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MS 2512, pp. 253-265 Journal of Physiology (1994), 477.

2 25,3

Mechanisms of vasoconstriction induced by endothelin- 1 in

smooth muscle of rabbit mesenteric artery
Makoto Yoshida, Akito Suzuki and Takeo Itoh*
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka 812, Japan
1. The mechanism underlying the vasoconstriction induced by endothelin-1 (ET-1) was
investigated by measuring the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ ([Ca2`]1), isometric
force and phosphorylation of the myosin light chain (MLC) in endothelium-denuded
unskinned and ,b-escin-treated skinned smooth muscle from resistance vessels of the
rabbit mesentery. The role of protein kinase C (PKC) in the action of ET-1 was studied in
skinned smooth muscle using a synthetic peptide, PKC19-36, which corresponds to the
autoinhibitory domain of PKC.
2. ET-1 (> 01 nM) induced slowly developing, maintained increases in [Ca2+]i and force.
Nicardipine completely blocked the ET-1-induced increase in [Ca2+]1. BQ-123 (an inhibitor
of the ETA receptor) blocked the ET-1-induced contraction but IRL 1620 (Suc-[Glu9,
Ala`"5]-ET-1(8-21), an agonist of the ETB receptor) failed to induce contraction.
3. In ionomycin- and 70 mm K+-treated strips, ET-1 shifted the [Ca2+]1-force relationship to
the left and enhanced the maximum amplitude of contraction induced by 2-6 mm Ca2+.
In skinned smooth muscle treated with ionomycin, Ca21 (041-3 uM) increased both force
and MLC phosphorylation, in a concentration-dependent manner. ET-1 with GTP
shifted both the Ca2+-force and Ca2+-MLC phosphorylation relationships to the left
without significant changes in the maximum responses. ET-1 with GTP did not change
the relationship between force and MLC phosphorylation. Similar effects were observed
with phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu, an activator of PKC). These results indicate that
the sensitivity of MLC phosphorylation to Ca2+ is enhanced both by ET-1 with GTP and
by PDBu.
4. PKC19-36 (an inhibitor of PKC) modified neither the contraction nor MLC
phosphorylation induced by 0 3 /IM Ca2+ but blocked the PDBu-induced enhancement of
both these Ca2+-induced responses. However, PKC1936 only partly inhibited the
enhancement produced by ET-1 with GTP on the Ca2+-induced responses. PKC19 36did
not modify the relationship between force and MLC phosphorylation in the presence
either of ET-1 with GTP or of PDBu. By contrast, BQ-123, neomycin and guanosine 5'-O-
(2-thiodiphosphate) (GDP/JS) each abolished the ET-1-induced enhancement of the
contraction induced by 0 3 /SM Ca2+.
5. These results suggest that ET-1 acts on the ETA receptor and increases Ca2+ influxes
through an activation of the dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2" channel, causing a long-
lasting and maintained contraction in resistance vessels of the rabbit mesentery. ET-1
increases Ca2+-induced MLC phosphorylation through an activation of both PKC-
dependent and -independent mechanisms and thus causes an increase in the sensitivity
of contractile proteins to Ca2+.

Endothelin is one of a family of peptides which includes a locally acting paracrine hormone rather than a
endothelin-1 (ET-1), endothelin-2, endothelin-3 (ET-3) and circulating hormone (Haynes & Webb, 1993). The
sarafotoxins, and ET-1 is known to be one of the most immunoreactive concentration of ET-1 is increased in
potent naturally occurring vasoconstrictors (Yanagisawa et response to various types of stimuli, such as shear stress,
al. 1988; Yanagisawa & Masaki, 1989). ET-1 is thought to be hypoxia, growth factors and so on. Circulating
*To whom all correspondence should be addressed.
254 M. Yoshida, A. Suzuki and T Itoh J. Physiol. 477.2

concentrations of endothelin-like immunoreactivity in increases the sensitivity of contractile proteins to Ca21

