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Cover Symbols

The cover represents my lifes journey to understand true care,

choice and the one true God. I used the following symbols to
explain my heart and my purpose on this earth and what I refer to
as my, postage stamp. Let me explain our symbols.
First is the painting called, End of the Trail symbolizing what
happened to the American Indian nation. This picture was what
I used to symbolically express surrendering to a spiritual truth!
The end of the old self, beginning of the new self, was the decision
being symbolized in that painting. One will be challenged in this
life, and then they must decide what they will do with that
challenge. It doesnt mean that everyone chooses wisely in the
face of challenges and sorrow, but it is in the presence of the
challenge that we decide what reaction or action needs to be
taken. That choice defines us.
The turtle I took from Aesops Fables, The Tortoise and the
Hare. It is the simple truth about the narcissistic Hare and the
focused, non-reactive, goal-oriented, patient turtle. The turtle is a
symbol for our tribe. Like my husband always says, Just nail it!
Get er done! I like my husbands view. We all need to get our
destiny done, Nail it! The turtle just gets it done! The
family/turtle tribe is held together by each ones choice to care over
each other.
The wolf and the woman together represent care over our
families. The wolf pack is a symbol of family. Look up how
wolves relate, very cool. The woman is the feminine principle of
nurture and care.
The gorilla and the bear symbolize love, protection and family.
Look up info on mother bears and how they care over and protect
their wee ones, and also the gorillas, the silver backs, and what
they do for their families. Protection is the masculine principle.
Our 50 year marriage is also a symbol of our care, not our
conformity, compromise or illusion. Our marriage is about care!
The warrior and the postage stamp are symbols of the tiny area
we, as a family of caring warriors, were given to steward. We are
all given something, and what we do with it says it all. The
postage stamp, and the images around the stamp, are the symbols
of our life together. We are the angels that guard and protect the
family and the area given. The people who are connected to Gods
love, by choice, who are dealing with inner and outer realities and
truths by choice, are what all the symbols represent. That choice
to care, freely given from each person, results in protection for one
and all!
Love Gringka
The Tortoise and The Hare

here once was a speedy hare who bragged about how fast he could run.
Tired of hearing him boast, Slow and Steady, the tortoise, challenged him to a race. All
the animals in the forest gathered to watch.

Hare ran down the road for a while and then and paused to rest. He looked back at Slow
and Steady and cried out, "How do you expect to win this race when you are walking
along at your slow, slow pace?"

Hare stretched himself out alongside the road and fell asleep, thinking, "There is plenty of
time to relax."

Slow and Steady walked and walked. He never, ever stopped until he came to the finish

The animals who were watching cheered so loudly for Tortoise, they woke up Hare.

Hare stretched and yawned and began to run again, but it was too late. Tortoise was over
the line.

After that, Hare always reminded himself, "Don't brag about your lightning pace, for Slow
and Steady won the race!"
Who Seek To Mature

This is an insight I have handed out over many years,

and I am updating it and handing it out again.
This little paper includes web sites and a book list.
You need knowledge to help you identify what is happening
on the Planet and in you, so you can overcome!
Let Me Begin With This Thought!
For those of you who are Truthseekers, I want to warn you about the
resistance you will surely receive. I wondered why I was constantly being
challenged and attacked by the powers that be. I truly didnt
understand!! Now, I could write a book about this experience, and
maybe someday I will. But, long story short, I now know in part, it was
because I have always been willing to understand my own psychology. I
read everything from books on children of alcoholics, to information on
Mk Ultra, dark mind control tactics, ritual abuse and all the sub-topics
that come with these issues. Then I took that information and worked
very hard on my own restoration. Finally, I did what I naturally do, and
brought it all into the light, every book, tape, my personal encounter and
the encounters of others. Then I stood for the freedom of those afflicted
and it nearly got me killed!
We Need To Know!!!
I did this believing that we needed to understand what was hidden
and how it all worked. This is how I healed myself, and also why I got
attacked. This I know, status quo is a dark controlling energy that
keeps one from understanding self and also keeps one a tranced out
prisoner. The mind is controlled in all those held in the grip of status
quo. Remember, status quo is that insidious choice to go along, to get
whatever it is that you want. It is conforming to this world in every
aspect. It is the normal. Those who embrace normal are so deep into
the trance that they no longer think critically. They are rule followers,
deaf, dumb and blind. Obedient rule followers are so normal.
Let me tell you a story about normal. Normal is the perfect conformity
to the Matrix, world system. So, logic says, you are conforming to and
carrying out the desires of those who created a system that controls and
enslaves humans. Think about that!!
When you carry out lies and you conform to lies, what will become of
your soul? As God in the flesh said, I am the truth! Then, if God is
truth, status quo is the lie and evil! Call that energy Satan, call it
artificial intelligence (AI), call it whatever you want. It is not pro
human or love. It does not originate from a life giving source.
When You Walk With Natural Law!
The time is here folks. I, and many others, have tried to tell folks, in
our own way, that whatever you give your loyalty to owns you!!!
Whatever you Need owns you. So, who owns you? Remember,
whatever you feed grows. When we walk with Natural Law and we
love God, self and others, we are feeding the truth to our spirit, and we
will gain all the support that we need to hold that ground. Love is key!

Darkness Is No Different!
If this world is what you want, and you invest daily in the matrix,
you will get all the support you desire. In other words, when you make a
deal with darkness, you will get what you want, but at what price?

Here Is The Difference!
When we serve the truth, we are protecting our humanity, and we are
strengthening our Souls and Spirits. We are also given what we need to
help others. In other words, we increase in life and love, and our eternity
is hope-filled and joy-filled. We leave this world Us and intact. Thats
the good news!
When we serve darkness, we increase in things and pleasures. Then
our souls are slowly used as fuel for the thing called Evil. Finally It
will reprogram your mind to normal, status quo, and take over your body,
and you, well you are in very deep trouble my normal friend.
To Those Who Seek To Be Normal!
It is very clear to me that you are very fearful, and obviously seek
acceptance above personal integrity. Im not judging you. Im just
suggesting that you take a long, hard look at where status quo, normal,
might get you and really give it a good think. Decide if normal is a goal
you should be giving your life to. Look at Alfred Lambremont Webres
websites: www.exopolitics.com and www.newsinsideout.com. Look into
his work on Artificial Intelligence found on you tube called- Panel:
Evidence for Sentient Inorganic AI Artificial Intelligence and Takeover
of Earth/Humanity. Also Bradley Loves website and slide share found
at: https://bradleyloves.wordpress.com/2015/08/08/artificial-
intelligence-a-i-part-one/and also
Think On This!
The Mind of God gives! The Mind of Darkness takes! Soulless things
can only feed on darkness. So what are you invested in, darkness or light?
Light equals Love, Dark equals Vampire! Its that simple!! Status quo is
a Luciferian, vampire spirit. Some say the fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom. I say, A healthy fear of evil is the beginning of
sanity. With sanity comes knowledge, and finally the wisdom it takes to
escape from captivity. So, if you want to be blown into sanity, research
Artificial Intelligence (AI). Good Luck!
The Harmony Of The Feminine And Masculine Principle!
Truth is, when you care (feminine principle) over yourself and others,
then you will make protective boundaries (masculine principle.) These
principles working in harmony create care and protection over self and
others. When these principles are working in your mind, they will create
the divine parent within. You will heal yourself and others when you
learn to care and protect. By the way friends, true caring is about
speaking the truth to self and others when it is not comfortable. You see,
truth protects the integrity of the soul, and self-discipline keeps the soul
protected. So, truth and action are keys! The beautiful, divine parents
within (the masculine and feminine principle) care over the soul.
Actually, they guide the soul back to the Source, Creator God. The truth
always protects the soul. Self-discipline keeps the soul on the narrow
way. Gods Natural Law always heals.
Agape Love Warns!
Because I care, I am warning and encouraging you to know the depths
of human psychology and the horrid reality of mind control. You must
know these things to truly heal and be a master of your own life.
In this paper I refer to Natural Law a lot. I hope you research these
issues for your own benefit and protection. Simply put, You reap what
you sow. So, if you dont know you, how will you stop breaking the
law of Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?! You are
too unconscious to be aware of the law that you are breaking!

Law Of Cause And Effect means we need to be aware of our actions.
We are responsible for our actions and reactions, folks. Again, if you are
sleeping, how will you know?!
Law Of Attraction~ We call things into our lives, negative or
positive, based on what we think. This is why one should resolve their
past and be free of all of their historic reactions. Then you will not call
your unresolved history into your present relationships in order to fix your
past! The recreation of your negative history will destroy your
relationships. Deal with your beliefs, actions, and reactions. How can
you do that if you do not know yourself? The Dark side is highly
invested to make sure that you never know you. They do not want you
to understand you or the true God. Two key issues that need to be
understood are Natural Law and an in-depth study of human psychology.
Search out these issues. Find out how humans work and how the true
God Works. It will heal your soul.
People, I cannot express enough that this is a time of great deception.
You need knowledge and understanding of Gods Ways of Love. You need
to understand that there is very little protection for your soul if you
continue on in greed, hate and self-indulgence. No one can rescue you
from your bad choices, but you. God will not come to rescue you from
your choices. So stop asking God to make you a nice person with a pure
heart. You turn to God and you stop yourself, and you decide to follow
truth and learn to love. Then the help will come to your good choice. Ok?
Be Brave!
Do you understand that your weaknesses, or down-right horrid
realities, are what you need to bravely face? You must learn to graciously
care over those inner parts of you that you hide. A desire to know the
truth, coupled with unconditional love, is the only therapy for true
healing. Stop condemning yourself. Forgive yourself.

Overcome the emotional energy patterns that have resulted from your
negative thinking in response to yourself and others. You must do this
inner work in order to mature spiritually!! Time is short, be vigilant over
your soul. Turn to the Source of all Creation, the True God. Go through
His door, and abide in the truth found on the way. I am a follower of
truth. I know the Spirit of Christ and I follow His teaching on Love. I
believe in Universal/Natural Law.
So this little paper, as with many other teachers, their videos, books
and cds, holds truth for any seeker who truly wants to learn about self
and wants out of their captivity in the matrix! If you want to transform
yourself, you cannot be motivated by religious condemnation or self-
protective behaviors.
Why People Avoid Self!
Twisted religious doctrines, controlling spiritual authorities, and fear
of the wrath of God, are some of the reasons people avoid their
weaknesses, shadow-self, hidden issues and traumas. Of course, dark
souls avoid themselves because of their unforgiveness, selfishness, and
greed! The desire to control and to use humans for personal agendas are
additional reasons why some in this world system might want humans to
avoid their inner reality. The Luciferian Illuminati, are those who control
and confuse the publics minds with wars, financial collapse, religious
tyranny, religious oppression and threats! They are the beings that create
fear-driven beliefs that ultimately imprison many souls and keep them in
predictable trance states. Those whose minds are captured will blindly
obey the rules of their matrix controllers! Those dark beings that are
invested in greedy endeavors and desire total control of humanity, do not
want the truth revealed. They want everyone to ultimately avoid their
inner reality.

Because Of These Created Dramas. . .
The fearful hide from their own personal truth, and they end up quite
deceived concerning life on this planet! They end up living in fear-driven
illusion and fantasy. I encourage you to seek the truth concerning religion
and its gods etc, and learn to embrace the Source of all Creation, the
God of love! Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto
you, when you seek with all your heart. (Matthew 6:33-34; Matthew 7:
all) Then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, and the assurance that you
will never be abandoned or rejected by Creator God, face the truth about
self, good or bad, and kindly help yourself to follow agape love and
spiritual truth. Face the truths concerning this planet: religion, politics,
the money system, Haarp, Chemtrails, GMOs, aliens, transhumanism and
all that goes bump in the night. I want to encourage that you are loved
of God and will be helped as you courageously face all reality!!!
Wisdom To Live By!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
This is a great truth to put into practice toward all of life.
Learn of Gods Natural Laws and understand that
the mind of God is Natural/Universal Law,
which is ultimately the Law of Love!
So, if you want to know God,
start to honor His Universal, Natural Laws,
and learn to love and care over all that is.
Jesus Christ has the mind of God, which is the Law of Love!
Jesus said He was one with the Father.
So, of course, He had a mind motivated by Universal/Natural Law.
We are all to abide in that same mind!
Its the only way to become spiritually mature.
Love Gringka
The Masculine And Feminine Principles!
A principle is a basic truth, rule, action, rule of conduct and integrity.
The masculine and feminine principles are found in the mind of God and
need to be understood by us humans. True spiritual maturity is the
knowledge of the sacred feminine principle of non-aggression, and of the
sacred masculine principle of self-defense. These principles are divine
aspects of God, a creative force found in the Holy Spirit. When working
properly, the sacred feminine, the non-aggression principle, creates care.
Do no harm to others. Do not attack, control, manipulate Gods children
or the earth! Care is key, and will be produced by those who understand
this principle.
The sacred masculine principle is the self-defense, self-protection
principle. This principle states that you have the right to protect yourself
and others. You have a right to use force against aggression. Force is an
action taken to protect. It is not violence. It is actually a boundary made
against violence. The boundary states that if one continues to infringe on
anothers free will choice, resulting in threats to the personal sovereignty
and safety of another, than an action will be taken against the violator.
This action can be taken against an aggressor by those who are being
attacked. This is lawful self-defense and needs to be understood.
The psychopaths in government, banking and religion actually think
that they have a right to tell you how to live and what you will do with
your money. If you are married to a psychopath, their acts of elitist
privilege can become extremely harmful. Learn to make personal
boundaries that define your goals.
The masculine/feminine principles are found in Natural Law and are
called the Law of Gender. We all need to learn to balance these principles
so they work to our spiritual maturity and benefit.

Male and female were formed out of Gods Spirit and creative design.
Nothing has been more attacked than the masculine/feminine principles
found in Natural Law. So, please learn how to keep these principles
working in your mind.

