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Article Title Hormone Levels During the

Article SubtitleCycle Affect Knee Laxity and
Author in Healthy Female Subjects
Sang-Kyoon Park,* PhD, Darren J. Stefanyshyn,* PhD, Barbara Loitz-Ramage, PT, PhD,

David A. Hart, PhD, and Janet L. Ronsky,* PhD

From the *Human
The abstract Performance
goes here and Laboratory, Faculty of Kinesiology, the McCaig Institute
covers two columns.

for Bone & Joint Health, Faculty of Medicine, and the Department of Mechanical
The abstract goes here and covers two columns.
and Manufacturing Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary,
The abstract goes here and covers two columns.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The abstract goes here and covers two columns.

KEY WORDS list of key words goes here

Background: Whether knee laxity varies throughout the menstrual cycle remains controversial. As increased laxity may be a risk
factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, further research is warranted.
Hypothesis: Variation in estradiol and progesterone levels during the menstrual cycle influences knee laxity and stiffness.
Study Design: Case control study; Level of evidence, 3.
Methods: The serum estradiol and progesterone levels of 26 healthy female subjects were recorded in the follicular phase, ovu-
lation, and the luteal phase. Knee joint laxity was assessed using a standard knee arthrometer at the same intervals. Stiffness
changes in the load-displacement curve were determined. Hormone levels across the cycle were compared between responders
and nonresponders, defined by whether changes in knee laxity at 89 N occurred.
Results: Greater laxity at 89 N during ovulation was observed (ovulation: 5.13 1.70 mm vs luteal: 4.55 1.54 mm, P = .012).
In knee laxity testing at manual maximum load, greater laxity was noticed during ovulation (14.43 2.60 mm, P = .018), as com-
pared with the follicular phase (13.35 2.53 mm). A reduction in knee stiffness of approximately 17% (ovulation: 12.48 5.46
N/mm vs luteal: 15.02 7.71 N/mm, P = .042) during ovulation was observed. However, there were no differences in hormone
levels between responders and nonresponders at 89 N.
Conclusion: Female hormone levels are related to increased knee joint laxity and decreased stiffness at ovulation. To understand
subject variations in knee joint laxity during the menstrual cycle in female athletes, further investigation is warranted.
Keywords: estradiol; progesterone; responders; nonresponders; ACL injury

During sports activities, female athletes tear their anterior movement between male and female athletes may also
cruciate ligament (ACL) 2 to 8 times more frequently than account for the varying incidence. For example, female sub-
their male counterparts,3,30 prompting an important research jects show excessive pronation with increased tibial rotation
question about why such differences might exist. Structural during running,25 and greater knee valgus and less knee
differences between male and female athletes, such as a flexion angles during a cutting maneuver and landing.11,15,41,43
greater Q angle,30 greater patellar tendontibia shaft angle,50 Moreover, sex-related differences in joint-loading patterns
and narrower femoral intercondylar notch,60 have been sug- exist, with female subjects exhibiting greater knee internal
gested as anatomical factors that may contribute to an adduction moments during cutting and landing.11 Isokinetic
increased injury rate among women. Different patterns of strength testing has shown weaker quadriceps and ham-
string muscles in female athletes compared with their male
Presented at the interim meeting of the AOSSM, San Francisco, counterparts, even when data were normalized to subject
California, correspondence
2001. to Darren J. Stefanyshyn, PhD, Human
Performance Laboratory, University of Calgary, 2500 mass.31 Also, decreased neuromuscular characteristics, such
Address correspondence to Author 1, Address 1, University
City, State,Drive,
NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada (e-mail: darren@kin.ucalgary.ca).
Affiliation. as decreased joint proprioception and a delayed muscle
Anypotential conflict
authors notes of interest
could also go declared.
here. reflex, may cause a diminished protective mechanism to the
external loads.59 It has been speculated that a greater ante-
The American
American Journal
Journal of
of Sports
Sports Medicine,
Medicine, Vol.
Vol. 37,
33, No.
No. 3X rior knee laxity with a quadriceps dominant pattern in
DOI: 10.1177/0363546508326713

2005 American
American Orthopaedic
Orthopaedic Society
Society for
for Sports
Sports Medicine
Medicine females is likely related to ACL injury risk.31

