e n t a
c o n tr ib u tio n to th e d e s ig n o f dam fo u n d a tio n s in
rock-m a s s e s .
J o in t s and o th e r g e o lo g ic a l d i s c o n t i n u i t i e s have
a c o n tr o llin g e ffe c t on th e m e c h a n ic a l behav
io u r of ro c k -m a s s e s . In g e n e r a l, jo in ts in
c re a s e th e d e f o r m a b i l i t y and re d u ce th e s tr e n g t h of
th e ro c k -m a s s , w it h re s p e c t to th e m a g n itu d e o f th o se
p r o p e r t ie s fo r th e i n t a c t r o c k .
It is som etim es a v e r y ro u g h a p p ro x im a tio n to
e v a lu a te th e b e h a v io u r o f a ro c k f o u n d a tio n by means
of m e a s u rin g its p r o p e r t ie s on ro c k b lo c k s o n ly , and
t h a t p ro c e d u re can le a d to e rro n e o u s d e s ig n p r a c t ic e s ,
such as o v e r e s tim a tin g s a f e t y f a c t o r s , o r u s in g u n r
a l b e a rin g c a p a c it ie s .
I n o rd e r t o assess th e a c tu a l b e h a v io u r o f j o i n t
ed ro c k m asses as fo u n d a tio n members, e s p e c ia lly
in th e case o f dam fo u n d a tio n s , i t has been r e c e n t ly
d e v e lo p e d (1 ) a co m p u te r m odel f o r t h e i r s iz e a n a ly w it h re s p e c t to th e a c t u a l b lo c k l o c a t io n , th u s p r
s i s , u s in g as in p u ts th e common g e o lo g ic d a ta ( d ip v i d in g a co m p le te p i c t u r e o f th e b e a rin g c a p a c ity d i
and s t r i k e ) o f fra c tu re p la n e s e x is t i n g in th e vol t r ib u t io n in a t h r e e - d im e n s io n a l s p a c e . O b v io u s ly th e
ume a f f e c t e d by th e s t r u c t u r e u n d e r c o n s id e r a tio n .T h e h e te r o g e n e ity e v a lu a t io n becomes more a c c u ra te as th e
pro g ra m (w h ic h i f r e q u ir e d is a v a ila b le from th e au amount o f in f o r m a t io n r e g a r d in g j o i n t a t t i t u d e s in
th o r ) ta k e s i n t o a c c o u n t th e th r e e - d im e n s io n a l in te r c re a s e s , and i t is su g g e ste d t h a t g e o lo g ic a l m a p p in g ,

s e c t io n o f j o i n t p la n e s w i t h i n th e r o c k m ass, computes co u p le d w it h c o re a n a ly s e s a n d /o r a p p r o p r ia t e geophys^

th e volum es o f th e i n d i v id u a l b lo c k s , and o u tp u ts th e i c a l te c h n iq u e s , can p ro d u ce s u f f i c i e n t d a ta to

s iz e g ra d in g c u rv e s (h is to g ra m s and c u m u la tiv e re o b ta in an a c c u ra te m e c h a n ic a l c h a r a c t e r iz a t io n o f a

s u its ) c o rre s p o n d in g to th e volum e u n d e r a n a ly s is . ro ck-m a ss fo u n d a tio n .

The flow-chart of the computer program is pres REFERENCES

ented below.
(1 ) - GAMA, C .D . (19 7 7 ) - Com puter M odel f o r B lo c k
A lth o u g h o t h e r a p p lic a t io n s o f t h i s m odel have S iz e - A n a ly s is o f J o in t e d Rock M asses. 15 th
APCOM (pages 305 - 3 1 5 ). P u b lis h e d by th e Aus
a lr e a d y been a tte m p te d (su ch as ro c k b l a s t in g d e s ig n
t r a l i a n I n s t i t u t e o f M in in g and M e t a llu r g y . V ic
and p e r c o la t io n s t u d ie s ) it is a ls o e n v is a g e d f o r th e t o r i a , A u s t r a lia . ~~
(2 ) - BURMN, B .C . and HAMMETT. R .D . ( 1 9 7 5 ) - D e s ig n o f
p r e d i c t i o n o f fo u n d a tio n b e a rin g c a p a c it ie s , u s in g
F o u n d a tio n s i n j o i n t e d Rock M asses. P ro c e e d in g s
h e te ro g e n e o u s b e h a v io u r c o n c e p ts . o f th e Second A u s t r a la s ia n Geomechanics c o n fe r
e n c e . B r is b a n e , A u s t r a l ia .
It has been pro p o se d (2 ) t h a t th e lo w e r lim it
o f b e a rin g c a p a c ity i n a j o in t e d r o c k mass i s g iv e n
by th e B r a z i l i a n c o m p re s s iv e s tr e n g t h o f th e in ta c t B.H. Fellenius (Canada) and 0. Wager (Sweden)

