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An Opinionated Observation

On Apathetic Complacent Compromise In Our Lives

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn
Copyright 2013 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn
All Rights Reserved

Much ado has often been made of the words if and but securing the,
laughably ironic, position as the biggest small words in the English language, simply
because of the powerful implications they allude to, and the latitude they allow.
In speaking of small words, I would like to suggest that the word apathy is
an intricately complex word which possesses powerful connotations of its own.
Taken at face value, apathy is a relatively small word that almost reminds one of
apples. Apples are simple, tasty, innocent, fruits that grow on trees. Ah, but there
are intricacies hidden within that appearance of utter simplicity of innocence
intricacies that are alleged to have robbed the innocent of their innocence, and that
quite innocently at passing glance.
Perhaps the forbidden fruit was not apples, after all, but was apathy
materialized in full bloom of its true pagan trinity existence as a word, terminology,
and condition of heart and mind, that is infectiously virus-like in the destructive
power it wields over those minds it penetrates to reside within, while it quietly eats
away at inspiration, imagination, and dedication, to leave an empty cranium void and
vacuumed of cognitive thought processes of any merit or value.
Reality 101? Adam and Eve simply had it too damn good for their own good
as apathy crept inor should I say slithered in?to wreak havoc upon the Garden of
Eden from within that unseen domain of the human mindthat space between the
ears and right behind those beautiful eyes that Adam gazed adoringly into (the
apathy infection having rendered him brain dead as well) to say, Baby, if we're
gonna die, we might as well die together! And so, the creation story goes on to
reveal that, for lack of intelligent thought as to the future of mankind, perfection left
this world via that infection known as apathywell, in so many words of my loosely
interpreted highly opinionated opinion, anyway ...
For all of Science's medical and technological advances, there continues to not
exist any known drug, remedy, cure, or long term effective prevention, for that
powerfully complex, yet deceptively simple, virus-like-word called apathy. Apathy, to
this day, remains the number one cause of death of civilizations, nations, empires,
cultures, and societies that have fallen prey in succumbing to the alluring infection of
this silent, but deadly, killer. History attests to this fact of reality as unlearned
lessons that each successive generation somehow fails to grasp as a very real danger
to themselves in choosing to arrogantly immerse themselves within the delusional
illusion that concludes their generation, their nation, their culture, their society, is
better, stronger, more advanced and, thus, immune to the mental virus-like-disease
that is that small, but very dangerous, word called apathy.
It appears apathy truly is, as part of the human condition brought on by a lack
of proper mental exercise, a mind invasive disease that shall never be conquered.
Simply put, becoming too accustomed, acclimatized, or comfortable, with what you
believe you possess brings about a state of having become mentally out of shape,
which results in a weakening the mind's mental immune system to that virus-like-
attack of apathy. In fact, in most cases, the disease is generally not recognized until
irreversible damage is done, individual by individual, as it consumes a society one
infected mind at a time. How is it that small, but monstrously big, word called
apathy works its black magic of infection so well?
Society A society is similar to a multi-cellular organism. There is strength
in numbers, and all the numbers working together as a whole helps insure a society's
survival. Yet, there is a price to be paid for those numbers, as individuals, working
together as a society.
Society is all about peer pressure. To be a viable part of society, one must
conform to the rules and regulations of that society. In doing so there are benefits,
perks, and frills to be had as incentives for conformance. Very few would dispute
that conforming to society is considered the norm, and so when a society, a culture, a
nation, becomes lax and lazy, one by one, everyone eventually begins to conform to
that pattern of lack of proper mental exercise that just so happens to be the only
proven method of staving off the onset and outbreak of that infectiously infectious
societal infection known as apathy.
Reality history 101? Sooner or later, every civilization, nation, empire,
culture, or society, ages enough, in becoming mentally lax and out of shape, to fall
victim to that mighty small, but mighty damn powerful, word called apathy, as brain
dead conformers and cognizant non-comformant-doomsayers, alike, are swept away
in the tsunami wave of disaster that began forming quietly, one mind at a time, long
before the advent of that catastrophic event that heralded its end. Even the mighty
Spartans1, with their rigorous lifestyle, ceased to exist. This lesson from history
