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ACTA CHEMICA SCANDINAVICA 14 (1960) 717-725 Studies on the Hydrolysis of Metal Ions Part 30. A Critical Survey of the Solubility Equilibria of Ag.O GEORGE BIEDERMANN and LARS GUNNAR SILLEN Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 70, Sweden On the basis of recalculation of the data available in the literature (Table 1) the most probable values of the constants of the following equilibria have been estimated at 25°C: 4 ABO) + 110 0 Age + OF log Ky = —7.71 + 0.03 4 Ag,O(s) + 4 H,O @ AgOH log Kg, = —5.75 + 0.25 4 Ag,O(s) + 4 Ho + OH” @ Ag(OH); lee Key = —3.72 + 0.03 For the complex formation OH"-Ag+ ee ioe give log K, = log [AgOHJ{Ag+]{OH"] log By = Jog [Ag(OH) T[Ag+}> Tora om a4 0: 2 ‘0.08 ‘Tho different experimental methods which were employed to study. these equilibria have boon discussed in somo detail. [7,, three Preceding papers the hydrolysis equilibria of the, Ag* ion wore studied in acid 1, moderately alkaline * and highly alkaline * solutions by a group of workers in this laboratory. The data obtained by these investigators could be explained by assuming the formation of the species AgOH and Ag(OH)r, and no evidence was found for the presence of appreciable amounts of polynuclear products which were claimed by several previous authors 4, "AS a consequence of these results the solubility equilibria of Ag,O may be written $4g,0(6)+2H,0 = Agt+ OH” = Ky = Agt OH HH,OF4 ay $g,0(s) + } H,0 = AgOH Ky, ={Ag0H}{H,0}* (2) 4Ag,0(6) + OH +4H,0 + Ag(OH Ky = (Ag(OH))(OH}*(H,0)+ (3) where the symbol {} denotes activity. The present paper is devoted to a discus- sion of the available data concerning equilibria (1), (2) and (3). On the basis of the discussion an attempt has been made to estimate the most probable values at 25°C of Kw, Ky and Kj, which are collected in the Synopsis. It is believed that the conclusions reached in this work might find a general interest for the study of equilibria involving slightly soluble metal oxides and hydroxides. Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) No. 3 ns BIEDERMANN AND SILLEN ON THE SOLUBILITY PRODUCT OF Ag,0, Ke Four methods have been applied to determine Ky: (A) emf measurements (B) study of the equilibrium’ AgCl(s) + OH” = $Ag,0(s) + $H,0 + CI; K, = {CT} (H,0}'(0H}4 = — Ku(AgCl) a = Fo(AB0) J (C) conductance measurements and (D) chemical analysis of tho saturated solution. ‘As will be clear from the following discussion Ky may be determined in a straightforward manner by methods (A) and (B), when the measurements aro made in solutions of [OH"]>0.01 M which have an appreciable buffer capacity. Mothods (C) and (D) require on the other hand tho study of a saturatod solution ‘of Ag, containing no added electrolyte. Since the solubility product of Ag,O is rather low (log Ky is about —7.7) the composition of the saturated solution is influenced considerably by tho presenco of slight amounts of protolyzing impurities, e.g. CO, or substances dissolved from glass. ‘Using methods (C) and (D) therefore the nature and concentration of the impurities must be known and their effect on the data must be taken into account. By a correct treatment of the conductance and the analytical data the uncertainty caused by the presence of impurities may become unappreci- able, as it is shown by the fact that the results derived from the experiments of the most careful workers are in agreement with those found by the methods (A) and (B), (see Table 1). \A) Emf measuremonts with the halfooell OH/Ag,0(s),Ag Previous workers ** had difficulty in obtaining constant and reproducible emf values with Ag,0,Ag electrodes. More recently, however, Makolkin ® and Hamer and Craig? were able to find the experimental conditions in which the Ag,0,Ag electrodes function reversibly. The cell studied by Makolkin had the composition H,/Ba(OH), J M/Ba(OH), 1 M/Ag,0,Ag (25°C) @ Elon, = Vatm) = e*(E*]Ag,0,Ag) —29.58 log (11,0) (6) and he found EB = 1171.9 + 0.8 mVigg = 1172.3 + 0.8 mVate* ‘The cell of Hamer and Craig was Hg HgO/NuOH I M/NeOH J M/sg,0,Ag (25°C) (1) = &(H*/Ag,0,Ag) — e°(H*/Hg0,Hg) (8) and they obtained B= 244.0 40.5 mVate * The conversion to mV,,,, was made by the present authors. Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) No. 3 HYDROLYSIS OF METAL IONS 30 no Here ¢° denotes the standard potential referred to the hydrogen scale. Cells I and II may be expected to yield highly accurate values for Kw. The solubilities of Ag,O and HgO are so low that the liquid junction potential is quite negligible for I > 0.01 M. Both these investigators used solutions of I> 0.1 M, therefore small amounts of CO, and substances dissolved from glass, which can hardly be avoided, do not influence appreciably the composi- tion of the solutions. Moreover since the [OH ] is practically the same in both half-cells the effect of the impurities on the emf will be cancelled out. The correctness of the assumed cell reaction may be tested, e.g. by changing I. Hamer and Craig have found that the emf of cell IT remains constant within + 0.5 mV as [OH] is varied from 1.3 to 10 M. Since e+ /8g,0,A8) = &(Ag*/Ag) + 69.15 Jog =. ” where K, is the ionic product of water, we need in order to caloulate Kyy the values of the constants K,,, e°(Ag* /Ag) and with cell II also e°(H* /HgO, Hg). ‘We shall use pK,, = 13.997; the most probable values for the standard potentials will be taken from a critical survey # made in this laboratory: e°(Ag*/Ag) 799.44. 0.2 mVay, and e°(H*+ /HgO, Hg) = 926.1 + 0.3 mVers. Tho term contain- ing (H,0} in (5) has been neglected, since Harned and Mason ? have shown that in 0.1 M Ba(OH), (the concentration presumably used by Makolkin) it is Jess than 0.05 mV. ‘With the constants selected Makolkin’s data give —log Ky = 7.70 + 0.02 and those of Hamer and Craig 7.73 + 0.02; the difference does not exceed significantly the experimental uncertainty. Ko(Aso) B) Determination of Ky = 14h oy Since at 25°C the solubility product of AgCl, Keo(AgCl), is about 0.01 x Ko(Ag,0) the analytical determination of the ratio [CC] [OH ]* in a solution which is in equilibrium with solid Ag,O and AgCl may be carried out with a fair degre of accuracy, Two sets of data are available — the measurements of Noyes and Kohr® and those of Newton 4, which are in a satisfactory agreement. These investigators have found that equilibrium is established at 25°C within a few hours, so that the attack of OH” on the glass surface may not introduce an appreciable error. No systematic trend ean be detected in the [CI"] [OH-}* values as [OH™] varies from 0.05 to 0.35 M. This fact indicates that in these solutions /(CI) {>(OEL ) is equal to unity within the narrow limits of experimental uncertainty. ‘The deviation of {H,0} from unity is certainly negligible. We can thus set K, = (Clon y+. ¥rom the data of Newton ™ the average value of pK, is calculated to be 2,045-4 0.015 and from those of Noyes and Kohr™ 2.02 -4 0.02. On the basis of a critical examination of the available data Sillén * gave as the most probable value of pX,(AgCl) 9752+ 0.005, Introducing this value into (4) we find pK = 7.71 0.03 from Newton’s results, and 7.73 + 0.05 from those of Noyes ‘and Kohr; the agreement with the figures deduced from the emf measurements is satisfactory, Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) No. 3 720 BIEDERMANN AND SILLEN (C) Conductance measurements Tho conductance of a saturated solution of Ag,O was determined at 25°C with a high accuracy by Bottger#* and Laue”. Both these investigators employed a Ag,O preparation of high purity and used as solvent "conductivity water” which denotes pure