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(Bem/Brbara um/uma advogado(a), que ir para o tribunal amanh. tarde da


Sabe... Quando eu era criana, meu pai costumava me falar sobre a Africa. Eu
costumava ir dormir, sonhando com aquela frica e imaginando os animais que um dia
eu iria ver. Eu costumava imaginar que os animais me entenderiam e um dia nos
tornaramos amigos e viveramos juntos. Eu vim para esse pas pensando que quando
vissemos pra c, poderamos todos viver em paz, juntos, neste pas lindo.
Construindo juntos, um pas que pudssemos ter orgulho... que os nossos filhos
pudessem ter orgulho.

E agora, eu tenho vergonha de oferecer esta casa, esse pas aos meus filhos. Isso
algo que eu nunca achei que pudesse sentir. Mas eu no vou deixar que eles tirem
isso de mim sem lutar. Ns dedicamos muito tempo e dinheiro, construindo nossas
fazendas com as prprias mos, pra simplesmente tirarem de ns. Mogabe e o seu
governo vo ter a batalha de suas vidas.

(Peter/Susan levanta, passa por traz de Bem/Barbara e faz um carinho no seu ombro.)

Te vejo amanh de manh.


(Ben/Barbara is a lawyer, going to court tomorrow. It is late at night)

You know, when I was a young boy/girl, my father used to talk to me about the open
lands in Africa. I used to go to bed at night dreaming of this Africa, and imagining the
wild animals I would one day see. I used to think the animals would understand me
and we would just become friends and live amongst each other. I came to this country
thinking that when I came here we would all just live in peace, together, in this beautiful
place, building a country together that we could be proud of, that our children could be
proud of....

(Ben/Barbara looks down at his/her tea. His/Her eyes welling up.)

.... And now I am ashamed to offer this home, this country to my children. That's
something I never thought would I would feel. But I am not going to let them take it from
me without a fight. We have spent far too much time and money building up our farms
with our very own hands to let it just be taken away. Mugabe and his government are
in for the fight of their lives.

(Peter/Susan gets up and walks past Ben/Barbara, putting a caring hand on his/her

I'll see you in the morning.

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