Vol. 37, No. 3, 2009 Hormone Levels Affect Knee Laxity and Stiffness 589

Most of the previous studies have focused on the different only reported knee joint laxity. An exception to this is a
ACL injury mechanics between men and women.|| Few stud- study that reported knee stiffness from a standard
ies have examined within-gender differences in injury arthrometer; it showed disagreement between the knee
mechanism,17,48,62 with no work addressing why some laxity and stiffness measures.18 Thus, a more appropriate
female athletes suffer ACL injures while others do not. calculation of ligament stiffness appears warranted to
Recently, studies have pointed to greater joint laxity as a understand the relationship between hormonal cycle and
potential contributor to higher ACL injury rates among structural behavior of the knee.
female athletes,18,26,51,62,63,65,83 with some researchers report- Hormone level changes and their contribution to knee
ing that hormones significantly influence joint laxity joint laxity are known to vary between subjects.62 However,
throughout the menstrual cycle.18,21,26,63 Research indicates most current studies do not explain why some subjects are
that increased knee joint laxity can be observed during (pre) influenced by changing hormone levels while others are
ovulation (days 10-14).18,21,26,63 Also, a relationship appears not.62,63 Subject variations in hormone levels may be a
to exist between the frequency of ACL injuries and hormone strong confounding factor to hide a possible relationship
levels during the menstrual cycle.2,28,46,47,49,65,76,77 between knee joint laxity and the menstrual cycle.62,83
Greater knee joint laxity may negatively affect dynamic Therefore, careful observation of individual hormone levels
joint function in female athletes due to corresponding could explain subject variability in knee laxity. Thus, the
decreases in both the preactivation of muscles to prepare objectives of this study were to determine (1) whether
the joint for the application of external forces8,74 and control changing hormone levels influence joint laxity and stiffness
of joint position in space.38,59,61 As a result, female athletes of the noncontractile knee joint structures using a new
may be more prone to injury during specific times of their analysis technique and (2) whether subsets of women exist
menstrual cycle because of greater joint laxity. However, who demonstrate (responders) or do not demonstrate (non-
recent studies examining a relationship between hormones responders) changes in knee laxity in response to circulat-
and knee joint laxity during the menstrual cycle remain ing hormone levels throughout their menstrual cycle. The
equivocal. Five studies reported an increase in knee laxity hypothesis was that knee laxity increases from the follicu-
during ovulation (10-14 days),18,21,26,62,83 while others found lar phase to ovulation due to the effect of high estradiol on
no significant hormone-related effect on knee joint the ligament during ovulation and decreases from ovula-
laxity.4,7,9,33,39,58,71 This discrepancy may result from study tion to the luteal phase because of high progesterone levels.
design limitations,83 such as using more than 1 examiner for The second hypothesis was that absolute hormone levels
laxity measurements,9,62,63 or recruiting inappropriate con- differed between responders and nonresponders.
trol subjects, such as women on oral contraceptives or pre-
pubertal girls for the subject population.4,33 Also, although
serum analysis of hormone concentrations has been shown MATERIALS AND METHODS
to be a more reliable and accurate method of determining
Each subject completed a blood draw and laxity tests at 3
the cycle phase,83 some studies have used self-reported
different times during her menstrual cycle. Blood samples
questionnaires26,33 or self-assessments of basal body
were collected to determine the levels of estradiol and pro-
temperature7,18 rather than serum analysis. Moreover, only
gesterone, indicating an appropriate phase of testing.
a few studies have used an ovulation kit with serum sam-
Passive knee laxity and stiffness were measured using a
ples to detect the right timing of ovulation.9,58,71 In a recent
standard arthrometer. Data were processed to investigate
extensive systematic review using meta-analysis, Zazulak
whether hormone levels affect knee laxity and stiffness
et al83 suggested that the hormonal cycle has an effect on
across the menstrual cycle.
knee joint laxity. However, they also proposed that further
investigation is required to confirm their conclusion because
of the limitations in most previous studies.83 Thus, any Subject Inclusion Criteria
future investigators should consider the noted limitations
and control for the many confounding factors to understand Twenty-six young women were recruited, and their charac-
the potential links between the ACL injury mechanism and teristics were as follows: age, 22.7 3.3 years; height, 170.1
knee joint laxity during the menstrual cycle. 7.1 cm; mass, 65.0 9.3 kg; body mass index (BMI), 22.4
Only a few studies report a joint-stiffness parameter, 2.5; average menstrual cycle, 28.9 2.7 days; and activity
which is more indicative of the tensile properties of tissue level, 8.7 4.4 h/wk. Most subjects regularly participated in
than joint laxity taken at certain loads.18,20,39,58 Previous a sports activity at a recreational level. Most subjects (20 of
studies computed linear stiffness between arbitrarily cho- 26) regularly participated in a sports activity associated
sen loads (45, 89, and 133 N),18,58 possibly missing impor- with running, jumping, and cutting maneuvers (running, 5;
tant data, as stiffness changes are subject dependent and basketball, 4; soccer and rugby, 3; volleyball, 3; gymnastics,
linear stiffness may not fit well with a given loading regi- 2; dance, 2; squash, 1), while the other 6 subjects partici-
men. Assessment of variations in stiffness at different pated in other sports activities (swimming, 2; biking, 1;
loads would be an appropriate approach to quantify the wrestling, 1; karate, 1; figure skating, 1). Inclusion criteria
experiences of individual subsets. As a result, most studies were no previous knee injuries, never been pregnant, have
regular menstrual cycles (approximately 28 days)73 with no
References 11, 15, 19, 23, 41, 43, 44, 54, 78, 81, 84. missed cycles over the previous 24 months, and have had

References 4, 7, 9, 18, 21, 26, 33, 39, 58, 62, 63, 71. no oral contraceptive use for the previous 6 months. Each
590 Park et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

subjects average menstrual cycle was self-reported based

on the previous 3 months. The subjects completed a written
consent form approved by the institutional ethics review
committee. The first meeting focused on discussion of each
subjects menstrual history and an introduction to the test-
ing equipment and protocol.

