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A framework for cyber-enhanced retailing:

Integrating e-commerce retailing with brick-
and-mortar retailing

Article in Electronic Markets January 2000

Source: DBLP


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2 authors, including:

Q B Chung
Villanova University


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A b s t r a c t A Framework for Cyber-enhanced

Keywords: e-commerce, cyber-enhanced retailing, consumer mercantile

Along with the exponential growth of

e-commerce activities, the world mar- Retailing: Integrating E-Commerce
ketplace is undergoing a rapid transfor-
Retailing with Brick-and-Mortar
phases, brick-and-mortar retailing, kiosk, comparative analysis

mation and retailing is one of the key

areas of this revolution. In this paper,
we introduce a concept called `cyber- Retailing
enhanced retailing'. Cyber-enhanced re-
tailing is a paradigm that melds the
advantages of e-commerce with the JAMES R. OTTO AND Q.B. CHUNG
advantages of traditional physical retail-
ing. The paper introduces a framework
that compares and contrasts the gen-
eral advantages and disadvantages of
both e-commerce and traditional `brick-
and-mortar' retailing. Based on this
framework, we analyse possible ap-
proaches to applying e-commerce re-
tailing techniques to the consumer INTRODUCTION products; and delayed product re-
mercantile activities in the traditional ceipt. Nevertheless, the growth trend
retailing realm. This analysis leads to a It will no longer be possible opera- shows no sign of slowing down in
discussion of a number of potential tionally or strategically to ignore the various electronic markets, such as
scenarios for enhancing the traditional massive changes taking place both in flowers, clothing, automobile, music,
retail experience by integrating e-com- the physical and virtual market places books, airline tickets, electronic maga-
merce technologies. (Rayport and Sviokla 1995; Shaw zines, and stocks and securities (Stra-
1999). Electronic commerce (e-com- der and Shaw 1997).
merce) retailing has grown dramati- The purpose of this paper is to
cally since 1997 and continued dram- propose a concept, along with a
atic increases are projected. The active framework for analysis, that we call
user population was estimated to be `cyber-enhanced retailing,' which
37 million in December 1998, up melds the advantages of e-commerce
from 27 million in December 1997, with the advantages of traditional
and is estimated to grow to 142 physical retailing.
million by 2002 (eMarketer 1998).
Nonetheless, it is unlikely that Inter-
net retailing will supplant any more TWO MODES OF RETAILING
than a modest amount of traditional
(or physical, brick-and-mortar) retail- As the retail industry faces this new
A u t h o r s ing. According to New York-based trend, it is natural to compare the two
Volume 10 (3): 17. www.electronicmarkets.org

research firm Jupiter Communica- modes of retailing physical and on-

James Otto
(James.Otto@Villanova.edu) is Assistant tions, in 1998 US Web retailers sold line. Only a clear understanding of
$7.1 billion worth of goods and ser- the differences and their implications
Copyright & 2000 Electronic Markets

Professor of Management Information

Systems at Villanova University, USA. vices, compared with $3 billion in can help retailers establish sound stra-
His research focuses on e-commerce 1997. Retail online sales are expected tegies that can materialize (Terhune
consumer behaviour and effect of to reach $41.1 billion in 2002 (Hong and Ferrara 1999). Thus, let us com-
download time on Web-switching 1999). While this is a large dollar pare and contrast the general advan-
behaviour of users, development issues amount, it still represents a small tages and disadvantages of both e-
of multi-expert systems, and data percentage of the overall US retailing commerce and physical retailing. To
mining application to human resources. market. For example, Wal-Mart's do that, we have come up with a fairly
Q Chung (Q.Chung@Villanova.edu) is
1998 sales were in excess of $137 comprehensive list of attributes of the
Assistant Professor of Management
billion (Nelson 1999). There are a modes of retailing, and for each attri-
Information Systems at Villanova
University, USA. His research focuses number of reasons why cyber-retailing bute we attempt to determine which
on Web technology learning curve, will probably not dominate retailing: of the two modes exhibits a relative
Intranet application of decision support, including limited access to computers; advantage over the other. For in-
model management systems, and shopper concerns about security; in- stance, online retailing is considered
knowledge management. ability to physically touch and inspect at significant advantage over physical

