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Why we show children how sex works

In this weeks Newton, Line inserts a plastic penis into a moistened plastic vagina. All in the
name of public information.

The final episode in Newtons series about puberty anchor woman Line Jansrud show
how babies are made.
Foto: NRK

Kirsti Moe Managing Editor NRK Viten

Cathrine Simonsen Managing Editor NRK Barn

Publisert 21.05.2015, kl. 15:00

Artikkelen er mer enn ett r gammel.

Newton is a science programme for children and young people. The target group is from 8 to
12 years, that is to say children who have either entered puberty or are about to.

In the series about puberty we convey openly and frankly what happens to the body in the
transition from child to adult. How the skeleton grows, why girls bleed, about spots and
blushing and involuntary ejaculations. What happens to breasts and sexual organs, how the
voice changes and how emotions are in turmoil. In short, how the human body grows and
changes from child to adult in order to make babies.

The final episode deals with how conception happens. Breeding is the biological point of
puberty, and thoughts on sex are part of puberty. With the aid of models, we show, as
clinically and pragmatically as possible, how the sexual act plays out. We see this as a part of
Newton's mandate to inform children about this aspect of the human body and biology.

Were a factual supplement to all the other things children can access online.

Why are we doing this?

It caused an outcry when Norwegian children's book writer Anne-Cath Vestly told
Norwegian children that babies weren't delivered by the stork, but came from Mums tummy.
It caused an outcry when Trond-Viggo Torgersen made an open-minded series about the
body 30 years ago. Today this makes us smile, because taboos fall and theres more open-
mindedness. Nevertheless, there is still ignorance surrounding the bodys development and

Knowledge dissemination on childrens terms is Newtons agenda. We dont answer all

questions, but contribute to an open and factual tone when talking about natural processes.
The last time this was done was in 1981, when Trond-Viggo Torgersen caused a stir with his
series The Body. The fascination with the subject and dedication to inform which was the
undercurrent of The Body, became our blueprint when we now, more than 30 years later,
were going to make our own version.

Its not enough to divulge that the sperm swim towards the egg.

The hosts of Newton are replaced every second year, and come from a variety of
backgrounds. When Doctor Line Jansrud was hired, the time had come for a series about
puberty. In addition to her professional knowledge, shes passionately dedicated to the
amazing human body. Hence we can approach the subject as easily understandable and
unprejudiced as we want to, whilst using the communication techniques that Newton has
developed over so many years: Go close up, use visual storytelling, be specific, exploratory
and immodest.

READ MORE: Norwegian sex-ed show teaches kids what we all wish we'd learned
back then

What do children need to know?

Even though NRK have no obligations in relation to the school curriculum, the education
system is a support in our assessment of what is relevant knowledge for this target group.
According to the curriculum, pupils in Year 7 should be able to describe the development of
the human body from conception to adulthood. And, to explain what happens during
puberty, and to talk about the differences in gender identity and variations in sexual
orientation. This is one of the reasons why we convey how human beings make babies.

In our opinion, its not enough to divulge that the sperm swim towards the egg. Its apposite
to inform how that happens. And its important to communicate that it should be a voluntary
and positive experience for both parties. Thats why we talk about sexual desire in Newton.

Its not enough to divulge that the sperm swim towards the egg.

We show the clitoris and the glans and explain that the body has different ways of preparing
for conception. To as large an extent as possible we wanted to give corresponding
information about female and male sex organs. For example, both genders experience
swelling in their own way when their sex organs are stimulated. Put simply, their sponge
tissue is filled with blood, and both boys and girls will experience this as part of puberty.
The lead motif throughout the series has been that the whole point of puberty is to get ready
to produce babies, and the story doesnt end before we have told how that comes about.

Live, naked models have been a trademark of the series. We wanted to show ordinary,
average bodies. However, when we were describing the actual conception, we naturally used
medical plastic models to maintain the clinical and pragmatic approach all the way.

READ MORE: Are these the worlds most graphic sex-ed videos?

Is it harmful?
Newton is popular amongst young and old. Several 6-year-olds regard Newton as their
favourite programme. Hence we conferred with professionals at the Institute of Psychology at
NTNU (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology) to ensure that the series isnt
harmful to younger children. That aside, we acknowledge that some don't want to see this
subject matter, so each episode open with a regular warning, albeit delivered in a humorous

There is still ignorance surrounding the bodys development and function.

But for anyone who wants to know and doesnt know what to ask or who to ask this
weeks Newton episode about sex and such is a good alternative to ignorance and insecurity.
We also make sure that several hundred thousand children access the same information about
this important subject, leaving it up to the individual teacher to concider how graphically it
should be shown and explained.

And not least: Were a factual supplement to all the other things children can access online.

READ MORE: "Make sure the vagina is wet": Explicit sex show aimed at 8-year-olds
causes uproar

Translated by Tone Sutterud

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