venous plasma are estimated to be 0-25-20 pg ml' and this (Rembold, 1990; Nishimura, Moreland, Ahn, Kawase,
immunoreactivity comprises proendothelin-1 (65 %), ET-1 Moreland & van Breemen, 1992). It has been suggested that
(25 %) and ET-3 (10 %). Circulating concentrations of ET-1 PKC may play a primary role in this ET-1-induced Ca21
are approximately tenfold lower than those which cause sensitization in vascular tissue (Ohlstein et al. 1989;
vasoconstriction, although the local concentrations of ET-1 Nishimura et al. 1992). However, evidence to the contrary
are expected to be higher (for a review see Haynes & Webb, has also been reported (Moreland, Cilea & Moreland, 1992a;
1993). Shimamoto, Shimamoto, Kwan & Daniel, 1992). Thus, at
Two receptors for endothelins are known: a selective present, the mechanism of the ET-1-induced Ca2+
receptor for ET-1 (ETA receptor) and a non-selective ETB sensitization in vascular smooth muscle remains unclear.
receptor (Arai, Hori, Aramori, Ohkubo & Nakanishi, 1990; In the present experiments, using very small resistance
Sakurai et al. 1990). It was originally thought that, vessels of the rabbit mesentery, we first tried to
whereas the ETA receptor mediates the ET-1-induced characterize the receptors which contribute to the ET-1-
vasoconstriction, the vasodilating effects are mediated by induced contraction. In order to determine the
the ETB receptor on endothelial cells. It has now been contribution of dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ influx to
suggested that both endothelin receptors may mediate the the ET-1-induced contraction, we then studied the effect of
vasoconstriction induced by endothelins in some vascular nicardipine (a dihydropyridine-type Ca21 channel blocker)
tissues. For example, ET-1 induces vasoconstriction on the ET-1-induced increases in Ca2+ mobilization and
through an activation of a non-A subtype of ET receptors force. Thirdly, we studied the mechanism that underlies
in rabbit pulmonary artery and saphenous vein (Ihara et the ET-1-induced increase in the sensitivity of contractile
al. 1992b; Moreland, McMullen, Delaney, Lee & Hunt, proteins to Ca21 in ionomycin-treated, unskinned and in
1992b). A possible role for ET-1 has been suggested in the ,-escin-skinned smooth muscles. Finally, to study the role
pathogenesis of hypertension on the basis of its potent of PKC in the ET-1-induced enhancement of Ca2+-induced
vasoconstricting activity, but it has not yet been contraction, the effect was determined of a selective
determined which receptors contribute to the ET-1-induced inhibitor of PKC (PKC19-36, which corresponds to the
vasoconstriction in small-diameter resistance vessels. autoinhibitory region of PKC; House & Kemp, 1987) on the
Recently, agents that act selectively on ETA and ETB contraction and myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation
receptors have been synthesized: thus, BQ-123 is a selective that were both induced by Ca2+ in the presence and absence
ETA receptor antagonist (Ihara et al. 1992a) while IRL 1620 either of ET-1 with GTP or of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate
(Suc-[Glu9, Ala11"5]-ET-1(8-21)) is a selective ETB receptor (PDBu; an activator of PKC) in skinned smooth muscle.
agonist (Takai et al. 1992). These peptides should help the
pharmacological characterization of the endothelin
receptors distributed in small resistance vessels. METHODS
When ET-1 binds to its receptor, it promotes the
hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, Male albino rabbits, weighing 1-9-2 5 kg, were anaesthetized
forming inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and diacyl- with pentobarbitone sodium (40 mg kg-', i.v.) and then
glycerol (DAG) (Griendling, Tsuda & Alexander, 1989; exsanguinated. A segment of the third branch of the
Ohlstein, Horohonich & Hay, 1989). IP3 releases Ca2" from mesenteric artery distributing to the region of the ileum
the cellular storage sites and DAG activates protein kinase (diameter around 70 ,um) was excised immediately and cleaned
by removal of connective tissue in Krebs solution at room
C (PKC). ET-1 also activates Ca2" influxes through an temperature.
activation of dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2" channels in
vascular smooth muscle cells (Goto et at. 1989; Inoue, Oike, Experiments on unskinned smooth muscle
Nakao, Kitamura & Kuriyama, 1990). Thus, it has been To enable the simultaneous recording of [Ca2+], and isometric
suggested that, in vascular smooth muscle cells, ET-1 force, fine circularly cut strips of the vessel (0 3-0 5 mm long,
increases the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) 0-04-0-05 mm wide, 0-02-0-03 mm thick) were prepared as
through an activation of both Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ release previously described (Itoh et al. 1992). Endothelial cells were
removed by the gentle rubbing of the internal surface of the
and thus causes vasoconstriction. However, the relative vessel using small knives. The absence of endothelial cells was
importance of these Ca2+-mobilization mechanisms in the confirmed by the inability of acetylcholine (1 /SM) to cause
ET-1-induced contraction in small resistance vessels has relaxation during contractions induced by noradrenaline (NA),
not been established. as described previously (Itoh et al. 1992). The strip was
It was recently found that Ca2"-mobilizing agonists transferred into a chamber of 0-2 ml volume and mounted
increase the sensitivity of contractile proteins to Ca21 horizontally on an invert-microscope (Diaphoto TMD with
through an activation of unidentified GTP-binding special optics for epifluoresence; Nikon). The resting force was
adjusted so as to obtain a maximal contraction in 128 mm K+.
proteins in skinned smooth muscle (Kitazawa, Kobayashi, To enable loading of fura-2 into smooth muscle cells of the
Horiuti, Somlyo & Somlyo, 1989; Itoh, Kajikuri & strip, 1 /M acetoxymethyl ester of fura-2 (fura-2 AM) dissolved
Kuriyama, 1992). ET-1, like other Ca2+-mobilizing agonists, by dry dimethyl sulphoxide (1 mm stock solution) was applied
J. Physiol. 477.2 Effect of PKC on ET-induced vasoconstriction 255

