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ADHD Symptoms of ADHD are often present

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder by age 3 years, but unless they are very

(ADHD) is a neuropsychiatric condition severe, the diagnosis is frequently not
affecting preschoolers, children, made until the child is in kindergarten,
adolescents, and adults around the or elementary school, when teacher
world, characterized by a pattern of information is available comparing the
diminished sustained attention, and index child peers of the same age.
increased impulsivity or hyperactivity
The prefrontal cortex of the brain has Etiology
been implicated because of its high Largely genetic, with a heritability of
utilization of dopamine and its approximately 75 percent.
reciprocal connections with other brain ADHD symptoms are the product of
regions involved in attention, inhibition, complex interactions of
decision-making, response inhibition, neuroanatomical and neurochemical
working memory, and vigilance. systems evidenced by data from twin
Children, adolescents, and adults with and adoption family genetic studies,
ADHD often have significant dopamine transport gene studies,
impairment in academic functioning as neuroimaging studies, and
well as in social and interpersonal neurotransmitter data.
situations Most children with ADHD have no
ADHD is frequently associated with evidence of gross structural damage in
comorbid disorders including learning the central nervous system (CNS).
disorders, anxiety disorders, mood In some cases, contributory factors for
disorders, and disruptive behavior ADHD may include prenatal toxic
disorders. exposures, prematurity, and prenatal
mechanical insult to the fetal nervous
Epidemiology system
ADHD affects up to 5 to 8 percent of GENETICS
school-aged children, with 60 to 85 o Increased concordance in
percent of those diagnosed as children monozygotic compared to
continuing to meet criteria for the dizygotic twins, as well as a
disorder in adolescence, and up to 60 marked increased risk of 2 to 8
percent continuing to be symptomatic times for siblings as well as
into adulthood. parents of an ADHD child,
Rates of ADHD have been reported to compared to the general
be 7 to 8 percent in prepubertal population
elementary school children. o Up to 70 percent of children
Epidemiologic studies suggest that with ADHD meet criteria for a
ADHD occurs in about 5 percent of comorbid psychiatric disorder,
youth including children and including learning disorders,
adolescents, and about 2.5 percent of anxiety disorders, mood
adults disorder conduct disorders, and
Rate of ADHD in parents and siblings of substance use disorders
children with ADHD is 2 to 8 times o Several hypotheses of the mode
greater than in the general population of transmission of ADHD have
ADHD is more prevalent in boys than in been proposed, including a sex-
girls, with the ratio ranging from 2: 1 to linked hypothesis, which would
as high as 9: 1 explain the significantly
increased rates of ADHD in several decades have found
males. evidence of increased theta
o Cook and colleagues have activity, especially in the frontal
found an association of the regions.
dopamine transporter gene o Clarke and colleagues, studying
(DAT 1) with ADHD, although EEG findings in children and
data from other research adolescents over the last two
groups have not confirmed that decades found that those ADHD
result. children with combined type of
o Family studies and population- ADHD were the ones who
based studies have found an showed significantly elevated
association between the beta activity on EEG, and
dopamine 4 receptor seven- further studies indicate that
repeat allele gene (DRD4) gene these youth also tend to show
and ADHD. increased mood lability and
o Dopamine is a major focus of NEUROANATOMICAL ASPECTS
clinical investigation, and the o Researchers have hypothesized
prefrontal cortex has been networks within the brain for
implicated based on its role in promoting components of
attention and regulation of attention including focusing,
impulse control sustaining attention, and
o Animal studies have shown that shifting attention.
other brain regions such as o Neuroanatomical correlations
locus ceruleus, which consists for the superior and temporal
predominantly of noradrenergic cortices with focusing
neurons, also play a major role attention; external parietal and
in attention. corpus striatal regions with
o Hypotheses regarding the motor executive functions; the
neurochemistry of ADHD have hippocampus with encoding of
arisen from the predictable memory traces; and the
effect of medications. prefrontal cortex with shifting
o Simulants, known to be the from one stimulus to another.
