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Cindy Sung

Period 5 and 6
Annotated Source List

Abrajano, M., & Hajnal, Z. (2015). White backlash: Immigration, race, and american politics.
Retrieved October 24, 2017. Retrieved from
This book talks about how immigration, race, and American politics all work together to
influence one another. One of the chapters focuses about how immigration has brought various
changes in our government and our society and how it is unique in the way that it has changed
the image of political parties. Both of the two main parties, democrats and republicans, used to
be made up of a majority of white people who focused on rights for themselves, have changed to
include other races and opposing viewpoints. It says that what it means to be a democrat or a
republican has changed and one topic, such as immigration, could change a persons
partisanship. The book also talks about the history of immigration in the United States, it talks
about how immigration has impacted legislation in the past. One example is how the vast amount
of Chinese immigration caused both democrats and republicans to support Chinese exclusion,
and therefore caused the Chinese exclusion act. This is significant in the way that immigration
has been an issue for a long time in America and it shows exactly how it is so important and
divisive that it causes national reforms. The book continues on to suggest that race drives people
to certain political parties, and cites a study that infers that African Americans have driven white
Americans to the republican party. This source is useful because it is very relevant to my
research question and cites a lot of studies and data that I can research as well.
Application to Research:
I think this book is super useful, it is perfect for my research question. It contains a lot of
information about each topic, the chapters contain a lot of information and it contains a lot of
operational definitions which is really helpful to me as I am reading the text. The book also talks
about the medias effect on American views on immigration and how it fuels both fires of pro
and anti immigration movements. This information shows less bias than the other information in
the book, showing that it includes bipartisan information and facts while still taking a stance on
the subject.

Area, J. M. (n.d.). Navigating the fundamentals of immigration law (2017-18 ed.).

This book is a handbook that contains the basics of immigration law. It is designed to help
novice immigration lawyers. This e-book contains factual information rather than biased or
opinionated information. The book contains a lot of useful information such as a glossary of
legal terms, agencies that affect immigration policy, employment immigration visa types and
requirements, etc. The book is broken up by topics, it goes from general information about
immigration laws and a glossary, to individual/specialized topics about employment based
immigration and non-immigrant visas. The source also includes introductions of each topic
which explains ideas in easier/ more understandable vocabulary. The book also cites many court
cases and common law precedent that I can search for and use in my research regarding the
history of immigration law and its timeline. This e-book is very helpful in the way that it supplies
facts and covers immigration law procedures and processes. However, the source is very
objective and does not provide any other information besides the clear-cut law.
Application to Research:
This source will be very helpful to me because it will help me understand immigration law and
understand how everything works. This book is also very factual which will help my research
because the information contained in this handbook is the law and it is not really open to
interpretation which will be a good base for my research question. I can also use this source to
cite specific policies and use them as evidence to further my argument or research question.

Besley, T., Burgess, R., & Prat, A. (n.d.). Mass media and political accountability. Retrieved
from CARR website: http://www.lse.ac.uk/accounting/CARR/pdf/DPs/Disspaper6.pdf
This technical/research report is more about how mass media and politics interact with each
other. One major way is how transparency of government is an important factor of our
democracy and how that reflects in our media. Our rights, which include our right to free speech
and freedom of press, also reflects in our media and our politics, very clearly shown in the media
and the very little censorship in our media. The report also talks about how the media can affect
political outcomes. One very obvious way is that it informs the public so citizens can make well
informed decisions and it can affect our elections. This report cites India as a specific example of
how mass media and politics interact. It compares India to China and shows that India has not
had any famines since the post-independence era. This may seem irrelevant, however it makes
sense because India has free and independent news sources and that government transparency is
helpful in preventing things such as famines because information is made available to the people.
In China, it is different with heavy censorship and the Chinese people are left in the dark about
major issues in their government and society. The Indian people are made aware of these facts
and are able to face the problem head on with their community and government to avoid these
situations. This specific situation in India is situational, however it does show how the media
works with the government to better our society by informing the public. This source is helpful
in the way that it pulls evidence from many different countries, not just China and India.
However, the source is way too specific and it may be hard to generalize and be able to broaden
up the topics to include other countries such as the U.S.
Application to Research:
This source will be very helpful because it includes a lot of factual information and includes
visual aids that I may be able to include in my final project. This is also very helpful because it
cites a specific, real-life event that happened in India. This will benefit my research because I
will be able to pull information from this source and compare and contrast with information from
the first source.

