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TOAA's name means the being who's above everything else.

that's a thing everybody

know. but if we apply the same logic, what is the meaning of Beyonder? the Beyonder
means the being beyond everything else. so we can't say TOAA is stronger than
Beyonder because of his name. before i present my idea, let's clarify few things :

Firstly, PR Beyonder was never defeated in combat, no one can defeat him. what
happened in the last issue of Secret Wars 2 is not a defeat.

2nd : Living Tribunal isn't stronger than PR Beyonder who say that is either a
delusive or an ignorant. PR Beyonder is stronger than all Marvel universe and its
beings combined by far.

3rd. PR Beyonder was stated clearly to be omnipotent in almost every issue of

Secret Wars 1 & 2, so you can't deny it, and he was controling the existence of all
Marvel Universe by merely his imagination, no one in the moderne comics is witt
such power except TOAA.

4th. who said that PR Molecule Man was able the stand up to him,is also wrong!!
because Beyonder was limiting his powers, and he stated that he didn't want to hurt
him, and also Molecule Man stated himself that the infinite difference in power
between him and Beyonder is like the infinite difference between Captain America
and Molecule Man. can you imagine that Captain America could stand up to Molecule
Man?? it would be shamefully ridiculous to say yes.

5th. PR Beyonder was TOAA before TOAA was established, there was no character of
TOAA before or at the time of Secret Wars 1 & 2.

6th. Beyonder was TOAA before creation or with more precise words, he was God
before genesis, as the writer and ex Head of Marvel HQ Jim shooter said.

7th. according to Stan Lee PR Beyonder was TOAA of his own actuality, the purpose
of his original existence was to explain the existence of the other comic companies
and their own universal laws and structure with their own supreme beings.

So what is the conclusion, the PR Beyonder is the God of an other reality beyond
Marvel Universe, just like DC Universe, Image Universe, Shueisha Universe,
Wildstorm Universe. which make him pretty likely as omnipotent as TOAA, Presence,
and Man of Miracles.

so The One Above All is above all in Marvel Universe, but Beyonder is not part of
Marvel Universe so the rule is not applied here, it's like saying The One Above All
is above everything meaning above Presence, and above Man of Miracles, which it
makes no sense, because Presence and Man of Miracles are not part of Marvel
Universe, the rule is not applied.

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