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First empire was built : Economically on Slavery, Sugar ( as the main crop), Protectionism

and Mercantilism. Geographically: it took place in America and the West Indies, and
ideologically: it preferred TERRITORIAL occupation over controlling spheres of influence.

Second Empire: was built Economically: on Free Trade where Britain manufactured its own
good and was the workshop of the world. Geographically: It took place in the EAST and in
Africa. And Ideologically: it prefered distant dominance over territorial of physical
occupation ( because protecting, building and keeping colonies requires large costs ) - It was
also based on slavery's abolition ( for several reasons ).

Informal empire meant having economic or political control over another's land without
making a physical occupation ( or colony ) : as it is the case in India

Informal Emp: It is only that mere influence over a territory/settlement/periphery.
_Geographically: Africa & Asia, Australia and New Zealand, N.Ireland (rep) and Argentina.
_Slavery is abolished
_Based on Free-Trade
_The Appearance of Coalitions during the Napoleonic wars.

Some say that it starts with the loss of the 13 colonies where the British learnt that having
territorial occupation is not profitable and they shifted to having profit from unofficial spheres
like: Protectorates and informal occupations

However, some say that the real LAUNCH of the 2nd Empire was in 1815. Why ?


During the Napoleonic wars, The British ROYAL NAVY was the most power and it proved its
strength in battles lie Trafalgar grin by Horatio Nilson. After Waterloo, some
European powers were demolished ( like the Roman Empire), others were weakened ( like the
French) and others joined hands with Britain l( like Spain) ( read about the Six Coalitions ).
So, Britain was the master of the SEA and the MARKEt. In addition, THE INDUSTRIAL
REVOLUTION allowed Britain to manufacture its own goods, without the need to export
from others, even more, it became the workshop of the world.

Why did Britain suddenly shift attention towards establishing a control over
Africa; after it used to be merely a source of slaves and some raw materials ?
its strategic locations and routes ( Suez canal, the Two Capes, Rivers)
_Its richness of natural resources (Palm oil, Diamonds, Gold and Silver)
_Civilising Africans would be a great deal in making Africa a new marke

What role did Germany play in terms of directing France attention towards Africa ?

Germany directed France attention towards Africa AWAY from Alsace-Lorraine

what happened in Egypt in relation with the Second Empire.

Brit gvt bought a considerable amout of shares from the Suez Canal Company. When the Egyptians
rebelled against the Turkish Khedive, the Brit gvt feared that the debts owed to the Egyptians would
not be paid. So, it intervened and occupied Egypt and made it a Protectorate.

West Africa used to be a crucial stop in the ' Triangular System'. But now that slavery is abolition,
what could it be used for ?

After the abolition of slavery, slave trade was replaced by Palm Oil trade!

West Africa, The Niger River Delta to be more exact, was the source of palm oil which the British were
interested in after abolishing slavery.

How did the British bring their palm oil from West Africa ?

the British couldn't bring oil themselves; same scenario with the inability to go and civilize Africans by
themselves. Thus, they made treaties with the chief tribes of the territory ( mainly the Fanti people).
The deal was that: the British would protect the Fanti from the more powerful Ashanti tribe in
exchange for oil. When troubles accumulated between the two tribes, the British were obliged to
announce the territory as a Crown colony named The Gold Coast ( Gold, because oil shines like gold

In West Africa, the British faced problems with the natives and also with other competing
European powers ?

Exemplify and discuss : Senegal ( a French colony) was almost expanding on the expense of
Gambia ( a British Colony ). The French suggested that they the British exchange Gambia
with another spot in the world that the French had, but lobbies and missionaries back in
Britain objected.

in the midst of this colonial ' mess ' a landmark took place to set some ' rules ' as to clarify
how the European powers should expand ( to prevent a world war futurely )

What was this landmark ? and what do you know about it ?

Hint: it starts with Berlin and ends with Conference

The Berlin Conference: gave Belgium ( King Leopold II ) control over the Congo's
administration, but freed all rivers from control for the sake of the good flow of free trade.
Since Britain already controls Lower and Mid Nigeria, the territory was her's ( the river also
remained free for navigation). Most Importantly, a new rule was set : European powers cannot
take territories for granted; an EFFECTIVE rule must be established over a given territory for
it to be an official colony. I imagine it like after the conference was over, someone screamed :
MAY THE RACE BEGIN and that's basically when the scrumble for Africa; i.e. the race to
establish an effective rule in Africa, began
by 1914, all Africa was ' pacified ': France agreed that Britain has full dominance over Egypt,
while Britain agreed on France's possession of Morocco. Plus, boundaries were set somewhat
in favour of France in return for compromises that France would do in other places of the

Points for further reading:

Germany vs Britain in Cameroon

Britain in Sudan
Britain in South Africa

These point are a bit long and I am afraid to tackle them here and forget something important,
so you guys judge what you wanna keep or omit on your own responsibility

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