Experimental Protocol (3 Measurements)

Each subject came to the laboratory 3 times, based on the

phases of her menstrual cycle. The 3 testing times were
determined as follows. The first measurements (follicular Figure 1. Chart indicating the timing of hormone level
phase) were taken 3 to 7 days after the beginning of the testing during the menstrual cycle. #1, follicular phase; #2,
menstrual cycle, when estrogen and progesterone levels ovulation; #3, luteal phase.22 Modified with permission from
were expected to be low.26,63 The second data collection coin- Slauterbeck et al.65
cided with ovulation and occurred 24 to 48 hours after the
estrogen surge detected by an ovulation predictor kit and thus to infer ACL laxity. One researcher performed all
(Clearblue, Bedford, UK) with 99% accuracy.57 The subjects the arthrometer measurements to eliminate interrater
were given an ovulation predictor kit for home use and were differences in the laxity measure. Each subject restrained
instructed when to employ the predictor kit based on their from excessive fluid intake for at least 1 to 2 hours before
menstrual history. For example, for a subject with an aver- laxity testing. Subjects were positioned supine with
age 28-day menstrual cycle tested on days 11 to 15 of her their legs resting on a thigh support in 30 of knee flexion
cycle, ovulation testing was done at the same time of day; to ensure uniform test-retest flexion angles. A foot support
the subject had not urinated for at least 4 hours before test- platform used during testing maintained consistent hip
ing and avoided excessive fluid intake before testing. The abduction and rotation positions. The KT-2000 arthrometer
procedure involved holding a test stick in the urine stream was placed on the anterior aspect of the right tibia and
for 5 seconds or collecting the urine in a paper cup and dip- firmly secured proximally and distally with circumferential
ping the test stick into the cup for 20 seconds. When a posi- straps. Because a right-handed examiner is more reliable
tive result occurred, as indicated by a colored band on the in testing the right leg of a subject during laxity measure-
test stick, the subject contacted the primary investigator to ment, only the right knee was tested.71
schedule data collection within the subsequent 48 hours. The average of 3 trials of a passive drawer test was ana-
The third data collection (luteal phase) occurred approxi- lyzed for each subject. Each trial included displacement loads
mately 7 days after ovulation (based on an average 28-day at 89 N applied through a force handle located 10 cm distal
menstrual cycle) and was indicative of peak progesterone to the joint line of the knee. Additionally, a separate manual
levels.33,37 Figure 1 illustrates the 3 times the hormone level maximum displacement test was performed by applying a
testing was performed during a single menstrual cycle. strong anterior displacement force directly to the subjects
proximal calf with one hand to produce the maximum ante-
Blood Draw rior displacement, while the patellar sensor pad was stabi-
lized with the other hand.55 The maximum anterior tibial
Two certified and experienced phlebotomists, with 2 and translation was recorded from the displacement dial when
10 years experience, performed each venipuncture. The the needle stopped moving. The average of 3 trials of manual
samples were collected from the antecubital area of the maximum testing was analyzed for further comparison.
subjects arm, using a 22-gauge needle and a 3.5-mL The KT-2000 arthrometer recorded ASCII data that
Vacutainer serum separator tube (BD, Franklin Lakes, enabled the calculation of an approximate linear stiffness
New Jersey). Once the tube was completely filled, the from the slope of a straight line fitted to sections of the
sample was mixed well and allowed to clot for 20 minutes. load-displacement curve. Three distinct stiffness or slope
The serum was then immediately separated by centrifuga- changes were observed from the first derivative during the
tion in a Sorvall Legend RT centrifuge (Thermo Fisher ascending limb of the knee laxity curve (Figure 2). To iden-
Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts), set at 3000 rpm for tify dramatic slope changes (inflection points) on the curve,
10 minutes. The 1 mL of serum was then carefully decanted the second derivative of the displacement-load curve was
into a labeled 5-mL culture tube, refrigerated, and sent to applied. Local minima and maxima points were defined
the local clinical laboratory service (Calgary Laboratory by the peak of the second derivative on the graph (Figure
Service, Calgary Health Region) for progesterone and 2). This procedure allows calculation of stiffness in the 3
estradiol analysis. regions of the load-displacement curve: (1) the initial rise
as the weight of the leg is overcome, causing a relatively
Knee Laxity Measurement steep slope; (2) the middle region as slack is taken up in
the passive joint structures; and (3) the linear region where
The KT-2000 arthrometer (MEDmetric Corp, San Diego, the onset of primary restraint to anterior tibial translation
California) was used to quantify anterior tibial displacement occurs.40 The first stiffness was calculated from the slope
Vol. 37, No. 3, 2009 Hormone Levels Affect Knee Laxity and Stiffness 591

14.93 2.63 mm). Thus, the tester showed reliable repeat-

ability at 89 N and manual maximum test over time.

