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SPE 35666

Reduction of Drill String Torque and Casing Wear

in Extended Reach Wells Using Non-Rotating
Drill Pipe Protectors
N,B. Moore, Western Well Tool, P.W. Mock, Western Well Tool, R,E, Krueger, Western Well Tool
l!!!!! 0

Society of Petrotwn Ef.gineers

-t 1SSS, SOOIOIY d ~~

7hls papa was prwMrod fcf pmssntstbn al lho Wostwn Rec4uMl Maaxw h.fd m Andwmgo, Alaskc, 22.24 May, ! SSS

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C0nt0nt8 cd Ow Ppor M pr.8ant.d two nOl bnn mviaumd by lh~ Socioty of P#lrole.m Englnaom nd m SubJai 10 corfoetfon by tha authors. Tlw malariti, ~
pmsoniad, dms not nowssarlly Iofloot My posltlon of Iha Society 01 Patrol-urn Engln*ws or M nwmbas. Pap.m pmsonmd SPE moating, m subjut to
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1. Abstrsct rest ricted areas. and greater utilization of

Exlcnded Reach Drilling (ERD) is increasing} existing facilities. These benefits result in lower
becoming the means of expanding production of cost
aging oil fields. With ERD also come problems
associated \rith high drilling torque and Howe\ cr. ERD also imposes additional technical
cxcessivc casing \tcar. This paper addresses the problems. Teel( discusses technologies for
issues of easing wear protection and dril I string successful ERD wells. These problems include
torque reduction \\ith the use of Non-rotating drill string capacity and BHA design. bore hole
Drill Pipe Protectors (NRDPP). The design. stability. hole cleaning. solids control. casing
principle of operation. and operational placement as \vell as high drill string torque and
limitations of NRDPP are discussed. Anal} sis increased casing wear.
methods for placement and hpical applications
are discussed. Anal} sis results typically include High drill string torque and excessive casing
the determination of contact loads of the drill wear are frequently serious problems in ERD
string to the casing and application of loading wells, High drill string torque can threaten \vcll
criterion based on design performance. completion bj exceeding the capaciq of Top
Placement recommendations limit the side wal] Drive systems or drill string, Casing ~~ear can
contact loads to an experimentally determined necessitate the use of casing patches. liners. and
criterion for safe NRDPP operation. Four entire casing string replacements. These
operational experiences are discussed to allo~y procedures increase well completion times and
comparison of various types of applications and costs
field problems, Operational experiences inchrde
cases in Alaska. Gulf of Mexico. North Sea and One approach to reducing drill string torque and
Ne\v Zealand, Other related considerations pre~enting excessive casing wear is the use of
associated \vith the use of NRDPP include drill Non-Rotating Drill Pipe Protectors (NRDPP).
string \ibration and hot hole environments. For example in the Bass Strait.:) NRDPPs were
This report concludes that properly placed used successfully as part of the changes
NRDPP can substantially reduce drdl string implemented to reduce torque and prevent
torque by 10-.30/0and that casing wear is casing wear. ~cr the last six years NRDPPs
prevented \vherc the protectors arc applied, hale been used successfully in hundreds of ERD
!velk world wide for torque reduction and easing
2. Introduction wear prevention,
ERD is critical for optimizing development of
3. Purpose
many fields in the Nofih Sea. the &lf of
Mexico. Alaska. and other locations throughout This effort examines the use of Non-Rotating
the world. ERD is increasingly important Drill Pipe Protectors in Extended Reach Drilling
beeause it offers the potential of reduction of specifically with respeet to torque reduction and
location footprint or platform size. access to casing ~vear prmention and related

4. Technical Description be inverted and use may continue thus
Technical description of NRDPP invol~es the increasing the life and reducing NRDPP cost.
mechanical design. the principle of operation
and installation. These arc herein discussed, The Aluminum thrust bearings (collars) are held
in place with three torqued bolts. The bearing is
-1.1 Design designed to flex to ~ariances of drill pipe OD.
and maintain suflic.ient contact loads as to
A variety of drill pipe protectors are a~ailablc.
praent sliding of the assembly on the drill
Drill pipe protectors may be roughly divided
string. The collars are tapered to be self
into Rotating and Non-Rotating Drill Pipe
centering with the sleeves Aluminum is
Protectors (NRDPP). Rotating drill pipe
anodized to prwent chemical attack.
protectors arc rigidly attached to the drill string
in various ways. NRDPP allows the drill pipe to
NRDPPs are specifically designed to allow
rotate freely within the protector while
drilling fluid to easily pass the protectors and
remaining nearly rotationally motionless,
return to the surface. Et%cieni drilling fluid
Figure 1 shows how a NRDPP would be
returns is accomplished by the usc of
installed on drill pipe.
appropriate sleeve diameters as well as the use
of flutes in the sleeve. Doth fluted and non-
Figure 1. Non-Rotating Drill Pipe Protector
fluted versions arc available. Typical pressure
drop across NRDPP is approximately that across
a tool joint.

