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Introduction to

Picture Archive and

Communication Systems
j Maureen N. Hood, MS, RN; and Hugh Scott, MS

ABSTRACT: Picture Archive and Communication Systems (PACS) are comprehensive management systems for
diagnostic imaging studies that are increasingly used in hospitals and health care systems. It is essential
for PACS to be an integrated part of the total hospital electronic information system in order to be maximally
effective. The main objective of any new information system in health care is to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of health care. Although the initial implementation of PACS is costly, the ability for care providers
to have faster access to diagnostic imaging information allows care to be delivered more expediently, which
improves the overall quality of care patients receive. Nurses will have the ability to see images, rather than
just reports about imaging studies. An electronic system for diagnostic imaging procedures and management
provides nurses with unique opportunities to improve their involvement in clinical discussions, their ability to
provide quality patient care, and potential to further nursing research. (J Radiol Nurs 2006;25:69-74.)

INTRODUCTION signs launched in 1982 (Huang, 1999, 2003). The U.S.

Diagnostic imaging is a key component of information Army Medical Research and Materiel Command in-
affecting the care a patient receives. Picture Archive stalled the rst large-scale PACS in the United States
and Communication Systems (PACS) are comprehen- called the medical diagnostic imaging support system
sive networks of digital devices designed for acquisi- in 1992 (Smith et al., 1995). Since that time, PACS tech-
tion, transmission, storage, display, and management nology has grown through the support of InfoRAD
of diagnostic imaging studies. The concept of a digital displays during the Radiological Society of North
image communication and display system was devised America (RSNA) annual meetings and other confer-
in the 1970s, with the initial conference on PACS de- ences, as well as the establishment of a peer-reviewed
journal, the Journal of Digital Imaging, devoted to re-
search in digital technology. In the past few years,
Maureen N. Hood, MS, RN, is an Assistant Professor of Radiology PACS have become widely used by hospitals (Liu
and Radiological Sciences at Uniformed Services University of the et al., 2004). The initial deployment of comprehensive
Health Sciences, School of Medicine, where she teaches medical and PACS was hampered by a wide host of issues related
graduate school students. Ms. Hood has a masters degree in Nursing
Informatics from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, School of not only to its high start-up cost but also to the accli-
Nursing, and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in nursing from mation of the technology for routine clinical use
the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Graduate (Huang, 2003). The transition from conventional
School of Nursing. Hugh Bradford Scott, RN-C, MS, is the Head of
PACS Services for the Department of Radiology at the National hard copy lms to soft copy interpretation on
Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. Mr. Scott has a masters computer monitors has been tedious, but the technol-
degree in Informatics from Hampton University in Hampton, VA. ogy and acceptance of digital imaging systems are
Mr. Scott is also a retired LCDR of the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps.
growing. Aside from the determination of the minimum
The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the
authors and are not to be construed as ocial or reecting the views of image quality requirements for accurate diagnosis as-
the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences or the surance, a whole host of end-user issues had to be over-
Department of Defense. come such as the optimization of computer interfaces,
Address reprint requests to Maureen N. Hood, Uniformed Services image archival speeds, viewer settings, algorithms for
University of the Health Sciences, Department of Radiology and
Radiological Sciences, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD data display, and appropriate ergonomic environment
20814-4799. E-mail: mhood@usuhs.mil for both image acquisition and image viewing. In addi-
1546-0843/$32.00 tion, the integration of routines common for hard
Copyright 2006 by the American Radiological Nurses Association. copy radiology departments, such as the ability to
doi: 10.1016/j.jradnu.2006.06.003 fetch old exams and old reports as well as annotate