most effective medications in o Further hypotheses suggest
the treatment of ADHD, affect that the brainstem, which
both dopamine and contains the reticular thalamic
norepinephrine, leading to nuclei function, is involved in
neurotransmitter hypotheses sustained attention.
that may include dysfunction in o MRI, PET, and SPECT suggests
both the adrenergic and that populations of children
dopaminergic systems. with ADHD show evidence of
o Stimulants increase both decreased volume and
catecholamine concentrations decreased activity in prefrontal
by promoting their release and regions, anterior cingulated,
blocking their uptake globus pallidus, caudate,
NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS thalamus, and cerebellum
o EEG studies in ADHD children o PET scans have also shown that
and adolescents over the last female adolescents with ADHD
have globally lower glucose put off for even a minute.
metabolism than both control Impulsiveness and an inability to delay
female and male adolescents gratification are characteristic. Children
without ADHD. with ADHD are often susceptible to
o Higher rates of ADHD are The most cited characteristics of
present in children who were children with ADHD, in order of
born prematurely and whose frequency, are hyperactivity, attention
mothers were observed to have deficit (short attention span,
maternal infection during distractibility, perseveration, failure to
pregnancy finish tasks, inattention, poor
o Perinatal insult to the brain concentration), impulsivity (action
during early infancy caused by before thought, abrupt shifts in activity,
infection, inflammation, and lack of organization, jumping up in
trauma may, in some cases, be class), memory and thinking deficits,
contributing factors in the specific learning disabilities, and
emergence of ADHD symptoms. speech and hearing deficits.
o Children with ADHD have been Associated features often include
observed to exhibit nonfocal perceptual motor impairment,
(soft) neurological signs at emotional lability, and developmental
higher rates than those in the coordination disorder.
general population
o Severe chronic abuse, Symptoms have been shown to persist
maltreatment, and neglect are into adolescence in 60 to 85 percent of
associated with certain cases, and into adult life in
behavioral symptoms that approximately 60 percent of cases.
overlap with ADHD including The remaining 40 percent of cases may
poor attention and poor remit at puberty, or in early adulthood.
impulse control. In some cases, the hyperactivity may
o Predisposing factors may disappear, but the decreased attention
include the child's span and impulse-control problems
temperament and genetic- persist.
familial factors. Overactivity is usually the first
symptom to remit, and distractibility is
Clinical Features the last.
ADHD can have its onset in infancy, ADHD does not usually remit during
although it is rarely recognized until a middle childhood.
child is at least toddler age. When remission occurs, it is usually
More commonly, infants with ADHD are between the ages of 12 and 20.
active in the crib, sleep little, and cry a Most patients with the disorder,
great deal. however, undergo partial remission and
In school, children with ADHD may are vulnerable to antisocial behavior,
attack a test rapidly, but may answer substance use disorders, and mood
only the first two questions. They may disorders. Learning problems often
be unable to wait to be called on in continue throughout life.
school and may respond before In about 60 percent of cases, some
everyone else. At home, they cannot be symptoms persist into adulthood. Those
who persist with the disorder may show extended delivery system) form
diminished hyperactivity but remain of methylphenidate, is
impulsive and accident-prone. administered once daily in the
Children with ADHD whose symptoms morning and is effective during
persist into adolescence are at higher school hours as well as after
risk for developing conduct disorder. school during the afternoon
Children with both ADHD and conduct and early evening
disorder are also at risk for developing o Methylphenidate products have
substance use disorders been shown to improve ADHD
Optimal outcomes may be promoted by children's scores on tasks of
ameliorating children's social vigilance, such as on math
functioning, diminishing aggression, and calculation tests, the
improving family situations as early as continuous performance task,
possible and paired associations.
o Adverse effects: headaches,
Treatment stomachaches, nausea,
PHARMACOTHERAPY insomnia, rebound effect
Considered the first line of treatment (become mildly irritable and
for ADHD appear to be slightly
CNS stimulants are the first choice of hyperactive for a brief period
agents in that they have been shown to when the medication wears
have the greatest efficacy with off).
generally mild tolerable side effects. o Another common concern
Stimulants are contraindicated in about use of methylphenidate
children, adolescents, and adults with preparations over long periods
known cardiac risks and abnormalities. is potential growth suppression.
