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The Theory Generation Process of Mental Wellbeing Theory

(Ruby Corazon Y. Ediza)

The Essence of Mental Wellbeing Theory which is derived through deductive theory
generation process through axiomatic approach. It is substantiated with evidences based on the
experiences of older adults using varied qualitative and quantitative approaches.
An autoethnography is used to derive the personal experiences of the researcher inorder
to deduce the meaning of mental wellbeing. Findings reveal that the mind where the thought
process occur is so strong to dictate our mood, physical and behavioral responses and the
responses would either yield a positive or negative results depending on the impact of the
influencing factors to the mind. The researcher develops her own definition on the essence of
mental wellbeing based on her experiences.
A phenomenology is used for the lived experiences of older adult inmates inorder to deduce
the essence of mental wellbeing based on their perspectives. The findings disclose that their
spirituality helps them understand life positively which foster in attaining mental wellbeing.
A multiple case study with cross case analysis is used in comparing and contrasting the life
events, understanding lifes meaning, and life satisfaction and happiness of incarcerated older
adults. The findings show that understanding lifes meaning has the great impact in fostering the
attainment of mental wellbeing since it influences the person to transform positively after exposure
to negative life events causing happiness and satisfaction.
A descriptive-correlation design is used to assess the attainment of mental wellbeing
relating with the older adults life satisfaction and happiness. The results expose that there is a
correlation between mental wellbeing and life satisfaction and happiness.

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