4.2 How NRDPP Reduce Drill String Torque

The NRDPP described in this study have two
mechanisms for reducing drill string torque,
Thew are:

Fluid blifl of the drill pipe from the

The NRDPP consists of three parts: a central
hinged rubber or plastic slee~e (with or without
9 Reduction of the effective size of the drill
fluting for increased fluid flow) bonded to a pipe
metal reinforcement insert. and two Aluminum
hinged thrust bearing collars. The t}ro NRDPPs of this paper have an inside diameter
collars are identical in shape but one inverted of the sleeve that is specially designed to act Iikc
with respect to the other. The sleeve sits a fluid bearing: it uses drilling fluid and the
between the t~vo collars }vith sufficient clearance relati!e motion of the drill pipe to the sleae to
to allow the sleeve to rotate freely. create hydraulic lift. The two interfacing
surfaces are effectively jacked apart and
Passages along the internal sleeve face allow experience extremely low frictional contact. As
mud to enter the volume between the sleeve and long as the fluid bearing is not overloaded, the
the drill string and form a journal bearing friction at the point of contact is reduced to the
around the circumference of the drill pipe. The friction between the drill pipe and the drilling
contact face between the thrust bearing and the fluid. typically about 1/10 of that of steel against
sleeve have matching tapered surfaces that steel in drilling mud. With this design the
ensure even contact and centralizing of the drilling fluid acts as the lubricating medium.
sleeve to the collar and drill pipe.
Reduction of cffecti~e size of the drill pipe also
The contact face between [he plastic sleeve and lowers drill string torque. The NRDPPs of this
the uppermost Aluminum collar is ~pically the study fit loosely on the drill pipe. When
location of greatest }vear, The design shown in NRDPPs are in contract with the casing. the
drill pipe rotates freely inside the protector
Figure 1 is a re~ersible sleeyc: after
approximately 1/2 inch wear. the protector can sleeve. The point of relative rotation is changed

from the outside diameter of the tool joint to the .4.3 How N RDPPs Pre*ent Casing Wear
inside diameter of the NRDPP sleeve. Since NRDPPs praent casing wear b~ pre~enting
torque is directly proportional to the cffecti~e contact of the drill pipe tool joint. NRDPP
radius of the drill Wing. the use of NRDPPs sleeve have an outside diameter larger than the
reduces rotan torque resistance at the point of tool joint they are applied upon. For example. a
contact. For example. consider a 5 inch drill 5 inch drill pipe \\ith a 6-5/8 inch tool joint
pipe \vith an effective tool joint diameter of 6- would use a NRDPP !}ilh an outside diameter of
5/8 inch. When this 5 inch drill string has 7-1/4 inch, The NRDPPs are typically mounted
NRDPPs installed. the effective radius and the in close proximi~ to the tool joint and thus
torque arc reduced by more than 200/.. come in contact with the casing before the tool
Experimental work has verified torque reduction
with NRDPP as showm in Figure 2 for NRDPP 4.4 When to Use NRDPPs
of a 6-5/8 inch tool joint against a 1O-W4inch
NRDPPs pro~ide oplimum benefits under
casing with and without NRDPPs.
specific hpes of ERD conditions. These
Figurc2, Reduction in Torqucof6-5/8 inch
Drill Pipe Tool .loint Against 10-3/ 4inch
b Wells uith build sections located high in
Casing with and Without NRDPP.
the hole
140 Hea\y string weights located bclotv a build

120 I } sect ion

Hole daiations (dog legs) producing high
g 100- side loads of the drill pipe onto the casing
~ 80 Drilling operations of excessive casing \vcar
$ 60- and/or slow Rate of Penetrat ion (ROP)

20- 4.5 Installation of NRDPP

o* NRDPPs arc qpicall~ mounted about 2 feet from
o 968 1490 2000 2500 2976 the pin end of the drill pipe, Protectors may be
Side Losd (ibs) mounted indi~iduall? or in multiples.