Nonstimulant medications approved by NONSTIMULANT MEDICATIONS
the FDA in the treatment of ADHD o Atomoxetine HCl (Strattera) is a
include atomoxetine (Strattera), a norepinephrine uptake inhibitor
norepinephrine uptake inhibitor. approved by the FDA for the
-agonists (clonidine, guanfacine) have treatment of ADHD in children
also been found to be effective in age 6 years and older. The
treating ADHD mechanism of action is not well
STIMULANT MEDICATIONS understood, but it is believed to
o Methylphenidate and involve selective inhibition of
amphetamine preparations are presynaptic norepinephrine
dopamine agonists; however, transporter.
the precise mechanism of the o Unlike the stimulants, Strattera
stimulant's central action carries with it a black box
remains unknown warning for potential increases
o Methylphenidate preparations in suicidal thoughts or
have been shown to be highly behaviors and requires children
effective in up to three fourths with ADHD to be monitored for
of children with ADHD, with
these symptoms, similarly to
relatively few adverse effects.
children who are administered
o Concerta, the 10- to 12-hour
extended release OROS antidepressants.
(osmotic controlled-release
It has been shown to be Parental training is an integral part of
effective for inattention as well the psychotherapeutic interventions for
as impulsivity in children and in ADHD
adults with ADHD.
o Most common side effects Conduct Disorders
include diminished appetite, Enduring set of behaviors in a child or
abdominal discomfort, adolescent that evolves over time,
dizziness, and irritability. usually characterized by aggression and
TREATMENT OF CNS STIMULANTS S/E violation of the rights of others.
o CNS stimulants are generally Youth with conduct disorder often
well tolerated, and current demonstrate behaviors in the following
consensus is that once a day four categories:
dosing is preferable for o physical aggression or threats
convenience and to minimize of harm to
rebound side effects. o people, destruction of their
o Long-term tolerability mild own property or that of others,
side effects: decreased o theft or acts of deceit
appetite, insomnia, and o frequent violation of age-
headache appropriate rules
o Management of insomnia: Associated with many other psychiatric
diphenhydramine (25 to 75 disorders including ADHD, depression,
mg), low dose of trazodone (25 and learning disorders.
to 50 mg), or the addition of an Associated with certain psychosocial
-adrenergic agent, such as factors, including childhood
guanfacine. maltreatment, harsh or punitive
parenting, family discord, lack of
PSYCHOSOCIAL INTERVENTION appropriate parental supervision, lack
Psychosocial interventions for children of social competence, and low
with ADHD include psychoeducation, socioeconomic level
academic organization skills mediation, Symptoms include bullying,
parent training, behavior modification threatening, or intimidating others, and
in the classroom and at home, cognitive staying out at night despite parental
behavioral therapy (CBT), and social prohibition.
skills training DSM-5 specifies that when truancy
Common goal of therapy is to help from school is a symptom, it begins
parents of children with ADHD before 13 years of age.
recognize and promote the notion that, The disorder may be diagnosed in a
although the child may not "voluntarily" person older than 18 years only if the
exhibit symptoms of ADHD, he or she is criteria for antisocial personality
still capable of being responsible for disorder are not met.
meeting reasonable expectations. Children with conduct disorder engage
Parents should also be helped to in severe repeated acts of aggression
recognize that, despite their child's that can cause physical harm to
difficulties, every child faces the normal themselves and others and frequently
tasks of maturation, including violate the rights of others.