Article number = 100048

retailing in terms of brick-and-mortar with establishing an online presence patterns), the online retailer can
cost. Conversely, online retailing is at will be greater in the case of a cyber offer an increasingly personalized
a disadvantage in terms of the cost retailer. Costs may include server shopping experience as more is
associated with securing the presence hardware, software, telecommunica- learned about a customer. For ex-
on the Internet. As can be seen in tions, and labour associated with ample, someone who buys a book
Table 1, each method of retailing operating the site. about home repair might be pre-
enjoys advantages and disadvantages Inventory selection: Online retail op- sented with information about re-
relative to the other. While the rela- erations can generally offer a larger lated products such as repair tools
tive advantages and disadvantages inventory of items for sale because when they reach the cyber checkout
outlined in the table are admittedly they are not constrained by physical or the next time that they visit the
somewhat subjective, the following retail space. They can also offer cyber store. This level of personali-
explanations may help project our niche products that might be un- zation is hard to create in the
rationale. economical to stock in a physical physical retail environment.
store. Social interaction: It is hard to
Brick-and-mortar costs: The costs Market area size: Online marketers create online the personal face-to-
for the physical retail space will be can offer their products to anyone face social interactions that occur
more expensive in the case of a with access to the World Wide during the traditional shopping ex-
traditional retail store. However, Web. Traditional retail establish- perience. For some individuals, this
cyber stores do incur some brick- ments are generally limited to indi- personal interaction with live sales
and-mortar costs to house web viduals close enough to physically personnel may be more appealing
servers and telecommunications visit their store. than a rather sterile interaction with
infrastructure. Both physical and Individualized experience: Because a web server.
cyber retail establishments will incur of the large amount of information Touch and feel: The online experi-
costs, either directly or indirectly, that can be collected directly from ence does not allow a physical
for warehousing inventory. an online shopper (such as name, touch and feel or physical examina-
Online infrastructure costs: The on- address, etc.) as well as indirectly tion of cyber store products. In
line infrastructure costs associated (such as site browsing and buying many instances, this type of activity
is important to the consumer in the
buying decision and is a decided
Table 1. Relative advantages and disadvantages of cyber retailing and physical advantage for traditional stores.
retailing Rate of information exchange:
Throughout the transaction pro-
Cyber retailing Physical retailing cess, information is exchanged be-
Brick and mortar costs tween the buyer and seller. While
Online costs direct face-to-face communications
Inventory selection can provide more nuanced com-
Market area size munication (such as voice pitch or
Individualized experience body language), electronic com-
Social interaction munication allows for a quicker ex-
Touch and feel change of significantly more

Cyber-enhanced retailing
Information exchange information. For example, a buyer
Market barriers can search a large database of thou-
Convenience sands of products in a matter of
Personal service seconds. In this way, e-commerce
Value added services can increase the amount of infor-
Immediacy mation exchanged during the buy-
Monetary instruments ing and selling phase.
Taxes Convenience: With cyber retailing,
Shipping costs products can be searched and paid
Otto and Chung

Anonymity for online and delivered to the

Data analysis buyer's location. Cyber retailing
Customer management does not require shoppers to leave
Security their location to conduct transac-
Channel conflicts tions. For many shoppers, this re-
Customer equipment requirements presents a significant convenience.
Personal service: The face-to-face
Note: `-' represents `disadvantage' while `' represents `advantage' interactions that occur between a 2
buyer and a salesperson during the visit the store. Of course, as soon as themselves. Security concerns also
traditional retailing process allow one purchases a product online plague cyber retailers because a rela-
for opportunities for human inter- using a credit card, one's identity tively large number of online credit
action and personal services. This is becomes known. Theoretically, one card transactions are fraudulent
a significant advantage in physical can preserve anonymity during on- (Nashand and Harrison 1999).
retailing. line payments using blind digital Also, the merchant, or their bank,
Immediacy: When a shopper pur- cash. However, this online payment can be held liable for their fraudu-
chases an item from a physical option is currently not widely used lent transactions.
store, the product can usually be or available. Channel conflicts: Because the on-
immediately taken home with the Data analysis: Because online re- line arena represents a new distri-
shopper. This is an important ad- tailing allows a retailer to collect a bution channel, conflicts may arise
vantage for physical stores because significant amount of information with other, more traditional, distri-
purchases on the web, unless they on shoppers in an electronic format, bution channels. For example, a
are downloadable (information marketing data analysis is sup- middleman distributor may protest
based) products, must be shipped ported. Customer data collected di- at having to now compete with
to the customer. Thus, the custo- rectly from the online shopper can direct sales over the Internet.
mer must wait to receive their be combined with external data Customer equipment requirements:
goods. Shipping, with its inherent (such as credit records or demo- In order to order online, a custo-
delays and annoyances is also neces- graphic information) to create a mer must have access to a personal
sary for customers wishing to return powerful marketing database. computer equipped with a secure
a product. Customer relationship management: browser and connected to the inter-
Monetary instruments: A physical High levels of individualized service net. Additionally, the shopper must
store can usually accept more types and customer management can only possess a sufficient level of know-
of payment options then an online be offered to a relatively small scale ledge to navigate the online pur-
store. In addition to credit cards without communication channels, chasing process. This may limit the
and cheques, a physical store can computer support, and information numbers of individuals who can
also accept cash. While it is true on customers. This is because effec- shop online.
that an online store can accept tive customer management requires
digital cash (which is typically not the collection, storage, analysis
available to physical stores unless and retrieval of large amounts of CYBER-ENHANCED RETAILING: THE
you include debit cards), digital customer-related data. E-commerce INTEGRATION
cash has not proved to yet be a involves the use of computers as
popular monetary instrument with well the ability to collect, store, and Given that there are relative advan-
consumers or merchants. Addition- analyse a large amount of customer tages and disadvantages to retailing in
ally, credit card fraud is becoming a information such as preferences and cyberspace or in a traditional physical
significant problem for cyber mer- buying habits. A wide variety of store, the question that we address in
chants (Messmer 1999). communication channels are avail- this paper is, `How can one combine
Taxes: Currently in the US, e-com- able to the cyber retailer to com- e-commerce techniques with tradi-
merce is subject to neither federal municate with customers such as tional physical retailing to enhance
nor state taxes. This represents a email, fax, web page, and voicemail. the value of the shopping experience
distinct advantage for cyber retail- Thus, by its nature, cyber retailing for both the customer and mer-
ing. This advantage may not last is well suited for enhanced custo- chant?'. If we want to integrate cyber-
however, because the law placing a mer relationship management. retailing and physical-retailing experi-
moratorium on Internet taxes will Security: Security is a major concern ences, and we cannot move physical
Electronic Markets Vol. 10 No 3