for 1 h in Krebs solution at room temperature (20 C), as then applied. Regions containing MLC were visualized as dark
reported previously (Itoh et al. 1992). Two alternative blue bands after incubation with the colour development
excitation wavelengths, 340 and 380 nm (each slit 5 nm) were reagents, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate toluidine and
applied by a spectrofluorimeter (Spex, Edison, NJ, USA) and p-nitroblue tetrazolium chloride (alkaline phosphatase
the data analysed using customized software provided by Spex substrate kit, Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA).
(DM-3000CM). The ratio of the fura-2 fluorescence intensities Relative amounts of non-phosphorylated, monophosphorylated
excited by light of wavelength 340 or 380 nm was calculated and diphosphorylated MLC were quantified densitometrically
after subtraction of the background fluorescence. Background by scanning the blot using a chromatoscanner (CS-930,
fluorescence (including the autofluorescence of the strip) as Shimadzu, Japan). The phosphorylation of MLC was expressed
excited by 340 and 380 nm UV light was measured following in moles of phosphate per mole of MLC.
application of a solution containing 50/M ionomycin, 20 mM
MnCl2, 110 mm KCl and 10 mm 3-(N-morpholino)propane- Calculation of Hill coefficient
sulphonic acid (Mops) after the experiment. Under these The slope of the concentration-response relationship for the
conditions, the background fluorescence intensity was 10-15 % effect of Ca2" on force and MLC phosphorylation is shown as
of the fura-2 signals in smooth muscle strips at either the Hill coefficient (n) and mid-point position (pK= -log K,
excitation wavelength. Cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations were where K is the dissociation constant). These were obtained by
calculated using the formula described by Grynkiewicz, Poenie fitting the data points for each curve to eqn (1) by a non-linear
& Tsien (1985) and using in vitro calibration (Itoh et al. 1992). least-squares method:
Experiments on chemically skinned smooth muscle F/Fo = (C/K)n/ [1 + (C/K)n], (1)
Chemically skinned smooth muscle strips were made using where C represents the concentration of Ca2+, F is the
/?-escin (Itoh et al. 1992). The methods used to make skinned amplitude of contraction at any given concentration of Ca2",
muscles and the composition of the solutions have been and Fo is the maximum response evoked by 10/SM Ca2"
described elsewhere (Itoh, Kanmura & Kuriyama, 1986). When expressed as a relative force of 1-0.
the Ca2"-force relationship was to be determined, the
concentration of EGTA in the solution was 4 mm and 1/SM Solutions
ionomycin was applied to avoid spurious effects due to Ca2" The ionic composition of the Krebs solution was as follows
release from intracellular storage sites in the skinned muscle. (mM): Na+, 137-5; K+, 5 9; Mg2", 1-2; Ca2", 2-6; HC03-, 15-5;
To prevent deterioration of the Ca2+-induced contraction, H2PO4-, 1-2; Cl-, 134-3; glucose, ll*5. The concentration of K+
0-1/SM calmodulin was applied throughout the experiments, as was modified by replacing NaCl with KCl, isosmotically. To
described previously (Itoh et at. 1986). Various concentrations prevent both NA outflow from sympathetic nerve terminals
of Ca21 were cumulatively applied from low to high and /J-adrenoceptor stimulation by exogenously applied NA,
concentration. The amplitudes of the contractions induced by 3/SM guanethidine (Mishima, Miyahara & Suzuki, 1984) and
various concentrations of Ca2+ were normalized with respect to 1/SM propranolol were added to the Krebs solution throughout
that induced by 10/SM Ca21 in the same strip. the experiment. Ca2+-free Krebs solution was made by
substituting an equimolar concentration of MgCl2 for CaCl2
Measurements of myosin light chain phosphorylation and adding 2 mm EGTA. The solutions were bubbled with
Muscle strips (0-2-0-3 mm long, 1P2 mm wide, 0-02-0-03 mm 95% 02-5 % C02, and their pH maintained at 7 3-7A4.
thick) were suspended in a relaxing solution for over 10 min. The calibration solution for Ca21 measurement in intact
Then the tissues were skinned using a relaxing solution strips contained 11 mm EGTA, 110 mm KCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 2 /M
containing 30 /zM /-escin with 1/M ionomycin for 25 min and fura-2 and 20 mm N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethane-
washed again with the relaxing solution (containing no fl-escin). sulphonic acid (Hepes) (pH 7-1) with or without 11 mm CaCl2.
Each skinned muscle strip was then suspended in solutions For experiments on skinned muscle, the composition of the
containing various concentrations of Ca21 for 15 min in the relaxing solution was 87 mm potassium methanesulphonate
presence or absence either of 10 nM ET-1 with 100/SM GTP or of (KMS), 20 mm piperazine-N-N'-bis(2-ethanesulphonic acid)
0-1 /M PDBu. The strips were quick-frozen with 10 % (Pipes), 5*1 mm Mg(MS)2, 5-2 mm ATP, 5 mm phosphocreatine
trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in acetone-dry ice containing 10 mM and 4 mm ethyleneglycol-bis-(f-aminoethylether)-N,N,NN'-
dithiothreitol and allowed to reach room temperature. The tetraacetic acid (EGTA). Various Ca21 concentrations were
strips were then washed 3 times with acetone to remove prepared by adding appropriate amounts of Ca(MS)2 to 4 mM
residual TCA. Protein, including myosin light chain (MLC), EGTA, based on the calculation reported previously (Itoh et al.
was extracted in a lysing solution containing 8 M urea, 20 mM 1986). The pH of the solution was adjusted to 741 at 25 C with
Tris, 23 mm glycine, 10 mm dithiothreitol, 01004% Bromo- KOH and the ionic strength was standardized at 0-2 M by
phenol Blue and saturated sucrose (pH 8 6) (Persechini, Kamm changing the amount of KMS added.
& Stull, 1986).
Non-phosphorylated, monophosphorylated and diphos- Drugs
phorylated forms of MLC were separated by urea-glycerol Drugs used were ET-1 (Peptide Institute, Minoh, Japan),
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by electrophoretic fura-2, fura-2 AM, EGTA, Pipes and Hepes (Dojin,
transfer of the proteins to nitrocellulose paper and Kumamoto, Japan), PKC19-36 (Peninsula Laboratories,
quantification of the relative amounts of each form by an Taylor, CA, USA), calmodulin, NA, GTP and ,J-escin (Sigma,
immunoblot procedure, as reported previously (Persechini et St Louis, MO, USA), guanethidine (Tokyo Kasei, Tokyo,
at. 1986). Antibody against bovine tracheal MLC was used as a Japan), ATP (Na salt; Kojin, Tokyo, Japan), PDBu (Wako
first antibody and biotin-labelled goat anti-rabbit IgG Pure Chemical, Tokyo, Japan), propranolol (Nacalai, Kyoto,
(Histofine, Seikagaku Kogyo, Tokyo, Japan) as a second Japan) and ionomycin (free acid; Calbiochem, La Jolla, CA,
antibody. Alkaline phosphatase-labelled streptavidine was USA). BQ-123 and IRL 1620 (Suc-[Glu9, Ala" 15]-ET-1(8-21)
256 M. Yoshida, A. Suzuki and T Itoh J. Physiol. 477.2

were kindly provided by Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd applied 10 nm ET-1 did (Fig. 1B). BQ-123 (041SM, an ETA
(Tsukuba, Japan) and Ciba-Geigy Ltd (Takarazuka, Japan), receptor antagonist) did not produce contraction, but
respectively. The antibody against bovine tracheal MLC was completely blocked the contraction induced by ET-1. The
provided by Dr J. T. Stull (Department of Physiology and
Pharmacology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical action of BQ-123 was reversible: following wash-out of this
Center, Dallas, TX, USA). antagonist, ET-1 produced contraction (Fig. 1C).
Statistics ET-1 increases [Ca2+]i through an activation of
The values recorded were expressed as means + S.D. and the dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2" channel
statistical significance determined using Student's paired or Figure 2A shows the effects of 128 mm K+, 10 ,UM NA and
unpaired t test. Probabilities less than 5% (P< 0-05) were 10 nM ET-1 on increases in [Ca2+]i and force in a thin
considered significant.
smooth muscle strip of the rabbit mesenteric artery. The
resting [Ca2+]i and force in the muscle strips were
123-4 + 2741 nm and 0-8 + 0 3 mg, respectively (n = 4). High
RESULTS K+ produced a phasic, followed by a tonic increase in both
[Ca2+]i and force. The maximum increases in [Ca2+]i and
The ETA receptor mediates ET-1-induced force were 80341 + 315-8 nm and 11-1 + 4-3 mg, respectively
contraction (n = 4). NA produced a large phasic, followed by a small
Figure IA compares the effects of 128 mm K+, 10 /M tonic increase in [Ca2+]i and force. NA induced phasic and
noradrenaline (NA) and 10 nM ET-1 on mechanical activity tonic increases in [Ca2+]i (the latter measured 2 min after
in a small and very thin smooth muscle strip of the rabbit the application) of 5231 + 191P2 and 179-5 + 25-6 nM,
mesenteric artery. High K+ and NA each produced a respectively (n = 4). The NA-induced phasic and tonic
phasic, followed by a tonic contraction. ET-1 (10 nM) contractions took the level to 8-9 + 3-6 and 4-8 + 2-9 mg,
induced a slowly developing, maintained contraction. The respectively (n = 4). ET-1 slowly increased both [Ca2+], and
vasoconstricting activity of ET-1 was observed to occur at force, the effects being maintained for over 30 min. The
concentrations from 01 to 3 nm, in a concentration- maximum increases in [Ca2+]i and force induced by ET-1
dependent ,nanner (not shown). The maximum amplitudes were 174-1 + 23-3 nm and 6-7 + 2-0 mg, respectively. When
of contraction induced by 10,UM NA and 10 nM ET-1 were 1 FM nicardipine was applied during the ET-1-induced
respectively 0'68 + 0415 and 0 93 + 0-28 times that induced maintained contraction, the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by
by 128 mm K+ (n = 5). IRL 1620 (1 /M, an ETB selective 10 nM ET-1 was completely blocked, but 10-20 % of the
agonist) did not produce contraction, but subsequently ET-1-induced force remained.