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 3 www.radiologynursing.org 69


images (traditionally performed with a nonpermanent hospitals that have computerized health information
wax pencil), had to be replicated in the virtual digital systems as being more modern and having more
PACS environment. state-of-the-art care capability. Patients want to feel
Like other electronic hospital information systems, they are receiving the best care possible.
PACS are expensive to install and, thus, it can be dif- One of the main goals of PACS is to make the deliv-
cult initially for health care facilities to justify its cost, ery of health care more effective and efcient. To date,
especially for small facilities. In PACS, cost is particu- there is little published information regarding the clin-
larly high because of the size of individual imaging ical impact of PACS in the working environment.
exams that can often strain the limits of data archival PACS are new tools that need to be studied by nurses
storage, transmission, and viewer display as image to see how they can improve the delivery and quality
data sets are often large (e.g., 36.7 MB per CT study of care to the patient. This article will describe the basic
or 16.7 MB per two-view conventional x-ray study; structure of a Picture Archive and Communication Sys-
Mehta, Dreyer, & Thrall, 1999). Despite the high cost tem and how it relates to other electronic systems in the
of PACS and other electronic hospital information sys- health care enterprise. In addition, the various ways in
tems, hospitals are discovering the cost effectiveness of which PACS are being used in the health care settings
these systems in the delivery of health care (Huang, and their effect on nurses, patients, and the delivery
1999). PACS are now being considered an essential of care will be discussed.
part of the continuity of care in the hospital environ-
ment (Liu et al., 2004). Studies have documented DEFINITIONS
savings in terms of lost studies that required repeat of The electronic communication systems that are used in
the exams and time required for house staff attempting health care have a unique vocabulary that is sometimes
to locate lms. The PACS enable several people to view confusing to users in the health care system. Dening
the same exam simultaneously at different locations, these components and how they relate to the old, pa-
which is typically not practical with hard copy lms. per-based system is the rst step in understanding
For many patients, x-rays are also used as a nal check how an electronic radiology department operates. Old
before discharge. In hospitals with PACS, the easy paradigms in basic radiologic functions relating to the
access to patients lms often leads to earlier patient nurse are outlined in Table 1.
discharge and shortened hospital stays (Hirschorn, Digital imaging and communications (DICOM) sys-
Hinrichs, Gor, Shah, & Visvikis, 2001; Watkins, tems: A standard for the facilitation of electronic
Weatherburn, & Bryan, 2000). medical imaging, consisting of a standardized image
Computerized health care systems give hospitals format and a standardized communications protocol
a competitive advantage through cost savings and im- (American College of Radiology, 2001).
proved patient perception (Brink, Neklesa, Mutalik, Electronic health record (EHR): An electronic sys-
& Forman, 1998). The potential for referring providers tem that is used to capture, retrieve, store, transmit,
to access patients lms in the hospital, their ofces, or manipulate, and link any information that relates to
clinics provides additional illustrative tools for patient the past, present, and future health or conditions of
discussions concerning their medical management and any person for the primary purpose of providing
treatment options. Furthermore, patients perceive health care or health-related services (Englebardt &

Table 1. Comparison of paper-based communication to electronic communication

Paper-based system Electronic system
Hard lm Electronic image
Light-box Computer screen
Written paper prescription Electronic order
Film jackets Optical media
Written reports Electronic reports
Reports mailed or faxed Reports e-mailed or retrieved electronically
Films collected and sent with patient to operating room Views available in operating room to electronically recall images
Films collected and sent with patient when patient is transferred Images retrievable through Picture Archive and Communication
Systems, no need to gather old lms
If patient is transferred to another institution, images are sent
with patient on a CD or DVD
Long time to retrieve old lms from le room or Old lms electronically recalled from deep archive or
off-location storage. Can take up to a week electronic long-term storage in seconds or minutes
Paper patient chart Electronic medical record