Responders and Nonresponders

Subjects were divided into responders and nonresponders

depending on whether changes in knee laxity at 89 N were
detected from the follicular phase to ovulation and from ovu-
lation to the luteal phase. The threshold to determine the
response types was defined as 0.4 mm based on the average
variability (between 0.35 and 0.4 mm) computed from the
repeatability data previously described. Subjects who showed
a laxity increase greater than the defined threshold (0.4 mm)
from the follicular phase to ovulation were defined as ovula-
tion responders, while the others were defined as ovulation
nonresponders. Subjects who showed a decrease in laxity
greater than the defined threshold (0.4 mm) from ovulation
to the luteal phase were identified as luteal responders,
Figure 2. Calculation of the local minima and maxima
while the others were defined as luteal nonresponders.
points of the second derivative of the joint laxity curve. S1,
Group differences in hormone levels were then compared.
stiffness from the origin to the local minima point; S2, stiff-
ness from the local minima point to the local maxima point;
S3, stiffness from the local maxima point to the end of data; Statistical Analysis
solid line, the load-displacement curve; dashed line, the
first derivative of the curve; dotted line, the second deriva- At 3 times during the subjects menstrual cycles, the influ-
tive of the curve. ence of female hormones on knee joint laxity and stiffness
was analyzed using a 1-way repeated measures analysis of
between the origin and the local minima point, the second variance followed by a paired t test with a Bonferroni
stiffness was calculated from the slope between the local adjustment for multiple comparisons (the differences
minima point and the local maxima point, and the third between the 2 different phases; the P value was multiplied
stiffness was calculated between the local maxima point by the number of comparisons [n = 3]). A 2-way repeated
and the end point of the load-displacement curve (Figure measure analysis of variance determined whether there
2). Data were filtered using a low-pass Butterworth filter was a phase (time) effect, group effect, or phase-by-group
at a cutoff frequency of 30 Hz. This cutoff frequency was effect in laxity and hormone levels. To evaluate the new
defined using a power spectrum analysis of both force and method of computing stiffness compared with the typical
displacement data, based on a fast Fourier transform.69 stiffness calculation, an R2 value was computed from a
The simple linear regression equation was computed for simple linear regression analysis of the load-displacement
3 different stiffness regions based on calculated local curves. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for
minima and maxima points, with each linear slope being Windows, v.14.0, at an of .05 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois).
provided by Matlab, version 6.5.1 (Math Works Inc, Natick,
Massachusetts). RESULTS

Hormone Levels
Repeatability of Knee Laxity Measurement
Estradiol and progesterone levels differed significantly
The intratester repeatability of the KT-2000 arthrometer across the 3 testing sessions (P = .000) (Table 1). The low-
was determined by an intraclass correlation coefficient est estradiol (44.49 23.77 pg/mL) and progesterone (0.99
(ICC)68 of laxity measured from 7 of the subjects on 2 con- 0.46 ng/mL) levels were found at the follicular phase, and
secutive days. Standard error of measurement (SEM) was the highest estradiol (137.49 85.82 pg/mL) and proges-
calculated to determine the measurement precision and terone (11.43 7.01 ng/mL) levels were found during the
reliability analysis, and the Cronbach model was used to luteal phase (Table 1).
evaluate the extent of agreement between the consecutive
tests. The initial laxity testing was performed with the Knee Joint Laxity
same protocol used for the detailed experiment. The second
test was carried out the next day at the same time of day Over the menstrual cycle, greater knee laxity at 89 N was
(half an hour). Repeatability of displacement between the recorded during ovulation compared to the luteal phase.
measurements was given by an ICC (3,2) of 0.98 for laxity Knee laxity at 89 N decreased 11.3% from ovulation (5.13
at 89 N (F6,6.0 = 75.42, SEM = 0.37 mm, P < .001) (first test: 1.70 mm) to the luteal phase (4.55 1.54 mm, P = .012)
6.23 1.52 mm vs second test: 6.27 2.36 mm) and 0.91 for (Figure 3). Maximum knee laxity during ovulation (14.43
maximum manual laxity test (F6,6.0 = 23.135, SEM = 1.10 2.60 mm, P = .018) significantly exceeded maximum laxity
mm, P < .001) (first test: 14.82 2.54 mm vs second test: during the follicular phase (13.35 2.53 mm) (Figure 3).
592 Park et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Summary of Hormone Levels at 3 Test Intervals in All Subjectsa

Bonferroni-Adjusted P Value
Follicular Phase, Ovulation, Luteal Phase, Overall Phase
Outcome Measure mean (SD) mean (SD) mean (SD) Effect, F(df) [P] F vs O O vs L F vs L

Days of test, d 6.12 (1.40) 16.08 (2.99) 22.85 (3.22) 343.277(2,50) [.000**] .000** .000** .000**
Estradiol, pg/mL 44.49 (23.77) 80.84 (40.49) 137.49 (85.82) 19.103(2,50) [.000**] .000** .012* .000**
Progesterone, ng/mL 0.99 (0.46) 3.24 (2.37) 11.43 (7.01) 45.952(2,50) [.000**] .000** .000** .000**
F, follicular phase; O, ovulation; L, luteal phase. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance was performed at = .05. Independent
2-tailed paired t test with a Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons (P was multiplied by the number of comparisons [n = 3]) was
performed at = .05.
*P < .05. **P < .001.

Knee Joint Stiffness

Using data from all subjects, a paired t test with a Bonferroni
adjustment demonstrated that slope of the displacement-
force curve between the local minimum and maximum points
increased significantly from ovulation (12.48 5.46 N/mm) to
the luteal phase (15.02 7.71 N/mm, P = .042) (Figure 4).
There was a significant difference in the maxima point from
the second derivative of the curve between 4.58 1.57 mm
during ovulation and 4.23 1.46 mm during the luteal phase
(P = .048) (Table 2). The current stiffness calculation showed
greater R2 values in the linear stiffness compared to a typical
stiffness calculation (Appendix).