Handed Out:
True And Good!
Masculine Principle Feminine Principle
Structure And Form Creative
Static, Stable, Linear Intuitive- Diffused Awareness
Action, Choice Wisdom
Focused Logical Order Dreamer
Protector, Compassion And Strength Visionary
Courageous Imaginative
Direct Sensitive
Goal Oriented Relationship
Cognitive-Focused Awareness Responder
Conquers Life Nurturer
Competitive Receives Life
Skilled Learns From Life
Activities Feelings-Emotion And Passion
Teaches How To Do For Self Personal Experience
Carries Out Convictions Productive Care Taking
Will, Firm And Steady Desires Unity
Restrains Reverence For Life
Defines Gives And Receives Life
Identifies Life Bears With Life's Pain And Discomfort
Produces Life Burden Bearer
Restorative Restorative
Can Say No Originality
Can Say Yes Good Boundaries Earthy
Knows Self, Responsible No Blame Cares About Gods Creation
Takes Action Concerning God And Creation

Healthy Inner Masculine and Feminine Principle

Inner Masculine Principle
The masculine will manifest and bring forth the dream, vision, and goal of the
Creative Force. It brings forth into being what has been seen within!
Has The Ability To Carry Out Choices
Steady Will Endurance
Fulfills Visions And Goals
Has Power And Discernment
Orderly Thought Form
The Masculine Restrains And Protects Emotions, (Inner Feminine)

When There Is No Inner Masculine Principle

Found In The Thinking Process
Emotions Rule Truth Is Perverted!

No Healthy Self Develops
No Ability To Withstand Stress
No Ability To Walk In The Truth!
No Ability To Love With Agape Love!

Inner Feminine Principle

It Works With And Is Protected By The Masculine Within
No Split In Mind And Soul.
Thinks In A Balanced Productive Fashion
Ability To Nurture
Accepts And Heals The Self, And Others.
Motivated By True Care And Compassion
Original Creativity
Strong Connection To God

When There Is No Inner Feminine Principle

Found In The Thinking Process:
No Nurture, Self-acceptance, And No True Agape-filled Care
No Vision Or Dreams
No Creativity Or Loving Relationships
No Originality Is Birthed
No True Heartfelt Connection To True Creator God/True Source Of Life

Narcissists and Psychopaths, Sadists and Masochists
Twisted Masculine Twisted Feminine
Violent Controlling Emotions Rule/Bonded To Abuse
Dominant Aggressive/Withholding Out Of Control
Survival Patterns Harsh
Oppressive Clinging, Needy
Fear Based Or Passive Manipulative/Withholding
No Ability To Choose Truth And Take Action Weak-Willed
Competitive To Prove Value Cant Choose
Suppresses And Destroys What Is Feared Dominated By Emotions
No Ability To Feel Or Express What Is Felt Seeks Safety-Good Feelings
Detaches From Life And Others Perverts The Truth Of Grace
Gets Lost In Activities Self-Indulgent
Identity Found In Production Enabling-Rules With Caretaking
Demands Obedience To Rules Producing Passivity And Dependence
Demands Perfect Performance Fear- Based
Is Self-Righteous Nagging To Get Things Done
Feels Entitled Identity Found In Relationships
Easily Offended
Demands Unconditional Love
Feels Entitled

The Twisted Mind and Soul!
I trust that you understand that sadist, psychopath, narcissist, etc,
are but labels given when the masculine and feminine principles are
distorted. These distortions then become expressed in the way one thinks
and behaves. When we choose to survive at the expense of others, we can
become sadists, psychopaths and narcissists, etc. We become the Me
first crowd. These survival behaviors and resulting mental disorders
reside in the mind, in the thinking of a person that is disconnected from
true Creator God!
When a person experiences trauma and does not deal with it, they
create false-selves to survive. These false-selves are coping mechanisms.
Some of the selves are quite dysfunctional and are given labels such as
narcissist, passive aggressive or nice girl/guy etc. They are roles played to
survive. The good news is that, if one chooses, they can slowly heal,
transform and integrate their false-self into the core, the true self. The
true spirit core can then emerge and be free of all the fear, pain and rage.
It will take patience, exacting inner-work, and courage to deal with the
anxiety that goes along with this process of healing. Friend, I promise, it
can be done! Read this book. Its a great help to uncover inner realities
and deprogram the false self. The Fantasy Bond: Structure of
Psychological Defenses by Robert W. Firestone, Ph.D.
http://www.psychalive.org/dr-robert-firestone. Read this with the book,
The End Of All Evil, by Jeremy Locke.
They Just Survive!
Do you understand that all those who seek to conform to the norms of
this very troubled world system, will eventually become spiritually and
mentally disturbed? This results because they believe and abide in an
illusion. They are held captive by the thinking patterns related to
survival and comfort! They survive at the expense of the spiritual
development of self and others. So, they use and abuse religion, politics,
money, power, people, animals, this planet, etc for their own benefit.
Because of their selfish choices, they can no longer think concepts such as
reaping and sowing, cause and effect. They consume things, and people!
Everything is used for survivals sake. Emotional
vampires/psychopaths/narcissists/Satanists, etc., are all about
themselves, period! The Me first, crowd! This reality must change for
the good of all on this planet!
Read the following: Disarming the Narcissist, 2nd addition, by Wendy
T. Behary, LCSW. Almost A Psychopath by Ronald Schauten, MD, JD,
Harvard Med. School. Puzzling People, The Labyrinth of a Psychopath
by Thomas Sheridan. Emotional Vampires, by Albert J Bernstein, PHD.
Something Else To Understand!
When one is caught in religion, they will often become passive
aggressive, repressing all of their behaviors. This is especially true of
women, as they are usually held to such a high and holy standard of
behavior in so many religious belief systems.
Men will do the same for different reasons. They often want power,
position, recognition and approval. So to appease the demands of the
gods of religion and to gain favor, they hide their inner world. Blind
obedience is always approved of in these lower dimensions.
I recommend you understand how passive aggressive behaviors work,
and then help yourself and others. Read, Overcoming Passive Aggression,
How to Stop Hidden Anger From Spoiling Your Relationships, Career
and Happiness, by Tim Murphy, P.H.D. and Loriann Hoff Oberlin, and
Living With A Passive Aggressive Man, by Scott Wetzler.
Passive aggressive behavior is a complicated emotional structure, and
it often takes freedom from religious fear to truly get at the roots of
personal passive aggressive behaviors. It also takes wisdom and courage
to leave the passive aggressive abuser. The passive aggressive person likes
to use scriptures to guilt and control others. They use scriptures in order
to hide their own violent, controlling behaviors. They hurt others in the
name of their god.
Religious, self-righteousness and alleged good works often cover deep-
seated rage. Keep teaching yourself as knowledge is power. If you are
not a good student and you wont seek the truth, you will not crawl out
of this matrix madness we call the world system. You will only think
you are crawling out. Why? Because youll know information
concerning conspiracy issues, and you will be up on all the emotional
healing rhetoric, but you wont know you! Friend, you are the only one
that you can truly change. Do not bypass You!!
Hidden Issues In Christianity!
Read: Battered Into Submission, By James Alsdurf and Phyllis
Alsdurf, and Christian Men Who Hate Women, by Dr. Margaret J.
Rinck. These books are very helpful for those caught in religious
abuse/cults! Father Leo Booth, When God Becomes A Drug--Breaking
The Chains Of Religious Addiction And Abuse.
Law Of Gender!
Let me preface the masculine/feminine thoughts with this. In
Universal /Natural Law insights, there is the Law of Gender, which
states that gender is in everything. Everything has its masculine and
feminine principles. This Universal Law is not only found in human
beings, but also in animals, plants, minerals, electrons and magnetic poles!
Everyone and everything contains both masculine and feminine elements.
Some feminine qualities are love (care), intuition and gentleness.
Masculine qualities are energy, self-reliance, courage, protection, logic and
intellect, to name a few. Masculine and feminine qualities are in all of
us. Its up to us to make them work properly in our lives. Read: The

End Of All Evil, by Jeremy Locke and look into Mark Passios videos on
Natural Law at www.whatonearthishappening.com.

The Masculine and Feminine Principles Are Found

In Our Thoughts and Responses!
The inner masculine and inner feminine principles are revealed in your
thought life! What motivates you? How do you relate to God, Natural
Law, people and creation? Everything begins in your mind and is
demonstrated in your behaviors, (actions and reactions!)
A person who is void of a healthy, spiritual, masculine thought life
within, cannot think logically, protect the self, create a safe place of
unconditional love, or create a sacred space for the soul/self. When you
cannot creatively express personal conviction, or take action regarding
Natural Law, its because you have a damaged conscience due to your
survival behaviors and your oppressive control of self and others. You
neither seek the truth, nor stand for your own personal truth. This is
because when one cannot think clearly enough about the cause and effect
of their actions, they cannot think creatively and define their personal
goals. Because you are unable to own and analyze your actions, you will
not organically protect others. You are void of the thoughts that could
create the action of courage when it is needed. You do not take action to
help or protect! You Do Not Care!
I want to make it clear that God loves fallen souls. However, they do
not love and care over others or themselves. They desperately grasp at
life. They do not create their own life, because they truly do not know
who they are, who God is, or what the heck is truly going on here on the
planet. They do not know why they are here. They just survive!

The True Masculine Principle Of God Within Will Produce
The Courage And The Resolve To Walk In Agape Love!
Endurance, courage and protection of self and others are healthy
inner-masculine actions! A sound mind, a mind that is rightly related to
God and Natural/Universal Law, will produce the action of courage.
The ability to choose Natural Law and Agape, Godly love for yourself
and others, is the high calling of spiritual maturity! Always remember
God is love and forgiveness. However, if you do not demonstrate that
love and forgiveness to yourself, spiritual healing will not be created for
your soul. Because of your own self-hate and self-rejection, you will
separate your soul from God!
When Void Of A Healthy Feminine Thought Life Within
If you do not create loving, forgiving, accepting and restorative
actions toward yourself, others or the planet, you will end up spiritually
and emotionally impotent! You will be driven by feelings alone. You will
also end up emotionally out of control! This happens when you are not
rightly related to Gods Natural Law! Because of this, you cannot
organically create a loving, accepting place for yourself or others. You
will become needy, dependent, seeking gratification and demand rescue
from the broken life you created. Because of your demand to be rescued,
you cannot be depended upon to create healthy relationships! Your
irrational thinking and unstable emotional state results from your
unresolved childhood issues. Your fear and anger, coupled with your
demand to be unconditionally loved as an adult, will result in your
unproductive relationships. We all know that when we force people to
love us, it never works! When you demand to be loved, I hope you know
that you are not loving your partner. Its obvious you do not care about
yourself or others or you would resolve your past. What are you

The Healthy Feminine Principle Within,
Is Full Of Creativity, Nurture And Loving Intent!
It will produce an ability to sit and learn from life instead of always
.trying to fix things! Wisdom comes from embracing and allowing all of
life to be a teacher. Wisdom can detach and observe life! Wisdom knows
how to resolve issues. Wisdom overcomes! The true inner feminine
principle found in our spiritually aware thinking is wise and
knowledgeable, and is motivated to create care! Knowledge that produces
wisdom does not enable selfish, demanding behaviors in yourself or others!
Wisdom will always boundary selfish behaviors. When one truly cares
over the souls destiny, they will help to prepare themselves, their families,
and societies for the spiritual journey they are taking. This is true agape
Both the inner Masculine and Feminine principles are needed to truly
be whole. Remember, its our actions and reactions to life that need to be
understood. Whether male or female, your left and right brain need to
function in harmony. We need to know all about the true God and who
we are, why we are here and the spiritual challenges we face on this
planet. Dear ones, we need to care over ourselves and others. Remember,
no one, not even God, owes you a thing!!! It is your actions and your
reactions to life that define you! Stop demanding that God fix your life!
Abide in the power of God within you. Follow truth and help yourself!
So many are stuck waiting for God to rescue them, when in reality, God
has already rescued us all. We need to understand that we are already
seated with Christ in Heavenly places, and just a part of us is here
learning (Colossians chapter 3, and Ephesians 1:6.)
Both masculine and feminine principles, grounded in Natural Law,
should be alive and well in us guiding our actions and reactions.

The True Masculine/Feminine Principle
This principle is balanced in energy and can detach from being led
around by his/her emotions. She/he can be fair and objective, knows how
to listen and can communicate well, and knows when to be assertive and
when to back off. She/he desires healthy relationship, is expressive
emotionally, and doesnt try to make his/her partner a parent. She/he
knows how to take action concerning an issue, knows how to give and
receive and knows how to gain guidance from God within! Remember,
the inner feminine and masculine principles need to be understood and
healed in both males and females! The physical masculine and feminine
will of course have stronger gender specific emotions and behaviors, like a
healed male is given to protecting and a healed woman is given to
nurturing. These gender roles are not written in stone, all be it, men and
women are somewhat different. However, I am talking about specific
characteristics being cultivated in our thinking and manifesting in our
behaviors, whatever your gender is.
War Against Care!
Care is key. That is why there is such a spiritual war against true care
over each other and this planet. How is it possible to think it is ok to
spray chemicals all over people, and to alter and poison their food with
GMOs? Check out Dane Wigingtons website:
www.geoengineeringwatch.org and his radio show at:
www.veteranstruthnetwork.com (mon-fri from 3pm-4pm.) How is it
possible to kill beautiful gorillas, rhinos, and lions for sport or profit?
How can we think that becoming a robot is Gods highest for us humans?
Worst of all, how can it happen that stealing children for sex, profit, and
mind-control is big business on our beautiful planet? How can anyone
kill humans in satanic rituals? How can humans do any of the above and
think they are ok?

Learn All You Can And Do All You Can To Help!
This planet and everything and everyone on it are being targeted for
extinction. Wake up dear ones. We must learn to care and follow
Gods Natural Law, which cares over us all and creation. Read: Fritz
Springmeiers book: Bloodlines of the Illuminati, and all of his books on
the Monarch Mind Control Programs. These books are a must read if you
want to truly understand the mind of the dark side. Find them at
Cathy Obriens books found at www.trance-formation.com. Trance-
Formation of America and Access Denied For Reasons Of National
Jeanice Barcelos book: Birth Trauma & The Dark Side Of Modern
Medicine. www.birthofanewearth.blogspot.com.
Who To Pick!?!
In the physical, the men to pick are men who love and follow Gods
Natural Laws, are sensitive, not wishy-washy and able to stand
courageously for their own reality and spiritual destiny. Find men who
can listen, who know when to act and when to allow others to act and
who have a desire to heal their past and wont work out their past in
their now relationships. Same for women, the women to pick are those
who love truth and care over Gods Universal Laws. Find women who
are nurturing, assertive in their own purpose and truth, and who can
create healthy relationships and who have hearts to heal their past. Also,
find partners who love children. Pick people who know God and know
who they are and why they are here. Watch how they treat people,
animals and this earth. Their good kind heart is your protection. Find
mates outside of the matrixs control so that you can help each other to
spiritually mature.