water kept in contact with air. Bottger evaluated Ko by the classical method; he set 10°(x—%,) = V Kw (Asg+ + Aox-) where is tho conductance of the saturated solution, x, is that of the conductance water and A denotes ionic conductance. Laue *” realized that tho chief impurity in conductance water is carbon dioxide at such a high concentration (about 10-* M) that a considerable error is made when in the saturated solution [Ag*] is set equal to [OH]. Laue has given correct treatment of his data and obtained pKyy = 7.71. Tho general principles used by this author form the basis of our approach which is somewhat more simple. The computation of Ky consists of two steps. First a) the total carbon dioxide content, [CO,}., of the conductance water is calculated from %q, then A) the composition of tho saturated solution is obtained from (COs}ox and x. Since the ionic strength of a saturated solution is about 10-¢ M wo havo assumed the activity factors of all species present to be unity and we have neglected the variation of the ionic conductances with concentration. ‘@) [COg}ot was calculated from %, by combining 10%q = hdgt + [HCOs Anco, = Mant + Aucos) (8) with = —MHC0s] _ Ko = TH,CO, + C03] wd and [COshoe = [HaCO, + CO,] + [HCO5] (10) ‘Kolthoff ‘and Elmquist * have found that x» is decreased by no more than about 90 % if CO, is removed by purified air from a conductance water. These experiments indicate that it can be regarded only as a rough approximation if we ascribo x, entirely t0 [CO,]jz¢ {because conductance water contains also non-volatile impurities. However the error introduced by calculating [CO,]j9_ With (8) \does not exceed the uncertainty of ‘the % measurement. 6) In a saturated solution of Ag, the concentrations of the ionic species present are related by the equation [Ag*] = [OH] + [HCOs}}+ 2[CO37], qa) the specific conductance is given by 10% = [Ag*}agt + [OH Von- + [HCOs]anco; + 2[CO}"Mcof (12) and sinoe log h is about —10 [COg ho = [HCO5] + [C03] (13) Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) No. 3 HYDROLYSIS OF METAL IONS 30 ma By taking into account the equilibrium OH” + HCOs = C0}- + H,0; = {coy = [OH |[HC0s] =K' (14) insertion of (11) and (13) into (12) yields 10% = 2(hom + Aagt) + OMe hag + Anes, + 2K'eCdoot + Ang] (15) where [OH] is denoted by 2 for convenience. The unknown [OH] is obtained by a short sories of successive approximations from (15) and the known, [CO,}ot, K’ and the 2’s, then [HCOz] and [CO3-] are calculated using (14) and (13). [Ag*] is found from (11). ‘The following numerical values were used: pK, = 6.352, pKq = 10.329; dgct = 349.8, dag = 61.92, Jon- = 197.6, Aucoy = 44.5% and Aco” = 74,08. Application of this calculation to the x and x data of Bottger has given pKq = 7.69 + 0.02 while Laue’s figures give 7.71 + 0.02. "the agreoment with the pK values found in sections (A) and (B) shows that conductance measurement is also capable of giving accurate results in such an unfavorable system as that discussed. (D) Chemical analysis ‘The attempts of workers prior to Laue to determine [Ag(I)]}t in a saturated solution of Ag,O had the purpose of getting only approximate values. Laue 1? and Johnston et al. were able to work out electroanalytical and potentio- metric methods suitable for determining a silver concentration of about 10~* M with an accuracy of a few percent. ‘The results of these very careful workers differ considerably. Laue found that in paraffinized flasks the solubility equilibrium is established at 25°C within an hour and he obtained [Ag(I) hoe = (1.61 + 0.10) x 10“ M. According to Johnston et al. at least ten days were Tequired to attain equilibrium and they found [Ag(T)}os ~ (2.22 + 0.04) x 10M. ‘We have reason to assume that Johnston’s value for [Ag(I)]ot was high, because some OH reacted with small amounts of