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English Cool - Call Center tips 101 ....The more you

relate to the caller (customer) the smoother the conversation ..practice your grammar to have a
better sounding english.
To be formal when needed.
Each coordinating conjunction connects ideas in a slightly different way.
And - combines two or more positive ideas.
But - connects two or more true but contrasting ideas.
Or - presents a choice between ideas. Only one of the choices is true or possible.
Nor - combines two or more negative ideas. Neither of the ideas is true or possible.
Yet - connects two or more ideas that are somewhat contrasting.
For - explains a reason or purpose.
So - shows an effect or result.
English Cool - Call Center tips 101 ....Time management,learn to be on time.
If you wonder why you're still in the same position at work,it could be you are not on time for
them to take you serious....
BE ON TIME to get more opportunities and I'm working at it also.......no one is perfect...not
everything is black and white.
Remember: Being punctual shows you are dependable. A man can always be found at his
post, carrying out the duties needful for that time. People know they can rely on such a man if
he says he will be there, hell be there. But if a man is not punctual, others cannot depend on him they
do not know where he will be when they need him. His associates will begin to feel he cannot organize
his own time, and these doubts will seep into matters beyond the clock, as it naturally raises the
question: If he is careless about time, what else is he careless about?

(Taken from my YouTube channel, which has lots of more English learning videos just like this
one. Link can be found in the first comment.)
Do you make any of these mistakes?
English pronunciation can be very difficult and challenging, so it's not surprise that English
Learners often make pronunciation mistakes. Some words are spelled the same, but
pronounced differently, other words are pronounced the same, but spelled differently.
In this video, we look at 10 of the most common English pronunciation mistakes non-native English
speakers make. This mispronounced words are often easy to fix, so try and copy the way I say them to
improve your English pronunciation.
Don't forget to share with a friend who wants to improve their pronunciation.

Espaol Ingls
Tenemos que compartir We need to share
Usa tus palabras Use your words
Por qu estas enojado? Why are you upset?
Cmo te sientes? How do you feel?
Prtate bien Be good
Te sientes frustrado? Are you feeling frustrated?
Cmo podemos arreglar esto? How can we fix this?
Cmo crees que se siente ella cuando tu le dices
esas palabras? How do you think she feels when you say those word
Sino compartes el juguete, entonces lo voy apartar if we cannot share the toy, then I should take it away
Por qu no le dices como te sientes? Why dont you tell her how you feel?
Por qu estas llorando? Why are you crying?
No te entiendo cuando gritas, puedes decirme con I dont understand when you scream, can you tell me
plabras qu pas? your words what happened?
Puedes prestarle el juguete? Can you lend her that toy?
Cmo podemos jugar juntos? How can we play together?
Podemos tomar turnos? Can we take turns?
Cunto tiempo lo quieres usar? How long do you want to use it for?
Voy a poner una alarma y luego intercambiamos I will put an alarm and then we will switch
Obedeceme por favor Can you do what I say? /obey me, please
Sino me obedece entonces va haber una If you decide not to do listen to me, there will be a
consecuencia consequence
El no puede salir esta castigado He cannot play today, he is grounded
Tiempo fuera/ Rincon de reflexion Time out/ Alone time
Necesito que reflexiones y pidas perdon You need to think about your actions and say your sor
Lo que hiciste no es correcto, puedes lastimar a
alguien what you did was not right, you can hurt someone
Detente / basta ya! please stop/ stop/ stop it
Me perdonas por favor?, ya no lo vuelvo hacer Can you forgive me?, I wont do it again
No lo hice a proposito, fue un accidente I didnt do it on purpose, it was an accident
Escucha a tu papa, te est hablando listen to your father he is talking to you
Necesitas tiempo fuera o tiempo para reflexionar? Do you need a time out?/ do you need alone time?
Est haciendo un berrinche He is having a tantrum
Qu te pasa? / cul es el problema? what is the matter? / whats wrong?

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