expire in October 2001 (O'Connell with cyber retailing. Credit card stores to cyberspace, then by default
1999). It should be noted that this and other personal information we must move cyber retailing to the
tax advantage is only temporal over the Internet can be intercepted physical-retailing realm. In other
rather than an advantage inherent en route from the browser to the words, enhance the physical shopping
to cyber retailing. web server (unless encryption is experiences using cyber-retailing tech-
Shipping costs: Online shoppers will used) or stolen from a server. Ad- niques. We call this concept cyber
generally incur shipping costs in ditionally, many disreputable mer- enhanced retailing.
addition to the purchase price. chants may misuse credit card or With cyber retailing competitors,
Anonymity: There are advantages in personal information once they re- such as Amazon.com, making strong
being able to shop for products ceive it. For example, thieves some- inroads, the brick-and-mortar stores
anonymously on the net. This is in times set up pirate sites to collect may be able to leverage their physical
stark contrast to traditional shop- credit card numbers that they then presence near the customer to compe-
3 ping that generally requires one to sell to other criminals or misuse titive advantage by employing cyber-
enhanced physical retailing. They can Kalakota and Whinston's (1987) could be employed before the custo-
provide additional services and func- eight steps of consumer mercantile mer enters the store (such as on a
tionality with their physical stores that activities provide a useful framework home computer), or when a shopper
cannot be provided by the Internet for conducting this analysis. The first enters a store (such as on an in-store
only stores. For example, traditional four activities primarily pertain to the PC or kiosk). Note that, for simpli-
retail outlets can offer immediate cash process of gathering information city, we use the term kiosk to repre-
and carry and allow the customer to about the product of service to satisfy sent any type of publicly accessible
physically inspect the product. By the consumer's needs. The next two Internet or Intranet access located in
enhancing their mercantile processes activities commit both parties to a a public place. Discussed below is
with cyber-retailing techniques they transaction. Finally, the last two how the traditional retailing activities
can also provide individualized service activities are necessary to fulfil the can be potentially integrated with the
and product database searches along consumer's satisfaction from the cyber retailing techniques in order to
with a wider exchange of goods that transaction. In Table 2, we compare support retailers during each of the
compete directly with cyber store ser- how the different consumer phases phases.
vices. are addressed in the e-commerce and
To develop potential cyber- traditional physical retail environ- Product Service Search Phase: Dur-
enhanced retailing opportunities, we ments. ing this phase, consumers are
developed and exercised a model of As can be seen in each of the steps, searching for a product with the set
how both shoppers and retailers con- the retailing process involves a signifi- of attributes (e.g., price, service,
duct mercantile transactions. Ac- cant exchange of information. It is in quality) that best meet their needs.
cording to Kalakota and Whinston this area especially, the support of In the physical-retailing realm, the
(1997), consumer mercantile activities information exchange between buyer consumer will generally visit or
take place in eight consecutive steps and seller, where cyber-retailing tech- phone multiple retail establish-
as shown in Figure 1, which are: niques and technologies can enhance ments, search catalogues or review
product service search; comparison traditional retailing. advertisements. In the e-commerce
shopping; product selection; negotia- A close examination of the details realm, this process can be aided
tion of terms; placement of order; shown in Table 2 enables us to gener- considerably by database and search
authorization of payment; receipt of ate possible approaches to applying engine technologies. The consumer
product; and customer service and cyber techniques to physical retailing can implement a database or web
support. practices. These cyber techniques search (or employ software agents)
to search for products that meet
their requirements. For example,
consumers can search for airline
flights based on any number of
criteria such as lowest cost, carrier,
or a given level of service (e.g.,
economy versus business class).
This same technology can, and is,
being applied to support physical
establishments. One of the most