Subject Variability in Knee Joint

Laxity During the Menstrual Cycle Figure 3. Mean (SD) laxity at the 3 test intervals (follicular,
ovulation, luteal). DIS89, displacement at 89 N of the load-
Thirteen of 26 subjects showed the least knee joint laxity displacement curve; MAX, displacement at manual maximum
during the follicular phase. Of the remaining subjects, load. *P < .05.
3 were least lax during ovulation and 10 during the luteal
phase. Fourteen of 26 subjects displayed the greatest lax-
ity during ovulation compared with 10 subjects during
the follicular phase and 2 subjects during the luteal DISCUSSION
Effects of Hormone Levels on Knee Joint Laxity

Responders and Nonresponders Several researchers have speculated that increased knee
joint laxity during the menstrual cycle may be related to a
On average, greater knee laxity at 89 N was found dur- high ACL injury rate in female athletes.28,63,83 However,
ing ovulation than during the luteal phase; however, this before investigating the ACL injury mechanisms associ-
was not true for all subjects. Therefore, subjects were ated with the menstrual cycle, the relationship between
divided into responders and nonresponders. Fourteen knee joint laxity and hormone levels must be clarified
subjects (responders) demonstrated at least a 0.4-mm because of contradictory results in this area. Zazulak
decrease in laxity at 89 N from ovulation to the luteal et al83 have pointed out several limitations in existing
phase and were therefore identified as luteal responders. studies investigating the relationship between the hor-
Twelve subjects showed less than 0.4 mm of decreased or mone cycle and knee joint laxity. Their study notes 3 major
increased laxity over the same intervals and were thus limitations:
identified as luteal nonresponders. However, there were
no significant differences in hormone levels between the 1. A small sample size: For a power of .8, we esti-
responder and nonresponder subsets, meaning there was mated that 22 subjects are required to detect a
no group effect. 0.6-mm difference in knee joint laxity at 89 N
Vol. 37, No. 3, 2009 Hormone Levels Affect Knee Laxity and Stiffness 593

Figure 4. (A) Differences in stiffness between ovulation and the luteal phase in the force-displacement curve. O, ovulation; L,
luteal phase; S(O), stiffness between minima and maxima points during ovulation; S(L), stiffness between minima and maxima
points during the luteal phase. *P < .05. (B) Differences in stiffness between ovulation and the luteal phase in the force-
displacement curve. O, ovulation; L, luteal phase; S(O), stiffness between 45 N and 89 N during ovulation; S(L), stiffness between
45 N and 89 N during the luteal phase.

Summary of Knee Stiffness Data at 3 Test Intervals in All Subjectsa

Bonferroni-Adjusted P Value
Follicular Phase, Ovulation, Luteal Phase, Overall Phase
Outcome Measure mean (SD) mean (SD) mean (SD) Effect, F(df) [P] F vs O O vs L F vs L

Displacement 1, mm 1.16 (0.42) 1.21 (0.51) 1.10 (0.61) 0.633(2,50) [.535] 1.000 .861 1.000
Displacement 2, mm 4.17 (1.22) 4.58 (1.57) 4.23 (1.46) 2.437(2,50) [.098] .261 .048b 1.000
Load 1, N 31.80 (15.16) 30.80 (11.82) 31.24 (13.62) 0.046(2,50) [.955] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Load 2, N 71.07 (22.61) 71.58 (20.96) 76.93 (22.26) 1.007(2,50) [.373] 1.000 .618 .879
Stiffness 1, N/mm 27.49 (10.38) 28.50 (14.80) 34.80 (27.71) 2.206(2,50) [.121] .701 .288 .411
Stiffness 2, N/mm 14.04 (8.19) 12.48 (5.46) 15.02 (7.71) 2.548(2,50) [.088] .507 .042b 1.000
Stiffness 3, N/mm 40.96 (15.15) 43.76 (21.29) 39.82 (11.75) 0.694(2,50) [.504] 1.000 1.000 1.000
F, follicular phase; O, ovulation; L, luteal phase; displacement 1, displacement at the local minima point; displacement 2, displacement at
the local maxima point; load 1, load at the local minima point; load 2, load at the local maxima point; stiffness 1, slope from the origin to
the local minima point; stiffness 2, slope from the local minima point to the local maxima point; stiffness 3, slope from the local maxima
point to the end of data. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance was performed at = .05. Independent 2-tailed paired t test with
a Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons was performed at = .05.
P < .05.

