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Dalam upaya untuk mengurangi limbah dan membantu mengurangi beban pada tempat pembuangan

akhir sampah. Departemen Pengelolaan Limbah Kota sangat mengusungkan pengadaan kompos di
halaman belakang rumah masyarakat penghasil sampah. Tempat sampah kompos biaya rendah akan
tersedia untuk dibeli oleh penduduk Riverside County (per 3 rumah tangga). Penduduk daerah dapat
membeli tempat sampah kompos dengan cek saja, sementara uang tunai dan kartu kredit tidak akan

Daur ulang limbah organik seperti hiasan halaman, limbah buah dan sayuran ke dalam soil conditioner
yang berbau harum. Kompos dapat digunakan untuk memperkaya tanah di kebun, halaman rumput dan
tanaman rumah.

1. Universal Waste seperti Aerosol Cans, Batteries, Household & Rechargeable, Cell Phones,
Computer Monitors, Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) and TVs, Electronic Devices, Lamps (Light Bulbs),
Hearing Aid Donation, Mercury Containing Equipment, Small appliances and electronics, Smoke
Detectors , dan Televisions

2. American Flag Proper Disposal

3. Animal Carcass Waste

4. Animal Excrement

5. Appliances

6. Asbestos and Asbestos Containing Material

7. Ash

8. Batteries, Motor Vehicle (Lead Acid)

9. Boats (See Vehicles, Trailers and Boats)

10. Bottles and Cans

11. Carpet

12. Compressed Gas Cylinders seperti Propane Tanks

13. Construction, Demolition and Renovation Waste seperti Lead-Painted Building Materials

14. CRT Panel Glass

15. Designated Waste

16. Dirt- Contaminated Soil dan Dirt, Non-Contaminated Soil

17. Drywall & Gypsum Board

18. Explosive Waste, Hazardous Device

19. Eyeglasses

20. Fire Debris

21. Fire Extinguisher

22. Organic Waste seperti Food Crops and Food Banks , Food Waste, Grease and Grease Trap Waste,
Green Waste, Liquid Waste, Cooking Oil, dan Yard Waste.

23. Green Holiday Suggestions

24. Grit and Screenings Waste

25. Hazardous Waste - Business Hazardous Waste or Household Hazardous Waste

26. Human Excrement

27. Lawn and Garden Equipment (See Appliances)

28. Mattresses

29. Medical Waste

30. Medication seperti Pharmaceutical Waste

31. Metal Recycling

32. Needles and Sharps-Residentially Generated/ Business Generated

33. Nursery Pots and Buckets

34. Packaging Material Recycling

35. Paint (Latex dan Oil Based)

36. Paper Recycling, Junk Mail Reduction, dan Cardboard

37. Reusable Items and Household Goods

38. Routine Waste

39. Sewage Waste

40. Shoe Donations

41. Tires

42. Toner and Inkjet Recycling

43. Treated Wood Waste

44. Used Oil and Oil Filters

45. Vehicles, Trailers and Boats seperti Trailers

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