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ee TECHNICIANS OF THE SACRED Courtney Willis Suite 310 1317 N. San Fernando Blvd. Burbank, Ca. 91504 CONTENTS ‘Truth that Jesus Taught 1 Clairsentience .... an) Affirmations ce a Spiritualist 1 Clairvoyance Pretace 2 Clairaudionce Conditions of Communication.,..- 2 Trance . " ‘The Physical, Mental and Spitual Aitomate Writing «. = ees ~ 2 Inspirational Speaking .. The Spirit World 3 impressional or inspirational -Writing 12 What a Medium is tea is Essentials of Mediumahip 4 Eetoplaem .. ' jeer ete Table Tipping, Ouija, Planchetie... 14 Viorations and Aurie Coors au. 8 Trumpet Concentration and Memery Training 6 Rules for the Sitting ng fee i Private circles .... is 8 Impersonation’ .--.-00+++, - 6 socalled Evi Spir 9 Materialization cece 18 Copyright 1977, 1989 by Michael Bertiaux é $$ S THE TRUTH THAT JESUS TAUGHT W: ‘should know that we are afl channels of expression and are here so that Gs will may be done through us, We should awake each morning with the thought that we must do better work and climf higher. Gach night we should think over the day and know in our heart that we have been guilty of no unkind sword or deed, The service of one _ #808 Is just as great as that of anathr. To ait "opportunity" is all wrong for we, ourselves, must do our share. Under Standing and practice of Christian Spiritualism will help to solve our problems, In Teas farewell aves as recorded in the Gospel of St.John ste the words "He that belioveth on me, the wore that Ido, shall ne do also." "If ye abide in me and ray wonls abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will and it shall be done unio you." In these two statements appears a suggestion of complete mastery overall condi- tions of if, matecial and spiritual Jesus of Nazareth never utored a negative thought. His words were always positive-"T am the way, the truth and the life." "e shall know the truth and the truth shall make you iree" “This truth tha Jesus taught by word and life i the fact ofthe All Presence of the Infinite Intelligence, of His goadness and His Love. AFFIRMATIONS OF A SPIRITUALIST 1 | Believe in God as divine intelligence and divine love 2. | believe wholeheartedly inthe value of prayer and that no prayer when properly oftoed goes unanswered, phenomena, both physical and spiritual, are significant 4, Lbaieve that so-called death isan elevation to eternal lie. Qur flesh dies, we, the spirit, ive eternally. 5, | believe that cach day we should strive to keep our lives seven, to check all tendencies af violence and anger, and to cultivate an sitnide of good-will and Jove towards every soul, bere and beyond. We must never have room in tr |nearts for hatred, bitterncas or malice and we should a all times treat others ‘a3 we want them to treat us 6 | believe thatthe so-called dead can communicate with us and we with them, ‘and that this fact isa reality demonstrated by the phenomena of Spirtsalism 41. [ believe that if we disobey the laws of God or man we shall be punished. 1F ‘we obey the laws of God ctemal happiness shall be ours. | Believe that each day we are given the chance to abandon our material imper- ‘eetons, faults aud erace aerd therefore every human soul can begin again 19, believe that the Infinite Sprit of God isthe soures of life and the restorer oftbeatt PREFACE WE nase bts open ou Bible find he teaching that hoagie body may wither and die, the spirit of the individual lives on forevermore, This boeuf truth isthe bass of tue Spintualsm ‘Canumbeced demonstrations have proved that those out of the boy desire to an under suitable conditions and with «proper medium eaa communicate with thie stil the body. ‘This courses designe for "ensives. econ wo are avae of tent psychic or mediumistie qualities, who desire to obtain the knowledze neces Fords development of tse powers ert hasbeen made to state the fact 38 simply and cleerly as possible, without lourishes" cr other confusing mater. Many excellent books have beea written on Spiritualism and itis suggested thatthe student read as widely as possible on tis subject Keep in mind that so-called "death' does not make different individuals of us, We tre te same in Sprit 8 we were an the arth plane, but the tndividual Spisit ig naturally attracted to thet condition (sphere) Which he prepared for hnmselé while he fived in the physical world. Yes, the kind of life we lead here is exactly the kind of life we eater the sprit world, for "Whatsoever a man sovrth, that shall he also zeap.