Betancourt, H., & Lopez, S. R. (1993). The study of culture, ethnicity, and race in American
psychology. American Psychologist, 48, 629-637. Retrieved November 2, 2017.
Retrieved from
This journal article goes into depth about culture and how it affects the actions of people by
reviewing it in terms of psychology. The article begins with the history of culture and how it has
been documented as a big influencer on human actions. The article then defines what it means by
culture, race, and ethnicity which is very helpful because it does not leave those terms up to
interpretation. The article then moves on to discuss how culture, race, and ethnicity are all
variables that have either been ignored even when they have a strong presence, or misattributed
to theories when they do not have much relevance. The journal specifically cites a study that
compares depressive symptoms of different races, specifically Caucasians, African Americans,
and Latinos. Latinos reported the highest levels of depressive symptoms than the other races due
to economic variables such as employment and income, ignoring the cultural aspect of this study
which is that in America, Caucasian Americans make up the majority of the middle and upper
class while the majority of Latino Americans represent the lower and lower middle class of the
American economy. Next, the article goes into how acculturation affects studies done on culture.
It talks about how acculturation affects the individual and therefore affects studies and their
results due to the personal stress of acculturation. This journal article is very helpful in the way
that it includes a lot of information on how culture affects studies and research and it includes a
lot of citations.
Application to Research:
This article is going to be useful to my research question because it includes research on how
important yet difficult it is to produce studies on culture because there are so many variables.
This information will help my research question because I am studying the American culture to
better understand it and I can use the information I learned from this journal article and apply it
when I research studies on culture in the future.

Clair, M., & Dennis, J. S. (n.d.). Sociology of racism. Retrieved October 18, 2017. Retrieved
From https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/matthewclair/files/sociology_of_racism_claira
This source, which is an article from an encyclopedia/e-book, talks about the sociology of
racism and its origins. It gives a lot of useful information about how race is a social construct and
how it was historically used by Europeans to achieve supremacy and to justify horrible acts such
as slavery and everything associated with it. It then continues to talk about how racism has
shaped America and how this nation was founded on it. The article says that racism serves a
political agenda in modern times which is a really significant quote. The article continues to talk
about new racism which is basically what racism looks like today. It is very interesting to read
how people are displaying racism in subtle tones and how it is still very prevalent in modern
society. It also cites surveys in which Caucasian Americans say that they support racial equality
however they do not support policies that would implement said equality. The most significant
part of this article is the section in which it talks about institutional racism. This portion talks
about how our policies and laws have been founded on racism and it is nearly impossible to try
and change something the American culture and society has been founded on. The article
concludes that America is fundamentally racist. This source is very helpful because it gives a
sociological/psychological viewpoint to how race affects legislation and it gives insight as to
why race has such a big impact and how Americans may not be aware of their personal bias.
Application to Research:
One of my prospective research questions is about how racism has shaped America and it laws
and policies in general but specifically immigration laws. This source will be very helpful
because it gives the history of the relationship between racism and American history and also
how it applies to modern times and how although it is subtle, it is still very prevalent. This source
also gives a very interesting psychological/sociological insight on the topic which will be very
helpful to include in my research hypothesis. Also, I personally really like this source because I
love psychology and sociology and I think its very interesting and I am excited that I can use
law and psychology together.