Challenging Times
The Spiritual Path!
Challenging times come when the Holy Spirit creates situations that
challenge the immature spirit. Love beckons the conscience to seek a
higher way, and to come out of ones safety zone. This can be a
confusing, frightening time if one is extremely wounded and doesnt
understand that life is a challenge that requires courage, strength of
character, and the ability to be creative under great pressure. However, I
believe that the true God of Love will prepare a soul in one way or
another for this challenge. A Dark Night of the soul will come for the
seeker of God's truth. The way of the Spirit needs to be understood, so
one can truly be spiritually productive and overcome! Read, Dark Night
Of The Soul, by Joseph Lumpkin-

This Maturing Experience Is Not Welcomed By Everyone!

This spiritual experience is not understood or welcomed by those who
continually seek to be normal or religiously perfect, plus comfortable and
accepted in this selfish society. Religion and the New Age movement are
full of the drive for comfort! Many desire conformity rather than
allowing, "A dark night of the soul" to challenge and mature them
spiritually. Do not fear your personal challenges and pain. Embrace
them, learn from them and overcome.
This does not mean you become a door mat, a victim, or a masochist!
Never choose to accept abuse etc, as that is defeatism! Dear ones, face
the reactions you have to your circumstances and then overcome all
negative, defeatist, rebellious, unloving, revengeful reactions and actions.
Create joy and peace for yourself and others.

Be Very Aware Of This!!
Personal Hard Times Are Not Proof
Of Creator God's Displeasure.
Hard times, if understood and overcome, are experiences that will help
you to create a healthy life, in the natural and spiritual! True knowledge
and understanding will create a spiritually productive thought-life,
resulting in loving, courageous behaviors, as opposed to the indulgent,
demanding, controlling entitled beliefs and behaviors that keep one a
spiritual child! One must be a lover of the truth or one will seek comfort
above all else! Seeking false comfort will bring addictions which enable
one to escape from stress! Many habitually use these addictive escapes
and they destroy their souls ability to overcome on their spiritual
journeys. Addictions put the mind and will to sleep! Is that what you

What Do You Seek?

The destructive broad path is always service to self above all else.
The lie believed is, If it feels good, it must be good. Harsh, controlling
and selfish souls will end up slaves of the Dark Lords by their own
choices. What do you seek, Truth or Comfort? Sadly, so many earth-
dwellers never seek to understand or gain spiritual knowledge regarding
why they are here. They just abide in status quo, and because they are
stuck in greed and fear, they never wake up to the truth. They seem to
find the doctrines, politics, people, etc..., that are a reflection of their
selfish desires and they dwell in that land of selfishness. No stress, no
mess, hmmm, sounds like a place that is built on lies and held together
by fantasies. Wonder what that is?!? Selfishness and Satanism go hand
in hand.

Seek And You Will Find!
Seek the truth, embrace Creator God's Natural Law, the Laws of
Love. Turn your hearts toward home and follow the truth through the
Door. It's the Way to eternal Glory. The truth will set you free from the
lie that keeps you comfortable. (John 8:32) I promise!!
When You Walk With The Lie,
Rigid Rules And Lifeless Clones Are Produced!
As I wrote before, when trauma occurs and the inner-life is avoided,
the results are a cluster of mental disorders. These disorders are defensive
reactions to physical and psychological pain. When a person does not
want to face their inner truth and take responsibility for their personal
reactions such as hate, revenge, fear, hopelessness, and they do not resolve
their losses and learn to heal their personal trauma and pain, they will
then create a fantasy and a false self! They choose to embrace the lie, and
that lie suppresses all truth in regard to their inner reality! They think
they are their outer persona only. People perish from a lack of knowledge
(Hosea 4:6). Read the books on the fantasy bond and passive aggressive
behaviors. When people create a false self, a cover, a clone, they actually
separate from the true self and the true God. They end up confused and
deceived about why they are here. They become religious even if they do
not go to Church.
Religious spirits produce ritualistic behaviors and obsessive compulsive
behaviors in those who are caught in fear, religion or cults. When under
the spell of religion, people are driven to obey and fit in. The oppressive
rules and threats concerning ones eternal life, create fear-driven behaviors
in their victims. The deceived fear their false gods, and they avoid any
thought contrary to the doctrines of their false gods. Strange doctrines
often separate the deceived from the liberating inspiration that comes
from the Holy Spirit, and an understanding of how Natural Law works.
Driven by lies and fear, people become either rule followers or those who
enforce the rules, making sure the rules are followed. They are often
called popes, prophets, gurus, priests or ministers, etc. Emotional
reactions motivated by fear, hate, greed (negative emotions), will conform
the deceived to the systems of this world, and seduce them to resonate
with the dark, spiritual energy of the false matrix!
Agreements With Darkness!
In order to be accepted and approved, people offer their souls to the
dark power of this illusionary world. People do this so they can acquire
what they desire! They literally make deals, contracts, that boil down
to this, You scratch my back, and Ill scratch yours. They have no clue
as to what they are actually doing, and that these agreements take them
captive and keep the matrix strong and functioning. Sadly, these
compromised souls always end up slaves of the system they serve! They
will never become courageous truth seekers, as the truth would challenge
them to face the lies that create the matrix, their personal, selfish agendas
and hidden realities. Truth would also challenge them to face the reality
concerning this planet, its religions, politics, the military, aliens, etc.
This Matrix is not what it pretends to be. It is an illusion that masks
the truth of this prison planet. What do you think this Matrix is? It
doesnt look like a prison, but right now at this time, it is a prison for
your soul! Seek to understand Gods Natural Law! Seek freedom for
your mind, will and heart.
You are here to know and love God by choice. You are here to
spiritually mature. Get to know of Supreme Creator God's Natural,
Universal Laws of Love, the Laws that Jesus came to reveal. Accept
yourself, warts and all, and then learn to transform yourself, as you abide
in Gods love.

Do you believe that you have free will, and that free will is the most
precious gift of all?! You have a choice! Never-ever think that you can't
change yourself. Remember, you can! You are victims only if you choose
to be! God said, "Greater is He that is within you than that which is in
the world," (John 4:4; 2; Corinthians 12:10; Romans 8:26; 2Corinthians
12:9; 1Corinthians 1:25) and in your weakness God will be your strength.
God does not force, coerce, control, manipulate, etc., and woe to the
religious systems and their gods that refuse to set people free. It is only in
the liberating presence of freedom that we can spiritually mature, and
break free of all the lies. All the rest is the illusion of freedom! God
reveals truth, and its up to you to choose the revealed truth or accept and
serve the lie. Stop your religious fear and think for yourself. Exercise
your free will!
We Are All Hurt!
Sure, we can be hurt, but those connected to the truth, Christ within,
will face their challenges, stop serving the dark side, and restore and
transform their pain. We can all do this with Gods power within! We
are the glory of God, and when we take creative loving action, we will
create something beautiful in this life. We do this as we abide in the
power of God within, which is in harmony with Gods Law of Love!
When we abide in love we will overcome, and manifest the beautiful,
loving, creative power of God and reveal Loves image. God wants us to
overcome! (1 John 3:18) Make your love visible with creative, kind, and
courageous actions. Do not just babble words all over everyone. Love
with truth and love with healing, helpful caring actions! (Proverbs
14:29; 17:27-28) Choose ye this day whom you will serve. As for me and
mine, we will uphold the truth about reality, and serve the God of truth.
Yes we will! (John 15:13; 1John 4:4)

Everything that is going on in you and on the planet is received,
perceived, reacted to, resolved or not, in your mind, with your thoughts!
The actions you take are the results of your thinking!!! This is why, what
you believe is a key issue to unravel! If you have no conviction
concerning God, people, or creation, and all you do is think about how to
make yourself happy and King or Queen on the hill, than your thoughts
will be quite self-indulgent and they will produce self-indulgent
behaviors! None of your thoughts will be surrendered to God's designs or
desires for you or others! You will become a sadistic,
psychopathic/narcissistic/self-indulgent/emotional vampire, Satanic,
greedy and unrestrained in your drive to get what you want. Believe me
it will continue to get worse if you are driven by fear, selfishness and
greed. The questions to ask yourself are, "What drives the intentions of
my heart?" "What is my hearts treasure?!" In other words, "Why am I
existing and why am I on planet earth?" Challenge your thoughts!!!
So many religious sects claim they love God above all else, but if you
question that claim and point to their personal character (fruit) or lack
thereof, their reaction is "Off with your head!!!" Again I ask, "Why does
your god want me dead, if I love God, but do not agree with you?!?"
What Do You Believe?
People, this planets religious violence and wars come from everyones
personal beliefs about God and money! I'm just asking, What is it that
you believe about your god that is resulting in your fear of and violence
toward others!? Your beliefs are producing your actions. Stop blaming
and take a look at yourself.
So many say, "Jesus loves you, but they act from a belief that implies
that Jesus loves you only if you totally and completely adhere to the
doctrines of those who just told you of God's great free gift of

unconditional love. Doesn't anyone see the contradiction and the double
These self-righteous messengers claim you are loved unconditionally as
they spew out their threats! They remind you with scripture and a smile,
that you will lose your salvation, and be sent to a never ending hell by
this god of alleged love. They sadistically remind you that you must
blindly obey their supreme god and its dictates, in order to keep your
alleged salvation!! Do not question this god or you are in trouble!
What do they not understand about control, illusions, and lies, or do
they? Thats what you need to find out! Are you being threatened,
manipulated and controlled?!
Read: Father Leo Booth, When God Becomes A Drug--Breaking The
Chains Of Religious Addiction And Abuse.
Toxic Faith, Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton, www.xenos.org, or
https://www.xenos.org/essays/toxic-faith-stephen-arterburn-and jack-
felton-critical-evaluation, (Also can be found at Amazon.com.)
Churches That Abuse and Recovering From Churches That Abuse, by
Ronald Enroth. http://www.ccel.us/churchesrec.toc.html, (Also can be
found at Amazon.com.)
Twisted Scriptures, by Mary Alice Chrnalogar,
Repenting of Religion, Turning From Judgement to the Love Of God, by
Gregory A. Boyd, http://reknew.org/2008/01/repenting-of-religion/.

Truth About The Creators Of Religion!
Truth is, it is the religious elite, the powerful and rebellious, who
created religion so they can control you and tell you what to do, while
they rebel against the true God, the Source of all Love.
You Must Exercise Your Free Will And Choose!
People, the true God of love invites you to think, question, and decide.
God will love you as you struggle to understand and resolve the issues of
this and eternal life.
God Loves You Unconditionally, Believe That!!
This is a truth that will set you free from legalistic and violent
doctrines, theories, beliefs, etc. The true God wants you to know that you
are loved and safe in His love. Remember, For God so loved the world ...
He sent His Son, whoever believes in the Truth, the Way, and the Life
will not perish.
I suggest that you stop seeking a human vessel named Jesus.
Remember, after His death, no one recognized his new body at first, not
even those closest to him. His disciples and Mary Magdalene, did not
know him at first. (John 20:11-18; Luke 24:13-35) These people all spent
quite a bit of time with Christ, but He was changed somehow and he had
to identify himself to them. My concern is that if you only look for his
human vessel, you will be deceived as none of us truly know what he
looked like. All the attempts to image him are only copies of whatever it
is that the gods of religion want you to see, think and believe.
If you want to know and love the truth, look at what Jesus said in
the gospel of John. If you love me, you will obey what I told you, and I
will ask the Father, and he will give you another comforter (the Holy
Spirit) to be with you forever. (John 14:15) Actually read the whole
chapter. It is clarifying. Seek the truth that Jesus came to reveal to you,

and seek the Holy Spirit!! Clearly, following the truth is not about
images, names, races, nations, etc. Again, it says in (John 14:23,) if you
love God, you will follow and obey His teachings, and if you dont love
God, you wont follow his teachings. Its that simple. I believe the
teaching He is talking about is Natural Law. Go read Matthew chapters
5, 6 and 7 on the Beatitudes and then read info on Natural Law, and see
the parallels.
Seek Truth Not Escape!
Stop seeking an escape from Hell, as that type of seeking is driven by
terror. Please, listen to me. If you continue to believe God will hurt you
if you fail, three things will happen. You will fail, and you will be ruled
by the gods of religion, and they will hurt you! I do not want that for
you! Seek to know the true God, and let go of all of your terrifying
beliefs. Then, and only then, can you truly learn to love!!
Here Is A Thought!
The religious surround themselves with traditional images, images that
are familiar and give them a sense of safety and control. This is why
people create images that keep Jesus as his human, physical man-self, and
God as his bearded, old self. As I matured, I had to know God with
expanded concepts. Jesus said, Im going so that the Holy Spirit can
come to you all. People, like it or not, God is Spirit and can manifest any
way God wants to manifest. Personally, I came to rest with God as
Spirit, and the inspiration that comes through the Holy Spirits presence
in symbols, sacred books, teachings, and life in general. I live with God
every day and God talks to me through everything. No, Im not into
American Indian religions. I am into truth.