NRDPPs reduce torque on each joint w here Installation begins \vith placement of collars
installed: hence they contribute a percentage to follot~ed by the slee~e. The two collars are
overall drill string torque reduction. The two mounted approximately 10-11 inches apart: the
effects described atmc act together to reduce sleeve is placed between the collars, Each collar
drill torque If here ever the NRDPPs are has three collar makeup bolts that are torqued to
installed b} as much as 90/0. 15-N) ft-lbs torque. Torque is applied with a
torque }vrench or impact }~rench supplied \vith
As an example of the effectiveness NRDPPs. the NRDPPs. Installation of the sleeve
consider a 300 joint string in an ERD well v ilh in~ol~es opening it. placing it over the drill
NRDPP installed on 60 joints. If torque werc pipe bet}vecn the collars. closing it with a
evenly distributed o~cr the length of the drill retaining pin. Total installation time is 1-2
string. NRDPPs could reduce the drill string minutes.
torque by 1876. Generally. however. torque is
concentrated in the build/drop sections of a ~vell. Properly installed NRDPP assemblies arc Ycn
Specifically. high contact load and hence torque robust once attached to the drill string. Because
is seen near the top of the well. By placing of their design. they arc not susceptible to
NRDPPs in the critical regions. torque removal by rotational force and only high axial
reductions of 1O-NYYO are hpically seen in field force can damage them, Exq)eriments have
applications, shown that properly installed collars can with
stand loads up to 27.000 Ibs \vithout slippage on
the drill pipe. In hundreds of wells. NRDPPs

hate shown to be reliable as field reports sho~vn 5. NRDPP Placement
that loss from the drill string is cxt remely rare. Placement analyses are performed on ERD drill
strings to determine the normal forces acting
Generally. field semice is provided by the between the drill string and the \vell bore with
manufacturer but frequent users of NRDPPs do the objectifcs of recommending:
not require continuing semice support, Typical
scwice includes a sewice engineer that installs Placement location of NRDPPs to
and assists rig personnel \vith the installation of maximize torque reduction and prevent
the NRDPPs. However training of rig personnel casing wear
is rapid and frequent users decline semice Placement frequency of NRDPPs to assure
support to conseme rig bed space or similar side loading forces are \vithin operational
reasons, limitations

As part of the senice. specific engineering T\Yo t>pes of analyses are performed for the
recommendations regarding the optimum placement of NRDPP -- closed form force
placement for NRDPPs for a particular WCI1are balance model and a Damon cable (soft
pro~ided without cost. Senicc personnel string) model. The former is a proprietaq
receive instructions for each application. program: the later is a commercially available
drill string analysis program. Various drilling
4.6 Operational Limitations of N RDPPs operations can be modeled. For example.
The practical limitations of NRDPPs in tripping-in. tripping-out. rotating off bottom.
prolonged use are temperatures less than 350F rotating on bottom. and motor drilling can bc
and normal side loading Icss than 2000 pounds. modeled.

Hot holes are encountered in both oil and The information required to perform an anal! sis
geothermal exploration throughout the !vorld. for placement of NRDP protectors consists of the
High bottom hole temperatures can damage the follolving:
polymeric material used in NRDPP sleeves.
Sleeves are t?pically made from plastic or Drill String Description: BHA and drill
elastomeric materials. Generally. economically pipe description by size. nominal weight.
viabic plastics perform best at operational Icngth.
tempxatures below 250 F, For operational Well Suney Description: Suney
temperatures of 250-3 St)F. elastomeric sleeves information for the actual wett or well plan
are generally recommended. Prolonged information. Standard reporting of the
exposure of temperatures greater than 35t)F measured depth (MD). inclination and
results in thermal damage throughout the azimuth.
protector sleeve body. loss of mechanical Mud Definition: Mud weight and other
prope~. and potentially the destruction of the description.
protector. Well Bore Description: Size and length of
cased portion of the hole. diameter and
Excessive side loading on NRDPPs reduces length of the open hole
benefits and tool life. Application of loads
greater than the capacity of the hydraulic lift The results of the two analyses arc compared.
results in degradation of the lift and subsequent Considering analysis results and heuristic
degradation of the benefits of the use of the experience with over 500 wells. an engineering
NRDPP. Excessi~c loads result in excessive report with recommendation is prepared for a
wear of the sleeve end by the collar. reducing particular well.
tool life.
6. Operational Experience
Operator supplied information defining bottom The operational experience with NRDPP is large
hole temperatures. mud properties. and drilling and continuing to grow rapidly-. NRDPPs are
parameters can circumvent potential problems of currently used on ERD wells in Alaska, Gulf of
operational limitations of NRDPPs. Mexico. North Sea. and throughout the world.