Culture of united states of america. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2017, from Countries and
their Culture. Retrieved from http://www.everyculture.com/To-Z/United-States-of-
This web page is very helpful because it is very literal and objective. It basically just defines
American culture. It talks about the history of America and more specifically it talks about its
ethnic relations. It goes into depth about the origin of America especially with Native Americans
and the trail of tears, the battle of wounded knee, etc. The web page contains a very strong
statement, it says that the United States is known as a country that assimilates or takes
immigrants and their culture to create them into the image of a standard American. This
statement is very important to American culture because there is such a longstanding history with
assimilation and cultural appropriation and even stealing of other cultures. The web page also
goes into symbolism in the country, citing specifically the American flag. It explains that the flag
is very important to the culture and it symbolizes many different things, it is used to express
nationalism and pride for the country but it also has been used to protest the country, citing an
instance in the 1900s in which abolitionists held the flag upside to protest slavery. The web page
continues to elaborate on Americas culture, it includes information on the class system of
America and how Americans do not believe they have a class structure in their society but it is
clear when one takes an outside approach and analyzes the country. The class system is also
defined by social stratification by race and it talks about the countrys past with segregation and
its subtle tones hidden in society today. This web page is very helpful in the way that it clearly
defines American culture and what it means to be an American.
Application to Research:
This web page will be useful to my research question because it is very objective and it defines
exactly what American culture. I can use this information to define what American culture is and
use the additional information to compare and contrast to Canadas culture to highlight
differences and how those differences are shown in our laws and policies especially in
immigration where race and culture is a divide.

Fishman, M. (Ed.). (2009, December). Immigration and the economy. Retrieved from
This PDF report by the Fiscal Policy Institute focuses this report on how immigration affects 25
different metropolitan areas in the country and draws similarities and differences from it. It is
similar to the e-book cited above, however instead of focusing on a state, it focuses on 25
different areas in the country. The report is split up by sections, and then by each metropolitan
area. In section three, the report focuses on how immigrants contribute to the economy in
proportion to their share of the population. The report includes a figure that shows the immigrant
share of population and the immigrant economic contribution of each metropolitan area, and the
figure shows that the economic contribution is about the same as the share of population. It also
defines economic contribution as wage and salary earnings plus proprietors income. The figure
also shows that immigrants made up 12.5% of the population at the time and made up 14% of the
economic output of the country. The report also includes interesting facts such as that
immigrants are more likely to be in the labor force than U.S. citizens and that immigrants help to
improve pay and equality among workers doing the same jobs. The source is very helpful in the
way that it provides additional information about how immigrants affect the economy however,
the report repeats a lot of the same information that is worded differently or shown in a different
figure. The report also has a strong bias; it focuses more on how immigration positively affects
the economy and does not provide any rebuttals or opposing viewpoints.
Application to Research:
This report will benefit my research because I will be able to use this information in addition to
the first source. I will be able to use the data from the 25 metropolitan areas of the U.S. and
compare and contrast it to Californias data and therefore be able to use both data to validate one
another or I can contrast them to highlight the differences in immigration rates and how their
contributions depend on national origin or education level or if immigration is positively or
adversely affecting our economy. The time difference between the two will also emphasize any
differences that I find in the data.