5 mg

128 mM K+ 10OuM NA 10 nM ET-1

B Figure 1. Effects of 128 mm K+, 10 /bM noradrenaline (NA)
and 10 nM endothelin-1 (ET-1) on mechanical activity in
smooth muscle strips of rabbit mesenteric artery
5 mg A, stimulants were applied at 10 min intervals in a single
5 min
smooth muscle strip. B, IRL 1620 (1 FM) was applied for 10 min
and washed out for 8 min, then ET-1 was applied. C, BQ-123
1 sM IRL 1620 10 nM ET-1 (0-1 uM) was pre-treated for 20 min and ET-1 applied in the
presence of BQ-123 followed by a wash-out of BQ-123 only.
C Each agent was applied as indicated by the bar.

5 mg

10 min

0-1 ltM BQ-123

J. Physiol 477.2 Effect of PKC on ET-induced vasoconstriction2 257

Figure 2B shows the relationship between [Ca2+]i and increases in [Ca2+]i induced by low concentrations of Ca2"
force during the tonic phase induced by 128 mm K+, 10 /M (0416 and 0 33 mM) but slightly enhanced the increase in
NA or 10 nm ET-1. The relationships were obtained 2 min [Ca2+]i induced by higher concentrations (1P3 and 2-6 mM
after application of high K+ or NA and after 10 in Ca2"). ET-1 shifted the [Ca2+]i-force relationship to the left
application of ET-1. ET-1 produced a larger contraction and increased the maximum amplitude of contraction
with a smaller increase in [Ca2+]i when compared to high induced by 2-6 mm Ca2". The values of [Ca2"], for the half-
K+. maximum contraction (ED50) were 235-8 + 450 nm and
183-7 + 33-4 nM in the absence and presence of 10 nM ET-1,
ET- 1 increases the sensitivity of contractile respectively. These values are significantly different
proteins to Ca`+ in unskinned smooth muscle (P < 0 05; paired t test).
In our study of the effects of ET-1 on the [Ca2+]i-force However, since [Ca2+]i was measured in muscle strips
relationship, ionomycin (04/1M) was applied for 30 min in (multicellular preparations), the signal represents the mean
Krebs solution and was present throughout the [Ca2+]i within each smooth muscle cell in the strip. Thus,
experiment to eliminate the function of intracellular Ca2" the mean tension at given [Ca2+]i in the presence of NA or
storage sites. Ca2+-free solution containing 5-9 mm K+ and ET-1 may be underestimated if spatial and temporal
2 mm EGTA was then applied for 1 min, followed by a inhomogeneities of changes in [Ca2+]i following the agonist
2 min application of Ca2+-free solution containing 70 mM stimulation occur in individual cells.
K+ with 2 mm EGTA. At this point, various concentrations
of Ca2+ (016-2-6 mM) were cumulatively applied from low ET- 1 enhances Ca2+-induced contraction with
to high in the presence of 70 mm K+. After application of a corresponding increase in MLC
Ca2+-free solution with 5 9 mm K+ for 1 min, the resting phosphorylation
[Ca2+]i and force decreased slightly to 95-9 + 16 nm and To study the effects of ET-1 on contractile proteins more
0 4 + 0 3 mg, respectively (n = 4). Subsequent application directly, its effects on the contraction and MLC
of Ca2+-free solution with 70 mm K+ did not increase [Ca2+]j phosphorylation induced by various concentrations of Ca2+
(9541 + 3-4 nM) or force (0 4 + 0 3 mg). were observed in ionomycin- and fl-escin-treated skinned
Figure 3 shows the effects of 10 nm ET-1 on the smooth muscle strips. In the skinned muscle, the minimum
[Ca2+]i-force relationship derived from the use of various concentration of Ca2+ needed to produce contraction was
concentrations of Ca2+ in solutions containing 70 mm K+ in 01/SM and the maximum contraction was obtained at 3/M
ionomycin-treated muscle strips. ET-1 slightly lowered the Ca2+. Figure 4A shows the effects of 10 nM ET-1 + 100 /M

E 600 .2
S 2min
X 200 -

Figure 2. Effects of high K+ (128 mm), 10j/M NA

and 10 nm ET-1 on [Ca2+]i and force oL High K+ NA ET-1 Nicardipine
In A, each agent was applied as indicated by the
bar. [Ca2+]i, upper trace; force, lower trace. - 12 [ t g
Nicardipine (1/SM) was applied (as indicated by the
bar) during the steady- state contraction induced by
ET-1. The results illustrated were obtained from a 04 ~~~~~~~2
single smooth muscle strip and were reproducible in
another 3 strips. B, the relationship between [Ca21]i High K+ NA ET-1 Nicardipine
and force during the tonic phase of the response to
each stimulant. Data were obtained from the tonic B
responses 2 min after application of 128 mm K+ and 1-0
10/SM NA and 10 min after 10 nm ET-1. The 0-8
maximum amplitude of contraction induced by 0)am 10 nM ET-1

128 mm K+ was normalized as a relative force of 1P0 .2 0-6

for each strip. Results shown are each the mean of 4 a)

observations with S.D. shown by vertical and < 0Q4 10 FM NA 128 mm K+

horizontal bars. 0-2 I

0-0 L
100 150 200 250 300 350
[Ca2+], (nm)
258 M. Yoshida, A. Suzuki and T Itoh J.PlysioL 477.2

A ET-1
4300 Controll20


10 E 6 7 2 mmn[ 142+] (nM)

_ _ 4 5 6D
cm 200 82/
50 100 150 200 250 300 350

2 3 2

Figure 3. Effects of ET-11 on [Ca2+]-force relationship in ionomyci-treated smooth muscle strips