I Know Gods Spirit!
I no longer need God to be a physical person, though it took some
doing to come to terms with the truth and rest in the truth. Dont limit
God to a body. Learn to abide in Gods Spirit, and practice being in the
presence of Gods Love and Truth at all times.
Glorious Change!
When He returns, you can be assured that His physical appearance
will be different, glorified. So you best know His Spirit presence, as
that is who will be in the returning body. Anything else will be a
counterfeit. So be careful with things such as the shroud, visions of a
long-haired guy with a white tunic and red cloak, etc. Just be very
careful with your relics and visions. Learn to abide in His presence and
know His mind, His love and His gift of freedom to you.
Some have reduced God to a sacred text and they are terrified of
anything, anyone or any concept, outside of the only Holy Book. They
continue to use the book to prove they are right, (saved!) This is not a
productive practice, and it is not one Jesus ascribed to. He was the
Living Word, and His Word was Spirit and Life! His presence was to
be practiced. Learn to be in the presence of Spirit, abide there! If you
fear outside of the box thinking, the Law of Love is a fail-safe. Learn to
live in love. Go review some of the scriptures I gave. Love your neighbor
as yourself. Forgive 70x7. Live in these principles, and you cant go
wrong! Find your courage, find your resolve, and care over the needs in
this world.
The Truth Set Me Free, John 8:32
This Is How I Use My Freedom!
Jesus said, I am the truth. The truth set me free. So I'm free,
right?!? I can relate to and worship God anyway I choose! No more

special chosen race or priesthood that I must serve, no more buildings,
spiritual routines, man-made laws, etc. I'm free! I'm free to know God's
love for all mankind! I have no more fear of death. Im eternally loved of
God. Im learning more truth daily. I'm free. I can be hated, rejected and
alone and still pursue my convictions on my own. I am free to take action
against oppressors. I am free to die for what I believe. I can truly forgive
and love my enemy. I'm free! I can be accountable and responsible for my
behaviors, and aware of how I affect others. I'm free! I can give and not
expect or demand a return. I'm free! I can know who I am, an eternal
Spirit/Soul. I'm free! I can be patient, kind, not revengeful. Why?
Cause, I'm free to choose what I will do. I am free to know and love the
true God, and I will use my freedom to strengthen my soul and stop
indulging my earth life, my temporary body, with temporary fixes. I can
do it all, because I'm free. I'm free to choose to be full of love, hope,
forgiveness, courage, and purposefulness. I'm free to be something other
than a carbon copy of religious rules and a religious image. I am free to
break unnecessary, unloving rules, rules that are really lies that keep my
soul and the souls of others captive. I am free to leave religion, politics
and the money system! I am free to never oppress or control with
doctrine! Im free to do all I can to help humans find the God of
restorative justice! Im free to never threaten a soul with Hell! Im free
to live with Gods love! The truth frees and heals the soul! I am free.
Are you? If you truly believe Jesus (the Truth) set you free, than be free!
Seek the truth and figure things out. Ok?!!
Im Free To Struggle And Find My Souls Resting Place!
Im finally free to truly rest in Gods love, no more self-condemnation,
no more rejecting the person I am, total acceptance, warts and all. Im
free to fail. Im free to believe I am loved no matter what! I now have
hope that I can spiritually mature and have a love-filled desire to pursue
spiritual truths. Im free, free to know God, free to be loved and free to
truly love God and others. The truth says Im free, so I am!!!
Free To Find Wisdom!
I am free, free to find wisdom, even wisdom held in the clutches of the
dark ones. The word occult means hidden. Im free to find all the
technology the dark side has hidden, and used to heal and prosper
themselves, while they use the same technological power against
humanity. The Dark Ones know how to use the power of God to their
own advantage and selfish ends. I am free to find that truth and take it
into the light for liberation and examination. That stolen, hidden and
misused power, knowledge and wisdom are my birthright to understand
and to use, because all power and truth were given to me from the Father
of my Spirit, and I am free to use them for myself and for the good of all.
I am free to seek in all places to find and know what is truly mine. I am
free to find and liberate all that is held captive.
Dear family of God, all spiritual wisdom, technology, and all the
hidden truth on this planet, or in the Universe for that matter, is ours to
take back and use correctly! It was all intended for good! I am free to
take back what is my birthright for the good of all! I am free! Find
Wisdom in all aspects of life, sacred texts, technology, physical and
spiritual healing insights, and your daily experiences and challenges, etc.
Wherever you are, whatever your experience, find the truth and wisdom
in it all. You will overcome and you will be part of the solution. Stop
being defeated and part of the problem! Your choice!
Free To Validate Me!
I am free to validate myself. First and foremost, I validate myself
because I exist. I am precious and priceless, period. So are you. Then, my
validation rests on the good choices I make in the battle. I do not need to
be given some puny award to appease my insecure child within. We must
all learn to stop pandering to our insecurity and grow up. I am free to
grow up!! I am free, free to fail and to sit in the presence of my failure
and offer myself unconditional acceptance, and learn from the experience.
I am free to own my life. Why? Because I am unreservedly loved. I am
free and I am safe in agape love, and I can stay in the presence of my life,
all of it, good or bad!! Why? Because Gods love is patient, kind,
longsuffering, never rejecting, always there for me, and God is in me!
Agape love is my eternal home. (1Cor.13) Nothing will separate me from
Gods love, even when I do not understand it. Im loved. Im free to
choose that love or not. (Rom. 8:35) I am free to live in the light and
never, ever, hide me, the good or bad of me. I never have to fear
rejection! I choose to accept and follow love and truth! I might not
always make the best decisions, but I do not have to reject myself because
of them. I will learn. I will never excuse my loveless choices, but I wont
condemn me! I will learn to love. Im free!
Listen Carefully!
Let me say this to all those who use their freedom to serve their selfish
needs and demands. God loves you!! Please, never blame God for the
results you will create by not working with Natural Law, Gods Love!!
God is not judging you. However, if you keep breaking His Natural
Laws, something will come for you!! You will reap what you sow!! Your
reaping will come as a gift to teach you! Your reaping will finally bring
you to an awareness that when one does not love God, self, and others,
there is a consequence!!! Do not blame God for your lifes predicament.
You created it!
The Good News Is
You can choose to transform your dark creations by the deconstruction
of those things you created with your selfish choices. You can dismantle
unforgiveness with forgiveness, hate with love, greed with giving, etc.
Truth is, even when I was in darkness and certainly not harmonizing
with Gods loving presence, I was loved. It was my incorrect perceptions,
my faulty beliefs, about God that caused me problems. My incorrect
beliefs caused me more problems than my personal wrong doings caused
me! My twisted religious beliefs about God were keeping me from
accepting and resting in Gods eternal love for me. I believed He would
only love me if I was perfect. I believed a lie, and now, though not
perfect, I am free because I know the truth.
The true Creator God loves me and knew me in my self-created
darkness, and it was Gods love that supported me and strengthened me
to break the chains of darkness that I had wrapped around myself. I
finally chose to walk with the truth. I finally understood that I was
never lost to God. Sadly, I had believed I was, and because I believed I
was separated from Gods love, my rage and terror kept creating
separation. Funny how we do that, create our own beliefs about God
and life! I am now free to know this truth!! I am free to never blame
God!! I am also free to never create separation from God. I am free to
choose to be in harmony with Gods unconditional love. I abide in
Universal Law which keeps me in harmony with love.
Its In The Presence Of Gods Free Gift Of Love
That You Come To Understand The Truth!
Once you believe the truth about Gods love and freedom, you will
learn to love God, for God and you will learn to love all of Creation.
And, because you stand on the steadfast Rock of Truth, you will embrace
Gods design for all of Creation and stop serving self-first. I know you
will, because I believe in you! When you freely love, you will be able to
embrace a higher understanding of the true God. I promise you!
Law Of Love!
Practice the presence of Natural/Universal Law. Learn to do unto
others as you would have them do to you. God said, Love one another as
I have loved you! While in the presence of Gods love, you will never
strengthen negative emotions, greed, hate, control, wars, etc. So, if
abiding in the true Holy Spirit brings personal harmony with Gods love
and care over His creation, than, what is really going on through the
vehicle of doctrines and Churches, etc.?? Just asking?!?
A Dark Dimension!!!
I believe that religion is an oppressive dimensional reality on this
planet created by the dark overlords, and used to cut us off from the true
God! It is a soul prison! The god of religion is cruel, controlling and
absolutely does not love humans, and will not allow free will. There are
other gods, folks, not everything that claims to be light is true light!
Who Let The gods Out?
Many are fighting over Gods name now, as there seems to be many
gods and many names. However, thats a waste of time. I encourage you
to find the Source of all Creation, the God of Love who exists to help all
of humanity grow spiritually. Call on the God that is the Source of all
and above all other gods! Find the God who doesnt threaten you, but
relates to you with love and sound principles, and yet, challenges you to
stop sowing to corruption, as your soul will fade away with the
corruption it serves. Find the God who made a way out of the corruption
of spirit, mind and will, by revealing the Way, Truth and Life found in
the teachings of Natural Law. Stop religious sorcery and mind games.
The true God loves you and will help you to mature spiritually.
As we abide in true God-given freedom, we will be guided to
understand how to do the transforming spiritual inner-work that will
strengthen us to face the true condition of our soul and this fantasy-filled
world! We will be helped to understand how to follow the Law of Love,
Natural Law, and become strong loving souls! The way out of this
present age will be found as we go through the Door of Truth and follow
the Way of Truth. Truth will set you free from the lie that keeps you

I have been set free, free to think, free to rest and free to love! It is
the greatest single experience that has happened or ever will happen in my
spiritual existence. I am free to know the true God, and I am free to
know about His desires and designs for all Creation. Best of all Im free
to choose out of a new and tender heart the way of love. Religious
threats dont motivate me. Love of God is my single motivation, and to
care over His creation is the result of the motivation of my heart! What
is your motivation? If you are free, free to know God, than do not
squander your freedom on things that are not eternal. Wake up! Choose
to be the beautiful creation that you are!
Do You Understand?!?
You are on a spiritual journey!! Make the most of your time here! Be
grateful, be mindful, be giving, and be careful over all with love. Be
purposeful, and learn all you can, enjoy, laugh, be courageous, and make a
difference! This is the way of those who love the true God and honor His
Natural Laws. These souls always make a difference.
The Dark Side!
People, yes there are dark and dangerous beings, demons, jinn, archons,
etc. However, chasing them seems a waste of time if you do not abide in
Gods Agape Love/Natural Law. Learn that the light of truth exposes
artificial intelligence and the dark, lying spirits, and then, living in love
and truth keeps them out!!! If everyone on this Planet chose to love God
and restored their enemies, Im wondering how much evil could live here?
So go ahead and do your casting out of these critters, but then, help those
who are afflicted and those seeking freedom to turn towards Gods love.
Teach them how to keep their inner world, their personal house/temple,
attuned to the truth found in Agape Love and Natural Law. Help them
to see where they are out of tune with agape love and higher truths in
their lives. If they do not do their own inner-work, they will become
targets of evil again. Evil enters our personal, unresolved negative
emotions, our hate and unforgiveness, our fear, neediness and dependency
issues. Evil will rule the mind and soul, and use the body when people
choose to be victims by hating, blaming and running from personal
accountability for their actions and reactions! This is a big issue! Just
giving you a thought, you enlarge it.
Go To Mark Passios Web: www.whatonearthishappening.com,
and take the time to learn of Natural Law.
Watch his videos. This is very helpful insight!

The Mind Of God Is Natural Law!

So many people do not understand that it is their thinking and the
behavior that results from their thinking that is creating their life
experiences, for good or not so good!
They constantly misuse the Law of Cause and Effect. Why?
Well, for various reasons, but ultimately it is because they have no
bottom line for their soul, no personal spiritual goals, no boundaries, and
no personal convictions for their own lives. They never take responsibility
for their own lives, their choices and their actions. Blame is their
protection and deflection from personal accountability. Nothing is their
fault, ever! They truly just want to get along, be normal, live in status
quo, never make waves, get accepted, approved of, get loved, get rich,
have fun and never ever get uncomfortable, as thats not fun. They
actually have absolutely no spiritual goals for this life or the next. They
sometimes want to be good people, but not if it is hard or uncomfortable,
and certainly not if they dont get attention and applause for the good
they do. These beings are often called psychopaths, narcissists, etc. They
truly service themselves above all else, and they do not care about
anything else. They are Satanists!

The Lost Souls!
These are the selfish souls that impact our world and our lives daily.
As long as humans have no bottom line for their lives, other than fun,
comfort, money, and stuff, this world will keep descending into madness.
Its kinda that simple folks. So many cling to their doctrines, and while
Im not knocking good and sound doctrines, its clear to me that doctrines
will not do for your soul what relating to the mind of a loving God will
do for your soul. You could have all the correct doctrines, and yet, they
can be used to cover up or excuse a very hate-filled, vengeful, cold heart.
How nifty for those with cold hearts. They can use doctrines that guilt
and condemn you! All the while they are condemning you, they are
excusing themselves! They claim everything they do to you is because they
are called with a mission, and that mission includes messages from their
god against you. When spiritual so-called authority says that they are
the final word for your life, run!!!
Gods Natural Laws, or Universal Law Can Be Found
All Throughout The Bible, And In Other Sacred Writings.
Sadly, the truth is over looked, as many war over Gods name, a
womans place, racial superiority, hell-fire, homosexuality, reincarnation,
who killed Kennedy, etc. Many are going insane in their quest to be
What Is Going On?
What God said was, those who want to be in right alignment with
His redemptive love were to Love God with all of their hearts, minds and
choose to love their neighbor as themselves. (Leviticus 19:18; Matthew
chapter 5, 6, and 7; Galatians 5) So, what god are they serving, when
their alleged god-inspired thoughts lead them to believe that killing
their enemy is godly?!! The Bible is clear that Jesus said in Matthew
5:38-44 and Matthew 38:45-48, Love your enemies and pray for those