* In spistland as on earth one's sphere, or stat, {5 gained by one's deeds and ers. They whe have gone beyond have thet joys and problems even as you and CONDITIONS OF COMMUNICATION PIRITUALISM teaches that man is a spiritual being and therefore there is no death, They who have made this so-called "change" stil live and are not asleep but conscious, and can and do communicate with us, when certain coadi- tions and a suitable medium are svailable. Important conditions ae serene quiet ‘and a harmonious attitude among those present. Prayer and the singing of Hymns are Valuable helps in securing desirable spirit helpers. Most loved ones are fond ‘of flowers, so fresh flowers inthe room are appreciated and give added help. tis tustomary ia many circles for the sitters to pay tribute to their loved ones by ‘bringing flowers which are usally placed in the center ofthe circle PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL MAN THE somposition of ran on earth s material (body), mental (mind) anc spiritual (soul). ‘The body is piysical structure, planned and divively formed. ‘the visibility of this body does not detract from the marvel of it, for the more we examine i its symmetry and action, and realize the harmony and full cooperation that exists mong all the organs, the more we must know that itis the work of the infinite Intelligence, the Crestor. It is truly the work of the Divine Mind. 2 ‘The human mind and the hunsan soul sre two distinct manifestations, The ‘human mind isan instrament and with tis instrament man learns to find sub- stance ta build shelter, ways fo secure food, and to discover and explore the higher spiritual planes. Tis the dwelling place of experience both past and present, 5 wall asthe storehouse of forgotten experiences. ‘Thirdly, mam has soul which isthe most vital element of his being, Its the clement so essential in his heing that he often overlooks the fact that itis there Its che spark of life, for without it the mind becomes silent and the body becomes useless Is the "regulating force” of man, a power distinc: from the systems itself. This the vitalizing power which enables the sense organs to perceive the ‘world. You ray look upon the surface of life or into its depths. You will find nothing upon the surface except angie manifestations but inthe very depths of life you wil find the soul. Body, mind, soul, that isthe great composition of man, but the soul isthe realest ofthe three, for the sou! isthe ay Irom the Universal or Infinite Soul. Will never die, even when the material body withers away into nothingness, Because is very Source is immortal, the soul is immortal THE SPIRIT WORLD F you consider the physical planet upon which you live a “reality,” you should think ofthe spirit worids as being just as real, for they areas tangible, as usefal tnd as existant asthe earth upon which we build ob material homes ‘When the spirit worlds are mentioned, think of “conditions” or sphoros. BY sphere we da nat mean a bal ora globe. A sphere isa state of being or condition ‘To reake this point clearer: If, for example, you were a great musician, you would live in a "world" ot "sphere" of music. You would narwaly associato mostly th petionsin the same sphere, those who too foved music In other words, ike attracts Tike, and you would attract friends of similar "state of being,” “Now fet us pretend that. the years goon, you decide that you wish to expand, orbroaden, Of perhaps eain addtional knowledge, and you study painting. You ‘would then build 2 new condition or sphere around you. You would live in that ‘atmosphere which you, yourself ull, and you would therefore atract others who lived Ia the same sper or vibration, {In addition to the physical world, theve are @ number of spheres or "zones." In the fisst zone dwell spits, discarnate, whose nature is "earthy" or materia ‘Those spirits, duo tothe fact that thoy have not progressed, attract similar un- developed forces ad because ofthis iti dificlt for them to rise to a higher plane ‘or sphere. In the second zone we find the spicis who are more developed than thor inthe frst In the third rate of vibration we find thore wh are more advanced than Use souls in either the fist or the second. After so-called daath spirits often | ‘pass beyond the lower sphores and enter a higher plane without even knowing _znything dbout the lover conditions. This is because these souls are more advanced ‘and therefore qualified to do so. On the other hand, spits who dwell for a time Inthe lower zones eventually become ready for higher spheres, because the law ‘of progress rules. ‘This system of advancement continucs on throughout the seventh o highest sphere where the most eterialized condition ofthe sprit World exis Ta the first oreath-bound zone ate spirits who while on this material eath swore persons in all wake of life, some rich, some poor, but ther greed and l= {bsnl thy earth boat he os da ad "heavy sper, Hee ‘must work out their problems and reach for atigheesiitaal wnerstan Bal gals crciywtre lntas tse poor soulo advance ty to a fo preair spheres for every soul may progress to glorious and subline heights. While we account fr seVen specific spheres his doesnot mean that all pits ina given sphere are of exactly similar development For example, inthe seventh Spree teacher may be on the eleventh or twenty-first, et, plane of vibration. ‘Spits live ina world as real as ous. In the sixth and seventh spheres spirits of very high sspruions and development dvel-Itisa lovely world fied with Souls whose