An Alaska WC1lillustrates the benefits of using Figure 4. Predicted Contact Side Loads Between
NRDPPs by reducing both drill string torque Drill String and Well Casing for an Alaska Well
and pickup drag. The Gulf of Mexico well on North Slope
illustrates how NRDPPs stop casing wear. The
North Sea well is an esample of how NRDPPs
are part of an o~erall torque reduction scheme.
A Nc;v Zealand well illustrates the benefits of
casing wear pre~ention,

6.1 Alaska
NRDPPs arc used periodically during various
drilling program in the North Slope of Alaska

One example of the use of NRDPPs is illustrated

wbile drilling a well in Alaskas North Slope,
The well conjuration is shown in Figure 3.
The well has 10-3/4 inch surface casing set at
. . . .
5100 feet MD at an inclination of 48 degrees.
The production hole }~as 9-7/8 inch casing and
to be completed \vith a 7-5/8 inch casing long
string. The well TD was at approximately
Cm-&d Forcdm#h (IbtTi]
12.600 feet MD at 20 degree inclination.

Figure 3. Alaska North Slope Well Profile that

Utili~ed NRDPPs To c~ahratc the benefit of NRDPPs. they were
rcmojcd on the hole opener run after the
wireline open hole logging operation, The BHA
!I as unchanged. The rotating torque during the
hole opener trip tvhile reaming on bottom
., .,. \vithout the drill pipe protectors was 30,000 ft-
lbs. When protectors v ere installed with the
same conditions. the torque was 17.000 ft-lbs.
The torque was reduce by approximately 4070,

I Other benefits included eliminate of the non-

rotating stabili~crs pre~iousl! used to minimize

... Kelly whip and impro~e sliding.

t ,,. 6.2 Gulf of Mexico

An operator in the Gulf of Mexico experienced
exccssivel~ high torque at the rotan table. This
resulted in concern regarding the top dri~e
w stems capacity to reach TD (approximately
[2250 ft Measured Depth),
Analysis of the well resulted in prediction of Rotaq torque increased rapidly wi~h greater
side contact loads of the drill string on the measured depth, While rotating and drilling a
casing. which was used for protector placement. 12- 1/4 inch diameter hole from inside the 13-3/8
The recommendation \vas for placement of two inch casing at a shoe depth of 7.000 feet. torque
NRDPPs on each joint o~cr the build section of at the rota~ table was 17.000 ft-lb,, As drilling
the hole, Figure 4. shows the predicted con!act continued to a measured depth of approximately
side loads bet~}een the casing and the drill string 8.500 feet. the torque at t he rotaq table
increased to 21.000 fi-pounds. Field logs for
Rate of Penetration. Weight on Bit. Torque. and

Pump Pressure were monitored to evaluate the Figure 6. Changes in Rotary Torque with the
results of using the NRDPP, Use of NRDPPs in a Gulf of Mexico Well

The excessive} high rolary torque was

associated with dog legs of up 102-5 degrees
over the internal from 1500 foot to 6500 fl MD. c

Figure 5 shows the dog leg serity as a f~ction

of location along the depth.

Placement and location are determined by m

normal contact loads along the drill string.

Contact loads over the internal of 1500-2300
feet required three protectors per joint to be
used. The intewal of 2300-3400 feet required
two NRDPPs per joint.
Figure 5, Dogleg Smcrity and Side Wall
Contact Forces for a Well in Gulf of Mexico

After the first trip. the torque increased to
17.000 ft-lb, and gradually increased with
increasing depth but naer exceeded 20,000 ft-
Ib. Figure 6 graphically shows the change in
rotan torque \vith increasing depth. For the
j 4=<;7 - ;.......:.... ....... . purposes of clarity