Hing, B. O. (2013). Immigration policy and law. In J. Ciment (Ed.), Social issues in America:
An encyclopedia (pp. 1132-1153). Armonk, NY: Sharpe Reference. Retrieved September
20, 2017. Retrieved from
This source, which is an encyclopedia/e-book, gives a brief overview of the history of
immigration laws and policies and lists recent policies. It includes a history of racial bias and
ethnic exclusion and contains a lot of information about diversity in America. The article
contains many useful immigration tables/charts that show how much of the U.S population is
made up by immigrants, which countries has the most people immigrating to the U.S by decade,
and the number and percentage of those people. The article also cites specific events in history
that has had an effect on U.S policy, such as World War 2 and the Spanish-American war of
1898, which both led to stricter policies on immigrants from specific countries such as the
Philippines and mandatory fingerprinting and registration of aliens. This source also includes
excerpts of different immigration acts and an analysis of what was happening in the world at that
time and how that has impacted the policies. This article, and the whole encyclopedia in general,
is very helpful in the way that each article is very in depth and contains a lot of factual data. This
article in particular also contains legal documents/acts and it also provides a simpler explanation,
making this information more understandable and helpful. This article also contains various
resources and references that I can access and find more information on this topic.
Application to Research:
I think this source will be very useful to my research topic. I have not narrowed down my
research question yet, but one prospective question is about how immigration laws and policies
target groups whether it is based on race or class, and it will be beneficial to include Americas
history of racial bias and exclusion in immigration laws and policies. This source is an
article/chapter included in an encyclopedia titled Social Issues in America: An Encyclopedia,
which will really help me because there are more articles/chapters written in the encyclopedia
that I can use and collect more information from. This encyclopedia was released in 2013, which
is fairly recent, which will help me because the information is mostly current, but I can also use
the four year time difference to highlight any changes or similarities that I find in the chapter.

McCarthy, K. F., & Vernez, G. (1998). Immigration in a changing economy:

California's experience : questions and answers [PDF]. Retrieved from
This e-book contains information about how immigration has impacted California, even though
it is specific to the state of California, some generalizations can be made to apply to the whole
country. The book is broken up into chapters and they focus on one broad topic and there are
sections in which the topic is elaborated on. The first chapter focuses on how generalizations can
be drawn from Californias history of immigration and how generalizations should be made
carefully. The book provides many visual aids such as graphs and tables that show the national
origin of immigrants migrating to California and graphs of Californias immigration rates to
national immigration rates. This source also includes helpful information and graphs/charts about
how immigration contributes to Californias economy. It shows that most of Californias
immigrants are occupying the bottom of the labor market and they are the primary source of less-
educated labor in California. However, the book also shows how immigration has positively
affected Californias economy and employment rates. This e-book is very useful because it
shows both how Californias immigration history has positively or adversely affected California
and which helps to eliminate any potential bias. It is both helpful and unhelpful in the way that
the information only applies to California but you can make some generalizations. The first
chapter of the book is the most useful because it shows how California can be representative of
the country in some ways.
Application to Research:
I think this e-book is very helpful because it shows how immigration is directly related to the
economy, which is a very controversial topic within the topic of immigration itself. One of my
research questions is on how immigration affects our economy for better or for worse and this e-
book does well to answer both. This e-book will benefit my research greatly because it includes
graphs and many interesting facts about Californias immigration rates and how that information
can be adapted and applied to the country as a whole and it gives me a good base for my research

Moore, J. H. (2008). Encyclopedia of race and racism. Retrieved October 18, 2017.
This e-book/encyclopedia includes the history of racism of many countries. Each chapter is
focused on one country which is very helpful because it shows that this is a global issue and
racism is still very prevalent in todays society and it shows background information. This
encyclopedia also brings up key cases in Americas history that shows how racism and the
American government and legislation interact. The source cites Brown V Board of Ed. and other
policies and law that deal with race such as affirmative action. The encyclopedia is nonpartisan,
it gives insight on major racist parties such as the Nazis and movements such as the anti-Indian
movement, however it also provides information on groups such as the American anti-slavery
society and racial disparities found in nations. The encyclopedia also has three chapters directly
related to immigration. One of the chapters talks extensively about the immigration reform and
control act of 1986 and it gives background on what was happening at the time of the IRCA act
and how things in history such as the Chinese exclusion act and increasing amounts of
immigrants from south America caused more strict laws and policies against them. An
interesting part of this source is that it talks about different component of racism. It shows
specifically how Latina women were targeted and what their lives were like and it also shows the
emergence of feminism from racism and how these two intertwine. This source is very useful in
the way that it shows many different components of how racism and our government and laws
interact and it is nonpartisan so the information is not biased which results in more factual and
accurate information.
Application to Research:
This source will be very helpful to my research because it talks about more than race, I can
include more about women of color in America and I can cite information that is written on other
countries to help my research. This source also cites very specific cases in which race very
clearly has played a role in passing legislation such as Jim Crow laws and specific cases such as
Brown v Board of Ed.