Cyber-enhanced retailing
obvious approaches would be for a
physical retail establishment to
establish a presence on the web that
facilitates consumer searching prior
to a visit to the establishment. They
can use cyberspace to drive custo-
mers to their physical retail stores.
For example, Perfumia, Inc. uses its
website to advertise in-store promo-
Otto and Chung

tions and also advertises its websites

in its stores (Kruger 1999). Less
obvious approaches include a kiosk
in the establishment that allows for
a search of products available from
the company, including products
Figure 1. Eight steps of consumer mercantile activities (Adapted from Kalakota and in-stock, out-of-stock, on layaway,
Whinston 1997) available at nearby affiliate stores, 4
Table 2. Comparison of consumer mercantile activities in two modes of retailing

Activities Information needs Traditional retailing Cyber retailing

(1) Product/ service search j product/service attributes j physically inspect products j electronically review attributes
j product/service sources j physically search stores j electronically search stores
j catalogues j online catalogues
j phone inquiries j email/chat/phone inquiries
(2) Comparison shopping j alternative products/services j inspect products j electronically review attributes
j alternative sources j physically search stores j electronically search stores
j catalogues j online catalogues
j phone inquiry j email/chat/phone inquiries
(3) Product selection j process for comparing product j mentally compare products j mentally compare products
(4) Negotiation of terms j information on terms j physically review terms on j electronically review terms
product j email/chat/phone discussion
j discuss with store personnel with store personnel
(5) Placement of order j transmit order information j carry product to checkout j enter order information online
(6) Authorization of j payment methods j cash, credit card, check, debit j credit card, digital cash
payment j payment instrument card payment tendered and tendered electronically, digital
information accepted at checkout; sign signature and certificate
(7) Receipt of product j delivery methods and terms j cash and carry j post delivery or download
(information product)
(8) Customer service and j technical information j phone or in-store support j phone or online support
support j repair information j onsite repair j mail product to company
j return information j return product to store
j receipt

and special order items. In this way fications. Another potential use for the Dell website, the shopper can
the consumer has more informa- cyber retailing might be in the dis- mix and match product options and
tion, more quickly, to support the play of a product that does not yet compare price and performance
search process. This also provides exist. For example, a customer (Dell 1999). Such a capability
information to the consumer con- might take a virtual tour of a house might be useful for an in-store
cerning products not available for that is not yet built. In a related kiosk as well as a traditional retail
inspection in the store. Another manner, customers might be able establishment's web page. Addi-
potential use of in-store e-com- to view or listen to snippets of tionally, the shopper can compare
merce technology is to provide a entertainment products. Cross pro- product attributes against one an-
map of product locations within the motion with related, but noncom- other or search products based on a
store or to other affiliate stores that petitive products or stores, is also priority attribute such as lowest
might have the product. Addition- possible. price or best warranty. If the store
ally, since the customer is already in Comparison Shopping Phase: During does not sell the product of inter-
Electronic Markets Vol. 10 No 3