NRDPPs were used again when drilling out

from the 9-5/8 inch casing when torque
problems were again encountered. A casing
point was reached at a measured depth of
approximately 10.900 feet and 9-5/8 casing was
set. At the beginning of the casing drill out. the
rota~ torque \vithout NRDPP \vas 25.000 ft-lb.
A NRDPP placement analysis was performed
once again but this time considering the 9-5/8
inch casing and the new BHA, A new
recommendation for the placement of protectors
After the installation of the NRDPP \vas was made which included placement of
completed and drilling rc-commenced, the protectors as in the original deployment plus
torque at the rota~ table immdlately dropped coverage over the internal from 3400-6500 feet
to 15.000 ft-lbs (approximately 30% reduction). at one protector per joint. The NRDPPs were
installed and run into the hole, During the
casing drill out. the torque was reduced from
25,000 ft-lb, to 21.000 tl-lb. (approximately
164 reduction), The torque measurements
remained osciilatop during casing drill out,

Once the casing drill out was completed. the Figure 8 shows the integral part NRDPPs ha~e
torque dropped to an average of 15.000 fi-lb. in the process of anticipating and addressing
(40Yoreduction in rotaq torque.) torque reduction in dimktdt wells. In summary.
this Torque Reduction Decision Tree involved
6.3 North Sea utilization of NRDPPs \vith a variety of other
A jackup rig located in the North Sea was operational and equipment changes including
experiencing extremely high torque. The well changing drill bits. BHA. mud additives. and
profile was & shown ;n Figure 7 string assemblies

Figure 7 Well Profile of North Sea Well Figure 8 Torque Reduction Plan Flow Diagram
Utilizing NRDPP5 Showing Use of NRDPP in North Sea Extended
Reach Well
Run shLk B}i.! & ~tX B]t

I SCYdotatmg IMI
PIP Prdedm +
(\T?DPP )

Torque Rdwd
* Chmge to ROIAMt.

Reduw Bf LA\le@t :

0 Iao m
V*rticd S8CUOII[m]
m rseMibii\c
l.uhrdm Rduwi

[SCDwnMe \ Mv
Afier cementing the 9-5/8 inch casing several .1ss>
problems arose including:

. Drill string torque \vas at the capacih limit

of the Top Drive
Target Depth \vas over 60t)m be? ond
current Measure Depth (MD)
[ SCTJp=mdDrrll String
Drilling was at a high angle (50 degrees) v
suggesting increasing drill string torque Grime Dnlhng
Previous histon obtained from a similar
\vell in the same formation also encountered
The drilling program progressed in the
difficulties in reaching TD
following manner, The well was analy~ed \\ith
the build internal from 180-1173 meters
In anticipation of torque problems. the operator
protcctcd. Because of the magnitude of the side
prepared a Torque Reduction Decision Tree for
loads. protectors \vere mounted in pairs on each
this well, This example shows how NRDPPs
arc used in both the planning of drilling options joirw After drilling out the 9-5/8 inch casing.
the protector installation began.
to assure completion of the well: integral wi(h
the Torque Reduction Plan was the use of

During [he running of the protectors. torque Minimizing surface and downhole torque to
tests were conducted at approximate depths of stop stalling of top drive and improve
350t)m. -tot)om.-1lt)t)m. and .t600m at various steering.
RPMs. Theresuhs areshownin Figure9.
From examination of Figure 9 it is obsened The protectors were fitted before drilling the 8-
that the reduction in torque is attributable to the 1/2 inch hole in the first well with an inclination
protectors entering the build seetion. For this of 39 degrees. removed on completion and
particular well. the data demonstrates a torque reinstalled for milling on stuck liner. The
reduetion of approximately 14/0. protectors operated over a period of 7(I days and
453 rotating hours. A similar process was used
Figure 9: Reduction in Drill String Torque for a in a second well with an inclination of 32
North Sea Well as NRDPPs Enter Build Section degrees.
of Well at Various RPM
Using commercially available casing wear
600 prediction software. BHA and drilling
m n parameters. well trajectories. areas of greatest
contact force were identified for installation of
500 NRDPP5 for casing wear protection.

