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You will fit well if

You are results-oriented and enjoy shipping new features

You are hungry and enjoy being constantly challenged to learn and do more
You embrace conflict of ideas and like to question the status quo
You learn fast and easily adapt to changing situations and priorities
You believe in building great products and doing great work by international
You want to understand the big picture, to be held accountable and make a
meaningful contribution with your work
We are excited to meet experienced coders as well as college seniors with various
areas of technical focus - there is no single ideal profile. We all wear multiple
hats and cannot be experts in everything at once.

Relevant Backend Experiences

Functional programming (like Clojure, Scala, Haskell, ML, Scheme, Erlang, Lisp,
Kotlin or Swift)
RESTful API oriented design / modular service oriented architecture
Messaging (like Kafka, RabbitMQ, Resque or Sidekiq)
JVM experience (Java, Scala, JRuby or Clojure)
SQL / NoSQL databases (like Datomic, Redis, PostgreSQL or MySQL)
Automated unit / functional / integration testing
Infrastructure as code (e.g., Docker, Chef, Puppet, Ansible)
Modern web frameworks (like Ring, Django, Rails, Sinatra or Express)
Amazon Web Services
Relevant Frontend Experiences

Browser-based single page applications: Om, Hoplon, Reagent, Re-frame, React,

Angular, Mithril, Backbone, Ember
ClojureScript / Coffeescript / JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Modern frontend workflow: like Lein, Boot, Bower, Grunt, Gulp, etc.
Interactive data visualization (e.g., d3.js, crossfilter)
Automated testing
Memory management and performance tuning
Relevant Mobile Experiences

Modern languages for mobile development (Kotlin, Swift)

Reactive extensions (RxJava, RxSwift)
Memory management
Unit tests, instrumental tests (like KIF, Nimble, SwiftCheck, Spoon, Espresso or
You will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while
working with bleeding edge technologies. We believe in good team chemistry,
enthusiasm for building things, and the (often surprising) capacity to learn new
things when we stay humble and open-minded. An engineering or computer science
undergraduate degree and English language skills are helpful.

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