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Principales amenazas:

Slo quedan unos 250 individuos repartidos entre Nigeria y Camern.

El comercio ilegal de animales, la deforestacin o las enfermedades son
algunas de las causas de su posible desaparicin.
El 76% de los bosques de Camern, que son su principal hbitat, fueron
asignados en el ao 2000 a la industria maderera.
Diversas organizaciones ven en el ecoturismo y la educacin una
posible solucin.
Las poblaciones del gorila de ro Cross se encuentran al lmite y su pequeo
hbitat se desintegra ante el avance de la poblacin humana. Slo habitan en
un espacio muy reducido de Camern y Nigeria. La situacin ha empeorado
desde 2005. Muchos de sus grupos se encuentran ya aislados sin posibilidad
de subsistir por mucho tiempo. Limbe Wildlife Centre (LWC) y Proyecto Gran
Simio, que ha realizado varios proyectos en Camern, est, realizando
enormes esfuerzos para su conservacin. Slo quedan 250 individuos
repartidos en 9 zonas con una extensin de 12.000 kilmetros cuadrados entre
Camern y Nigeria, cinco de las cuales se encuentran desprotegidas sin ningn
tipo de vigilancia o conservacin.

Main threats:
Only about 250 individuals remain between Nigeria and Cameroon.
Illegal trade in animals, deforestation or diseases are some of the causes
of their possible disappearance.
76% of Cameroon's forests, which are its main habitat, were assigned to
the timber industry in 2000.
Various organizations see ecotourism and education as a possible solution.
The populations of the Cross River gorilla are at the limit and their small habitat
is disintegrating due to the advance of the human population. They only inhabit
a very limited space in Cameroon and Nigeria. The situation has worsened
since 2005. Many of their groups are already isolated without the possibility of
subsisting for a long time. Limbe Wildlife Center (LWC) and Great Ape Project,
which has carried out several projects in Cameroon, is making enormous efforts
for its conservation. Only 250 individuals remain in 9 areas with an area of
12,000 square kilometers between Cameroon and Nigeria, five of which are
unprotected without any surveillance or conservation.
1. Creara un refugio para los gorilas.
2. Hara una campaa para concientizar a las personas.
3. Hara lo posible por conseguir la cura para sus enfermedades.
4. Protegera el bosque de Camern y los devolvera all.
5. Ayudara con su reproduccin de alguna forma.

1. Create a refuge for gorillas.

2. I would campaign to raise awareness among people.
3. I would do my best to get the cure for their diseases.
4. It would protect the forest of Cameroon and return them there.
5. It would help with its reproduction in some way.

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