70 www.radiologynursing.org SEPTEMBER 2006


Nelson, 2002). EHRs are usually based on the and other complex computer stations for viewing the
Health Level Seven (HL7) standard. images and related health information, interfacing de-
Health care information system (HIS): An inte- vices, immediate and short-term storage, and long-
grated system of both hardware and software that term storage databases (Erickson et al., 2001; Huang,
is used by a health care provider to support and con- 1999). Two main types of viewing stations are used in
duct all information aspects of providing quality PACS: high-resolution 3- to 5-megapixel diagnostic
patient care and the business of health care (Engle- workstations for formal diagnostic interpretation and
bardt & Nelson, 2002). lower resolution stations (e.g., 1- to 2-megapixel work-
Radiology information system (RIS): An electronic stations) for easy clinical reference used throughout the
system that is used to manage medical imaging in- rest of the PACS network outside of the interpreting
formation such as diagnostic imaging orders, sched- department. The high-resolution 3- to 5-megapixel
uling, and diagnostic imaging interpretations/ monitors are expensive but necessary for accurate diag-
reports and to prepare billing information (Levine, nosis. These more expensive monitors are typically only
Norton, & Mun, 1995). RIS is usually based on purchased for the radiology department and select
the HL7 standard. clinics (e.g., orthopedic clinics). Most clinics cannot jus-
Picture Archive and Communication System: A sys- tify the high cost of the 3- to 5-megapixel monitors to
tem for digital image data management. The main review lms.
components of PACS include image acquisition, It is extremely important that communication with
data management, data transmission, image display, the PACS, RIS, and/or HIS be bidirectional for maxi-
interfaces to printers and portable media, and com- mum enterprise benet (Penn PACS Technology,
munication routes to other electronic systems (Cho- 2002). Just being able to send images is not sufcient in-
pin, Boehme, & Maynard, 1992). PACS are usually formation exchange for good patient management.
based on DICOM standards. This lends itself to improved accuracy of information
Health Level Seven (HL7): An electronic communi- that in turn leads to increased efciency of health
cation standard for health care applications that care delivery. Radiology imaging networks must be ca-
facilitates clear communication in the health care pable of handling large amounts of data that are gener-
community through an agreed upon format or proto- ally stored on a redundant array of inexpensive disks
col for electronic data exchange (Dolin et al., 2001). for short-term storage and have digital tape or other
optical disk-based systems for long-term storage so
that the ow of information can be rapid (Arenson,
STRUCTURE OF PACS Andriole, Arvin, & Gould, 2000). Reports are available
PACS usually require at least a gigabit backbone of in- on the HIS or the RIS so that clinicians have a report
frastructure to form the network, imaging workstations when they review lms on the PACS. A schematic of

Figure 1. A simplified schematic of a Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) and its communication flow to other basic com-
ponents of the electronic health record such as the radiology information system (RIS), health care information system (HIS), and other
computers used in the health care setting. Of course, good clinical practice dictates the protection of patient privacy and confidentiality;
thus, the communication pathways are designed with security features such as firewalls, encryption, audit trails, and access restriction to
protect patient privacy and the fidelity of the images.

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 3 www.radiologynursing.org 71