should teach us that apathy has many faces, and various ingeniously subtle forms of
attack that bring about the symptoms of impending societal collapse and death
through its infection.
It has been my sad observation and experience to note that apathy breeds
misery and destruction in our livesfor our nation, for the world It is akin and a
relativeperhaps, a triplet sister siblingto complacency and compromise, for
reality attests that to no longer take an avid interest in things important to your own
welfare, that of your community, your state, or your country (to no longer care), is
akin to becoming too comfortable and taking for granted that which we have, to then
all too willingly make the mistake of compromising that which we have in
appeasement of someone's wishes or desires in exchange for something clearly of
less value ...
Except, by this stage in our mentally diseased attitude gone awry, we have
lost sight of the true value of that which we havehaving lost sight of any values at
allas apathy, complacency, and compromise strip us of who and what we are to
leave only memories as scars, and tomorrows of wishing things could be the way they
used to be Apathy not only reproduces itself as more apathy, it also replicates its
triplet sisters, complacency and compromise, while those bigger, but just as cleverly
maniacal, virus-like-words work pall mall to reproduce themselves in replicating
even more deadly strains of apathy, compromise, and complacencythree whorish
virus-like-word sisters that render societies as mere brothels of disease, decadence,
ruin, and inevitable extinction As, that delightful animated movie, Chicken Run's
Mr. Tweety, elaborated in utter simplicity: I told you they was organized.
The good ole days Where have they gone? ... Now, we sit and wonder why
we ever let them go; why we didn't put up more of a fight to keep things the way they
were, as we view them, in looking back, as being so much better times than the way
things are now Apathy raises it ugly head, to which is painted an evilly sadistic
smile, because it knows we are dead meat for its consumption, taken captive by its
infective wily wares that have rendered us, as a society, addicts to the very virus-like-
words and terminologies that are destroying us moment by moment, day by day, until
it is too late for any hope of reversible treatment, or prognosis of survival. For a
flickering moment, we see apathy as that cancer generating virus-like-word it is in
starkness of reality.
Then, sadly, our brief moment of mental clarity fades away to see us return to
our wallowing in cesspools of apathetic apostasy, feeblyfutilelyattempting to
numb the pain of repeating the same mistakes we seem to make over and over again
to never grasp that complacency and compromise of values leads to the depression
pit of apathy every time we embrace them
Apathy is the true mortal enemy of every facet of any societyfree or enslaved
For even within an enslaved society, ruled by a depraved dictator who feigns to
rule as president, the illumination of hope holds forth the promise of future freedom,
while apathy would seek to bring infectious stagnation, stifling, darkening,
dampening, and utter defeat, of any such hopes held within the hearts of cognizant
The result, all too often, is to witness a society that has given up attempting to
bring about real change that would effectually set them free, to settle upon ridding
themselves of one asshole dictator, to have another, just as evil or maybe even worse,
take his place in herding the Sheeple Peoples of that society as the very cattle they
have allowed themselves to becomeapathetic-cows of hopelessness who are
repetitively redundant in their crying, complaining, and whining about the miseries of
their enslavement, but lack the intestinal fortitude and mentally vigilant withal to do
something about it Pussies, in every sense of that profanity defined word
Catering kiss-asses in collusion with the very establishment they bitch about, but lack
a set of gonads to do anything about Sheeple-People unworthy of uttering the
words, Declaration Of Independence, and United States Constitution, all because
they have tasted that innocently decorative apple, poisoned with the virus-like-word
called apathy Truly a nation of the walking dead ...
And so goes our lives So goes the world So goes our America! ...

(Written December 16th, 2013, expanded and revised April 27th, 2016)
1 SpartansThe city-state of Sparta, occupying the central finger of the southern Greek peninsula of the Peloponnesus, dominated the fertile valley of
the Eurotas River and was overlooked by the craggy Taegetus Range. Controlling a territory of some 3,500 square miles, Sparta was unquestionably the
greatest military power of the Greek classical era. On close inspection it is a remarkable study in contradictions: long-famed among the Greeks for its
constitutional stability and regarded by many ancient writers as the embodiment of traditional Greek values of civic responsibility, personal bravery, and
bluntly honest speech, Sparta proved to be a devious, self-deluded, brittle, and hopelessly confused society at the very moment of its most notable
success ... http://www.historynet.com/sparta-the-fall-of-the-empire.htm

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