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Singing (n) is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, and augments

regular speech by the use of sustained tonality, rhythm, and a variety of vocal techniques. A
person who sings is called a singer or vocalist.

There are many benefits from singing: physically, emotionally and socially.

Every person and every establishment on the planet can gain from the benefits of singing,
whether the people concerned think they can sing or not. Here's why

The benefits of singing regularly seem to be cumulative. In one study, singers were found to have
lower levels of cortisol, indicating lower stress. A very preliminary investigation suggesting that
our heart rates may sync up during group singing could also explain why singing together
sometimes feels like a guided group meditation. Study after study has found that singing relieves
anxiety and contributes to quality of life. Dr. Julene K. Johnson, a researcher who has focused on
older singers, recently began a five year study to examine group singing as an affordable method
to improve the health and well-being of older adults.

Reduce stress levels and depression

A number of studies have pointed to the mental health benefits of singing. One study
lasting for a year involving participants who had been diagnosed with depression found
that some of them no longer met that diagnosis following their involvement with a choir.
Other studies have pointed to the impact group singing has on boosting oxytocin levels,
which help control stress and anxiety.

spiritual benefits of singing

Singing is actually a form of meditation.
When we sing, we shift focus and thinking away from our usual life happenings and concerns,
towards something 'other-worldly'.
Singing is a way of bypassing your ego to acknowledge your soul.
Singing helps us to 'let go', just as in other forms of meditation.
Singing creates positive energy and a happy mood and that's infectious and transparently good
for everyone.
Physical Benefits
Singing strengthens the immune system: According to research conducted at
the University of Frankfurt, singing boosts the immune system. The study included testing
profesional choir members blood before and after an hour-long rehearsal singing
Mozarts Requiem. The researchers noticed that in most cases, the amount of proteins
in the immune system that function as antibodies, known as Immunoglobulin A, were
significantly higher immediately after the rehearsal. The same increases were not
observed after the choir members passively listened to music.
Singing improves your posture: Standing up straight is part of correct
technique as youre singing, so with time, good posture will become a habit! As
your chest cavity expands and your shoulders and back align, youre improving
your posture overall.

Mental and Emotional Benefits

Singing lowers stress levels: Making music in any form is relaxing. Singing
releases stored muscle tension and decreases the levels of a stress hormone called
cortisol in your blood stream.
Singing improves mental alertness: Improved blood circulation and an
oxygenated blood stream allow more oxygen to reach the brain. This improves
mental alertness, concentration, and memory. The Alzheimers Society has even
established a Singing for the Brain service to help people with dementia and
Alzheimers maintain their memories.

For example, learning to sing songs from beginning to end improves your reading skills and your
motor skills, by developing the coordination between your brain and your body.

Singing also opens up the intricate and complex aural world. You will begin hearing
things you never knew existed..

Significantly, learning to sing develops your ability to multi-task.

For example, singing a song successfully requires that you:

sing the correct word

at the correct pitch

at the correct time

with the right level of volume

and with the most appropriate voice quality.

Social Benefits
Singing boosts your confidence: Stage fright is a common feeling for new singers.
However, performing well and receiving praise from your friends and family may be
the key to eventually overcoming your fears and boosting your self-confidence. With
time, you may even find it easier to present any type of material in front of a group
with poise and good presentation skills.

1. Singing Is Scientifically Proven To Improve Your Mood, Make You Happy

And Relaxed. It releases the same feel-good brain chemicals as sex and
chocolate! Endorphins and Oxytocin are a very powerful combination that will
make you happy, reduce stress and ease any pain you might be suffering from.

1. Singing exercises our lungs. It tones up our intercostal muscles and our diaphragm.
2. It can improve our sleep
3. We benefit our hearts and circulation by improving our aerobic capacity and we
decrease muscle tension.
4. Our facial muscles get toned.
5. Our posture improves.
6. We can become more mentally alert.
7. Sinuses and respiratory tubes are opened up more
8. With careful training recent evidence suggests that it can help decrease the problem
of snoring.
9. There is a release of pain relieving endorphins.
10. Our immune system is given a boost enabling us to fight disease.
11. It can help reduce anger and depression and anxiety
12. Use of music can help people to regain balance if affected by illness such as
Parkinsons disease
1. Increase in self esteem and confidence
2. It increases feelings of wellbeing
3. It enhances mood
4. Useful as a stress reducer
5. It is uplifting spiritually
6. It can increase positive feelings
7. Encourages creativity
8. It can be energizing
9. It evokes emotions
10. Promotes bonding
11. Increases understanding and empathy between cultures.
12. It is healing
1. It enables you to meet more people
2. Is a forum for sharing
3. Brings people together and encourages a sense of community
4. Offers opportunity for giving and receiving positive feedback
5. A forum for fun & laughter
6. Support
7. Provides a safe environment to try new skills
8. Brings people together. Give it a try!


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