The muscle strips were treated with 04 4uM ionomycin for 30 min in Krebs solution. A, actual tracings
of [Ca2+]1 (upper records) and force (lower records). Ca2+-free solution containing 2 miM EGTA with
5 9 mM K+was applied for 1 min (shown a.s application 1) followed by a 2 min application of Ca2+-free
solution containing 2 mMi EGTA with 70 mM K+ (application 2) in the presence or absence of 10 nM
ET-1. Finally, solutions containing various concentrations of Ca2+from 0*t6 to 2*6 miM with 70 mr K+
were cumulatively applied from low to high in the presence or absence of 10 nM ET-1. These solutions
contained the following: 0M16 mMi Ca2+ (application 3), 0 33 miM Ca2+ (application 4), 0 65 mMi Ca2+
(application 5), 1P3 mxv Ca2+ (application 6)Conro
and 2M6 mMi Ca2+ (application 7). B, summary of the effects of
ET-1 on [Ca2+]1-force relationship
010 nM--I 7, in ionomycin-treated smcoth muscle strips. 0, control; 0, in
the presence of ET-1. The maximum amplitude of contraction induced by 128 mM K+ in Krebs solution
was normalized as a relative force of 1~0 for each strip. Each symbol represents the mean of 5
observations with S.D. shown by vertical and horizontal bars.
U_[C2] M [Ca2+], (nM)

A and+rcrltofnPDBuon
Figure 3. Effects of ET-1 wit GTP B reaionomyinstreatweensmoothmucle(A)rand
12 - 0ILC)
lg trchatein t _ in-trebse soluion.ed acotua tracile
ionpomycaion for 3008mins
o Ca"]irn
(upe (lwe reors) Cna"-relainsolution containing
forc 2 mm EGTA wt
1. o-
E 16 8

werte uuativnel
1-0 aple
~ fro~ eihr1
~ orE-ih10AMbGTPn(O
~ 0 (A)oInA,tion
of 0 nm ET1 These
.2 -J -

0 0.0
tepeecofE1.Temaximum 'D 128MC
amplitude0.6of contraction induced asnraie
mmreaive foreb solution
obervatrionpTh it.. focears.
uvshfownthe vfertctslo and hoionta Cpoporlto eebandb
0.2 750 -
0.0 0.0 **

[Ca2+J (M) [Ca2+] (M)

Figure 4. Effects of ET-1 with GTP and of PDBu on relationships between Ca"~-force (A) and
Ca"-myosmn light chain (MLO) phosphorylation (B) in f6-escin-treated skinned smooth muscle
Ca2' at any given concentration was applied for 15 min in a relaxing solution containing 4 mm~EGTA
in the absence (0) or presence of either 10 nm ET-1 with 100 /Sm GTP (0) or 0-1 /Im PDBu (A). In A, the
maximum amplitude of contraction induced by 10/tm Ca21 was normalized as a relative force of 1P0 for
each strip. The curves for the effects of Ca21 on force and MLC phosphorylation were obtained by
fitting the data points to eqn (1) by a non-linear least-squares method (see Methods). Each data point
shown is the mean of 4-8 observations with S.D. shown by a vertical bar.
J. Physiol. 477.2 Effect of PKC on ET-induced vasoconstriction 259

Table 1. Effects of PKC19-36 (0'1 mm) on the contraction and MLC phosphorylation
(mol phosphate (mol MLC)-') induced by 0 3 jSm Ca2" in the presence and absence of 10 nm
ET-1 with 100 jSm GTP or 01 FSM PDBu in fl-escin-treated skinned muscle strips

Relative force MLC phosphorylation

Control 0-25 + 0-03 0-16 + 0-06
Control + PKC19-36 0-24 + 0-05 0-17 + 0-05
ET-1 + GTP 0-49 + 0.05* 0-23 + 0.02*
ET-1 + GTP + PKC19-36 0-41 + 0.07* 0-21 + 0.03*
PDBu 0-58 + 0.05* 029 + 0.07*
PDBu + PKC19-36 0-31 + 0-08 0-18 + 005

*Significant difference from the control without PKC19-36. The maximum amplitude of
contraction induced by 10/SM Ca2" was normalized as a relative tension of 1P0 for each strip.

GTP and of 041/M PDBu on contraction induced by 0414 + 0 07 /#M in PDBu (n = 6). Hill coefficients were
various concentrations of Ca2" (0 03-10 /M). ET-1 + GTP 241+ 0-3 in the control, 1P4 + 0-2 in the presence of
and PDBu each shifted the Ca2"-force relation curve to the ET-1 + GTP and 1P9 + 0 9 in PDBu.
left without a change in the maximum amplitude of Figure 4B shows the effects of 10 nM ET-1 + 100 /M GTP
contraction induced by 10/M Ca2+. The threshold and of 0 1 /M PDBu on the MLC phosphorylation induced
concentration of Ca2+ needed to produce contraction was by various concentrations of Ca2" (0 03-10 /M). In Ca2"-free
slightly lower in the presence of either ET-1 + GTP solution containing 4 mm EGTA, MLC phosphorylation
(0-03,uM) or PDBu (0-03 /SM) than in the control (04/1M). was 0 05 + 0 03 mol phosphate (mol MLC)' (n = 6) and it
The concentration of Ca2+ required for half-maximum was increased by Ca2+ (003-10 /sM) in a concentration-
force (ED50) was 0-60 + 015 /bM in the control (n = 6), dependent manner. Under these conditions, Ca2+
0-25 + 0 04 /uM in the presence of ET-1 + GTP (n = 6) and (0 03-10 /SM) mainly increased the monophosphorylated



a 0-8

rf( 0-4

0 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8
MLC phosphorylation
(mol phosphate (mol MLC)-1)

Figure 5. Relationship between relative force and myosin light chain (MIC) phosphorylation in
the presence of various concentrations of Ca2" (0 03-10 EM) with or without ET-1 plus GTP and
with or without PDBu in fl-escin-treated skinned smooth muscle strips
0, control; 0, in the presence of 10 nM ET-1 with 100 fM GTP; A, in 0 1/sM PDBu. The curve was
obtained by fitting the data points to eqn (1) by a non-linear least-squares method according to the
equation F/Fo = (C/K)l/[1 + (C/K)"]. n, Hill coefficient; K, dissociation constant. C and F/Fo represent
MLC phosphorylation (mol phosphate (mol MLC)1) and relative force, respectively, at any given
concentration of Ca2" in the absence (0) or presence of either ET-1 plus GTP (0) or PDBu (A). The fitted
parameters of n and K were 2-5 and 0-28 mol phosphate (mol MLC)', respectively (r = 0 99). The data
shown in Fig. 4 were used for this analysis. Results shown are each the mean of 4-8 observations with
S.D. shown by vertical and horizontal bars.
260 M. Yoshida, A. Suzuki and T Itoh J. PhysioL. 477.2