the establishment, and can physi- this phase, the shopper is compar- est, a decision support system
cally inspect products that are in ing the basket of attributes available might be able to suggest an alter-
stock, the possibility of a sale may from each product. For traditional native product that might meet the
increase. The system could be inte- retail establishments, the customer customer's requirements.
grated with the existing barcode can visit or phone multiple retail Product Selection Phase: The pro-
scanning information systems to al- establishments, search catalogues, duct selection phase occurs when
low the customer to independently or review advertisements to com- consumers determine which pro-
retrieve additional information on a pare the attributes of multiple pro- duct(s) best meets their needs.
product. For example, a customer ducts. A decision support system, They might also choose from a
could take a food item off the shelf available on many cyber retail estab- variety of options for the specific
and scan its barcode at a kiosk to lishments (such as www.dell.com), product selected. For example, the
retrieve information about the pro- might be able to help the user make product may come in different col-
5 duct's pricing, promotions or speci- these comparisons. For example, on ours or sizes. Upon selection by a
customer (while either on a PC at kiosk printed my tickets and deliv- may be able to sell music titles that
home or at a kiosk in the store), the ered them on the spot. This same might otherwise go unnoticed (Hil-
shopper could be presented with a type of onsite e-commerce is very lis 1999).
variety of useful information con- common at petrol stations. Using a Customer Service and Support Phase:
cerning the product. For example, kiosk, a shopper could also place a A traditional store has significant
the size, weight, final cost including product on layaway. Other business advantages when it comes to re-
tax, where the product is located models that have integrated the turning products. The customer
within a store, loan terms, addi- Internet for placement of orders does not need to pack up and mail
tional product requirements (such include Peapod, Inc. which delivers the product back to the company.
as batteries or fuel), and maybe grocery items from local stores to Instead, the customer only needs to
even coupons for printing. If custo- customers who order online (Math- return it to the store for a credit or
mer service is important, the store ews 1997). In this way, the custo- their money back. Ironically, how-
can have the products waiting for mer can get their products almost ever, it is in this after sale support
the customer for immediate pickup immediately and local stores can phase where cyber retailing may be
and checkout at the front door or extend their boundaries to custo- able to most strongly enhance tradi-
loading dock. At the time of pro- mers who may not be willing to tional retail outlets. If the customer
duct selection, it may also be ad- travel to the store to purchase their is willing to provide some identify-
vantageous to present the customer products. Finally, by allowing kiosk ing information, such as name, ad-
with additional ideas on related ordering, it may be possible to sell dress, and email, then the store can
products that the consumer might the customer additional related pro- send information of interest to the
find useful. For example, if a custo- ducts or warranties. shopper. For example, if a fre-
mer selects a video cassette recorder Authorization of Payment Phase: quently purchased item goes on
product, then that customer might Traditional stores have a significant sale, then the store can send an
be presented with information re- advantage over cyber retailing in email or flyer to the customer. In
lated to available recording tapes. that they can accept cash at the this way traditional retailers may be
Negotiation of Terms Phase: During checkout counter. However, an in- able to increase their customer
this phase, a kiosk could present the store kiosk may be able to help relationship management services.
customer with a variety of terms automate this payment authoriza- Additionally, an in-store kiosk may
regarding price, delivery, and loan tion process by accepting credit be able to provide detailed support
terms to select from. In special cards and allowing customers to and service information on products
circumstances, the negotiation pro- avoid queues at the checkout coun- in the store. Examples might in-
cess could be mediated by software. ter (as previously exemplified by the clude product support websites,
For example, on certain in-store theatre tickets example). technical support phone numbers,
products, online auctions could be Receipt of Product Phase: Tradi- part numbers and parts ordering.
held with the support of one or tional stores have a decided advan-
more kiosks. tage over cyber stores when it
Placement of Order Phase: During comes to product delivery. In many
the order placement process, a cases, the customer wants the pro- FURTHER DISCUSSION AND
shopper and merchant exchange duct immediately. This is possible CONCLUSION
necessary information to order and in physical retail establishment be-

Cyber-enhanced retailing
pay for the product. In most tradi- cause the customer can walk out Based on the previous discussions on
tional stores, this process involves with the product. Nonetheless, in how e-commerce technologies can be
taking the product to the checkout the case of information-based pro- used to enhance the mercantile phases
and paying for it. This immediacy is ducts, such as music, tickets, books, in traditional physical retail stores, the
an advantage of the traditional retail stock trades, etc., where the pro- following list considers a number of
process. Cyber processes might be duct is not a physical one, cyber other potential services that might be
able to enhance this process by retailing techniques may enhance provided.
allowing the customer to purchase the traditional in-store mercantile
and receive the product electroni- process. In addition to the theatre Free email and web services pro-
Otto and Chung

cally. For example, recently I ticket example discussed earlier, vided with membership logon
needed to purchase movie tickets Sony is planning a kiosk in music 24 3 7 ordering of information for
for a popular show. The queues stores to allow the customers to scheduled pickup or delivery
were very long. I was able to avoid download and create compact disks Status of order information (e.g.,
the queues at the theatre by em- for any of the Sony titles. This will photographs, back ordered goods,
ploying a kiosk at their location. I give customers access to Sony music and layaway items)
inserted my credit card, selected the that is not economical to physically Parts ordering
movie and time of choice, and the stock in stores. By doing this, Sony Physical sample dispensers for spe- 6
cial order items (e.g., perfume sam- kiosk implementation and operational Electronic Commerce: A Manager's
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