between the different phases of the menstrual However, 3 studies indicating significant differences in knee
cycle.18 However, only 3 of 10 studies used at least laxity during the menstrual cycle also have been criticized
22 subjects in their investigations.4,33,63 because of critical limitations of study design such as small
2. Inconsistent subject criteria: Subject populations sample size21,26 and lack of hormone data.18
are often nonhomogeneous with respect to activity The purpose of this study was to determine whether
levels (ie, whether their subjects are athletes or changing hormone levels influence knee laxity during the
nonathletes),7,9,18 and there is no history of oral menstrual cycle. The data showed greater knee laxity dur-
contraceptive use.4 ing ovulation of 12.7% (at 89 N) and 8% (at maximum
3. Testing method: Studies have not been well designed manual load) compared with the other phases. The results
to clearly document the phases of the menstrual are consistent with a few previous studies of the hormone
cycle.83 Collecting a serum sample is required for influences on knee joint laxity.18,21,26,63 Deie et al18 found
accurate timing rather than counting days based greater laxity at ovulation (5.3 0.7 mm) compared with the
on the average length of the subjects cycles.83 Use follicular phase (4.7 0.8 mm) at 89 N in 16 female subjects,
of ovulation predictor kits with hormone analysis and their laxity values are similar to the results from our
enables confirmation of the right timing of ovula- study. In addition, our results show an 11.3% (at 89 N)
tion, but only a few studies have used both analyses decrease in knee joint laxity from ovulation to the luteal
to detect ovulation periods.9,58,71 phase, consistent with previous reports of a 4.3% decrease
in laxity at 89 N26,63 and a 7.4% to 10% decreased laxity at
While 5 of 10 studies have found an increase in knee lax- 133 N.63 It has been suggested that during the luteal phase,
ity near ovulation,18,21,26,62,83 others have found no signifi- the main effect of estradiol on the increase in knee laxity
cant effect of hormone levels on knee joint laxity.4,7,9,33,39,58,71 would be mitigated by high progesterone levels.58 Shultz
594 Park et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

et al63 collected 20 blood samples in each subject to analyze obtained from knee laxity testings load-displacement
hormone levels during 1 menstrual cycle and measured curve.79 Load is the independent variable, and displace-
knee laxity in 22 nonathletes. When the time delay (4-4.5 ment is the dependent variable in the load displacement.79
days) of hormone action on knee structure was considered, At the first region of the curve, a relatively high slope is
a multiple regression analysis of hormone levels accurately observed as the applied load overcomes the weight of the
predicted changes in knee laxity.63 In a separate study, leg. After this, the joint is easily stretched by a small force
Shultz et al62 suggested that individual variability in hor- as seen with a decrease in slope. Finally, a linear region
mone profiles accounted for subject variability in knee joint with stiffer slope is observed as a continuous load is applied
laxity. Their results indicated that high estradiol and low to the joint until the ultimate load is reached.40 Generally,
progesterone levels during the early follicular phase would these 3 distinct regions are reported in most clinical knee
play an important role in variation of knee joint laxity laxity testing, but the transition (inflection points) between
throughout the menstrual cycle.62 the different regions of the load-displacement curve varies
Conversely, several studies have reported no significant among individuals.35
effects of the hormone cycle on passive knee laxity in We used a new technique to determine the changes in
women.4,7,9,33,39,58,71 Karageanes et al33 investigated the exis- slope between the local minima and maxima of the second
tence of a clinical association between passive knee laxity derivative of the load-displacement curve. While all previous
and the menstrual cycle in 26 female athletes. They found studies used a linear regression to quantify the knee stiff-
an average joint laxity of 4.98 mm in the follicular phase, ness within20,58 or at18 given loads (45, 89, and 133 N) in the
5.24 mm (4% increase) in the ovulatory phase, and 5.09 mm load-displacement curve, in this study, the first and second
(1.9% decrease) in the luteal phase at 89 N, but the differ- derivatives of the curve were used to determine 3 slopes or
ence was not significant. Arnold et al4 included a relatively stiffness changes. Three distinct linear slope (stiffness) changes
large sample size (41 uninjured athletes, 8 nonathletes, and from the first derivative of the laxity curve were found. The
8 injured athletes) to examine the relationship between results showed that stiffness changed between 30.80 N and
serum relaxin and knee laxity; no differences in knee laxity 31.80 N and between 71.07 N and 76.93 N at the local min-
between the menstrual phases were found. Even though ima and maxima points of the second derivative rather than
these 2 studies included larger sample sizes compared with at previously used values of 45 N and 89 N. In addition, the
the other studies, no significant relationship between hor- current technique showed a better prediction of the linearity
mone levels and anterior knee laxity was observed. However, of the data compared with traditional methods, and greater
there were important confounding factors in these studies, R2 values in the linear stiffness equation were seen com-
including the method used to determine the phase of the pared to a typical stiffness calculation. Even small differences
cycle4,33 and the use of an uncontrolled subject population.4 in R2 values between the new and typical stiffness calcula-
The former study estimated the phase of the menstrual tion are potentially important. For example, in the period
cycle based on information from subjects questionnaires,33 from ovulation to the luteal phase, a typical stiffness calcula-
and relatively young subjects (15.7 1.0 years) were tion reveals no significant changes in stiffness between 45-N
recruited, introducing greater variability in hormone levels and 89-N loads (Figure 4B), while the new calculation of
because regular menstrual cycles may not have been firmly stiffness showed significant changes in stiffness at the mid-
established at this age.83 The knee laxity test was conducted dle portion of the curve (Figure 4A). Thus, to quantify the
by 2 examiners in this study, potentially introducing error load-displacement behavior of the knee, laxity tests should
related to intertester variability.33 The latter study was also consider the individual shape of the load-displacement curve
dependent on self-reporting to determine the use of oral rather than the shape within fixed regions only.
contraceptives, but 18% of subjects failed to provide infor- The second purpose of this study was to investigate
mation.4 Thus, it is questionable whether the differences in whether hormone levels influence knee joint stiffness dur-
knee joint laxity observed at different phases of the men- ing the menstrual cycle. The current study detected an
strual cycle were blurred by confounding factors in these increase in stiffness when progesterone levels peaked dur-
investigations despite relatively large sample sizes. ing the luteal phase. The effect of estradiol may be dimin-
The current study has been designed to take into account ished with increased progesterone levels,58 explaining the
the major limitations shown in the previous studies, by increased stiffness (P = .042) (Table 2), followed by the
using a large sample size, controlled and homogeneous decreased laxity at 89 N (P = .012) (Figure 2) from ovula-
subjects, and a reliable method to determine the cycle. The tion to the luteal phase. Romani et al58 correlated hormone
findings showed greater knee laxity during ovulation com- levels and the stiffness of the knee between 89 N and 133
pared with the other phases and confirmed that hormone N in 20 female subjects. A significant negative correlation
levels have a significant influence on knee laxity across the between estradiol concentration and knee joint stiffness
menstrual cycle in most women. However, it remains to be near ovulation was observed.58 On the other hand, despite
determined whether these influences have a direct or an insignificant stiffness changes between the local maxima
indirect effect on the tissue. point and the end point of the test (high stiffness region),
greater stiffness was noted during ovulation (ovulation:
Effects of Hormone Levels on Knee Joint Stiffness 43.76 21.29 N/mm vs follicular: 40.96 15.15 N/mm,
luteal: 39.82 11.75 N/mm) (Table 2). This possibly indi-
Knee joint stiffness may be an important variable charac- cates the achievement of the linear loading region at a
terizing the behavior of the bone-ligament-bone complex lower load than during other phases of the menstrual
Vol. 37, No. 3, 2009 Hormone Levels Affect Knee Laxity and Stiffness 595