ro c k b lo c k s , th e s t r e n g t h o f w h ic h is in v e r s e ly p ro The E q uiv ale nt Sand Drain Diameter

p o r t i o n a l to b lo c k s iz e . T h e r e fo r e , a r e a l i s t i c eval of the Bandshaped Drain

u a t io n o f t h a t lo w e r l i m i t is o b ta in e d th ro u g h th e T h is d is c u s s io n d e a ls w it h th e e v a lu a t io n o f th e Ska-
kn o w le dg e o f th e maximum i n d i v id u a l b lo c k s iz e , w h ich Edeby t e s t r e s u lt s w it h r e s p e c t to th e band shaped
is s u p p lie d by o u r c o m p u te r m o d e l. The s tr e n g th v a r i a d r a in s (Hansbo and T o rs te n s s o n , S e s s io n 2 ) . The men
b ility wi- t h in th e ro c k -m a ss is th e re fo re a v a ila b le , tio n e d a u th o r s assume th e G e o d ra in to have an e q u iv a
lent sand drain diameter of 5 cm, and using this valent sand drain diameter to use for the Geodrain.
value they evaluate that the drains mobilize a c - If the Ska-Edeby results would be evaluated with
8 2
value of 1.2 x 10 m /s. In comparison, the results this value, the results would be a smaller c,-value
from the area with the 18 cm sand drains, placed at than presented by the authors and probably quite
the same spacing, are evaluated to mobilize a c - close to that of the sand drain result.
-8 2
value of 0.9 x 10 m /s.
Determining the equivalent sand drain diameter, as
The Geodrains in Ska-Edeby were installed with very based on the free surfaces, provides a means of
crude equipment, far inferior to the modern flat low theoretically comparing different types of equal
disturbance mandrels. Therefore, it is surprising width band shaped drains with each other, which
that they should have shown such good effects in means is lacking when using the approach of total
comparison with the sand drains, as indicated by the surfaces.
higher c -value,
The evaluated c,-value depends very much on the
h Windisch, S.J. and Soulie, J., 1970:
mentioned assumed value of the equivalent drain dia
"Technique for study of granular materials"
meter. The authors mention that the equivalent dia
Proc. ASCE, Vol. 96, SM4, pp. 1113-1126.
meter corresponds to the diameter of a sand drain
with the same circumference area. However, the
2 E. H o r v a t ( N e t h e r l a n d s ) and
Geodrain gross area of 20 cm /cm corresponds to a
C. van der Veen ( N e therlands)
circumference of cylinder with a diameter of 6.4 cm,
not 5 cm stated by the authors. Still, this mathe
Answer on the Discussions Concerning
the Contribution "Negative Skin
matically adjusted value is not the correct equiva Friction and Safety Analysis of
lent drain diameter.

I. The remarks of Dr. B. Fellenius, made

While it is true that it is the surface of the drain during the oral discussion of Main
- band shaped or sand drain - that governs the Session II, are in full agreement with
our ideas concerning the safety
function of the drain, it is not the total surface, analysis of pile foundations. In view
but the free unobstructed surface which should be of the limitation as to the length of
our contribution it was only possible
used in establishing the value of the equivalent to show a simplified safety analysis.
sand drain diameter. The use of this simplified method had
the additional advantage, that the
The free (or open, or unobstructed) surface of the essence of our theory - the influence
2 of the negative skin friction on the
Geodrain is (was 1972) 13.9 cm /cm. The free sur
safety - could be demonstrated in a
face of a sand drain is not as simply determined. more direct manner.
However, in an arbitrary cut through soil, the area
II. The non-simplified method of safety
ratio of cuts through voids to cuts through solids analysis, published by us in Holland
is equal to the void ratio (e.g. Windisch and Soulie, concerning this subject, is herewith
1970). This relationship is valid also close to the
outer boundary of the drain. Therefore, the free Pk < (d x V and Pd Pu
surface area over the solid surface area is equal to
the porosity of the soil. In case of a relatively Pk = characteristic load, being the
working load (P ) and the drag
uniform sand in a medium density state, as in a sand load (P ); e
drain column, the porosity is about 0.4. That is, P = design bearing capacity (ultimate
the free surface of a sand drain can be taken to be u value);
40% of the total circumferential surface. Pd = design load;

