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Polite Offers

to be willing to
Traduction : tre dispos
Contexte : Would you be willing to wait a few more minutes?

to care
Traduction :
Contexte :
Would you care to take a seat?
Commentaires :
To care is generally used in highly formal contexts.
To like is a less formal expression that is similar in meaning to tocare.

to get someone something

Traduction :
chercher quelque chose pour quelqu'un
Contexte :
Can I get you some coffee or tea?

to offer someone something

Traduction :
offrir quelque chose quelqu'un
Contexte :
May I offer you something to read?

to mind doing
Traduction :
dranger de faire
Contexte :
Marilyn should be free any minute. Would you mind waiting?

Polite Directions

to go ahead
Traduction :
Contexte :
Go ahead and take a seat, if you'd like.
Commentaires :
To go on is similar in meaning to to go ahead.

to go on in
Traduction :
Contexte :
You can go on in to Mr. Lockman's office.
Commentaires :
To go in and to go right on in are similar in meaning to to go onin.

to have a seat
Traduction :
prendre un sige
Contexte :
Please have a seat, Ms. Gleason.
Commentaires :
To take a seat is similar in meaning to to have a seat.

to make oneself comfortable

Traduction :
se mettre l'aise
Contexte :
Please make yourself comfortable while you're waiting.

Wait Time
any minute now
Traduction :
d'une minute l'autre
Contexte :
Mr. Lockman should be able to see you any minute now.
Commentaires :
Any time now and in a minute are similar in meaning to anyminute now.

for the moment

Traduction :
pour l'instant
Contexte :
Marilyn's unavailable for the moment. Would you mind takinga seat?
Commentaires :
At the moment and for the time being are similar in meaning tofor the moment.
in a few moments
Traduction :
dans quelques instants
Contexte :
Paul will be with you in a few moments. Can I get youanything while you're waiting?

in no time
Traduction :
dans quelques secondes
Contexte :
Marilyn should be with you in no time.

right away
Traduction :
tout de suite
Contexte :
She should be free to see you right away, Ms. Carpenter.
Commentaires :
Straight away is often used in the U.K. to mean the same thingas right away.

Traduction :
Contexte :
Have a seat, if you'd like. Mr. Lockman will be availableshortly.
Commentaires :
In a short while is similar in meaning to shortly. Bothexpressions are generally used in h
ighly formal contexts.

Traduction :
Contexte :
Marilyn's not available for the moment because she's withanother client.
Commentaires :
Unavailable is the antonym of available.
Free is a synonym of available.

to be expecting someone
Traduction :
attendre quelqu'un
Contexte :
Mr. Lockman is expecting you, Dr. Gleason.
to be ready
Traduction :
tre prt
Contexte :
Marilyn is ready to see you now, Catherine

to be tied up
Traduction :
tre retenu
Contexte :
Marilyn's tied up with a conference call right now.
Commentaires :
To be tied up is generally used in relatively informal contexts

to be with someone
Traduction :
tre avec quelqu'un
Contexte :
Mr. Lockman should be with you in just a moment, Dr. Gleason.

Traduction :
Contexte :
I'm sorry to say that Ms. Taylor is busy.

to see someone
Traduction :
recevoir quelqu'un
Contexte :
Ms. Hanson will see you now, Mr. Peterson.

Bon savoir !

Titres de personnes
Auxiliaires de modalit
Le futur
Prononciation abrge

Pour en savoir plus sur un mot.

Traduction :
Contexte :
I'm afraid she's absent today

to be afraid
Traduction :
tre dsol
Contexte :
I'm afraid he's been called away on urgent business.

Traduction :
Contexte :
Luann will be available at three o'clock to meet with you.
Commentaires :
The noun form of available is availability.

Traduction :
Contexte :
I'm sorry, she is busy at the moment.

Traduction :
Contexte :
What time would be most convenient for you?

to drop by
Traduction :
Contexte :
I'll be in New York next week and would like to drop by andsee her.
Commentaires :
To drop in has the same meaning as to drop by.

Traduction :
Contexte :
Will you be free after lunch to meet and discuss the newlaunch?

to hold
Traduction :
Contexte :
Could you hold please, while I check and see if Mrs. Dalloway is in?
Commentaires :
To hold is short for to hold the line

to be in
Traduction :
tre l
Contexte :
I'm sorry, she's not in today. Would you like to leave her amessage?
Commentaires :
To be in is short for to be in the office.

in the meantime
Traduction :
en attendant
Contexte :
In the meantime, I'll send you a catalog.

just a moment
Traduction :
un instant
Contexte :
Just a moment, I'll get her calendar.
Commentaires :
Just a second and just a minute are informal ways of saying justa moment.

to leave a message
Traduction :
laisser un message
Contexte :
I would like to leave a message for Mr. Floy, please.

to miss someone
Traduction :
manquer quelqu'un
Contexte :
Sorry, you just missed her, but she'll be back around five.

on business
Traduction :
en voyage d'affaires
Contexte :
Mr. Thompson is away on business this week.

to be out of the office

Traduction :
tre absent
Contexte :
I'm afraid Mr. Thompson is out of the office.

to be pleased
Traduction :
avoir le plaisir
Contexte :
I'm pleased to say that John can meet you at four after all.

to regret
Traduction :
Contexte :
I regret that Jill is not available this morning.

to see
Traduction :
Contexte :
I'll see that she gets the message.
Commentaires :
To make sure and to make certain are similar in meaning to tosee.
to sound
Traduction :
Contexte :
Thursday morning sounds all right.

to suit
Traduction :
Contexte :
How would Wednesday morning suit you?

to take a message
Traduction :
prendre un message
Contexte :
He's not in today. Can I take a message?

to be welcome
Traduction :
tre invit
Contexte :
You are welcome to drop by anytime to see me after lunch.