the basic components of a picture archive and commu- Picture Archive and Communication System archives
nication system and how it relates to the RIS and HIS digital studies that are put into the system. Some insti-
is demonstrated in Figure 1. tutions have RISs that are capable of linking to legacy
reports for studies that were performed before the
CLINICAL IMPLEMENTATIONS PACS were installed. The old lms would still need
to be retrieved from the le room unless the old lms
A survey conducted by Yousem and Beauchamp (2000)
have been scanned into the PACS (Dzingle, May, &
looked at three key issues clinicians hoped PACS would
Garland, 2001). Digitizing old lms is expensive and
help improve upon: the length of time between ordering
time consuming, preventing most institutions from
the exam and receiving the results, lost lms, and lack
providing this feature; therefore, old lms should be
of previous lms for comparison. Through the allevia-
digitized according to clinical protocols developed by
tion of these problems, clinicians resoundingly hope to
greatly improve the care to the patient. Kinnunen and
One of the greatest impacts of PACS on the care
Pohjonen (2001) took these key issues further by point-
provider is the ability to view the images and results
ing out that PACS change the roles of the resources by
in the clinic much faster than the old system of going
making the data mobile instead of relying on people to
physically to the lm library and checking out hard
move the images. Health care managers know that
copy lms and either waiting for reports to be tran-
manpower is expensive. It makes sense to let computers
scribed or calling the radiology department for a stat
organize and move data so that people such as nurses
wet-read. Some institutions allow providers to access
can spend more time giving care (Yu & Hilton, 2005).
the voice recordings of a radiologists report before
A report by Brink et al. (1998) found that PACS im-
the written report that is done by the transcriptionist
proved patient care through more timely adjustments
in order to speed up the relay of information (Arenson
to the patient care regimen. Outcome studies have
et al., 2000). However, having to access the report
shown a decrease in the average length of hospital
through the telephone transcription systems is time
stay for patients where PACS have been implemented
consuming and adds an extra step to the nurses al-
(Brink et al.; Siegel & Reiner, 2002). The importance
ready busy schedule. One additional way reports are
of an integrated health management system has been
being generated in a more expedient manner is with
recognized by the Hospital Information Management
the use of voice recognition systems. Some institutions
Systems Society and the RSNA among others (Arenson
are using voice recognition packages to digitalize tran-
et al., 2000; Boochever, 2004). Their joint initiative to
scriptions, thus eliminating the need for transcription-
facilitate HIS/RIS/PACS connectivity is called Inte-
ists. However, this transition to voice recognition is
grating the Health Care Enterprise (IHE). The IHE
slow, since some hospital personnel are still skeptical
task force is working to improve access to information
of this new technology and the technology is still being
across all health care systems by establishing common
rened to meld the demands of the physician dictating
integration protocols such as HL7 and DICOM.
the reports. Institutions that have successfully adopted
The other big problem with hard lms is that they
voice recognition software in their dictation systems
are often lost and may not ever be formally interpreted.
report more timely and improved access to patient
Now, since diagnostic images are electronic, the com-
reports that are readily available through electronic
puter systems aid in tracking lms and reports. It is es-
retrieval (Bramson & Bramson, 2005).
timated that approximately 10% to 20% of hard copy
lms are missing or unavailable when needed (Kinnu-
nen & Pohjonen, 2001). The loss of a prior study may
result in incorrect medical management as much of ra- DISCUSSION
diology relies on the principle of interval disease mon- The American Nurses Association endorses the nd-
itoring to assess disease remission or progression. The ings that electronic patient records reduce errors, im-
loss of a current study would result in a repeat exam prove the speed and efciency of care, and benet the
and the needless reexposure of the patient to x-rays overall care of the patient (Computer-based Patient Re-
and a delay in nal diagnosis, not to mention overall cord Institute [CPRI], 1995). Most data thus far show
health costs (Arenson et al., 2000). PACS change the that PACS speed the transfer of image data to the
lost images rate to near zero and result in an overall im- care providers and reduce the number of lost lms.
provement in patient care by reducing the aforemen- This is particularly evident in the emergency room
tioned concerns related to lost lms (Kinnunen & and intensive care units where prolonged wait times
Pohjonen; Ondo, 2004). The downfall to the PACS is for study results can have a fatal or at least morbid re-
that it does not typically track the existing hard lm sult in patient management and care (Hirschorn et al.,
cases that may also be available for comparison. A 2001; Watkins et al., 2000).

