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Funding for the Ecological Landscaping conference was provided by The Ohio
State University and its Urban Landscape Ecology Program. Special thanks to
Lisa Miller, Kevin Power and other members of the conference committee for
their help in planning and executing the conference. We thank Eric Strauss,
Anne Cumming, Jessica Schmierer, the authors of contributed papers and
anonymous reviewers for their help in bringing this special issue to fruition.


This work was supported by EPSRC Sustainable Urban Environments
Thematic Grants EP/F007604/1 and EP/I002154/1. Infoterra provided ac-
cess to LandBase; MasterMap data were supplied by Ordnance Survey.
Soil type data were provided by Soils Data Cranfield University (NSRI).
We thank Sarah McCormack and Jonathan Potter for technical assistance
and Mike and Sally Edmondson for advice on allotment management. We
gratefully acknowledge Leicester City Council, the households, allotment
holders and farmers for access to their land.


The authors wish to thank Yolanda Williams, Matthew Warren and mem-
bers of the Sacramento community for aiding in the collection of samples
and removing debris from potential garden plots.
292 Author Notes


The authors thank the Community Greening Resource Network for their
partnership on the project and access to the Baltimore urban gardening
community, and Rufus Chaney of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
Agricultural Research Service for analyzing soil samples from participat-
ing gardens.

Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: JM KD AP KN. Performed
the experiments: BK MP JM KD AP KN. Analyzed the data: BK MP
AP. Wrote the paper: BK MP JM KD AP KN. Acquired funding for the
study: KN.

Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

This work was funded by a Faculty-Community grant from the Johns
Hopkins Urban Health Institute (http://www.urbanhealth.jhu.edu/). The
Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future is supported by a grant from
the GRACE Communications Foundation (but did not provide funding
specific to this project). The funders had no role in study design, data col-
lection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


Authors greatly acknowledge the key contribution of WA Water Corpora-
tion who provided relevant data and the fund to undertake this study. We
thank Satterley Property Group for their financial contribution; Centre for
Planning at Edith Cowan University for the operational management of
the study. We are also grateful for Mr. Tim Perkins (Centre for Planning,
ECU) and Dr. Bishnu Devkota (Infra Tech Pacific/WorleyParson, past-WA
Water Corporation) for their generous comments on this paper.
Author Notes 293


We would like to thank Mark Pavett, John Deeming, Brian Levey, Mike
Wilson, Ray Barnett, Roger Ball and Stuart Morris for taxonomic exper-
tise, along with land owners and managers for access to sites. We thank
Daniel Montoya, Ian Cleasby and Beth Atkinson for statistical advice and
the following field assistants: Sally Donaldson, Peter Harris, Joe Hicks,
Jasmine King, Olivia Norfolk, Mark Otieno, Despoina Roumpeka and
Juan Carlos Ruiz-Guajardo. This work is based on data provided through
the NERC (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), Ordnance Survey, Of-
fice for National Statistics, UK Data Service (EDINA UKBORDERS, and
Casweb MIMAS), Natural England, Countryside Council for Wales and
Scottish Natural Heritage, and uses boundary material which is copyright
of the Crown.

Author Contributions
The study was designed and carried out by K.C.R.B., M.A.G., D.M.H.,
W.E.K. N.M., L.M.O., S.G.P., K.M.R., A.V.S., G.N.S. and J.M. K.C.R.B.
and I.P.V. carried out the statistical analyses. All authors contributed to
drafts of the manuscript and gave final approval for publication.

Competing Interests
We have no competing interests.

This research was funded jointly by a grant from BBSRC, Defra, NERC,
the Scottish Government and the Wellcome Trust, under the Insect Pol-
linators Initiative (BB/I00047X/1).


We thank Dr. Guy Robinson for his assistance and advice on acetolysis
and pollen identification. In addition, we thank Rosaly Fernandez for as-
sistance measuring garden parameters. This manuscript was improved by
294 Author Notes

discussions with Drs. Amy Tuininga and James Lewis. The New York
Restoration Project, the New York City Department of Housing Preser-
vation and Development, New York City Parks, and the Trust for Public
Land generously granted us permission to use their gardens for this study.
We thank the many gardeners and local citizens in and around the gar-
den communities for their courtesy and assistance in making this project
possible. This document represents contribution 238 of the Louis Calder
Biological Field Station.


We are grateful to the gardeners for their support and to Eden Matteson,
Caitlin Bell and Christian Escobar for help capturing and marking bees in
the field. This work was partially supported by funds from a Lindbergh
Foundation Grant to G.A.L and represents contribution 241 of the Louis
Calder Biological Field Station of Fordham University. The manuscript
was greatly improved by comments from two anonymous reviewers.


We would like to thank the University of California and the Agricultural
Experiment Station for support of this project. This work in the Emerson
Park Community Garden could not have been possible without the dedi-
cated cooperation of lead gardener, Barbara Smith. She was essential in
maintaining communication with the gardeners and also distributing and
collecting questionnaire surveys. We would also like to thank the garden-
ers at Emerson Park who allowed us space in their plots and that actively
participated in the survey. Misha Leong and Jennifer Hernandez kindly
read an early draft of the paper and offered helpful comments.
Author Notes 295


The authors wish to thank Stephanie Thompson, Bruce Lewenstein, Re-
bekah Doyle, and Alexey Kudryavtsev for their contributions to the Gar-
den Mosaics evaluation, and Gretchen Ferenz, Alan Berkowitz, and the
many Garden Mosaics educators for collaboration in creating and imple-
menting the program. Funding for Garden Mosaics and related work was
contributed by the National Science Foundation Informal Science Educa-
tion Program (ESI 0125582), from the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education and Federal Formula
Funds programs, and from the Weed Science Society of America.

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