Significant building of self-esteem when Children with conduct disorder usually
he or she develops a sense of mastery have behaviors characterized by
aggression to persons or animals,
destruction of property, deceitfulness o Low intelligence quotient (IQ)
or theft, and multiple violations of o Poor school achievement
rules, such as truancy from school. PARENTERAL FACTORS
Divided into three subtypes, based on o Harsh, punitive parenting
the age of onset of the disorder: characterized by severe
o Childhood-onset subtype physical and verbal aggression
At least one symptom is associated with the
has emerged development of children's
repeatedly before age 1 maladaptive aggressive
0 years behaviors
o Adolescent-onset type o Chaotic home conditions are
No characteristic associated with conduct
persistent symptoms disorder and delinquency
were seen until after o Divorce itself is not necessarily
age 10 years a risk factor
o Unspecified onset o Parental psychopathology, child
Age of onset is abuse, and negligence often
unknown contribute to conduct disorder
o Sociopathy, alcohol
Epidemiology dependence, and substance
Ratio of conduct disorder in males abuse in the parents are
compared to females ranges from 4: 1 associated with conduct
to as much as 12: 1 disorder in their children.
Conduct disorder occurs with greater o Studies indicate that parents of
frequency in the children of parents children with conduct disorder
with antisocial personality disorder and have high rates of serious
alcohol dependence than in the general Psychopathology, including
population. psychotic disorders
The prevalence of conduct disorder and o Data shows that children who
antisocial behavior is associated with exhibit a pattern of aggressive
socioeconomic factors, as well as behavior have frequently been
parental psychopathology. exposed to physically or
Average age of onset of conduct emotionally harsh parenting
disorder is younger in boys than in girls. GENETIC FACTORS
Boys most commonly meet the o Genetic, and/or shared
diagnostic criteria by 10 to 12 years of environmental factors exert
age, whereas girls often reach 14 to 16 different effects on males and
years of age before the criteria are met. females in childhood conduct
disorder, but by adulthood, the
Etiology gender-specific influences on
Most important risk factors that predict antisocial behavior are no
conduct disorder include longer apparent.
o Physical or sexual abuse or o Youth residing in geographic
neglect areas with greater population
o Poor parental supervision and density report increased rates
harsh and punitive parental of aggression and delinquency
oUnemployed parents, lack of a o Blood serotonin levels correlate
supportive social network, and inversely with levels of 5-HIAA
lack of positive participation in in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
community activities seem to and that low 5-HIAA levels in
predict conduct disorder CSF correlate with aggression
o Associated findings that may and violence.
influence the development of NEUROLOGIC FACTORS
conduct disorder in urban areas o Aggressive children had
are increased exposure to and significantly greater relative
prevalence of substance use right frontal brain activity at
o Weekly alcohol use among rest compared with
adolescents is associated with nonaggressive children.
increased delinquent and o Frontal resting brain electrical
aggressive behavior. activity has been hypothesized
o Although drug and alcohol use to reflect the ability to regulate
does not cause conduct emotion
disorder, it increases the risks o Boys tended to show lower
associated with it. Drug emotional intelligence than girls
intoxication itself can also and greater aggressive behavior
aggravate the symptoms. than girls.
o Poor emotion regulation among o Children chronically exposed to
youth is associated with higher violence, physical or sexual
rates of aggression and conduct abuse, and neglect, particularly
disorder. at a young age, are at high risk
NEUROBIOLOGICAL FACTORS for demonstrating aggression.
o Studies have reported that o Severely abused children and
children with conduct disorder adolescents tend to be
had decreased gray matter in hypervigilant; in some cases,
limbic brain structures, and in they misperceive benign
the bilateral anterior insula and situations as directly
left amygdala compared to threatening and respond
healthy controls defensively with violence.
o Decreased gray matter in ADHD COMORBID FACTORS
and ADHD comorbid for o ADHD and conduct disorder are
oppositional defiant disorder or often found to coexist, with
conduct disorder compared to ADHD often predating the
controls in regions including development of conduct
bilateral temporal and occipital disorder, and not infrequently
cortices, and the left amygdala substance abuse.
o Low level of plasma dopamine o Central nervous system injury,
-hydroxylase, an enzyme that dysfunction, or damage
converts dopamine to predispose a child to impulsivity
norepinephrine, leading to a and behavioral disturbances,
hypothesis of decreased which sometimes evolve into
noradrenergic functioning in conduct disorder
conduct disorder; high plasma
serotonin levels in blood
Clinical Features The parents of children with conduct
Aggressive antisocial behavior can take disorder, especially the father, have
the form of bullying, physical higher rates of antisocial personality
aggression, and cruel behavior toward disorder or alcohol dependence.
peers. Delinquency, also called juvenile
Children may be hostile, verbally delinquency, is most often associated
abusive, impudent, defiant, and with conduct disorder but can also
negativistic toward adults. result from other psychological or
Persistent lying, frequent truancy, and neurological disorders.
vandalism are common.
