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Definition Stool
Feces are all objects or substances that are no longer used by the body to be
removed from the body. Stools (faeces) merupakansalah a multi-complex source of disease
transmission. People affected by diarrhea, cholera and worm infections usually get this
infection via feces (faeces). As well as garbage, feces also invite the arrival of flies and
other animals. Fly sitting on top of stool (faeces) which contains germs can spread germs
through food-kumanitu its host, and humans then eat the resulting pain makanantersebut.
Some diseases that can be spread as a result of human faeces include typhoid, dysentery,
cholera, an assortment of worms (bracelets, pinworms, mining, ribbons), schistosomiasis,
and so forth.
Hardening of the feces or stool may lead to increased time and decreased frequency
of bowel movements between expenditures or disposal referred to constipation. And
conversely, when hardening the stool or feces disturbed, resulting in decreased time and
increased frequency of bowel movements is called with diarrhea or diarrhea.
Under normal circumstances two thirds of the stool consists of water and food waste,
substances the secretion of the digestive tract, the intestinal epithelium, bacteria apatogen,
fatty acids, urobilin, debris, gas celulose indole, skatol, sterkobilinogen and pathological
material. Normal: 100-200 grams / day. Frequency of defecation: 3x / day - 3x / week.
2. Stool odor
Distinctive odor of feces or stool is caused by bacterial activity. Bacteria produce
compounds such as indole, skatole, and thiol (compounds containing sulfur), as well as
hydrogen sulfide gas. Intake of foods such as spices can add a distinctive odor of feces or
stool. In the market there are also several commercial products that can reduce the odor of
feces or stool.
3. Decomposition Feces
Feces accommodated wherever located or will soon begin to decompose
(decompotition), which will eventually turn into a material that is stable, odorless, and does
not interfere. The main activity in the decomposition process are:
a. Solving complex organic compounds, such as proteins and urea, into a material that is
simpler and more stable;
b. Reduction of volume and mass (sometimes - sometimes up to 80%) of the material to
decompose, with the result of methane, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and nitrogen
released into the atmosphere; Materials - materials that are dissolved in certain
circumstances to seep into the soil underneath.

c. The destruction of pathogenic organisms which in some cases are unable to live in the
decomposition process, or attacked by many microorganisms in the mass undergoing
decomposition. Bacteria play an important role in decomposition. Bacterial activity can
take place in an atmosphere of aerobics, which is in a state of air contained, or
anaerobic in a state there is no oxygen.
The decomposition process takes place at all the dead organic material derived
from plants or animals, especially on components nitrate, sulfate, or carbonate contains. In
human waste is a mixture of feces and urine are relatively rich in nitrate compounds, the
decomposition process occurs through the nitrogen cycle. In this cycle, the first - all,
compounds broken down into ammonia and other simple materials. Then, converted by
nitrite bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) into nitrite and nitrate. The smell stimulates arising
during the decomposition of urine caused by ammonia is released before it turns into a
more stable form. Decomposition can take place very quickly, from a few days in a very
controlled mechanical decomposition up to several months, even almost a year on the
condition of the average - average pits. In general, conditions that occur in the
decomposition of the stool is not favorable for the life of pathogenic organisms. Not just
because of the temperature and the water content which inhibit the growth of pathogenic
organisms that, but the competition between the flora of bacteria and protozoa, which are
predatory and destructive.
The final result of the decomposition of soil containing nutrients that are beneficial
and can provide benefits when used sebagia fertilizer plant fertilizer (fertilizer). Sometimes
- sometimes farmers complain because at least the nitrogen content in the stools that have
already experienced decomposition. Fresh fecal material does contain more nitrogen, but
the material can not be used by the plants in the original arrangement. Plants can only
partially uses ammonia nitrogen, nitrite or nitrate which is produced during the advanced
stages of decomposition. When the fresh feces spread out on the ground, most of the
nitrogen will turn into a solid material that evaporates into the air and can not be used by
4. Various - Various Colors Stool
Feces are generally colored Yellow in because Bilirubin (red blood cells die,
which is also the pigment in feces and urine). Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that is
produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin (Hb) in the liver (liver). Bilirubin is excreted
through the bile and excreted through feces. Its function is to give a brownish yellow color
in the stool. The color of the stool can also be affected by medical conditions, food and
beverages consumed, it is highly likely stool color changes according to food intake.
a. Color Yellow Brownish
Yellow stool is normal. Because human feces in general is this color. Ato
yellowish brown color is caused by feces containing an orange-yellow substance
which is called bilirubin. Well, when bilirubin is joined with the iron from the gut it
will produce a yellowish brown color combination - brass.
b. Color Black Stool
Black colored may contain blood from the upper digestive system, esophagus,
stomach ato jg upper part of the small intestine. Another substance that gives color to
the stool Black we can also of food substances in Black (Licorice), lead, ferruginous
pills, pepto-bismol or blueberry. It could also be due to eating herb (a plant known as
c. Green color
Stool color derived from chlorophyll green vegetables, such as spinach
consumed. Besides blue or green food coloring, which occurs in drinks or ice can
cause a green stool. This condition is usually caused by food too quickly through the
colon, so not through the process of digestion perfectly. Green Stool jg could happen
to diarrhea, which is when the adjuvant digestion who produced the liver and stored in
the gall intestine without processing or changes. There are special events in which the
baby if the green stool stool is considered normal, especially when the baby was only
just born.
d. Red
Like a black stool, but the difference is the dominant red stool given by
thecontent of the blood. Blood is obtained from the bottom of the digestive system.
Hemorrhoids and colitis are the main cause stools become red. Stool red from food is
generally caused by bits, foods with red dye including powdered beverages and foods
that contain gelatin. Consuming tomatoes can also make the stool so red.
e. Color Gray / Pale
Same in the human world, pale face indicates the ill person is not? This time
also marks the pale feces Feces were hit by the owner of the hospital. Usually the
owner was having liver disease, pancreas, or bile, then the butt of the master will be
gray or pale.
5. Due to poor disposal of feces
The following are the possible problems caused by poor handling of fecal