cycle. If a ligament reaches the linear region earlier at which in turn would decrease laxity and increase stiffness.
ovulation, earlier microfailure of the ligament might Measuring quadriceps and hamstring muscle activity with
occur.79 However, further study will be required to investi- an arthrometer would confirm this assumption and provide
gate this speculation. more reliable results.34 A second variable that may influ-
ence knee joint laxity, especially in the ACL, is water con-
tent. Approximately two thirds of the ACL wet weight is
Different Response Types: water, which may make a marked contribution to its nonlin-
Responders and Nonresponders ear viscoelastic behavior.13 It is possible that an increased
body weight at the time of testing may reflect an increase in
Hormone level changes throughout the menstrual cycle water content and thus an increased laxity of the knee.
are known to have an effect on basal laxity.62 The female Consequently, a measure of total body water,29 to account for
participants in this study displayed varying degrees of this variable, may be a valuable addition to future studies.
change in knee laxity in response to these hormone An additional limitation of the current study is related to
changes. The heterogeneous response suggests that the speed of loading during laxity testing, as all viscoelastic
unknown genetic factors that control tissue response to materials demonstrate rate-dependent behavior.72 Thus, all
hormones may exist. Thus, we can now begin to assess the knee joint measurements in this study were performed
the differences between knee laxity responders and by 1 experimenter to minimize loading rate inconsistencies.
nonresponders. It was impossible to randomize the order of the 3 tests in
It is important to observe each subjects cyclic hormone knee laxity, as the data were collected during 1 menstrual
variation to understand why some women experience sig- cycle. Randomizing the data collection across more than 1
nificant changes in knee laxity during the menstrual cycle menstrual cycle could remove any bias caused by either a
while others do not.62 It has been reported that the most subjects learning-effect response or the examiners knowl-
likely cause of changes in knee laxity in most women is edge of the subjects menstrual phase.
variation in estradiol levels59,63 from the follicular phase to Furthermore, we recruited participants who were
ovulation. Therefore, we expected to observe differences in actively involved in sporting activity at a recreational
hormone levels, especially estradiol, between subjects who level, but there are differences between recreational level
responded with alterations in knee laxity and those who athletes and top athletes in terms of both knee laxity45 and
did not. However, there were no significant differences in movement patterns.64 Because studies found that the inci-
estradiol and progesterone levels between hormone dence of ACL injury was highest in female athletes playing
responders and nonresponders. Several studies have at the top level, testing top athletes may be more appropri-
included the analysis of a larger number of hormones and ate for understanding of the ACL injury mechanism during
investigated the effects of the combination of estradiol, sports activity.56 However, it was difficult to find a large
progesterone, and testosterone on knee ligaments.63,82 number of top athletes who met our subject criteria, such
Shultz et al63 suggested that there is a positive relation- as no previous knee injury and no oral contraceptive use.
ship between knee laxity and levels of estradiol and Also, multiple data collections at specific times during the
testosterone but that progesterone levels introduce sub- menstrual cycles of the subjects made recruitment of high
ject-dependent changes in laxity. Thus, they suggested that level athletes during their athletic season difficult.
the role of each hormone and its interactions on ligament A limitation of the KT-2000 arthrometer is that it requires
response should be included to explain individual variabil- compression of soft tissue, leading to possible overestimation
ity in laxity. of the displacement load.34 This error may be related to sub-
With the present data set, the question regarding why ject size as well as body composition.
some individuals are responders and others are nonre-
sponders could not be addressed. Intrinsic and extrinsic Clinical Relevance: Effects of Knee Joint
factors not considered in this study might influence a
Laxity and Stiffness on Knee Joint Function
womans relative sensitivity to hormone levels. For exam-
ple, individual body composition,32 menstrual history (con- In the current study, large variations in knee laxity response
sistency of the cycle10 and age of onset of menstrual at 89 N were observed ranging from 0.14 to 3.79 mm.
cycle70), genetic factors such as hypermobility,6,16,36,67 caloric However, with a side-to-side difference of more than 3 mm of
intake,5,52 and activity levels53 are all factors that may the anterior tibial translation indicating ACL rupture,14,66 it
influence a subjects knee laxity response but are difficult is possible that a difference in knee laxity of 3 mm during the
to control. menstrual cycle may result in decreased functionality of the
knee, indicating a higher risk of ACL injury. Studies have
Limitations of the Study speculated that functional outcomes after ACL injury may
be correlated to passive knee joint laxity.24,66 In addition, pas-
Despite its limitations, the current study found a significant sive knee laxity measurement has been used as a diagnostic
influence of hormones on the structural and mechanical tool to evaluate successful knee joint function after rehabili-
properties of the knee in a majority of the subjects studied. tation with or without surgery.66 Wojtys and Huston75 have
One assumption in this study was that subjects were indicated that muscle timing and recruitment patterns in
relaxed during laxity testing. Activating muscles during the response to anterior tibial translation are altered after ACL
laxity testing would increase resistance to the loading, injury. The timing of muscle response to anterior tibial
596 Park et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