innermost desire isto help less progressed ind viduals, oth in physical world and tiroaghout the sprit ones ‘Many ofthese kind spirits ae workers or teachers, children as well as adults. eis thy who contol medium of our Word through Wom they spread the word of uth, love and good-will from our spiitloves ones. From their glorious Spiritual and etheral word they reach ou to lp us. doing so thy find thir real happiness. WHAT A MEDIUM IS “fedium . An intervening mean, instrument or agency," Websters Dic tionary. Persona who are umasvslly sensitive, intuitive, r who easily respond to the ‘thoughts or mental sugaestions of others are generally mediumistc. Individuals vwonerselve genera pene fre or agnctc eng wich hes ca uso glow vides fc preset iis donot poses he ees eee ‘oftheir own, et must borrow this from the medium) and who "feel" the presence or companionship of spin frends, are mediums. ‘There are various types of mediums: ‘Negatives who may be dominated or ruled by others. Positives who dominate or rule others Ioermediates who are changeable, who at times display positive qualities and a other nes, nezaive. ends ESSENTIALS OF MEDIUMSHIP TT should be clearly understood thatthe two essentials of mediumship are a ‘lean sound mind and a clean sound body. f our being is notin perfect order ‘we may obtain confusing messages iC any. By the same token, those wino are in proper condition ean have sprit communication and nothing else inthe world ‘ban bring the kind of happiness that is obtained through such contact. Broadly speaking, everyone has certain mediumisti or psychic power; in most ‘of s, however, itis latent or concealed, unrecognized, wailing forthe proper Spittal dovelepment or unfoldment 4 In the words of Henry Ward Beeches: "All men have hours in which they see and do not think. Men of genius now and then are luminous inthis way. From their souls they throw light upon things and know without reasoning.” ‘And Ella Wheeler Wileox: “That which you most desire avaits your word; Throw wide the door and bid it enter in. peak, and the strong vibrations shall be stirred: Seal, and above eartis loud uameaning din Your silent declarations shall be heard, All things are possible to God's own kin.” OBLIGATIONS OF A MEDIUM A medium of tue Spiituatism should Tell the absolute truth at all times but use discretion. Note a prophet of evil ncourage the sad and weary Condemn no one. Retain for gossip, Deplore wrong-doing and help persons to beter motives and purer ‘purposes. [Exert influences on the side of hope, health and goodness Admonish geatl, Never lose self-control, ‘Avoid exhausting his powers. Note: The law of life in the spirit world is progress through understanding and (fort to Help olbers In is material world thee ae unserupitous mediums as there are unscrupulous memhers of ather professions. ll sorts of tricks are resorted (o nan etfort to steal members from other groups. One of these tricks 's known a8 "eading." A voice will come through a trampet stating: "This is Grandma and whenever I come to you I will say "May blossoms’ and if those ‘hwo words are not said you will know immediately thai any voice that claims to bhe mine is fraudulent.” Naturally, the sitter will never hear these two words tough any other medium, for the simple reason thatthe medium through whom they Sams toads ther Up ‘Another method resorted to by fakes isto “knoek" other workers in the fed Sometimes several unscrupulous mediums will "gang up" on a co-worker and circulate derogatory stories One who would start or help circulate suck a report is ceviainly not s highly developed person and my advise to all sensitives 1s to conser the souee, Failure of progress in many development classes may be due to the limitations of the medium responsible, regardless of his or her suave ‘manner of approach, OF course, no sincere medium or sensitive will indulge in thee actin Teiove ta ong ofthe reasons fr any cess may hve Rad 1s he fot that have never nook anyother worker, regares of conv cconceming others. VIBRATIONS AND AURIC COLORS EEN individual vibrations ean be brought into accord and vibrate in har- sony with cach other, an exchange of recognition (cored) canbe estab lished and thought ean be trensmiltd fora one mind to another. This is possible note bese pen on spl, lee xcs pis and edi, consensivis, 88 Wel All four sensations are eausd by th “collision” upon our sense organs by vibrations It isthe power and speed of these vibrations that give to Us our ‘various perceptions, some so Yery ferent rom others, Were we abe o develop Finer senses, many vibrations Would not escape us and we would ind ourselves with power and knowledge greatly extended. In our pirital unfoldment we obtain relation with forees (or vibrations) which stualy open to a revelation ofthe universe of spits on vrhus planes. ‘A°plane" is nota distine place, buts couition, and on one plane there isa certain sped of vibration and on another a dlfeeal speed of vibration. Because Of this fact, different planes, being