who persecute you. Yes, we are to be perfect in love. That is our goal!!
We are not to be doormats either, but come on, try and think this
through! Those who claim they love God cant even love their friends
with agape love, never mind their enemies!
The extremist, the fundamentalist, in any religion seems to transgress
the Laws of Love more than the rest! Is it possible they serve a false light
that has been mixed into all of these religions?!? Just asking?!?
And, the reason for my question is this. How could Creator God,
Father of hearts, send His Son, the Christ, and then have commanded His
children to kill for Him? How could we, as children of the true Creator,
God of Love, be willing to kill for religious differences, land, minerals,
money, oil, and control over others, and believe we do it for God?! Gods
Son revealed the mind of His Father. We are to love God, self and others,
not kill, hurt, rob and control. Get it?!! And again, Im not talking
about defending yourself, if attacked. You have a God-given right to
defend yourself. Im sure we will all be challenged with the dark sides
hellish design for this Planet. Defend yourself, and keep your heart free
of hate. Thats a good goal. However, Im talking about a new
motivation for your life on the Planet.
I Know!!
Now, I know there is so much alleged research that has been made
public which allegedly proves that just about everything we ever knew or
believed to be true, is a lie. Im well aware of Catholicism, Astro-
theology, New Ageism, Gnosticism, occultism, and all the rest of the isms.
The problem or solution I bring, depending on your viewpoint, is that I
met the Holy Spirit through the teachings of Christ, (truth) and my life
changed. Call it a code, or call it whatever, I dont care. I met liberating,
healing love and I became aware of the condition of this
planet/religion/history, but most importantly, I became very aware of my
hidden shadow self. I became aware of the truth. I followed the truth,
and it did what spiritual truth does. It transformed my soul. I became
aware, and I freely chose Gods way of love at expense to my personal
selfishness, my fallen-self that opposed, resisted and hated spiritual truth.
Spiritual knowledge helped me to choose the transformative love of God!
This is often called the exchanged life. I was exchanging my selfishness
for Gods love and care over all. I abided in the Holy Spirit and my choice
came from a conscience attuned to Gods Law of Love. I chose harmony
with Natural/Universal/Gods Laws of Love!
Astounded, I found my concept of God and love to be a burr in the
pants of most religious extremists who believe that God is pure doctrine
and nothing more. All I could share with them is that I met, and then
believed in, the liberating experience I had with the Holy Spirit! I also
told them I did not need their religious agendas anymore. I experienced a
God of care and protection, healing and guidance! I did not understand
at that time that I had met the true God above all gods, as I lived in the
midst of a people who were serving a false light, and misusing authority.
To My Horror!
As I passed from darkness into light, I became an instant enemy of
many of the alleged chosen ones. I did not understand at that time,
that there were two lights, one false, one real, one to cover evil and one to
expose it. I did not know that most of the worlds religions are in
bondage to a false light, and that false light was covering their wretched
motivations and actions with doctrine and extreme religious control!
As for me, I was becoming free to follow God alone! I took
responsibility for my inner-temple, and with every creative healing
resource I found, I kept my inner-temple, Gods dwelling place, spiritually
clean! I was doing this in the midst of a people who called themselves
Gods people. Yet, they were being held tighter and tighter by rules, roles,

and names of gods, chosen people, money, and politics. They kept looking
for a Savior, (Rescuer,) even as they claimed they had found the true
Messiah! This became such a sadness for my heart. They called me
deceived as they served the lie! Interesting!
Why Is This Happening?
I believe this is happening because people do not want to be
responsible for their thoughts, behaviors, struggles, and they do not insist
on the moral high ground as a personal spiritual goal! They do not seek
the mind of God found in Natural Law/Truth/Christ!
Many Claim To Be Allegedly Saved,
Yet, They Keep Seeking Rescue!
They say Jesus saves, but they have no clue, nor do they want one as
to how the Holy Spirit brings one from immaturity to spiritual maturity,
from glory to glory, which is the transformative rescue, if you will. They
want rescue, fire insurance from Hell, and once they obtain that, they
want this world and all it has to offer. So in reality, they get their
alleged insurance from both worlds and Gods truth has nothing to do
with any of it.
So my friends, my heart is sad over the reality of this planet. Yet, a
life-experience on this Planet can be quite the teacher, if you learn to
abide in Agape Love.
All you ever need is within you. So many flounder, and yet claim to be
followers of Messiah. Really?! If God is in you, how can you live such a
defeated life? So many say the words and never believe any of them.
Wake Up! If God be for you, who can be against you? Get it? If God is
for you, youll be ok. Read (Romans 8:31) Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Read (Colossians 1:27) Yes you can overcome!

Stop fighting over trivia and truly set out to find and embrace the
truth. Learn to creatively love and forgive your enemy, even if it is you!!!
Learn to abide in Natural/Universal Law, which is the healing, loving
Law of God.
Let me finish this little paper with some thoughts on community and
relationships. Im only able to share from my experience on this planet.
Im sure others have much to say, and can say it better, and someday we
will all chat. For now, heres my take.
From my experience, the two hardest issues that need to be tackled on
this planet are the thoughts and beliefs about God/religion and
relationships. These two subjects are so convoluted now that we are all
looking quite crazy as we use rules and roles to secure our grasp on our
mates and our gods!
Seriously folks, is anyone truly joyful anymore? Yup, the end of the
world system, and all that it will bring, seems a joyless, forthcoming
experience that we must all face. However, how shall we help each other
in these times? We are all so divided and fragmented. Im not about one
world anything. Im about healing relationships. Lets take a look at
the many camps of opinion we face. Lets look at what really needs to
Here Are Some Camps Of Thought!
In one camp, there are those who have a shopping list of gods rules,
and if we would only conform to all these rules and never eat pig or
shrimp, then and only then, will all things work out for the good and
glory of god.

Then, we have the New Age Enlightenment Camp. They tell us that
everything is fine and dandy. There is no evil, so focus and get rich, and
just do what you want. Hey, its all about you isnt it?!!
Then we have the Camp of Hopers. They just hope everything works
out. Gods in charge and God takes care of everything while they work,
golf, eat pizza, vacation, go to Church on Sunday, vote for Obama, and
play their video games. Hey, Gods in charge, right? So, they leave all
that spiritual stuff to the God they do not know?! Yikes!!
Then we have the Camp of There is no God, so lets exalt science, and
we can all finally jump into our robot avatar suits and live forever. Hey,
were so smart, we know what we are doing. So, just follow us. We are
your gods now!!
Then we have the Chosen People Camp, and all of America better serve
them, or we will all experience Gods wrath.
We also have, We are the Only Truly Saved, Camp, and all the rest
of you folks are going to Hell forever, and ever, and ever!!!
And then, we have a very small group of the Camp of thinkers who are
wading through all of the info! They are taking on all of the issues and
sharing the info, in order to forge ahead, and help us all to break free of
all of the restrictive thinking on this planet. They are good souls. They
are good stewards of all of their info. The problem is most of them are
saying contradicting things like, End of the world, not the end, positive
time line, really bad time line, good aliens, bad aliens, aliens helping and
aliens not so much helping, and my favorite, Ill baptize the aliens at the
Vatican anytime, huh?! Conflicting info, and we are all left wondering,
What the hell?!!
Then the Camp of Those Who Will Be Raptured! They are positive
that the god of The good and saved, will get them out of dodge before
the evil comes to their door. Never mind what happens to anyone else, its
all about them!
Then the other Camp knows that only the evil will be taken away, a
Negative Rapture, and the good will inherit the earth, and they all have
very good research to prove their point.
Then there is the Camp of Proper Names, Jehovah vs. Yahweh, Jesus
vs. Yashuah, Jesus vs. Christ consciousness, names, names, and more
names! The titles must be said, or used correctly. Horrors, Who let the
imperfect noun out? Off with their heads! I am scared, so I use names
very little now, how about you? This is extreme silliness and very
religious. The term Christ consciousness seems to be quite distasteful to
many fundamental legalists, and to that I say, So sad. Whats wrong
with being conscious of what Christ was conscious of? That
consciousness consisted of the Love of His Father and Natural Law, and
other beautiful mysteries. I think being aware, conscious of everything
Christ was conscious of, would save us all plus a few more galaxies! Its
all very sad and immature. Now we are killing each other over names.
Then there is the Camp of the gods. So many want the ancient gods to
return. They seek and welcome the rescue that those gods will bring.
Others believe that they are the gods returned, and woe to all who do not
respond to them correctly! Few are those who understand that we all
were created by God and we are all from God, although, some more
ancient than others!
Sadly, the truth is that few humble themselves and face their ungodly
reality, and work on reconnecting to Natural Law and living for God.
Look at your motives and intentions. If you really are a good god, than
you wont react when people really dont care about your alleged, god
status! You also wont react when someone refuses your
superman/woman rescue!!! Lets see if you can be a god without a super
ego?! Ya, lets see how many of the so-called gods can serve or help
anyone, but their ego!?! Ive met a few of these alleged gods. All I can
say is, Yikes!
I encourage all to be humble, and to be assured that we all came from
God, and carry God within. What are you doing with the beautiful
creation that you are? Wake up to the truth about human beings and
their purpose and destiny! I also suggest you seek to understand Natural
Law and find the rescue that is true and present within these laws. I
also recommend that you stay away from all of these gods, guides and
spiritual free rides! Just sayin!
What Do You Worship?
This craziness comes from folks who worship a name and an image of
a man. Jesus said, Those who truly worship me, will do so from Spirit
and Truth. (John 4:23-24) Come on folks, think this out. By the way,
one can only know another by their actions and reactions, fruit and
works, not by the images and names they exalt! (Matthew 7:15-23)
What about The Camp of, I Was Here and No You Werent, those
who believe in reincarnation and those who dont? My take on this is
simple. So you think you were Elvis, Kennedy, Cleopatra, or one other of
the big names? No one seems to want to be just folk in this camp.
Anyway, whether you were here or not seems an argument few could
prove. However, your dark side, your nasty behavior, your unwillingness
to care or share is in you, and that you can resolve, be it from a past life or
not! Actually, it is all you can truly resolve and change. It is said in
(Matthew 6:34,) Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will
worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. So, to the
Camp of the Reincarnationist, Or Not, I say, Live in the now and
master that moment. The present moment mastered will take care of
your yesterdays and tomorrows! You will become what you choose to
master or dont choose to master in the moment, and that choice will
manifest to grace or curse your tomorrow! Think about that! You will be
just a bit more tomorrow of what you are today! What are you creating?
Then there is The Camp of The Proper, and Pure Bible or Text.
Wow, thats a battle raging now. Again, my challenge is this. Is what
you are reading and fighting over changing you for the good? Are you
transforming into a loving, caring person as a result of what you read, or
is your knowledge just making you right about everything? Just askin.
Big Foot And Golf Balls
Some chase Big Foot, others chase golf balls, and of-course the Big
Foot chasers know they are more advanced than the golf ball chasers,
hmmmm?!? Bible exalters, channelers, experiencers, mean folks, nice
folks, specialist, fatalists, etc Everyone cant be right or can they?!?
Im So Tired!
Finally, there are a few that are quite amazed at it all, and have come
to realize that they can only do what their intuition, their spirit-inspired
gut knows to do, and they risk it all to do it. These folks, although
scared, bruised, battered, a bit bewildered, finally step out of the whole
mess, and realize that end times or not, the only issues they can actually
change forever are found in their reactions to life, and once they change
themselves, maybe they can actually support others as they choose to
change. This planet is a reflection of our beliefs, so who must change?
Religion always creates self-righteousness. So religious people are
always quite sure they are right. They also believe that if we all would
just listen to and follow them, we would be ok. Bless their perfectness,
but no thanks.

Folks, the only one you can truly change is you!! So, it seems this
planet of beings is trying to change everything but themselves, and our
state of affairs is proof of that.
I believe that all relationships are gifts to be used for spiritual
maturity. Truth is, all of these camps have challenged and informed me.
So, thanks to them all! I hope all of these people and their beliefs start to
care over each other with agape love.
As you learn of what it takes to truly build a place/tribe/community
from the heart, by choice, you will come to understand the great war
against Care.
I have been married 50 years, and have also lived with my extended
family for 40 years, and all of my life-lessons came from the experiences I
received as I learned to create life with others.
Bring What Is Hidden Into The Light!
Life together will expose every hidden reality within and without.
Life together is a mystery and a gift. Many join groups or movements
with a hope of rescue, belonging, healing, protection, etc. Many get
married for the same reasons. Those hidden selfish motives that drive one
to enter into relationships, never, ever work. It has been said that the
lowest form of relationships are those who are selfish. They love we two
and not you! They use each other up on their personal needs. No
spiritual high-ground is found in these relationships. Sadly, these are
most of the planets relationships now. No one thinks of others for very
long. Spiritual growth is actually resisted in these relationships. God is
not invited in. After all, all time and energy must be given to each other
alone. There is no room for God.
Seeking rescue and alleged unconditional love through the vehicle of
human relationship can cause serious emotional harm. Just ask those who
have been caught in abusive relationships, marriages or cults!
Create A Sacred Healing Place!
Marriage and family, natural and extended, are communities, tribes,
that should be the place one can share creative, loving, joyful times with
others. However, we live in a very broken world. This world was broken
because of pride, selfishness, greed, fear, hate and unforgiveness. It takes
a deep commitment of selflessness and agape love to build a true place of
healing, a real family, tribe, and community.
The populations of this world have been willing, for a very long time,
to allow religion, money, politics, and people to be their Saviors. These
systems claim that their certain brand of beliefs and practices will heal
our broken world. Thats a lie! Only a true loving relationship between
humans, Natural Law and Creator God will heal anything. Only if we
follow the Natural Law of, Do unto others, as you would have them do
unto you, will anything change for the better. In other words, only
loving, spiritual beings, with a goal to restore each other, and this planet,
will change anything. Life together will work if each individual chooses
to do unto others as they want done to and for them. The world and its
people will only heal if the people change from the inside out, by choice.
All else is garbage, fantasies and lies accepted by those in a very deep
trance. The results of this trance are twisted mental and emotional
states. These trance states are the result of accepting a lie-driven fantasy!
Because human beings accepted and implemented the lie, we have what
we now have, ruin!!
How To Heal From A Gringka Perspective!
As I traveled this path seeking the truth, I became weary of the
eternal hell rhetoric, the chosen people theory, and the us against them,
elitist mentality, not to forget, those who love their titles, such as, I am
your Pope, Pastor, Prophet, etc., and I admonish you sheeple to listen
up. These religious controllers brought the imbalance of power, and
control of people b.s. with them! Then there is the Say a prayer, and go
to Heaven quick-fix group! Have you ever sung the song, I believe in
magic? Oh well. Then we have the Use the right name and join the
right doctrinal group and you will be raptured, craziness! It just all got
so very crazy. So, I limped away.
Dont get me wrong, I am not someone who runs through the forest,
sprinkling fairy dust, and refusing to see the effects of evil on people and
on our planet. Im not a warm fuzzy-type person. Im more of a
lighthouse with a foghorn kinda gal, making sure no ones soul ship runs
into rocky shores during a storm! I belong to the Camp of the Doers.
They are the protesters, the ones who kick the door in on every issue, and
the ones who drag whatever was hiding in the house out into the light.
So, no, Im no fairy duster.
Warrior Soul
However, because of my warrior soul, Ive had my problems with
harsh judgment, control and pride. I am about being right, dont ya
know. My journey has challenged the motives and intentions of my heart,
and the Why? of my actions. Im not picking on others as I had my
own brand of craziness to deal with!
Truth is, when I finally met the God of True Love, the light emanating
from that source was making it very hard for me to justify my warrior
mind-set, religious pride, and Ill fix everything, ways. The Holy Fire
of God exposed a reality hidden deep behind many of my so-called, good
hearted actions. Hidden to me, yet, driving me, was a desire to be noticed,
praised, and set apart because of my special chosen status. Also driving
my actions were deep unresolved feelings of fear, anger, greed and pride,
etc. Ego!!!
In other words, I was driven by a demand to be known, valued,
appreciated and given place. Hmmm, sounds like I was just like everyone