carbon dioxide in the condue- tance water (%,~ 1.2—2 X 10-5) and with the surface of the pyrex flask (which was in contact with an alkaline solution for many days) forming silicates, aluminates and borates. Assuming that [Ag(I)o = [Ag*] we may give a rough estimate of the amount of OH™ ions which by reacting with glass might have caused the high results of Johnston et al. ‘These authors used a water of x, = 1.2 X 10* corresponding to [COs}ot = 2.4 x 10° M. With this value and with pKa = 7.70 we estimate that their solution with [Ag*] = 2.22 x 10“ M contained also [OH] = 9 x 10-8, [HCO3] = 1.7 x 10-5, [CO2-] = 7 x,10-* and [Si0(OH)s] + [Al(OH)z] + [B(OH)a] = 1 x 10-* M. According to experiences in this labo- ratory such a value for [Si0(OH)s) + [AI(OH)s] + [B(OH)a] does not seem to be unreasonable. The apparently slow attainment of the solubility equilibrium may also be explained by reaction of OH with glass. As the [OH] is decreased more Ag,O Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) No. 3 i“ 722 BIEDERMANN AND SILLEN Toble 1. Survey of the caloulsted pKy values. Author Mothod Auxiliary data PKs |. Makolkin* emf of the coll (Ag+ /Ag)=799.440.2 mVabs | 7.70-10.02 |Hy/Ba(OH), I M/Ag,0, Ag . Hamer and emf of the oell lo(Agt/Ag)=799.4.0.2 mVabs | 7.7840.02 Craig Hg, HgO/NaOH I M/Ag,0, Ag |eo(H+ /Hg0,11g)== 926.1 0.3 mVaba 1. Noyes and, Kohr™ lic for PKg(AgCl) = 9.75 + 0.005 | 7.730.086 yAg,0-+41,0+CI'@AgCl+ OF" |. Newton as 3. a 8 7.710.038 5. Botegor conductance besnjo = 1.15 x 10 7.690.028 1. Laue # conductance Fei0 = (1.85 and 1.58) x 10 | 7.71£0.02 Lane" | cert ansiaa bemso = 12 x 10 1.983.008 will dissolve until [Ag+] [OH] becomes again equal to Ky. Dissolution of glass in alkaline solutions is known to be rapid at first, but after prolonged contact the reaction becomes very slow. Thus after a period the incroase of the [Ag*] is expected to be unappreciable. Recent experimental results on the hydrolysis of the Ag* ion? have given no support to the hypothesis of Johnston et al. that the high solubility is to be explained by the formation of the species Ag,OH*. Laue’s data may be used to get an approximate value of Kw. We have assumed [Ag(I)}u to be equal to [Ag*]. The discussion presented in the next section indicates that the error so made is less than the experimental uncer- tainty. First [CO,ka was calculated from (8) using %, = 1.2 x 10° as given by Laue, then [OH ] was obtained from (14) and (11) by successive approxima- tion. This treatment gave pK» = 7.75 + 0.05, The results of our calculations are summarized in Table 1; this indicates a substantial agreement between the pXw values based on different assump- tions and experimental procedures. As the most probable value we would propose the weighted average log Ky = —7.71 + 0.03, ON THE SOLUBILITY OF Ag,O IN ALKALINE SOLUTIONS Johnston et al.4 made an extensive and highly accurate study on the solu- bility of Ag,O in NaOH, KOH and Ba(OH), solutions at 26°C. ‘A few data in NaOH solutions have also been obtained by Laue”. It should be pointed out that as [OH] exceeds about 0.01 M the solutions attain such a high buffer Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) No. 3 HYDROLYSIS OF METAL IONS 80 728 capacity that the carbon dioxide content of the conductance water and the dissolution of oxides from the glass surface have a negligible influence on the solubility equilibrium. Both authors explained their data by equilibrium (3); Laue obtained log Ka = —3.70 and Johnston et al. found log Ky = —3.71. The latter authors gave moreover log Ky, = —5.60. The validity of the assumption that ex- clusively mononuclear hydrolysis products are formed was verified only recently by distribution ? and emf studies carried out in this laboratory. We have recalculated both sets of data by a more exact method than