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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Fatima Mohammed Hassan

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
The teaching aspect competency that I think I need to work on is time management and classroom
management during the activity time.

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
Be more aware of the class time and try to use some strategies to manage the class.

3. Describe how you can tell if youre achieving your goal (Evidence)
I can take pictures or videos, moreover my MST notes can be evidence.

Grade Level:KG2 Subject: English story Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
Students will be able to:

- Participate in rich listening activities.

- Identify the life cycle of a butterfly-egg,

caterpillar, cocoon, and butterfly.
- identify the correct sequence of letters in a
specific word

- the students will be able to count groups of up

to 10 objects using one to one correspondence
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

- The Very Hungry Caterpillar book by Eric Check that all the materials are prepared and the data show
Carle. projector is working.

- Coloring worksheets of pictures of the

different stages of a butterfly life cycle
colors Key vocabulary

- The very hungry caterpillar addition Egg-Butterfly cocoon caterpillar tiny fat days of the
worksheet - pencils week fruits (apple, strawberry, plum, pears, orange,
watermelon) ice-cream lollipop salami cupcake leaf
- Words flashcards of the story (apple-
caterpillar pie etc) and separated cut-out
pieces of the same flashcards.

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

On the carpet, I will explain to the children that we will read a story.

Before reading the story I will ask the students questions about the book cover. For example: where is the
title? What do you think this story is about? What can you see on the cover? Whats the colors of
the picture? Moreover I will ask the students where to start reading the story, from the right or the

While reading the story, I will read with a loud voice, I will use my finger to trace the words while reading.
And I will change my voice and expression to make it more fun.

After reading the book, I will summarize the story for the children quickly, then I will ask them questions like;
did you like the story? What was your favorite part?

After that I will motivate the students to further understand by showing video of the butterfly life cycle,
Time: 15 min

and while they watch it I will explain the different stages.

Then on the board, I will draw the stages.


Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

The very hungry caterpillar puzzle

The students will have a words flashcards and separated cut-out pieces of letters that make a
picture with a word, the students will build the pieces to make the word or the picture and
then they will spell the word.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

The very hungry caterpillar addition worksheet

The students will count the fruits that were mentioned In the story and then they will write the answer in
the circle.

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

Complete the butterfly life cycle coloring worksheet

The students will identify the butterfly life cycle by coloring the stages of the butterfly life cycle.

Call the students together as a group.

Ask the students what was the story about
Ask the students about fruits that were mentioned in the story
Ask the students about the butterfly life cycle stages

15 min

Take responds by raised hands



Assess the students' independent work.

Give immediate feedback and correction if needed.

SWC Lesson Reflection

his lesson is for the grade level KG2; the lesson has taken place in the classroom. The learning outcomes
that I was trying to achieve in this lesson are; The students will be able to identify the life cycle of a
butterfly-egg, caterpillar, cocoon, and butterfly, and will identify the correct sequence of letters in a
specific word. Also, the students will be able to count groups of up to 10 objects using one to one
The students did very well; they were sitting nicely and paying attention. And that because my voice was
load and clear. Moreover, I kept them engaged with the story by asking them questions like; how many
oranges the caterpillar ate? Why was he very hungry? What comes after Monday? How many days of the
week we have? The activities were good; the students enjoyed coloring the butterfly life cycle. But some
students had some difficulties with the counting worksheet because they didnt know how to write some
of the numbers. So next time maybe I will make it like multiple choices. And the puzzle activity was the
most fun for the children.

The things I will change next time; that I will sit on the chair instead of the floor so everyone can see the
story. I will have some sound effect and vary my tone to make it more inserting to hear the story.

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