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Abstract. Constructive geometry in problem-solving, which is best described

through problems, can be outlined as the method of choosing a few preliminary
points and uniquely constructinghence the nameother objects described.
If there were sufficient resources on constructive geometry, then virtually no
one would use non-synthetic methods before synthetic. I will describe how I
discovered this approach.
I took Elements of Geometry at AwesomeMath 2013. I was introduced to
Geogebra, which I would come to use to draw almost every one of my diagrams.
Once while I was playing with Geogebra, I found a tool named rigid polygon.
What could this be? I was too lazy to find out, so I assumed it was something
that made a polygon rigid. Rigid makes me think of invariateyou cant
move it, it doesnt depend on anything else, its unique. Then came the 2014
AIME II. I already knew that geometry was my strong subject, so I decided
to try problems 11 and 14, skipping over 10, 12, 13, and 15. Somehow it
stood out to me that everything was defined uniquely. I mostly successfully
approached the Sharygin Geometry Olympiad similarly.
What use is keeping this to myself? Im tired of when people would bash
a problem because its more straightforward. Obviously, and most of them
know itit is not fun. I wanted to share this approach with as many people
as possible. What should I name it? Well, it bears a clear resemblance to
rigid-ness, so The Rigid Technique makes sense.
I have been going to a fun class for the past Sundays. Among my classmates
was my best friend, the silent slayer of problemsunfortunately sometimes this
means bashing. Today, I gave my best friend some details on my approach, and
she recognized it as constructive geometry. Our teacher told me there were
many books written on the subject. Then how come some people would rather
bash? I have not found the answer to this, and I will append the resources on
constructive geometry so that said people do not have to do so.
I suggest working through the problems as constructively as possible. After
each problem I included a discussion-like remark. Recently a helpful instructor
told us our job is to not make graders think, and that drawing diagrams helps
out with that. Taking the contrapositive, we get that no diagrams encourage
thinking, which is part of the reason I didnt include diagrams.

Example 1 (2014 AMC 10A Problem #22.). In rectangle ABCD, AB = 20 and

BC = 10. Let E be a point on CD such that CBE = 15 . What is AE?
20 3
(A) (B) 10 3 (C) 18 (D) 11 3 (E) 20
Remark 1. In rectangle ABCD, AB = 20 and BC = 10.
Pretty straightforward.
Let E be a point on CD.

Received by the editors April 27, 2014, unrevised.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 51A99.

c (copyright holder)


Oh no! Its not rigid!

such that CBE = 15 .
Just kidding, it is rigid. We know that 4BEC is a 15-75-90 triangle, and
BC = 10. By ASA, this triangle is unique. This is the only creative part. We draw

EF such that CEF = 60 . Then 4F EC is a 30-60-90 triangle, so CF = CE 3,
and EF = 2CE. Also, BEF = 15 = EBF , so 4BEF is isosceles and BF=
EF = 2CE. We have 10 =BC = BF + F C = CE(2 + 3), so CE = 20 10 3,
and DE = DC CE = 10 3.
What is AE?
We have AD = 10, ADE = 90 , and DE = 10 3, which by SAS uniquely
determines the triangle. Furthermore the right angle lets us use the Pythagorean
Theorem, so AE = 20.
Example 2 (2014 AIME II, Problem #14.). In 4ABC, AB = 10, A = 30 ,
and C = 45 . Let H, D, and M be points on line BC such that AH BC,
BAD = CAD, and BM = CM . Point N is the midpoint of segment HM , and
point P is on ray AD such that P N BC. Then AP 2 = m
n , where m and n are
relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.
Remark 2. In 4ABC, AB = 10, A = 30 , and C = 45 .
By AAS, this tells us that 4ABC is unique. However, we are probably going to
use the other lengths, so we drop altitude BX to AC, forming 30-60-90 4ABX and
45-45-90 4BCX. Side ratios give us BC = 5 2 and AC = AX + XC = 5 3 + 5.
Let H, D, and M be points on line BC such that AH BC, BAD = CAD,
and BM = CM .
Let us analyze them one at a time. H is the foot of the altitude from A to BC.
It should be easier