Ultrasonic imaging tool was used to measure
40U ... casing thickness, Comparisons between
predicted and actual casing wear throughout the
casing trajcctoty were made. Comparisons of
regions where NRDPPs were not placed sho~ved
good agreement between predicted and
~ 3500m
measured casing thickness.
4600m Comparisons of predicted and actual casing
5000m wear at locations prowetcd by NRDPPs were
5200m made for the first WCIL In the tophole region of
high contact forces. casing wear was predicted
to be 20-8(Y?40the first JJen. The actual wear ~~as
measured at approximately So/O.which was the
baseline for the study.
xl 120 15U
rpm rpm rpm
Comparisons were made for the second well that
experienced longer rotating hours within casing
because of sidetracking. Wear predictions
anticipated loss of 30-900%of the casing
6.4 New Zealand
thickness. Actual wear }~ith NRDPPs was 5-
While drilling two ERD \vells offshore New 3070.
Zealand. extensive problems were experienced
with high surface torque of 25.000 ft-lbs stalling Figure 10 shows a comparison of predicted
the top drive and reactive torque at the bit percentage wall thickness loss and actual casing
causing loss of tool face orientation. The result wear of the first well in Ncw Zealand using
was difficulty in achieving directional objectives NRDPPS.
and significant time loss.

During drilling of the 8- 1/2 inch hole section.

NRDPPs \vere installed Mith the objecti~es of

. Minimizing casing wear in the 9-5/8 inch


Figure 10. Casing Wear versus Depth for a NeN along the \vcll tmrc. and arc also hpically where
Zealand Well using NRDPPs drill pipe protectors are place thus providing
additional bcnctits,

NRDPPs offer [hree advantages to reduce drill
string \ibration --
70- + Predicted
+ Actual + Material dampening from the NRDPP
60- slce~c material
9 Reduced N hirl dlamcter of drill pipe
because of NRDPP OD

30 Prc\cnt ion of drill pipe wall gripping

(prewntion of whid that is. -climb and
20 fall. lJ here protectors are installed

For 5 inch drill string uith protectors installed
0 o~cr 100/. of the string length in a 9-5/8 inch
01 234567891 casing. it is estimated ~that NRDPP protectors
0 00 0 00 00 00 could produce a 100/0reduction in whirl
0000000000 amplitude. Mhich is consistent \vith field
u observations.
7. Conclusions
Inaddi~lon. rotan toqueswcrere ducetoallo~~ The conclusions from this from this paper arc
completion of both WCIIS. the follo~~ing:

6.5 Benefits of NRDPPs for Drillstring NRDPPs can contribute to reduce drill
Vibration string torque by 10-30/0
Axial. (orsional. and lateral vibrations of drill
strings arc of importance beeausc of polential NRDPPs do pre~ent casing ~~ear by
damage drill strings. Bottom Hole Assemblies prclcnting tool joints from contacting
(BHA). and surface eqniprncnt. Vlbrationai casing Nhere applied
damage can result in component failures and
slower penetration rates increasing well costs, NRDPPs should be part of ERD Torque
Reduction Plans
Sc\eral reports ha~e shown reduction of drill
string \ibration with the use of NRDPPs.
Smoother bit runs and longevity of top drive a. Bibliography
bearings are reported in Alaska with the use of I Ted, ME., what-s Happening m Drilhng.
NRDPP. World oil. Novemkr 1994.

The benefit from (he use of NRDPP discussed 2. Santosdano, V , Krepp. A. N.. Extencled Reach
l)rillmg Advancements Ihrnatically Improve
herein with regard to drill string tibration is the
Performance on Bass Strait Wells, SPF.28777,
pre~ention of whirl where the protectors are
Presented at SPE AsM Pacific (hl & Gas
applied. Because the drill pipe is not in contact Conference held in Melbowme. Australia, 7-10.
~vith the hole wall. the tendcnq for the drill November 1W-t
pipe to climb the hole wall and fall back is
eliminated. The process of climbing and falling 3. f)au son. R , & Pasta}, R.R.. -I)rillpqw Bucldmg
produces the characteristic !vhipping motion in Inclined Iloles. SP1 1I 167, Sept. 1982
with high accelerations. The tendcnq to climb
would hTicaHy occur at points of high de~iation

4. I)ykstra. M. W., Chen, D.C-K., Warwn, TM.. 9. Acknowledgments
.&ar, J.J.. Drillstring Component Mass Rmtem Well Tool would like to acknowledge contributions to
Imbalance: A major Source of Dcmnhok this paper b} and .lrnerada Hess Corporatmm and several
Vibrations, SPEYIDAC 29350.1995 SPIYL4DC Shell companies.
Drilling Conference. Amsterdam I;eh. 28- Mar
2, 1995,


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