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Ebionites and gospel of mark

And thus they have amongst them one God, one law, one hope. The gospel presents both John the Baptist and Jesus as vegetarians, and Jesus
says that he has come to abolish sacrifices. For Yeshua himself concealed the Mysteries of God from the people of a carnal mind, revealing only to
his Ebionite Disciples the Truth and the Inner Meaning of the scriptures and the Law: He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the
beginning. The Gospel of the Ebionites is known only by the quotations from Epiphanius in these passages of his Panarion: And those who did not
themselves pick up their own cross, and follow in TheWay, could not be counted among those who would be considered believers. Yeshua
condemned the ritual and literal interpretation of the scriptures. While being a vegetarian does not of itself fulfill the Law, in the same way that Paul
taught that the sons of Abraham was an allegorical portrayal of a higher truth, so too is every aspect of the Word of God -- and every jot or tittle
has a deeper meaning than what is perceived by those of a carnal mind. And of those who fulfill the Law within themselves the Revelation states:
Be not therefore followers of evil fashions of the world, even in appearance; for many are led into transgression by the outward seeming, and the
likeness of evil" NG Was The Ebionites Gnostic? I was delivered to death on behalf of sinners, that they might return to the truth and sin no more ,
that they might inherit that glory of righteousness which is spiritual and imperishable in heaven". To fulfill the requirement to be in the world and not
of it,. Because Christians have ignored the prediction and the fact that Satan has ruled over the Church since the fourth century, t he result is that
the Prince of Darkness continues to rule over the hearts and minds of the believers because, in their state of spiritual complacency, they continue to
live in accordance with the culture of this world, and never actually take up their crosses and follow in the footsteps of Yeshua. He said these
words because he was a true Holy Man who himself became One with God -- which is the ultimate destiny of all souls as they evolve from the
Alpha of immaturity, to the Omega of Completion and the fulfillment of the Command: In the words of Prof. Epiphanius is only confusing the issue
when he talks of it as the Hebrew Gospel - or rather, the Ebionites may be guilty of the confusion, for he attributes the name to them. No sin can
separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day. And thus, the warning of Paul has come to pass
when he wrote: The reality of this inner Kingdom was further confirmed when Yeshua stated to the Pharisees: Now, our bodies are our Temples,
our souls are our windows, our minds are our Kohanim and our animal instincts are our sacrifices. This is an important question for the modern
believer who is under the grave misconception that he has automatically inherited group-salvation to understand. An Ebionite does not belong to a
synagogue, church, temple or mosque of this world -- because temples of this world being an image and pattern of what is in Heaven, is idolatry --
an Ebionite enters the Inner Kingdom, and worships in the Temple made without hands that is Eternal. A nd the Left Doesn't Get It. And when
Yeshua accused the very Torah Observant carnal leaders of the Jews of throwing away the Key of Knowledge , it was because they were
interpreting the scriptures outwardly in ritual and tradition, instead of using them as the Key of Knowledge , to open the inner door to the
Kingdom. When Paul wrote that a ritual observance of the Torah equated to the "letter that killeth" -- that the Law is spiritual, and is not to be
observed outwardly in the ritual manner of the Pharisees -- this rejection of the outward ritual observance of the Law of Moses is also seen in the
words of Epiphanius when he wrote about the Ebionites that they "do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject Paul
stated that it was unlawful to reveal the Mysteries of God to those who were still immature. This in turn would greatly upset many Christian
Theologians and believers. Eating meat is abominable to them. The Law Is Spiritual. The path of TheWay could not be walked by many Jews
because they were carnal in their perception of the Law Torah , and could not use the Key of Knowledge to open the inner door to the Kingdom.
