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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Jos Emmanuel Dvila Flores

Rogue One is the newest movie of the Star Wars films, it is the transition between
the new trilogy and old one.

Approximately six years after the formation of the Galactic Empire, Imperial Director
Orson Krennic and a squad of his death troopers land on the planet Lah'mu and
forcibly recruit scientist Galen Erso to complete the work of the Death Star, a space
station capable of destroying entire planets.

Galen's wife, Lyra Erso, is killed when she shoots and injures Krennic to stop him
from taking her husband. Their daughter, Jyn Erso, goes into hiding until Saw
Gerrera, leader of the Partisans, rescues her and takes her in.

Having defected, Imperial pilot Bodhi Rook seeks out Saw Gerrera, carrying an
important message from Galen Erso concerning the Empire's construction of an
ultimate weapon. Rook finds Gerrera's hideout on Jedha but Gerrera's Partisan
soldiers, including Benthic, are distrustful of Rook's intentions and capture him.

They bring him before Gerrera and though Bodhi pleads his case to the Partisan
leader, Gerrera does not trust him either, fearing that he is being lured into a trap.
To discover of Rook is being truthful or not, Gerrera subjects him to the torturous
creature Bor Gullet, an experience which leads to a temporary loss of Bodhi's sanity.

As Jyn, Cassian, and K-2SO search the data bank for the design plans, the rest of
their team set off explosives and commence firing in the nearby landing area in order
to distract the resident stormtroopers. Meanwhile, the Rebel fleet learns about the
battle from intercepted Imperial transmissions and deploys in support.

Imwe is killed after activating the master switch to allow communication with the
Rebel fleet from Rook's shuttle. After informing the Rebel fleet that it must take down
the planetary shield to allow transmission of the plans.

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