conditions, o states of being, might exist in the very same place and yet not b Iw ons Yo smother. ‘We human beings are constantly throwing off, end surrounded by, alight which is kaown as at aura, Tis aura reflects our phiyical, moral and spsitual Stat and through tis te maditn may see ou emaional ie and aux persoxal i ezanly ar th average individual ses is ow reflection ina pool of dea, sil ‘water. Often the ture colors the fst hing a sensitive sees. Some avi colors and ther significance ar: Black represen the lowest vibration. It signifies malice or hatred, also ‘aon om isp sub who esd inthe in or loves, Brown represents greed or cathy love. Grey san uniappy colo and signifies sorrow. Dark green and red together indicate material ioharmony. Deep Bue o ight bn indicate high spstual vibration Tight yellow ora golden fie represen developed sptual consciousness ‘White and violet are the highest spiritual calor "Now The student should memorize and thoroughly understand this eure lst of avi colors aod their meanings CONCENTRATION AND MEMORY TRAINING AINING the power of concentration and memory training are two very Important factors inthe development of mediumship. When one stops to realize that the picture ofthe departed one is sometimes flashed befone the eyes of ‘the medium for but a spit second, after which the medium is expected to give & ‘description ofthe spirit that ean be recognized, it is easly understood that a clear necessities, 6 ‘There are persons who could not describe thor ovm mother ina word picture that would be recognizod by ers How ean these individuals expect o describe intligntiy suite whom they have never seen bore? We must practic this er ‘of description so that we cen give compete detailed verbal accousts of what we {e. Practice dally! Form litle groups and play a game which will prove both ‘ateresting and insirictve, Have ong frend stand in te center ofthe room and describe person present without mentioning his name, The others ae 10 ess ‘whom you se pistring ‘Another excellent method sto place fifteen or twenty smal objects on a table and cover witha cloth, Remove the cloth for a moment and then replace i over ie objects, All those present then deserts wha they sw while the eloh Was removed. IFyou ly this you wil find that itis no s simple as it seems ‘An oli Hindu method of concentration is the folowing: Take an ordinary sheet of whitepaper about th sizeof a business lter-head. Inthe center of tis paper ccumserbe ring about the size of twenty-five cout piece, Completely Infante ring with black ink wnt you have a soli Black dot he center ofthe ‘whitepaper, Pia the paper on the wall so thst the center of the dots at your Se lel fehca you sand before Sous for preparation, Now do the foloking Stand erst with your eyes fixed upon the center ofthe black dot. With your rms hanging close to your body, nba slowly as you sly coun seven, Fxhale fs you slowly count seven, All is while Keep your gaze fixed pen the center of the blac spt, Repeat his exereise over and over for to minutes Tes not neces- sary to inl in short jerky breaths. Do it with ase and do not alfenpt to count aloud merely think one-twocthree-four, et. Inhale through your nose; exkale through your mouth, very slowly. Afiea while you may noice that he black spot {ners Highly sensitive persons often se ight merging fom tis spot. They Sometimes extend to the ouler edge ofthe pope. ‘Remember, your eyes should remain on the black spot and not on the white piper, Do this Exereise each day in the quit secusion of your own room. After Exhiie you should be able o lose your eyes and without having the paper in font of yor, "see" this black spt In this mstnner ti possible to concentate and eliminate al outside interferences fror your rnd. e_aen a your work, Do not expect resuls lo come overnight. One doy your of ors will be rewarded. RULES FOR THE "SITTING" LICH advice heard and read regarding “sitting” is quite onnecessary and ‘sometimes raises the question Whether it may not be given to impress the student that ke is geting his money's worth. If one is to receive spirit contact he ‘ill get it whether palms are held up or down or whether he faces east or north Tt would be asad state of atlairs if oor loved ones became temperamental and conditioned their contact upoa certain limited positions or conditions of the physical body. An open mind of love and willingness to receive is certainly more {mportant. Ono day when someone waites a book on “Horse Sense As Applied To Development” he will be rendering an important service. Te very fact that spits are known fo appear unexpectedly at any time or place proves that one does not 7 have to sit with bands in lap or on hip to become attuned. Instead the important ‘thing is to assume a comfortable positon in which the body can be forgotten, Be seated in a comfortable cha. Have your body at perfect case and "limp." Have your mind at perfect rest. All earthy conditions and affairs are to be ‘shitout Say the Lore's Prayer, followed by any prayer you