A school of writers, by no means unappreciative of Paul as they understand him, of whom W. Hyam Maccoby in The Mythmaker: The purpose of
this web site, then, is to free you who are the lost prodigal sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, from the shackles of the counterfeit leaders
who imprison you in this, the "far country After the people were baptized, Jesus also came and was baptized by John; and as he came up from the
water, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Holy Ghost in the likeness of a dove that descended and entered into him: But then through Paul
came a basic alteration. Matthew, which these sectaries long preserved in the original Hebrew, as the sole evidence of their faith. And while you
will not perish and cease to exist, you will not go to Glory as many in the Churches believe, or reincarnate as others believe -- but you will have
squandered away an opportunity that may not so readily be available to you in the future. As a forerunner to a Constitutional case which would
require school choice -- and thereby free the children from incarceration in government institutionalized schools that destroy the spiritual life of the
child -- I have initiated a Motion declaring the New York State seat belt law unconstitutional because it does not contain a religious exemption. All
suffering and hardships, are self-imposed and the result of religious, philosophical and cultural ignorance. The Ebionites were unjustly condemned
as heretics because it was said that they were Torah Observant. But because the Church has rejected the Heavenly Father, their hearts have been
hardened, their minds cannot perceive the Truth, and they have been given over into the Devil in the same manner as the Jews who opposed the
teachings of Yeshua and TheWay. Like the Sadducees and Pharisees, Christians today have chosen to be faithful to the doctrines and traditions of
men, and reject the requirements of the Lord. Jesus is calling out to you to help make the truth known! In fact, if this event did not take place in the
fourth century, then the great number of souls who can attain salvation today could not, and the Left Hand power of darkness would have
prevailed over the Right Hand Power of Light and TheWay. From a biblical perspective, the Living, are those who have achieved the next stage of
soul-birth -- while the dead are the multitude of people who are squandering away their opportunity of life on both the things of this world, or the
quagmire of manmade religious doctrines which are embraced by our churches and religious organizations today -- and are thus walking the
broad-way of self destruction rather then the "narrow path" that leads to Life through the process of soul-birth. Those who continue in the way of
sin, cannot " Like a poor man, one should always address God with humble words of supplication Tzava'as HaRivash 7. Those who condemn the
Ebionites as heretics, condemn themselves to ignorance: Letter To President Bush: The true followers of Yeshua are neither Jewish or Christian --
the True Disciples of Yeshua are rejected by both Jews and Christians -- having undergone a spiritual transformation, they are of the Kingdom,
and not of this world! Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.
Of the Hebrew original of Matthew, Gibbon writes: Luke is very evident here. By outwardly living the life of the suffering Messiah, one becomes
the reigning Messiah inwardly -- and only the consecrated reigning Messiah can pass through the veil of the inner Temple and enter the inner
Kingdom. Those who do not do, do not believe.
Gospel of the Ebionites
Christ answered them, The term of years for Satan's power has now expired, but other terrors are at hand. The purpose of this web site, then, is to
free you who are the lost prodigal sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, from the shackles of the counterfeit leaders who imprison you in
this, the "far country Christians reject the True Prophets of the Lord, because their foundational mindset inhibits their understanding of their own
true inner soul and spiritual reality. Contrary to what Christians and most religions preach, all people not only survive death, but the Bible itself
warns that the fate of the complacent believer, is often worse than the unbeliever. The Ebionites also held Jerusalem in great veneration. And
because man, as the prodigal sons and daughters of the Most High, has the innate ability to prove the Truth beyond any doubt, he is without
excuse -- i. And while Evolution is little more than junk-science, you can't attack the counterfeit science of Darwinism with the Bible -- this can
only be accomplished by presenting a more enlightened perspective of science. The historical Yeshua therefore fulfilled ALL of the Messianic
prophesies in the scriptures by fulfilling the Law within himself, and living the life of the suffering Messiah outwardly, all those prophesies pertaining
to the reigning Messiah came to pass within him as he became One with the Most High God. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these
commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in
the kingdom of heaven. Little children, let no one deceive you. Which means that in worshiping Jesus instead of imitating him as the pattern for all
to follow, modern Christian has reduced themselves to a people who worship a false god and are turned out of TheWay. If you expect to go to
Glory when you die, you won't! Our Heavenly Father has not in any measure abandoned his prodigal sons and daughters -- and quite the
opposite, it is man who continues to cling to manmade doctrines, a cultural mindset, and the traditions of this world. In the words of it's founders: In
preparation for a confrontation with Simon Magus, the Apostle Peter taught his disciple Clement that the majority of Gentiles would be greatly
deceived by Simon, because they did not understand either the traditions of the scriptures, and had themselves thrown away the Key of
Knowledge in the manner of the Pharisees. And these are not all to be committed to him at once; that, if he be found injudicious in the first, the
others may not be entrusted to him. Paul shows us with what complete indifference the earthly life of Jesus was regarded For there is one true
Prophet, whose words we twelve apostles preach". And while Paul was correct that there is no salvation through a ritual and outward observance
of the Law, it was the same Paul who commanded to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" 2 Cor Whoever has been born
of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God. Did the original Ebionite Nazirene Disciples
know the Truth that others could not receive? And this warning is an important question for the modern believer to understand. But [you send your
children to be taught by the] unbelievers! Because the Jewish sects of the Sadducees and Pharisees at the time that Yeshua walked the earth were
blind to the inner spiritual meaning of the Law Torah , and in their blindness they misled the people with their manmade traditions and their literal
and ritual interpretations of the written word, Yeshua called them the offspring of the god of this world Satan. And the power came down into the
world and it was called Mary". For his countrymen keep the same rule of monarchy and polity everywhere, being unable in any way to think
otherwise, or to be led out of the way of the much-indicating Scriptures. Yeshua commanded to imitate him, not worship him! Because they have
thrown away what God has given them, the Laws that Yeshua spoke of will cast them into the prison Mt 5: With the destruction, G-d destroyed
the physical Temple and made it a spiritual place. Just as they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations, So will I
choose their delusions, and bring their fears on them; because, when I called, no one answered, when I spoke they did not hear; but they did evil
before My eyes, and chose that in which I do not delight. The Secret Doctrine of Christianity: While Jerry Falwell has passed on, his doctrines are
still being preached by his son, as well as a very large segment of Fundamentalist Churches. What is the significance for our faith and for our
religious life, the fact that the Gospel of Paul is different from the Gospel of Jesus? Jude the apostle, who himself was the brother of Jesus Christ.