Therefore d = deformation factor;

0,4 x it D x 1 = 13.9
The design load is P^ = (Pn x fn ) +
D = 10 cm
(P x f )
e e
which is a more logically derived value of the equi
where Pn = calculated drag load
Pg = calculated working load M. Kany ( F . R. G. )
f = load factor for the drag load,
being 1 to 1.1 when the Additional Remarks to my Paper 2/44
max. value of the drag load
is taken into account; In the Preliminary General Report, Professor
BURLAND asks me, what continuum model is used
f = load factor for the working for evaluating the settlement coefficients
load, being max. 1.7.
qnd c( v .E Here I will give the re
If the assumed drag load is less than quester! comments:
the max. value (due to group effect,
limited deformation, etc.) the load For calculating the settlement coefficients
factor for the dragload must be for p o i n t y caused by the load of field No.V,
increased. any of the known methods may he used, e.g.
(for example) the finite element method accor
The design bearing capacity is
ding DUNCAN-CHANG or the BOUoSINESO-method.
P = P/f , where We have used the last one in the wellknown
u s modified form published by STEINBRENNER (1934)
P = calculated point bearing capacity
and positive skin friction, both In the corresponding computer-program, we in
ultimate value; troduced different moduli of elasticity for
loading and reloading.
f = uncertainty factor.
In the computerprogram the following method
The uncertainty factor (fg ) depends is used:
on the type of pile, the installation
method, the quality and amount of soil At first the settlement s^.v.yof the founda
investigation, the type and strength- tion a will be calculated by reloading <fvv of
characteristic of the construction, the the neighbouring foundation v . It results
configuration and amount of piles, etc. from 1 parts (for 1 layers under the founda
The advised limits of this factor for tion U- ):
driven piles are: I
- wood piles, tapered 1 to 1.2
- prefabricated contrete piles, [w].
without enlarged point 1 to 1.2
- prefabricated concrete piles, '-1
with enlarged point 1.2 to 1-5 In this equation the symbols stand in corres
pondance with my paper of the TOKYO conferen
The deformation factor is d = P. /P and ce (1977). Further is
k u
the advised limits for it are
- constructions sensitive to Af
settlements: H]
- constructions not sensitive
to settlements: difference of settlement coeffi
cients for bottom side and for
With respect to the material stresses top side of layer i
in the foundation piles the maximum
value of the drag load must be taken modulus of elasticity [kN/m^]
into account! in into layer i under foundation .

Ill. Regarding the expected remarks of The settlement coefficients f.S.M.V in each
"KTTMD' formula
case v/e obtain with STEINBRJNN2R's
Dr. Begeman and Mr. Heijnen (they were
not granted an opportunity of an oral (1934) by superposition of 4 part-areas r
discussion) the following can be stated. with the following formula (for m=oo):
a) In our suggestion the real safety is
not decreased, only the components
determining the safety are < V br
Z ;arctan
re-grouped! S .U .V -1 Z: -cr
b) Our suggestion is based on
observations made on the behaviour
of a large number of buildings and ( c r- a r M + a T
other constructions in Rotterdam and + b Y-Lnl C^+ Q ^ M - a r
Amsterdam, as well as the result of
recalculation of foundations,
taking into account the (observed
and measured!) much larger negative 'cr- b r M + bT
skin friction than that wich was M - b r
Cr + tV
assumed during the design in the

cy a^-t- bT2 + Z;2 and M=^aTz-+br:

The settlements s ^u/v.E foundation ft, times the diameter from the axis of the pile, that
of the first loading part is a distance of approximately 5.8 meters, the
movement could still be observed. The movement of
[ U N / m 2] the soil in the upper level (1 meter below surface)
is smaller than in the deeper levels and a clear
of the foundation V is analogous upward movement is only to be seen in a distance
of between 2 and 4 times the diameter from the pile
axis. This behaviour must probably depend on the
5 (U/.v.E
^O.v - bV A/ [ml. annular space around the pile filled with bentonite
E s -(ul slurry up to a depth of 5.7 meters.
So we receive the following settlement influ
ence coefficients In his preliminary report the General Reporter
pointed out that the shaft friction of the under-
mv.E a ' Im V k N ]
r Mo.v

c u.v.W
ly= S M-V-y
a I m V k N ].
^ 1 v.V

So the soil pressure qQ under foundation V

is composed by 3 parts (with q^,v = uplift)

[UN/m 2].
1 V .V + l0 .V + ^ w . V

It is the special intention of my paper to

show that this method can be used for calcu
lating the interaction between structure
(with foundation) and soil for irregular lay
ered, soil and for two- or three-dimensional
structures of any form.

The method of calculating settlements is pub

lished in detail in the first volume of my Fig. 1 Photo showing heads of extensometer bars
book "Berechnung von Flachengrundungen" (see
reference list in my paper). We have publi
shed comments of the computer program in a
special manual ELPLA.

Steinbrenner, W. (1934), Tafeln zur Setzungs-
berechnung. Strasse

H.-W. Koreck (F.R.G.)

Load Tests on 5 Large Diameter

Bored Piles in Clay

At the time of-submission of paper 2/42 for the Con

ference (Vol. I, page 571 ff.) the results of ver
tical soil movements at different depths and distan
ces with respect to the test piles were not complete.
As supplement to the original paper the results are
being presented herein.
L _ J represents se tt le m e n t
of th e p ile h e a d in m m
Besides pile 2 and 3 the soil was instrumented as
described in the paper. The heads of some bars are
shown in a photograph (Fig. 1).
Some of the test results of the movements near pile 3
are shown in Fig. 2. The curves of the observation
points (depth of 8.5 and 13.0 meters below surface)
show that for a settlement of the pile head of
approximately 17 mm the downward soil movement ex
tends to a distance of approximately 2 diameters
from the pile axis. Beyond this distance the soil
moves upwards. When the pile settlement was more than
17 mm the direction of the soil movement adjoining
the pile changes and only upward movements could be
measured from then on. Even at a distance of 4.5
r e a m e d pil e s was r e l a t i v e l y hi gh c o m p a r e d to the in E q . (9) are much smaller than those
v al ue s of the s t r a i g h t - s h a f t e d piles, w h i c h in his given in Fig. 8 of the paper. The results of
v ie w w a s d ue to c o n s t r u c t i o n proced ur e . this additional analysis of the punching res
istance of piles in cohesionless soil above
In r ep l y the a u t h o r w a n t s to r e f e r to Fig. 13 in the the critical depth are shown in Fig. 1, and
a b o v e m e n t i o n e d pa p e r w h i c h shows no o b vi o us d i f f e r these revised punching coefficients are sug
e nces in s h a f t f r i c t i o n for s t r a i g h t - s h a f t e d as well gested for estimating the punching resistance
as u n d e r r e a m e d pile s for s e t t l e m e n t s up to 20 mm. In of short piles in practice.
the a u th o rs o p i n i o n this f a ct s h o u l d be r e g a r d e d as
r e a l i s t i c for g r e a t e r s e t t l e m e n t s as well. P o s s i b l y
the d i f f e r e n c e in s h a f t f r i c t i o n b e t w e e n the two
C. Veder (Austria) and W. Prodinger (Austria)
types o f pile s lies in the f ac t th at the s h a f t f r i c
tion of u n d e r r e a m e d piles i n c re a se s w i t h s e t t l e m e n t
Field Measurement of Skin Friction
at a s m a l l e r ra te than for s t r a i g h t - s h a f t e d piles
and Base Resistance
and has its m a x i m u m va lue at a l a r g e r s e t t le me nt .