Bon savoir !

Au tlphone
Les pronoms personnels complments

Les adjectifs possessifs

to advise
Traduction :
Contexte :
I would advise you to get a hotel in the city.
Commentaires :
Advice is the noun form of to advise.

best bet
Traduction :
meilleure option
Contexte :
I think the Johnson Hotel would be your best bet.

Traduction :
digne de confiance
Contexte :
"See New York" is a very dependable tour company.
Commentaires :
To depend on and to depend upon are verb forms ofdependable.

to fit the bill

Traduction :
faire l'affaire
Contexte :
The Central Hotel should fit the bill.
Commentaires :
To fill the bill is another way of saying to fit the bill.

to go for
Traduction :
Contexte :
If I were you, I'd go for the Marrion Hotel.
Commentaires :
To go with is similar in meaning to to go for.

good choice
Traduction :
bon choix
Contexte :
A hotel between the airport and the city is usually a goodchoice.

to recommend
Traduction :
Contexte :
I recommend a hotel downtown.
Commentaires :
To suggest is similar in meaning to to recommend.

Traduction :
Contexte :
"See New York" is a reliable tour company.
Commentaires :
To rely on and to rely upon are verb forms of reliable.

to stick with
Traduction :
s'en tenir
Contexte :
You should stick with the "See New York" tour company.
Commentaires :
To stick to is a synonym of to stick with.

Traduction :
digne de confiance
Contexte :
The "See New York" tour company is trustworthy.

to be afraid
Traduction :
Contexte :
I'm afraid that hotel might be expensive.
to be aware
Traduction :
tre au courant
Contexte :
Are you aware that the hotel is an expensive one?

to be careful
Traduction :
faire attention
Contexte :
You need to be careful on the streets at night in town.
Commentaires :
To take care is a synonym of to be careful.

to discourage
Traduction :
Contexte :
I would discourage you from renting a car to drive around thecity.
Commentaires :
To encourage is the antonym of to discourage.

to doubt
Traduction :
Contexte :
I doubt you could get something for under $100.
Commentaires :
Doubtful is the adjective form of to doubt.

to keep in mind
Traduction :
garder l'esprit
Contexte :
Keep in mind that there is a lot of traffic between the airportand the city.

to warn
Traduction :
Contexte :
I have to warn you that the roads into the city are verycongested.
to be wise to
Traduction :
tre sage de
Contexte :
You would be wise to stay at the Marrion Hotel.

Bon savoir !

Le prtrit modal

Forme du conditionnel prsent

Le futur
Auxiliaires de modalit
Expressions de la condition
Pour en savoir plus sur un mot.


to be aware
Traduction :
tre conscient de
Contexte :
Please be aware that some areas are off limits.

to be careful
Traduction :
faire attention
Contexte :
During the tour, be careful not to touch any of the equipment.

to keep in mind
Traduction :
garder l'esprit
Contexte :
Keep in mind that flash photography is not allowed.

to make sure
Traduction :
Contexte :
Please make sure to include your contact information at thetop of the sheet.
Commentaires :
To be sure is similar in meaning to to make sure.

to pay attention
Traduction :
prter attention
Contexte :
Please pay attention to the signs posted indicating securedareas.

to verify
Traduction :
Contexte :
Please verify that you have not left the caps lock on.

to watch out for

Traduction :
faire attention
Contexte :
Please watch out for spelling mistakes.

Description of Groups and Subgroups

Traduction :
Contexte :
Would you all please follow me?

Traduction :
Contexte :
You will each receive a brochure following the presentation.

Traduction :
tout le monde
Contexte :
Everyone will be required to go through the securitycheckpoint.
Commentaires :
Everybody is a synonym of everyone.
Traduction :
Contexte :
You may choose to work individually or in small groups.

in groups of x
Traduction :
en groupes de x
Contexte :
I would like you to discuss this topic in groups of three or four.

one by one
Traduction :
un par un
Contexte :
Please put your bags on the conveyor belt and go through themetal detector one by
Commentaires :
One at a time is a synonym of one by one.

Traduction :
par deux
Contexte :
You will be working in pairs on this project.

Traduction :
Contexte :
It is important that the group stay together.

Bon savoir !