else on this planet, right?! When you think you are special, a cut above,
just being human can be quite the kick in the ego.
I wanted someone or God to recognize me and choose me. To my
humbling, I was always looking to others for approval and acceptance. I
wanted a safe place, rescue and applause. Oh my, that was a lot to face
when I had always believed I was a warrior, self-sufficient, self-reliant
and tough, hmmm. As everything became clear, the choice before me also
became clear. I could refuse this truth about my souls condition and go
back into the fantasy I created, and live in my false self, or I could
humble myself and dismantle my creations, and deal with my reality. It
was up to me. I knew at a deep spiritual level, I was loved. So, my
choice would not be created out of the terror of hell. I needed to face me,
from my spiritual core, choose my path and the results that choice might
bring to me and others. I chose to agape love myself out of the delusion
and fantasy that I had created, and the matrix daily creates for us
Did You Know This About False Selves?!
Here is a little insight. People who create a Warrior, Savior, False
Self, are actually adverse to peace and healing because their identity and
worth are created in war. People who identify themselves as
Warriors/Saviors/Protectors need emotional or physical wars, drama.
They do not function well in peace, as they are not resonating with peace.
They are in harmony with the energies of war and rescuing behaviors.
They do not want peace, as they would have no purpose from their
perspective, in peaceful times. So, drama in their personal world is their
energy fix, and they will create drama if there isnt any!!
I Had To Let Go Of The False Me In Order To Heal!
I had to be willing to lose my need-driven motivation, my self-created
sense of identity, to truly heal. Hey, everyone loves a hero, right? Sadly,

no one understands that heroes are called on in times of great upheaval!
They are the rescuers from trauma. They will resist peace, folks! So to
say that healing, for a warrior-type is a challenge to their motivations
and intentions is an understatement!
The Earth-Bound Warrior
This type of warrior finds purpose in rescue, fixing and controlling.
They find the enemy and eradicate. This rescuing behavior will create a
dependence on the hero/rescuer from those rescued, and that dependence
grants the hero control.
The Rescued!
Those who seek rescue submit to and obey their heroes. They enable
their heros behavior, bad or good. They seek approval. They do whatever
it takes to keep their alleged hero happy so they can assure themselves of
continued rescue. Not the best situation.
Communities Will Fail!
The communities that form with heroes and the rescued will fail. I
guarantee they will fail. Why? Because they all live in roles, they depend
on roles, and they do not function outside of roles. When someone breaks
out of a role, the whole system will go into crisis. You see this in
marriages and other imbalanced relationships. Watch John Bradshaws
videos on Dysfunctional Families. www.johnbradshaw.com. From my
perspective, the whole world is a dysfunctional family, with the elites as
our very controlling abusive parents. Take a look at this dynamic and be
careful when building communities.
The Agape Warrior, What A Difference!!!
The agape, spiritual warrior, the warrior in harmony with Natural
Law, exposes the enemy, and here is where everything changes. Once the
enemy is exposed, the one who seeks rescue is equipped and empowered to
fight their own battles and face their enemies anyway they choose to.
They are not rescued! They are supported and instructed with knowledge
and options, and helped to gain wisdom in order to heal, and then to fight
their own battles and protect their own inner and outer land. They are
supported to establish themselves.
To all you alleged leaders, remember what Jesus said in (Matthew
10:8,) Freely you have received, freely give. Now if you care one wit
about what Jesus said, then you will be very mindful how you approach
communities with your help. You must come to serve your brothers and
sisters. You must come to increase them. Communities should be a place
of the souls protection, a place where creativity and care rule. We should
come together to help each other grow-up spiritually. The protection of
each humans free will is a must! Be wise, be caring and be careful with
the souls you attempt to help.
Bad Rescue, Bad Hero Example!
Look at Iraq. A perfect example of alleged rescue, resulting in forced
dependence, and finally destruction. This nation was never protected and
never helped to gain autonomy. Whos fooling who?
Cause and Effect!
I was challenged with the concepts of cause and effect. The question
asked was, What would all of my helping do to the souls autonomy of
others?!? We all need to master self, and all the issues presented to us
on this planet. We need to be responsible for ourselves in order to mature
spiritually. We are either connected to God and our true selves, or we are
connected to the false illusion, fantasy, political, religious and money
systems which separate us from the true self and true God.
The challenges found in life and on the planet can be quite complex,
but the bottom lines are simple. We are either here to help, or not. We

are here to heal self and others, or not. We are a solution, or a problem.
It is, bottom line, that simple.
We Are Creating Freedom or Bondage!
We are either creating illusions, or facing the true condition of
ourselves and this planet. We must all learn to live from our spirit, and
our outer truth should be the same as our inner truth. Live in the light,
folks! Dont create a false you!
All communities, tribes, peoples and nations must come to terms with
Natural, Universal Law. This is the only way to heal us all. Im not
about Religious rescues, Political rescues or Money rescues. Im not
talking about sloppy, indulgent enabling. Im talking about restorative
justice, grace, transformation and autonomy for each soul. Anything else
will result in control, dependence and craziness.
There is wonderful research on the web that tells us what the heck is
going on here on planet earth. Great minds and their books have exposed
the dark and light, the truth and deceptions about most everything here
on the planet. This research is profitable for the Truthseeker to
understand and master. There are many dimensions being opened,
revealing great mysteries never understood before by the seeker, some
liberating and some deceiving. This is a challenging time.
The Fixers!
However, there are some who specialize in the fixing of it all, and
seem to bring with them more questions than answers. Many of us are
left with the thought that, You cant possibly think your solutions will
fix anything!! Do you listen to yourself? Cant you hear that you want
to do to those who are out of step with your beliefs, the same insanity
that was done to you? You dont seem to understand that you want
revenge, not restoration. It all seems futile and extremely immature as
you listen to some folks and their remedies!
The Principled!
Dont get me wrong, there are some voices that seem intelligent and
principled in this dark hour, but few. Sadly, so many just wait for their
rescue, while they secretly cant wait for their enemies to be blown away,
and often their enemies are just broken people, Oh My!! I guess reaping
and sowing is not a concept they consider.
The Principled Thinkers!
Here are two principled thinkers, Alfred Webre Lambremont and Peter
Kling. They have books on Revelation and aliens. Ive read them all.
Very thought provoking material, out of the box, where I like to live.
They did a tape series together on Revelation and it can be found on
Alfreds websites, www.newsinsideout.com and
Alfreds books are: The Omniverse, My Journey Landing Heaven on
Earth, and The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse. Exopolitics,
Politics, Government and Law in the Universe. Peter Klings book is,
Letters To Earth, You Can Survive Armageddon, www.peterkling.com.
They are very good and worth reading. One more time I want to say that
Mark Passio is a voice for this time. Check out his website:
www.whatonearthishappening.com. He is a principled man.
My Suggestions About Community!
My suggestion is to be cautious when gathering a community. 1. Be
open, caring and helpful. We are all Gods children. 2. Do not look for
rescue, prepare yourselves as a group, each one has a purpose. 3. There
will be leaders needed, as they have the nature to motivate and organize
people. Make sure your leaders are there for the people, not for their ego.
People might come to your groups to allegedly help. These are the times
that your group needs to have discernment and self-awareness, or your
group will be taken over by the so-called helper. 4. If your group needs
help, and we all need help at times, make sure whoever comes respects
your group and truly helps your group to become stronger, wiser and well-
equipped to face the challenges ahead. The true helper will help your
group to fulfill your mission, not their agenda. So, please prepare yourself
spiritually. Know who you are, who God is and what you are doing on
Planet Earth. 5. All I can say is that there will be those who exalt
themselves, calling themselves the leaders. They will come to take
positions of power and control. You should understand that human
nature is predictable, the biggest ego rules. True leaders should come from
among you, people who have proven themselves faithful, kind and not
controlling. This should be true of our political and religious leaders also.
Sadly, this isnt happening. 6. Come together to make life a joyful,
hopeful supportive place.
If Natural Law is not understood, teach it, and teach in depth
psychology. Teach people how the mind works when they are
traumatized, rejected or abandoned. Teach about mind control. The bad
guys know all about these truths and they use them against humans.
Nothing will work for good where greed, control and theory rule.
Nothing good will come if knowledge is kept from the people. Finally,
trying to build a community on the internet is flawed and will fail. You
cant really know the truth about someone that you have no relationship
with, and you never witness how they actually live. The net is useful for
many things, but not something as serious as entrusting your soul to
someone. This can become dangerous! When you invite strangers into
your world, you take a great risk. Be careful, not fearful. Be wise!!

Change Is Coming, Folks!
As you attempt to leave the systems of banking, religion and politics,
get all the support you can get for your soul.
Many challenges are ahead
The Banking system is in trouble. Religion is being exposed for
sheltering pedophiles and many other evils. Politics, well, that system is
totally broken. Finally, they want to chip, vaccinate, and throw people
into robot suits, and that they will do to the people they like. What
about the rest of us?
A one world government with its controlling religion is on the way.
Only those who know the true God of Love and transformative justice
will find this transition understandable, and be prepared in their heart for
the many challenges they may face. Are your heart, mind and will
prepared for the battle?!?
All I can say is, learn to love God and your neighbor as yourself. I
can and have preached sermons, used correct doctrines and correct names,
and when I did it, it caused so much confusion and pain that I quit that
exactness practice! Now I share the truth of Natural Law and
personal accountability as best as I can, and then I release it to those I
love. Its up to them, isnt it?
So, as we move ahead in the season of the end of the age, let me say
this, the positive time line is always found in the presence of God. You
cannot go wrong no matter what happens, if you Love God, self, and
others. I suggest you start to care, ok?!! Be courageous and take action
to care over all the issues we are all facing! Let me end with this.
(Romans 13:9-10) And whatever commandments there may be are
summed up in one rule. Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no
harm to its neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the Law.
(Matthew 22:37-40) Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first
and greatest commandment and the second is like it: Love your neighbor
as yourself. All the Law and the prophets hang on these two
commandments. People, if you learn anything, learn how to love with
Gods (Agape) love. You will overcome, I promise!
Love Gringka

Following are some insights on Natural Law, religious addiction and websites
on various other issues. Learn all you can about the gods/aliens, good or bad.
Learn all you can about money, financial collapse, politics, religion, mind control,
Satanism, the Illuminate, weather wars, Haarp, chemtrails, transhumanism, etc.,
and then learn to be in charge of all of your actions, so you can create with Gods
Spirit, eternal love-filled realities for all!


Law of Vibration - Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates

and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in
the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and
wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought
has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

Law of Action - Must be employed in order for us to manifest

things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our
thoughts dreams, emotions and words

Law of Correspondence - This Universal Law states that the

principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world
energy, Light, vibration, and motion have their corresponding
principles in the etheric or universe "As above, so below"

Law of Cause and Effect - Nothing happens by chance or

outside the Universal Laws.. Every Action(including thought) has
a reaction or consequence "We reap what we sow"

Law of Compensation- The Universal Law is the Law of Cause

and effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided
for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts,
money, inheritances, friendships and blessings.

Law of Attraction - Demonstrates how we create the things,

events and people that come into our lives Our thoughts, feelings,
words, and actions produce energies which, in turn attract like
energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and
positive energies attract positive energies.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy - All persons

have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives.
Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each
of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the
Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to
effect change

Law of Relativity - Each person will receive as series of problems

(Tests of Initiation/Lessons) for the purpose of strengthening the
light within each of these tests/lessons to be a challenge and
remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the
problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to
others problem into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we
perceive our situation to be, There is always someone who is in a
worse position. Its all relative.

Law of Polarity - Everything is on a continuum and has and

opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts
by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental

Law of Rhythm - Everything vibrates and moves to certain

rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of
development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of
God's Universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts
of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things
to penetrate their consciousness.

Law of Gender - The law of gender manifests in all things as

masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know
as creation. The law of gender manifests in the animal kingdom
as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and
female. Both are required for life to exist.

Only by the grace of God can salvation and the communion we seek take place. We may
ask. We may beg. But it is only in watchful waiting that we will receive. His grace is
sufficient and the only vehicle by which salvation and the communion with God is granted.
But what is grace?

Grace is a blessing, a blessing that is undeserved, unsolicited and unexpected, a blessing

that brings a sense of the divine order of things into our lives. The ways of grace are
mysterious; we cannot always figure them out. But we know grace by its fruits, by the
blessings of its works. We would expect to be startled when grace manifests itself. The
opposite is true It doesnt startle us at all, for grace is everywhere. We may not discern it;
we may not recognize it for we are inclined to take it for granted. Living with Grace By
Reverend Peter Fleck

If we are walking, dancing, eating, teaching, preaching, meditating, being, we are rid of the
impediments which hinder our free movement. We are rid of all the obstacles that block us
from being who we are meant to be. This is grace; a grace that indicates not an addition,
but rather a subtraction and removal of those things that may hinder us from being who we
are. That is grace. Reverend Bill Clark

Grace is an attitude on Gods part that proceeds entirely from within Himself and that is
conditioned in no way by anything in the objects of His favor. Burton Scott Easton in
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

When a thing is said to be of grace we mean that the recipient has no claim upon it, that it
was in no-wise due him. It comes to him as pure charity, and, at first, unasked and
undesired. A.W. Pink Attributes of God

In a time before his death, Mr. McLaren, minister of the Tolboth church, said, I am
gathering together all my prayers, all my sermons, all my good deeds, all my ill deeds; and I
am going to throw them all overboard and swim to glory on the plank of Free Grace.