In severe cases, destructiveness, Violent Video Games and Violent Behavior
stealing, and physical violence often A review of the literature of the effect
occur. of violent video games on children and
Sexual behavior and regular use of adolescents revealed that violent video
tobacco, liquor, or illicit psychoactive game playing is related to aggressive
substances begin unusually early for affect, physiologic arousal, and
such children and adolescents. aggressive behaviors.
Suicidal thoughts, gestures, and acts are The degree of exposure to violent
frequent in children and adolescents games and the more restriction of
with conduct disorder who are in activity would be related to a greater
conflict with peers, family members, or preoccupation with violent themes
the law and are unable to problem
solve their difficulties. Differential Diagnosis
Some children with aggressive Disturbances of conduct, including
behavioral patterns have impaired impulsivity and aggression, may occur
social attachments, as evinced by their in many childhood psychiatric disorders,
difficulties with peer relationships. ranging from ADHD, to oppositional
Many children with conduct problems defiant disorder, to disruptive mood
have poor self-esteem, although they dysregulation disorder mood disorder,
may project an image of toughness. to major depression, to bipolar
They may lack the skills to communicate disorder, specific learning disorders,
in socially acceptable ways and appear and psychotic disorders.
to have little regard for the feelings, Conduct disorder VS Oppositional
wishes, and welfare of others Defiant Disorder: in conduct disorder,
Many children and adolescents with the basic rights of others are violated,
conduct disorder suffer from the whereas in oppositional defiant
deprivation of having few of their disorder, hostility and negativism fall
dependency needs met and may have short of seriously violating the rights of
had either overly harsh parenting or a others
lack of appropriate supervision. Both major depressive disorder and
Evaluation of the family situation often bipolar disorders must be ruled out, but
reveals severe marital disharmony, the full syndrome of conduct disorder
which initially may center on can occur and be diagnosed during the
disagreements about management of onset of a mood disorder.
the child. ADHD and learning disorders are
Children with conduct disorder are commonly associated with conduct
more likely to be unplanned or disorder. Usually, the symptoms of
unwanted babies.
these disorders predate the diagnosis of to discourage covert antisocial
conduct disorder. incidents.
Substance abuse disorders are also
more common in adolescents with PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGIC INTERVENTIONS
conduct disorder than in the general Placebo-controlled studies on anti-
population. Evidence indicates an psychotics (typical and atypical) showed
association between fighting behaviors efficacy for aggressive behavior.
as a child and substance use as an SSRIs, including fluoxetine (Prozac),
adolescent. sertraline (Zoloft), paroxetine (Paxil),
and citalopram (Celexa), are used
Course and Prognosis clinically to target symptoms of
Although assaultive behavior in impulsivity, irritability, and mood
childhood and parental criminality lability, which frequently accompany
predict a high risk for incarceration later conduct disorder.
in life, the diagnosis of conduct disorder Conduct disorder often coexists with
per se was not correlated with ADHD, learning disorders, and, over
imprisonment. time, mood disorders and substance-
Best prognosis is predicted for mild related disorders; thus, the treatment
conduct disorder in the absence of of concurrent disorders must also be
coexisting psychopathology and the addressed
presence of normal intellectual

Early sustained preventive interventions
can significantly alter the course and
prognosis of aggressive behavior when
it is administered starting at
kindergarten age.
Meta-analysis of controlled trials of CBT
programs indicates that CBT can result
in significant reductions in conduct-
disordered symptoms in children and
CBT treatment interventions that are
proven to be efficacious include the
o Kazdin's Problem-Solving Skills
Training (PSST)
o Parent Management Training
o Incredible Years (IY)
o Anger Coping Program
School settings can also use behavioral
techniques to promote socially
acceptable behavior toward peers and

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