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Call off Cancelar. She called of the party.
Carry on Continuar. Carry on dreaming my friend.
Come up Econtrar, propor uma
He always come up with the solution.
with soluo.
Find out Descobrir. Go and find out your brother.
Get away Escapar, se livrar. Get away from here and do not return.
Go on Continuar, acontecer. You must to go on. / What is going on?
Look For Procurar. I am still looking for the tickets.
Cuidar. Can you look after your sister for a
Look after
Look at Olhar. Look at the sky and see the clouds.
Run out of Ficar sem algo. They are running out of money.
Watch out Cuidado. Watch out! There are snakes here.
Give up Desistir de algo. I would go with you, but I gave up.
Make up Fazer as pazes, inventor. They kissed and made up.
Aparecer. The last time that she showed up is a long
Show up
time ago.
Keep up Continuar, acompanhar. Try keeping up me or I will stop.
End up Acabar (Consequncia). He ended up dying alone in Alaska.
Get up Levantar, acordar. Get up and go to work.
Pick up Atender, buscar. Pick up the phone when I call, please.
Break up Terminar, cortar ligao. She broke up me
Limpar. Your bedroom is a mess, clean up
Clean up
Estabelecer, fazer, marcar
The engineer made a set-up of the new
Set up (reunio, encontro)
colocar, configurar etc.

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