yourself are impressed with ‘You may find it will belp, whether sitting alone or ina group, to sing hymns cceasionally, giving thought tothe words sung. Many persons in singing Bymns concentrate merely onthe melody. evelopment of mediumship is possible in solitude, though i is usually very much slower than when siting with a medium. When you sit with the desire 0 become # mediuin you attract the spirit teachers and the spirit guides. For your “silence” selest the same time each sitting. Be punctual. When alone fmt your sitting to about thirty minutes. As mediums we must realize that we are to teach and do God's work. "Like attracts lke,” but those may be sent tous who need help trough us, in which tase we mast be prepared to render service to the obviously needy as well as 10 the spiritually congenial Understand chat there is a physical world and a spiritual word, «physical body and a spiital body, and you will havea clearer coneeption of what you ste tying to reach. ‘The mental atiude should be one of expectancy but not of stain, For mental work there can be no set rule as to the atnount of light or lack oF tin the room. Experience alone will prescribe wha is best forthe person or persons siting. I {s well o sit fora timo in total darkness and for ate witha dim red light. The {tensity af Hight should barely make it possible to discem one's hand. Fxcelleat results ave been sceured also with dim orange light. PRIVATE CIRCLES Spina circles" are formed by a number of friends who are sincere in thie ‘belief and desire to communicate wit loved ones of the spit world. Many ‘of our finest mediums developed inthis "Univers" fr th study of spre masi- fetaton Because ofthe averse influence of insincere or critical persons ina ccve, only fiends who have a mutual eager desire and frm faith shouldbe permite to jon, Patience and, above all, the earnest desize to manifest the phenomena are essen ‘The suggestions for sitting alone regarding prayer, song, light and so forth apply also to the group. ‘The very momenta thought is "fel," a voice heard, a symbol seen or com- munication of any kind is mado the sensitive must speak and pass the word to the others in the room. Never "uum the matter over in your mind,” saying to ‘yourself "Is is worth mentioning! Speak out immediately and say what you have experienced, delaying only if courtesy requires while sorne one else is Speaking. 8 One ofthe writer's carly spsit manifestations came during meditati cic The nate Elizabeth was audibly given to him by sprit and othe same Sime a aerp, nense pa as etn he Yowrrabdomia epion. I medstely ingired ofthe fiend present wheter anyone knew or hd known an Elizabeth (One ofthe siters said tat he bd a fist cousin By that name who ha passed 08 three years previously ina hospi following en abdomtal operation, Ax soon 3s he mentioned her physical condition at the time of her so-called death the pain in aay body ceased. Tfalized then that vas esprit way of proving he pres. chavo lian! tat had mune a mistake in not menoning the congion On that paticalar evening I eceived nothing further for my frend, but daring the man ny Years which followed Elizabeth often came to him through me, guiding and helping hin ‘Aay manifestation, no matter how unimportant it may sem tothe sensitiv, should be pased onto dhe olers who ae present atthe tine "The sting should close wih prayer. ‘Before lights are tured on it should be made certain that no one is still in teance, SO-CALLED EVIL SPIRITS TECAUSE ofthe lnw of stration, pit friends are usally atractd to those ‘wth whom they can have barmoniows rations. They a Jota aos to imac ther presence known a8 the medio so eoniat them. At tes, beease ‘oftheir anety, es developed sats may attach themselves too stony. This sttackmeat may easily cause an under-developed medium io bave olsen fel “igs which be mistakenly may consider the luce of obsessing spi." This ‘dea oy pce ecertain fear nthe mind ofthe sensitive. “One nbd not lon to the spit world alons for disorderly, unscrupulous or sbjccionable"inftuencesy" for ave have these inoue own worl. In spn ate those who ae no bster and those who are mo worse tasn te ntvidstn we meet ineveryay fe In our wor ain he world beyond, ti often diel to tell at the stat whether our newly found acquaintances are desirable or not. We shoul ‘eimeber that spins are haman beings and tis wise o conser them a we do oer fesh acontnces Ichas been found tha in most aes the "il fain that overtakes the medium is cased realy by his ov fer and not by an inuence oan evil spit” Student thodum mun guard thsclves agaist he ovm distrbed conditions and aly ‘Elie ta the tenes of te pulse, mixed wit thir ow far, ntl tends sities to distor and sete them “An undesirable pict sista so nooding hop, and if such make thet pes- ence known, prayer in heirbeal yl lp them el at he same tine wil eve Strengih to and rene fear from the sensitive CLAIRSENTIENCE CYARSENTIENCE means cles knowing, essving mental impressions

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