And when Yeshua accused the very Torah Observant carnal leaders of the Jews of throwing away the Key of Knowledge , it was because they
were interpreting the scriptures outwardly in ritual and tradition, instead of using them as the Key of Knowledge , to open the inner door to the
Kingdom. Thus, the names of angels are the Laws -- the twelve disciples represent the spheres of mind in the Tree of Life -- and the cities through
which Yeshua walked are the spiritual centers of the body that must be brought into Oneness in order to move into abiding harmony with the
Essence of God within each of us. For if it had not been Secret, he would have added to the evangel that which he gave forth was his; but he made
up this book sealed up in the Hebrew characters, which he put forth even in such a way that the book, written in Hebrew letters and by the hand of
himself, might be possessed by the men most religious, who also, in the course of time, received it from those who preceded them. Discuss this text
on the Early Writings forum. Paul not only warned that they should be afraid because of the 1 direct censorship of the very Words of God spoken
to mankind; 2 and the violation of the covenant with God when the Gentile converts ignored the warning of the Apostle: For the legitimate Church,
Paul was a dangerous and disruptive influence, bent on enlisting a large following among the Gentiles in order to provide himself with a numerical
superiority with the support of which he could set at defiance the Elders at Jerusalem. Epiphanius quotes the Gospel of the Hebrews at the
Passover which the Ebionites used exclusively: Yet, we know that the Bible has been edited see Bible Corruption -- Matthew and the disciples
were all strict vegetarians -- and such texts as the Gospel of the Nazirenes presents the original teaching in the words: Paul taught to "prove all
things" , because if you seek the Inner Kingdom, all Truth will be revealed to you in accord with your ability to live and manifest the Truth, the
Light, and TheWay. That the spiritual core of Judaism believes that the historical Yeshua as a Messiah -- and ushered in the Final Temple --
cannot be acknowledged because of the paganism of Christianity and the idolatry of the Church in the worship of Jesus as God in accord with the
doctrines of the Emperor Constantine. The Church rejects these teachings, because they have embraced both the doctrines of Pagan Rome, and
those of Martin Luther who was himself a priest in the Roman Church. A Work In Progress.

Gospels of Jesus: Gospel of the Ebionites

This is perhaps best demonstrated in the words of the Apostle Peter as written by his disciple Clement: You will be astonished when you read a
surviving text of The Gospel of the Nazirenes which was hidden away from the corrupters of the Roman Church. In the State of New York, for the
last 30 years Nassau County District Attorney Dennis Dillon protected an endemically corrupt judicial court system from being investigated. The
Lie Of Islam: The conflict between the three religions, as well as world peace, cannot be achieved because of The Ebionites and gospel of mark
Lies. He has ans the deed which is worthy of death, for it is a mighty ebionits of the law. The passages are as ebioniets Rudolf Bultman, one
fbionites the most respected theologians, wrote in his Significance of the Historical Jesus for the Theology of Paul: In vain believers read the Bible -
- attend colleges and universities -- or read philosophical theories. We were there in the Dark Ages, working behind the scenes -- when the
Church was carrying on Inquisitions and burning sincere seekers at that stake. Present-day Christianity is little more than the religion of Mithraism
with Jesus abducted and installed as its captured object of worship. The Ebionites and gospel of mark Word for this experiential direct
Knowledge of the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom of God, is Gnosis -- and those ebionites and gospel of mark seek the True
Knowledge of God, are called Gnostics! Rice ebionites and gospel of mark ran on the promise to shake up the system. Or did they condemn
the misunderstandings of the Law that many spiritually ignorant non-Jews assumed Paul to be promoting? For assuredly, I say anf you, till heaven
and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the ebionites and gospel of mark till all is fulfilled. The True Church is
Ebiointes, is within us, and can only be entered by the few who dedicate and surrender their lives to TheWay of Light. Original Gospel Goospel
"This Age of lawlessness and unbelieving lies under the sway of Satan, who will not allow what lies under the unclean spirits to understand mrak
truth and power of God ; therefore, they said to Christ, reveal your righteousness now. Ebinites any of you, having a matter against another. And
those who did not themselves pick up their own cross, and follow in TheWay, could not be counted among those who would be considered
believers. Jerome as being the authentic ending of the Gospel of Mark: If you are awaiting the Kingdom to come, it won't! By all means, therefore,
is there need of good works.

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