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BJSM Online First, published on September 19, 2017 as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098093
Mobile app user guides

Stretching the evidence behind tennis elbow: mobile

app userguide
Luke J Heales,1,2 Michele Lastella,3 Brooke K Coombes,2 Bill Vicenzino4
School of Health, Medical Name of the mobile application
and Applied Sciences, Central Tennis Elbow.
Queensland University,
Rockhampton, Queensland,
2 Category of the mobile application
School of Biomedical Sciences,
University of Queensland, Health and fitness.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Appleton Institute for
Behavioural Science, Central Platform
Queensland University, Adelaide, iOS V.6.0 or later; Android V.2.3 or later.
South Australia, Australia
School of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences, Cost
University of Queensland, iPhone $A5.99; Android $A5.99.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Correspondence to About the app

DrLuke JHeales, Department Tennis elbow (TE), formally known as lateral
of Exercise and Health Science,
School of Health, Medical epicondylalgia, is a musculoskeletal condition asso-
and Applied Sciences, Central ciated with pain over the lateral elbow and histo-
Queensland University, logical changes of the common extensor tendon.1
Rockhampton, Queensland, Numerous treatments are advocated for this condi-
Australia; l.heales@c qu.edu.au
tion, with recent developments in the use of mobile
Accepted 8 August 2017 technology now added to the list.
The application titled Tennis Elbow is one of
the few user-friendly applications incorporating
education, a stretching programme, and a diary for
recording symptoms and exercises undertaken. The
rationale provided for the aetiology of TE is muscle
shortening from overuse, and The magic formula
is now called stretch the flexors! (figure1). The
application recommends five stretching exercises,
targeting muscles of the trunk and upper limb (eg, Figure 1 Screenshot of the proposed tightening of the
finger flexors, wrist extensors). It allows users to flexor muscles.
track the number of exercises performed and their
pain intensity using a user-friendly, colour-coded
rating scale (figure2). This information, along with Use in clinical practice
a timer to count the duration of exercise, may assist Evidence from a randomised controlled trial suggests
the user to monitor their progress and compliance that strengthening is more effective at reducing
with stretching. pain and improving grip strength than stretching,
A notable concern with this application is the lack although both groups improved.3 Given the lack of
of scientific evidence. The applications rationale for evidence for muscle shortening in TE and stretching
the intervention is that TE is secondary to muscle as a treatment, it is difficult to endorse stretching as
shortening from overuse; however, there is currently an isolated treatment using the prescribed exercises
no published evidence of muscle shortening in TE. or doses provided within this application.
Although stretching has been shown to reduce pain Due to heterogeneity in the pathophysiology
in a variety of musculoskeletal conditions,2 this treat- and clinical presentation of TE, one treatment is
ment does not address the primary impairment of unlikely to be effective in all cases.1 Using a recently
weakness during gripping, the key feature of TE. On published algorithm for the management of TE,1
the contrary, the recommended stretches may cause a this application might benefit a low-risk subgroup
reduction in strength2 and an altered neuromuscular of individuals who have relatively mild pain and
control.2 The application collects data on pain inten- disability, without additional risk factors for poorer
sity to generate an automated and predetermined prognosis (eg, concurrent neck/shoulder pain). For
To cite: HealesLJ, LastellaM,
number of repetitions that should be performed the such individuals, it is recommend a health prac-
CoombesBK, etal.
Br J Sports Med Published following day, with greater symptoms indicating titioner provide an individualised intervention.
Online First: [please include that more exercise is necessary (figure2). However, Overall this user-friendly application may provide
Day Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ the rationale that greater symptoms be treated with a reasonable framework for assisting some individ-
bjsports-2017-098093 more stretching should be approached with caution. uals in managing and monitoring their condition.

HealesLJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-098093 1

Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2017. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd under licence.
Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on September 20, 2017 - Published by group.bmj.com

Mobile app user guides

The application acknowledges that stress may lead to
increased muscle tension and symptoms of TE, offering
suggestions for stressrelief.
In the Terms and Conditions section, the app provides infor-
mation withregard to ceasing the stretching exercises and
seeking medical advice should there be ongoing symptoms,
deterioration of symptoms or new complaints of any kind,
which is consistent with guidelines.

The application provides limited and unsubstantiated infor-
mation about the condition, which is not supported by the
literature (eg, stating muscle shortening is the cause of TE).
The application only prescribes stretching exercises and does
not include active strengthening, which is not consistent
with guidelines.
The application uses inaccurate terminology (eg, strecker
muscles) and contains several grammatical errors, which
limits the clarity of information provided.
It is unclear whether the recommended number of exercises
is for all five stretches (eg, six recommended exercises all
five stretches=total of 30 stretches).
The stretching exercises are unmodifiable and the number
of prescribedrepetitions is automaticallydetermined from
the individualsreported pain intensity with greater reported
pain indicating thatgreater stretching is required.

Contributors LJH and ML contributed to the concept, design and write-up of the
manuscript. BKC and BTV contributed to the editing and review of the manuscript.
Competing interests None declared.
Figure 2 Screenshot of an individual tracking the intensity of their
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
complaint (ie, pain intensity) using the colour-coded rating scale, which
is used to recommend the number of exercises. The user can also track Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
the number of exercises performed.
expressly granted.

Pros References
The application provides exercises to individuals with TE 1 Coombes BK, Bisset L, Vicenzino B. Management of Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy: One
and encourages reflection on causative factors and advice Size Does Not Fit All. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2015;45:93849.
to remain active but avoid excessive exertion, which is 2 Page P. Current concepts in muscle stretching for exercise and rehabilitation. Int J
Sports Phys Ther 2012;7:10919.
consistent with guidelines. 3 Svernlv B, Adolfsson L. Non-operative treatment regime including eccentric training
Users can track their pain intensity on a daily basis. for lateral humeral epicondylalgia. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2001;11:32834.

2 HealesLJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2017;0:1. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-098093

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Stretching the evidence behind tennis elbow:

mobile app user guide
Luke J Heales, Michele Lastella, Brooke K Coombes and Bill Vicenzino

Br J Sports Med published online September 19, 2017

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