A fa u l t y c o n s t r u c t i o n c ou l d h a v e a f f e c t e d the re s u l t T h e In te r n a t i o n a l A d m i n i s t r a t i o n and C o n f e r e n c e C e n t e r
of p il e 2. T he s e a l i n g of the a n n u l a r spa c e of this o f the U n i t e d N a t i o n s in Vi e n n a is a tipical e x a m p l e
p i l e w a s l ea k y a nd c o n c r e t e c r e p t into the fr ee space. w h e n e x a m i n i n g the b e a r i n g b e h a v i o u r o f e l e m e n t s of
W i t h the h e l p o f n u m e r o u s small bo r in g s , one b e si de s d e e p fo u n d a t i o n s . T h e t o w er s , w h i c h ha ve the sa me st ar
a n o t h e r , the s p ace w as c l e a n e d again. It is p o s s i b l e l i k e layout, are a r r a n g e d a r o u n d a c e n t r a l l y l o c at ed
t ha t th e r e was still a c o n t a c t b e t w e e n the two s u r c o n f e r e n c e h a l 1.
faces r e s u l t i n g in h ig h s h a f t f r i c t i o n v al ue s of
pi l e 2. T h e r e f o r e the res ul ts of p il e 2 are to be T he subsoil c o n s i s t s o f fill and a s a n d g ra ve l f o r m a
t aken ca u ti o u s l y . As rega r ds p i le 4 the r e s ul t s are t io n n e a r the s u r f a c e and t h e u n d e r l y i n g o f a l t e r n a
to be tak en as c o r r e c t up to a s e t t l e m e n t o f 5 cm, t in g l ayers o f V i e n n e s e tegel (c la y - s i l t ) and m i d d l e
b e y o n d w h i c h a few d i f f i c u l t i e s wi t h the load in g sand. The t h i c k n e s s as well as the p r o p e r t i e s of t h e s e
system were encountered. l ayers varies. (Fig.l)

G.G. Meyerhof (Canada)

Since the paper on the bearing capacity of

piles in layered soils (Meyerhof and Valsangkar,
1977) was submitted to this conference, fur
ther tests on the punching resistance of large
model footings and piles in a sand layer over-
lying a weak stratum have been made and some
field data have been analysed. It has been
found that due to scale and compressibility
effects the shape factors for the punching
resistance of large piles approach unity and
the corresponding punching coefficients K

Fig. 1 S c h e m e o f Soil Strata

V i e n n e s e tegel has an a v e r a g e v a l u e o f 0 . 3 3 M N / m in
th e u n c o n f i n e d c o m p r e s s i o n test; the a n g l e o f i n t e r
nal f r i c t i o n 0 ra ng es b e t w e e n 16 and 35. The m i d d l e
s a n d is m a i n l y m e d i u m d e n s e l y pack e d. T h e g r o u n d w a t e r
level is 4 m u n d e r the surface. The f o u n d a t i o n s of
t h e s e b u i l d i n g s had to be d e s i g n e d ta k i n g in to a c c o u n t
the e x t r e m e s e n s i t i v i t y t o w a r d s e t t l e m e n t s or d i f f e
rential s e t t l e m e n t s . T h e li m i t v al u e s f o r a l l o w a b l e
s e t t l e m e n t s are 50 m m f o r total s e t t l e m e n t and 20 mm
f o r d i f f e r e n t i a l s e t t l e m e n t . B e c a u s e of t h e subsoil
c o n d i t i o n s , this r e q u i r e m e n t n e c e s s i t a t e d the t r a n s
m i s s i o n of loads in to the subsoi l by m e ans of a de ep
f ou nd a t i o n .
F r o m J u l y to A u g u s t 1972 l oa d b e a r i n g tes ts on d i a
p h r a g m p an e ls ( 5 0 /1 5 0 cm) a n d b or e d piles (0 90 cm)
w e r e c a r r i e d o u t on the c o n s t r u c t i o n site. A c o m p a r i
son o f the load b e a r i n g b e h a v i o u r of d i a p h r a g m wall s
a nd b or e d pil e s s h o w e d bo th s y s t e m s to be e q u a l l y good.

