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Covenant Community Church

Name: Regina Schroer

Position/Ministry Area: Administration
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY): 04/04/2016


The past month has been relatively quiet.
The food pantry served 8 families.
Easter preparations went well.
I have now trained Irene how to do the bulletin and Focus when I am on vacation. Besides food
pantry and answering calls, this is all Irene will do as far as office tasks.


Nothing dramatic, that I know of. VBS preparations should be in full swing, and I am sure Ill be
pulled in to do a few things for that committee.

3. PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the
next month?
Keep me up to date on what you are scheduling ie, the end of certain ministries for the year.
Covenant Community Church

Name: Marlene Evans

Position/Ministry Area: Adult
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY): April 2, 2016


*The women met at MAD MIKES for their lunch gathering.
*Meals were prepared and served for W628 on three Wednesdays in March. These meals
will restart in September. A big THANK YOU to Pat Bowling, Donna Cook, Jim Fields, Gail
Garrison, and Rachael Poppino for their willingness to prepare these meals.
*On March 13th snacks were set up in the Narthex.
*A meal was prepared and served for the Rick Davis Memorial service.
*The Mens Ministry had their breakfast on the third Saturday.
*The Mens Ministry prepared and served a wonderful Easter morning breakfast. Men, we
love this tradition and appreciate the delicious food.
*Bob Cook, Kim Garrison, and I met to set up guidelines for the Adult Scholarship fund.
*The date of May 14th has been set aside for a progressive dinner.


*To continue with plans for the progressive dinner.

3.PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for
the next month?
Covenant Community Church

Name: Barbara Martin

Position/Ministry Area: Financial Secretary
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY): 04/04/16


March had 36 giving units.
Special offerings received in March
Benevolence Fund $3101.77
Personal Care Fund $93.78
Sr High $42.73
Jr High $42.73
Grace Covenant Church, KY $1200.
Easter Breakfast $190.
DR school supplies $90.
Rick Davis Memorial $395.


3.PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for
the next month?
Covenant Community Church

Name: Corey Wigal

Position/Ministry Area: Pastoral Intern
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY): 4/4/2016


Wrote and will present proposal
Help decoration committee with interior design and decoration ideas
Engaged in staff meetings and individual meetings
Found internship
Helped high school youth group


Keep helping with youth and wherever else needed
Attend classes/group
Preach if given the chance
Grow more in biblical knowledge and soak in as much as I can
Move forward with my internship process

3. PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the
next month?
Help guide me and support me in my walk
Let me know if there is anything I can do
Be in prayer that God will use me in Tennessee with my new internship
Covenant Community Church
Name: Shelby Langford
Position/Ministry Area: Youth Intern
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY): 4/4/16
Helped plan movie night for all youth on March 9th
Planned an outside of youth group outing to get ice cream and pet puppies [so stress
Attend and help lead Palm Sunday [kids involvement]
Plan lessons for youth Sunday school hour [9-10:40]
Attend and help lead SonRise Service
Helped facilitate Rick Davis Memorial Service
Participated and helped in Good Friday Service
Picked up Palms and Easter Lily Plants from Florist
Helped with childrens Easter Egg Hunt
Care for students and be available to listen and pray for them
Communicate better with staff, and our youth to ensure/maintain healthy; good
Plan Reds game or Sky Zone for Senior High
Partner with Junior High for scavenger hunt at Jungle Jims
Meet with students individually/in pairs to discuss their relationship with Christ and how
I can help them and encourage them
Plan with sister churches when we will combine for movie night
Continue using social media/email to reach students and provide them with information
regarding where/when CovYouth is happening
Care for the students and be available to listen and pray for them
Attend students extra-curricular activities
3. PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the
next month?
Accountability for goals
Covenant Community Church

Name: Patrice McCracken

Position/Ministry Area: E and O
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY): April 5, 2016


I met with Pastor Joe regarding his vision for the church and where E and O fits into that. I
presented several ideas regarding possible E and O activities and my perception was that Pastor
Joe said go and produce . In other words, follow-up on the ideas which I had presented
to him. So below are ways in which I have begun the follow-up.
Evangelism and Outreach
Softball Team Point Person Elliott Ernst
Meeting March 29, 2016
History: Elliott has organized this team for what will be three seasons. The team plays in a
non-Christian league with the idea of being Christian role models, reaching out, and sparking
interest in the players of the other teams. There are four softball diamonds in use both before
and after our teams games resulting in a significant number of people being present to whom
to minister. This activity spills over to the team members returning to the Ernst home for a
social time including food and Bible study (Elliott How does the Bible study fit with those who
are not churched etc.,?) The Ernsts have been paying for the hamburgers etc., out of their own
Purpose: Elliot confirmed that the purpose was to bring new people into our church (churched
or unchurched) and to reach non-believers, whether they come to our church or not post
outreach. This fits in with the purpose of E&O.
Brainstormed Ideas from the Meeting:

