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What is capacitor and capacitor calculations.

What is capacitor

Capacitor pictures


Capacitance of plates capacitor

Capacitors in series

Capacitors in parallel

Capacitor's current

Capacitor's voltage

Energy of capacitor

AC circuit of capacitor

Capacitor types

How capacitor works

Capacitor symbols

What is capacitor
Capacitor is an electronic component that stores electric charge. The capacitor is made of 2
close conductors (usually plates) that are separated by a dielectric material. The plates
accumulate electric charge when connected to power source. One plate accumulates positive
charge and the other plate accumulates negative charge.
The capacitance is the amount of electric charge that is stored in the capacitor at voltage of 1 68 382

The capacitance is measured in units of Farad (F). ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS

The capacitor disconnects current in direct current (DC) circuits and short circuit in alternating
current (AC) circuits. Resistor

Capacitor pictures

DIP switch

Solder bridge

Capacitor symbols

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Polarized capacitor

Variable capacitor

68 382

The capacitance (C) of the capacitor is equal to the electric charge (Q) divided by the voltage

C is the capacitance in farad (F)

Q is the electric charge in coulombs (C), that is stored on the capacitor
V is the voltage between the capacitor's plates in volts (V)

Capacitance of plates capacitor

The capacitance (C) of the plates capacitor is equal to the permittivity () times the plate area
(A) divided by the gap or distance between the plates (d):

C is the capacitance of the capacitor, in farad (F).

is the permittivity of the capacitor's dialectic material, in farad per meter (F/m).

A is the area of the capacitor's plate in square meters (m2].

d is the distance between the capacitor's plates, in meters (m).

Capacitors in series

The total capacitance of capacitors in series, C1,C2,C3,.. :

Capacitors in parallel

The total capacitance of capacitors in parallel, C1,C2,C3,.. :

CTotal = C1+C2+C3+...
Capacitor's current
The capacitor's momentary current ic(t) is equal to the capacitance of the capacitor,

times the derivative of the momentary capacitor's voltage vc(t):

Capacitor's voltage
The capacitor's momentary voltage vc(t) is equal to the initial voltage of the capacitor,

plus 1/C times the integral of the momentary capacitor's current ic(t) over time t:

Energy of capacitor
The capacitor's stored energy EC in joules (J) is equal to the capacitance C in farad (F)

times the square capacitor's voltage VC in volts (V) divided by 2:

EC = C VC 2 / 2

AC circuits
Angular frequency

= 2 f
- angular velocity measured in radians per second (rad/s)
f - frequency measured in hertz (Hz).
Capacitor's reactance

Capacitor's impedance

Cartesian form:

Polar form:

ZC = XC-90

Capacitor types

Variable capacitor has changeable capacitance

Electrolytic Electrolytic capacitors are used when high capacitance is needed. Most of the
capacitor electrolytic capacitors are polarized

Spherical capacitor has a sphere shape

Power capacitors are used in high voltage power systems.

Ceramic Ceramic capacitor has ceramic dielectric material. Has high voltage
capacitor functionality.

Tantalum oxide dielectric material. Has high capacitance

High accuracy capacitors

Paper dielectric material

How a capacitor works

How a capacitor works: from zzics.org

Video from: zzics.org

See also:

Capacitor symbols

Electrical & electronic symbols




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