72 www.radiologynursing.org SEPTEMBER 2006


The ultimate goal of any new implementation in possible to track patient encounters or problems that
health care is to improve the delivery of care. Com- could be overlooked during clinic visits through the
puters offer the potential to greatly enhance the cost ef- documentation of diagnostic imaging procedures. The
fectiveness of the health care system through long-term, nurse could also use PACS to perform utilization stud-
comprehensive foundation of information (CPRI, ies or other types of health care research.
1995). A successfully integrated PACS/RIS/HIS in PACS images can be helpful during nursing shift
a hospital increases the functionality of the hospital change conferences or for educational forums to fur-
system and enhances the overall quality of care to the ther demonstrate key points of certain illness or disease.
patient (Arenson et al., 2000; Siegel & Reiner, 2002). A nurse may have a patient who has a pleural effusion
Nurses who have access to the total health information who is undergoing serial chest x-rays, or there may be
of patients have the ability to care more efciently and several patients with feeding tubes that may need to
effectively for patients. A study done by the Baltimore be periodically evaluated. The nurse could easily refer
Veterans Administration Hospital showed that clini- to the digital lms during postconference as an addi-
cians tend to view the images of the exams they ordered tional source of information that the nurses could use
through the PACS more frequently than they did when for monitoring patients tube placement or resolving
the images were only available on hard lm (Reiner et pneumonia in addition to the providers orders.
al., 2000). PACS will become another regular tool A nurse interested in investigating improvements in
along with the electronic patient record, medication ad- patient education may want to review the impact of
ministration record, and other electronic information PACS on patient education. For instance, maternal
devices for all health care providers. bonding has been shown to improve when the patient
Nurses see providing quality patient care as a vital views obstetric ultrasound images (Fletcher & Evans,
element of their practice since they deliver the bulk of 1983). Commonly, expectant mothers are given images
patient care. EHRs, such as medication administration of their obstetric ultrasound. Similar improvements in
records, have been found to reduce the risk of medica- patient education and acceptance of their condition
tion errors, save time in documentation, and reduce the may be gleaned by the integration of PACS into patient
time necessary for restocking medications on the units and family counseling sessions. For example, a nurse
(Tamblyn, 2004). It has also been found that EHRs, es- may want to research the impact of patient and family
pecially when nurses use handheld devices, allow nurses discussions with the inclusion of CT images of a malig-
to have more time for patient care delivery through nancy. The images could be used to describe the seri-
improved access to information, improved comm- ousness and the extent of the tumor and help describe
unication, and specialized tools for assessing and calcu- the seriousness of the surgery and its preparation. Im-
lating dosages or other clinical values (Tamblyn). The ages also could aid in the explanation of the possible
electronic information systems are meant to be tools postoperative consequences for the surgery such as
to enable nurses to make better decisions and be the need for an ostomy bag or location of a drainage
more procient in their clinical practice. tube, since visual images are often easier to understand
PACS can also be used by nurses to search for diag- than written or verbal explanations. In addition, pro-
nostic imaging data for use in research and education. grams can now insert images into patient reports,
For instance, a nurse researching a project on patients which may enhance the patients understanding of the
with diabetes mellitus may want to review the most diagnostic study. Nurses can use this new image feature
common life-threatening and quality-of-life-reducing in their patient education encounters to help improve
pathologies associated with diabetes mellitus. The patient compliance and, consequently, improve clinical
nurse researcher could search the diagnostic imaging outcomes.
reports in the HIS or RIS and then easily nd the cor-
responding imaging les that demonstrate the common
pathologies relating to diabetes mellitus. By inserting EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES
the images into the research reports, nurses may learn As PACS technology evolves and is widely incorpo-
more about how these pathologies appear on diagnos- rated in the health care setting, some emerging technol-
tic studies and may be able to better inform patients on ogies that will assist nurses in the radiology department
how these chronic illnesses may affect their lives include computer-assisted readings (CAR) or com-
(Marshall & Evans, 1992). Images can also make puter-aided diagnosis. Certain radiologic examinations
research reports more visually interesting, thereby and procedures such as digital mammography, virtual
potentially increasing understanding and retention of colonoscopy, and virtual angiography may be en-
the topic. In addition, the PACS and the RIS can serve hanced by CAR technologies that offer initial interpre-
as secondary data sets for nursing research. It may be tations or interpretation assistance (Ford et al., 2005;

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on workow in the emergency department at a level I trauma
able to the nurse in helping patients plan for their
center. Journal of Digital Imaging, 14(2 Suppl. 1), 199-201.
health care needs. Huang, H.K. (1999). PACS: Basic principles and applications.
New York: Wiley-Liss.
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