a. Microbial
Human faeces containing tens of billions of microbes, including bacteria-fecal
coliforms. Some of them classified as pathogenic microbes, such as bacteria
Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever, bakteriVibrio cholerae causes cholera, hepatitis
A virus causes, and the virus that causes polio. The level of disease due to poor
sanitary conditions in Indonesia is very high. BAPPENAS mentioned, typhus reached
800 cases per 100,000 population. While polio is still found, although other countries
have been very rare.
b. Organic Material
Human waste (feces) for the sides and the dregs of undigested food. He can
take the form of carbohydrates, can also be proteins, enzymes, fats, microbes and dead
cells. One liter faeces contain organic material that is equivalent to 200-300 mg bods
(organic matter).
About 75 per cent of rivers in Java, Sumatra, Bali and Sulawesi heavily
polluted by organic matter from the exhaust houses. Bods Ciliwung river water has
nearly 40 mg / L (four times the maximum limit of 10 mg / L). High BOD content of
the resulting water, emit odor and blackish in color.
6. Model of Stool.
a. Model stool 1
The feces have the feature shaped like a small round nut, very hard, and very
difficult to remove. Usually this is a form of chronic constipation sufferers feces.
b. Model stool 2
Feces has a characteristic shape of a sausage, a surface stand-bulging and
uneven, and looks like it will split into pieces. Usually the stool of this type can clog
the toilet, can cause hemorrhoids, and is the feces of patients approaching chronic
c. Model stool 3
Feces has a characteristic sausage-shaped, with a surface that is uneven, and
there is little cracks. Feces like this is mild constipation sufferers feces.
d. Model stool 4
The feces have the feature shaped like a sausage or snake. Feces are the poo
patients with early symptoms of constipation.
e. Model stool 5
The feces have the feature shaped like dots of the soft, smooth surface, and
fairly easy to remove. It is a form of fecal someone whose intestines healthy.
f. Model stool 6
Feces has a very smooth surface characteristic, easy to melt, and are usually
very easy to remove. Usually this is a form of stools with diarrhea.
g. Model feces 7
Feces assume the character of a very liquid form (already resembles water) and
there were no solid parts. It is a chronic diarrheal stools of patients.
The conclusion is as follows:
a. Model 1 to model 4 is a form of fecal constipation sufferers.
b. Model 5 is a stool someone whose intestines healthy.
c. Model 6 to 7 model is a form of stools with diarrhea.
d. Model 1 and model 7 is a fecal person suffering from bowel disorders to
dangerous levels and can be fatal.
7. Stool normal
Orang dewasa normal mengeluarkan 100-300 g Stool per hari dari jumlah tersebut
70% merupakan air dan separuh dari sisanya mungkin berupa kuman dan sisa sisa kuman.
Selebihnya adalah sisa makanan berupa sisa sayur mayur sedikit lemak, sel sel epitel yang
rusak dan unsur unsur lain. Konsistensi tinja normal (semi solid silinder) agak lunak, tidak
cair seperti bubur maupun keras, berwarna coklat dan berbau khas. frekuensi defekasi
normal 3x per-hari sampai 3x per-minggu.

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