A a B
= PDBu
0-6 M ET-1 + GTP


b Err

Control 10 /IM 30juM 100auM
PKC 1g-36
PDBu or ET-1 + GTP

03,uM Ca2+

Figure 6. Effects of a protein kinase C inhibitor, PKC19_36, on contraction induced by 0 3 /m COa2+

in the presence of PDBu or of ET-1 with GTP in fl-escin-treated skinned smooth muscle strips
A, after the muscle strip was skinned by application of 30 uM /-escin for 25 min, 0 3 /M Ca2 was
applied. PDBu (0 1,UM, A a) or ET-1 (10 nM) with GTP (100 uM, A b) was applied during the steady-state
contraction induced by 0 3 AM Ca2". PKC19-36 (041 mM) was then applied during the tonic phase of the
Ca2"-induced contraction in the presence of PDBu or of ET-1 with GTP. After recording the recovery
of the response following the wash-out of PKC19 by a solution containing Ca2" and either PDBU or

ET-1 with GTP, 10/uM Ca2" was finally applied to determine the maximum Ca2`-induced contraction
in each strip. Each agent was applied as indicated by the bar. The results shown are typical traces and
were reproducible in another 3 strips. B, concentration-dependent effects of PKC,9-36 on contraction
induced by 0 3 FM Ca21 in the presence of 10 nm ET-1 with 100 /M GTP or of 01 FuM PDBu. Fl, in the
presence of 041/M PDBu; X, in 10 nM ET-1 with 100 /M GTP. PKC,9-36 was cumulatively applied from
a low to a high concentration during the steady-state contraction induced by 0-3 /M Ca21 in the
presence either of PDBu or of ET-1 with GTP. The maximum amplitude of contraction induced by
10j/M Ca2+ was normalized as a relative force of 1 0 for each strip. The relative force induced by 0-3 uM
Ca2' in the absence of ET-1 or PDBu was 0-25 + 0-02 and this was not modified by 01 mm PKC,9-36
(0-24 + 0 03). Results shown are each the mean of 4 observations with S.D. shown by a vertical bar.
*Significant difference from the corresponding control.

form of MLC (over 95 %) in the presence or absence of contractions induced by 0 3 ,UM Ca2" in the presence either
ET-1 + GTP or of PDBu. PDBu and ET-1 + GTP each of 10 nm ET-1 + 100 /SM GTP or of 01 ,CM PDBu (Fig. 6A).
shifted the Ca2`-MLC phosphorylation (monophos- PKC19-36 (10-100/SM) attenuated the PDBu-induced
phorylated form) relation curve to the left without affecting enhancement of the Ca2`-induced contraction in a
the maximum level of MLC phosphorylation obtained with concentration-dependent manner and, at 0-1 mm, blocked
10/SM Ca2+. Figure 5 shows the relationship between relative the action of PDBu. PKC peptide (0-1 mM) also blocked the
force and the monophosphorylated form of MLC in the PDBu-induced enhancement of the MLC phosphorylation
presence of various concentrations of Ca2+ with or without induced by 0 3 /SM Ca2` (Table 1). By contrast, PKC1936
either PDBu or ET-1 + GTP. Neither ET-1 + GTP nor only partly inhibited the ET-1-induced enhancement of
PDBu induced a detectable change in this relationship. both the contraction and MLC phosphorylation induced by
0 3 /SM Ca2+ (Table 1). PKC19_36 did not modify the
ET- 1 increases MLC phosphorylation by both relationship between relative force and MLC
PKC-dependent and -independent phosphorylation (Fig. 7).
mechanisms BQ-123 (04/1M) did not itself modify the contraction
PKC19-36 which corresponds to a pseudosubstrate region induced by 0 3 /SM Ca2", but completely blocked the ET-1-
of PKC, selectively inhibits PKC (House & Kemp, 1987). induced enhancement of the Ca2+-induced contraction in
PKC19-36 (01 mM) modified neither the contraction nor the skinned strips. IRL 1620 (1/ M) did not modify the
MLC phosphorylation induced by 0 3 /SM Ca2' alone contraction induced by 0 3 ,uM Ca2` either in the presence
(Table 1). The effects of PKC19-36 were then observed on or absence of ET-1 + GTP (not shown).
J. Physiol. 477.2 Effect of PKC on ET-induced vasoconstriction 261

0-7 r

0-6 -

0 0-5 I

0-4 I

0-3 F
0-2 g I I I I I

0-10 0-15 0-20 0-25 0-30 0 35 0-4

MLC phosphorylatfon
(mol phosphate (mol MLC)-1)

Figure 7. Effects of PKC19,36 on relationship between relative force and myosin light chain
(MLC) phosphorylation in the presence and absence of ET-1 with GTP or of PDBu in fl-escin-
treated skinned smooth muscle strips
*, 03 FuM Ca2+ alone; triangles, in the presence of 10 nm ET-1 plus 100 /M GTP without (A) or with (A)
01 mm PKC19 36; squares, in 01/FM PDBu without (U) or with (5) 0.1 mm PKC19 36. The curve was
obtained by fitting the data points by a non-linear least-squares method using the parameters obtained
in Fig. 5 (r = 0 98). The maximum amplitude of contraction induced by 10/SM Ca2` was normalized as a
relative force of 1P0 in each strip. Results shown are each the mean of 4 observations with S.D. shown by
vertical and horizontal bars.

ET-1 enhances Ca2"-induced contraction with the Ca2"-induced contraction induced by ET-1 + GTP, but
the mediation of GTP-binding proteins not that induced by GTPyS (Fig. 8A). The extent of the
GTPyS-induced enhancement of the Ca"+-induced
Neomycin interacts with polyphosphoinositides and contraction was similar whether neomycin was present
inhibits the activation of phospholipase C, the enzyme (2-2 + 0-2 times control, n = 4) or absent (2-3 + 0 4 times
which causes hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bis- control, n = 4). Figure 8B shows the effects of GDP/JS on
phosphate (Cockcroft & Comperts, 1985). Neomycin the ET-1-induced enhancement of the contraction induced
(01 mM) did not itself modify the contraction induced by by 0'3 /LM Ca2+: GDP,BS (1 mM) completely blocked this
0 3 ,UM Ca2", but it completely blocked the enhancement of effect of ET-1.