Provide supper at church as kick-off or at the end of the season

2nd Sunday Lunch recognition of the team
Recognition of individuals on the team during the Sunday service
Develop a list of players individual interests to connect them with others in the church
that have similar interests. (Elliot will see if he can get some of the interests from
Contact made by someone in our church congregation to players (note, phone call) as a
warm, fuzzy contact from the church
Provide information FCCC activities; possibly plug the team into participating in
WeCareFair or ??
Vital that members of the congregation show up at the games to support team so
members of the congregation need to be educated that the softball team is a significant
mission. Typically 2 and occasionally as many as 6 attendees from the church in the
Possibly opening up the after-game social meeting to other teams; would require
moving it from Ernsts to church
Possible monetary and/or materials support:
o provide large amount of water to share with other teams, Gatorade?
o popup tent (Elliot to check on the availability within the church and if not, what
the cost would be)
o defray expenses for the after game social event at the Ernsts (8-12 people
Sunday nights). Discussed the possibility of doing the after-game socializing at
the church.
o Popup tent and water ideas above are to create more opportunities for our team
members to make contact with more softball players from other teams
Request all FCCC games be played on the more isolated field to enable better focus on
opposing g team; heightening potential interaction.
Need to create at least 7 opportunities for the congregation to be exposed to the
purpose/value of their participation in the softball mission/outreach.

Summer softball session begins the beginning of June

Patrice as E and O Council Representative agreed to pay $360 from E&O funds for the
teams fees
Currently about 5 members on the team are not members of FCC
If softball team members do start coming to church, a barrier could be the absence of a
Sunday School for kids
Elliot and Patrice agreed to meet on 19 April (time ???)

Evangelism and Outreach

Meeting with Mercy Hospital Representative
Jennifer Lipke, Nurse Manager, Womens and Childrens services
513-255-7886 (cell)
Meeting March 29, 2016
No one is giving a care package to new families. P&G gives diapers about once a
quarter; two groups make hats; another group makes quilts; two other groups make
gowns for fetal demise; Mark Welsh (salon owner) provides shampoo and conditioner to
all the mothers.
The Clinic part of the maternity department serves primarily Hispanics; some African
Americans with French-based dialect for whom they have interpreters.
Starting a Cuddling Program; time commitment is a couple hours per session
Mercy sponsors a tea on the first Wednesday of the month for any expectant or new
mother regardless if they had their baby at Mercy or not. The purpose of the tea is a
support group and to get questions answered in a relaxed atmosphere.
Since Mercy is a religious based organization, it is completely permissible to provide
scripture, information about the church, whether Catholic based or otherwise.
They are a baby friendly organization. (philosophy?, program?, Patrice: research this
A patient/family advisory committee meets once a month. Jennifer chairs this
committee. The idea is to get community, hospital, patient, families to work together in
an advisory capacity. (Patrice: does that mean someone from FCC be on the advisory

Possible Ways for FFCC and Mercy to Work Together:

E&O providing books for new babies along with scriptures and about FFCC church
activities. Jennifer thought this would be an excellent way to touch the families and
inform them of what FCC has to offer.
Mercy could come to our church and do prenatal classes for 25 or fewer participants.
Classes can be tailored for expectant mothers, new mothers, grandmothers, baby
sitters, etc. Topics can include lactation, safe sleep, etc.
FFCC might sponsor one of the monthly teas and have at our church
Mercy could come to our church and provide a program for kids. For example, hand
washing hygiene (possibly have hand washing instructions at WeCareFair)
FCC become involved in the cuddling program
Next Meeting: 1 PM on 19 April
Missions Committee
I chaired the Missions Meeting as no one has stepped forward to do so. The committee has 5
members including me and another person who refrained from committing to membership but
said she would be a support person. We are providing a light lunch for April 24 immediately
after the service as a reception for David Husby. Barb Martin is point person for Daves visit
and the Covenant Relief. We also created a schedule to highlight the various service projects
always going such as Marlene collecting pill bottles so that the congregation will know what,
when, where and who. There were additional topics discussed but these are the main points.
Norris Peterson handed out tracts at the Reds Parade and will be going to Traders
World to do the same very soon. Anyone is welcome to join him.
RASKELLS: Regina sent a church wide email out with information. Info has been in the
Focus for 2 or 3 weeks. Art Tucker is the only adult to sign-up; however, Denny Crutcher
will lead the youth in participating. The number of youth participating is unknown at
this time. This outreach may have run its course for the adults.
WeCareFair: Group of 8 met April 4 to lay the foundation for needs and plans using past
WCFs plans as a template. Hoping to add interpreters Patrice and Susan are checking
on this. Members will start checking on businesses for donations.
Planning on 600 children. From the past WCFs has netted about 5(?) children attending
Wednesday evening activities and no children or families attending FCC. This is such a
well-received program with awesome numbers attending it would seem that we need to
create ways to leverage it for church growth and Kingdom growth (Bible storytelling?
Pin the cross on the steeple game? church members floating through crowd to engage
adults, having adults complete information for raffle tickets so we can follow-up with
contact or create some other way to obtain contact info like birthdate and email???) .
There is a need for the attendees to leave with the materials we are giving, but also with
curiosity if at all possible.
Also, I have questions about church liability for injuries (Do we need an insurance
rider?); a child being taken because we dont know who he is with or not to be with or
the responsible adult not being responsible and the child wanders, etc., child eats
something to which he is allergic, etc. Large gatherings of persons, especially with
children, usually have obvious security. Knowing we cannot cover every eventuality and
being fortunate to have God covering us, I ask in what would God think us remiss not
to provide?

Congregational care list: 3 contacts made

Meet with Elliott again regarding softball ministry.
Meet with contact (Jennifer Lipke) at Mercy regarding a childrens picture book ministry
with scriptures along with information about FCCC provided to new moms and families
information. Also, continue discussing what additional articulation between FCC and
Mercy might look like (see possible projects listed in report above).
Make another contact with the chaplaincy program at Mercy. I have established to
whom I need to speak. There is a training program through Mercy, and that one does
not have to be Catholic to participate as a chaplain.
Contact each person on my congregational care list.
Follow through with my tasks for WCF which I have undertaken, especially translators
and fund raising.
Make food for the Husby Reception. Meet with the Mission Committee for its monthly
meeting. Continue with supplying food pantry needs with the help of Nancy Heim until
Joyce Arnold returns.
Follow-up with Fairfield City Managers Assistant on getting information on persons
recently moved to Fairfield. She was to find out some info and call me back, but has not
so I need to call her.

3. PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals
for the next month?
Money will very likely become a factor relative to the budget that was set for this year
for E and O.
Read through the generated ideas listed in the Mercy and softball reports and provide
feedback to me.
It would be helpful if Council members are knowledgeable about the E and O activities
so as to be in position to encourage people to participate as you know the persons
strengths and the activities needs.
I need your insights based on past history of similar activities having been done. I
strongly believe in learning from the past and Einsteins thought that if one keeps doing
the same thing over and over and getting the same unwanted results that one is an
idiot. With your help I hope to avoid idiot status.
It would help me a lot to have the vision for our church committed to paper. Im a
visual learner rather than auditory. Also, with the concepts captured in print, then I
have the same words as each of you and more likely to be able to replicate your
Covenant Community Church

Name: Joe Poppino

Position/Ministry Area: Senior Pastor
Date of Report (MM/DD/YY): 04.06.16


Holy Week Services: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise,
Easter Service
Rick Davis Funeral, pastoral care for family
Vision casting for The Story and Fall Schedule changes


Prep for New Members Class (May)
Solidify plans for Fall 2016
Great Lakes Conference Annual Meeting

3. PARTNERSHIP: How can the Council and/or Pastor help you to accomplish your goals for the
next month?
I am so thankful for our Council and each persons faithfulness to Gods calling in their
life. Im particularly thankful for how people have stepped up to fill in for Charlie as he
takes a break from his Council responsibilities.
Keep up the good work!
Covenant Community Church

Stephanie Adelsperger
Christian Formation


We continue to meet regularly as a team, planning VBS, recruiting volunteers & also meet
regularly to discuss possible schedule/curriculum changes for adult & childrens programs.
Holy week was successful thanks to the teachers & leaders within CF.
Wednesday evening & Sunday morning education have been running smoothly.
Background checks have been very progressive! Thank you to Regina for your work with this!


I hope to have all background checks completed.
Hope to have all VBS volunteers secured.
Plan a functional safety center for VBS that children can go to for injuries or discipline issues.
Work closely with CF team to prepare fall education schedule & curriculum.

3. PARTNERSHIP; How can Council and/or Pastor help you accomplish goals for next month?
Please continue to support & uplift me in prayer.
Please share with me any insight you have for this ministry.
Thank you for your grace.

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