to define this by its distance to C. Since 4ACH is a 45-45-90
5 6+5 2
triangle, CH = 2 . Now onto D, the foot of the angle bisector of ABC. It
should be easier to define this as a spiral similarity (the definition is pretty obvious)
of AH. We know that CAD = 15 and CAH = 45 , so DAH = 30 . Now we
have that 4ADH is a 30-60-90 triangle. Then, M is the midpoint of BC,
and it
5 2
makes sense to define it by the distance CM . We find that this is BC 2 = 2 .
Point N is the midpoint of segment HM , and point P is on ray AD such that
We seem to deal with H pretty often. Let us redefine M by the distance HM =
HC CM = 5 2 6 . Then, HN = HM 2 . Now we define P . We remember that 30-60-
90 triangles are good for working with lengths, so we try to create one. Translate
HN away from and perpendicular to BC, towards A, until it intersects AD at P
and AH at Y . Then 30-60-90 4AP Y gives us AP = 2P Y = 2HN = HM = 5 2 6 .
Example 3 (2014 Sharygin Geometrical Olympiad, Problem #1.). A right-angled
triangle ABC is given. Its cathetus AB is the base of a regular triangle ADB lying
in the exterior of ABC, and its hypothenuse AC is the base of a regular triangle
AEC lying in the interior of ABC. Lines DE and AB meet at point M . The whole
configuration except points A and B was erased.
Restore the point M .
Remark 3. Although we have to provide a proof, the problem tells us that A and
B uniquely define M . Clearly we must first determine M . This does not involve
much constructive geometry, just a motivated assumption would do the trick.

We assume ACB = 30 and BAC = 60 . The problem tells us that ABC =

90 , so any of the assumed angles uniquely determines the other such that this is
a 30 60 90 triangle. We form equilateral triangle AEC. Then CAE = 60 =
CAB, so A, B, E are collinear, which means DE and AB meet at E. That is,
D = E. Since BC is the altitude to equilateral triangle 4AEC, it bisects AE, that
is, AB = BE = BM .
We claim that M is the reflection of A over B.
Notice that D is uniquely determined by AB. With the addition of C, we can
define E with AC. However, as a constructive geometer I like it when two similar
figures share a vertex, which is known as spiral similarity. We can define 4AEC by
rotating 4ADB by BAC clockwise and applying a homothety, that is, a dilation.
Notice that M is uniquely defined by DE and AB. We should get rid of C, or the
condition that ABC = 90 , as soon as possible. How do we transform 4ABC?
We rotate it by 60 counter-clockwise to get 4ADE.
The problem tells us that AB = AD and AC = AE. Also, if BAC < 60 ,
BAC = 60CAE = DAE. If BAC 60 , BAC = 60+BAE = DAE,
so by SAS, 4ABC = 4ADE.
The only condition for 4ABC was that ABC = 90 . Then we get ADE =
90 . We want to simplify this to get rid of E, which we can easily do by saying
ADM = 90 . Since we also have DAM = 60 , we have a unique triangle.
4ADM has ADM = ADE = 90 and DAM = BAD = 60 , so it is a
30 60 90 triangle. Therefore, 2AB = 2AD = AM = AB + BM , so AB = BM ,
as desired.
Example 4 (Property of Miquel Point). Let ABCD be a quadrilateral such that
lines AB and CD meet at M , and lines AD and BC meet at N . Let the circum-
circles of 4BCM and 4CDN meet again at P . Prove that ABCD is a cyclic
quadrilateral if and only if M, P, N are collinear.
Remark 4. I still dont know what the Miquel Point is. Lets get started.
It seems like we barely use A, so we will get rid of it. Recall that ABCD is cyclic
if and only if ABC + ADC = 180 . To remove A, notice that this is equivalent
to the statement (180 CBM ) + (180 CDN ) = 180 , which simplifies to
CBM + CDN = 180 . So it suffices to show that CBM + CDN = 180 if
and only if M, P, N are collinear.
We will apply the constructive method, starting with the condition that CBM +
CDN = 180 . Fix 4BCM . Then CP M is determinedin fact it is 180
CBM = CDN . 4BCM also determines CDN , which similarly tells us that
CP N = 180CDN . Then CP M +CP N = 180 , which gives us the desired
For this problem, though not all, we can simply reverse our steps to prove the
converse. Since M, P, N are collinear, CP M + CP N = 180 . Then CBM +
CDN = (180 CP M ) + (180 CP N ) = 180 .

E-mail address: themathlete@rocketmail.com

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