10 mg


0-1 mM neomycin
1 0 #m Ca2+
0-3 #M Ca2+ 0.3 FM Ca2+

Figure 8. Effects of neomycin (A) and GDP,6S (B) on contraction induced by 03 /SM Ca2" in the
presence of ET- 1 with GTP in fl-escin-treated skinned smooth muscle strips
After the muscle strip had been skinned by an application of 30/SM /)-escin for 25 min, 0 3 uM Ca2+ was
first applied. In A, 0.1 mm neomycin was applied during the steady state of the Ca2"-induced
contraction and 10 nm ET-1 with 100/uM GTP then applied in the presence of 03 /SM Ca2` and 0 1 mM
neomycin. GTPyS (10/SM) was subsequently applied in a solution containing 03 /SM Ca2" plus 0-1 mM
neomycin. Finally, 10/SM Ca2` was applied to obtain the maximum Ca2+-induced contraction for that
strip. B, ET-1 (10 nM) with GTP (100/SM) was applied on the steady state of the contraction induced by
03 /SM Ca2". GDPflS (1 mM) was then applied in a solution containing 03 /SM Ca2" and ET-1 with GTP.
Each agent was applied as indicated by the bar. The results shown are typical traces and were
reproducible in another 2 strips.
262 M. Yoshida, A. Suzuki and T Itoh J. Phy8iol. 477.2

DISCUSSION in [Ca2"], in Ca2+-free solution. In the present experiments,

the concentrations of ET-1 used were below 10 nm and we
ET-1-induced Ca21 mobilization did not observe an initial rapid increase in [Ca2+]i following
The existence of two distinct endothelin receptor subtypes, the application of ET-1 in eleven out of twelve muscle
ETA and ETB, has been reported: ETA receptors are strips obtained from six animals, and nicardipine
abundant in vascular smooth muscle cells whereas ETB completely blocked the ET-1-induced sustained increase in
receptors, which mediate vasodilatation through the [Ca2+]i in small-diameter resistance vessels (70 ,um) of the
release of vasorelaxing factors, are plentiful in the rabbit mesentery. These results suggest that the role of the
endothelial cells (Arai et al. 1990; Sakurai et al. 1990). dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2" channel on contraction
However, recent pharmacological evidence suggests that induced by ET-1 (<10 nM) is of greater importance in
ET-1 produces vasoconstriction through an activation of a resistance vessels than in conduit vessels.
non-A subtype of ET receptors in some vessels, such as the In the present experiments, although nicardipine
rabbit pulmonary artery and saphenous veins from various completely inhibited the ET-1-induced increase in [Ca2+]i,
species (Ihara et al. 1992b; Moreland et al. 1992b). In the a portion (10-20 %) of the ET-1-induced contraction
present experiments, the vasoconstriction induced by ET-1 remained in the presence of nicardipine. Since nicardipine
was completely blocked by an ETA selective antagonist, did not lower [Ca2+]i below the resting level in the presence
BQ-123, and the ETB agonist IRL 1620 failed to produce of ET-1, and since ET-1 enhanced the force at any given
any contraction even at very high concentrations. Further, concentration of [Ca2+]i in unskinned muscle strips, the
in fl-escin-treated skinned smooth muscle, BQ-123 did not nicardipine-resistant component of the ET-1 contraction
itself modify the contraction induced by 0 3 /LM Ca2" but it might be due to an ET-1-induced increase in the sensitivity
did block the ET-1-induced enhancement of Ca2"-induced of the contractile proteins to [Ca2+]i under resting
contractions. By contrast, IRL 1620 did not modify the conditions.
contraction induced by 0-3 /SM Ca2+ in the presence or
absence of ET-1 in the skinned strips. Since cellular pH, ET-1-induced increase in the sensitivity of
ionic conditions and concentrations of Ca2+ are well contractile proteins to Ca2+
clamped in skinned smooth muscle, any non-specific Myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation by the
actions of BQ-123 would be minimized. These results Ca2+-calmodulin-MLC kinase complex plays a pivotal role
suggest that ET-1 produces contraction through an in the initiation of smooth muscle contraction (Hartshorne,
activation of the ETA receptor subtype in resistance vessels 1987). In unskinned smooth muscle, ET-1 shifted the
of very small diameter in the rabbit mesentery. [Ca2+]i-force relationship to the left and enhanced the
On the basis of isometric tension recording, it was maximum contraction induced by an application of 2'6 mM
originally suggested that in porcine coronary artery ET-1 Ca21 in solutions containing high K+, suggesting that ET-1
activates the voltage-dependent, dihydropyridine- increases the efficacy with which [Ca2+]i produces
sensitive Ca2+ channel and that, therefore, the contraction contraction. In /J-escin-treated skinned muscle strips,
was supported by an influx of extracellular Ca2+ ET-1 + GTP and PDBu alone (an activator of PKC) each
(Yanagisawa et al. 1988). Later, it was confirmed that in enhanced the contraction induced by lower concentrations
patch-clamp experiments, ET-1 activates both the of Ca2+ (0 03-1 /iM) in parallel with increases in MLC
dihydropyridine-sensitive and -resistant (but inhibitable) phosphorylation. These results suggest that both ET-1 and
Ca2" channels in vascular smooth muscle cells (Goto et al. PDBu increase the phosphorylation of MLC at any given
1989; Inoue et al. 1990). However, it has also been reported low concentration of Ca2+ (0 03-1 /bM) and thereby enhance
that the ET-1-induced contraction is not inhibited by the Ca2+-induced contraction.
organic Ca2+ channel blockers, including dihydropyridines, ET-1 greatly enhances the production of diacylglycerol
in some arterial tissues (mainly conduit arteries; Ohlstein et (DAG), which activates PKC, through a breakdown of
al. 1989), suggesting that species and regional differences membrane phospholipids in various types of smooth muscle
exist in the mechanisms responsible for the ET-1-induced (Griendling et al. 1989). Moreover, ET-1 induces sustained
contractions seen in various types of vascular bed. translocation of PKC from cytosol to the membrane in the
ET-1 activates the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol bovine carotid artery (Haller, Smallwood & Rasmussen,
4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) and generates inositol 1,4,5-tris- 1990) and, furthermore, H-7 or staurosporine, an inhibitor
phosphate (1P3) which causes release of Ca2+ from the of PKC, attenuates the ET-1-induced contraction (Ohlstein
intracellular storage sites in various types of vascular et al. 1989; Nishimura et al. 1992). These results suggest
smooth muscle (Ohlstein et al. 1989). However, in our that PKC may play a primary role in the ET-1-induced
preliminary experiments on smooth muscle of the rabbit contraction in some vascular tissues. However, since
mesenteric artery, we found that at concentrations below staurosporine and H-7 each inhibit PKC at its ATP binding
10 nM, ET-1 did not increase [Ca2+]i in Ca2+-free solution site, a region with a high degree of sequence homology in
containing 2 mm EGTA whereas, at concentrations over most kinases (Hidaka, Inagaki, Kawamoto & Sasaki, 1984;
10 nm, this peptide produced a rapid and transient increase Edelman, Blumenthal & Krebs, 1987), these agents may
J. Phy8iol. 477.2 Effect of PKC on ET-induced vasoconstriction 263