T h e f o u n d a t i o n s o f t he t ow e rs w e r e p l a n n e d a c c o r d i n g
to the e x p e r t o p i n i o n s o f P r o f e s s o r B o r o w i c k a , Vien na ,
a nd P r o f e s s o r Ve d er , Graz. The f o u n d a t i o n e l e m e n t s are
Fig. 1. Punching Coefficient for Short Piles all approx. 25 m ' d e e p a nd a r r a n g e d a c c o r d i n g to loads.
in Cohesionless Layered Soil Th e loads w e r e d i s t r i b u t e d by m e a ns o f a 3 to 4 m e t e r
t hi c k h e a d plate. T he d e e p f o u n d a t i o n w a s c o n s t r u c t e d g r o u p o f the central c or e and for t ha t o f the s ta i r
u n i f o r m l y and c o n s i s t s o f g ro up s of d i a p h r a g m wall to w er s ( F i g . 3).
p a n e l s ( F ig .2)

In 1973 c o n s t r u c t i o n o f the d i a p h r a g m w al l s was begun.

T he a l l o w a b l e li mit va l u e f o r w o r k i n g lo ad was set at
3 0 0 0 to 4 0 0 0 k N / m o f d i a p h r a g m wall.

In o r d e r to m o r e a c c u r a t e l y d e t e r m i n e the lo ad b e a r i n g
b e n a v i o u r of d i a p h r a g m wall g r ou ps , p r e s s u r e g auges
w e r e b u i l t into several d i a p h r a g m wall e l e m e n t s of the
f o u n d a t i o n s o f T o w e r Al. The g a u g e s w e r e i n s t a l l e d at
t he p a n e l ' s b a s e a n d 2 . 5 m u n de r t he h ea d p late. The
p r e s s u r e ga u g e s are Glotzl type and h y d r a u l i c a l l y
o p e r at ed .

Fig. 3 Load Settlement-Diagram, Tower A 1

- P o r t i o n o f Sk in F r i c t i o n an d Ba se R e s i s t e n c e -

B as e r e s i s t a n c e r os e p r o p o r t i o n a l l y w i t h i n c r e a s i n g
load; its p o r t i o n of load t r a n s f e r e n c e v a r i e d b e t w e e n
30% a nd 35%; thus sk i n f r i c t i o n a m o un ts to 6 5 % to 70%.
Total s e t t l e m e n t of the indivi d ua l f o u n d a t i o n e l e m e n t s
is c l e a r l y b e l o w the a l l o w a b l e li mit v a l u e of 50 mm.
In o n l y o n e i n s t a n c e w e r e a l l o w a b l e d i ff e r e n t i a l
s e t t l e m e n t s m i n i m a l l y e x ce ed e d.

A n u m b e r o f i n f o r m a t i v e test s are still b e i n g c a r r i e d

out, i.e. the l ong- t e r m e f f e c t of such f o u n d a t i o n s ,
P r e s s u r e m e a s u r e m e n t s w e r e b e g u n in 1974 w h e n the he ad the i n f l u e n c e of a rig id h ea d p la te , t h e e f f e c t of
p l a t e was c o m p l e t e d and h a v e n ot be en c o nc lu d e d . The l a y e r e d f o u n d a t i o n soil on sk in f r i ct io n . L o n g - t e r m
c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n l o a d i n g an d s e t t l e m e n t was d e t e r l o a d i n g will p r o b a b l y not c au s e m a j o r c h an ge s in base
m i n e d e x a c t l y by l e v e l l i n g f o r all b u i l d i n g s . In case r e s i s t a n c e and sk i n f r i ct io n. T h e d i r e c t lo ad t r a n s
the a l l o w a b l e d i f f e r e n t i a l s e t t l e m e n t had b e en e x f e r e n c e f r o m the h ea d p l a t e into the subsoil is p r o
c e e d e d , it w o u l d ha ve been p o s s i b l e to c o r r e c t the b ab l y less th an 10% o f the total load.
s e t t l e m e n t by l i f t i n g t he c o n s t r u c t i o n p a r ts u s i n g
h y d r a u l i c jacks. It is p l a n n e d t ha t by 1 97 8 r e s e a r c h will h av e been
c o m p l e t e d and th at in the f o l l o w i n g y e a r s i g n i f i c a n t
B a s i c a l l y s i m i l a r v a l u e s ha v e be e n o b t a i n e d f r o m the r e s u lt s will be d i s c u s s e d in a d i s s e r t a t i o n by
m e a s u r e m e n t s ma de at T o w e r Al fo r the d i a p h r a g m wall W. Pr od i n g e r .

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