was done previously, and we have employed the curve fitting technique * which may yield a more reliable estimato of the uncertainties of the computed con- stants. No attention was paid to the results found in solutions of [OH] <0.01M. because these may be expected to be not quite reliable. ‘The water activity and the ratio of the activity factors of OH” and Ag(OH)3 were assumed to be unity; the error made seems to be negligible compared with the experimental uncertainty. We calculated from the vapor pressure measurements of Robinson and Stokes * 4 log {H,0} to be —0.0075 at [NaOH] = 1M; this was the highest [OH] considered. ‘We have also assumed in the following calculation that /(Ag*) f (OH™) = fi, = 1 this seems to be permissible because, at the [OH”] values where f,, is expected to deviate appreciably from unity, [Ag+] = Gal becomes much loss than the uncertainty in the [Ag(L)]kst determination. We started from the equation aE [Aghot = [Ag*] + [AgOH] + [Ag(OH)2] = ony + Kat KeslOH] (16) (16) can be rearranged to log ((Aghe — [oy ) = 8 Ka tog +E" (OH) (a7) If the data log ( [Agha — sory) = j(log (OH) are superimposed on the caleulated curve log(1 + X) = f(log X) the vertical displacement required to make them coincide yields log Ky and the horisontal one log 2% . We have found in this way log Ky = —5.75 + 0.25 and log Ka = —3.72 + 0.03, which agree well with the proviously determined values. The solubility equilibria of Ag,O are visualized in Fig. 1; the curve was calculated with the constants given in the Synopsis. The deviations of the data at log [OH] < —2 illustrate the great difficulties encountered when poorly buffered solutions are studied. Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) No. 3 724 BIEDERMANN AND SILLEN log [Ag (toe 500 © Data of Johnston et al. © Data of Laue 600) 400 300 200 100 log OH] 000 Fig. 1, Tho solubility equilibria of Ag,O. log [Ag(T)}iot 98 @ function of log [OH™]. © meegurements of Johnston ef al’, @: meamurements of Laue”. ‘The curve repronante .95 x 10%. the equation log (Ag(I)]tot = log ((Ag+] + [AgOH] + [Ag(OH)."] = log on +18 x 10 + 1.90 x 10“[OHT]) For the complex formation OH” — Ag* these data give log K, = log ((AgOH] [Ag }? (OJ) — 2.0 + 0.8 and log fy — logi(Ag(OH),] [Ag T= [OH J} = 3.99 + 0.05, which means that K, ~ Ky. The corresponding acidity constants of Ag* are then both around 10-0 (since log K, = 14.00 at 25°C), thus Ag* is another of the aquo ions with first and second acidity constant of the same order of magnitudo.** Note added in proof. After this work was submitted to publication Professor Reino Nésinen has kindly informed us on an investigation recently carried out in his laboratory. Niisinen and Meriléinen has determined Ky at 25°C by emf measure- ments using a glass electrode, and they obtained pKwe = 7.74. This value is in exce- lent agreement with those calculated by the present authors, nin, yenipption ee financially sxpporied by State Notwratewbopliga Pork. (Swedish Natural Science Research Council). REFERENCES 1, Biedermann, G. and Hietanon, 8. Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) 711. 2) Avtikainen,’P. J. and Dyrsson, D. Acta Chem. Scand, 14 (1960) 86. 3, Antikainen, P. J., Hictanon, 8. and Sillén, L. G. Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) 96. 4, Johnston, H. L., Cuta, F. and Garrett, A.B. J. Am. Chem, Soo, 55 (1933) 2311. 5. Ploskov, Yu. V.'and Kabanov, B.N. Zhur. neorg. Khim, 2 (1967) 1807. 6. Luther,’R. and Pokorny, F. Z. anorg. Chem, 57 (1908) 290. Acta Chem. Scand. 14 (1960) No. 3 HYDROLYSIS OF METAL IONS 30 725 7, Lowis, G. N. and Randall, M. Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical ‘Substances, McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc, New York 1923, p. 483. 8. Fried, F. 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