There is one work which is right and proper for us to do, and that is the eradication of self.
But however great this eradication and reduction of self may be, it remains insufficient if
God does not complete it in us. For our humility is only perfect when God humbles us
through ourselves. Only then are they and the virtue perfected, and not before. Meister

If I were good and holy enough to be elevated among the saints, then the people would
discuss and question whether this was by grace or nature and would be troubled about it.
But this would be wrong of them. Let God work in you, acknowledge that it is his work, and
do not be concerned as to whether he achieves this by means of nature or beyond nature.
Both nature and grace are his. What is it to you which means he best uses or what he
performs in you or in someone else? He should work how and where and in what manner it
suits him to do so. Meister Eckhart

The self-righteous, relying on the many good works he imagines he has performed, seems
to hold salvation in his own hand, and considers Heaven as a just reward of his merits. In
the bitterness of his zeal he exclaims against all sinners, and represents the gates of mercy
as barred against them, and Heaven as a place to which they have no claim. What need
have such self-righteous persons of a Savior? They are already burdened with the load of
their own merits. Oh, how long they bear the flattering load, while sinners divested of
everything, fly rapidly on the wings of faith and love into their Saviors arms, who freely
bestows on them that which he has so freely promised! Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la

Humility is a grace in the soul It is indescribable wealth, a name and a gift from God.
Learn from Me, He said; that is, not from an angel, not from a man, not from a book, but
from Me, that is from My dwelling within you, from My illumination and action within you, for I
am gentle and meek of heart in thought and in spirit, and your souls will find rest from
conflicts and relief from evil thoughts. John Climacus

Our activity consists of loving God and our fruition of enduring God and being penetrated by
His love. There is a distinction between the love and fruition, as there is between God and
His grace. John Ruusbroec

Jesus, are you not my mother? Are you not even more than my mother? My human
mother after all labored in giving birth to me only for a day or night; you, my tender and
beautiful Lord, labored for me over 30 years. Marguerite of Oingt

We are only here and possess what we have because of the timing and grace of God.
Whether we have little or we have much, we have it because of God. The love in our hearts
and all things we have and feel are because He made us as we are. He sets our path and
places us on the path at His time. The people we meet and places we go and thus the
situations springing from them are in our lives because we were born at such a time as this.
Gratitude keeps our arrogance and pride in check. It assigns all of what we are and all we
have to God who made all things and keeps them in existence. Gratitude is the balance
point between God and man. Thankfulness is a measure of our dependence on God and
our obedience to Him. It is the path that our prayers walk to get to God. Gratitude is how
we approach Him. It is said there are only two things that motivate us to do things: desire
and desperation. It is said, gratitude comes from desire. This is the idea of some
philosophers, but there is a higher gratitude not understood by the world.

There is a gratitude springing from the realization that one has no desires, no needs,
nothing lacking. It is gratitude from epiphany. Insight brought on by grace enables us to
see how God is providing our path and all things on it. It does not mean we have riches or
even health, but that we are where we are supposed to be. Even in our lack or pain, we see
somehow we are exactly where God would have us to be. It is the gratitude of knowing
what we need to fulfill our purpose will be provided on Gods path for Gods purpose. All
things are seen in a state of grace and balance and we are here for a purpose; Gods

You do not have to be perfect. Perfection is not what Christianity is all about. You do your
best and God does the rigteousing. Dr. Gene Scott
Thank You
By Gringka

For Not Telling Me

Who I Was
Who I Am
Who I Should Become
Thank You
For Looking At My Frustration
And Confusion
With Objectivity And Compassion
Thank You
For Listening, Holding, Believing
And For Time Given
I Am Not A Broken Baby Bird Of Blue

I Am A Wounded Eagle!!
Love Me
By Gringka
Love me for what I am,
not for what you think I am,
not for what you want me to be.
Do not cover your eyes to my humanity,
blindly cheering all I say and do.
Then again, when you see those things
that sent me screaming to the redemptive love of God,
dont strip me of all my credibility as you discover my ugly flaws.
Do you honestly know me,
or do you love the person you created,
the one who makes you feel safe?
Can you face my struggle,
or does it bring too much uncertainty to your life?
Please do not flatter me,
for no one can live up to the fantasy you created!
Know me and respect me for my reality.
Give me honest praise for what Ive achieved
through self-denial and pain.
My achievements arent as great as your fantasy proclaims,
nor are they as insignificant
as your competition and bitterness would declare.
Dont promise me the moon and give me green cheese!
If all you have is green cheese, give that, its an honest gift!
Bring to my attention that which painfully offends,
but please cover in love those things you see in me
that just plain inconvenience you!
Resource List

Great Researchers/Interviewers/Public Servants Providing and Disseminating

Truth for Everyone
These authors, websites, radio shows, guests and hosts provide a wide array of
investigative reports and top notch research into critical, current events impacting
and shaping our lives on a daily basis.

Exopolitics, Current Events and Suppressed Truth

Alfred Lambremont Webre:

Books: My Journey Landing Heaven On Earth, Volume I
Exopolitics: Politics, Government And Law In The Universe
The Omniverse
Websites: www.exopolitics.com

Peter Kling: Great interviews with Alfred Webre at www.newsinsideout.com

Book: Letters to Earth: You Can Survive Armageddon
Website: www.peterkling.com

Leuren Moret: A great researcher of truth dedicated to ending nuclear devastation.

Website: www.leurenmoret.info/currents.html
Also see Leuren Morets and Laurens Battiss interviews on subjects of Jade Helm, the
Ukraine and nuclear destruction with host, Alfred Webre, on www.newsinsideout.com

www. veteranstruthnetwork


Mark Passio: As Mark states on his website, his work is a culmination of many years of investigation
into the nature of our shared reality. . . . and the way it relates to human consciousness and the
universal problems we currently face as a species.
Website: www.whatonearthishappening.com
- Mark also offers to fill a portable terabyte hard drive with essential information from his research
for anyone. See his website and email him for instructions on sending a TB hard drive to him to be
filled. What a great service to those seeking truth!

Jay Parker: A great researcher and presenter at the Free Your Mind Conferences. Jay has a new website
and two weekly radio shows on Veterans Truth Network. Check out his website for excellent articles on
cannabis suppression and healing testimonials. Jay also has a section with a treasury of links to all his
favorite researchers.
Websites: www.thecenterpath.weebly.com
www.veteranstruthnetwork.com (for radio shows)

Randy Maugans: www.offplanetradio.com & www.threshingfloor-radio.com

Kathy Buckalew: A great radio host and interviewer!

Truth Connections Radio: www.blogtalkradio.com/truthconnections

Alex Jones: World renowned alternative media host.

Websites: www.infowars.com & www.prisonplanet.tv

The Following Present News and Views From A Christian Perspective.

Zeph Daniel: The Zeph Report: www.zephdaniel.podbean.com

Thomas Larson: http://brothomasblogspot.com/

James Lloyd: Provides insightful daily news on prophecy and world news.
Website: www.christianmedianetwork.com

Dr. Stan Monteith (deceased): Founder of www.radioliberty.com

-Access archives containing a wealth of information and interviews.

Ronnie McMullen Show: www.ronniemcmullen.podomatic.com

Ecology and Geoengineering

The following websites offer a wealth of information concerning the dire state of
our earth home and how we can increase our awareness to become better
stewards of the earth. Some issues covered are: Geoengineering through
Atmospheric Spraying (Chemtrails) and Related Health Issues, Weather Warfare
and Haarp Technology, Health Medicine, and Free Energy

Dane Wigington:
Websites: www.geoengineeringwatch.org
- Dane hosts a radio program, Geo-engineering Watch, M-F from 3pm-4pm

Carlita Shaw:
Book: The Silent Ecocide
Website: www.evolvetoecology.com

Health Issues

Rick Simpson: The premier activist for the legalization of cannibus.

Website: www.phoenixtears.ca
Video: Run From the Cure: The Rick Simpson Story View this documentary film on You Tube

Aarick Reiss: Druglawed Documentary, a new film about the international prohibition of cannabis
and how New Zealand got rolled up in the US drug war.
Website: druglawed.com

Kenneth V. Anton: Author of book about cancer highly recommended by Jay Parker.
Book: Cancer Vortex: Devouring the Innocents

Jeanice Barcelo, M.A.: Researcher and writer exposing institutional violence and long-term impacts of
birth trauma. Jeanice has created a curriculum and training classes for healing birth trauma and to
restore humanity to love.
Book: Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine: Exposing Systematic Violence During
Hospital Birth and the Hijacking of Human Love
Websites: www.birthofanewearth.com
Jeanice hosts a radio show, Birth of a New Earth, on Thursdays from 8pm-10pm.

Gary Craig:
Book: EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Website: www.emofree.com

Dr. Richard Schulze: A doctor of natural medicine providing powerful, health enhancing products and
educational training. Well known for detoxing products and protocals.
Website: www.herbdoc.com

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Take Control of Your Health: Health training/education and products.
Website: www.mercola.com

www.healthbeyondhype.com: A Great Educational Site.

www.precisionherbs.com: Many herbal remedies and energy devices formulated by Dr. James R.
Overman (deceased) and Dr. Eric A. Pierce, N.D.

Support For Your Health: Body, Soul and Spirit

www.harmonyhealth.webstarts.com: Health wisdom and insights for the whole person, health
resources (links) and recipes.

Touch of Grace Massage: Healing therapies for hurting people, with Rebecca Morrow
Specializing in: Message Therapy, Quantum Reflex Analysis (a form of muscle testing for nutritional
deficiencies), Cranial Sacral Therapy, Cationic Mud Packing for Interference Fields, and Frequency
Specific Microcurrent, works with Essential Oils, and Premier Research Labs products.
Located in Cloquet, MN Call for more information or an appointment. 218-591-7208

Support and Wisdom For Natural Living and Farming

www.natureismylover.com: Wild medicines, Chaga and skin products.

www.spiritmountainfarm.org: Wisdom for stewardship of nature and food production.


How to legally avoid immunizations:

Website: www.theywantyoudead.com/how-to-legally-avoid-unwanted-vaccines.pdf

Physicians Warranty of Vaccine Safety: Form to have your doctor sign if you are forced to vaccinate.
Website: http://www.extremehealthradio.com/pdf/Warranty-of-Vaccine-Safety-English.pdf

Global Vaccine Institute: Scientific information about vaccines and how they affect children.
Book: Vaccine Safety Manual: For Concerned Families and Health Practitioners.
Website: www.thinktwice.com

VIC (Vaccine Information Coalition): Educational Information and Autism Awareness.

Website: www.vacinfo.org

Dr. James Howenstine, MD: Article: Why Should You Avoid Taking Vaccines.
Website: http://www.whale.to/a/howenstine.html

Jeanice Barcelo, M.A.: See above bio, book and websites

Dr. Rebecca Carley, M.D.

Websites: www.reversingvaccineinduceddiseases.com & www.drcarley.com

Dr. Russell Blaylock:

Website: www.russellblaylockmd.com

Dr. Len Horowitz:

Book: Death In The Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare
Websites: www.tetrahedron.org & www.drlenhorowitz.com

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:

Websites: https://drtenpenny.com & https://tenpennyimc.com

Dawn Winkler:
Website: http://dawnwinkler.com

Autism Information and Support

Autism is increasing at an alarming rate. These websites will give great
information and support if you are experiencing this challenge.


Dental Health Issues




Pain Relief for Muscles and Joints

Gary Crowley: Chronic joint pain specialist.

Website: www.do-it-yourself-joint-pain-relief.com

Genetically Modified Foods

Jeffrey Smith:
Books: Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of Genetically
Engineered Foods Youre Eating
Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods
Website: www.seedsofdeception.com

HAARP and Health

Dr. Nick Begich: An expert and world lecturer on HAARP technology and the effects on the human
mind/brain and empowerment for healing.
Website: www.earthpulse.com

Paranormal, ETs, UFOS, Hidden History and Hidden Knowledge

Alfred Lambremont Webre:

Books: My Journey Landing Heaven On Earth, Volume I
Exopolitics: Politics, Government And Law In The Universe
The Omniverse
Websites: www.exopolitics.com

James Gilliland:
Books: The Ultimate Soul Journey
Reunion With Source
Becoming Gods II
Website: www.eceti.org

Scott Lemriel:
Book: The Seres Agenda
Website: www.paralleltime.com

Simon Parkes:
Website: www.simonparkes.org

Robert Bruce:
Books: The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook: Combat Psychic Attacks, Evil Spirits & Possession
Energy Work: The Secrets of Healing and Spiritual Growth
Website: www.astraldynamics.com

Eve Lorgen:
Books: The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships
The Dark Side of Cupid: Love Affairs, the Supernatural and Energy Vampirism
Website: www.evelorgen.com

Jon Peniel:
Book: The Children of the Law of One & the Lost Teachings of Atlantis
Website: www.atlantis.to

Cameron Day:
Website: www.ascensionhelp.com

Bruce Lipton:
Book: The Biology of Belief Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There
From Here)
Website: www.brucelipton.com

Gregg Braden:
Books: The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief
The God Code
Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer
The Isaiah Effect
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief
Website: www.greggbraden.com

Joseph Lumpkin:
Books: The Lost Books of the Bible: Great Rejected Texts
The Prodigal Church: Rescuing Spirituality From Religion, and many more
Website: www.fifthestatepub.com

UFO Books

The Universal Seduction: Piercing The Veils Of Deception (Volumes 1, 2, and 3), by Angelico Tapestra
Angelico Tapestra consists of world recognized authors, investigative journalists, mathematicians,
engineers, scientists and scholars. The books include information on the goals of the NWO, alien
underground bases, alien/military abduction and implants, the secret Mars colony, mass mind control,
Dulce, Area 51, Reptilians, covert government time travel and cloning, HAARP, chemtrails, and CIA
channeling programs. Available at www.amazon.com

The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases And The Battle For Planet Earth, by Branton
Available at www.amazon.com

The Faade, by Michael S. Heiser: Available at www.amazon.com

Aliens And Fallen Angels: Offspring Of The Gods (Book on Giants)

Genesis 6 Giants: Master Builders Of Prehistoric And Ancient Civilizations, by Steve Quayle
Website: www.stevequayle.com
Also available at www.amazon.com

The Mars Record: (Biofeedback meter sessions where a man regained hidden memories of military
service on Mars) www.themarsrecords.com

Books and Videos for Understanding Natural Law

Natural Law Seminar, by Mark Passio: a great three part video available free at Marks website:
Watch Marks website for his upcoming book.