have some non-specific actions, especially at high relationship was not modified by the novel PKC inhibitor,
concentrations (Hidaka et al. 1984; Riiegg & Burgess, 1989). PKC19-36. Although we did not try to determine whether
In our preliminary experiments, high concentrations of or not PKC directly phosphorylates MLC, all these results
H-7 (over 10,uM) inhibited both the contraction and MLC suggest that PKC may indirectly activate the
phosphorylation induced by 10 /SM Ca2" in a concentration- phosphorylation of MLC by MLC kinase. Phosphorylation
dependent manner without a change in the relationship of MLC kinase by PKC causes a decrease in its affinity for
between tension and MLC phosphorylation in fl-escin- the Ca2+-calmodulin complex (Nishikawa, Shirakawa &
treated skinned smooth muscle, suggesting that high Adelstein, 1985) and MLC phosphorylation is balanced
concentrations of H-7 may inhibit MLC kinase as well as between MLC kinase and MLC phosphatase in smooth
PKC. muscle cells. Thus, it may be that PKC activated by PDBu
Recently, Moreland et al. (1992a) reported that, when a increases MLC phosphorylation through a direct or indirect
concentration of staurosporine that selectively inhibits inhibition of MLC phosphatase.
PKC was used, this agent failed to alter the amplitude of It was recently hypothesized that PKC may increase
contraction induced by ET-1 in swine carotid artery. More Ca2"-induced contraction through the phosphorylation of
recently, using calphostin C (a new and more selective type caldesmon (Walsh, 1990) and/or calponin (Nakamura,
of PKC inhibitor), Shimamoto et al. (1992) reported a minor Mino, Yamamoto, Naka & Tanaka, 1993), which are thin-
contribution (13 %) of PKC to the ET-1-induced contraction filament-linked regulatory proteins in smooth muscle.
in rat aorta. These findings are in good agreement with our However, the physiological role of these proteins in smooth
present results: PKC peptide (PKC19-36), a novel inhibitor muscle has not been clarified, especially in the response to
of PKC (House & Kemp, 1987), completely inhibited the agonist stimulation and their part, if any, in the
PDBu-induced enhancement of both the contraction and physiological actions of PKC is unclear.
MLC phosphorylation induced by 0 3 uM Ca2", but only
partly attenuated the ET-1-induced enhancement of these GTP-binding proteins mediate ET-1-induced
two components of the response. These results suggest that Ca2" sensitization in contractile proteins
PKC is unlikely to play a major role in the ET-1-induced In smooth muscle, agonist-induced Ca2+ sensitization of the
increase.in the sensitivity of the contractile proteins to contractile proteins requires GTP and is inhibited by
Ca2" in the smooth muscle of the rabbit mesenteric artery. GDP/1S, suggesting that GTP-binding proteins (G-proteins)
However, we cannot deny the possibility that our results may play a role in the agonist-induced increase in the
using fl-escin-treated skinned smooth muscles may under- sensitivity of the contractile proteins to Ca2" (Kitazawa et
estimate the role of PKC in ET-1-induced contraction, al. 1989). It has been hypothesized that agonist with GTP
because some unidentified proteins which contribute to the inhibits MLC phosphatase through an activation of
ET-1-induced contraction may leak out from skinned unidentified G-proteins and then enhances Ca2"-induced
muscle cells. MLC phosphorylation, causing an increase in the
It has been reported that in vitro phosphorylation of amplitude of the Ca2+-induced contraction in smooth
heavy meromyosin by PKC does not stimulate actin- muscle (Kitazawa, Gaylinn, Denney & Somlyo, 1991). In
activated myosin MgATPase activity, but, rather, reduces the present experiments, ET-1 increased the sensitivity of
the rate of phosphorylation of MLC by MLC kinase, both the contraction and MLC phosphorylation to Ca2" in
causing a decrease in the actin-activated MgATPase the presence of GTP and the action of ET-1 on the Ca2+-
activity of heavy meromyosin which has been pre- induced contraction was abolished by either GDP/?S or
phosphorylated by MLC kinase (Nishikawa, Sellers, neomycin. It is known that neomycin interacts with
Adelstein & Hidaka, 1984). Further, in glycerine-treated polyphosphoinositides and inhibits phospholipase C
porcine carotid artery, phosphorylation of MLC by PKC (Cockcroft & Comperts, 1985). This action of neomycin is
neither provokes contraction nor modifies the contraction not due to its binding to IP3 (Prentki, Deeney, Matschinski
induced by Ca2+-calmodulin (Sutton & Haeberle, 1990). & Joseph, 1986) because, in the present experiments,
These results suggest that MLC phosphorylation by PKC skinned muscle strips were treated with ionomycin in a
either has no effect or indeed causes an inhibition of Ca2+- solution containing a relatively high concentration of
induced contraction in smooth muscle. In the present EGTA (4 mM) to prevent Ca2+ release from the storage
experiments, PDBu enhanced both the contraction and sites. A direct inhibitory action of neomycin on
MLC phosphorylation induced by Ca2" in ,J-escin-treated unidentified G-proteins is unlikely, since neomycin did not
skinned muscles. Under these conditions, Ca2+ (0 03-1 ,uM) affect the GTPyS-induced enhancement of the Ca2+-
increased, in a concentration-dependent manner, the induced contraction. Neomycin might inhibit the
monophosphorylated, but not the diphosphorylated, form activation of PKC through a reduction in DAG production
of MLC in the presence or absence of PDBu. Furthermore, via its inhibitory action on phospholipase C. However, this
the relationship between force and MLC phosphorylation is unlikely to be the case because there is little contribution
was not changed in the presence or absence of PDBu, and, of PKC to ET-1-induced Ca2+ sensitization of the
in the presence of PDBu, the force-MLC phosphorylation contractile proteins in .-escin-treated skinned strips. At
264 M.
Yoshida, A. Suzuki and T Itoh J. Physiol. 477.2

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We thank Dr R. J. Timms for the language editing. We
gratefully acknowledge Dr J. T. Stull (University of Texas,
Dallas, TX, USA) for providing an antibody against bovine
tracheal myosin light chain. BQ-123 and IRL 1620 were gifts
from Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd (Japan) and Ciba-GCeigy
Ltd (Japan), respectively. This work was partly supported by
a grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Education of Japan.

Received 28 June 1993; accepted 19 October 1993.

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