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The common english.

1. Budget watchgogs urge government to slash election spending

Pengawas anggaran mendesak pemerintah untuk memangkas/memotong
anggaran yang digunakan
2. If you had finished eating, clean the trashes jika kamu telah selesai
makan, bersihkan sampah
3. As previously they had spent a large amount of money on tools for
balloting and for paying the salaries of the members of the poll committees.
sebagaimana sebelumnya mereka telah menghabiskan jumlah besar
uang untuk alat-alat pemungutan and pembayaran gaji anggota komite
4. The spending on salaries for member of poll committees could be reduced,
particularly by cutting the number of committee members
mengeluarkan gaji untuk anggota comite pemilihan dapat dikurangi,
terutama dengan memotong jumlah anggota komite.
5. The government needs to reconsider the number of local administration/ or
committees for election. I think five member are more the enough
Pemerintah harus mempertimbangkan jumlah dari administrasi local atau
kommite untuk pemilihan, I berfikir 5 orang lebih dari cukup.
6. Underscore menggarisbawahi
7. The subject of the visit is to continue to strengthen subjet dari
kunjungan selanjutnya untuk memperkuat
8. Petronised dilindungi
9. Rooting out membasmi
10.Emphasise menekankan

1. Constipation Sembelit
If you suffer from constipation, you will be very familiar with stomach
pain. Constipation is defined as having trouble passing stools or having no
bowel movement for more than three consecutive days. When your body
cannot pass waste, your stools become impacted in your large intestinal.
Jika kamu menderita konstipasi, kamu akan sangat familiar/ kenal
dengan sakit perut. Sembelit didefinisikan sebagai memiliki kesulitan
mengeluarkan kotoran atau tidak buang air besar lebih dari tiga hari secara
2. Diarrhea
Stomach pain can also be caused by severe diarrhea, which involves loose
stools and watery stools. Having diarrhea means passing loose stools at Commented [r1]: Diarrhe/ loose stoles mencret
Commented [r2]: Tinja berair
least three time a days.
3. Gastroentritis
Gastroentritis, also known as stomach flu, is a very common condition that
causes diarrhea and vomiting. It is usually caused by bacterial or viral
infection. Gastroentritis, juga dikenal sebagai flu perut, ini adalah
kondisi umum yang menyebabkan diarrhea and muntah. Ini biasanya
disebabkan oleh bakteri atau infeksi oral.
4. Appendicitis usus buntu
If you have pain in the lower right side of you abdomen, you may have
appendicitis, which is the imflammation of your appendix. Your appendix
is small pouch of tissue that extends/ lengthwise from your large intestine. Commented [r3]: 1.Memperluas/memperpanjang

The function of appendix unknown. Commented [r4]: 2.memanjang/ membujur

5. Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection can cause stomach pain, fever and pain while
urinating. It is usually caused by a bacterial infection.
6. Indigestion
Pain from indigestion is often caused by certain foods. The pain is usually Commented [r5]: gangguan pencernaan

felt in the form of discomfort at the top of stomach. Indigestion can be Commented [r6]: 1.bentuk
caused by high fat foods. When your stomach cannot properly digest food,
it can overflow and cause painful discomfort, your may feel like burping Commented [r7]: bersendawa

frequently and have a sour, acidic taste in your mouth.

7. Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, long-term condition
affecting the digestive system. It can cause episode of stomach cramps,
bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Commented [r8]: kembung

8. Crohns disease
Cause inflammation of the lining of your digestive track. Which can lead? Commented [r9]: lapisan
Commented [r10]: 1.menyebabkan
To abdominal pain. Severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrisi. 2.pemimpin

Crohns disease can be both painful and debilitating, and can lead life- Commented [r11]: 1.melumpuhkan
threatening complications.
9. Lactose intolerance
Lactose intolerance is common digestive problem where the body is unable
to digest lactose, a type of sugar mainly found in milk and dairy products.
Symtoms of lactose intolerence include FLATULENCE, DIARRHE, A
10. Gallstones or kidney stones
Kidney stone and gallstone can both cause stomach pain. Gallstones are Commented [r12]: batu empedu

hard deposits that form in the gallbladder while kidney stones are hard Commented [r13]: endapan
Commented [r14]: kandung empedu
calcified stone that form in the kidneys. Commented [r15]: kapurs

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