The Children of The Law of One & the Lost Teachings of Atlantis, by Jon Peniel, available at

Science of Being, by Eugene Fersen: available at www.amazon.com

The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, by Three Initiates:
available at www.amazon.com

The Laws of Spirit: A Tale of Transformation, by Dan Millman: available at www.amazon.com

Avoiding Karma: A Mind Challenging Way to Recognize Who, Why, and What You Truly Are, by Guy
Steven Needler: available at amazon.com

For Anyone Interested In The Concept Of Christ Consciousness


For Those Seeking Solid Christian Spiritual Foundations and Church History

Gene Edwards:
Books: The Inward Journey
The Highest Life
The Secrets To The Christian Life
The Christian Woman Set Free
Website: www.seedsowers.com

Help for Relationships and Addictions

All of the following resources/books/DVDs can be found at authors websites
and/or Amazon

Pia Mellody:
Books: Facing Codependence: What It Is, Where It Comes From, How It Sabotages Our Lives
Facing Love Addiction: Giving Yourself the Power to Change the Way You Love
Website: www.piamellody.com

John Bradshaw:
Books: The Family: A New Way of Creating Solid Self-Esteem
Creating Love: A New Way of Understanding Our Most Important Relationships
Family Secrets: The Path to Self-Acceptance and Reunion
Healing the Shame That Binds You
Homecoming: Reclaiming and Healing Your Inner Child
Post-Romantic Stress Disorder: What to Do When the Honeymoon Is Over
Reclaiming Virtue: How We Can Develop the Moral Intelligence to Do the Right Thing at the
Right Time for the Right Reason
Website: www.johnbradshaw.com

Robert W. Firestone, Ph.D.

Book: The Fantasy Bond
Website: www.glendon.org

Patrick J. Carnes, PhD.:

Book: Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction

Steve Arterburn:
Book: Every Mans Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation
Website: www.newlife.com

Dr. Ted Roberts and Jack Hayford:

Book: Pure Desire: How One Mans Triumph Over His Greatest Struggle Can Help Others Break Free
Website: www.puredesire.org

Marnie Ferree:
Book: Female Sexual Addiction

Berry Sk. Weinhold:

Book: Addictive Family Relationships

Anne Katherine, MA:

Book: Boundaries: Where You End and I Begin

Charles L. Whitfield, M.D.:

Book: Boundaries and Relationships: Knowing, Protecting and Enjoying the Self

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend:

Book: Boundaries

Nancy Groom:
Book: From Bondage to Bonding

Angelyn Miller:
Book: The Enabler: When Helping Harms the Ones You Love

Dan Allender & Tremper Longman:

Book: Bold Love

Barbara Colloruso:
Book: Kids Are Worth It
Website: www.kidsareworthit.com

Nancy Thomas:
Books: When Love is Not Enough: A Guide to Parenting Children With RAD-Reactive Attachment
Captive in the Classroom
Website: www.attachment.org

Cynthia Tobias:
Book: The Way They Learn
Website: www.cynthiatobias.com

Challenging People and Abusive Relationships

All of the following books can be found at Amazon.

John A. Sanford:
Book: Evil: The Shadow Side of Reality

Elijah House: John and Paula Sandford (Founders):

Website: www.elijahhouse.org

Patrick J. Carnes, PhD.:

Books: The Betrayal Bond: Breaking Free of Exploitive Relationships
Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction

David P. Celani:
Book: The Illusion of Love: Why the Battered Woman Returns to Her Abuser

Pamela Jayne, M.A.:

Book: Ditch That Jerk: Dealing With Men Who Control & Hurt Women

Scott Wezler PhD.:

Book: Living With the Passive-Aggressive Man: Coping With Hidden Aggression From the Bedroom to
the Boardroom

Terry Davidson:
Book: Conjugal Crime: Understanding & Changing the Wife-Beating Pattern

Leslie Verneck:
Book: Domestic Violence: Confronting Physical & Sexual Abuse

Dr. Lenore E. Walker:

Book: The Battered Woman Syndrome

James & Phyllis Alsdurf:

Book: Battered Into Submission: The Tragedy of Wife Abuse in the Christian Home

Joanne Krupp:
Book: Woman: Gods Plan Not Mans Tradition

Dr. Margaret J. Rinck:
Book: Christian Men Who Hate Women: Healing Your Hurting Relationships

Tim Murphy, PhD and Loriann Hoff Oberlin:

Book: Overcoming Passive-Aggression: How to Stop Hidden Anger From Spoiling Your Relationships,
Career and Happiness

Signe Whitson, L.S.W.:

Books: Passive Aggressive Diaries
The Angry Smile: The Psychology of Passive Aggressive Behaviors in Families, Schools and Work
Places, 2 ed.
Website: www.signewhitson.com

Cathy Meyer:
Book: Passive Aggressive Behavior: A Form of Covert Abuse

Patricia Evans:
Book: The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize It & How to Respond

Barrie Levy M.S.W.:

Book: In Love & In Danger: A Teens Guide to Breaking Free of Abusive Relationships

Thomas R. McCabe PhD.:

Book: Victims No More

Kiane Zimberoff M.A.:

Book: Breaking Free From the Victim Trap: Reclaiming Your Personal Power

Sam Vaknin, PhD.:

Books: Malignant Self Love-Narcissism Revisited
Toxic Relationships-Abuse and Its Aftermath
The Key to End Domestic Violence
Website: www.samvak.tripod.com

Wendy T. Behary, LCSW:

Book: Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving & Thriving with the Self-Absorbed

Otto Kernberg:
Book: Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism

Marrion F. Solomon:
Book: Narcissism and Intimacy: Love and Marriage in an Age of Confusion

Christine Ann Lawson:
Book: Understanding the Borderline Mother: Helping Her Children Transcend the Intense,
Unpredictable, and Volatile Relationship

Kimberlee Roth and Freda B. Friedman, Ph.D., LCSW:

Book: Surviving A Borderline Parent: How to Heal You Childhood Wounds and Build Trust, Boundaries,
and Self-Esteem

Paul T. Mason, M.S. and Randi Kreger:

Book: Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has
Borderline Personality Disorder

Thomas Sheridan:
Book: Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath
Website: www.thomassheridanartist.blogspot.com

Ronald Schouten, MD, and James Silver, JD:

Book: Almost A Psychopath: Do I (or Does Someone I Know) Have a Problem with Manipulation and
Lack of Empathy

Book: Psychopath Free: Recovering From Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists,
Sociopaths, & Other Toxic People
Website: www.PsychopathFree.com

Patricia Evans:
Book: Controlling People: How to Recognize, Understand, and Deal With People Who Try to Control

Albert J. Bernstein, P.D.:

Book: Emotional Vampires: Dealing with People Who Drain You Dry

Daniel Rhodes and Kathleen Rhodes, D.N.Sc.:

Book: Vampires: Emotional Predators Who Want to Suck the Life Out of You

Susan Forward, Ph.D.:

Book: Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life

Nina W. Brown:
Book: Children of the Self-Absorbed: A Grownups Guide to Getting Over Narcissistic Parents

Dr. Patricia Love with Jo Robinson:
Book: The Emotional Incest Syndrome: What to Do When a Parents Love Rules Your Life

E. Sue Bloom:
Book: Secret Survivors: Uncovering Incest and Its After Effects in Women

Dr. Dan B. Allender:

Book: The Wounded Heart: Hope For Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Bobbie Rosencrans, MSW:

Book: The Last Secret: Daughters Sexually Abused by Mothers

The Safer Society Foundation Inc.: Has many resources, pamphlets and DVDs for working with victims
of sexual abuse and with sexual offenders.
Website: www.safersociety.org

Spiritual/Religious Abuse/Religious Addiction

You need to understand how you are being controlled.

Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton:

Books: Toxic Faith: Understanding and Overcoming Religious Addiction
Faith That Hurts, Faith That Heals: Understanding the Fine Line Between Healthy Faith &
Spiritual Abuse

Father Leo Booth:

Book: When God Becomes A Drug: Understanding Religious Addiction and Abuse
Website: www.fatherleo.com

Ronald Enroth:
Books: Churches That Abuse
Recovering From Churches That Abuse

Mary Alice Chrnalogar:

Book: Twisted Scriptures: The Path to Freedom From Abusive Churches

Michael H. Crosby:
Book: The Dysfunctional Church: Addiction & Co-Dependency in the Family of Catholicism

Ron & Vicky Burks:

Book: Damaged Disciples: Spiritual Abuse in Bible Based Churches

Valerie J. McIntyre:
Book: Sheep In Wolves Clothing: How Unseen Need Destroys Friendship and Community and What to
Do About It

Gregory Boyd:
Books: Repenting of Religion: Turning From Judgment to the Love of God
Escaping the Matrix: Setting Your Mind Free to Experience Real Life in Christ (with Al Larson)

Considerations and Help for Concerned, Abused and/or Recovering Catholics!

S.N.A.P.: Survivors Network Of Those Abused By Priests

Website: www.snapnetwork.org

Coalition Of Catholics And Survivors

Website: www.catholicsandsurvivors.net

S.O.S.A.: Survivors Of Spiritual Abuse

Website: www.sosa.org

Leo Lyon Zagami: An excellent researcher.

Books: Pope Fancis: The Last Pope?: Money, Masons and Occultism in the Decline of the Catholic
Facebook: www.facebook.com/leolyonzagami

Tom Horn:
Book: Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here
Website: www.skywatchtv.com

Mind Control and Satanic Ritual Abuse

Mark Passio:
Website: www.whatonearthishappening.com

Free Your Mind Conferences 1, 2 and 3: View a wealth of information and lectures by keynote speakers
and investigative researchers into truth.
Website: www.freeyourmindconference.com

Jay Parker:
Websites: www.thecenterpath.weebly.com
- Jay hosts a weekly radio show, Matrix Warriors, Fridays from 10pm-12am

Freeman Fly:
Website: www.freemantv.com

David Icke: many eye opening books and You Tube lectures
Book: The Biggest Secret
Website: www.davidicke.com

Fritz Springmeier:
Books: The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave
Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula
Bloodlines of the Illuminati
Website: www.pentracks.com

Cathy OBrien with Mark Phillips:

Books: Trance Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA Slave
Access Denied

Kathleen Sullivan:
Book: Unshackled: A Survivors Story of Mind Control

Lauren Stratford:
Book: Satans Underground

Brice Taylor (Sue Ford):

Books: Starshine: One Womans Valiant Escape From Mind Control
Thanks for the Memories: The Truth Has Set Me Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hopes and Henry
Kissingers Mind-Controlled Slave

Book: Reflections in the Night

Seeing Through Multiple Eyes: TygerWolf Crews Den:

Website: www.2multiples.com/twcrew & www.2multiples.com/twcrew/25_page.html

Website: www.surivorship.org

Understanding The Evils Of Mind Control:
Website: www.whale.to/b/sp/spr10html

Kerth Barker:
Books: Mental Liberation in the Age of Thought Control: Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK
Ultra, Monarch & Illuminati Mind Control
Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers: Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor
Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High Adept Satanism
Psychic Development for Prosperity, Self Defense & Political Influence
Website: http://angelicdefenders.theshamecampaign.com

Beth Goobie:
Book: The Only Good Heart

SMART: Stop Mind Control And Ritual Abuse Today: Neil Brick, Founder
Website: https://ritualabuseus

John W. DeCamp:
Book: The Franklin Cover-up: Child-Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska

William H. Kennedy:
Book: Lucifers Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church
Satanic Crime: A Threat in the New Millennium

Dr. Loreda Fox:

Book: The Spiritual & Clinical Dimensions of Multiple Personality Disorder

Daniel Ryder:
Book: Breaking the circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse: Recognizing & Recovering From the Hidden Trauma

Colin A. Ross, MD:

Book: Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment

David K. Sakheim & Susan E. Devine:

Book: Out of Darkness: Exploring Satanism & Ritual Abuse

Doris Bryant, Judy Kessler, and Lynda Shirar:

Book: The Family Inside: Working With the Multiple

Antonio Damasio:
Book: The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness

Dr. James E. Wilder:
Books: Living By the Heart Jesus Gave You
Red Dragon Cast Down

Diane W. Hawkins:
Book: Restoring the Shattered Training Series
Website: www.rcm-usa.org

Gerald Schoenewolf:
Book: Counterresistance: The Therapists Interference with the Therapeutic Process

Marilyn R. Peterson:
Book: At Personal Risk: Boundary Violations in Professional-Client Relationships

Michael J. Tansey, Walter F. Burke:

Book: Understanding Countertransference: From Projective Identification to Empathy

Constance J. Dalenberg:
Book: Countertransference and the Treatment of Trauma

Time Travel and Montauk Experiments

www.skybooksusa.com - Where Science Fiction Meets Reality

Steward Swerdlow:
Montauk: The Alien Connection
Website: www.expansions.com
-Montauk Chronicles Movie available on this site.

Peter Moon:
Books: The Montauk Pulse: Volumes 1,2,& 3

Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon:

Book: Transylvanian Sunrise: A Secret Initiation in the Mysterious Land of the Gods

Alexandra Bruce:
Book: Parallel Universes and the Physics of Insanity

Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon:

Book: Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity

Andrew D. Basiago: Whistle blower claiming to have been part of the secret US time travel experiments
in the early 1970, DARPAs Project Pegasus: Mars Space Exploration
Website: www.projectpegasus.net

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Information

Alfred Lambremont Webre: See interviews with various AI researchers on Alfreds websites.
Websites: www.exopolitics.com

Bradley Loves:
Website: www.bradleyloves.worldpress.com/2015/08/28/the-road-to-shambhalla

Lily Earthling Kolosowa: Interview with Alfred Webre: Integrate Your Soul & Spirit to organic Earth
internal source creation and defeat invading inorganic (AI) artificial Intelligence.
Website: www.newsinsideout.com

Harald KautzVella: View Haralds many lectures on YouTube

Book: Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation, by Cara St. Louis and Harald Kautz-Vella
Website: www.facebook.com/herald.krautzvella

The Untangled Gathering: AI Symposium: View on You Tube

Contacts For Purchasing Gold and Silver

ICA: A McAlvany Financial Company

166 Turner Drive
Durango, CO 81303
970-259-4100 or 800-525-9556
Associate: Mike Horsey, direct line 866-659-4128

North American Investment Services

P.O. Box 25752
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
719-572-5955 or 800-595-0561
Ron Brown: owner

Discount Gold and Silver:
Website: www.discountgoldandsilvertrading.net

Greg Hunter Interviews Andy Hoffmann: Video: Something gigantic and horrible this year. Discussion
about China leading the way by devaluing their currency, with other nations, including the US, sure to
Website: www.usawatchdog.com


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