Les faons de s'adresser un groupe

L'impratif ngatif
Auxiliaires de modalit

Pour en savoir plus sur un mot.


to be aware
Traduction :
tre conscient de
Contexte :
Please be aware that some areas are off limits.

to be careful
Traduction :
faire attention
Contexte :
During the tour, be careful not to touch any of the equipment.

to keep in mind
Traduction :
garder l'esprit
Contexte :
Keep in mind that flash photography is not allowed.

to make sure
Traduction :
Contexte :
Please make sure to include your contact information at thetop of the sheet.
Commentaires :
To be sure is similar in meaning to to make sure.

to pay attention
Traduction :
prter attention
Contexte :
Please pay attention to the signs posted indicating securedareas.

to verify
Traduction :
Contexte :
Please verify that you have not left the caps lock on.

to watch out for

Traduction :
faire attention
Contexte :
Please watch out for spelling mistakes.

Description of Groups and Subgroups

Traduction :
Contexte :
Would you all please follow me?

Traduction :
Contexte :
You will each receive a brochure following the presentation.

Traduction :
tout le monde
Contexte :
Everyone will be required to go through the securitycheckpoint.
Commentaires :
Everybody is a synonym of everyone.

Traduction :
Contexte :
You may choose to work individually or in small groups.

in groups of x
Traduction :
en groupes de x
Contexte :
I would like you to discuss this topic in groups of three or four.
one by one
Traduction :
un par un
Contexte :
Please put your bags on the conveyor belt and go through themetal detector one by
Commentaires :
One at a time is a synonym of one by one.

Traduction :
par deux
Contexte :
You will be working in pairs on this project.

Traduction :
Contexte :
It is important that the group stay together.

Explications retenir
Bon savoir !

Les faons de s'adresser un groupe

L'impratif ngatif
Auxiliaires de modalit
Pour en savoir plus sur un mot.

at all times
Traduction :
tout moment
Contexte :
A member of the security staff can be reached at all times.

to check
Traduction :
Contexte :
Check all visitors have their green ID card when they are in thebuilding.
Commentaires :
To verify is a synonym of to check.

to follow
Traduction :
Contexte :
It is important that you follow these instructions carefully.

Traduction :
Contexte :
The guidelines concerning the use of the entrance system areavailable at the recepti
on desk.

Traduction :
Contexte :
Follow these instructions carefully to avoid the misuse of yourbadge.

to make sure
Traduction :
Contexte :
When entering or leaving the building, make sure the doorcloses behind you.
Commentaires :
To ensure is a synonym of to make sure.

Traduction :
Contexte :
The regulations are in place for everyone's safety.

to remember
Traduction :
se souvenir
Contexte :
Remember to use your security badge to enter the building.

to remind
Traduction :
Contexte :
I would like to remind all staff members of the securityregulations at Tauper Fabrics.
Commentaires :
The noun form of to remind is reminder

to respect
Traduction :
Contexte :
All staff are expected to respect these rules.

Traduction :
Contexte :
According to company rules, unauthorised individuals are notallowed to enter the bui

under any circumstances

Traduction :
en aucun cas
Contexte :
Do not under any circumstances give the door code toanybody who is not an empl
Bon savoir !

L'impratif affirmatif

L'impratif ngatif
La rdaction de courriers lectroniques
Pour en savoir plus sur un mot.

Introduction of a Product

Traduction :
Contexte :
Welcome to Athena Cell Phones! Would you like a brochure?

business card
Traduction :
carte de visite
Contexte :
May I give you my business card, Ms. Saidman?

Traduction :
Contexte :
Do you have this year's catalog?

Traduction :
Contexte :
Can I see a demonstration of your product?
Commentaires :
Demo is short for demonstration.

Traduction :
Contexte :
Our display shows all of this year's models. Feel free to take alook.

Traduction :
Contexte :
This leaflet explains this month's promotion.

Traduction :
Contexte :
Take a look at our pamphlet. It will give you a better idea ofwhat we have to offer.

Traduction :
Contexte :
Today's promotion is our newest model for just $299.

Traduction :
Contexte :
You should buy some samples, they're on sale!

Traduction :
Contexte :
You should send me a trial shipment.


to do business
Traduction :
faire des affaires
Contexte :
I look forward to doing business together.

to get in touch with

Traduction :
Contexte :
I'll be sure to get in touch with you before next week.
Commentaires :
To get in contact with and to touch base with are similar inmeaning to to get in touch wi

to have connections
Traduction :
avoir des contacts
Contexte :
That's why we need to have good retail connections.

to hear from somebody

Traduction :
avoir des nouvelles de quelqu'un
Contexte :
Thanks. You'll be hearing from me soon.

to join forces
Traduction :
rassembler les efforts
Contexte :
If we join forces, we can target a much bigger market.

to keep somebody posted

Traduction :
tenir quelqu'un au courant
Contexte :
I'll give it some thought and keep you posted.
Commentaires :
To keep somebody informed is a synonym of to keepsomebody posted.

to make contacts
Traduction :
nouer des relations
Contexte :
Our sales representatives have made contacts all over thecountry.
to network
Traduction :
tisser un rseau de relations
Contexte :
Networking is essential for our company's growth.

to represent
Traduction :
Contexte :
I'm Mark Roberts, representing Polo Phones.

Bon savoir !

"To look forward to"

"Should" et "ought to" : conseil

"May" - "Might"

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