t ranslation was delayed in ACL-injured patients, and muscle influence of estradiol and progesterone on knee laxity and
timing and recruitment pattern are more likely to be affected stiffness during the luteal phase. We also suggest that
by a patients activity and skill levels.75 Similar to the rela- changes in knee stiffness demonstrated with a new compu-
tionship between knee joint laxity and functional outcomes tational approach provide important information on the
after ACL injury, several studies have also observed decreased load behavior of the knee structure.
knee joint function with an increased passive knee joint This study did not address the question of whether hor-
laxity.31,59 Female subjects with greater knee laxity demon- mone influences on knee laxity also result in changes in
strate greater electromyography (EMG) peak amplitude lower extremity biomechanics, such as movement or mus-
during landing from a jump, a longer time to detect joint cular controls during the menstrual cycle. To date, most
motion in proprioception tests,59 and delayed generation of studies have focused on the effects of changing hormones
muscle torque in isokinetic dynamometer testing compared on joint laxity or the influence of joint laxity on the fre-
to their male counterparts.31 Thus, there is speculation that quency of injury in female athletes. Yet there have been
a decreased protective mechanism caused by the increased few studies on the effects of hormones on the biomechani-
knee laxity of females may increase ACL injury risk during cal and neuromuscular changes in female athletes during
physical activity.61 However, contributions of variations in the menstrual cycle.1,12,27 No studies have investigated
passive knee joint laxity during the menstrual cycle to whether changes in knee joint laxity during the menstrual
dynamic knee joint function have not been investigated. cycle affect lower extremity mechanics in sporting activi-
It has been suggested that knee joint stiffness can be an ties. Therefore, the way in which these biomechanical and
important diagnostic variable for assessing ligament neuromuscular changes associated with knee joint laxity
injury.40,42 Markolf et al42 found that ACL-injured knees have contribute to a higher injury incident rate in female
increased passive knee laxity and decreased stiffness com- athletes is unknown. The next step in the continuation of
pared with uninjured knees in 35 patients. They found that this study will be to quantify changes in lower extremity
changes in knee stiffness were most apparent at low loads of biomechanics corresponding to changes in knee laxity at
100 N or less.42 Furthermore, during sports, ACL injury similar time points in the menstrual cycle.
coincides with peak ACL strains at 40 to 70 ms after external
loading is applied at the knee.80 Thus, changes in knee stiff- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ness may be an important factor related to ACL injury risk
in dynamic situations because the knee structure must This work was supported by the Institute for Gender
adapt very quickly, in a fraction of a second.59 and Health (IGH) of the Canadian Institutes of Health and
A 50% to 77% reduction in knee stiffness in ACL-injured Research (CIHR). The authors thank Erica Enevold and
subjects has been reported.40,42 However, commonly available Mandy Chan for blood draw, Dr Tak Fung for his support
stiffness measurements, given only at specific loads (45, 89, in statistical analysis, as well as Colin Roeke for his cre-
and 133 N), are not sensitive enough to detect small changes ation of the figures.
in the material properties of knee structures.35 It has been
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Comparisons of R2 Value Between a New and Typical Stiffness Calculationa

Stiffness 1 Stiffness 2 Stiffness 3

New calculation .976 (.030) .984 (.009) .975 (.020)

Typical calculation .961 (.045) .968 (.031) .973 (.017)
Data are mean (SD). New calculation: the local minima and maxima points of the second derivative of the load-displacement curve were
determined for stiffness calculations. Stiffness 1, linear stiffness between the origin and the local minima point of the curve; stiffness 2,
linear stiffness between the local minima and maxima points of the curve; stiffness 3, linear stiffness between the maxima point and the
end point of the curve. Typical calculation: 45 N and 89 N of the load-displacement curve were used as reference points to calculate regional
linear stiffness. Stiffness 1, linear stiffness between the origin and 45 N of the curve; stiffness 2, linear stiffness between 45 N and 89 N of
the curve; stiffness 3, linear stiffness between 89 N and the end point of the curve.

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