Thomas S. Foley Institute. (n.d.). The media & political polarization [Video file]. Retrieved from
This source, which is a video of a lecture, contains three different speakers who talk about
polarization of the media and how that affects politics and policy decisions. The first speaker is
Natalie Stroud; she cites multiple specific events in history. She cites former president Bushs
presidency and how his approval ratings from democrats were at a record low, but from
republicans, they were at a record high. She also brings up how partisan media attracts polarized
audiences because magazines and news stations such as CNN, make money off of their articles
and so they write biased articles with headlines that use charged words to appeal to liberals or
conservatives. The articles themselves also pose an issue because depending on which way the
article leans, it only shows one side. For example, an article with a huge liberal bias will not
show the opposing conservative viewpoint and vice versa, pulling reader further into their beliefs
and making it harder for people to empathize with one another. This polarization is dangerous
because Americans are becoming more and more divided and they are pushed further into their
beliefs which could lead to radicalism on both sides. Martin Johnson and Lance Bennett however
take different positions, they speak more about how partisan media affects our government rather
than the people (which is what Stroud focused on.) Bennett takes a stance on how the people can
get together and use mass media to affect policy decisions. This source was very useful in the
way that it showed many different perspectives on the effect that the media has in polarizing the
American people and how government and mass media works together. It was not very helpful in
the way that most of the lectures were biased and more based on opinion rather than fact.
Application to Research:
I think this source will be very useful. One of my prospective research questions is about how the
media works to polarize Americans and how that divide is affecting our policies and our
government. This is not necessarily immigration law related however it affects all our laws and
policies and so it is still relevant to the topic. This also gives me different views of media
polarization which I can include in my research so I can show that I have researched different
sides of polarization and so I am not focusing on only one.
Ward, M. (2014). Journal of historical sociology (Vol. 27). Retrieved October 24, 2017.
Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/johs.12024/full
This book is really interesting because it talks about the psychology and sociology behind
supporting or opposing immigration and also how the economy and politics come into play. The
first chapter talks about the history of anti-immigration movements and its ties to nativism and
vigilantism. It talks about how these ideas of nativism and vigilantism, which existed before anti-
immigration movements/groups, worked together to create a new movement that stressed fear
and distrust of immigrants which has survived in the platform of anti-immigration groups in
present times. Another chapter talks distinctly about how the economy plays the biggest role in
the divisiveness of immigration as a topic. The chapter cites Operation Wetback as one of the
biggest examples that fuels anti-immigration groups and hatred. Operation Wetback was initiated
by the INS to deport illegal immigrants, but it had a deeper meaning. The INS reported that it
was deporting illegal immigrants found in the United States, however they were really
arresting them, then registering them as braceros, and sending them to work on farms for cheap
labor. This image of the United States becoming tough on immigration and border security
inflicted even more fear in the hearts of Americans towards immigrants and fueling their distrust
and the idea that immigrants steal jobs. This book is very helpful because it includes information
on roots of American distrust of immigrants and how all of the fear, distrust, and stereotypes of
immigrants stemmed from.
Application to Research:
This book will be very applicable to my research because my question analyzes the American
view of immigration and how that ultimately affects legislation. This book includes a lot of
history on the roots of this stereotype which is super helpful because it shows where this attitude
came from, what was happening in the time, and how the government was actually supporting
this view and fueling its fires. Later chapters also talk about how the immigration system has
been corrupted and broken over time and how it is time for reform that actually works,
supporting my hypothesis and conclusion.

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